diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8126c115c..b2f324cda 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,94 +1,5 @@ # hyperion ![Tests](https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/hyperion/actions/workflows/code.yml/badge.svg) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/DiamondLightSource/hyperion/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=00Ww81MHe8)](https://codecov.io/gh/DiamondLightSource/hyperion) -Repository for the Hyperion project to implement Unattended Data Collections on the Diamond MX beamlines using the [BlueSky](https://nsls-ii.github.io/bluesky/) / Ophyd framework from BNL. +**The hyperion project has now been integrated into [mx-bluesky](https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/mx-bluesky/tree/main/src/mx_bluesky/hyperion). The reasoning for this can be found [here](https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/mx-bluesky/issues/169)** -Currently the software is able to: -* Centre a sample, first using an optical camera, then using an xray grid scan. This centring is done at two orthogonal angles so that the sample is centred in 3D. -* Perform a rotation scan to take diffraction data of the sample - -Left to do is: -* Mount/unmount samples -* Set up the beamline to be in a standard state for collection -* Change energy of the beamline - -Development Installation -================= - -This project supports only the most recent Python version for which our dependencies are available - currently Python 3.11. - -Run `./utility_scripts/dls_dev_env.sh` (This assumes you're on a DLS machine. If you are not, you should be able to just run a subset of this script) - -Note that because Hyperion makes heavy use of [Dodal](https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/dodal) this will also pull a local editable version of dodal to the parent folder of this repo. - -Controlling the Gridscan Externally (e.g. from GDA) -===================== - -Starting the bluesky runner -------------------------- -You can start the bluesky runner by running `run_hyperion.sh`. Note that this will fail on a developer machine unless you have a simulated beamline running, instead you should do `run_hyperion.sh --dev --skip-startup-connection`, which will give you a running instance (note that without hardware trying to run a plan on this will fail). The `--dev` flag ensures that logging will not be sent to the production Graylog. - -This script will determine whether you are on a beamline or a production machine based on the `BEAMLINE` environment variable. If on a beamline Hyperion will run with `INFO` level logging, sending its logs to both production graylog and to the beamline/log/bluesky/hyperion.log on the shared file system. - -If in a dev environment Hyperion will log to a local graylog instance instead and into a file at `./tmp/dev/hyperion.log`. A local instance of graylog will need to be running for this to work correctly. To set this up and run up the containers on your local machine run the `setup_graylog.sh` script. - -This uses the generic defaults for a local graylog instance. It can be accessed on `localhost:9000` where the username and password for the graylog portal are both admin. - -The hyperion python module can also be run directly without the startup script. It takes the same command line options, including: - -`INFO` level logging of the Bluesky event documents can be enabled with the flag -``` -python -m hyperion --dev --verbose-event-logging -``` - -Lastly, you can choose to skip running the hardware connection scripts on startup with the flag -``` -python -m hyperion --skip-startup-connection -``` - -Testing --------------- -Unit tests can be run with `python -m pytest -m "not s03" --random-order`. To see log output from tests you can turn on logging with the `--logging` command line option and then use the `-s` command line option to print logs into the console. So to run the unit tests such that all logs are at printed to the terminal, you can use `python -m pytest -m "not s03" --random-order --logging -s`. Note that this will likely overrun your terminal buffer, so you can narrow the selection of tests with the `-k ""` option. - -To be able to run the system tests, or a complete fake scan, we need the simulated S03 beamline. This can be found at: https://gitlab.diamond.ac.uk/controls/python3/s03_utils - -To fake interaction and processing with Zocalo, you can run `fake_zocalo/dls_start_fake_zocalo.sh`, and make sure to run `module load dials/latest` before starting hyperion (in the same terminal). - -Tracing --------------- - -Tracing information (the time taken to complete different steps of experiments) is collected by an [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/) tracer, and currently we export this information to a local Jaeger monitor (if available). To see the tracing output, run the [Jaeger all-in-one container](https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/1.6/getting-started/), and go to the web interface at http://localhost:16686. - - -Starting a scan --------------- - -To start a scan you can do the following: -``` -curl -X PUT --data-binary "@tests/test_data/parameter_json_files/test_parameters.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -``` - -Getting the Runner Status ------------------------- - -To get the status of the runner: -``` -curl -``` - -Stopping the Scan ------------------ - -To stop a scan that is currently running: -``` -curl -X PUT - -``` - -Writing out `DEBUG` logs ------------------------- -To make the app write the `DEBUG` level logs stored in the `CircularMemoryHandler`: -``` -curl -X PUT - -```