diff --git a/data/uhc_pack/functions/pre_generation/tick.mcfunction b/data/uhc_pack/functions/pre_generation/tick.mcfunction index 087af33..6db2767 100644 --- a/data/uhc_pack/functions/pre_generation/tick.mcfunction +++ b/data/uhc_pack/functions/pre_generation/tick.mcfunction @@ -9,5 +9,8 @@ execute if score X uhcPG matches 0.. if score Z uhcPG matches 0.. run function u # Check exit condition # If the test fails, mark this step as done and continue -execute unless entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=pre_generator] run function uhc_pack:pre_generation/stage/complete +execute if entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=pre_generator] run scoreboard players set NextStageDelay uhcPG 0 +execute unless entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=pre_generator] run scoreboard players add NextStageDelay uhcPG 1 +execute if score NextStageDelay uhcPG matches 20.. run function uhc_pack:pre_generation/stage/complete +execute if score NextStageDelay uhcPG matches 20.. run scoreboard players set NextStageDelay uhcPG 0 execute if score Stage uhcPG matches ..2 run schedule function uhc_pack:pre_generation/tick 1t