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A web application inspired by darts, but that can be used to track any game score.

Have you ever played darts with your friends (or any other game), without having the tool to track your scores? Did you find yourself trying to keep track of the score in the retro of an old receipt or on the "Notes" application of your phone?

Score TRACKER is the solution.

A simple and intiuitive design, easy to use for your games.

The main feature available in this score tracker is the "Darts" mode, which allows you to show the leaderboard from the lower to the higher score, in accordance with games such as darts, where the lower score wins.

Responsive Mockup

See deployed website

Table of content

Design and User Experience


The design is based on the "Darts" game, which inspired this webpage.

  • Color scheme inspiration: Darts
  • Primary Color:

Primary color

  • Secondary Color:

Secondary color

  • Dark Color:

Dark color

  • Neutral Color:

Neutral color

User Stories

  • As website owner I want:

    • To have an engaging design to catch the users attention.
    • That the website is accessible for all users.
  • As a user I want:

    • To easily understand the purpose of the website.
    • To have a clear navigation.
    • That the design is responsive for mobile, so that I can have it always with me when I go out playing.
    • To easily add or remove points with one click.
    • To have a leaderboard where I can see the winner and ranking.
    • To be able to restart the game without having to re-enter all the players name.



Mobile Wireframes


Desktop Wireframes


Landing page

The landing page is designed to fit in all mobile screens.

Mobile landing page

  • New game

There are two game modes, and the player can easily switch between the two when starting the game, and decide which mode suits better.

- Darts Mode enabled: 
  - The goal is to reach 0 poins, and the user should select an initial score higher than zero. 
  - This is usually set to 501 or 301, so when enableing darts mode, the initial value will be set to 501, but the player can change it easily.
  - The limit will be set automatically to zero. If one player reaches or exceeded 0 then the game will prompt to finish the game and open the leaderboard.

- Darts Mode disabled:
  - The goal is to reach the higher score.
  - The initial value will be set to 0, but the players can decide to change it for another value.
  - There is an option to set a limit score. If set the leamit will prompt the players to finish the game when reached. If not set the players will be able to finish the game manually.

New Game Darts Mode New Game Darts Mode

The players can click on "Start" to begin the game or they can exit the modal.

  • Resume

The resume button is disabled if there is no open game, and it will be enabled if the player starts a game, so that the user can go back to the game at any time.

  • About

This button opens up a modal with an explaination of the functionalities and the two modes available.

See preview

About Modal

  • Social media links

Social media links to find the site owner ( me! :) ) on gitHub and linkedIn on see my other projects:

Game Page

When we create a new game we are redirected to the game page, where the user can add players and manage the game.

When the game starts there are no players, so the page will inform the user to add one player to start.

When at least on eplayer is added, the placeholder image and text disappear and we see the input to add or remove points, and the updated score for each player.

Game Page with no players Game Page with players

  • Header

The header contains 3 action buttons:

- Logo, that will redirect to the homepage.
- Add Player button.
- Options button.
  • Add player

The user can add the playes by clicking on this icon.

A modal will open to enter the name of the player, and the initial score set for the game will be displayed.

The user can decide to change the initial score, for example if a player need to be added in the middle of the game, or to re-enter a player deleted by accident.

See preview

Add player

  • Options

This button will open a modal that contains the two following commands:

- New game, which will open the "New Game" modal as in the landing page. It allows the users to create a new game, deleting the players, setting a new initial score and selecting the game type (Darts or not).

- Reset score, which will keep all the players and the current mode, but will set all the scores to the initial value set for the game.
See preview


  • Target section

This section is meant as reminder of the target score.

It is initially set to 0, if the game is in Darts mode, or to the limit value set by the user for the current game.

If no limit is set, this section will indicate if the target is the higher score or the lower score, based on the game type. For example if the darts mode is disabled, the target will be to reached the higher score possible.


  • Players section

This section is the core of the website. It allows to add and removes points to each player.

The user needs just to enter the points in the input associated to the desired players, and click to plus or minus sign to add or remove these points from the total.

Players section

This section was initially designed to have only one button which was performing a different oparation based on the game type.

- For Darts Mode, it contained a minus sign (-), and the points were subtracted from the total.
- For Non-darts Mode, it contained a plus sign (+), and it was adding the points to the total.

This approach was confusing for the users, who have found it difficult to understand. For this reason the second button was introduced, so that the user can easily add or remove points in one click.

See the two verisons compared

Single button Double buttons

  • Remove players

Next to each player there is a button that can be used to remove the player from the game. Remove player button

It will open a new filed that asks confirmation before deleting one player. This was added to prevent the users from deleting one player unintentionally.

Remove player confirmation

  • Scores section

This section shows the updated score for each player

Scores section

  • Finish game modal

If one player reaches or exceeds the target (if set), then the system will open a pop-up to inform the players and ask them if they want to finish the game.

If the users select finish, they will be redirected to see the leaderboard.

If they select no the pop-up will close and they can continue the game. In this case the limit will be removed, to avoid the pop-up to open each time they add or remove points.

See preview

Finish game modal

  • Finish game button

This button can be used to show the leaderboard at any time during the game.

It will be disabled if there are no players added and enabled if there is as low as 1 player.

Finish button


This page shows the leaderboard, and the winner highlighted on the top.

Depending on the game type (Darts mode or not), the ranking might be from the lower score to the higher, or viceversa.

This page contains also the button to reset the scores directly, if the players want to start a new round, or they can simply exit and continue from where they left off.



To test my website I have opened it on different devices, to see if it was working as expected.


Home page - General
Action Expected behavious Result
Copy and paste the url in the browser to open it index.html should open and show the homepage Pass
Change the url to go to the game.html page Because there is no game initiated I should be redirected to index.html Pass
Click on the logo Where are already in homepage so the page should refresh Pass
Click on New Game button The New Game modal should open Pass
Click on the X button The New Game modal should close Pass
Check the Resume Game button Because there is no game initiated the button should be disabled Pass
Click on the About button The About modal should open Pass
Click on the X button The About modal should close Pass
Click on the GitHub icon A new tab should open and show gitHub profile Pass
Click on the LinkedIn icon A new tab should open and show LinkedIn profile Pass
New Game modal - General
Action Expected behavious Result
Uncheck the Darts Mode checkbox The Limit field should show up and initial score suggested should be 0 Pass
Check the Darts Mode checkbox The Limit field should be hidden and initial score suggested should be 501 Pass
New Game modal - When Darts Mode is enabled
Action Expected behavious Result
Remove the value from Initial Score Field and click on Start An error message should inform me to enter the initial score Pass
Enter a negative value and click on Start An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be greater than 0 Pass
Enter 0 and click on Start An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be greater than 0 Pass
Enter a value less than -10000 and click on Start An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be greater than or equal to -10000 Pass
Enter a value greater than 10000 and click on Start An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be less than or equal to 10000 Pass
Enter something different from a number An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be a number Pass
Enter a value between 1 and 9999 Form should be submitted and I should be redirected to game.html Pass
New Game modal - When Darts Mode is disabled
Action Expected behavious Result
Remove the value from Initial Score Field and click on Start An error message should inform me to enter the initial score Pass
Enter a value less than -10000 and click on Start An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be greater than or equal to -10000 Pass
Enter a value greater than 10000 and click on Start An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be less than or equal to 10000 Pass
Enter a value less then -10000 or greater than 10000 in the Limit field An error message should inform me that the value should be greater than or equal to -10000 or less then or equal to 10000 Pass
Enter a value between -9999 and 10000 as Initial Score, and an lower or equal value as Limit An error message should inform me that the Initial Score must be less than Limit Pass
Enter a value between -10000 and 9999 as Initial Score, and a number between Initial Score and 10000 as Limit Form should be submitted and I should be redirected to game.html Pass
Home page - After one of the two game has been initiated
Action Expected behavious Result
Check the Resume Game button Button should now be enabled Pass
Click on the Resume Game button I should be redirected to game.html Pass
Game page - General
Action Expected behavious Result
The page loads after starting a new game There should be no player showing on the screen, but a placeholder instead asking to add one player Pass
Click on the logo It should bring me back to the homepage Pass
Click on the Add Player icon The Add Player modal should open Pass
Click on the X icon The Add Player modal should close Pass
Click on the Options icon The Options modal should open Pass
Click on the X icon The Options modal should close Pass
Check the Target field It should display the limit set for the game, if any. It can display a message stating that the target is the higher/lwer score if limit is not set Pass
Check the Finish Game button Because there are no players yet the button should be disabled Pass
Click on the GitHub icon A new tab should open and show gitHub profile Pass
Click on the LinkedIn icon A new tab should open and show LinkedIn profile Pass
Add Player modal
Action Expected behavious Result
Click on start to submit without entering the Name A message should inform me that a name is required Pass
Enter a single character as Name and Submit A message should inform me that the name must be at least 2 characters Pass
Enter a valid name and keep the suggested Initial Score The form should be submitted and the player added to the game Pass
Enter a name of a player already existing An error message should inform us that the playr already exists Pass
Add Player modal - Initial score
Action Expected behavious Result
If the Game was created in Darts Mode
Enter a valid name and a score lower than or equal to 0 An error should inform us that Initial Score should be greater than 0 Pass
Enter a valid name and a score higher than 10000 An error should inform us that Initial Score should be less than or equal to 10000 Pass
Enter a valid name and a score greater than 0 and lower than or equal to 10000 The form should be submitted and the player added to the game Pass
If the Game was created in Non-darts Mode
Enter a valid name and a score higher than or equal to the limit set for the game An error should inform us that Initial Score should be less than the target score Pass
Enter a valid name and a score lower than -10000 An error should inform us that Initial Score should be greater than or equal to -10000 Pass
Enter a valid name and a score greater than or equal to -10000 and lower than the Target score The form should be submitted and the player added to the game Pass
Options modal
Action Expected behavious Result
Click on the New Game button The New Game modal should open and work as in homepage Pass
click on Reset Score button The score for all players should be set to the initial Score choosen for the game Pass
Players and Scores area
Action Expected behavious Result
Add one or multiple players All players should have a dedicated line under Players and under Scores Pass
Check the Scores area To each player should be assigned the initial score set when adding the player Pass
Add and Remove points
Under Players area check the line dedicated to each player For each player there is a dedicated points input and two buttons (+) and (-) Pass
In the points input add a value between -10000 and +10000 and click on the (+) button The points are added to the player's score and the updated total is visible in the Scores section Pass
In the points input add a value between -10000 and +10000 and click on the (-) button The points are subtracted from the player's score and the updated total is visible in the Scores section Pass
Enter a value lower than -10000 or greater than 10000 and click on (+) An error message should inform us that the value is out of range Pass
Enter a value lower than -10000 or greater than 10000 and click on (-) An error message should inform us that the value is out of range Pass
Try to enter something different from an integer: example -- or 4-7-3 and press (+) or (-) An error message should inform us that the value is invalid Pass
Remove Player button
Action Expected behavious Result
Click on the (x) button next to a player-s name The Remove Player confirmation message should appear Pass
Click on Yes The Player is removed from Playes section and from Scores section Pass
Click on No The Confirmation message will close and no action is taken on the player Pass
Finish Game features
Action Expected behavious Result
Check the Finish Game button Now that there is at least one player the button is enabled Pass
Click on the Finish Game button The leaderboard should appear Pass
Check the players order and the scores If the game was in Darts Mode, the players should be ordered from the lower to the higher score Pass
Check the players order and the scores If the game was not in Darts Mode, the players should be ordered from the higher to the lower score Pass
click on the X button The Leaderboard should close Pass
click on Reset Score button The score for all players should be set to the initial value choosen for the game Pass
If a limit was set, manually or automatically, add or remove points until one player reaches or exceeds the target A modal should appear to ask if the players want to finish the game Pass
click on Yes The Leaderboard should appear Pass
click on No The message sgould disappear and the limit removed, so that players can keep playing Pass

Validator Testing


No Errors returned when passing the final version through the official W3C validator

W3 - HTML validation screenshot

Index Game


No errors when passing the final version through the official Jigsaw validator

W3 - CSS validation screenshot

Style Animations


JsHint has been used during development to identify any possible issue and resolve them.

0 errors were found when passing the final version through the official JsHint validator, but only 4 warnings.

I have checked these for warnings, and three of them refer to referencing an outer scoped variable. I have examined the code and this is not causing any issue, but I will note it for best practices.

One of them suggests the use of an Array literal notation, but in this case I preferred to use object to reference the key ESC.

At the bottom it identifies three unused variable. After checking them I caould confirme that they were functions, and that I have called them in other parts of the code.

JsHint - JS validation screenshot


Fixed Bugs

  • Remove Players function:

    • First Bug: When I added the function to remove one player from the local storage, I added the function to display the payers again, so that it would read the updated local storage and the display area accordingly. Instead of removing the corresponding div from the display area it duplicated it, showing two divs for the same player.
    • Fix: Instead of calling the function displayPlayers() I added a function to reload the page so that the program can read the updated local storage.

    Remove Players Error

  • Update Score function:

    • Bug: This function takes the value from input of type "number". This input allows also the value 'e' and it caused the score to be updated to 'null'. This also breaks the function, since we cannot add or remove any value from 'null'. Input Value Error 1
    • Fix: I implemented a validation that prevents the value 'e' to be entered.

    Input Value Fix 1

    • Second Bug: The input also allowed to enter multiple plus and minus signs, causing the following walue to be returned: "NaN". Input Value Error 2
    • Fix: For the second issue I have implemented a validation (.isNaN()) to check if the value converted to float returns NaN or a valid number. Input Value Fix 2

Unfixed Bugs

  • There are no known unfixed bugs.


I have tested the performance in Chrome, using Lighthouse:

  • Homepage:

Mobile - Homepage

  • Game page:

Mobile - Game page

  • Homepage:

Desktop - Homepage

  • Game page:

Desktop - Game page


Live Website

  • The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:
    • In the GitHub repository, navigate to the Settings tab
    • From the source section drop-down menu, select the Master Branch
    • Once the master branch has been selected, the page will be automatically refreshed with a detailed ribbon display to indicate the successful deployment.

The live link can be found here - Live Website

Local Deployment

  • For a local deployment follow these steps:
    • Create a new directory on your machine, where you want do deploy the files
    • Open the existing repository in GitHub
    • Go to the "Code" tab
    • Click on the "Code" button
    • Copy the HTTPS link
    • Open your terminal and run the command git clone 'link'
    • use the link just copied, without quotes, instead of 'link'




Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


A special thank to my mentor Dick Vlaanderen for his precious feedback on this project.


A web application to track any game score






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