vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1 setNativeProps is deprecated. Please update props using React state instead. (anonymous) @ vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1 vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1 Animated: `useNativeDriver` is not supported because the native animated module is missing. Falling back to JS-based animation. To resolve this, add `RCTAnimation` module to this app, or remove `useNativeDriver`. Make sure to run `pod install` first. Read more about autolinking: Z @ vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1 /r/7948871548274367:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1 ReferenceError: translate is not defined at I (main-0482752f32aaad111924.bundle.js:1:2790836) at br (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11151604) at ys (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11208706) at fl (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11197867) at Cl (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11197795) at hl (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11197658) at sl (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11194803) at Pa (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11135895) at el (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11191628) at Object.enqueueSetState (vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1:11140091) AA @ vendors-720a4bb2e34ef6b64987.bundle.js:1