diff --git a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/api.md b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/api.md
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--- a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/api.md
+++ b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/api.md
@@ -82,6 +82,40 @@
+### sphere_transport
+.. currentmodule:: polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport
+.. autosummary::
+ :toctree: generated/
+ add_sphere_transport_tasks
+ SphereTransport
+ SphereTransport.configure
+ init.Init
+ init.Init.run
+ forward.Forward
+ analysis.Analysis
+ analysis.Analysis.convergence_parameters
+ mixing_analysis.MixingAnalysis
+ mixing_analysis.MixingAnalysis.run
+ filament_analysis.FilamentAnalysis
+ filament_analysis.FilamentAnalysis.run
+ viz.VizMap
+ viz.VizMap.runtime_setup
+ viz.Viz
+ viz.Viz.run
### cosine_bell
diff --git a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/correlated_tracers_2d.md b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/correlated_tracers_2d.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af67f1fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/correlated_tracers_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# correlated_tracers_2d
+The {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.SphereTransport`
+`correlated_tracers_2d` test performs a 12-day run on the sphere that has a periodic
+deforming flow which affects tracer distributions. The resolution of the
+sphere varies (by default, between 60 and 240 km). After one period, the
+tracer distributions are compared the initial condition to evaluate numerical
+errors associated with the horizontal advection scheme and determine the rate
+of convergence.
+## framework
+The config options for the `correlated_tracers_2d` test is described in
+{ref}`ocean-correlated_tracers-2d` in the User's Guide.
+Additionally, the test uses a `forward.yaml` file with a few common
+model config options related to drag and default horizontal and
+vertical momentum and tracer diffusion, as well as defining `mesh`, `input`,
+`restart`, and `output` streams. This file has Jinja templating that is
+used to update model config options based on Polaris config options, see
+### base_mesh
+Sphere transport tasks use shared `base_mesh` steps for creating
+{ref}`dev-ocean-spherical-meshes` at a sequence of resolutions.
+### init
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.init.Init`
+defines a step for setting up the initial state at each resolution. The
+initial state is differentiated between `correlated_tracers_2d` and the other tests
+set up by the class.
+### forward
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.forward.Forward`
+descends from {py:class}`polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical.SphericalConvergenceForward`,
+and defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from an initial condition produced in
+an `init` step. See {ref}`dev-ocean-convergence` for some relevant
+discussion of the parent class. The time step is determined from the resolution
+based on the `dt_per_km` config option in the `[convergence_forward]`
+section. Other model config options are taken from `forward.yaml`.
+### analysis
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.analysis.Analysis`
+descends from
+and defines a step for computing the error norm (L2) for the results
+at each resolution for tracers and layer thickness, saving them in
+`convergence_*.csv` and plotting them in `convergence_*.png`.
+### mixing_analysis
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.mixing_analysis.MixingAnalysis`
+plots the relationship between two correlated tracers for each resolution in
+### viz
+Visualization steps are available only in the `correlated_tracers_2d/with_viz`
+tasks. They are not included in the `correlated_tracers_2d` in order to keep regression
+as fast as possible when visualization isn't needed.
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.VizMap`
+defines a step for creating a mapping file from the MPAS mesh at a given
+resolution to a lon-lat grid at a resolution and interpolation method
+determined by config options.
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.Viz`
+is a step for plotting the initial and final states of the advection test for
+each resolution, mapped to the common lat-lon grid. The colormap is controlled
+by these options:
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+See {ref}`dev-visualization-global` for more details.
diff --git a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/divergent_2d.md b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/divergent_2d.md
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index 000000000..65a27c1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/divergent_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# divergent_2d
+The {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.SphereTransport`
+`divergent_2d` test performs a 12-day run on the sphere that has a periodic
+divergent flow which affects tracer distributions. The resolution of the
+sphere varies (by default, between 60 and 240 km). After one period, the
+tracer distributions are compared the initial condition to evaluate numerical
+errors associated with the horizontal advection scheme and determine the rate
+of convergence.
+## framework
+The config options for the `divergent_2d` test is described in
+{ref}`ocean-divergent-2d` in the User's Guide.
+Additionally, the test uses a `forward.yaml` file with a few common
+model config options related to drag and default horizontal and
+vertical momentum and tracer diffusion, as well as defining `mesh`, `input`,
+`restart`, and `output` streams. This file has Jinja templating that is
+used to update model config options based on Polaris config options, see
+### base_mesh
+Sphere transport tasks use shared `base_mesh` steps for creating
+{ref}`dev-ocean-spherical-meshes` at a sequence of resolutions.
+### init
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.init.Init`
+defines a step for setting up the initial state at each resolution. The
+initial state is differentiated between `divergent_2d` and the other tests
+set up by the class.
+### forward
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.forward.Forward`
+descends from {py:class}`polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical.SphericalConvergenceForward`,
+and defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from an initial condition produced in
+an `init` step. See {ref}`dev-ocean-convergence` for some relevant
+discussion of the parent class. The time step is determined from the resolution
+based on the `dt_per_km` config option in the `[convergence_forward]`
+section. Other model config options are taken from `forward.yaml`.
+### analysis
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.analysis.Analysis`
+descends from
+and defines a step for computing the error norm (L2) for the results
+at each resolution for tracers and layer thickness, saving them in
+`convergence_*.csv` and plotting them in `convergence_*.png`.
+### viz
+Visualization steps are available only in the `divergent_2d/with_viz`
+tasks. They are not included in the `divergent_2d` in order to keep regression
+as fast as possible when visualization isn't needed.
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.VizMap`
+defines a step for creating a mapping file from the MPAS mesh at a given
+resolution to a lon-lat grid at a resolution and interpolation method
+determined by config options.
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.Viz`
+is a step for plotting the initial and final states of the advection test for
+each resolution, mapped to the common lat-lon grid. The colormap is controlled
+by these options:
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+See {ref}`dev-visualization-global` for more details.
diff --git a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/index.md b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/index.md
index 268e21c92..e2c45b4aa 100644
--- a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/index.md
+++ b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/index.md
@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@
:titlesonly: true
diff --git a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/nondivergent_2d.md b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/nondivergent_2d.md
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index 000000000..9eb2fbc3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/nondivergent_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# nondivergent_2d
+The {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.SphereTransport`
+`nondivergent_2d` test performs a 12-day run on the sphere that has a periodic
+deforming flow which affects tracer distributions. The resolution of the
+sphere varies (by default, between 60 and 240 km). After one period, the
+tracer distributions are compared the initial condition to evaluate numerical
+errors associated with the horizontal advection scheme and determine the rate
+of convergence.
+## framework
+The config options for the `nondivergent_2d` test is described in
+{ref}`ocean-nondivergent-2d` in the User's Guide.
+Additionally, the test uses a `forward.yaml` file with a few common
+model config options related to drag and default horizontal and
+vertical momentum and tracer diffusion, as well as defining `mesh`, `input`,
+`restart`, and `output` streams. This file has Jinja templating that is
+used to update model config options based on Polaris config options, see
+### base_mesh
+Sphere transport tasks use shared `base_mesh` steps for creating
+{ref}`dev-ocean-spherical-meshes` at a sequence of resolutions.
+### init
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.init.Init`
+defines a step for setting up the initial state at each resolution. The
+initial state is differentiated between `nondivergent_2d` and the other tests
+set up by the class.
+### forward
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.forward.Forward`
+descends from {py:class}`polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical.SphericalConvergenceForward`,
+and defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from an initial condition produced in
+an `init` step. See {ref}`dev-ocean-convergence` for some relevant
+discussion of the parent class. The time step is determined from the resolution
+based on the `dt_per_km` config option in the `[convergence_forward]`
+section. Other model config options are taken from `forward.yaml`.
+### analysis
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.analysis.Analysis`
+descends from
+and defines a step for computing the error norm (L2) for the results
+at each resolution for tracers and layer thickness, saving them in
+`convergence_*.csv` and plotting them in `convergence_*.png`.
+### filament_analysis
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.filament_analysis.FilamentAnalysis`
+computes a filament diagnostic for each threshold value and each resolution
+and plots that diagnostic in `filament.png`.
+### viz
+Visualization steps are available only in the `nondivergent_2d/with_viz`
+tasks. They are not included in the `nondivergent_2d` in order to keep regression
+as fast as possible when visualization isn't needed.
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.VizMap`
+defines a step for creating a mapping file from the MPAS mesh at a given
+resolution to a lon-lat grid at a resolution and interpolation method
+determined by config options.
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.Viz`
+is a step for plotting the initial and final states of the advection test for
+each resolution, mapped to the common lat-lon grid. The colormap is controlled
+by these options:
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+See {ref}`dev-visualization-global` for more details.
diff --git a/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/rotation_2d.md b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/rotation_2d.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7be67239e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/developers_guide/ocean/tasks/rotation_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# rotation_2d
+The {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.SphereTransport`
+`rotation_2d` test performs a 12-day run on the sphere that has a flow with
+a constant rotation rate which affects tracer distributions. The resolution of
+the sphere varies (by default, between 60 and 240 km). After one period, the
+tracer distributions are compared the initial condition to evaluate numerical
+errors associated with the horizontal advection scheme and determine the rate
+of convergence.
+## framework
+The config options for the `rotation_2d` test is described in
+{ref}`ocean-rotation-2d` in the User's Guide.
+Additionally, the test uses a `forward.yaml` file with a few common
+model config options related to drag and default horizontal and
+vertical momentum and tracer diffusion, as well as defining `mesh`, `input`,
+`restart`, and `output` streams. This file has Jinja templating that is
+used to update model config options based on Polaris config options, see
+### base_mesh
+Sphere transport tasks use shared `base_mesh` steps for creating
+{ref}`dev-ocean-spherical-meshes` at a sequence of resolutions.
+### init
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.init.Init`
+defines a step for setting up the initial state at each resolution. The
+initial state is differentiated between `rotation_2d` and the other tests
+set up by the class.
+### forward
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.forward.Forward`
+descends from {py:class}`polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical.SphericalConvergenceForward`,
+and defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from an initial condition produced in
+an `init` step. See {ref}`dev-ocean-convergence` for some relevant
+discussion of the parent class. The time step is determined from the resolution
+based on the `dt_per_km` config option in the `[convergence_forward]`
+section. Other model config options are taken from `forward.yaml`.
+### analysis
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.analysis.Analysis`
+descends from
+and defines a step for computing the error norm (L2) for the results
+at each resolution for tracers and layer thickness, saving them in
+`convergence_*.csv` and plotting them in `convergence_*.png`.
+### viz
+Visualization steps are available only in the `rotation_2d/with_viz`
+tasks. They are not included in the `rotation_2d` in order to keep regression
+as fast as possible when visualization isn't needed.
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.VizMap`
+defines a step for creating a mapping file from the MPAS mesh at a given
+resolution to a lon-lat grid at a resolution and interpolation method
+determined by config options.
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+The class {py:class}`polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.Viz`
+is a step for plotting the initial and final states of the advection test for
+each resolution, mapped to the common lat-lon grid. The colormap is controlled
+by these options:
+# options for visualization for the cosine bell convergence test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+See {ref}`dev-visualization-global` for more details.
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/correlated_tracers_2d.md b/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/correlated_tracers_2d.md
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index 000000000..aaadcab5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/correlated_tracers_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# correlated tracers 2-d
+## description
+The `correlated_tracers_2d` and `correlated_tracers_2d/with_viz` tasks implement the
+non-divergent flow field test of (1) numerical order of convergence and (2)
+mixing as described in
+[Lauritzen et al. 2012]().
+The numerical order of convergence is analyzed in the `analysis` step and
+produces a figure similar to the following showing L2 error norm as a function
+of horizontal resolution:
+```{image} images/correlated_tracers_2d_convergence.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The ability of the horizontal advection scheme to maintain nonlinear
+relationships between tracers is addressed in the `mixing_analysis` step. This
+step produces a visualization of the relationship between two debug tracers at
+the end of the simulation:
+```{image} images/correlated_tracers_2d_mixing.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+## mesh
+Two global mesh variants are tested, quasi-uniform (QU) and icosohydral. Thus,
+there are 4 variants of the task:
+The default resolutions used in the task depends on the mesh type.
+For the `icos` mesh type, the defaults are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of icosahedral mesh resolutions (km) to test
+icos_resolutions = 60, 120, 240, 480
+for the `qu` mesh type, they are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of quasi-uniform mesh resolutions (km) to test
+qu_resolutions = 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240
+To alter the resolutions used in this task, you will need to create your own
+config file (or add a `spherical_convergence` section to a config file if
+you're already using one). The resolutions are a comma-separated list of the
+resolution of the mesh in km. If you specify a different list
+before setting up `correlated_tracers_2d`, steps will be generated with the requested
+resolutions. (If you alter `icos_resolutions` or `qu_resolutions`) in the
+task's config file in the work directory, nothing will happen.) For `icos`
+meshes, make sure you use a resolution close to those listed in
+{ref}`dev-spherical-meshes`. Each resolution will be rounded to the nearest
+allowed icosahedral resolution.
+The `base_mesh` steps are shared with other tasks so they are not housed in
+the `correlated_tracers_2d` work directory. Instead, they are in work directories
+For convenience, there are symlinks inside of the `correlated_tracers_2d` and
+`correlated_tracers_2d/with_viz` work directories, e.g.:
+## vertical grid
+This task only exercises the shallow water dynamics. As such, a single
+vertical level may be used. The bottom depth is constant and the
+results should be insensitive to the choice of `bottom_depth`.
+# Options related to the vertical grid
+# the type of vertical grid
+grid_type = uniform
+# Number of vertical levels
+vert_levels = 3
+# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
+bottom_depth = 300.0
+# The type of vertical coordinate (e.g. z-level, z-star)
+coord_type = z-level
+# Whether to use "partial" or "full", or "None" to not alter the topography
+partial_cell_type = None
+# The minimum fraction of a layer for partial cells
+min_pc_fraction = 0.1
+## initial conditions
+The initial condition is characterized by three separate tracer distributions
+stored in three `debugTracers`:
+- `tracer1`: A c-infinity function used for convergence analysis
+- `tracer2`: A pair of c-2 cosine bells
+- `tracer3`: A second pair of cosine bells that are nonlinearly correlated with
+```{image} images/correlated_tracers_2d_init_tracer1.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/correlated_tracers_2d_init_tracer2.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/correlated_tracers_2d_init_tracer3.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The velocity is
+u(t) = \frac{10 R}{\tau} \sin^2(\lambda - \frac{2 \pi t}{\tau}) \sin(2\theta) \cos(\frac{\pi t}{\tau}) + \frac{2 \pi R}{\tau}\cos(\theta)
+v(t) = \frac{10 R}{\tau} \sin(2\lambda - \frac{4 \pi t}{\tau}) \cos(\theta) \cos(\frac{\pi t}{\tau})
+Where $\lambda$ is longitude, $\theta$ is latitude and $R$ is the radius of the
+sphere. $\tau$ is the time it takes to transit the equator. The default is 12
+days and is given by the cfg option `vel_pd`.
+Temperature and salinity are not evolved in this task and are given
+constant values determined by config options `temperature` and `salinity`.
+The Coriolis parameters `fCell`, `fEdge`, and `fVertex` do not need to be
+specified for a global mesh and are initialized as zeros.
+## forcing
+This case is forced to follow $u(t)$ and $v(t)$ given above.
+## time step and run duration
+This task uses the Runge-Kutta 4th-order (RK4) time integrator. The time step
+for forward integration is determined by multiplying the resolution by a config
+option, `rk4_dt_per_km`, so that coarser meshes have longer time steps. You can
+alter this before setup (in a user config file) or before running the task (in
+the config file in the work directory).
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# time integrator: {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
+time_integrator = RK4
+# RK4 time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
+rk4_dt_per_km = 3.0
+The `convergence_eval_time`, `run_duration` and `output_interval` are the
+period for advection to make a full rotation around the globe, 12 days:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Run duration in days
+run_duration = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Output interval in days
+output_interval = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+Here, `${sphere_transport:vel_pd}` means that the same value is used as in the
+option `vel_pd` in section `[sphere_transport]`, see below.
+## config options
+The `correlated_tracer_2d` config options include:
+# options for all sphere transport test cases
+# temperature
+temperature = 15.
+# salinity
+salinity = 35.
+# time (days) for bell to transit equator once
+vel_pd = 12.0
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for thickness visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 99., 'vmax': 101.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for correlated tracers 2-d test case
+# velocity amplitude in meters per second
+vel_amp = 10.
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.7
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.66
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 1.28
+# time in days at which to evaluate mixing
+mixing_evaluation_time = 6.0
+The options in section `sphere_transport` are used by all 4 test cases based
+on Lauritzen et al. (2012) and control the initial condition. The options in
+section `correlated_tracers_2d` control the initial condition of that case
+only, the convergence rate threshold, and the time at which to evaluate mixing
+The options in sections `sphere_transport_viz*` control properties of the `viz`
+step of the test case.
+The default options for the convergence analysis step can be changed here:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Evaluation time for convergence analysis (in days)
+convergence_eval_time = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Type of error to compute
+error_type = l2
+## cores
+The target and minimum number of cores are determined by `goal_cells_per_core`
+and `max_cells_per_core` from the `ocean` section of the config file,
+respectively. This ensures that the number of cells per core is roughly
+constant across the different resolutions in the convergence study.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/divergent_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# divergent 2-d
+## description
+The `divergent_2d` and `divergent_2d/with_viz` tasks implement the
+divergent flow field test of numerical order of convergence as described in
+[Lauritzen et al. 2012]().
+The numerical order of convergence is analyzed in the `analysis` step and
+produces a figure similar to the following showing L2 error norm as a function
+of horizontal resolution:
+```{image} images/divergent_2d_convergence.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+## mesh
+Two global mesh variants are tested, quasi-uniform (QU) and icosohydral. Thus,
+there are 4 variants of the task:
+The default resolutions used in the task depends on the mesh type.
+For the `icos` mesh type, the defaults are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of icosahedral mesh resolutions (km) to test
+icos_resolutions = 60, 120, 240, 480
+for the `qu` mesh type, they are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of quasi-uniform mesh resolutions (km) to test
+qu_resolutions = 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240
+To alter the resolutions used in this task, you will need to create your own
+config file (or add a `spherical_convergence` section to a config file if
+you're already using one). The resolutions are a comma-separated list of the
+resolution of the mesh in km. If you specify a different list
+before setting up `divergent_2d`, steps will be generated with the requested
+resolutions. (If you alter `icos_resolutions` or `qu_resolutions`) in the
+task's config file in the work directory, nothing will happen.) For `icos`
+meshes, make sure you use a resolution close to those listed in
+{ref}`dev-spherical-meshes`. Each resolution will be rounded to the nearest
+allowed icosahedral resolution.
+The `base_mesh` steps are shared with other tasks so they are not housed in
+the `divergent_2d` work directory. Instead, they are in work directories
+For convenience, there are symlinks inside of the `divergent_2d` and
+`divergent_2d/with_viz` work directories, e.g.:
+## vertical grid
+This task only exercises the shallow water dynamics. As such, a single
+vertical level may be used. The bottom depth is constant and the
+results should be insensitive to the choice of `bottom_depth`.
+# Options related to the vertical grid
+# the type of vertical grid
+grid_type = uniform
+# Number of vertical levels
+vert_levels = 3
+# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
+bottom_depth = 300.0
+# The type of vertical coordinate (e.g. z-level, z-star)
+coord_type = z-level
+# Whether to use "partial" or "full", or "None" to not alter the topography
+partial_cell_type = None
+# The minimum fraction of a layer for partial cells
+min_pc_fraction = 0.1
+## initial conditions
+The initial condition is characterized by three separate tracer distributions
+stored in three `debugTracers`:
+- `tracer1`: A c-infinity function used for convergence analysis
+- `tracer2`: A pair of c-2 cosine bells
+- `tracer3`: A discontinuous pair of slotted cylinders
+```{image} images/divergent_2d_init_tracer1.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/divergent_2d_init_tracer2.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/divergent_2d_init_tracer3.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The velocity is
+u(t) = \frac{u_0 R}{\tau} \sin^2(\frac{\lambda}{2} - \frac{\pi t}{\tau}) \sin(2\theta) \cos^2(\theta) \cos(\frac{\pi t}{\tau}) + \frac{2 \pi R}{\tau}\cos(\theta)
+v(t) = \frac{u_0 R}{2 \tau} \sin(\lambda - \frac{2 \pi t}{\tau}) \cos^3(\theta) \cos(\frac{\pi t}{\tau})
+Where $\lambda$ is longitude, $\theta$ is latitude and $R$ is the radius of the
+sphere. $\tau$ is the time it takes to transit the equator. The default is 12
+days and is given by the cfg option `vel_pd`. The default velocity amplitude,
+$u_0$ is 10 m/s and is given by the cfg option `vel_amp`.
+Temperature and salinity are not evolved in this task and are given
+constant values determined by config options `temperature` and `salinity`.
+The Coriolis parameters `fCell`, `fEdge`, and `fVertex` do not need to be
+specified for a global mesh and are initialized as zeros.
+## forcing
+This case is forced to follow $u(t)$ and $v(t)$ given above.
+## time step and run duration
+This task uses the Runge-Kutta 4th-order (RK4) time integrator. The time step
+for forward integration is determined by multiplying the resolution by a config
+option, `rk4_dt_per_km`, so that coarser meshes have longer time steps. You can
+alter this before setup (in a user config file) or before running the task (in
+the config file in the work directory).
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# time integrator: {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
+time_integrator = RK4
+# RK4 time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
+rk4_dt_per_km = 3.0
+The `convergence_eval_time`, `run_duration` and `output_interval` are the
+period for advection to make a full rotation around the globe, 12 days:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Run duration in days
+run_duration = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Output interval in days
+output_interval = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+Here, `${sphere_transport:vel_pd}` means that the same value is used as in the
+option `vel_pd` in section `[sphere_transport]`, see below.
+## config options
+The `divergent_2d` config options include:
+# options for all sphere transport test cases
+# temperature
+temperature = 15.
+# salinity
+salinity = 35.
+# time (days) for bell to transit equator once
+vel_pd = 12.0
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for thickness visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 99., 'vmax': 101.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for divergent 2-d test case
+# velocity amplitude in meters per second
+vel_amp = 5.
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.48
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.86
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 0.4
+The options in section `sphere_transport` are used by all 4 test cases based
+on Lauritzen et al. (2012) and control the initial condition. The options in
+section `divergent_2d` control the initial condition of that case
+only and the convergence rate threshold.
+The options in sections `sphere_transport_viz*` control properties of the `viz`
+step of the test case.
+The default options for the convergence analysis step can be changed here:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Evaluation time for convergence analysis (in days)
+convergence_eval_time = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Type of error to compute
+error_type = l2
+## cores
+The target and minimum number of cores are determined by `goal_cells_per_core`
+and `max_cells_per_core` from the `ocean` section of the config file,
+respectively. This ensures that the number of cells per core is roughly
+constant across the different resolutions in the convergence study.
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:titlesonly: true
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--- /dev/null
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+# nondivergent 2-d
+## description
+The `nondivergent_2d` and `nondivergent_2d/with_viz` tasks implement the
+non-divergent flow field test of (1) numerical order of convergence, (2)
+filament preservation and (3) rough distribution as described in
+[Lauritzen et al. 2012]().
+The reversing deformational flow in this test case explores large-scale to small-scale transport.
+The numerical order of convergence is analyzed in the `analysis` step and
+produces a figure similar to the following showing L2 error norm as a function
+of horizontal resolution:
+```{image} images/nondivergent_2d_convergence.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The ability of the horizontal advection scheme to preserve filaments is
+addressed in the `filament_analysis` step. It produces a figure similar to the
+following, which provides a comparison across resolutions, similar to Figure 6
+from Lauritzen et al. 2012:
+```{image} images/nondivergent_2d_filament.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The ability of the horizontal advection scheme to preserve rough distributions
+is addressed in the `viz` steps for each resolution of the
+`nondivergent_2d/with_viz` test. These steps produce visualizations of three
+debug tracers at initial time, thhe mid-point and final time. The rough
+distributions are represented as slotted cylinders in the `tracer3`
+## mesh
+Two global mesh variants are tested, quasi-uniform (QU) and icosohydral. Thus,
+there are 4 variants of the task:
+The default resolutions used in the task depends on the mesh type.
+For the `icos` mesh type, the defaults are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of icosahedral mesh resolutions (km) to test
+icos_resolutions = 60, 120, 240, 480
+for the `qu` mesh type, they are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of quasi-uniform mesh resolutions (km) to test
+qu_resolutions = 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240
+To alter the resolutions used in this task, you will need to create your own
+config file (or add a `spherical_convergence` section to a config file if
+you're already using one). The resolutions are a comma-separated list of the
+resolution of the mesh in km. If you specify a different list
+before setting up `nondivergent_2d`, steps will be generated with the requested
+resolutions. (If you alter `icos_resolutions` or `qu_resolutions`) in the
+task's config file in the work directory, nothing will happen.) For `icos`
+meshes, make sure you use a resolution close to those listed in
+{ref}`dev-spherical-meshes`. Each resolution will be rounded to the nearest
+allowed icosahedral resolution.
+The `base_mesh` steps are shared with other tasks so they are not housed in
+the `nondivergent_2d` work directory. Instead, they are in work directories
+For convenience, there are symlinks inside of the `nondivergent_2d` and
+`nondivergent_2d/with_viz` work directories, e.g.:
+## vertical grid
+This task only exercises the shallow water dynamics. As such, a single
+vertical level may be used. The bottom depth is constant and the
+results should be insensitive to the choice of `bottom_depth`.
+# Options related to the vertical grid
+# the type of vertical grid
+grid_type = uniform
+# Number of vertical levels
+vert_levels = 3
+# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
+bottom_depth = 300.0
+# The type of vertical coordinate (e.g. z-level, z-star)
+coord_type = z-level
+# Whether to use "partial" or "full", or "None" to not alter the topography
+partial_cell_type = None
+# The minimum fraction of a layer for partial cells
+min_pc_fraction = 0.1
+## initial conditions
+The initial condition is characterized by three separate tracer distributions
+stored in three `debugTracers`:
+- `tracer1`: A c-infinity function used for convergence analysis
+- `tracer2`: A pair of c-2 cosine bells
+- `tracer3`: A discontinuous pair of slotted cylinders
+```{image} images/nondivergent_2d_init_tracer1.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/nondivergent_2d_init_tracer2.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/nondivergent_2d_init_tracer3.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The velocity is
+u(t) = \frac{u_0 R}{\tau} \sin^2(\lambda - \frac{2 \pi t}{\tau}) \sin(2\theta) \cos(\frac{\pi t}{\tau}) + \frac{2 \pi R}{\tau}\cos(\theta)
+v(t) = \frac{u_0 R}{\tau} \sin(2\lambda - \frac{4 \pi t}{\tau}) \cos(\theta) \cos(\frac{\pi t}{\tau})
+Where $\lambda$ is longitude, $\theta$ is latitude and $R$ is the radius of the
+sphere. $\tau$ is the time it takes to transit the equator. The default is 12
+days and is given by the cfg option `vel_pd`. The default velocity amplitude,
+$u_0$ is 10 m/s and is given by the cfg option `vel_amp`.
+Temperature and salinity are not evolved in this task and are given
+constant values determined by config options `temperature` and `salinity`.
+The Coriolis parameters `fCell`, `fEdge`, and `fVertex` do not need to be
+specified for a global mesh and are initialized as zeros.
+## forcing
+This case is forced to follow $u(t)$ and $v(t)$ given above.
+## time step and run duration
+This task uses the Runge-Kutta 4th-order (RK4) time integrator. The time step
+for forward integration is determined by multiplying the resolution by a config
+option, `rk4_dt_per_km`, so that coarser meshes have longer time steps. You can
+alter this before setup (in a user config file) or before running the task (in
+the config file in the work directory).
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# time integrator: {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
+time_integrator = RK4
+# RK4 time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
+rk4_dt_per_km = 3.0
+The `convergence_eval_time`, `run_duration` and `output_interval` are the
+period for advection to make a full rotation around the globe, 12 days:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Run duration in days
+run_duration = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Output interval in days
+output_interval = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+Here, `${sphere_transport:vel_pd}` means that the same value is used as in the
+option `vel_pd` in section `[sphere_transport]`, see below.
+## config options
+The `nondivergent_2d` config options include:
+# options for all sphere transport test cases
+# temperature
+temperature = 15.
+# salinity
+salinity = 35.
+# time (days) for bell to transit equator once
+vel_pd = 12.0
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for thickness visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 99., 'vmax': 101.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for nondivergent 2-d test case
+# velocity amplitude in meters per second
+vel_amp = 10.
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.5
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.3
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 0.3
+# time in days at which to evaluate filament preservation
+filament_evaluation_time = 6.0
+The options in section `sphere_transport` are used by all 4 test cases based
+on Lauritzen et al. (2012) and control the initial condition. The options in
+section `nondivergent_2d` control the initial condition of that case
+only, the convergence rate threshold, and the time at which to evaluate
+filament preservation.
+The options in sections `sphere_transport_viz*` control properties of the `viz`
+step of the test case.
+The default options for the convergence analysis step can be changed here:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Evaluation time for convergence analysis (in days)
+convergence_eval_time = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Type of error to compute
+error_type = l2
+## cores
+The target and minimum number of cores are determined by `goal_cells_per_core`
+and `max_cells_per_core` from the `ocean` section of the config file,
+respectively. This ensures that the number of cells per core is roughly
+constant across the different resolutions in the convergence study.
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/rotation_2d.md b/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/rotation_2d.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fd90417e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide/ocean/tasks/rotation_2d.md
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# rotation 2-d
+## description
+The `rotation_2d` and `rotation_2d/with_viz` tasks implement the
+rotational flow field test of numerical order of convergence.
+This test is similar to `cosine_bell` except the axis of rotation is a config
+option and can be offset from the z-axis.
+The numerical order of convergence is analyzed in the `analysis` step and
+produces a figure similar to the following showing L2 error norm as a function
+of horizontal resolution:
+```{image} images/rotation_2d_convergence.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+## mesh
+Two global mesh variants are tested, quasi-uniform (QU) and icosohydral. Thus,
+there are 4 variants of the task:
+The default resolutions used in the task depends on the mesh type.
+For the `icos` mesh type, the defaults are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of icosahedral mesh resolutions (km) to test
+icos_resolutions = 60, 120, 240, 480
+for the `qu` mesh type, they are:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# a list of quasi-uniform mesh resolutions (km) to test
+qu_resolutions = 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240
+To alter the resolutions used in this task, you will need to create your own
+config file (or add a `spherical_convergence` section to a config file if
+you're already using one). The resolutions are a comma-separated list of the
+resolution of the mesh in km. If you specify a different list
+before setting up `rotation_2d`, steps will be generated with the requested
+resolutions. (If you alter `icos_resolutions` or `qu_resolutions`) in the
+task's config file in the work directory, nothing will happen.) For `icos`
+meshes, make sure you use a resolution close to those listed in
+{ref}`dev-spherical-meshes`. Each resolution will be rounded to the nearest
+allowed icosahedral resolution.
+The `base_mesh` steps are shared with other tasks so they are not housed in
+the `rotation_2d` work directory. Instead, they are in work directories
+For convenience, there are symlinks inside of the `rotation_2d` and
+`rotation_2d/with_viz` work directories, e.g.:
+## vertical grid
+This task only exercises the shallow water dynamics. As such, a single
+vertical level may be used. The bottom depth is constant and the
+results should be insensitive to the choice of `bottom_depth`.
+# Options related to the vertical grid
+# the type of vertical grid
+grid_type = uniform
+# Number of vertical levels
+vert_levels = 3
+# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
+bottom_depth = 300.0
+# The type of vertical coordinate (e.g. z-level, z-star)
+coord_type = z-level
+# Whether to use "partial" or "full", or "None" to not alter the topography
+partial_cell_type = None
+# The minimum fraction of a layer for partial cells
+min_pc_fraction = 0.1
+## initial conditions
+The initial condition is characterized by three separate tracer distributions
+stored in three `debugTracers`:
+- `tracer1`: A c-infinity function used for convergence analysis
+- `tracer2`: A pair of c-2 cosine bells
+- `tracer3`: A discontinuous pair of slotted cylinders
+```{image} images/rotation_2d_init_tracer1.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/rotation_2d_init_tracer2.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+```{image} images/rotation_2d_init_tracer3.png
+:align: center
+:width: 500 px
+The velocity is that of rigid rotation about an axis offset from the z-axis of
+the sphere. It is not given in Lauritzen et al. The axis of rotation is defined by a vector given by the cfg option `rotation_vector`.
+Temperature and salinity are not evolved in this task and are given
+constant values determined by config options `temperature` and `salinity`.
+The Coriolis parameters `fCell`, `fEdge`, and `fVertex` do not need to be
+specified for a global mesh and are initialized as zeros.
+## forcing
+This flow velocity case is forced to follow the constant rotation rate given
+in the config options.
+## time step and run duration
+This task uses the Runge-Kutta 4th-order (RK4) time integrator. The time step
+for forward integration is determined by multiplying the resolution by a config
+option, `rk4_dt_per_km`, so that coarser meshes have longer time steps. You can
+alter this before setup (in a user config file) or before running the task (in
+the config file in the work directory).
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# time integrator: {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
+time_integrator = RK4
+# RK4 time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
+rk4_dt_per_km = 3.0
+The `convergence_eval_time`, `run_duration` and `output_interval` are the
+period for advection to make a full rotation around the globe, 12 days:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Run duration in days
+run_duration = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Output interval in days
+output_interval = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+Here, `${sphere_transport:vel_pd}` means that the same value is used as in the
+option `vel_pd` in section `[sphere_transport]`, see below.
+## config options
+The `rotation_2d` config options include:
+# options for all sphere transport test cases
+# temperature
+temperature = 15.
+# salinity
+salinity = 35.
+# time (days) for bell to transit equator once
+vel_pd = 12.0
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for thickness visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 99., 'vmax': 101.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for rotation 2-d test case
+# rotation vector in cartesian coordinates
+rotation_vector = 0.2, 0.7, 1.0
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.4
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.8
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 0.4
+The options in section `sphere_transport` are used by all 4 test cases based
+on Lauritzen et al. (2012) and control the initial condition. The options in
+section `rotation_2d` control the convergence rate threshold.
+The options in sections `sphere_transport_viz*` control properties of the `viz`
+step of the test case.
+The default options for the convergence analysis step can be changed here:
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Evaluation time for convergence analysis (in days)
+convergence_eval_time = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Type of error to compute
+error_type = l2
+## cores
+The target and minimum number of cores are determined by `goal_cells_per_core`
+and `max_cells_per_core` from the `ocean` section of the config file,
+respectively. This ensures that the number of cells per core is roughly
+constant across the different resolutions in the convergence study.
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/__init__.py b/polaris/ocean/__init__.py
index 6de0e5811..90d5f07e5 100644
--- a/polaris/ocean/__init__.py
+++ b/polaris/ocean/__init__.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from polaris.ocean.tasks.single_column import add_single_column_tasks
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport import add_sphere_transport_tasks
class Ocean(Component):
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ def __init__(self):
# single column
+ add_sphere_transport_tasks(component=self)
# spherical: please keep these in alphabetical order
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/suites/convergence.txt b/polaris/ocean/suites/convergence.txt
index 97a07c5e7..56a8e63c7 100644
--- a/polaris/ocean/suites/convergence.txt
+++ b/polaris/ocean/suites/convergence.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+ cached: icos_base_mesh_60km icos_base_mesh_120km icos_base_mesh_240km icos_base_mesh_480km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_60km qu_base_mesh_90km qu_base_mesh_120km qu_base_mesh_150km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_180km qu_base_mesh_210km qu_base_mesh_240km
cached: icos_base_mesh_60km icos_init_60km icos_base_mesh_120km icos_init_120km
cached: icos_base_mesh_240km icos_init_240km icos_base_mesh_480km icos_init_480km
@@ -16,3 +21,18 @@ ocean/spherical/qu/geostrophic
cached: qu_base_mesh_120km qu_init_120km qu_base_mesh_150km qu_init_150km
cached: qu_base_mesh_180km qu_init_180km qu_base_mesh_210km qu_init_210km
cached: qu_base_mesh_240km qu_init_240km
+ cached: icos_base_mesh_60km icos_base_mesh_120km icos_base_mesh_240km icos_base_mesh_480km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_60km qu_base_mesh_90km qu_base_mesh_120km qu_base_mesh_150km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_180km qu_base_mesh_210km qu_base_mesh_240km
+ cached: icos_base_mesh_60km icos_base_mesh_120km icos_base_mesh_240km icos_base_mesh_480km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_60km qu_base_mesh_90km qu_base_mesh_120km qu_base_mesh_150km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_180km qu_base_mesh_210km qu_base_mesh_240km
+ cached: icos_base_mesh_60km icos_base_mesh_120km icos_base_mesh_240km icos_base_mesh_480km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_60km qu_base_mesh_90km qu_base_mesh_120km qu_base_mesh_150km
+ cached: qu_base_mesh_180km qu_base_mesh_210km qu_base_mesh_240km
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/suites/sphere_transport.txt b/polaris/ocean/suites/sphere_transport.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a93d53fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/suites/sphere_transport.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/suites/sphere_transport_with_viz.txt b/polaris/ocean/suites/sphere_transport_with_viz.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b120cc1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/suites/sphere_transport_with_viz.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/cosine_bell/init.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/cosine_bell/init.py
index 4c3b26ef9..788f0b6cf 100644
--- a/polaris/ocean/tasks/cosine_bell/init.py
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/cosine_bell/init.py
@@ -124,5 +124,10 @@ def cosine_bell(max_value, ri, r):
r : float
Radius of the cosine bell in meters
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f : np.ndarray of type float
+ Cosine bell tracer values
return max_value / 2.0 * (1.0 + np.cos(np.pi * np.divide(ri, r)))
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/__init__.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..893e05ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+from typing import Dict
+from polaris import Step, Task
+from polaris.config import PolarisConfigParser
+from polaris.ocean.mesh.spherical import add_spherical_base_mesh_step
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.analysis import Analysis
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.filament_analysis import (
+ FilamentAnalysis,
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.forward import Forward
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.init import Init
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.mixing_analysis import MixingAnalysis
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz import Viz, VizMap
+def add_sphere_transport_tasks(component):
+ """
+ Add tasks that define variants of sphere transport test cases:
+ nondivergent_2d, divergent_2d, correlated_tracers_2d, rotation_2d
+ component : polaris.ocean.Ocean
+ the ocean component that the tasks will be added to
+ """
+ for icosahedral, prefix in [(True, 'icos'), (False, 'qu')]:
+ for case_name in ['rotation_2d', 'nondivergent_2d', 'divergent_2d',
+ 'correlated_tracers_2d']:
+ filepath = f'spherical/{prefix}/{case_name}/{case_name}.cfg'
+ config = PolarisConfigParser(filepath=filepath)
+ config.add_from_package('polaris.ocean.convergence',
+ 'convergence.cfg')
+ config.add_from_package('polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical',
+ 'spherical.cfg')
+ package = 'polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport'
+ config.add_from_package(package, 'sphere_transport.cfg')
+ config.add_from_package(package, f'{case_name}.cfg')
+ for include_viz in [False, True]:
+ component.add_task(SphereTransport(
+ component=component, case_name=case_name,
+ icosahedral=icosahedral, config=config,
+ include_viz=include_viz))
+class SphereTransport(Task):
+ """
+ A test case for testing properties of tracer advection
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ resolutions : list of float
+ A list of mesh resolutions
+ icosahedral : bool
+ Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW meshes
+ include_viz : bool
+ Include VizMap and Viz steps for each resolution
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, config, case_name, icosahedral, include_viz):
+ """
+ Create test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.ocean.Ocean
+ The ocean component that this task belongs to
+ config : polaris.config.PolarisConfigParser
+ A shared config parser
+ case_name: string
+ The name of the case which determines what variant of the
+ configuration to use
+ icosahedral : bool
+ Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW
+ meshes
+ include_viz : bool
+ Include VizMap and Viz steps for each resolution
+ """
+ if icosahedral:
+ prefix = 'icos'
+ else:
+ prefix = 'qu'
+ subdir = f'spherical/{prefix}/{case_name}'
+ name = f'{prefix}_{case_name}'
+ if include_viz:
+ subdir = f'{subdir}/with_viz'
+ name = f'{name}_with_viz'
+ link = f'{case_name}.cfg'
+ else:
+ # config options live in the task already so no need for a symlink
+ link = None
+ super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir)
+ self.resolutions = list()
+ self.icosahedral = icosahedral
+ self.case_name = case_name
+ self.include_viz = include_viz
+ self.set_shared_config(config, link=link)
+ # add the steps with default resolutions so they can be listed
+ self._setup_steps()
+ def configure(self):
+ """
+ Set config options for the test case
+ """
+ super().configure()
+ # set up the steps again in case a user has provided new resolutions
+ self._setup_steps()
+ def _setup_steps(self):
+ """ setup steps given resolutions """
+ case_name = self.case_name
+ icosahedral = self.icosahedral
+ config = self.config
+ config_filename = self.config_filename
+ if icosahedral:
+ prefix = 'icos'
+ else:
+ prefix = 'qu'
+ resolutions = config.getlist('spherical_convergence',
+ f'{prefix}_resolutions', dtype=float)
+ if self.resolutions == resolutions:
+ return
+ # start fresh with no steps
+ for step in list(self.steps.values()):
+ self.remove_step(step)
+ self.resolutions = resolutions
+ component = self.component
+ analysis_dependencies: Dict[str, Dict[str, Step]] = (
+ dict(mesh=dict(), init=dict(), forward=dict()))
+ for resolution in resolutions:
+ base_mesh_step, mesh_name = add_spherical_base_mesh_step(
+ component, resolution, icosahedral)
+ self.add_step(base_mesh_step, symlink=f'base_mesh/{mesh_name}')
+ analysis_dependencies['mesh'][resolution] = base_mesh_step
+ sph_trans_dir = f'spherical/{prefix}/{case_name}'
+ name = f'{prefix}_init_{mesh_name}'
+ subdir = f'{sph_trans_dir}/init/{mesh_name}'
+ if self.include_viz:
+ symlink = f'init/{mesh_name}'
+ else:
+ symlink = None
+ if subdir in component.steps:
+ init_step = component.steps[subdir]
+ else:
+ init_step = Init(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir,
+ base_mesh=base_mesh_step, case_name=case_name)
+ init_step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(init_step, symlink=symlink)
+ analysis_dependencies['init'][resolution] = init_step
+ name = f'{prefix}_forward_{mesh_name}'
+ subdir = f'{sph_trans_dir}/forward/{mesh_name}'
+ if self.include_viz:
+ symlink = f'forward/{mesh_name}'
+ else:
+ symlink = None
+ if subdir in component.steps:
+ forward_step = component.steps[subdir]
+ else:
+ forward_step = Forward(component=component, name=name,
+ subdir=subdir, resolution=resolution,
+ base_mesh=base_mesh_step,
+ init=init_step,
+ case_name=case_name)
+ forward_step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(forward_step, symlink=symlink)
+ analysis_dependencies['forward'][resolution] = forward_step
+ if self.include_viz:
+ with_viz_dir = f'{sph_trans_dir}/with_viz'
+ name = f'{prefix}_map_{mesh_name}'
+ subdir = f'{with_viz_dir}/map/{mesh_name}'
+ viz_map = VizMap(component=component, name=name,
+ subdir=subdir, base_mesh=base_mesh_step,
+ mesh_name=mesh_name)
+ viz_map.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(viz_map)
+ name = f'{prefix}_viz_{mesh_name}'
+ subdir = f'{with_viz_dir}/viz/{mesh_name}'
+ step = Viz(component=component, name=name,
+ subdir=subdir, base_mesh=base_mesh_step,
+ init=init_step, forward=forward_step,
+ viz_map=viz_map, mesh_name=mesh_name)
+ step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(step)
+ subdir = f'{sph_trans_dir}/analysis'
+ if self.include_viz:
+ symlink = 'analysis'
+ else:
+ symlink = None
+ if subdir in component.steps:
+ step = component.steps[subdir]
+ step.resolutions = resolutions
+ step.dependencies_dict = analysis_dependencies
+ else:
+ step = Analysis(component=component, resolutions=resolutions,
+ subdir=subdir, case_name=case_name,
+ dependencies=analysis_dependencies)
+ step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(step, symlink=symlink)
+ if case_name == 'correlated_tracers_2d':
+ subdir = f'{sph_trans_dir}/mixing_analysis'
+ if self.include_viz:
+ symlink = 'mixing_analysis'
+ else:
+ symlink = None
+ if subdir in component.steps:
+ step = component.steps[subdir]
+ else:
+ step = MixingAnalysis(component=component,
+ resolutions=resolutions,
+ icosahedral=icosahedral, subdir=subdir,
+ case_name=case_name,
+ dependencies=analysis_dependencies)
+ step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(step, symlink=symlink)
+ if case_name == 'nondivergent_2d':
+ subdir = f'{sph_trans_dir}/filament_analysis'
+ if self.include_viz:
+ symlink = 'filament_analysis'
+ else:
+ symlink = None
+ if subdir in component.steps:
+ step = component.steps[subdir]
+ else:
+ step = FilamentAnalysis(component=component,
+ resolutions=resolutions,
+ icosahedral=icosahedral, subdir=subdir,
+ case_name=case_name,
+ dependencies=analysis_dependencies)
+ step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename)
+ self.add_step(step, symlink=symlink)
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/analysis.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..620a80651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+from polaris.ocean.convergence import ConvergenceAnalysis
+class Analysis(ConvergenceAnalysis):
+ """
+ A step for analyzing the output from sphere transport test cases
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ resolutions : list of float
+ The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
+ case_name : str
+ The name of the test case
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, resolutions, subdir, case_name,
+ dependencies):
+ """
+ Create the step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ resolutions : list of float
+ The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory that the step resides in
+ case_name: str
+ The name of the test case
+ dependencies : dict of dict of polaris.Steps
+ The dependencies of this step
+ """
+ self.case_name = case_name
+ convergence_vars = [{'name': 'tracer1',
+ 'title': 'tracer1',
+ 'zidx': 1},
+ {'name': 'tracer2',
+ 'title': 'tracer2',
+ 'zidx': 1},
+ {'name': 'tracer3',
+ 'title': 'tracer3',
+ 'zidx': 1}]
+ super().__init__(component=component, subdir=subdir,
+ resolutions=resolutions,
+ dependencies=dependencies,
+ convergence_vars=convergence_vars)
+ # Note: there is no need to overwrite the default method exact_solution
+ # which uses the initial condition
+ def convergence_parameters(self, field_name=None):
+ """
+ Get convergence parameters
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ field_name : str
+ The name of the variable of which we evaluate convergence
+ For cosine_bell, we use the same convergence rate for all fields
+ Returns
+ -------
+ conv_thresh: float
+ The minimum convergence rate
+ conv_thresh: float
+ The maximum convergence rate
+ """
+ config = self.config
+ section = config[self.case_name]
+ conv_thresh = section.getfloat(f'convergence_thresh_{field_name}')
+ section = config['convergence']
+ error_type = section.get('error_type')
+ return conv_thresh, error_type
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/correlated_tracers_2d.cfg b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/correlated_tracers_2d.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35679737a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/correlated_tracers_2d.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# options for correlated_tracers_2d test case
+# velocity amplitude in meters per second
+vel_amp = 10.
+# Quadratic coefficients for the correlated tracer function in decreasing
+# order of the terms
+correlation_coefficients = -0.8, 0.0, 0.9
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.5
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.3
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 1.0
+# time in days at which to evaluate mixing
+mixing_evaluation_time = 6.0
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/divergent_2d.cfg b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/divergent_2d.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e442e313a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/divergent_2d.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# options for divergent_2d test case
+# velocity amplitude in meters per second
+vel_amp = 5.
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.8
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.5
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 0.3
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/filament_analysis.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/filament_analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3f196439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/filament_analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import xarray as xr
+from polaris import Step
+from polaris.mpas import time_index_from_xtime
+from polaris.ocean.resolution import resolution_to_subdir
+from polaris.viz import use_mplstyle
+class FilamentAnalysis(Step):
+ """
+ A step for analyzing the output from sphere transport test cases
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ resolutions : list of float
+ The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
+ icosahedral : bool
+ Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW
+ meshes
+ case_name : str
+ The name of the test case
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, resolutions, icosahedral, subdir,
+ case_name, dependencies):
+ """
+ Create the step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ resolutions : list of float
+ The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
+ icosahedral : bool
+ Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW
+ meshes
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory that the step resides in
+ case_name: str
+ The name of the test case
+ dependencies : dict of dict of polaris.Steps
+ The dependencies of this step
+ """
+ super().__init__(component=component, name='filament_analysis',
+ subdir=subdir)
+ self.resolutions = resolutions
+ self.case_name = case_name
+ for resolution in resolutions:
+ mesh_name = resolution_to_subdir(resolution)
+ base_mesh = dependencies['mesh'][resolution]
+ init = dependencies['init'][resolution]
+ forward = dependencies['forward'][resolution]
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename=f'{mesh_name}_mesh.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/base_mesh.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename=f'{mesh_name}_init.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{init.path}/initial_state.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename=f'{mesh_name}_output.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{forward.path}/output.nc')
+ self.add_output_file('filament.png')
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run this step of the test case
+ """
+ plt.switch_backend('Agg')
+ resolutions = self.resolutions
+ config = self.config
+ section = config[self.case_name]
+ eval_time = section.getfloat('filament_evaluation_time')
+ s_per_day = 86400.0
+ zidx = 1
+ variable_name = 'tracer2'
+ num_tau = 21
+ filament_tau = np.linspace(0, 1, num_tau)
+ filament_norm = np.zeros((len(resolutions), num_tau))
+ use_mplstyle()
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ for i, resolution in enumerate(resolutions):
+ mesh_name = resolution_to_subdir(resolution)
+ ds = xr.open_dataset(f'{mesh_name}_output.nc')
+ tidx = time_index_from_xtime(ds.xtime.values,
+ eval_time * s_per_day)
+ tracer = ds[variable_name]
+ area_cell = ds["areaCell"]
+ for j, tau in enumerate(filament_tau):
+ cells_above_tau = tracer[tidx, :, zidx] >= tau
+ cells_above_tau0 = tracer[0, :, zidx] >= tau
+ if np.sum(cells_above_tau0 * area_cell) == 0.:
+ filament_norm[i, j] = np.nan
+ else:
+ filament_norm[i, j] = np.divide(
+ np.sum(area_cell * cells_above_tau),
+ np.sum(cells_above_tau0 * area_cell))
+ plt.plot(filament_tau, filament_norm[i, :], '.-', label=mesh_name)
+ plt.plot([filament_tau[0], filament_tau[-1]], [1., 1.], 'k--')
+ ax.set_xlim([filament_tau[0], filament_tau[-1]])
+ ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$')
+ ax.set_ylabel(r'$l_f$')
+ plt.title(f'Filament preservation diagnostic for {variable_name}')
+ plt.legend()
+ fig.savefig('filament.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+ res_array = np.array(resolutions, dtype=float)
+ data = np.column_stack((res_array, filament_norm))
+ col_headers = ['resolution']
+ for tau in filament_tau:
+ col_headers.append(f'{tau:g}')
+ df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_headers)
+ df.to_csv('filament.csv', index=False)
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/forward.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/forward.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98007a458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/forward.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical import SphericalConvergenceForward
+class Forward(SphericalConvergenceForward):
+ """
+ A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of the sphere
+ transport test case
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, name, subdir, resolution, base_mesh, init,
+ case_name):
+ """
+ Create a new step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ name : str
+ The name of the step
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory for the step
+ resolution : float
+ The resolution of the (uniform) mesh in km
+ base_mesh : polaris.Step
+ The base mesh step
+ init : polaris.Step
+ The init step
+ case_name: str
+ The name of the test case
+ """
+ package = 'polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport'
+ flow_id = {'rotation_2d': 1,
+ 'nondivergent_2d': 2,
+ 'divergent_2d': 3,
+ 'correlated_tracers_2d': 4}
+ namelist_options = dict(
+ config_transport_tests_flow_id=flow_id[case_name])
+ validate_vars = ['normalVelocity', 'tracer1', 'tracer2', 'tracer3']
+ super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir,
+ resolution=resolution, mesh=base_mesh,
+ init=init, package=package,
+ yaml_filename='forward.yaml',
+ output_filename='output.nc',
+ validate_vars=validate_vars,
+ options=namelist_options)
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/forward.yaml b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/forward.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c870f49aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/forward.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ run_modes:
+ config_ocean_run_mode: forward
+ time_management:
+ config_run_duration: {{ run_duration }}
+ decomposition:
+ config_block_decomp_file_prefix: graph.info.part.
+ advection:
+ config_vert_coord_movement: impermeable_interfaces
+ time_integration:
+ config_dt: {{ dt }}
+ config_time_integrator: {{ time_integrator }}
+ debug:
+ config_disable_thick_sflux: true
+ config_disable_vel_all_tend: true
+ config_disable_vel_coriolis: true
+ config_disable_vel_pgrad: true
+ config_disable_vel_hmix: true
+ config_disable_vel_surface_stress: true
+ config_disable_vel_explicit_bottom_drag: true
+ config_disable_vel_vmix: true
+ config_disable_vel_vadv: true
+ config_disable_tr_hmix: true
+ config_disable_tr_vmix: true
+ config_disable_tr_sflux: true
+ config_disable_tr_nonlocalflux: true
+ config_check_ssh_consistency: false
+ cvmix:
+ config_use_cvmix: false
+ eos:
+ config_eos_type: linear
+ tracer_forcing_debugTracers:
+ config_use_debugTracers: true
+ streams:
+ mesh:
+ filename_template: init.nc
+ input:
+ filename_template: init.nc
+ restart:
+ output_interval: 0030_00:00:00
+ output:
+ type: output
+ filename_template: output.nc
+ output_interval: {{ output_interval }}
+ clobber_mode: truncate
+ reference_time: 0001-01-01_00:00:00
+ contents:
+ - tracers
+ - mesh
+ - xtime
+ - normalVelocity
+ - layerThickness
+ - refZMid
+ - refLayerThickness
+ - kineticEnergyCell
+ - relativeVorticityCell
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/init.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/init.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..815921f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/init.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+import numpy as np
+import xarray as xr
+from mpas_tools.io import write_netcdf
+from polaris import Step
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.resources.flow_types import (
+ flow_divergent,
+ flow_nondivergent,
+ flow_rotation,
+from polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.resources.tracer_distributions import ( # noqa: E501
+ correlation_fn,
+ cosine_bells,
+ slotted_cylinders,
+ xyztrig,
+from polaris.ocean.vertical import init_vertical_coord
+class Init(Step):
+ """
+ A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, name, subdir, base_mesh, case_name):
+ """
+ Create the step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ name : str
+ The name of the step
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory for the step
+ base_mesh : polaris.Step
+ The base mesh step
+ case_name: str
+ The name of the test case
+ """
+ super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir)
+ self.case_name = case_name
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename='mesh.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/base_mesh.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename='graph.info',
+ work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/graph.info')
+ self.add_output_file(filename='initial_state.nc')
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run this step of the task
+ """
+ config = self.config
+ case_name = self.case_name
+ section = config['sphere_transport']
+ temperature = section.getfloat('temperature')
+ salinity = section.getfloat('salinity')
+ vel_pd = section.getfloat('vel_pd')
+ section = config['vertical_grid']
+ bottom_depth = section.getfloat('bottom_depth')
+ ds_mesh = xr.open_dataset('mesh.nc')
+ angleEdge = ds_mesh.angleEdge
+ latCell = ds_mesh.latCell
+ latEdge = ds_mesh.latEdge
+ lonCell = ds_mesh.lonCell
+ lonEdge = ds_mesh.lonEdge
+ sphere_radius = ds_mesh.sphere_radius
+ ds = ds_mesh.copy()
+ ds['bottomDepth'] = bottom_depth * xr.ones_like(latCell)
+ ds['ssh'] = xr.zeros_like(latCell)
+ init_vertical_coord(config, ds)
+ temperature_array = temperature * xr.ones_like(latCell)
+ temperature_array, _ = xr.broadcast(temperature_array, ds.refZMid)
+ ds['temperature'] = temperature_array.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)
+ ds['salinity'] = salinity * xr.ones_like(ds.temperature)
+ # tracer1
+ tracer1 = xyztrig(lonCell, latCell, sphere_radius)
+ # tracer2
+ section = config['sphere_transport']
+ radius = section.getfloat('cosine_bells_radius')
+ background_value = section.getfloat('cosine_bells_background')
+ amplitude = section.getfloat('cosine_bells_amplitude')
+ tracer2 = cosine_bells(lonCell, latCell, radius, background_value,
+ amplitude, sphere_radius)
+ # tracer3
+ if case_name == 'correlated_tracers_2d':
+ coeff = config.getlist(case_name, 'correlation_coefficients',
+ dtype=float)
+ tracer3 = correlation_fn(tracer2, coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2])
+ else:
+ section = config['sphere_transport']
+ radius = section.getfloat('slotted_cylinders_radius')
+ background_value = section.getfloat('slotted_cylinders_background')
+ amplitude = section.getfloat('slotted_cylinders_amplitude')
+ tracer3 = slotted_cylinders(lonCell, latCell, radius,
+ background_value, amplitude,
+ sphere_radius)
+ _, tracer1_array = np.meshgrid(ds.refZMid.values, tracer1)
+ _, tracer2_array = np.meshgrid(ds.refZMid.values, tracer2)
+ _, tracer3_array = np.meshgrid(ds.refZMid.values, tracer3)
+ ds['tracer1'] = (('nCells', 'nVertLevels',), tracer1_array)
+ ds['tracer1'] = ds.tracer1.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)
+ ds['tracer2'] = (('nCells', 'nVertLevels',), tracer2_array)
+ ds['tracer2'] = ds.tracer2.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)
+ ds['tracer3'] = (('nCells', 'nVertLevels',), tracer3_array)
+ ds['tracer3'] = ds.tracer3.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)
+ # Initialize velocity
+ s_per_hour = 3600.
+ if case_name == 'rotation_2d':
+ rotation_vector = config.getlist(case_name, 'rotation_vector',
+ dtype=float)
+ vector = np.array(rotation_vector)
+ u, v = flow_rotation(lonEdge, latEdge, vector,
+ vel_pd * s_per_hour, sphere_radius)
+ elif case_name == 'divergent_2d':
+ section = config[case_name]
+ vel_amp = section.getfloat('vel_amp')
+ u, v = flow_divergent(0., lonEdge, latEdge,
+ vel_amp, vel_pd * s_per_hour)
+ elif (case_name == 'nondivergent_2d' or
+ case_name == 'correlated_tracers_2d'):
+ section = config[case_name]
+ vel_amp = section.getfloat('vel_amp')
+ u, v = flow_nondivergent(0., lonEdge, latEdge,
+ vel_amp, vel_pd * s_per_hour)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unexpected test case name {case_name}')
+ normalVelocity = sphere_radius * (u * np.cos(angleEdge) +
+ v * np.sin(angleEdge))
+ normalVelocity, _ = xr.broadcast(normalVelocity, ds.refZMid)
+ ds['normalVelocity'] = normalVelocity.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)
+ ds['fCell'] = xr.zeros_like(ds_mesh.xCell)
+ ds['fEdge'] = xr.zeros_like(ds_mesh.xEdge)
+ ds['fVertex'] = xr.zeros_like(ds_mesh.xVertex)
+ write_netcdf(ds, 'initial_state.nc')
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/mixing_analysis.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/mixing_analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..750518a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/mixing_analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from math import ceil
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import xarray as xr
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from polaris import Step
+from polaris.mpas import time_index_from_xtime
+from polaris.ocean.resolution import resolution_to_subdir
+from polaris.viz import use_mplstyle
+class MixingAnalysis(Step):
+ """
+ A step for analyzing the output from sphere transport test cases
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ resolutions : list of float
+ The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
+ icosahedral : bool
+ Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW
+ meshes
+ case_name : str
+ The name of the test case
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, resolutions, icosahedral, subdir,
+ case_name, dependencies):
+ """
+ Create the step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ resolutions : list of float
+ The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
+ icosahedral : bool
+ Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW
+ meshes
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory that the step resides in
+ case_name: str
+ The name of the test case
+ dependencies : dict of dict of polaris.Steps
+ The dependencies of this step
+ """
+ super().__init__(component=component, name='mixing_analysis',
+ subdir=subdir)
+ self.resolutions = resolutions
+ self.case_name = case_name
+ for resolution in resolutions:
+ mesh_name = resolution_to_subdir(resolution)
+ base_mesh = dependencies['mesh'][resolution]
+ init = dependencies['init'][resolution]
+ forward = dependencies['forward'][resolution]
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename=f'{mesh_name}_mesh.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/base_mesh.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename=f'{mesh_name}_init.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{init.path}/initial_state.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename=f'{mesh_name}_output.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{forward.path}/output.nc')
+ self.add_output_file('triplots.png')
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run this step of the test case
+ """
+ plt.switch_backend('Agg')
+ resolutions = self.resolutions
+ config = self.config
+ section = config[self.case_name]
+ eval_time = section.getfloat('mixing_evaluation_time')
+ s_per_day = 86400.0
+ zidx = 1
+ nrows = int(ceil(len(resolutions) / 2))
+ use_mplstyle()
+ fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=2, sharex=True,
+ sharey=True, figsize=(5.5, 7))
+ for i, resolution in enumerate(resolutions):
+ ax = axes[int(i / 2), i % 2]
+ _init_triplot_axes(ax)
+ mesh_name = resolution_to_subdir(resolution)
+ ax.set(title=mesh_name)
+ ds = xr.open_dataset(f'{mesh_name}_output.nc')
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ ax.set_ylabel("tracer3")
+ if int(i / 2) == nrows - 1:
+ ax.set_xlabel("tracer2")
+ tidx = time_index_from_xtime(ds.xtime.values,
+ eval_time * s_per_day)
+ ds = ds.isel(Time=tidx)
+ ds = ds.isel(nVertLevels=zidx)
+ tracer2 = ds["tracer2"].values
+ tracer3 = ds["tracer3"].values
+ ax.plot(tracer2, tracer3, '.', markersize=1)
+ ax.set_aspect('equal')
+ if i % 2 < 1:
+ ax = axes[int(i / 2), 1]
+ ax.set_axis_off()
+ plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1)
+ fig.suptitle('Correlated tracers 2-d')
+ fig.savefig('triplots.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+def _init_triplot_axes(ax):
+ lw = 0.4
+ topline = Line2D([0.1, 1.0], [0.9, 0.9], color='k',
+ linestyle='-', linewidth=lw)
+ midline = Line2D([0.1, 1.0], [0.9, 0.1], color='k',
+ linestyle='-', linewidth=lw)
+ rightline = Line2D([1, 1], [0.1, 0.9], color='k',
+ linestyle='-', linewidth=lw)
+ leftline = Line2D([0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.9], color='k',
+ linestyle='-', linewidth=lw)
+ botline = Line2D([0.1, 1.0], [0.1, 0.1], color='k',
+ linestyle='-', linewidth=lw)
+ crvx = np.linspace(0.1, 1)
+ crvy = -0.8 * np.square(crvx) + 0.9
+ ticks = np.array(range(6)) / 5
+ ax.plot(crvx, crvy, 'k-', linewidth=1.25 * lw)
+ ax.set_xticks(ticks)
+ ax.set_yticks(ticks)
+ ax.add_artist(topline)
+ ax.add_artist(midline)
+ ax.add_artist(botline)
+ ax.add_artist(rightline)
+ ax.add_artist(leftline)
+ ax.set_xlim([0, 1.1])
+ ax.set_ylim([0, 1.0])
+ ax.text(0.98, 0.87, 'Range-preserving\n unmixing', fontsize=8,
+ horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
+ ax.text(0.12, 0.12, 'Range-preserving\n unmixing', fontsize=8,
+ horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom')
+ ax.text(0.5, 0.27, 'Real mixing', rotation=-40., fontsize=8)
+ ax.text(0.02, 0.1, 'Overshooting', rotation=90., fontsize=8)
+ ax.grid(color='lightgray')
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/nondivergent_2d.cfg b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/nondivergent_2d.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d78be5b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/nondivergent_2d.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# options for nondivergent_2d test case
+# velocity amplitude in meters per second
+vel_amp = 10.
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.5
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 1.1
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 0.3
+# time in days at which to evaluate filament preservation
+filament_evaluation_time = 6.0
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/__init__.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/flow_types.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/flow_types.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78a9adf95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/flow_types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import numpy as np
+from mpas_tools.transects import lon_lat_to_cartesian
+from numpy import cos, pi, sin
+def flow_nondivergent(t, lon, lat, u_0, tau):
+ """
+ Compute a nondivergent velocity field
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ t : np.ndarray of type float
+ times in seconds at which to compute the velocity field
+ lon : np.ndarray of type float
+ longitude
+ lat : np.ndarray of type float
+ latitude
+ u_0 : float
+ velocity amplitude in meters per second
+ tau : float
+ time in seconds for the flow to circumnavigate the sphere
+ Returns
+ -------
+ u : np.ndarray of type float
+ zonal velocity
+ v : np.ndarray of type float
+ meridional velocity
+ """
+ lon_p = lon - 2. * pi * t / tau
+ coslat = cos(lat)
+ cost = cos(pi * t / tau)
+ u = (1 / tau) * (u_0 * (sin(lon_p)**2) * sin(2 * lat) * cost +
+ 2. * pi * coslat)
+ v = (u_0 / tau) * sin(2 * lon_p) * coslat * cost
+ return u, v
+def flow_divergent(t, lon, lat, u_0, tau):
+ """
+ Compute a nondivergent velocity field
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ t : np.ndarray of type float
+ times in seconds at which to compute the velocity field
+ lon : np.ndarray of type float
+ longitude
+ lat : np.ndarray of type float
+ latitude
+ u_0 : float
+ velocity amplitude in meters per second
+ tau : float
+ time in seconds for the flow to circumnavigate the sphere
+ Returns
+ -------
+ u : np.ndarray of type float
+ zonal velocity
+ v : np.ndarray of type float
+ meridional velocity
+ """
+ lon_p = lon - 2. * pi * t / tau
+ coslat = cos(lat)
+ cost = cos(pi * t / tau)
+ u = (1 / tau) * (-u_0 * (sin(lon_p / 2)**2) * sin(2 * lat) *
+ (coslat**2) * cost + 2. * pi * coslat)
+ v = (u_0 / (2 * tau)) * sin(lon_p) * (coslat**3) * cost
+ return u, v
+def flow_rotation(lon, lat, omega, tau, sphere_radius):
+ """
+ Compute a nondivergent velocity field
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lon : np.ndarray of type float
+ longitude
+ lat : np.ndarray of type float
+ latitude
+ omega : np.ndarray of type float
+ vector defining the axis of rotation of the flow in cartesian
+ coordinates
+ tau : float
+ time in seconds for the flow to circumnavigate the sphere
+ sphere_radius : float
+ radius of the sphere
+ Returns
+ -------
+ u : np.ndarray of type float
+ zonal velocity
+ v : np.ndarray of type float
+ meridional velocity
+ """
+ omega = (2. * pi / tau) * (omega / np.linalg.norm(omega))
+ x, y, z = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ xyz = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=1)
+ vel = np.cross(omega, np.divide(np.transpose(xyz), sphere_radius), axis=0)
+ east, north = calc_local_east_north(x, y, z)
+ u = np.sum(vel * east, axis=0)
+ v = np.sum(vel * north, axis=0)
+ return u, v
+def calc_local_east_north(x, y, z):
+ axis = [0, 0, 1]
+ xyz = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=1)
+ east = np.cross(axis, np.transpose(xyz), axis=0)
+ north = np.cross(np.transpose(xyz), east, axis=0)
+ east = east / np.linalg.norm(east, axis=0)
+ north = north / np.linalg.norm(north, axis=0)
+ return east, north
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/tracer_distributions.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/tracer_distributions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6eef52e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/tracer_distributions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+import numpy as np
+from mpas_tools.transects import lon_lat_to_cartesian
+from mpas_tools.vector import Vector
+def slotted_cylinders(lon, lat, r, b, c, sphere_radius):
+ """
+ Compute two slotted cylinders on the sphere
+ Lauritzen et al. 2012 eqn. (12)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lon : np.ndarray of type float
+ longitude of cells on the sphere
+ lat : np.ndarray of type float
+ latitude of cells on the sphere
+ r : float
+ radius of each slotted cylinder
+ b : float
+ background value of the tracer
+ c : float
+ value of each slotted cylinder
+ sphere_radius : float
+ radius of the sphere
+ Returns
+ -------
+ scs : np.ndarray
+ slotted cylinder tracer values
+ """
+ lon_thr = 1 / (6 * 2)
+ lat_thr = 5 / (12 * 2)
+ lon1 = 5 * (np.pi / 6)
+ lat1 = 0
+ lon2 = -5 * (np.pi / 6)
+ lat2 = 0
+ lon0 = np.where(lon > np.pi,
+ lon - 2 * np.pi,
+ lon)
+ x, y, z = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ x1, y1, z1 = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon1, lat1, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ x2, y2, z2 = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon2, lat2, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ xyz = Vector(x, y, z)
+ xyz1 = Vector(x1, y1, z1)
+ xyz2 = Vector(x2, y2, z2)
+ r1 = xyz.angular_distance(xyz1)
+ r2 = xyz.angular_distance(xyz2)
+ scs = np.where(r1 <= r,
+ np.where(np.logical_or((abs(lon0 - lon1) >= lon_thr),
+ np.logical_and(
+ abs(lon0 - lon1) < lon_thr,
+ lat - lat1 < -lat_thr)),
+ c,
+ b),
+ np.where(np.logical_and(r2 <= r,
+ np.logical_or(
+ (abs(lon0 - lon2) >= lon_thr),
+ np.logical_and(
+ abs(lon0 - lon2) < lon_thr,
+ lat - lat2 > lat_thr))),
+ c,
+ b))
+ return scs
+def cosine_bells(lon, lat, r, b, c, sphere_radius):
+ """
+ Compute two cosine bells on the sphere
+ Lauritzen et al. 2012 eqn. (11)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lon : np.ndarray of type float
+ longitude of cells on the sphere
+ lat : np.ndarray of type float
+ latitude of cells on the sphere
+ r : float
+ radius of each cosine bell
+ b : float
+ background value of the tracer
+ c : float
+ maximum value of each cosine bell
+ sphere_radius : float
+ radius of the sphere
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cbs : np.ndarray
+ cosine bell tracer values
+ """
+ # Location of the center of the first cosine bell
+ lon1 = 5 * (np.pi / 6)
+ lat1 = 0
+ # Location of the center of the second cosine bell
+ lon2 = -5 * (np.pi / 6)
+ lat2 = 0
+ x, y, z = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ x1, y1, z1 = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon1, lat1, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ x2, y2, z2 = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon2, lat2, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ xyz = Vector(x, y, z)
+ xyz1 = Vector(x1, y1, z1)
+ xyz2 = Vector(x2, y2, z2)
+ # Distance of each cell from the center of the first cosine bell
+ r1 = xyz.angular_distance(xyz1)
+ # Distance of each cell from the center of the second cosine bell
+ r2 = xyz.angular_distance(xyz2)
+ cbs = np.where(r1 < r,
+ cosine_bell(1.0, r1, r),
+ np.where(r2 < r,
+ cosine_bell(1.0, r2, r),
+ 0.))
+ return b + c * cbs
+def xyztrig(lon, lat, sphere_radius):
+ """
+ Compute C-infinity tracer (not included in Lauritzen et al. 2012)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lon : np.ndarray of type float
+ longitude of cells on the sphere
+ lat : np.ndarray of type float
+ latitude of cells on the sphere
+ r : float
+ radius of each cosine bell
+ b : float
+ background value of the tracer
+ c : float
+ maximum value of each cosine bell
+ sphere_radius : float
+ radius of the sphere
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f : np.ndarray
+ C-infinity tracer values
+ """
+ x, y, z = lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat, sphere_radius, degrees=False)
+ x = np.divide(x, sphere_radius)
+ y = np.divide(y, sphere_radius)
+ z = np.divide(z, sphere_radius)
+ f = 0.5 * (1 + np.sin(np.pi * x) * np.sin(np.pi * y) * np.sin(np.pi * z))
+ return f
+def cosine_bell(max_value, ri, r):
+ """
+ Compute values according to cosine bell function
+ Lauritzen et al. 2012 eqn. (10)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ max_value : float
+ Maximum value of the cosine bell function
+ ri : np.ndarray of type float
+ Distance from the center of the cosine bell in meters
+ r : float
+ Radius of the cosine bell in meters
+ Returns
+ -------
+ f : np.ndarray of type float
+ Cosine bell tracer values
+ """
+ return max_value / 2.0 * (1.0 + np.cos(np.pi * np.divide(ri, r)))
+def correlation_fn(q1, a, b, c):
+ """
+ Compute a quadratic function for nonlinear tracer correlation following
+ Lauritzen et al. 2012 eqns. (14) and (15)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ q1 : np.ndarray
+ tracer values
+ a : float
+ quadratic coefficient
+ b : float
+ linear coefficient
+ c : float
+ offset
+ Returns
+ -------
+ q2 : np.ndarray
+ correlated tracer values
+ """
+ return a * q1**2. + b * q1 + c
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/wh-bl-gr-ye-re.rgb b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/wh-bl-gr-ye-re.rgb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3d0950a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/resources/wh-bl-gr-ye-re.rgb
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ncolors= 199
+# r g b
+ 255 255 255
+ 250 250 255
+ 245 245 255
+ 240 240 255
+ 235 235 255
+ 230 230 255
+ 224 224 255
+ 219 219 255
+ 214 214 255
+ 209 209 255
+ 204 204 255
+ 199 199 255
+ 194 194 255
+ 189 189 255
+ 184 184 255
+ 179 179 255
+ 173 173 255
+ 168 168 255
+ 163 163 255
+ 158 158 255
+ 153 153 255
+ 148 148 255
+ 143 143 255
+ 138 138 255
+ 133 133 255
+ 128 128 255
+ 122 122 255
+ 117 117 255
+ 112 112 255
+ 107 107 255
+ 102 102 255
+ 97 97 255
+ 92 92 255
+ 87 87 255
+ 82 82 255
+ 77 77 255
+ 71 71 255
+ 66 66 255
+ 61 61 255
+ 56 56 255
+ 51 51 255
+ 46 46 255
+ 41 41 255
+ 36 36 255
+ 31 31 255
+ 26 26 255
+ 20 20 255
+ 15 15 255
+ 10 10 255
+ 5 5 255
+ 0 0 255
+ 0 4 250
+ 0 7 245
+ 0 11 240
+ 1 15 235
+ 1 18 231
+ 1 22 226
+ 1 26 221
+ 1 29 216
+ 1 33 211
+ 2 37 206
+ 2 40 201
+ 2 44 196
+ 2 47 191
+ 2 51 186
+ 2 55 182
+ 3 58 177
+ 3 62 172
+ 3 66 167
+ 3 69 162
+ 3 73 157
+ 3 77 152
+ 4 80 147
+ 4 84 142
+ 4 88 137
+ 4 91 133
+ 4 95 128
+ 4 99 123
+ 5 102 118
+ 5 106 113
+ 5 110 108
+ 5 113 103
+ 5 117 98
+ 5 121 93
+ 6 124 88
+ 6 128 84
+ 6 132 79
+ 6 135 74
+ 6 139 69
+ 6 142 64
+ 7 146 59
+ 7 150 54
+ 7 153 49
+ 7 157 44
+ 7 161 39
+ 7 164 35
+ 8 168 30
+ 8 172 25
+ 8 175 20
+ 8 179 15
+ 13 181 15
+ 18 182 14
+ 23 184 14
+ 28 185 14
+ 33 187 14
+ 38 188 13
+ 43 190 13
+ 48 191 13
+ 52 193 12
+ 57 194 12
+ 62 196 12
+ 67 197 11
+ 72 199 11
+ 77 200 11
+ 82 202 11
+ 87 203 10
+ 92 205 10
+ 97 206 10
+ 102 208 9
+ 107 209 9
+ 112 211 9
+ 117 212 8
+ 122 214 8
+ 127 215 8
+ 132 217 8
+ 136 219 7
+ 141 220 7
+ 146 222 7
+ 151 223 6
+ 156 225 6
+ 161 226 6
+ 166 228 5
+ 171 229 5
+ 176 231 5
+ 181 232 5
+ 186 234 4
+ 191 235 4
+ 196 237 4
+ 201 238 3
+ 206 240 3
+ 211 241 3
+ 215 243 2
+ 220 244 2
+ 225 246 2
+ 230 247 2
+ 235 249 1
+ 240 250 1
+ 245 252 1
+ 250 253 0
+ 255 255 0
+ 255 250 0
+ 255 245 0
+ 255 239 0
+ 255 234 0
+ 255 229 0
+ 255 224 0
+ 255 219 0
+ 255 213 0
+ 255 208 0
+ 255 203 0
+ 255 198 0
+ 255 193 0
+ 255 187 0
+ 255 182 0
+ 255 177 0
+ 255 172 0
+ 255 167 0
+ 255 161 0
+ 255 156 0
+ 255 151 0
+ 255 146 0
+ 255 141 0
+ 255 135 0
+ 255 130 0
+ 255 125 0
+ 255 120 0
+ 255 114 0
+ 255 109 0
+ 255 104 0
+ 255 99 0
+ 255 94 0
+ 255 88 0
+ 255 83 0
+ 255 78 0
+ 255 73 0
+ 255 68 0
+ 255 62 0
+ 255 57 0
+ 255 52 0
+ 255 47 0
+ 255 42 0
+ 255 36 0
+ 255 31 0
+ 255 26 0
+ 255 21 0
+ 255 16 0
+ 255 10 0
+ 255 5 0
+ 255 0 0
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/rotation_2d.cfg b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/rotation_2d.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..075270de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/rotation_2d.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# options for rotation_2d test case
+# rotation vector in cartesian coordinates
+rotation_vector = 0.2, 0.7, 1.0
+# convergence threshold below which the test fails
+convergence_thresh_tracer1 = 1.8
+convergence_thresh_tracer2 = 2.0
+convergence_thresh_tracer3 = 0.4
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/sphere_transport.cfg b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/sphere_transport.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30b425993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/sphere_transport.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Options related to the vertical grid
+# the type of vertical grid
+grid_type = uniform
+# Number of vertical levels
+vert_levels = 3
+# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
+bottom_depth = 300.0
+# The type of vertical coordinate (e.g. z-level, z-star)
+coord_type = z-level
+# Whether to use "partial" or "full", or "None" to not alter the topography
+partial_cell_type = None
+# The minimum fraction of a layer for partial cells
+min_pc_fraction = 0.1
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# Evaluation time for convergence analysis (in hours)
+convergence_eval_time = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Error type
+error_type = l2
+# config options for spherical convergence tests
+# time integrator: {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
+time_integrator = RK4
+# RK4 time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
+rk4_dt_per_km = 8.0
+# Run duration in hours
+run_duration = ${sphere_transport:vel_pd}
+# Output interval in hours
+output_interval = 24.0
+# options for all sphere transport test cases
+# temperature
+temperature = 15.
+# salinity
+salinity = 35.
+# time (hours) for bell to transit equator once
+vel_pd = 288.0
+# radius of cosine bells tracer distributions
+cosine_bells_radius = 0.5
+# background value of cosine bells tracer distribution
+cosine_bells_background = 0.1
+# amplitude of cosine bells tracer distribution
+cosine_bells_amplitude = 0.9
+# radius of slotted cylinders tracer distributions
+slotted_cylinders_radius = 0.5
+# background value of slotted cylinders tracer distribution
+slotted_cylinders_background = 0.1
+# amplitude of slotted cylinders tracer distribution
+slotted_cylinders_amplitude = 1.0
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# visualization latitude and longitude resolution
+dlon = 0.5
+dlat = 0.5
+# remapping method ('bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve')
+remap_method = conserve
+# options for tracer visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 0., 'vmax': 1.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
+# options for thickness visualization for the sphere transport test case
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = viridis
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': 99., 'vmax': 101.}
+# We could provide colorbar tick marks but we'll leave the defaults
+# colorbar_ticks = np.linspace(0., 1., 9)
+# options for plotting tracer differences from sphere transport tests
+# colormap options
+# colormap
+colormap_name = cmo.balance
+# the type of norm used in the colormap
+norm_type = linear
+# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
+norm_args = {'vmin': -0.25, 'vmax': 0.25}
diff --git a/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/viz.py b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/viz.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03dee7b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polaris/ocean/tasks/sphere_transport/viz.py
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+import cmocean # noqa: F401
+import xarray as xr
+from polaris import Step
+from polaris.mpas import time_index_from_xtime
+from polaris.remap import MappingFileStep
+from polaris.viz import plot_global_field
+class VizMap(MappingFileStep):
+ """
+ A step for making a mapping file for cosine bell viz
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ mesh_name : str
+ The name of the mesh
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, name, subdir, base_mesh, mesh_name):
+ """
+ Create the step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ name : str
+ The name of the step
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory for the step
+ base_mesh : polaris.Step
+ The base mesh step
+ mesh_name : str
+ The name of the mesh
+ """
+ super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir,
+ ntasks=128, min_tasks=1)
+ self.mesh_name = mesh_name
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename='mesh.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/base_mesh.nc')
+ def runtime_setup(self):
+ """
+ Set up the source and destination grids for this step
+ """
+ config = self.config
+ section = config['sphere_transport_viz']
+ dlon = section.getfloat('dlon')
+ dlat = section.getfloat('dlat')
+ method = section.get('remap_method')
+ self.src_from_mpas(filename='mesh.nc', mesh_name=self.mesh_name)
+ self.dst_global_lon_lat(dlon=dlon, dlat=dlat, lon_min=0.)
+ self.method = method
+ super().runtime_setup()
+class Viz(Step):
+ """
+ A step for plotting fields from the cosine bell output
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ mesh_name : str
+ The name of the mesh
+ """
+ def __init__(self, component, name, subdir, base_mesh, init, forward,
+ viz_map, mesh_name):
+ """
+ Create the step
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ component : polaris.Component
+ The component the step belongs to
+ name : str
+ The name of the step
+ subdir : str
+ The subdirectory in the test case's work directory for the step
+ base_mesh : polaris.Step
+ The base mesh step
+ init : polaris.Step
+ The init step
+ forward : polaris.Step
+ The init step
+ viz_map : polaris.ocean.tasks.sphere_transport.viz.VizMap
+ The step for creating a mapping files, also used to remap data
+ from the MPAS mesh to a lon-lat grid
+ mesh_name : str
+ The name of the mesh
+ """
+ super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir)
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename='mesh.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/base_mesh.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename='initial_state.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{init.path}/initial_state.nc')
+ self.add_input_file(
+ filename='output.nc',
+ work_dir_target=f'{forward.path}/output.nc')
+ self.add_dependency(viz_map, name='viz_map')
+ self.mesh_name = mesh_name
+ variables_to_plot = dict({'tracer1': 'tracer',
+ 'tracer2': 'tracer',
+ 'tracer3': 'tracer',
+ 'layerThickness': 'h'})
+ self.variables_to_plot = variables_to_plot
+ for var in variables_to_plot.keys():
+ self.add_output_file(f'{var}_init.png')
+ self.add_output_file(f'{var}_final.png')
+ self.add_output_file(f'{var}_diff.png')
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run this step of the test case
+ """
+ config = self.config
+ mesh_name = self.mesh_name
+ run_duration = config.getfloat('convergence_forward',
+ 'run_duration')
+ viz_map = self.dependencies['viz_map']
+ remapper = viz_map.get_remapper()
+ variables_to_plot = self.variables_to_plot
+ ds_init = xr.open_dataset('initial_state.nc')
+ ds_init = ds_init[variables_to_plot.keys()].isel(Time=0, nVertLevels=0)
+ ds_init = remapper.remap(ds_init)
+ ds_init.to_netcdf('remapped_init.nc')
+ ds_out = xr.open_dataset('output.nc')
+ s_per_hour = 3600.0
+ # Visualization at halfway around the globe (provided run duration is
+ # set to the time needed to circumnavigate the globe)
+ tidx = time_index_from_xtime(ds_out.xtime.values,
+ run_duration * s_per_hour / 2.)
+ ds_mid = ds_out[variables_to_plot.keys()].isel(Time=tidx,
+ nVertLevels=0)
+ ds_mid = remapper.remap(ds_mid)
+ ds_mid.to_netcdf('remapped_mid.nc')
+ # Visualization at all the way around the globe
+ tidx = time_index_from_xtime(ds_out.xtime.values,
+ run_duration * s_per_hour)
+ ds_final = ds_out[variables_to_plot.keys()].isel(Time=tidx,
+ nVertLevels=0)
+ ds_final = remapper.remap(ds_final)
+ ds_final.to_netcdf('remapped_final.nc')
+ for var, section_name in variables_to_plot.items():
+ colormap_section = f'sphere_transport_viz_{section_name}'
+ plot_global_field(ds_init.lon.values, ds_init.lat.values,
+ ds_init[var].values,
+ out_filename=f'{var}_init.png', config=config,
+ colormap_section=colormap_section,
+ title=f'{mesh_name} {var} at init',
+ plot_land=False)
+ plot_global_field(ds_init.lon.values, ds_init.lat.values,
+ ds_mid[var].values,
+ out_filename=f'{var}_mid.png', config=config,
+ colormap_section=colormap_section,
+ title=f'{mesh_name} {var} after '
+ f'{run_duration / 48.:g} days',
+ plot_land=False)
+ plot_global_field(ds_init.lon.values, ds_init.lat.values,
+ ds_final[var].values,
+ out_filename=f'{var}_final.png', config=config,
+ colormap_section=colormap_section,
+ title=f'{mesh_name} {var} after '
+ f'{run_duration / 24.:g} days', plot_land=False)
+ plot_global_field(ds_init.lon.values, ds_init.lat.values,
+ ds_final[var].values - ds_init[var].values,
+ out_filename=f'{var}_diff.png', config=config,
+ colormap_section=f'{colormap_section}_diff',
+ title=f'Difference in {mesh_name} {var} from '
+ f'initial condition after {run_duration / 24.:g}'
+ ' days', plot_land=False)