diff --git a/lib/datadog/ci/ext/environment.rb b/lib/datadog/ci/ext/environment.rb
index a93768b2f9d..5b77d2c5842 100644
--- a/lib/datadog/ci/ext/environment.rb
+++ b/lib/datadog/ci/ext/environment.rb
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module CI
     module Ext
       # Defines constants for CI tags
       module Environment
+        HEX_NUMBER_REGEXP = /[0-9a-f]{40}/i.freeze
         TAG_JOB_NAME = 'ci.job.name'
         TAG_JOB_URL = 'ci.job.url'
         TAG_PIPELINE_ID = 'ci.pipeline.id'
@@ -71,7 +73,11 @@ def tags(env)
             tags[key] ||= value
-          tags.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }
+          output = tags.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }
+          ensure_post_conditions(output)
+          output
         def normalize_ref(name)
@@ -166,9 +172,7 @@ def extract_bitbucket(env)
           pipeline_url = "https://bitbucket.org/#{env['BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME']}/addon/pipelines/home#" \
-          repository_url = filter_sensitive_info(
-          )
+          repository_url = env['BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN'] || env['BITBUCKET_GIT_HTTP_ORIGIN']
             Core::Git::Ext::TAG_BRANCH => env['BITBUCKET_BRANCH'],
@@ -574,6 +578,38 @@ def extract_name_email(name_and_email)
           [nil, name_and_email]
+        def ensure_post_conditions(tags)
+          validate_repository_url(tags[Core::Git::Ext::TAG_REPOSITORY_URL])
+          validate_git_sha(tags[Core::Git::Ext::TAG_COMMIT_SHA])
+        end
+        def validate_repository_url(repo_url)
+          return if !repo_url.nil? && !repo_url.empty?
+          Datadog.logger.error('DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL is not set or empty; no repo URL was automatically extracted')
+        end
+        def validate_git_sha(git_sha)
+          message = 'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA must be a full-length git SHA.'
+          if git_sha.nil? || git_sha.empty?
+            message += ' No value was set and no SHA was automatically extracted.'
+            Datadog.logger.error(message)
+            return
+          end
+          if git_sha.length < Core::Git::Ext::GIT_SHA_LENGTH
+            message += " Expected SHA length #{Core::Git::Ext::GIT_SHA_LENGTH}, was #{git_sha.length}."
+            Datadog.logger.error(message)
+            return
+          end
+          unless HEX_NUMBER_REGEXP =~ git_sha
+            message += " Expected SHA to be a valid HEX number, got #{git_sha}."
+            Datadog.logger.error(message)
+          end
+        end
diff --git a/lib/datadog/core/git/ext.rb b/lib/datadog/core/git/ext.rb
index d8154de4851..636f4edb931 100644
--- a/lib/datadog/core/git/ext.rb
+++ b/lib/datadog/core/git/ext.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module Core
     module Git
       # Defines constants for Git tags
       module Ext
+        GIT_SHA_LENGTH = 40
         TAG_BRANCH = 'git.branch'
         TAG_REPOSITORY_URL = 'git.repository_url'
         TAG_TAG = 'git.tag'
diff --git a/sig/datadog/core/git/ext.rbs b/sig/datadog/core/git/ext.rbs
index 3e9aa55f717..3d000c7f0c9 100644
--- a/sig/datadog/core/git/ext.rbs
+++ b/sig/datadog/core/git/ext.rbs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Datadog
   module Core
     module Git
       module Ext
+        GIT_SHA_LENGTH: ::Regexp
         TAG_BRANCH: "git.branch"
         TAG_REPOSITORY_URL: "git.repository_url"
diff --git a/spec/datadog/ci/ext/environment_spec.rb b/spec/datadog/ci/ext/environment_spec.rb
index af1aae1b82f..f38140a894f 100644
--- a/spec/datadog/ci/ext/environment_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/datadog/ci/ext/environment_spec.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@
 RSpec.describe Datadog::CI::Ext::Environment do
   FIXTURE_DIR = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/" # rubocop:disable all
+  let(:logger) { instance_double(Datadog::Core::Logger) }
+  before do
+    allow(Datadog).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger)
+    allow(logger).to receive(:debug)
+    allow(logger).to receive(:error)
+  end
   describe '.tags' do
     subject(:tags) do
       ClimateControl.modify(environment_variables) { described_class.tags(env) }
@@ -110,49 +117,139 @@
         include_context 'without git installed'
         it 'does not fail' do
-          allow(Datadog.logger).to receive(:debug)
           is_expected.to eq({})
-          expect(Datadog.logger).to have_received(:debug).with(/No such file or directory - git/).at_least(1).time
+          expect(logger).to have_received(:debug).with(/No such file or directory - git/).at_least(1).time
       context 'user provided metadata' do
-        include_context 'with git fixture', 'gitdir_with_commit'
-        let(:env) do
-          {
-            'DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL' => 'https://datadoghq.com/git/user-provided.git',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA' => '9322ca1d57975b49b8c00b449d21b06660ce8b5c',
-            'DD_GIT_BRANCH' => 'my-branch',
-            'DD_GIT_TAG' => 'my-tag',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE' => 'provided message',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME' => 'user',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' => 'user@provided.com',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_DATE' => '2021-06-18T18:35:10+00:00',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME' => 'user committer',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL' => 'user-committer@provided.com',
-            'DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_DATE' => '2021-06-19T18:35:10+00:00',
-          }
-        end
+        context 'when required values are present' do
+          include_context 'with git fixture', 'gitdir_with_commit'
-        it 'returns user provided metadata' do
-          is_expected.to eq(
+          let(:env) do
-              'ci.workspace_path' => "#{Dir.pwd}/spec/datadog/ci/ext/fixtures/git",
-              'git.branch' => env['DD_GIT_BRANCH'],
-              'git.tag' => env['DD_GIT_TAG'],
-              'git.commit.author.date' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_DATE'],
-              'git.commit.author.email' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'],
-              'git.commit.author.name' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME'],
-              'git.commit.committer.date' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_DATE'],
-              'git.commit.committer.email' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'],
-              'git.commit.committer.name' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME'],
-              'git.commit.message' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE'],
-              'git.commit.sha' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA'],
-              'git.repository_url' => env['DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL']
+              'DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL' => 'https://datadoghq.com/git/user-provided.git',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA' => '9322CA1d57975b49b8c00b449d21b06660ce8b5c',
+              'DD_GIT_BRANCH' => 'my-branch',
+              'DD_GIT_TAG' => 'my-tag',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE' => 'provided message',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME' => 'user',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' => 'user@provided.com',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_DATE' => '2021-06-18T18:35:10+00:00',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME' => 'user committer',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL' => 'user-committer@provided.com',
+              'DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_DATE' => '2021-06-19T18:35:10+00:00',
-          )
+          end
+          it 'returns user provided metadata' do
+            is_expected.to eq(
+              {
+                'ci.workspace_path' => "#{Dir.pwd}/spec/datadog/ci/ext/fixtures/git",
+                'git.branch' => env['DD_GIT_BRANCH'],
+                'git.tag' => env['DD_GIT_TAG'],
+                'git.commit.author.date' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_DATE'],
+                'git.commit.author.email' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'],
+                'git.commit.author.name' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME'],
+                'git.commit.committer.date' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_DATE'],
+                'git.commit.committer.email' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'],
+                'git.commit.committer.name' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_COMMITTER_NAME'],
+                'git.commit.message' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE'],
+                'git.commit.sha' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA'],
+                'git.repository_url' => env['DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL']
+              }
+            )
+          end
+        end
+        context 'with no git information extracted' do
+          include_context 'without git installed'
+          context 'when DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL is missing' do
+            let(:env) do
+              {
+                'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA' => '9322ca1d57975b49b8c00b449d21b06660ce8b5c',
+              }
+            end
+            it 'logs an error' do
+              is_expected.to eq(
+                {
+                  'git.commit.sha' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA'],
+                }
+              )
+              expect(logger).to have_received(:error).with(
+                'DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL is not set or empty; no repo URL was automatically extracted'
+              )
+            end
+          end
+          context 'when DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA is missing' do
+            let(:env) do
+              {
+                'DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL' => 'https://datadoghq.com/git/user-provided.git',
+              }
+            end
+            it 'logs an error' do
+              is_expected.to eq(
+                {
+                  'git.repository_url' => env['DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL']
+                }
+              )
+              expect(logger).to have_received(:error).with(
+                'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA must be a full-length git SHA. No value was set and no SHA was automatically extracted.'
+              )
+            end
+          end
+          context 'when DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA has invalid length' do
+            let(:env) do
+              {
+                'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA' => '9322ca1d57975b49b8c00b449d21b06660ce8b5',
+                'DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL' => 'https://datadoghq.com/git/user-provided.git',
+              }
+            end
+            it 'logs an error' do
+              is_expected.to eq(
+                {
+                  'git.commit.sha' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA'],
+                  'git.repository_url' => env['DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL']
+                }
+              )
+              expect(logger).to have_received(:error).with(
+                'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA must be a full-length git SHA. Expected SHA length 40, was 39.'
+              )
+            end
+          end
+          context 'when DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA is not a valid hex number' do
+            let(:env) do
+              {
+                'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA' => '9322ca1d57975by9b8c00b449d21b06660ce8b5c',
+                'DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL' => 'https://datadoghq.com/git/user-provided.git',
+              }
+            end
+            it 'logs an error' do
+              is_expected.to eq(
+                {
+                  'git.commit.sha' => env['DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA'],
+                  'git.repository_url' => env['DD_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL']
+                }
+              )
+              expect(logger).to have_received(:error).with(
+                'DD_GIT_COMMIT_SHA must be a full-length git SHA. ' \
+                'Expected SHA to be a valid HEX number, got 9322ca1d57975by9b8c00b449d21b06660ce8b5c.'
+              )
+            end
+          end