                               Revision history

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.12 update

       CRPS GUI Ver 1.12 requires firmware build 569


       restructured several functions for better maintainability


       automated app versioning during build process

       *) detect outdated firmware and ask to update. include small update button

       *) Allow gui to control the bootloader 'safe' commands

        *) add app info to display dependency versions and memory usage
           have button to show up-to-date memory usage

dont send anything unless gui owns the port and in correct mode [firmware, bootloader]
add timeouts for
     bootload program failure, no file written
     timeout expries. .. can not talk to port

     *) get charger ramp voltage working
        save user scripts to JSON file
        load user scripts from JSON file

     *) edit firmware to accept charge ramp voltage commands

     *)  added eeprom user error detection
         fields can only accept [0-9, a-F, A-F]
         on blur, only the first 2 charactors are accepted

     *) in bootloader mode,
             show MCU signature, block size
             bootloader version
             firmware zize
             bootloader size
             ram size

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.11 update

       CRPS GUI Ver 1.11 requires firmware build 569


       restructured several functions for better maintainability

        Front panel I/O radio check boxes to be more clearer

        Problem not programming firmware only on initial launch.

        Add relaunch button to gui

        add System State to detect Power-up from battery and invalid power-up
        these would probably never be seen but included to be complete

       *) detect outdated firmware and ask to update. include small update button

       *) look for a way to automate app versioning

       *) Allow gui to control the bootloader 'safe' commands

dont send anything unless gui owns the port and in correct mode [firmware, bootloader]
add timeouts for
     bootload program failure, no file written
     timeout expries. .. can not talk to port

     *) get charger ramp voltage working
        save user scripts to JSON file
        load user scripts from JSON file

     *) edit firmware to accept charge ramp voltage commands

     *)  added eeprom user error detection
         fields can only accept [0-9, a-F, A-F]
         on blur, only the first 2 charactors are accepted

     *) in bootloader mode,
             show MCU signature, block size
             bootloader version
             firmware zize
             bootloader size
             ram size

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.10

       CRPS GUI Ver 1.10 requires firmware build 569


       restructured several functions for better maintainability

        bootload button to to not gives errors when programming firmware
        mouse over effect for bootload buttons

       an 'abort' button (big red 'X') to abort from bootloader mode and relaunch gui
       an icon to install EXE file

  Add relaunch button to gui

dont send anything unless gui owns the port and in correct mode [firmware, bootloader]
add timeouts for
     bootload program failure, no file written
     timeout expries. .. can not talk to port

     *) get charger ramp voltage working
        save user scripts to JSON file
        load user scripts from JSON file

     *) edit firmware to accept charge ramp voltage commands

     *)  added eeprom user error detection
         fields can only accept [0-9, a-F, A-F]
         on blur, only the first 2 charactors are accepted

     *) in bootloader mode,
             show MCU signature, block size
             bootloader version
             firmware zize
             bootloader size
             ram size

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.9

       CRPS GUI Ver 1.9 requires firmware build 569


    restructured several functions for better maintainability

        auto detect Bootload mode
        program with latest firmware
        option for user to browse to firmware
        auto detect when programming has finished
        remembers last COM port and auto connects

     *) get charger ramp voltage working
        save user scripts to JSON file
        load user scripts from JSON file

     *) edit firmware to accept charge ramp voltage commands

     *)  added eeprom user error detection
         fields can only accept [0-9, a-F, A-F]
         on blur, only the first 2 charactors are accepted

     *) in bootloader mode,
             show MCU signature, block size
             bootloader version
             firmware zize
             bootloader size
             ram size

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.8
CRPS Development build 569

       CRPS GUI Ver 1.8 requires firmware build 569

        *) completely automated the way the project is compiled, built and archived.
           Doing it manually took about 10 minutes. now takes less than a minute.

        *) refactored a structural problem in the way html modules are loaded.
           The more code added to project the slower it loads. Occasionally it
           will hang and not load. Completely rewrote the code that loads modules.
           Now it loads in 46ms instead of 3.6 secs and smaller code.

     *) Ability to control front panel leds, beeper and GPIO control.
        now the buttons in "system state" do their intended purpose.

     *)  A new firmware command.
            set gpio "port" <bit> <state>
               port is a single character representing port name
               bit is the I/O bit
                   7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
               state is the Boolean value for the I/O bit
                   1, 0
            Example: sets PORTD bit 5 to true, turns on FP green led
               set gpio d 5 1

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.7

       CRPS firmware build 566

        added Decoded charger status bits 7-6-5 ( PG, OTP, OTW)

        added eeprom erase all

        changed firmware to boot into debug/chatty mode when eeprom is empty

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.6

       CRPS firmware build 565


       added send manual command to gui

       added charger status bit 4 (CV / CC)
             add indicator on main charger panel

       added  new firmware command to set voltage
          set voltage <ctrl> a|b <float voltage>

       added to gui 'set voltage' to charger utilities

       added  new firmware command to read all charger registers
          get chargerreg <ctrl> a|b

       added read charger registers to charger utilities

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.5
       CRPS firmware build 559

    added code to firmware
       if (PSON.ChangesState()) { Charger.SetCurrent(); }
       to make production mode set charger current based on system on/off

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.4
       CRPS firmware build 558

        added. auto refresh feature. updates every 1 second.
        can't really have any faster update rate without getting out of
        sync with the hardware

        improved. timeout if hardware fails to respond within 6 seconds

        added. bootloader mode /  CRPS firmware mode auto-detect.
        requires firmware build 558

        added.  two new buttons under 'Diagnostic mode'
        'CRPS mode' and 'Bootload mode'. Clicking  on them puts the processor
        in the respective mode.

        added. outdated firmware detection.
        it now reports the required firmware and build number.
        It will still be compatible with older firmware but will be feature limited.

        added auto detect of windows system font and the ability to auto scale.
        Press CTRL and '+' or CTRL and '-' increases or decreases font scaleing.
        Pressing CTRL and '0' restores normal scaling.
        No longer need to adjust scaling using windows display settings.
        It will remember the scale factor the next time app is opened.
        within windows. Tested on windows 1920 resolution with display scaled to
        100%, 150%, 175%. main gui and eeprom utility still look great.

        fixed bug in CRPS gui header causing display not to format properly
        for 'port error' and 'port message' sections

        fixed display of bootloader revision and firmware revision titles not

        fixed displaying of eeprom section when display is enlarged.

                        CRPS GUI Ver 1.3
       CRPS firmware build 555

        added reading eeprom, editing eeprom and saving entire eeprom.

        added version number to GUI title bar

        added in error detection and recovery should the MPS processor not
        response for 6 seconds.

        improved charger info section. voltage, status, expander data is
        now easier to see.

        improved gui loading response under the hood. each section and
        sub sections are now modular. should be easier to maintain.