diff --git a/ddYMap.php b/ddYMap.php
index 33b77d4..7d75090 100644
--- a/ddYMap.php
+++ b/ddYMap.php
@@ -1,46 +1,50 @@
= 5.4.
+ * @uses MODXEvo.libraries.ddTools >= 0.21 {@link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/ddtools }.
* @note Attention! The jQuery library should be included on the page.
- * @note From the pair of “$geoPos” / “$docField” parameters one is required.
+ * @note From the pair of “$geoPos” / “$geoPos_docField” parameters one is required.
- * @param $geoPos {comma separated string} - Comma separated longitude and latitude. @required
- * @param $docField {string} - A field name with position that is required to be got.
- * @param $docId {integer} - Document ID with a field value needed to be received. Default: current document.
- * @param $mapElement {string} - Container selector which the map is required to be embed in. Default: '#map'.
- * @param $defaultType {'map'; 'satellite'; 'hybrid'; 'publicMap'; 'publicMapHybrid'} - Default map type: 'map' — schematic map, 'satellite' — satellite map, 'hybrid' — hybrid map, 'publicMap' — public map, 'publicMapHybrid' - hybrid public map. Default: 'map'.
- * @param $defaultZoom {integer} - Default map zoom. Default: 15.
- * @param $icon {string} - An icon to use (relative address). Default: without (default icon).
- * @param $iconOffset {comma separated string} - An offset of the icon in pixels (x, y).Basic position: the icon is horizontally centered with respect to x and its bottom position is y. Default: '0,0'.
- * @param $scrollZoom {0; 1} - Allow zoom while scrolling. Default: 0.
- * @param $mapCenterOffset {comma separated string} - Center offset of the map with respect to the center of the map container in pixels. Default: '0,0'.
- * @param $lang {'ru_RU'; 'en_US'; 'ru_UA'; 'uk_UA'; 'tr_TR'} - Map language — locale ID. See http://api.yandex.com/maps/doc/jsapi/2.x/dg/concepts/load.xml for more information. Default: 'ru_RU'.
- * @param $scriptsLocation {'head'; 'body';} - The tag where jQuery scripts are included. Default: 'head'.
+ * @param $geoPos {string_commaSeparated} — Comma separated longitude and latitude. @required
+ * @param $geoPos_docField {string} — A field name with position that is required to be got.
+ * @param $geoPos_docId {integer} — Document ID with a field value needed to be received. Default: current document.
+ * @param $mapElement {string} — Container selector which the map is required to be embed in. Default: '#map'.
+ * @param $defaultType {'map'|'satellite'|'hybrid'|'publicMap'|'publicMapHybrid'} — Default map type: 'map' — schematic map, 'satellite' — satellite map, 'hybrid' — hybrid map, 'publicMap' — public map, 'publicMapHybrid' - hybrid public map. Default: 'map'.
+ * @param $defaultZoom {integer} — Default map zoom. Default: 15.
+ * @param $icon {string} — An icon to use (relative address). Default: without (default icon).
+ * @param $iconOffset {string_commaSeparated} — An offset of the icon in pixels (x, y).Basic position: the icon is horizontally centered with respect to x and its bottom position is y. Default: '0,0'.
+ * @param $scrollZoom {0|1} — Allow zoom while scrolling. Default: 0.
+ * @param $mapCenterOffset {string_commaSeparated} — Center offset of the map with respect to the center of the map container in pixels. Default: '0,0'.
+ * @param $lang {'ru_RU'|'en_US'|'ru_UA'|'uk_UA'|'tr_TR'} — Map language — locale ID. See http://api.yandex.com/maps/doc/jsapi/2.x/dg/concepts/load.xml for more information. Default: 'ru_RU'.
+ * @param $scriptsLocation {'head'|'body'} — The tag where jQuery scripts are included. Default: 'head'.
- * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/ddymap/1.6
+ * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/ddymap/1.6.1
- * @copyright 2015–2017 DivanDesign {@link http://www.DivanDesign.biz }
+ * @copyright 2015–2018 DivanDesign {@link http://www.DivanDesign.biz }
-//Подключаем modx.ddTools
-require_once $modx->getConfig('base_path').'assets/snippets/ddTools/modx.ddtools.class.php';
+//Include MODXEvo.libraries.ddTools
+require_once $modx->getConfig('base_path').'assets/libs/ddTools/modx.ddtools.class.php';
-//Для обратной совместимости
-extract(ddTools::verifyRenamedParams($params, array(
- 'docField' => 'getField',
- 'docId' => 'getId'
+//Backward compatibility
+extract(ddTools::verifyRenamedParams($params, [
+ 'geoPos_docField' => ['docField', 'getField'],
+ 'geoPos_docId' => ['docId', 'getId']
//Если задано имя поля, которое необходимо получить
-if (isset($docField)){
- $geoPos = ddTools::getTemplateVarOutput(array($docField), $docId);
- $geoPos = $geoPos[$docField];
+if (isset($geoPos_docField)){
+ $geoPos = ddTools::getTemplateVarOutput(
+ [$geoPos_docField],
+ $geoPos_docId
+ );
+ $geoPos = $geoPos[$geoPos_docField];
//Где должны быть подключены скрипты
@@ -67,7 +71,10 @@
$iconSize = getimagesize($icon);
//если смещение не задано сделаем над опорной точкой ценруя по ширине
- $resultIconOffset = array($iconSize[0] / -2, $iconSize[1] * -1);
+ $resultIconOffset = [
+ $iconSize[0] / -2,
+ $iconSize[1] * -1
+ ];
if (!empty($iconOffset)){
$iconOffset = explode(',', $iconOffset);
//если задано сделает относительно положения по умолчанию
@@ -87,7 +94,12 @@
//Если нужен скролл колесом мыши, упомянем об этом
- if (isset($scrollZoom) && $scrollZoom == 1){$inlineScript .= ', scrollZoom: true';}
+ if (
+ isset($scrollZoom) &&
+ $scrollZoom == 1
+ ){
+ $inlineScript .= ', scrollZoom: true';
+ }
//Тип карты по умолчанию
if (!empty($defaultType)){$inlineScript .= ', defaultType: "'.$defaultType.'"';}
//Масштаб карты по умолчанию
@@ -99,18 +111,48 @@
if ($scriptsLocation == 'head') {
//Подключаем библиотеку карт
- $modx->regClientStartupScript('//api-maps.yandex.ru/2.1/?lang=' . $lang, array('name' => 'api-maps.yandex.ru', 'version' => '2.1'));
+ $modx->regClientStartupScript(
+ '//api-maps.yandex.ru/2.1/?lang='.$lang,
+ [
+ 'name' => 'api-maps.yandex.ru',
+ 'version' => '2.1'
+ ]
+ );
//Подключаем $.ddYMap
- $modx->regClientStartupScript($modx->getConfig('site_url') . 'assets/js/jquery.ddYMap-1.4.min.js', array('name' => '$.ddYMap', 'version' => '1.4'));
+ $modx->regClientStartupScript(
+ $modx->getConfig('site_url').'assets/js/jquery.ddYMap-1.4.min.js',
+ [
+ 'name' => '$.ddYMap',
+ 'version' => '1.4'
+ ]
+ );
//Подключаем инлайн-скрипт с инициализацией
- $modx->regClientStartupScript('', array('plaintext' => true));
+ $modx->regClientStartupScript(
+ '',
+ ['plaintext' => true]
+ );
//Подключаем библиотеку карт
- $modx->regClientScript("", array('name' => 'api-maps.yandex.ru', 'version' => '2.1'));
+ $modx->regClientScript(
+ '',
+ [
+ 'name' => 'api-maps.yandex.ru',
+ 'version' => '2.1'
+ ]
+ );
//Подключаем $.ddYMap
- $modx->regClientScript("", array('name' => '$.ddYMap', 'version' => '1.4'));
+ $modx->regClientScript(
+ '',
+ [
+ 'name' => '$.ddYMap',
+ 'version' => '1.4'
+ ]
+ );
//Подключаем инлайн-скрипт с инициализацией
- $modx->regClientScript("", array('plaintext' => true));
+ $modx->regClientScript(
+ '',
+ ['plaintext' => true]
+ );
\ No newline at end of file