Please read latest features and fixes from the Release.txt file
Refer to Build
Refer to Parse, for Parse Mode. Parse mode will use the Checkmarx Scan XML as input to drive the automation.
Refer to Batch, for Batch Mode. Batch can be done per project, per team or entire instance. Project Results/Ad-Hoc mode retrieves the latest results for a given project under a specific team within Checkmarx and publishes issues to the configured bug tracking system.
Refer to Workflow for detailed information on the workflows available.
Branch Branches are applicable to the scanning platform can be specified through global configuration, URL parameter overrides and a JSON override file (both repository based and Base64 encoded URL parameter).
Filters Filters help filter out unwanted issues from making it through to the bug tracking systems. Filtering can be done by Severity (High, Medium) , by Category (XSS, SQL_Injection) and CWE (79, 89) numbers. Any combination of these can be leveraged.
Preset The preset used within Checkmarx, which defines scanning rules, is set globally but can be overridden by URL parameters or JSON override file.
Bug Tracking Bug tracking systems is specified at a global level and can be one of JIRA, GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket. In JIRA's, you can use a standard bug, or enable an advanced bug that includes additional fields to aid with metrics for application security. The bug tracking system per project can be overridden by URL parameters or JSON override file.
Overrides Overrides to global configuration are possible through URL parameters or JSON configuration file, which can be loaded from the applicable repository upon scan request or provided as a base64 encoded value within a URL parameter.
All the configurations can also be overridden with environment variables and command line arguments. The Github token can be overridden with an Environment Variable GITHUB_TOKEN
or command line argument --github.token=XXXXXXX
See configuration/Override details below
port: ${PORT:8080}
name: cx-flow.log
# level:
# com:
# checkmarx:
# flow:
# service: TRACE
# org:
# apache:
# http:
# wire: TRACE
# springframework:
# web:
# client:
# RestTemplate: TRACE
bug-tracker: JIRA
- CxXml
- Json
- GitLab
- GitHub
- Csv
- develop
- main
- master
- security
- High
# version: 9.0 # Add this if your CxSAST instance is version 9.x
username: xxx
password: xxx
client-secret: 014DF517-39D1-4453-B7B3-9930C563627C
base-url: http://localhost:8100
url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxrestapi
multi-tenant: true
incremental: true
scan-preset: Checkmarx Default
configuration: Default Configuration
team: \CxServer\SP\Checkmarx
scan-timeout: 120
scan-queuing: false
scan-queuing-timeout: 720
#WSDL Config
portal-url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxwebinterface/Portal/CxWebService.asmx
sdk-url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxwebinterface/SDK/CxSDKWebService.asmx
portal-wsdl: ${checkmarx.base-url}/Portal/CxWebService.asmx?wsdl
sdk-wsdl: ${checkmarx.base-url}/SDK/CxSDKWebService.asmx?wsdl
portal-package: checkmarx.wsdl.portal
preserve-xml: true
url: http://localhost:8180
username: xxxx
token: xxxx
project: APPSEC
issue-type: Bug
High: High
Medium: Medium
Low: Low
Informational: Lowest
open-transition: In Progress
close-transition: Done
- To Do
- In Progress
- Done
- type: result
name: system-date
skip-update: true
offset: 60
jira-field-name: Due Date #Due date (cloud)
jira-field-type: text
- type: result
name: application
jira-field-name: Application
jira-field-type: label
- type: result
name: category
jira-field-name: Category
jira-field-type: label
- type: result
name: cwe
jira-field-name: CWEs
jira-field-type: label
- type: result
name: severity
jira-field-name: Severity
jira-field-type: single-select
- type: result
name: loc
jira-field-name: Line Numbers
jira-field-type: label
- type: static
name: identified-by
jira-field-name: Identified By
jira-field-type: single-select
jira-default-value: Automation
- type: static
name: dependencies
jira-field-name: Dependencies
jira-field-type: multi-select
jira-default-value: Java, AngularJS
webhook-token: 1234
token: xxx
false-positive-label: false-positive
block-merge: true
webhook-token: 1234
token: xxx
false-positive-label: false-positive
block-merge: true
webhook-token: cxflow:1234
token: xxxx
issue-type: issue
api-version: 5.0
false-positive-label: false-positive
block-merge: true
file-name-format: "[NAMESPACE]-[REPO]-[BRANCH]-[TIME].json"
data-folder: "D:\\tmp"
file-name-format: "[NAMESPACE]-[REPO]-[BRANCH]-[TIME].xml"
data-folder: "D:\\tmp"
file-name-format: "[TEAM]-[PROJECT]-[TIME].csv"
data-folder: "D:\\tmp"
include-header: true
- header: Customer field (Application)
name: application
default-value: unknown
- header: Primary URL
name: static
default-value: ${tmp.url}
- header: severity
name: severity
- header: Vulnerability ID
name: summary
prefix: "[APP]:"
- header: file
name: filename
- header: Vulnerability ID
name: summary
- header: Vulnerability Name
name: category
- header: Category ID
name: cwe
- header: Description
name: summary
prefix: "*"
postfix: "*"
- header: Severity
name: severity
- header: recommendation
name: recommendation
Jira Custom Fields
- static: Used for static values (specifically requires jira-default-value to be provided)
- cx: Used to map specific Checkmarx Custom Field value
- result: Used to map known values from checkmarx results or repository/scan request details. See Result values below. |
name: When cx is the type, this is the name of the custom field within Checkmarx
When result is provided it must be one of the following:
application - Command line option --app
project - Command line option --cx-project
namespace - Command line option --namespace
repo-name - Command line option --repo-name
repo-url - Command line option --repo-url
branch - Command line option --branch
severity - Severity of issue in Checkmarx
category - Category of issue in Checkmarx
cwe - CWE of issue in Checkmarx
recommendation - Recommendation details based on Mitre/Custom Wiki
loc - csv of lines of code
issue-link - Direct link to issue within Checkmarx
filename - Filename provided by Checkmarx issue
language - Language provided by Checkmarx issue
similarirty-id - Checkmarx Similarity ID
system-date - Current system time
- jira-field-name Custom field name in Jira (readable name, not custom field ID)
- jira-field-type** Type of custom field in JIRA:
- label (if using static or cx values, csv format is used and broken into multiple labels)
- text (applies to many custom field types: url, text box, text, etc
- multi-select (csv format is used and broken into multiple select values)
- single-select
- security (used for issue security levels)
- component (used for build in Jira Component/s field)
- jira-default-value Static value if no value can be determined for field (Optional)
- skip-update: The value is only provided during the initial creation of the ticket and not updated during subsequent iterations
- offset: Used with system-date, the value of offset is added to the system date
When providing --config override file you can override many elements associated with the bug tracking within Jira.
"application": "test app", // WebHook Web Service Only
"branches": ["develop", "main"], // WebHook Web Service Only
"incremental": true, // WebHook Web Service Only
"scan_preset": "Checkmarx Default", // WebHook Web Service Only
"exclude_folders": "tmp/", // WebHook Web Service Only
"exclude_files": "*.tst", // WebHook Web Service Only
"emails": [checkmarx, ""], // Override email addresses if email issue tracking is enabled
"jira": { // override JIRA specific configurations
"project": "APPSEC", // JIRA project
"issue_type": "Bug", // JIRA issueType
"assignee": "admin", // Defaul assignee
"opened_status": ["Open","Reopen"], // Transitions in JIRA workflow that represent Open status
"closed_status": ["Closed","Done"], // Transitions in JIRA workflow that represent Closed status
"open_transition": "Reopen Issue", // Transition to apply to re-open an issue
"close_transition": "Close Issue", // Transition to apply to close an issue
"close_transition_field": "resolution", // Transition field if required during closure
"close_transition_value": "Done", // Transition value if required during closue
"priorities": { // Override ticket priorities
"High": "High",
"Medium": "Medium",
"Low": "Low"
"fields": [ // JIRA custom field mappings. See field mapping details above
"type": "cx", //cx, static, result.
"name": "xxx",
"jira_field_name": "xxxx",
"jira_field_type": "text", // security text | label | single-select | multi-select
"jira_default_value": "xxx"
"type": "result",
"name": "xxx",
"jira_field_name": "xxxx",
"jira_field_type": "label"
"type": "static",
"name": "xxx",
"jira_field_name": "xxxx",
"jira_field_type": "label",
"jira_default_value": "xxx"
"filters": { // Override filters used when determining whether a result from Checkmarx will be tracked with a defect
"severity": ["High", "Medium"],
"cwe": ["79", "89"],
"category": ["XSS_Reflected", "SQL_Injection"],
"status": ["New", "Reoccured"],
"state": ["Urgent", "Confirmed"]
All overrides are optional. If a value is not provided, the default provided in the application.yml
is used. If a value is provided with an empty attribute, it is overridden as empty. i.e. if severity is high, medium within the default configuration and an empty filter attribute is provided, it will no long apply any filters ("filters":{})
The default CxFlow mode polls for results until scans are complete, but post-back mode turns the process around and puts CxFlow into an event-drive mode of operation. When using post-back mode a Checkmarx post-back-action will be added to the Checkmarx project and that action will trigger the /postbackAction
endpoint on CxFlow. The /postbackAction
endpoint will use information contained in the scan results to resume the results handling process.
First, it's recommended to configure CxFlow and verify if it is working correctly before enabling post-back action mode. Before you enable post-back mode, you'll need to configure a post-back action in your Checkmarx instance. Do this by openning Settings -> Scan Settings -> Pre & Post Scan Actions. It is important that you know the database ID for the action that will be used by CxFlow: this is easy to determine if you only create one action because it will be id 1. If you have created more then one action or deleted one and created a new one, you will need look up the ID directly in the database, but doing that is beyond the scope of this guide. This guide assumes you've created only one post-back action and that its database ID will be 1.
Do the following to create the post back action:
- Click "Create New Action"
- Name the action whatever you want
- Set the "command" to cxflow.bat
- Set the "arguments" to [XML_output];;/postbackAction
The your-token value needs to match the token value from the cx-flow section of your CxFlow application.yml
file. The your-server-url value needs to point back to your Checkmarx instance. Now that the post-back-action is configured you need add the post-back scripts to the following folder:
c:\Program Files\Checkmarx\Executables
The following two scripts need to be added to the Executables folder:
cd "%~dp0"
powershell ".\cxflow.ps1" '%1' '%2' '%3'
$resultsFile = $args[0]
$resultsFile >> $logFile
$token = $args[1]
$cxURL = $args[2]
[xml]$report = Get-Content -Path $resultsFile
$body = @{
token = $token
scanComments = $report.CxXMLResults.scanComments
$cxURL += "/" + $report.CxXMLResults.ScanId
Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $cxURL -Body $body
Once the inital setup is out of the way you can update your CxFlow application file so it looks like this to activate the post-back action mode:
enable-post-action-monitor: false
post-action-postback-id: 1
If you restart CxFlow post-back-action mode should be enabled.
Package | Description |
com.checkmarx.flow.config | All bean configurations and Property file POJO mappings. |
com.checkmarx.flow.controller | All HTTP Endpoints. GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket WebHook services. |
com.checkmarx.flow.dto | Sub-packages contain all DTO objects for Checkmarx, GitHub, GitLab, etc. |
com.checkmarx.flow.exception | Exceptions |
com.checkmarx.flow.filter | Specify any filters applied to Web Traffic flow. Currently passthrough, but can be used for IP filtering. |
com.checkmarx.flow.service | Core logic. Each Issue tracker has a Service along with a main flowService, which drives the overall flow. |
com.checkmarx.flow.utils | Utilities package |
Service | Description |
CxService | SOAP Based API Client for Checkmarx |
CxLegacyService | REST Based API Client for Checkmarx |
JiraIssueService | REST Based API Client for Jira (JRJC - Jira Java REST Client) |
GitHubService | REST Based API Client GitHub |
GitLabService | REST Based API Client GitLab |
EmailService | Email (SMTP) client |
flowService | Main Service driving integrations with other Service components |
BitbucketService | TBD, this is not created yet. |
Controllers (WebHook Web Service Only)
Controller | Description |
GitHubController | Ping, Push, Pull (TBD) event HTTP listeners |
GitLabController | Push, Merge (TBD) event HTTP listeners |
BitbucketController | Push event HTTP listener |
flowController | Unused, but intended for Call-back implementation |
See Development Operations (Checkmarx employees only)