diff --git a/Celeste.Mod.mm/Mod/UI/TextMenuExt.cs b/Celeste.Mod.mm/Mod/UI/TextMenuExt.cs
index 9bd222bf2..0d1873b71 100644
--- a/Celeste.Mod.mm/Mod/UI/TextMenuExt.cs
+++ b/Celeste.Mod.mm/Mod/UI/TextMenuExt.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Celeste.Mod;
using Celeste.Mod.Core;
+using Celeste.Mod.UI;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Monocle;
@@ -426,6 +427,217 @@ public override void Render(Vector2 position, bool highlighted) {
+ ///
+ /// A Slider optimized for float ranges.
+ /// Inherits directly from
+ ///
+ public class FloatSlider : TextMenu.Item {
+ public string Label;
+ private float _Value;
+ public float Value {
+ get => MathF.Round(_Value, Precision);
+ set => _Value = Calc.Clamp(value, Min, Max);
+ }
+ private float _PreviousValue;
+ public float PreviousValue {
+ get => MathF.Round(_PreviousValue, Precision);
+ set => _PreviousValue = value;
+ }
+ public Action OnValueChange;
+ private readonly Func ValueFormat;
+ // let's be reasonable here
+ private const int MaxPrecision = 5;
+ private const int MinPrecision = 1;
+ private readonly int Precision;
+ private readonly float Min;
+ private readonly float Max;
+ private readonly int MaxScrollOrderOfMagnitude;
+ // increase order of magnitude after a second, every 2 seconds of holding the direction
+ // but don't go too high, we don't want to overshoot
+ private int ScrollOrderOfMagnitude
+ => (int) Calc.Clamp(MathF.Truncate((ScrollTimer + 1) / 2), 0f, MaxScrollOrderOfMagnitude);
+ private float Sine;
+ private int LastScrollDirection;
+ private float ScrollTimer;
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new .
+ ///
+ /// Slider label
+ /// Minimum allowed value
+ /// Maximum allowed value
+ /// Initial value, restricted between and
+ /// Slider precision; between 1 and 5 digits of precision
+ /// Value formatter, defaults to
+ public FloatSlider(string label, float min, float max, float value = 0, int precision = 1, Func valueFormat = null) {
+ Label = label;
+ Selectable = true;
+ Precision = Calc.Clamp(precision, MinPrecision, MaxPrecision);
+ Min = min;
+ Max = max;
+ // find the max order of magnitude to scroll by
+ // floor(log_10(x))+1 returns the number of digits in x (before the decimal point)
+ // then we add the digits after the decimal point (precision)
+ MaxScrollOrderOfMagnitude = (int) MathF.Floor(MathF.Log10(max - min)) + 1 + precision;
+ ValueFormat = valueFormat ?? (value => value.ToString());
+ Value = value; // the accessor will clamp our value
+ }
+ ///
+ public FloatSlider Change(Action action) {
+ OnValueChange = action;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override void Added() {
+ Container.InnerContent = TextMenu.InnerContentMode.TwoColumn;
+ }
+ public override void LeftPressed() {
+ if (Input.MenuLeft.Repeating)
+ ScrollTimer += Engine.RawDeltaTime * 8;
+ else
+ ScrollTimer = 0;
+ if (Value > Min) {
+ Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_toggle_off);
+ PreviousValue = Value;
+ Value -= MathF.Pow(10, ScrollOrderOfMagnitude - Precision);
+ Value = Math.Max(Min, Value); // ensure we stay within bounds
+ LastScrollDirection = -1;
+ ValueWiggler.Start();
+ OnValueChange?.Invoke(Value);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void RightPressed() {
+ if (Input.MenuRight.Repeating)
+ ScrollTimer += Engine.RawDeltaTime * 8;
+ else
+ ScrollTimer = 0;
+ if (Value < Max) {
+ Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_toggle_on);
+ PreviousValue = Value;
+ Value += MathF.Pow(10, ScrollOrderOfMagnitude - Precision);
+ Value = Math.Min(Max, Value); // ensure we stay within bounds
+ LastScrollDirection = 1;
+ ValueWiggler.Start();
+ OnValueChange?.Invoke(Value);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void ConfirmPressed() {
+ if (Engine.Scene is not Overworld overworld) {
+ // can't enter OUIs in-game!
+ Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_button_invalid);
+ return;
+ }
+ overworld.Goto().Init(
+ Value,
+ (value) => {
+ PreviousValue = Value;
+ Value = Calc.Clamp(value, Min, Max);
+ LastScrollDirection = 0;
+ OnValueChange?.Invoke(value);
+ },
+ maxValueLength: (int) MathF.Floor(MathF.Log10(Max - Min)) + 1 + Precision,
+ allowDecimals: true,
+ allowNegatives: Min < 0
+ );
+ }
+ public override void Update() {
+ Sine += Engine.RawDeltaTime;
+ }
+ public override float LeftWidth() {
+ return ActiveFont.Measure(Label).X + 32f;
+ }
+ public override float RightWidth() {
+ // Measure value in case it is externally set ouside the bounds
+ float width = Calc.Max(
+ 0f,
+ ActiveFont.Measure(ValueFormat.Invoke(Max)).X,
+ ActiveFont.Measure(ValueFormat.Invoke(Min)).X,
+ ActiveFont.Measure(ValueFormat.Invoke(Value)).X
+ );
+ return width + 120f;
+ }
+ public override float Height() {
+ return ActiveFont.LineHeight;
+ }
+ public override void Render(Vector2 position, bool highlighted) {
+ float alpha = Container.Alpha;
+ Color strokeColor = Color.Black * (alpha * alpha * alpha);
+ Color color = Disabled
+ ? Color.DarkSlateGray
+ : ((highlighted ? Container.HighlightColor : Color.White) * alpha);
+ Color disabledColor = Color.DarkSlateGray * alpha;
+ ActiveFont.DrawOutline(
+ Label,
+ position, new Vector2(0f, 0.5f), Vector2.One,
+ color,
+ 2f, strokeColor
+ );
+ // someone messed up the ranges! we're outta here
+ if (Max - Min <= 0)
+ return;
+ float rWidth = RightWidth();
+ ActiveFont.DrawOutline(
+ ValueFormat.Invoke(Value),
+ position + new Vector2(Container.Width - rWidth * 0.5f + LastScrollDirection * ValueWiggler.Value * 8f, 0f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), Vector2.One * 0.8f,
+ color,
+ 2f, strokeColor
+ );
+ Vector2 sineOffset = Vector2.UnitX * (highlighted ? (MathF.Sin(Sine * 4f) * 4f) : 0f);
+ Vector2 adjustmentIndicatorPosition =
+ position
+ + new Vector2(Container.Width - rWidth + 40f + ((LastScrollDirection < 0) ? (-ValueWiggler.Value * 8f) : 0f), 0f)
+ - (Value > Min ? sineOffset : Vector2.Zero);
+ ActiveFont.DrawOutline(
+ "<",
+ adjustmentIndicatorPosition, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), Vector2.One,
+ Value > Min ? color : disabledColor,
+ 2f, strokeColor
+ );
+ adjustmentIndicatorPosition =
+ position
+ + new Vector2(Container.Width - 40f + ((LastScrollDirection > 0) ? (ValueWiggler.Value * 8f) : 0f), 0f)
+ + (Value < Max ? sineOffset : Vector2.Zero);
+ ActiveFont.DrawOutline(">", adjustmentIndicatorPosition, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), Vector2.One, Value < Max ? color : disabledColor, 2f, strokeColor);
+ }
+ }
/// that acts as a Submenu for other Items.