set tidb_cost_model_version=1; CREATE TABLE `t` ( `a` char(10) DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` char(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL ); insert into t values ("A"); insert into t1 values ("a"); select a as a_col from t where t.a = all (select a collate utf8mb4_general_ci from t1); a_col select a as a_col from t where t.a != any (select a collate utf8mb4_general_ci from t1); a_col A select a as a_col from t where t.a <= all (select a collate utf8mb4_general_ci from t1); a_col A select a as a_col from t where t.a <= any (select a collate utf8mb4_general_ci from t1); a_col A select a as a_col from t where t.a = (select a collate utf8mb4_general_ci from t1); a_col drop table if exists t; create table t(a enum('a', 'b'), b varchar(20)); insert into t values ("a", "b"); select * from t where a in (a); a b a b drop table if exists t; create table t(a enum('a', 'b') charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci, b varchar(20)); insert into t values ("b", "c"); insert into t values ("B", "b"); Error 1265: Data truncated for column 'a' at row 1 select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_general_ci in (a); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a, b); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a, "a", 1); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a, "B", 1); a b b c select * from t where 1 in (a); a b select * from t where 2 in (a); a b b c select * from t where 1 in (a, 0); a b select * from t where a between 1 and 2; a b b c select * from t where a between 1 and "a"; a b select * from t where a between "a" and "b"; a b b c select * from t where 2 between a and "c"; a b select * from t where 2 between a and 3; a b b c select * from t where "b" between a and a; a b b c select * from t where "b" collate utf8mb4_bin between a and a; a b b c select * from t where "b" between a and 3; a b drop table if exists t; create table t(a set('a', 'b'), b varchar(20)); insert into t values ("a", "b"); select * from t where a in (a); a b a b drop table if exists t; create table t(a set('a', 'b') charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci, b varchar(20)); insert into t values ("b", "c"); insert into t values ("B", "b"); Error 1265: Data truncated for column 'a' at row 1 select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_general_ci in (a); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a, b); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a, "a", 1); a b select * from t where 'B' collate utf8mb4_bin in (a, "B", 1); a b b c select * from t where 1 in (a); a b select * from t where 2 in (a); a b b c select * from t where 1 in (a, 0); a b select * from t where a between 1 and 2; a b b c select * from t where a between 1 and "a"; a b select * from t where a between "a" and "b"; a b b c select * from t where 2 between a and "c"; a b select * from t where 2 between a and 3; a b b c select * from t where "b" between a and a; a b b c select * from t where "b" collate utf8mb4_bin between a and a; a b b c select * from t where "b" between a and 3; a b drop table if exists tbl_2; create table tbl_2 ( col_20 bigint not null , col_21 smallint not null , col_22 decimal(24,10) default null , col_23 tinyint default 71 not null , col_24 bigint not null , col_25 tinyint default 18 , col_26 varchar(330) collate utf8_bin not null , col_27 char(77) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci , col_28 char(46) collate utf8_general_ci not null , col_29 smallint unsigned not null , primary key idx_13 ( col_27(5) ) , key idx_14 ( col_24 ) , unique key idx_15 ( col_23,col_21,col_28,col_29,col_24 ) ) collate utf8_bin ; insert ignore into tbl_2 values ( 5888267793391993829,5371,94.63,-109,5728076076919247337,89,'WUicqUTgdGJcjbC','SapBPqczTWWSN','xUSwH',49462 ); select col_25 from tbl_2 where ( tbl_2.col_27 > 'nSWYrpTH' or not( tbl_2.col_27 between 'CsWIuxlSjU' and 'SfwoyjUEzgg' ) ) and ( tbl_2.col_23 <= -95); col_25 select col_25 from tbl_2 use index(primary) where ( tbl_2.col_27 > 'nSWYrpTH' or not( tbl_2.col_27 between 'CsWIuxlSjU' and 'SfwoyjUEzgg' ) ) and ( tbl_2.col_23 <= -95); col_25 drop table if exists t1; drop table if exists t2; create table t1(a char(20)); create table t2(b binary(20), c binary(20)); insert into t1 value('-1'); insert into t2 value(0x2D31, 0x67); insert into t2 value(0x2D31, 0x73); select a from t1, t2 where t1.a between t2.b and t2.c; a select a from t1, t2 where cast(t1.a as binary(20)) between t2.b and t2.c; a -1 -1 drop table if exists t1; drop table if exists t2; create table t1(a char(20)) collate utf8mb4_general_ci; create table t2(b binary(20), c char(20)) collate utf8mb4_general_ci; insert into t1 values ('a'); insert into t2 values (0x0, 'A'); select * from t1, t2 where t1.a between t2.b and t2.c; a b c insert into t1 values ('-1'); insert into t2 values (0x2d31, ''); select * from t1, t2 where t1.a in (t2.b, 3); a b c drop table if exists t0; drop table if exists t1; CREATE TABLE t0(c0 BOOL, c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t1 LIKE t0; CREATE VIEW v0(c0) AS SELECT IS_IPV4(t0.c1) FROM t0, t1; INSERT INTO t0(c0, c1) VALUES (true, 0); INSERT INTO t1(c0, c1) VALUES (true, 2); SELECT v0.c0 FROM v0; c0 0 SELECT (v0.c0)NOT LIKE(BINARY v0.c0) FROM v0; (v0.c0)NOT LIKE(BINARY v0.c0) 0 SELECT v0.c0 FROM v0 WHERE (v0.c0)NOT LIKE(BINARY v0.c0); c0 desc format='brief' SELECT v0.c0 FROM v0 WHERE (v0.c0)NOT LIKE(BINARY v0.c0); id estRows task access object operator info Projection 80000000.00 root is_ipv4(cast(collation_check_use_collation.t0.c1, var_string(20)))->Column#7 └─HashJoin 80000000.00 root CARTESIAN inner join ├─Selection(Build) 8000.00 root not(like(cast(is_ipv4(cast(collation_check_use_collation.t0.c1, var_string(20))), var_string(20)), cast(is_ipv4(cast(collation_check_use_collation.t0.c1, var_string(20))), binary(1)), 92)) │ └─TableReader 10000.00 root data:TableFullScan │ └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t0 keep order:false, stats:pseudo └─TableReader(Probe) 10000.00 root data:TableFullScan └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t1 keep order:false, stats:pseudo