XML widget to create the Material Design Floating Action Button for NativeScript apps.
Material Design Floating Action Button Spec
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton@^2.2.7
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton
No extra configuration is required for the FAB View component.
NOTE The sample XML here will position the FAB on top of the ListView. There is no need for absolute positioning due to using a GridLayout row/col settings.
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="pageLoaded"
<ActionBar title="Native FAB" backgroundColor="#3F51B5" color="#fff" />
<grid-layout rows="auto, *">
<list-view row="1" items="{{ users }}">
<label text="{{ name }}" textWrap="true" fontSize="18" margin="20" />
<FAB:fab tap="fabTap"
class="fab-button" />
PLEASE NOTE: The fab is on the same row number as the listview
import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("Fab", () => require("nativescript-floatingactionbutton").Fab);
<FAB (tap)="fabTap()" icon="res://ic_add_white" rippleColor="#f1f1f1" class="fab-button"></FAB>
Recommended CSS styles.
.fab-button {
height: 70;
width: 70; /// this is required on iOS - Android does not require width so you might need to adjust styles
margin: 15;
background-color: #ff4081;
horizontal-align: right;
vertical-align: bottom;
exports.fabTap = function(args) {
Property | Android | iOS | Description | Note |
backgroundColor | X | X | Sets the background color of the button | |
icon | X | X | Supports the same image source options that NativeScript images support | Required on android |
rippleColor | X | Ripple color on lollipop devices, it will fill the FAB on pre-lollipop devices | None | |
hideOnSwipeOfView | X | X | Directs the fab to animate itself in and out on scroll | Pass it the name of the view to monitor for a scroll event example: hideOnSwipeOfView="userListView" |
hideAnimationDuration | X | X | How many milliseconds it takes for the button to hide. | Default if not set: 300ms |
swipeAnimation | X | X | slideDown, slideUp, slideLeft, slideRight, scale | Default is slideDown |
NativeScript Version | FloatingActionButton Plugin Version |
1.6+ | 2.+ |
1.5 | 1.91 |
- We're using MNFloatingActionButton by Matt Nydam
- Width\Height are requried properties
- icon is a required property, if left as empty string default will be shown
- Scale iOS images to 1/2 height
- swipeAnimation property added to define animations for the FAB
- Lázaro Danillo lazaromenezes
- Steve McNiven-Scott sitefinitysteve
- Nathanael Anderson NathanaelA
- Gabriel Marinho gabrielbiga