diff --git a/src/components/KYCWall/BaseKYCWall.js b/src/components/KYCWall/BaseKYCWall.js
index 9ba342ddda90..e229a860dd9f 100644
--- a/src/components/KYCWall/BaseKYCWall.js
+++ b/src/components/KYCWall/BaseKYCWall.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import lodashGet from 'lodash/get';
-import React from 'react';
+import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
 import {Dimensions} from 'react-native';
 import {withOnyx} from 'react-native-onyx';
 import _ from 'underscore';
@@ -17,99 +17,121 @@ import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
 import ROUTES from '@src/ROUTES';
 import {defaultProps, propTypes} from './kycWallPropTypes';
+// This sets the Horizontal anchor position offset for POPOVER MENU.
 // This component allows us to block various actions by forcing the user to first add a default payment method and successfully make it through our Know Your Customer flow
 // before continuing to take whatever action they originally intended to take. It requires a button as a child and a native event so we can get the coordinates and use it
 // to render the AddPaymentMethodMenu in the correct location.
-class KYCWall extends React.Component {
-    constructor(props) {
-        super(props);
-        this.continue = this.continue.bind(this);
-        this.setMenuPosition = this.setMenuPosition.bind(this);
-        this.selectPaymentMethod = this.selectPaymentMethod.bind(this);
-        this.anchorRef = React.createRef(null);
-        this.state = {
-            shouldShowAddPaymentMenu: false,
-            anchorPositionVertical: 0,
-            anchorPositionHorizontal: 0,
-            transferBalanceButton: null,
-        };
-    }
-    componentDidMount() {
-        PaymentMethods.kycWallRef.current = this;
-        if (this.props.shouldListenForResize) {
-            this.dimensionsSubscription = Dimensions.addEventListener('change', this.setMenuPosition);
-        }
-    }
-    componentWillUnmount() {
-        if (this.props.shouldListenForResize && this.dimensionsSubscription) {
-            this.dimensionsSubscription.remove();
-        }
-        PaymentMethods.kycWallRef.current = null;
-    }
-    setMenuPosition() {
-        if (!this.state.transferBalanceButton) {
-            return;
-        }
-        const buttonPosition = getClickedTargetLocation(this.state.transferBalanceButton);
-        const position = this.getAnchorPosition(buttonPosition);
-        this.setPositionAddPaymentMenu(position);
-    }
+function KYCWall({
+    addBankAccountRoute,
+    addDebitCardRoute,
+    anchorAlignment,
+    bankAccountList,
+    chatReportID,
+    children,
+    enablePaymentsRoute,
+    fundList,
+    iouReport,
+    onSelectPaymentMethod,
+    onSuccessfulKYC,
+    reimbursementAccount,
+    shouldIncludeDebitCard,
+    shouldListenForResize,
+    source,
+    userWallet,
+    walletTerms,
+}) {
+    const anchorRef = useRef(null);
+    const transferBalanceButtonRef = useRef(null);
+    const [shouldShowAddPaymentMenu, setShouldShowAddPaymentMenu] = useState(false);
+    const [anchorPosition, setAnchorPosition] = useState({
+        anchorPositionVertical: 0,
+        anchorPositionHorizontal: 0,
+    });
      * @param {DOMRect} domRect
      * @returns {Object}
-    getAnchorPosition(domRect) {
-        if (this.props.anchorAlignment.vertical === CONST.MODAL.ANCHOR_ORIGIN_VERTICAL.TOP) {
+    const getAnchorPosition = useCallback(
+        (domRect) => {
+            if (anchorAlignment.vertical === CONST.MODAL.ANCHOR_ORIGIN_VERTICAL.TOP) {
+                return {
+                    anchorPositionVertical: domRect.top + domRect.height + CONST.MODAL.POPOVER_MENU_PADDING,
+                    anchorPositionHorizontal: domRect.left + POPOVER_MENU_ANCHOR_POSITION_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET,
+                };
+            }
             return {
-                anchorPositionVertical: domRect.top + domRect.height + CONST.MODAL.POPOVER_MENU_PADDING,
-                anchorPositionHorizontal: domRect.left + 20,
+                anchorPositionVertical: domRect.top - CONST.MODAL.POPOVER_MENU_PADDING,
+                anchorPositionHorizontal: domRect.left,
-        }
-        return {
-            anchorPositionVertical: domRect.top - CONST.MODAL.POPOVER_MENU_PADDING,
-            anchorPositionHorizontal: domRect.left,
-        };
-    }
+        },
+        [anchorAlignment.vertical],
+    );
      * Set position of the transfer payment menu
      * @param {Object} position
-    setPositionAddPaymentMenu(position) {
-        this.setState({
-            anchorPositionVertical: position.anchorPositionVertical,
-            anchorPositionHorizontal: position.anchorPositionHorizontal,
+    const setPositionAddPaymentMenu = ({anchorPositionVertical, anchorPositionHorizontal}) => {
+        setAnchorPosition({
+            anchorPositionVertical,
+            anchorPositionHorizontal,
-    }
+    };
+    const setMenuPosition = useCallback(() => {
+        if (!transferBalanceButtonRef.current) {
+            return;
+        }
+        const buttonPosition = getClickedTargetLocation(transferBalanceButtonRef.current);
+        const position = getAnchorPosition(buttonPosition);
+        setPositionAddPaymentMenu(position);
+    }, [getAnchorPosition]);
+    useEffect(() => {
+        let dimensionsSubscription = null;
+        PaymentMethods.kycWallRef.current = this;
+        if (shouldListenForResize) {
+            dimensionsSubscription = Dimensions.addEventListener('change', setMenuPosition);
+        }
+        return () => {
+            if (shouldListenForResize && dimensionsSubscription) {
+                dimensionsSubscription.remove();
+            }
+            PaymentMethods.kycWallRef.current = null;
+        };
+    }, [chatReportID, setMenuPosition, shouldListenForResize]);
      * @param {String} paymentMethod
-    selectPaymentMethod(paymentMethod) {
-        this.props.onSelectPaymentMethod(paymentMethod);
+    const selectPaymentMethod = (paymentMethod) => {
+        onSelectPaymentMethod(paymentMethod);
-            Navigation.navigate(this.props.addBankAccountRoute);
+            Navigation.navigate(addBankAccountRoute);
         } else if (paymentMethod === CONST.PAYMENT_METHODS.DEBIT_CARD) {
-            Navigation.navigate(this.props.addDebitCardRoute);
+            Navigation.navigate(addDebitCardRoute);
         } else if (paymentMethod === CONST.PAYMENT_METHODS.BUSINESS_BANK_ACCOUNT) {
-            if (ReportUtils.isIOUReport(this.props.iouReport)) {
-                const policyID = Policy.createWorkspaceFromIOUPayment(this.props.iouReport);
+            if (ReportUtils.isIOUReport(iouReport)) {
+                const policyID = Policy.createWorkspaceFromIOUPayment(iouReport);
                 // Navigate to the bank account set up flow for this specific policy
                 Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.BANK_ACCOUNT_WITH_STEP_TO_OPEN.getRoute('', policyID));
-            Navigation.navigate(this.props.addBankAccountRoute);
+            Navigation.navigate(addBankAccountRoute);
-    }
+    };
      * Take the position of the button that calls this method and show the Add Payment method menu when the user has no valid payment method.
@@ -119,83 +141,86 @@ class KYCWall extends React.Component {
      * @param {Event} event
      * @param {String} iouPaymentType
-    continue(event, iouPaymentType) {
-        const currentSource = lodashGet(this.props.walletTerms, 'source', this.props.source);
+    const continueAction = (event, iouPaymentType) => {
+        const currentSource = lodashGet(walletTerms, 'source', source);
          * Set the source, so we can tailor the process according to how we got here.
          * We do not want to set this on mount, as the source can change upon completing the flow, e.g. when upgrading the wallet to Gold.
-        Wallet.setKYCWallSource(this.props.source, this.props.chatReportID);
+        Wallet.setKYCWallSource(source, chatReportID);
+        if (shouldShowAddPaymentMenu) {
+            setShouldShowAddPaymentMenu(false);
-        if (this.state.shouldShowAddPaymentMenu) {
-            this.setState({shouldShowAddPaymentMenu: false});
         // Use event target as fallback if anchorRef is null for safety
-        const targetElement = this.anchorRef.current || event.nativeEvent.target;
-        this.setState({transferBalanceButton: targetElement});
-        const isExpenseReport = ReportUtils.isExpenseReport(this.props.iouReport);
-        const paymentCardList = this.props.fundList || {};
+        const targetElement = anchorRef.current || event.nativeEvent.target;
+        transferBalanceButtonRef.current = targetElement;
+        const isExpenseReport = ReportUtils.isExpenseReport(iouReport);
+        const paymentCardList = fundList || {};
         // Check to see if user has a valid payment method on file and display the add payment popover if they don't
         if (
-            (isExpenseReport && lodashGet(this.props.reimbursementAccount, 'achData.state', '') !== CONST.BANK_ACCOUNT.STATE.OPEN) ||
-            (!isExpenseReport && !PaymentUtils.hasExpensifyPaymentMethod(paymentCardList, this.props.bankAccountList, this.props.shouldIncludeDebitCard))
+            (isExpenseReport && lodashGet(reimbursementAccount, 'achData.state', '') !== CONST.BANK_ACCOUNT.STATE.OPEN) ||
+            (!isExpenseReport && !PaymentUtils.hasExpensifyPaymentMethod(paymentCardList, bankAccountList, shouldIncludeDebitCard))
         ) {
             Log.info('[KYC Wallet] User does not have valid payment method');
-            if (!this.props.shouldIncludeDebitCard) {
-                this.selectPaymentMethod(CONST.PAYMENT_METHODS.PERSONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT);
+            if (!shouldIncludeDebitCard) {
+                selectPaymentMethod(CONST.PAYMENT_METHODS.PERSONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT);
             const clickedElementLocation = getClickedTargetLocation(targetElement);
-            const position = this.getAnchorPosition(clickedElementLocation);
-            this.setPositionAddPaymentMenu(position);
-            this.setState({
-                shouldShowAddPaymentMenu: true,
-            });
+            const position = getAnchorPosition(clickedElementLocation);
+            setPositionAddPaymentMenu(position);
+            setShouldShowAddPaymentMenu(true);
         if (!isExpenseReport) {
             // Ask the user to upgrade to a gold wallet as this means they have not yet gone through our Know Your Customer (KYC) checks
-            const hasActivatedWallet = this.props.userWallet.tierName && _.contains([CONST.WALLET.TIER_NAME.GOLD, CONST.WALLET.TIER_NAME.PLATINUM], this.props.userWallet.tierName);
+            const hasActivatedWallet = userWallet.tierName && _.contains([CONST.WALLET.TIER_NAME.GOLD, CONST.WALLET.TIER_NAME.PLATINUM], userWallet.tierName);
             if (!hasActivatedWallet) {
                 Log.info('[KYC Wallet] User does not have active wallet');
-                Navigation.navigate(this.props.enablePaymentsRoute);
+                Navigation.navigate(enablePaymentsRoute);
         Log.info('[KYC Wallet] User has valid payment method and passed KYC checks or did not need them');
-        this.props.onSuccessfulKYC(iouPaymentType, currentSource);
-    }
-    render() {
-        return (
-            <>
-                <AddPaymentMethodMenu
-                    isVisible={this.state.shouldShowAddPaymentMenu}
-                    iouReport={this.props.iouReport}
-                    onClose={() => this.setState({shouldShowAddPaymentMenu: false})}
-                    anchorRef={this.anchorRef}
-                    anchorPosition={{
-                        vertical: this.state.anchorPositionVertical,
-                        horizontal: this.state.anchorPositionHorizontal,
-                    }}
-                    anchorAlignment={this.props.anchorAlignment}
-                    onItemSelected={(item) => {
-                        this.setState({shouldShowAddPaymentMenu: false});
-                        this.selectPaymentMethod(item);
-                    }}
-                />
-                {this.props.children(this.continue, this.anchorRef)}
-            </>
-        );
-    }
+        onSuccessfulKYC(iouPaymentType, currentSource);
+    };
+    return (
+        <>
+            <AddPaymentMethodMenu
+                isVisible={shouldShowAddPaymentMenu}
+                iouReport={iouReport}
+                onClose={() => setShouldShowAddPaymentMenu(false)}
+                anchorRef={anchorRef}
+                anchorPosition={{
+                    vertical: anchorPosition.anchorPositionVertical,
+                    horizontal: anchorPosition.anchorPositionHorizontal,
+                }}
+                anchorAlignment={anchorAlignment}
+                onItemSelected={(item) => {
+                    setShouldShowAddPaymentMenu(false);
+                    selectPaymentMethod(item);
+                }}
+            />
+            {children(continueAction, anchorRef)}
+        </>
+    );
 KYCWall.propTypes = propTypes;
 KYCWall.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+KYCWall.displayName = 'BaseKYCWall';
 export default withOnyx({
     userWallet: {
diff --git a/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts b/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts
index 02f0b49fe3d2..b3d1e3e23a24 100644
--- a/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts
+++ b/src/libs/actions/PaymentMethods.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import PaymentMethod from '@src/types/onyx/PaymentMethod';
 import {FilterMethodPaymentType} from '@src/types/onyx/WalletTransfer';
 type KYCWallRef = {
-    continue?: () => void;
+    continueAction?: () => void;
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ const kycWallRef = createRef<KYCWallRef>();
  * When we successfully add a payment method or pass the KYC checks we will continue with our setup action if we have one set.
 function continueSetup(fallbackRoute = ROUTES.HOME) {
-    if (!kycWallRef.current?.continue) {
+    if (!kycWallRef.current?.continueAction) {
     // Close the screen (Add Debit Card, Add Bank Account, or Enable Payments) on success and continue with setup
-    kycWallRef.current.continue();
+    kycWallRef.current.continueAction();
 function openWalletPage() {