"tokenSymbol":"TRL ",
"description":"Triall offers innovative software for clinical trials. Since 2018, Triall has been spearheading the implementation of decentralised & privacy-enhancing technologies in clinical research, working together with expert organisations such as Mayo Clinic and innovating on top of a platform that has been used in over 8,000 clinical trials worldwide. Powered by its utility token TRL, Triall is gradually building towards the Clinical Insights Exchange (CIX), a federated data ecosystem that offers a platform for advanced analytics and AI.",
       "name": "Intro",
       "description": "Intro",
       "mediaUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/g6vh9U5.jpg",
       "source": "image",
       "link": "https://dutchblockchaincoalition.org/en/news/triall-ontwikkelt-een-gefedereerde-marktplaats-voor-klinische-onderzoeksdata-2"
   },  {"name": "Intro",
       "description": "Intro",
       "mediaUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/npw5gvh.jpg",        "source": "image",
       "link": " https://cointelegraph.com/news/mayo-clinic-taps-into-blockchain-technology-for-clinical-trial-design"  }
"tokenDescription":"For patients and investigator communities. Promoting clinical trial recruitment, retention, and engagement—major issues in the current clinical trial environment.",
"tags":["Ecosystems", "Focused Research"]