From 60117c7d26c253448bf33bf4d472127c2d035353 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Guido=20Mart=C3=ADnez?= <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:11:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Options: fix stack handling, purify, modularize --ext,
 make it faster

 src/Makefile.boot                            |   2 +-
 src/basic/FStar.Compiler.Range.Ops.fst       |   2 +-
 src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fst              |  70 +++++++
 src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fsti             |  42 ++++
 src/basic/FStar.Options.fst                  | 203 +++++++++----------
 src/basic/FStar.Options.fsti                 |  11 +-
 src/smtencoding/FStar.SMTEncoding.Encode.fst |   8 +-
 src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V1.Basic.fst       |   6 +-
 src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V2.Basic.fst       |  12 +-
 src/tosyntax/FStar.ToSyntax.ToSyntax.fst     |  15 +-
 src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Cfg.fst    |   2 +-
 src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Rel.fst    |   2 +-
 12 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fst
 create mode 100644 src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fsti

diff --git a/src/Makefile.boot b/src/Makefile.boot
index 43a4145f6af..eedcf253c28 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.boot
+++ b/src/Makefile.boot
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ EXTRACT_NAMESPACES=FStar.Extraction FStar.Parser			\
 # TODO: Do we really need this anymore? Which (implementation) modules
 # from src/basic are *not* extracted?
 EXTRACT_MODULES=FStar.Pervasives FStar.Common FStar.Thunk		\
-		FStar.VConfig FStar.Options FStar.Ident FStar.Errors FStar.Errors.Codes	\
+		FStar.VConfig FStar.Options FStar.Options.Ext FStar.Ident FStar.Errors FStar.Errors.Codes	\
 		FStar.Errors.Msg FStar.Errors.Raise FStar.Const				\
 		FStar.Compiler.Order FStar.Order FStar.Dependencies			\
 		FStar.Interactive.CompletionTable			\
diff --git a/src/basic/FStar.Compiler.Range.Ops.fst b/src/basic/FStar.Compiler.Range.Ops.fst
index 6cf7eb0afd8..937b1d24333 100644
--- a/src/basic/FStar.Compiler.Range.Ops.fst
+++ b/src/basic/FStar.Compiler.Range.Ops.fst
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let string_of_pos pos =
     format2 "%s,%s" (string_of_int pos.line) (string_of_int pos.col)
 let string_of_file_name f =
     if Options.ide () then
-      if Options.ext_getv "fstar:no_absolute_paths" = "1" then
+      if Options.Ext.get "fstar:no_absolute_paths" = "1" then
         basename f
       else begin
diff --git a/src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fst b/src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..513220713a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+   Copyright 2008-2024 Microsoft Research
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+module FStar.Options.Ext
+open FStar.Compiler
+open FStar.Compiler.Effect
+open FStar.Class.Show
+module BU = FStar.Compiler.Util
+type ext_state =
+  | E : map : BU.psmap string -> ext_state
+let cur_state = BU.mk_ref (E (BU.psmap_empty ()))
+(* Set a key-value pair in the map *)
+let set (k:key) (v:value) : unit =
+  cur_state := E (BU.psmap_add (!cur_state).map k v)
+(* Get the value from the map, or return "" if not there *)
+let get (k:key) : value =
+  let r = 
+    match BU.psmap_try_find (!cur_state).map k with
+    | None -> ""
+    | Some v -> v
+  in
+  r
+(* Find a home *)
+let is_prefix (s1 s2 : string) : ML bool =
+  let open FStar.Compiler.String in
+  let l1 = length s1 in
+  let l2 = length s2 in
+  l2 >= l1 && substring s2 0 l1 = s1
+(* Get a list of all KV pairs that "begin" with k, considered
+as a namespace. *)
+let getns (ns:string) : list (key & value) =
+  let f k v acc =
+    if (ns^":") `is_prefix` k
+    then (k, v) :: acc
+    else acc
+  in
+  BU.psmap_fold (!cur_state).map f []
+let all () : list (key & value) =
+  let f k v acc = (k, v) :: acc in
+  BU.psmap_fold (!cur_state).map f []
+let save () : ext_state =
+  !cur_state
+let restore (s:ext_state) : unit =
+  cur_state := s;
+  ()
+let reset () : unit =
+  cur_state := E (BU.psmap_empty ())
diff --git a/src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fsti b/src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fsti
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bed8dda6d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/basic/FStar.Options.Ext.fsti
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+   Copyright 2008-2024 Microsoft Research
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+module FStar.Options.Ext
+open FStar.Compiler.Effect
+type key   = string
+type value = string
+val ext_state : Type0
+(* Set a key-value pair in the map *)
+val set (k:key) (v:value) : unit
+(* Get the value from the map, or return "" if not there *)
+val get (k:key) : value
+(* Get a list of all KV pairs that "begin" with k, considered
+as a namespace. *)
+val getns (ns:string) : list (key & value)
+(* List all pairs *)
+val all () : list (key & value)
+val save () : ext_state
+val restore (s:ext_state) : unit
+val reset () : unit
diff --git a/src/basic/FStar.Options.fst b/src/basic/FStar.Options.fst
index 3bb87f1fa1b..329ae67c17e 100644
--- a/src/basic/FStar.Options.fst
+++ b/src/basic/FStar.Options.fst
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ module FC = FStar.Common
 module Util = FStar.Compiler.Util
 module List = FStar.Compiler.List
+module Ext = FStar.Options.Ext
 let debug_embedding = mk_ref false
 let eager_embedding = mk_ref false
@@ -92,58 +94,78 @@ let copy_optionstate m = Util.smap_copy m
  * We also keep a snapshot of the Debug module's state.
-let fstar_options : ref (list (list (Debug.saved_state & optionstate))) = Util.mk_ref []
+let history1 = Debug.saved_state & Ext.ext_state & optionstate
-let internal_peek () = snd <| List.hd (List.hd !fstar_options)
-let peek () = copy_optionstate (internal_peek())
-let pop  () = // already signal-atomic
-  match !fstar_options with
-  | []
-  | [_] -> failwith "TOO MANY POPS!"
-  | _::tl ->
-    fstar_options := tl
+let fstar_options : ref optionstate = Util.mk_ref (Util.psmap_empty ())
-let push () = // already signal-atomic
-  let new_st =
-    List.hd !fstar_options |>
- (fun (dbg, opts) -> (dbg, copy_optionstate opts))
-  in
-  fstar_options := new_st :: !fstar_options
+let history : ref (list (list history1)) =
+  Util.mk_ref [] // IRRELEVANT: see clear() below
+let peek () = !fstar_options
+let internal_push () =
+  let lev1::rest = !history in
+  let newhd = (Debug.snapshot (), (), !fstar_options) in
+  history := (newhd :: lev1) :: rest
 let internal_pop () =
-  let curstack = List.hd !fstar_options in
-  match curstack with
-  | [] -> failwith "impossible: empty current option stack"
-  | [_] -> false
-  | _::tl ->
-    fstar_options := tl :: !fstar_options;
-    Debug.restore (fst (List.hd tl));
+  let lev1::rest = !history in
+  match lev1 with
+  | [] -> false
+  | (dbg, ext, opts)::lev1' ->
+    Debug.restore dbg;
+    Ext.restore ext;
+    fstar_options := opts;
+    history := lev1' :: rest;
-let internal_push () =
-  let curstack = List.hd !fstar_options in
-  let stack' = (Debug.snapshot (), copy_optionstate (snd <| List.hd curstack)) :: curstack in
-  fstar_options := stack' :: !fstar_options
+let push () = // already signal-atomic
+  (* This turns a stack like
+        4
+        3
+        2 1      current:5
+  into:
+        5
+      4 4
+      3 3
+      2 2 1      current:5
+  i.e.  current state does not change, and
+  current minor stack does not change. The
+  "next" previous stack (now with 2,3,4,5)
+  has a copy of 5 at the top so we can restore regardless
+  of what we do in the current stack or the current state. *)
+  internal_push ();
+  let lev1::_ = !history in
+  history := lev1 :: !history;
+  ignore (internal_pop());
+  ()
+let pop () = // already signal-atomic
+  match !history with
+  | [] -> failwith "TOO MANY POPS!"
+  | _::levs ->
+    history := levs;
+    if not (internal_pop ()) then
+      failwith "aaa!!!"
 let set o =
- match !fstar_options with
- | [] -> failwith "set on empty option stack"
- | []::_ -> failwith "set on empty current option stack"
- | ((dbg, _)::tl)::os ->
-   fstar_options := (((dbg, o)::tl)::os)
+  fstar_options := o
-let snapshot () = Common.snapshot push fstar_options ()
-let rollback depth = Common.rollback pop fstar_options depth
+let snapshot ()    = Common.snapshot push history ()
+let rollback depth = Common.rollback pop  history depth
 let set_option k v =
-  let map : optionstate = internal_peek() in
+  let map : optionstate = peek() in
   if k = "report_assumes"
-  then match Util.smap_try_find map k with
+  then match Util.psmap_try_find map k with
        | Some (String "error") ->
          //It's already set to error; ignore any attempt to change it
-       | _ -> Util.smap_add map k v
-  else Util.smap_add map k v
+       | _ -> fstar_options := Util.psmap_add map k v
+  else fstar_options := Util.psmap_add map k v
 let set_option' (k,v) =  set_option k v
 let set_admit_smt_queries (b:bool) = set_option "admit_smt_queries" (Bool b)
@@ -153,7 +175,7 @@ let defaults =
       ("abort_on"                     , Int 0);
       ("admit_smt_queries"            , Bool false);
       ("admit_except"                 , Unset);
-      ("disallow_unification_guards"  , Bool false);      
+      ("disallow_unification_guards"  , Bool false);
       ("already_cached"               , Unset);
       ("cache_checked_modules"        , Bool false);
       ("cache_dir"                    , Unset);
@@ -176,7 +198,7 @@ let defaults =
       ("eager_subtyping"              , Bool false);
       ("error_contexts"               , Bool false);
       ("expose_interfaces"            , Bool false);
-      ("ext"                          , List []);
+      ("ext"                          , Unset);
       ("extract"                      , Unset);
       ("extract_all"                  , Bool false);
       ("extract_module"               , List []);
@@ -292,19 +314,20 @@ let defaults =
 let init () =
-   let o = internal_peek () in
-   Util.smap_clear o;
-   defaults |> List.iter set_option'                          //initialize it with the default values
+  Debug.disable_all ();
+  Ext.reset ();
+  fstar_options := Util.psmap_empty ();
+  defaults |> List.iter set_option'                          //initialize it with the default values
 let clear () =
-   let o = Util.smap_create 50 in
-   fstar_options := [[(Debug.snapshot (), o)]];                               //clear and reset the options stack
-   init()
+  history := [[]];
+  init()
-let _run = clear()
+(* Run it now. *)
+let _ = clear ()
 let get_option s =
-  match Util.smap_try_find (internal_peek()) s with
+  match Util.psmap_try_find (peek ()) s with
   | None -> failwith ("Impossible: option " ^s^ " not found")
   | Some s -> s
@@ -335,7 +358,7 @@ let set_verification_options o =
-    "z3smtopt";    
+    "z3smtopt";
@@ -343,7 +366,7 @@ let set_verification_options o =
   ] in
-  List.iter (fun k -> set_option k (Util.smap_try_find o k |> Util.must)) verifopts
+  List.iter (fun k -> set_option k (Util.psmap_try_find o k |> Util.must)) verifopts
 let lookup_opt s c =
   c (get_option s)
@@ -372,7 +395,6 @@ let get_dump_module             ()      = lookup_opt "dump_module"
 let get_eager_subtyping         ()      = lookup_opt "eager_subtyping"          as_bool
 let get_error_contexts          ()      = lookup_opt "error_contexts"           as_bool
 let get_expose_interfaces       ()      = lookup_opt "expose_interfaces"        as_bool
-let get_ext                     ()      = lookup_opt "ext"                      (as_option (as_list as_string))
 let get_extract                 ()      = lookup_opt "extract"                  (as_option (as_list as_string))
 let get_extract_module          ()      = lookup_opt "extract_module"           (as_list as_string)
 let get_extract_namespace       ()      = lookup_opt "extract_namespace"        (as_list as_string)
@@ -671,7 +693,7 @@ let rec specs_with_types warn_unsafe : list (char & string & opt_type & Pprint.d
   let open FStar.Errors.Msg in
   let text (s:string) : document = flow (break_ 1) (words s) in
-  ( noshort, "abort_on", 
+  ( noshort, "abort_on",
     PostProcessed ((function Int x -> abort_counter := x; Int x
                            | x -> failwith "?"), IntStr "non-negative integer"),
     text "Abort on the n-th error or warning raised. Useful in combination with --trace_error. Count starts at 1, use 0 to disable. (default 0)");
@@ -822,7 +844,17 @@ let rec specs_with_types warn_unsafe : list (char & string & opt_type & Pprint.d
   ( noshort,
-    ReverseAccumulated (SimpleStr "One or more semicolon separated occurrences of key-value pairs"),
+    PostProcessed (
+      (fun o ->
+        let parse_ext (s:string) : list (string & string) =
+          let exts = Util.split s ";" in
+          List.collect (fun s ->
+            match Util.split s "=" with
+            | [k;v] -> [(k,v)]
+            | _ -> [s, "1"]) exts
+        in
+        as_comma_string_list o |> List.collect parse_ext |> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Ext.set k v);
+        o), ReverseAccumulated (SimpleStr "extension knobs")),
     text "These options are set in extensions option map. Keys are usually namespaces separated by \":\". \
           E.g., 'pulse:verbose=1;my:extension:option=xyz;foo:bar=baz'. \
           These options are typically interpreted by extensions. \
@@ -1577,7 +1609,7 @@ let settable = function
     | "using_facts_from"
     | "warn_error"
     | "z3cliopt"
-    | "z3smtopt"    
+    | "z3smtopt"
     | "z3refresh"
     | "z3rlimit"
     | "z3rlimit_factor"
@@ -1819,15 +1851,15 @@ let parse_settings ns : list (list string & bool) =
 let admit_smt_queries            () = get_admit_smt_queries           ()
 let admit_except                 () = get_admit_except                ()
-let compat_pre_core_should_register () = 
+let compat_pre_core_should_register () =
   match get_compat_pre_core() with
   | Some 0 -> false
   | _ -> true
-let compat_pre_core_should_check () = 
+let compat_pre_core_should_check () =
   match get_compat_pre_core() with
-  | Some 0 
+  | Some 0
   | Some 1 -> false
-  | _ -> true  
+  | _ -> true
 let compat_pre_core_set () =
   match get_compat_pre_core() with
   | None -> false
@@ -1898,7 +1930,7 @@ let ide                          () = get_ide                         ()
 let ide_id_info_off              () = get_ide_id_info_off             ()
 let ide_file_name_st =
   let v = Util.mk_ref (None #string) in
-  let set f = 
+  let set f =
     match !v with
     | None -> v := Some f
     | Some _ -> failwith "ide_file_name_st already set" in
@@ -2274,7 +2306,7 @@ let get_vconfig () =
     no_plugins                                = get_no_plugins ();
     no_tactics                                = get_no_tactics ();
     z3cliopt                                  = get_z3cliopt ();
-    z3smtopt                                  = get_z3smtopt ();    
+    z3smtopt                                  = get_z3smtopt ();
     z3refresh                                 = get_z3refresh ();
     z3rlimit                                  = get_z3rlimit ();
     z3rlimit_factor                           = get_z3rlimit_factor ();
@@ -2312,7 +2344,7 @@ let set_vconfig (vcfg:vconfig) : unit =
   set_option "no_plugins"                                (Bool vcfg.no_plugins);
   set_option "no_tactics"                                (Bool vcfg.no_tactics);
   set_option "z3cliopt"                                  (List ( String vcfg.z3cliopt));
-  set_option "z3smtopt"                                  (List ( String vcfg.z3smtopt));  
+  set_option "z3smtopt"                                  (List ( String vcfg.z3smtopt));
   set_option "z3refresh"                                 (Bool vcfg.z3refresh);
   set_option "z3rlimit"                                  (Int vcfg.z3rlimit);
   set_option "z3rlimit_factor"                           (Int vcfg.z3rlimit_factor);
@@ -2321,54 +2353,3 @@ let set_vconfig (vcfg:vconfig) : unit =
   set_option "trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns" (Bool vcfg.trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns);
   set_option "reuse_hint_for"                            (option_as String vcfg.reuse_hint_for);
-// --ext "ext1:opt1;ext2:opt2;ext3:opt3"
-// An entry e that is not of the form a:b
-// is treated as e:"1". We morally reserve the empty
-// string for "disabling" an option.
-// This could all be much more efficient by just storing
-// a hash table in the optionstate.
-let parse_ext (s:string) : list (string & string) =
-  let exts = Util.split s ";" in
-  List.collect (fun s -> 
-    match Util.split s "=" with
-    | [k;v] -> [(k,v)]
-    | _ -> [s, "1"]) exts
-(* Deduplicates according to keys, favors the last occurrence (consistent
-with "ext" begin ReverseAccumulated *)
-let ext_dedup #a (l : list (string & a)) : list (string & a) =
-  //fold_right (fun (k,v) rest -> (k,v) :: List.filter (fun (k', _) -> k<>k') rest) l []
-  fold_right (fun (k,v) rest -> if List.existsb (fun (k', _) -> k=k') rest
-                                then rest
-                                else (k,v) :: rest) l []
-let all_ext_options () : list (string & string) =
-  let ext = get_ext () in
-  match ext with
-  | None -> []
-  | Some strs ->
-    strs |> List.collect parse_ext
-    |> ext_dedup
-let ext_getv (k:string) : string =
-  let ext = all_ext_options () in
-  (* Get the value from the map, or return "" if not there *)
-  Util.dflt "" (
-    Util.find_map ext (fun (k',v) -> if k = k' then Some v else None))
-(* Get a list of all KV pairs that "begin" with k, considered
-as a namespace. *)
-let ext_getns (ns:string) : list (string & string) =
-  let is_prefix s1 s2 : ML bool =
-    let l1 = length s1 in
-    let l2 = length s2 in
-    l2 >= l1 &&
-    substring s2 0 l1 = s1
-  in
-  let exts = all_ext_options () in
-  exts |>
-  List.filter_map (fun (k',v) ->
-    if k' = ns || is_prefix (ns^":") k' then Some (k',v) else None)
diff --git a/src/basic/FStar.Options.fsti b/src/basic/FStar.Options.fsti
index 7b7d94f8b2f..1821ae70c9f 100644
--- a/src/basic/FStar.Options.fsti
+++ b/src/basic/FStar.Options.fsti
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ open FStar.BaseTypes
 open FStar.VConfig
 open FStar.Compiler
+type codegen_t =
+    | OCaml | FSharp | Krml | Plugin | Extension
 //let __test_norm_all = Util.mk_ref false
 type split_queries_t = | No | OnFailure | Always
@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ type option_val =
   | List of list option_val
   | Unset
-type optionstate = FStar.Compiler.Util.smap option_val
+type optionstate = FStar.Compiler.Util.psmap option_val
 type opt_type =
 | Const of option_val
@@ -104,8 +107,6 @@ val cache_checked_modules       : unit    -> bool
 val cache_off                   : unit    -> bool
 val print_cache_version         : unit    -> bool
 val cmi                         : unit    -> bool
-type codegen_t =
-    | OCaml | FSharp | Krml | Plugin | Extension
 val codegen                     : unit    -> option codegen_t
 val parse_codegen               : string  -> option codegen_t
 val codegen_libs                : unit    -> list (list string)
@@ -269,7 +270,3 @@ val eager_embedding: ref bool
 val get_vconfig : unit -> vconfig
 val set_vconfig : vconfig -> unit
-val all_ext_options : unit -> list (string & string)
-val ext_getv (k:string) : string
-val ext_getns (ns:string) : list (string & string)
diff --git a/src/smtencoding/FStar.SMTEncoding.Encode.fst b/src/smtencoding/FStar.SMTEncoding.Encode.fst
index c9d084b9e3e..e595f39a693 100644
--- a/src/smtencoding/FStar.SMTEncoding.Encode.fst
+++ b/src/smtencoding/FStar.SMTEncoding.Encode.fst
@@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ let encode_sig_inductive (env:env_t) (se:sigelt)
             let is_l = mk_data_tester env l xx in
             let inversion_case, decls' =
               if injective_type_params
-              || Options.ext_getv "compat:injectivity" <> ""
+              || Options.Ext.get "compat:injectivity" <> ""
               then (
                 let _, data_t = Env.lookup_datacon env.tcenv l in
                 let args, res = U.arrow_formals data_t in
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ let encode_datacon (env:env_t) (se:sigelt)
   let s_fuel_tm = mkApp("SFuel", [fuel_tm]) in
   let vars, guards, env', binder_decls, names = encode_binders (Some fuel_tm) formals env in
   let injective_type_params =
-    injective_type_params || Options.ext_getv "compat:injectivity" <> ""
+    injective_type_params || Options.Ext.get "compat:injectivity" <> ""
   let fields =
     names |>
@@ -1322,11 +1322,11 @@ let encode_datacon (env:env_t) (se:sigelt)
                               | Tm_fvar fv ->
                                 if BU.for_some (S.fv_eq_lid fv) mutuals
                                 then Some (bs, c)
-                                else if Options.ext_getv "compat:2954" <> ""
+                                else if Options.Ext.get "compat:2954" <> ""
                                 then (warn_compat(); Some (bs, c)) //compatibility mode
                                 else None
                               | _ ->
-                                if Options.ext_getv "compat:2954" <> ""
+                                if Options.Ext.get "compat:2954" <> ""
                                 then (warn_compat(); Some (bs, c)) //compatibility mode
                                 else None
diff --git a/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V1.Basic.fst b/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V1.Basic.fst
index 147b424b439..32fb95710c3 100644
--- a/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V1.Basic.fst
+++ b/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V1.Basic.fst
@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ let join () : tac unit =
 let set_options (s : string) : tac unit = wrap_err "set_options" <| (
     let! g = cur_goal in
     FStar.Options.push ();
-    FStar.Options.set (Util.smap_copy g.opts); // copy the map, they are not purely functional
+    FStar.Options.set g.opts;
     let res = FStar.Options.set_options s in
     let opts' = FStar.Options.peek () in
     FStar.Options.pop ();
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ let get_vconfig () : tac vconfig =
   * This is an artifact of the options API being stateful in many places,
   * morally this is just (get_vconfig g.opts) *)
   let vcfg = Options.with_saved_options (fun () ->
-               FStar.Options.set (Util.smap_copy g.opts);
+               FStar.Options.set g.opts;
                Options.get_vconfig ())
   ret vcfg
@@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ let set_vconfig (vcfg : vconfig) : tac unit =
    * let g' = { g with opts = set_vconfig vcfg g.opts } *)
   let! g = cur_goal in
   let opts' = Options.with_saved_options (fun () ->
-                FStar.Options.set (Util.smap_copy g.opts);
+                FStar.Options.set g.opts;
                 Options.set_vconfig vcfg;
                 Options.peek ())
diff --git a/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V2.Basic.fst b/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V2.Basic.fst
index 04266aac935..f824c487977 100644
--- a/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V2.Basic.fst
+++ b/src/tactics/FStar.Tactics.V2.Basic.fst
@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ let join () : tac unit =
 let set_options (s : string) : tac unit = wrap_err "set_options" <| (
     let! g = cur_goal in
     FStar.Options.push ();
-    FStar.Options.set (Util.smap_copy g.opts); // copy the map, they are not purely functional
+    FStar.Options.set g.opts;
     let res = FStar.Options.set_options s in
     let opts' = FStar.Options.peek () in
     FStar.Options.pop ();
@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ let get_vconfig () : tac vconfig =
   * This is an artifact of the options API being stateful in many places,
   * morally this is just (get_vconfig g.opts) *)
   let vcfg = Options.with_saved_options (fun () ->
-               FStar.Options.set (Util.smap_copy g.opts);
+               FStar.Options.set g.opts;
                Options.get_vconfig ())
   return vcfg
@@ -2097,7 +2097,7 @@ let set_vconfig (vcfg : vconfig) : tac unit =
    * let g' = { g with opts = set_vconfig vcfg g.opts } *)
   let! g = cur_goal in
   let opts' = Options.with_saved_options (fun () ->
-                FStar.Options.set (Util.smap_copy g.opts);
+                FStar.Options.set g.opts;
                 Options.set_vconfig vcfg;
                 Options.peek ())
@@ -2140,15 +2140,15 @@ let free_uvars (tm : term) : tac (list Z.t)
 let all_ext_options () : tac (list (string & string))
   = return () ;!
-    return (Options.all_ext_options ())
+    return (Options.Ext.all ())
 let ext_getv (k:string) : tac string
   = return () ;!
-    return (Options.ext_getv k)
+    return (Options.Ext.get k)
 let ext_getns (ns:string) : tac (list (string & string))
   = return () ;!
-    return (Options.ext_getns ns)
+    return (Options.Ext.getns ns)
 let alloc (x:'a) : tac (tref 'a) =
   return ();!
diff --git a/src/tosyntax/FStar.ToSyntax.ToSyntax.fst b/src/tosyntax/FStar.ToSyntax.ToSyntax.fst
index 49c254bc837..d60ca8bc28e 100644
--- a/src/tosyntax/FStar.ToSyntax.ToSyntax.fst
+++ b/src/tosyntax/FStar.ToSyntax.ToSyntax.fst
@@ -4371,12 +4371,15 @@ let desugar_modul env (m:AST.modul) : env_t & Syntax.modul =
 //External API for modules
 let with_options (f:unit -> 'a) : 'a =
-    FStar.Options.push();
-    let res = f () in
-    let light = FStar.Options.ml_ish() in
-    FStar.Options.pop();
-    if light then FStar.Options.set_ml_ish();
-    res
+  let light, r =
+    Options.with_saved_options (fun () ->
+      let r = f () in
+      let light = Options.ml_ish () in
+      light, r
+    )
+  in
+  if light then Options.set_ml_ish ();
+  r
 let ast_modul_to_modul modul : withenv S.modul =
     fun env ->
diff --git a/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Cfg.fst b/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Cfg.fst
index d5dcda9da53..d8d894f5b71 100644
--- a/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Cfg.fst
+++ b/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Cfg.fst
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ let config' psteps s e =
       memoize_lazy = true;
       normalize_pure_lets = (not steps.pure_subterms_within_computations) || Options.normalize_pure_terms_for_extraction();
       reifying = false;
-      compat_memo_ignore_cfg = Options.ext_getv "compat:normalizer_memo_ignore_cfg" <> "";
+      compat_memo_ignore_cfg = Options.Ext.get "compat:normalizer_memo_ignore_cfg" <> "";
 let config s e = config' [] s e
diff --git a/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Rel.fst b/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Rel.fst
index d96a5ec613c..3c18a8cf769 100644
--- a/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Rel.fst
+++ b/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.Rel.fst
@@ -5621,7 +5621,7 @@ let resolve_implicits' env is_tac is_gen (implicits:Env.implicits)
             BU.print1 "Deferring implicit due to open ctx/typ %s\n" (show ctx_u);
           until_fixpoint ((hd, Implicit_unresolved)::out, changed, defer_open_metas) tl
         ) else if is_open && not (meta_tac_allowed_for_open_problem tac)
-            && Options.ext_getv "compat:open_metas" = "" then ( // i.e. compat option unset
+            && Options.Ext.get "compat:open_metas" = "" then ( // i.e. compat option unset
           (* If the tactic is not explicitly whitelisted to run with open problems,
           then defer. *)
           until_fixpoint ((hd, Implicit_unresolved)::out, changed, defer_open_metas) tl

From 9154b67ece984cd63a2babee8b6366f55e0a3d3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Guido=20Mart=C3=ADnez?= <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:11:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] snap

 .../generated/     |    2 +-
 ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/    | 1066 ++++++++---------
 .../fstar-lib/generated/  |   67 ++
 .../generated/     |   12 +-
 .../generated/       |   14 +-
 .../generated/       |   20 +-
 .../generated/      |   12 +-
 .../generated/        |    2 +-
 .../generated/        |    2 +-
 9 files changed, 596 insertions(+), 601 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/

diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index 16520664139..0e039abf53c 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ let (string_of_file_name : Prims.string -> Prims.string) =
     if uu___
       let uu___1 =
-        let uu___2 = FStar_Options.ext_getv "fstar:no_absolute_paths" in
+        let uu___2 = FStar_Options_Ext.get "fstar:no_absolute_paths" in
         uu___2 = "1" in
       (if uu___1
        then FStar_Compiler_Util.basename f
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index a2974af12cb..e9db0b76695 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -1,4 +1,20 @@
 open Prims
+type codegen_t =
+  | OCaml 
+  | FSharp 
+  | Krml 
+  | Plugin 
+  | Extension 
+let (uu___is_OCaml : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun projectee -> match projectee with | OCaml -> true | uu___ -> false
+let (uu___is_FSharp : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun projectee -> match projectee with | FSharp -> true | uu___ -> false
+let (uu___is_Krml : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun projectee -> match projectee with | Krml -> true | uu___ -> false
+let (uu___is_Plugin : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun projectee -> match projectee with | Plugin -> true | uu___ -> false
+let (uu___is_Extension : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun projectee -> match projectee with | Extension -> true | uu___ -> false
 type split_queries_t =
   | No 
   | OnFailure 
@@ -38,7 +54,7 @@ let (__proj__List__item___0 : option_val -> option_val Prims.list) =
   fun projectee -> match projectee with | List _0 -> _0
 let (uu___is_Unset : option_val -> Prims.bool) =
   fun projectee -> match projectee with | Unset -> true | uu___ -> false
-type optionstate = option_val FStar_Compiler_Util.smap
+type optionstate = option_val FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap
 type opt_type =
   | Const of option_val 
   | IntStr of Prims.string 
@@ -164,110 +180,83 @@ let (as_comma_string_list : option_val -> Prims.string Prims.list) =
 let copy_optionstate :
   'uuuuu . 'uuuuu FStar_Compiler_Util.smap -> 'uuuuu FStar_Compiler_Util.smap
   = fun m -> FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy m
-let (fstar_options :
-  (FStar_Compiler_Debug.saved_state * optionstate) Prims.list Prims.list
-    FStar_Compiler_Effect.ref)
-  = FStar_Compiler_Util.mk_ref []
-let (internal_peek : unit -> optionstate) =
-  fun uu___ ->
-    let uu___1 =
-      let uu___2 =
-        let uu___3 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
-        FStar_Compiler_List.hd uu___3 in
-      FStar_Compiler_List.hd uu___2 in
-    FStar_Pervasives_Native.snd uu___1
+type history1 =
+  (FStar_Compiler_Debug.saved_state * FStar_Options_Ext.ext_state *
+    optionstate)
+let (fstar_options : optionstate FStar_Compiler_Effect.ref) =
+  let uu___ = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_empty () in
+  FStar_Compiler_Util.mk_ref uu___
+let (history : history1 Prims.list Prims.list FStar_Compiler_Effect.ref) =
+  FStar_Compiler_Util.mk_ref []
 let (peek : unit -> optionstate) =
-  fun uu___ -> let uu___1 = internal_peek () in copy_optionstate uu___1
-let (pop : unit -> unit) =
+  fun uu___ -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options
+let (internal_push : unit -> unit) =
   fun uu___ ->
-    let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
+    let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang history in
     match uu___1 with
-    | [] -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "TOO MANY POPS!"
-    | uu___2::[] -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "TOO MANY POPS!"
-    | uu___2::tl -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options tl
+    | lev1::rest ->
+        let newhd =
+          let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Debug.snapshot () in
+          let uu___3 = () in
+          let uu___4 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
+          (uu___2, uu___3, uu___4) in
+        FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals history ((newhd :: lev1) ::
+          rest)
+let (internal_pop : unit -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun uu___ ->
+    let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang history in
+    match uu___1 with
+    | lev1::rest ->
+        (match lev1 with
+         | [] -> false
+         | (dbg, ext, opts)::lev1' ->
+             (FStar_Compiler_Debug.restore dbg;
+              FStar_Options_Ext.restore ext;
+              FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options opts;
+              FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals history (lev1' :: rest);
+              true))
 let (push : unit -> unit) =
   fun uu___ ->
-    let new_st =
-      let uu___1 =
-        let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
-        FStar_Compiler_List.hd uu___2 in
-        (fun uu___2 ->
-           match uu___2 with
-           | (dbg, opts) ->
-               let uu___3 = copy_optionstate opts in (dbg, uu___3)) uu___1 in
-    let uu___1 =
-      let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in new_st ::
-        uu___2 in
-    FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___1
-let (internal_pop : unit -> Prims.bool) =
+    internal_push ();
+    (let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang history in
+     match uu___2 with
+     | lev1::uu___3 ->
+         ((let uu___5 =
+             let uu___6 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang history in lev1 ::
+               uu___6 in
+           FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals history uu___5);
+          (let uu___6 = internal_pop () in ())))
+let (pop : unit -> unit) =
   fun uu___ ->
-    let curstack =
-      let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
-      FStar_Compiler_List.hd uu___1 in
-    match curstack with
-    | [] ->
-        FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith
-          "impossible: empty current option stack"
-    | uu___1::[] -> false
-    | uu___1::tl ->
-        ((let uu___3 =
-            let uu___4 =
-              let uu___5 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
-     uu___5 in
-            tl :: uu___4 in
-          FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___3);
+    let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang history in
+    match uu___1 with
+    | [] -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "TOO MANY POPS!"
+    | uu___2::levs ->
+        (FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals history levs;
          (let uu___4 =
-            let uu___5 = FStar_Compiler_List.hd tl in
-            FStar_Pervasives_Native.fst uu___5 in
-          FStar_Compiler_Debug.restore uu___4);
-         true)
-let (internal_push : unit -> unit) =
-  fun uu___ ->
-    let curstack =
-      let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
-      FStar_Compiler_List.hd uu___1 in
-    let stack' =
-      let uu___1 =
-        let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Debug.snapshot () in
-        let uu___3 =
-          let uu___4 =
-            let uu___5 = FStar_Compiler_List.hd curstack in
-            FStar_Pervasives_Native.snd uu___5 in
-          copy_optionstate uu___4 in
-        (uu___2, uu___3) in
-      uu___1 :: curstack in
-    let uu___1 =
-      let uu___2 =
-        let uu___3 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
- uu___3 in
-      stack' :: uu___2 in
-    FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___1
+            let uu___5 = internal_pop () in Prims.op_Negation uu___5 in
+          if uu___4 then FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "aaa!!!" else ()))
 let (set : optionstate -> unit) =
-  fun o ->
-    let uu___ = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang fstar_options in
-    match uu___ with
-    | [] -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "set on empty option stack"
-    | []::uu___1 ->
-        FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "set on empty current option stack"
-    | ((dbg, uu___1)::tl)::os ->
-        FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options (((dbg, o) :: tl)
-          :: os)
+  fun o -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options o
 let (snapshot : unit -> ( * unit)) =
-  fun uu___ -> FStar_Common.snapshot push fstar_options ()
+  fun uu___ -> FStar_Common.snapshot push history ()
 let (rollback : FStar_Pervasives_Native.option -> unit) =
-  fun depth -> FStar_Common.rollback pop fstar_options depth
+  fun depth -> FStar_Common.rollback pop history depth
 let (set_option : Prims.string -> option_val -> unit) =
   fun k ->
     fun v ->
-      let map = internal_peek () in
+      let map = peek () in
       if k = "report_assumes"
-        let uu___ = FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_try_find map k in
+        let uu___ = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_try_find map k in
         match uu___ with
         | FStar_Pervasives_Native.Some (String "error") -> ()
-        | uu___1 -> FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_add map k v
-      else FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_add map k v
+        | uu___1 ->
+            let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_add map k v in
+            FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___2
+      else
+        (let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_add map k v in
+         FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___1)
 let (set_option' : (Prims.string * option_val) -> unit) =
   fun uu___ -> match uu___ with | (k, v) -> set_option k v
 let (set_admit_smt_queries : Prims.bool -> unit) =
@@ -298,7 +287,7 @@ let (defaults : (Prims.string * option_val) Prims.list) =
   ("eager_subtyping", (Bool false));
   ("error_contexts", (Bool false));
   ("expose_interfaces", (Bool false));
-  ("ext", (List []));
+  ("ext", Unset);
   ("extract", Unset);
   ("extract_all", (Bool false));
   ("extract_module", (List []));
@@ -410,26 +399,18 @@ let (defaults : (Prims.string * option_val) Prims.list) =
   ("profile", Unset)]
 let (init : unit -> unit) =
   fun uu___ ->
-    let o = internal_peek () in
-    FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_clear o;
+    FStar_Compiler_Debug.disable_all ();
+    FStar_Options_Ext.reset ();
+    (let uu___4 = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_empty () in
+     FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___4);
     FStar_Compiler_List.iter set_option' defaults
 let (clear : unit -> unit) =
-  fun uu___ ->
-    let o = FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_create (Prims.of_int (50)) in
-    (let uu___2 =
-       let uu___3 =
-         let uu___4 =
-           let uu___5 = FStar_Compiler_Debug.snapshot () in (uu___5, o) in
-         [uu___4] in
-       [uu___3] in
-     FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals fstar_options uu___2);
-    init ()
-let (_run : unit) = clear ()
+  fun uu___ -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals history [[]]; init ()
+let (uu___154 : unit) = clear ()
 let (get_option : Prims.string -> option_val) =
   fun s ->
     let uu___ =
-      let uu___1 = internal_peek () in
-      FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_try_find uu___1 s in
+      let uu___1 = peek () in FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_try_find uu___1 s in
     match uu___ with
     | FStar_Pervasives_Native.None ->
         let uu___1 =
@@ -468,7 +449,7 @@ let (set_verification_options : optionstate -> unit) =
       (fun k ->
          let uu___ =
-           let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_try_find o k in
+           let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_try_find o k in
            FStar_Compiler_Util.must uu___1 in
          set_option k uu___) verifopts
 let lookup_opt : 'uuuuu . Prims.string -> (option_val -> 'uuuuu) -> 'uuuuu =
@@ -517,9 +498,6 @@ let (get_error_contexts : unit -> Prims.bool) =
   fun uu___ -> lookup_opt "error_contexts" as_bool
 let (get_expose_interfaces : unit -> Prims.bool) =
   fun uu___ -> lookup_opt "expose_interfaces" as_bool
-let (get_ext :
-  unit -> Prims.string Prims.list FStar_Pervasives_Native.option) =
-  fun uu___ -> lookup_opt "ext" (as_option (as_list as_string))
 let (get_extract :
   unit -> Prims.string Prims.list FStar_Pervasives_Native.option) =
   fun uu___ -> lookup_opt "extract" (as_option (as_list as_string))
@@ -1019,7 +997,7 @@ let (interp_quake_arg : Prims.string -> ( * * Prims.bool))
           let uu___ = ios f1 in let uu___1 = ios f2 in (uu___, uu___1, true)
         else FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "unexpected value for --quake"
     | uu___ -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.failwith "unexpected value for --quake"
-let (uu___454 : (((Prims.string -> unit) -> unit) * (Prims.string -> unit)))
+let (uu___451 : (((Prims.string -> unit) -> unit) * (Prims.string -> unit)))
   let cb = FStar_Compiler_Util.mk_ref FStar_Pervasives_Native.None in
   let set1 f =
@@ -1031,11 +1009,11 @@ let (uu___454 : (((Prims.string -> unit) -> unit) * (Prims.string -> unit)))
     | FStar_Pervasives_Native.Some f -> f msg in
   (set1, call)
 let (set_option_warning_callback_aux : (Prims.string -> unit) -> unit) =
-  match uu___454 with
+  match uu___451 with
   | (set_option_warning_callback_aux1, option_warning_callback) ->
 let (option_warning_callback : Prims.string -> unit) =
-  match uu___454 with
+  match uu___451 with
   | (set_option_warning_callback_aux1, option_warning_callback1) ->
 let (set_option_warning_callback : (Prims.string -> unit) -> unit) =
@@ -1328,9 +1306,52 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                           "These options are set in extensions option map. Keys are usually namespaces separated by \":\". E.g., 'pulse:verbose=1;my:extension:option=xyz;foo:bar=baz'. These options are typically interpreted by extensions. Any later use of --ext over the same key overrides the old value. An entry 'e' that is not of the form 'a=b' is treated as 'e=1', i.e., 'e' associated with string \"1\"." in
-                                                        (ReverseAccumulated
-                                                           (SimpleStr
-                                                              "One or more semicolon separated occurrences of key-value pairs")),
+                                                        (PostProcessed
+                                                           ((fun o ->
+                                                               let parse_ext
+                                                                 s =
+                                                                 let exts =
+                                                                   FStar_Compiler_Util.split
+                                                                    s ";" in
+                                                                 FStar_Compiler_List.collect
+                                                                   (fun s1 ->
+                                                                    match 
+                                                                    FStar_Compiler_Util.split
+                                                                    s1 "="
+                                                                    with
+                                                                    | 
+                                                                    k::v::[]
+                                                                    ->
+                                                                    [(k, v)]
+                                                                    | 
+                                                                    uu___50
+                                                                    ->
+                                                                    [
+                                                                    (s1, "1")])
+                                                                   exts in
+                                                               (let uu___51 =
+                                                                  let uu___52
+                                                                    =
+                                                                    as_comma_string_list
+                                                                    o in
+                                                                  FStar_Compiler_List.collect
+                                                                    parse_ext
+                                                                    uu___52 in
+                                                                FStar_Compiler_List.iter
+                                                                  (fun
+                                                                    uu___52
+                                                                    ->
+                                                                    match uu___52
+                                                                    with
+                                                                    | 
+                                                                    (k, v) ->
+                                                                    FStar_Options_Ext.set
+                                                                    k v)
+                                                                  uu___51);
+                                                               o),
+                                                             (ReverseAccumulated
+                                                                (SimpleStr
+                                                                   "extension knobs")))),
                                                         uu___49) in
                                                     let uu___49 =
                                                       let uu___50 =
@@ -2132,38 +2153,38 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                                     let uu___153
-                                                                    let uu___154
+                                                                    let uu___155
                                                                     "--quake N/M repeats each query checks that it succeeds at least N out of M times, aborting early if possible" in
-                                                                    let uu___155
-                                                                    =
                                                                     let uu___156
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "--quake N/M/k works as above, except it will unconditionally run M times" in
                                                                     let uu___157
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "--quake N/M/k works as above, except it will unconditionally run M times" in
                                                                     let uu___158
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "--quake N is an alias for --quake N/N" in
                                                                     let uu___159
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "--quake N is an alias for --quake N/N" in
                                                                     let uu___160
+                                                                    let uu___161
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "--quake N/k is an alias for --quake N/N/k" in
-                                                                    [uu___160] in
-                                                                    uu___158
+                                                                    [uu___161] in
+                                                                    uu___159
-                                                                    uu___159 in
-                                                                    uu___156
+                                                                    uu___160 in
+                                                                    uu___157
-                                                                    uu___157 in
-                                                                    uu___154
+                                                                    uu___158 in
+                                                                    uu___155
-                                                                    uu___155 in
+                                                                    uu___156 in
                                                                     uu___153 in
                                                                     let uu___153
@@ -2249,36 +2270,36 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                                     uu___153) in
                                                                     let uu___153
-                                                                    let uu___154
-                                                                    =
                                                                     let uu___155
+                                                                    let uu___156
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Read a checked file and dump it to standard output." in
-                                                                    uu___155) in
-                                                                    let uu___155
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___156) in
                                                                     let uu___156
                                                                     let uu___157
+                                                                    let uu___158
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Read a Karamel binary file and dump it to standard output." in
-                                                                    uu___157) in
-                                                                    let uu___157
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___158) in
                                                                     let uu___158
                                                                     let uu___159
+                                                                    let uu___160
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Record a database of hints for efficient proof replay" in
@@ -2286,13 +2307,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___159) in
-                                                                    let uu___159
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___160) in
                                                                     let uu___160
                                                                     let uu___161
+                                                                    let uu___162
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Record the state of options used to check each sigelt, useful for the `check_with` attribute and metaprogramming. Note that this implies a performance hit and increases the size of checked files." in
@@ -2300,22 +2321,22 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___161) in
-                                                                    let uu___161
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___162) in
                                                                     let uu___162
                                                                     let uu___163
+                                                                    let uu___164
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Retry each SMT query N times and succeed on the first try. Using --retry disables --quake." in
-                                                                    uu___164
+                                                                    uu___165
-                                                                    match uu___164
+                                                                    match uu___165
                                                                     Int i ->
@@ -2336,32 +2357,32 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                                     Bool true)
-                                                                    uu___165
+                                                                    uu___166
                                                                     "positive integer"))),
-                                                                    uu___163) in
-                                                                    let uu___163
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___164) in
                                                                     let uu___164
                                                                     let uu___165
+                                                                    let uu___166
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Optimistically, attempt using the recorded hint for  toplevel_name (a top-level name in the current module) when trying to verify some other term 'g'" in
-                                                                    uu___165) in
-                                                                    let uu___165
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___166) in
                                                                     let uu___166
                                                                     let uu___167
+                                                                    let uu___168
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Report every use of an escape hatch, include assume, admit, etc." in
@@ -2369,13 +2390,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___167) in
-                                                                    let uu___167
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___168) in
                                                                     let uu___168
                                                                     let uu___169
+                                                                    let uu___170
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Disable all non-critical output" in
@@ -2383,217 +2404,217 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___169) in
-                                                                    let uu___169
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___170) in
                                                                     let uu___170
                                                                     let uu___171
+                                                                    let uu___172
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Path to the Z3 SMT solver (we could eventually support other solvers)" in
-                                                                    uu___171) in
-                                                                    let uu___171
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___172) in
                                                                     let uu___172
                                                                     let uu___173
+                                                                    let uu___174
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Toggle a peephole optimization that eliminates redundant uses of boxing/unboxing in the SMT encoding (default 'false')" in
-                                                                    uu___173) in
-                                                                    let uu___173
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___174) in
                                                                     let uu___174
                                                                     let uu___175
                                                                     let uu___176
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "Control the representation of non-linear arithmetic functions in the SMT encoding:" in
                                                                     let uu___177
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "Control the representation of non-linear arithmetic functions in the SMT encoding:" in
                                                                     let uu___178
                                                                     let uu___179
                                                                     let uu___180
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "if 'boxwrap' use 'Prims.op_Multiply, Prims.op_Division, Prims.op_Modulus'" in
                                                                     let uu___181
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "if 'boxwrap' use 'Prims.op_Multiply, Prims.op_Division, Prims.op_Modulus'" in
                                                                     let uu___182
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "if 'native' use '*, div, mod'" in
                                                                     let uu___183
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "if 'native' use '*, div, mod'" in
                                                                     let uu___184
+                                                                    let uu___185
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "if 'wrapped' use '_mul, _div, _mod : Int*Int -> Int'" in
-                                                                    [uu___184] in
-                                                                    uu___182
+                                                                    [uu___185] in
+                                                                    uu___183
-                                                                    uu___183 in
-                                                                    uu___180
+                                                                    uu___184 in
+                                                                    uu___181
-                                                                    uu___181 in
+                                                                    uu___182 in
-                                                                    uu___179 in
-                                                                    let uu___179
+                                                                    uu___180 in
+                                                                    let uu___180
                                                                     "(default 'boxwrap')" in
-                                                                    uu___178
-                                                                    uu___179 in
+                                                                    uu___179
+                                                                    uu___180 in
-                                                                    uu___176
-                                                                    uu___177 in
+                                                                    uu___177
+                                                                    uu___178 in
-                                                                    uu___175) in
-                                                                    let uu___175
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___176) in
                                                                     let uu___176
                                                                     let uu___177
                                                                     let uu___178
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "Toggle the representation of linear arithmetic functions in the SMT encoding:" in
                                                                     let uu___179
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "Toggle the representation of linear arithmetic functions in the SMT encoding:" in
                                                                     let uu___180
                                                                     let uu___181
                                                                     let uu___182
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "if 'boxwrap', use 'Prims.op_Addition, Prims.op_Subtraction, Prims.op_Minus'" in
                                                                     let uu___183
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "if 'boxwrap', use 'Prims.op_Addition, Prims.op_Subtraction, Prims.op_Minus'" in
                                                                     let uu___184
+                                                                    let uu___185
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "if 'native', use '+, -, -'" in
-                                                                    [uu___184] in
-                                                                    uu___182
+                                                                    [uu___185] in
+                                                                    uu___183
-                                                                    uu___183 in
+                                                                    uu___184 in
-                                                                    uu___181 in
-                                                                    let uu___181
+                                                                    uu___182 in
+                                                                    let uu___182
                                                                     "(default 'boxwrap')" in
-                                                                    uu___180
-                                                                    uu___181 in
+                                                                    uu___181
+                                                                    uu___182 in
-                                                                    uu___178
-                                                                    uu___179 in
+                                                                    uu___179
+                                                                    uu___180 in
-                                                                    uu___177) in
-                                                                    let uu___177
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___178) in
                                                                     let uu___178
                                                                     let uu___179
+                                                                    let uu___180
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Include an axiom in the SMT encoding to introduce proof-irrelevance from a constructive proof" in
-                                                                    uu___179) in
-                                                                    let uu___179
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___180) in
                                                                     let uu___180
                                                                     let uu___181
+                                                                    let uu___182
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Include an axiom in the SMT encoding to eliminate proof-irrelevance into the existence of a proof witness" in
-                                                                    uu___181) in
-                                                                    let uu___181
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___182) in
                                                                     let uu___182
                                                                     let uu___183
                                                                     let uu___184
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "Split SMT verification conditions into several separate queries, one per goal. Helps with localizing errors." in
                                                                     let uu___185
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "Split SMT verification conditions into several separate queries, one per goal. Helps with localizing errors." in
                                                                     let uu___186
                                                                     let uu___187
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "Use 'no' to disable (this may reduce the quality of error messages)." in
                                                                     let uu___188
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "Use 'no' to disable (this may reduce the quality of error messages)." in
                                                                     let uu___189
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "Use 'on_failure' to split queries and retry when discharging fails (the default)" in
                                                                     let uu___190
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "Use 'on_failure' to split queries and retry when discharging fails (the default)" in
                                                                     let uu___191
+                                                                    let uu___192
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use 'yes' to always split." in
-                                                                    [uu___191] in
-                                                                    uu___189
+                                                                    [uu___192] in
+                                                                    uu___190
-                                                                    uu___190 in
-                                                                    uu___187
+                                                                    uu___191 in
+                                                                    uu___188
-                                                                    uu___188 in
+                                                                    uu___189 in
-                                                                    uu___186 in
+                                                                    uu___187 in
-                                                                    uu___184
-                                                                    uu___185 in
+                                                                    uu___185
+                                                                    uu___186 in
-                                                                    uu___183) in
-                                                                    let uu___183
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___184) in
                                                                     let uu___184
                                                                     let uu___185
+                                                                    let uu___186
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Do not use the lexical scope of tactics to improve binder names" in
@@ -2601,13 +2622,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___185) in
-                                                                    let uu___185
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___186) in
                                                                     let uu___186
                                                                     let uu___187
+                                                                    let uu___188
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Do not recover from metaprogramming errors, and abort if one occurs" in
@@ -2615,13 +2636,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___187) in
-                                                                    let uu___187
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___188) in
                                                                     let uu___188
                                                                     let uu___189
+                                                                    let uu___190
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Print some rough information on tactics, such as the time they take to run" in
@@ -2629,13 +2650,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___189) in
-                                                                    let uu___189
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___190) in
                                                                     let uu___190
                                                                     let uu___191
+                                                                    let uu___192
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Print a depth-indexed trace of tactic execution (Warning: very verbose)" in
@@ -2643,26 +2664,26 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___191) in
-                                                                    let uu___191
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___192) in
                                                                     let uu___192
                                                                     let uu___193
+                                                                    let uu___194
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Trace tactics up to a certain binding depth" in
-                                                                    uu___193) in
-                                                                    let uu___193
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___194) in
                                                                     let uu___194
                                                                     let uu___195
+                                                                    let uu___196
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use NBE to evaluate metaprograms (experimental)" in
@@ -2670,25 +2691,25 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___195) in
-                                                                    let uu___195
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___196) in
                                                                     let uu___196
                                                                     let uu___197
+                                                                    let uu___198
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Attempt to normalize definitions marked as tcnorm (default 'true')" in
-                                                                    uu___197) in
-                                                                    let uu___197
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___198) in
                                                                     let uu___198
                                                                     let uu___199
+                                                                    let uu___200
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Print the time it takes to verify each top-level definition. This is just an alias for an invocation of the profiler, so it may not work well if combined with --profile. In particular, it implies --profile_group_by_decl." in
@@ -2696,13 +2717,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___199) in
-                                                                    let uu___199
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___200) in
                                                                     let uu___200
                                                                     let uu___201
+                                                                    let uu___202
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Attach stack traces on errors" in
@@ -2710,13 +2731,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___201) in
-                                                                    let uu___201
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___202) in
                                                                     let uu___202
                                                                     let uu___203
+                                                                    let uu___204
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Emit output formatted for debugging" in
@@ -2724,13 +2745,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___203) in
-                                                                    let uu___203
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___204) in
                                                                     let uu___204
                                                                     let uu___205
+                                                                    let uu___206
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Let the SMT solver unfold inductive types to arbitrary depths (may affect verifier performance)" in
@@ -2738,13 +2759,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___205) in
-                                                                    let uu___205
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___206) in
                                                                     let uu___206
                                                                     let uu___207
+                                                                    let uu___208
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Allow tactics to run external processes. WARNING: checking an untrusted F* file while using this option can have disastrous effects." in
@@ -2752,13 +2773,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___207) in
-                                                                    let uu___207
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___208) in
                                                                     let uu___208
                                                                     let uu___209
+                                                                    let uu___210
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use equality constraints when comparing higher-order types (Temporary)" in
@@ -2766,13 +2787,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___209) in
-                                                                    let uu___209
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___210) in
                                                                     let uu___210
                                                                     let uu___211
+                                                                    let uu___212
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use a previously recorded hints database for proof replay" in
@@ -2780,13 +2801,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___211) in
-                                                                    let uu___211
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___212) in
                                                                     let uu___212
                                                                     let uu___213
+                                                                    let uu___214
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Admit queries if their hash matches the hash recorded in the hints database" in
@@ -2794,26 +2815,26 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___213) in
-                                                                    let uu___213
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___214) in
                                                                     let uu___214
                                                                     let uu___215
+                                                                    let uu___216
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use compiled tactics from  path" in
-                                                                    uu___215) in
-                                                                    let uu___215
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___216) in
                                                                     let uu___216
                                                                     let uu___217
+                                                                    let uu___218
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Do not run plugins natively and interpret them as usual instead" in
@@ -2821,13 +2842,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___217) in
-                                                                    let uu___217
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___218) in
                                                                     let uu___218
                                                                     let uu___219
+                                                                    let uu___220
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Do not run the tactic engine before discharging a VC" in
@@ -2835,13 +2856,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___219) in
-                                                                    let uu___219
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___220) in
                                                                     let uu___220
                                                                     let uu___221
+                                                                    let uu___222
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Prunes the context to include only the facts from the given namespace or fact id. Facts can be include or excluded using the [+|-] qualifier. For example --using_facts_from '* -FStar.Reflection +FStar.Compiler.List -FStar.Compiler.List.Tot' will remove all facts from FStar.Compiler.List.Tot.*, retain all remaining facts from FStar.Compiler.List.*, remove all facts from FStar.Reflection.*, and retain all the rest. Note, the '+' is optional: --using_facts_from 'FStar.Compiler.List' is equivalent to --using_facts_from '+FStar.Compiler.List'. Multiple uses of this option accumulate, e.g., --using_facts_from A --using_facts_from B is interpreted as --using_facts_from A^B." in
@@ -2849,13 +2870,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                                     "One or more space-separated occurrences of '[+|-]( * | namespace | fact id)'")),
-                                                                    uu___221) in
-                                                                    let uu___221
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___222) in
                                                                     let uu___222
                                                                     let uu___223
+                                                                    let uu___224
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "This does nothing and will be removed" in
@@ -2863,20 +2884,20 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___223) in
-                                                                    let uu___223
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___224) in
                                                                     let uu___224
                                                                     let uu___225
+                                                                    let uu___226
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Display version number" in
-                                                                    uu___226
+                                                                    uu___227
@@ -2885,13 +2906,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___225) in
-                                                                    let uu___225
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___226) in
                                                                     let uu___226
                                                                     let uu___227
+                                                                    let uu___228
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Warn when (a -> b) is desugared to (a -> Tot b)" in
@@ -2899,13 +2920,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___227) in
-                                                                    let uu___227
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___228) in
                                                                     let uu___228
                                                                     let uu___229
+                                                                    let uu___230
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Z3 command line options" in
@@ -2913,13 +2934,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___229) in
-                                                                    let uu___229
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___230) in
                                                                     let uu___230
                                                                     let uu___231
+                                                                    let uu___232
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Z3 options in smt2 format" in
@@ -2927,13 +2948,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___231) in
-                                                                    let uu___231
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___232) in
                                                                     let uu___232
                                                                     let uu___233
+                                                                    let uu___234
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Restart Z3 after each query; useful for ensuring proof robustness" in
@@ -2941,72 +2962,72 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___233) in
-                                                                    let uu___233
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___234) in
                                                                     let uu___234
                                                                     let uu___235
+                                                                    let uu___236
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Set the Z3 per-query resource limit (default 5 units, taking roughtly 5s)" in
-                                                                    uu___235) in
-                                                                    let uu___235
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___236) in
                                                                     let uu___236
                                                                     let uu___237
+                                                                    let uu___238
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Set the Z3 per-query resource limit multiplier. This is useful when, say, regenerating hints and you want to be more lax. (default 1)" in
-                                                                    uu___237) in
-                                                                    let uu___237
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___238) in
                                                                     let uu___238
                                                                     let uu___239
+                                                                    let uu___240
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Set the Z3 random seed (default 0)" in
-                                                                    uu___239) in
-                                                                    let uu___239
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___240) in
                                                                     let uu___240
                                                                     let uu___241
+                                                                    let uu___242
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Set the version of Z3 that is to be used. Default: 4.8.5" in
-                                                                    uu___241) in
-                                                                    let uu___241
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___242) in
                                                                     let uu___242
                                                                     let uu___243
+                                                                    let uu___244
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Don't check positivity of inductive types" in
-                                                                    uu___244
+                                                                    uu___245
@@ -3017,113 +3038,113 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___243) in
-                                                                    let uu___243
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___244) in
                                                                     let uu___244
                                                                     let uu___245
                                                                     let uu___246
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "The [-warn_error] option follows the OCaml syntax, namely:" in
                                                                     let uu___247
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "The [-warn_error] option follows the OCaml syntax, namely:" in
                                                                     let uu___248
                                                                     let uu___249
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "[r] is a range of warnings (either a number [n], or a range [n..n])" in
                                                                     let uu___250
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "[r] is a range of warnings (either a number [n], or a range [n..n])" in
                                                                     let uu___251
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "[-r] silences range [r]" in
                                                                     let uu___252
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "[-r] silences range [r]" in
                                                                     let uu___253
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    "[+r] enables range [r] as warnings (NOTE: \"enabling\" an error will downgrade it to a warning)" in
                                                                     let uu___254
+                                                                    text
+                                                                    "[+r] enables range [r] as warnings (NOTE: \"enabling\" an error will downgrade it to a warning)" in
                                                                     let uu___255
+                                                                    let uu___256
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "[@r] makes range [r] fatal." in
-                                                                    [uu___255] in
-                                                                    uu___253
+                                                                    [uu___256] in
+                                                                    uu___254
-                                                                    uu___254 in
-                                                                    uu___251
+                                                                    uu___255 in
+                                                                    uu___252
-                                                                    uu___252 in
-                                                                    uu___249
+                                                                    uu___253 in
+                                                                    uu___250
-                                                                    uu___250 in
+                                                                    uu___251 in
-                                                                    uu___248 in
+                                                                    uu___249 in
-                                                                    uu___246
-                                                                    uu___247 in
+                                                                    uu___247
+                                                                    uu___248 in
-                                                                    uu___245) in
-                                                                    let uu___245
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___246) in
                                                                     let uu___246
                                                                     let uu___247
+                                                                    let uu___248
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use normalization by evaluation as the default normalization strategy (default 'false')" in
-                                                                    uu___247) in
-                                                                    let uu___247
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___248) in
                                                                     let uu___248
                                                                     let uu___249
+                                                                    let uu___250
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Use normalization by evaluation for normalizing terms before extraction (default 'false')" in
-                                                                    uu___249) in
-                                                                    let uu___249
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___250) in
                                                                     let uu___250
                                                                     let uu___251
+                                                                    let uu___252
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Enforce trivial preconditions for unannotated effectful functions (default 'true')" in
-                                                                    uu___251) in
-                                                                    let uu___251
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___252) in
                                                                     let uu___252
                                                                     let uu___253
+                                                                    let uu___254
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Debug messages for embeddings/unembeddings of natively compiled terms" in
-                                                                    uu___254
+                                                                    uu___255
@@ -3131,20 +3152,20 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___253) in
-                                                                    let uu___253
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___254) in
                                                                     let uu___254
                                                                     let uu___255
+                                                                    let uu___256
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Eagerly embed and unembed terms to primitive operations and plugins: not recommended except for benchmarking" in
-                                                                    uu___256
+                                                                    uu___257
@@ -3152,13 +3173,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___255) in
-                                                                    let uu___255
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___256) in
                                                                     let uu___256
                                                                     let uu___257
+                                                                    let uu___258
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Emit profiles grouped by declaration rather than by module" in
@@ -3166,13 +3187,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___257) in
-                                                                    let uu___257
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___258) in
                                                                     let uu___258
                                                                     let uu___259
+                                                                    let uu___260
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Specific source locations in the compiler are instrumented with profiling counters. Pass `--profile_component FStar.TypeChecker` to enable all counters in the FStar.TypeChecker namespace. This option is a module or namespace selector, like many other options (e.g., `--extract`)" in
@@ -3180,13 +3201,13 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                                     "One or more space-separated occurrences of '[+|-]( * | namespace | module | identifier)'")),
-                                                                    uu___259) in
-                                                                    let uu___259
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___260) in
                                                                     let uu___260
                                                                     let uu___261
+                                                                    let uu___262
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Profiling can be enabled when the compiler is processing a given set of source modules. Pass `--profile FStar.Pervasives` to enable profiling when the compiler is processing any module in FStar.Pervasives. This option is a module or namespace selector, like many other options (e.g., `--extract`)" in
@@ -3194,47 +3215,47 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
                                                                     "One or more space-separated occurrences of '[+|-]( * | namespace | module)'")),
-                                                                    uu___261) in
-                                                                    let uu___261
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___262) in
                                                                     let uu___262
                                                                     let uu___263
+                                                                    let uu___264
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "Display this information" in
-                                                                    uu___264
+                                                                    uu___265
-                                                                    let uu___266
+                                                                    let uu___267
                                                                     warn_unsafe in
-                                                                    uu___266);
+                                                                    uu___267);
-                                                                    uu___263) in
-                                                                    let uu___263
-                                                                    =
+                                                                    uu___264) in
                                                                     let uu___264
                                                                     let uu___265
+                                                                    let uu___266
+                                                                    =
                                                                     "List all debug keys and exit" in
-                                                                    uu___266
+                                                                    uu___267
@@ -3243,173 +3264,173 @@ let rec (specs_with_types :
-                                                                    uu___265) in
-                                                                    [uu___264] in
-                                                                    uu___262
+                                                                    uu___266) in
+                                                                    [uu___265] in
+                                                                    uu___263
-                                                                    uu___263 in
-                                                                    uu___260
+                                                                    uu___264 in
+                                                                    uu___261
-                                                                    uu___261 in
-                                                                    uu___258
+                                                                    uu___262 in
+                                                                    uu___259
-                                                                    uu___259 in
-                                                                    uu___256
+                                                                    uu___260 in
+                                                                    uu___257
-                                                                    uu___257 in
-                                                                    uu___254
+                                                                    uu___258 in
+                                                                    uu___255
-                                                                    uu___255 in
-                                                                    uu___252
+                                                                    uu___256 in
+                                                                    uu___253
-                                                                    uu___253 in
-                                                                    uu___250
+                                                                    uu___254 in
+                                                                    uu___251
-                                                                    uu___251 in
-                                                                    uu___248
+                                                                    uu___252 in
+                                                                    uu___249
-                                                                    uu___249 in
-                                                                    uu___246
+                                                                    uu___250 in
+                                                                    uu___247
-                                                                    uu___247 in
-                                                                    uu___244
+                                                                    uu___248 in
+                                                                    uu___245
-                                                                    uu___245 in
-                                                                    uu___242
+                                                                    uu___246 in
+                                                                    uu___243
-                                                                    uu___243 in
-                                                                    uu___240
+                                                                    uu___244 in
+                                                                    uu___241
-                                                                    uu___241 in
-                                                                    uu___238
+                                                                    uu___242 in
+                                                                    uu___239
-                                                                    uu___239 in
-                                                                    uu___236
+                                                                    uu___240 in
+                                                                    uu___237
-                                                                    uu___237 in
-                                                                    uu___234
+                                                                    uu___238 in
+                                                                    uu___235
-                                                                    uu___235 in
-                                                                    uu___232
+                                                                    uu___236 in
+                                                                    uu___233
-                                                                    uu___233 in
-                                                                    uu___230
+                                                                    uu___234 in
+                                                                    uu___231
-                                                                    uu___231 in
-                                                                    uu___228
+                                                                    uu___232 in
+                                                                    uu___229
-                                                                    uu___229 in
-                                                                    uu___226
+                                                                    uu___230 in
+                                                                    uu___227
-                                                                    uu___227 in
-                                                                    uu___224
+                                                                    uu___228 in
+                                                                    uu___225
-                                                                    uu___225 in
-                                                                    uu___222
+                                                                    uu___226 in
+                                                                    uu___223
-                                                                    uu___223 in
-                                                                    uu___220
+                                                                    uu___224 in
+                                                                    uu___221
-                                                                    uu___221 in
-                                                                    uu___218
+                                                                    uu___222 in
+                                                                    uu___219
-                                                                    uu___219 in
-                                                                    uu___216
+                                                                    uu___220 in
+                                                                    uu___217
-                                                                    uu___217 in
-                                                                    uu___214
+                                                                    uu___218 in
+                                                                    uu___215
-                                                                    uu___215 in
-                                                                    uu___212
+                                                                    uu___216 in
+                                                                    uu___213
-                                                                    uu___213 in
-                                                                    uu___210
+                                                                    uu___214 in
+                                                                    uu___211
-                                                                    uu___211 in
-                                                                    uu___208
+                                                                    uu___212 in
+                                                                    uu___209
-                                                                    uu___209 in
-                                                                    uu___206
+                                                                    uu___210 in
+                                                                    uu___207
-                                                                    uu___207 in
-                                                                    uu___204
+                                                                    uu___208 in
+                                                                    uu___205
-                                                                    uu___205 in
-                                                                    uu___202
+                                                                    uu___206 in
+                                                                    uu___203
-                                                                    uu___203 in
-                                                                    uu___200
+                                                                    uu___204 in
+                                                                    uu___201
-                                                                    uu___201 in
-                                                                    uu___198
+                                                                    uu___202 in
+                                                                    uu___199
-                                                                    uu___199 in
-                                                                    uu___196
+                                                                    uu___200 in
+                                                                    uu___197
-                                                                    uu___197 in
-                                                                    uu___194
+                                                                    uu___198 in
+                                                                    uu___195
-                                                                    uu___195 in
-                                                                    uu___192
+                                                                    uu___196 in
+                                                                    uu___193
-                                                                    uu___193 in
-                                                                    uu___190
+                                                                    uu___194 in
+                                                                    uu___191
-                                                                    uu___191 in
-                                                                    uu___188
+                                                                    uu___192 in
+                                                                    uu___189
-                                                                    uu___189 in
-                                                                    uu___186
+                                                                    uu___190 in
+                                                                    uu___187
-                                                                    uu___187 in
-                                                                    uu___184
+                                                                    uu___188 in
+                                                                    uu___185
-                                                                    uu___185 in
-                                                                    uu___182
+                                                                    uu___186 in
+                                                                    uu___183
-                                                                    uu___183 in
-                                                                    uu___180
+                                                                    uu___184 in
+                                                                    uu___181
-                                                                    uu___181 in
-                                                                    uu___178
+                                                                    uu___182 in
+                                                                    uu___179
-                                                                    uu___179 in
-                                                                    uu___176
+                                                                    uu___180 in
+                                                                    uu___177
-                                                                    uu___177 in
-                                                                    uu___174
+                                                                    uu___178 in
+                                                                    uu___175
-                                                                    uu___175 in
-                                                                    uu___172
+                                                                    uu___176 in
+                                                                    uu___173
-                                                                    uu___173 in
-                                                                    uu___170
+                                                                    uu___174 in
+                                                                    uu___171
-                                                                    uu___171 in
-                                                                    uu___168
+                                                                    uu___172 in
+                                                                    uu___169
-                                                                    uu___169 in
-                                                                    uu___166
+                                                                    uu___170 in
+                                                                    uu___167
-                                                                    uu___167 in
-                                                                    uu___164
+                                                                    uu___168 in
+                                                                    uu___165
-                                                                    uu___165 in
-                                                                    uu___162
+                                                                    uu___166 in
+                                                                    uu___163
-                                                                    uu___163 in
-                                                                    uu___160
+                                                                    uu___164 in
+                                                                    uu___161
-                                                                    uu___161 in
-                                                                    uu___158
+                                                                    uu___162 in
+                                                                    uu___159
-                                                                    uu___159 in
-                                                                    uu___156
+                                                                    uu___160 in
+                                                                    uu___157
-                                                                    uu___157 in
-                                                                    uu___154
+                                                                    uu___158 in
+                                                                    uu___155
-                                                                    uu___155 in
+                                                                    uu___156 in
                                                                     uu___153 in
@@ -3703,7 +3724,7 @@ let (settable_specs :
     (fun uu___ ->
        match uu___ with | ((uu___1, x, uu___2), uu___3) -> settable x)
-let (uu___662 :
+let (uu___672 :
   (((unit -> FStar_Getopt.parse_cmdline_res) -> unit) *
     (unit -> FStar_Getopt.parse_cmdline_res)))
@@ -3720,11 +3741,11 @@ let (uu___662 :
   (set1, call)
 let (set_error_flags_callback_aux :
   (unit -> FStar_Getopt.parse_cmdline_res) -> unit) =
-  match uu___662 with
+  match uu___672 with
   | (set_error_flags_callback_aux1, set_error_flags) ->
 let (set_error_flags : unit -> FStar_Getopt.parse_cmdline_res) =
-  match uu___662 with
+  match uu___672 with
   | (set_error_flags_callback_aux1, set_error_flags1) -> set_error_flags1
 let (set_error_flags_callback :
   (unit -> FStar_Getopt.parse_cmdline_res) -> unit) =
@@ -4040,22 +4061,6 @@ let (cache_off : unit -> Prims.bool) = fun uu___ -> get_cache_off ()
 let (print_cache_version : unit -> Prims.bool) =
   fun uu___ -> get_print_cache_version ()
 let (cmi : unit -> Prims.bool) = fun uu___ -> get_cmi ()
-type codegen_t =
-  | OCaml 
-  | FSharp 
-  | Krml 
-  | Plugin 
-  | Extension 
-let (uu___is_OCaml : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun projectee -> match projectee with | OCaml -> true | uu___ -> false
-let (uu___is_FSharp : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun projectee -> match projectee with | FSharp -> true | uu___ -> false
-let (uu___is_Krml : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun projectee -> match projectee with | Krml -> true | uu___ -> false
-let (uu___is_Plugin : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun projectee -> match projectee with | Plugin -> true | uu___ -> false
-let (uu___is_Extension : codegen_t -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun projectee -> match projectee with | Extension -> true | uu___ -> false
 let (parse_codegen :
   Prims.string -> codegen_t FStar_Pervasives_Native.option) =
   fun uu___ ->
@@ -4788,65 +4793,4 @@ let (set_vconfig : FStar_VConfig.vconfig -> unit) =
     (let uu___28 =
        option_as (fun uu___29 -> String uu___29)
          vcfg.FStar_VConfig.reuse_hint_for in
-     set_option "reuse_hint_for" uu___28)
-let (parse_ext : Prims.string -> (Prims.string * Prims.string) Prims.list) =
-  fun s ->
-    let exts = FStar_Compiler_Util.split s ";" in
-    FStar_Compiler_List.collect
-      (fun s1 ->
-         match FStar_Compiler_Util.split s1 "=" with
-         | k::v::[] -> [(k, v)]
-         | uu___ -> [(s1, "1")]) exts
-let ext_dedup :
-  'a . (Prims.string * 'a) Prims.list -> (Prims.string * 'a) Prims.list =
-  fun l ->
-    FStar_Compiler_List.fold_right
-      (fun uu___ ->
-         fun rest ->
-           match uu___ with
-           | (k, v) ->
-               let uu___1 =
-                 FStar_Compiler_List.existsb
-                   (fun uu___2 -> match uu___2 with | (k', uu___3) -> k = k')
-                   rest in
-               if uu___1 then rest else (k, v) :: rest) l []
-let (all_ext_options : unit -> (Prims.string * Prims.string) Prims.list) =
-  fun uu___ ->
-    let ext = get_ext () in
-    match ext with
-    | FStar_Pervasives_Native.None -> []
-    | FStar_Pervasives_Native.Some strs ->
-        let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_List.collect parse_ext strs in
-        ext_dedup uu___1
-let (ext_getv : Prims.string -> Prims.string) =
-  fun k ->
-    let ext = all_ext_options () in
-    let uu___ =
-      FStar_Compiler_Util.find_map ext
-        (fun uu___1 ->
-           match uu___1 with
-           | (k', v) ->
-               if k = k'
-               then FStar_Pervasives_Native.Some v
-               else FStar_Pervasives_Native.None) in
-    FStar_Compiler_Util.dflt "" uu___
-let (ext_getns : Prims.string -> (Prims.string * Prims.string) Prims.list) =
-  fun ns ->
-    let is_prefix s1 s2 =
-      let l1 = FStar_Compiler_String.length s1 in
-      let l2 = FStar_Compiler_String.length s2 in
-      (l2 >= l1) &&
-        (let uu___ = FStar_Compiler_Util.substring s2 Prims.int_zero l1 in
-         uu___ = s1) in
-    let exts = all_ext_options () in
-    FStar_Compiler_List.filter_map
-      (fun uu___ ->
-         match uu___ with
-         | (k', v) ->
-             let uu___1 =
-               (k' = ns) ||
-                 (let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_String.op_Hat ns ":" in
-                  is_prefix uu___2 k') in
-             if uu___1
-             then FStar_Pervasives_Native.Some (k', v)
-             else FStar_Pervasives_Native.None) exts
\ No newline at end of file
+     set_option "reuse_hint_for" uu___28)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c16437ff48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+open Prims
+type key = Prims.string
+type value = Prims.string
+type ext_state =
+  | E of Prims.string FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap 
+let (uu___is_E : ext_state -> Prims.bool) = fun projectee -> true
+let (__proj__E__item__map :
+  ext_state -> Prims.string FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap) =
+  fun projectee -> match projectee with | E map -> map
+let (cur_state : ext_state FStar_Compiler_Effect.ref) =
+  let uu___ = let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_empty () in E uu___1 in
+  FStar_Compiler_Util.mk_ref uu___
+let (set : key -> value -> unit) =
+  fun k ->
+    fun v ->
+      let uu___ =
+        let uu___1 =
+          let uu___2 =
+            let uu___3 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang cur_state in
+            __proj__E__item__map uu___3 in
+          FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_add uu___2 k v in
+        E uu___1 in
+      FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals cur_state uu___
+let (get : key -> value) =
+  fun k ->
+    let r =
+      let uu___ =
+        let uu___1 =
+          let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang cur_state in
+          __proj__E__item__map uu___2 in
+        FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_try_find uu___1 k in
+      match uu___ with
+      | FStar_Pervasives_Native.None -> ""
+      | FStar_Pervasives_Native.Some v -> v in
+    r
+let (is_prefix : Prims.string -> Prims.string -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun s1 ->
+    fun s2 ->
+      let l1 = FStar_Compiler_String.length s1 in
+      let l2 = FStar_Compiler_String.length s2 in
+      (l2 >= l1) &&
+        (let uu___ = FStar_Compiler_String.substring s2 Prims.int_zero l1 in
+         uu___ = s1)
+let (getns : Prims.string -> (key * value) Prims.list) =
+  fun ns ->
+    let f k v acc =
+      let uu___ = is_prefix (Prims.strcat ns ":") k in
+      if uu___ then (k, v) :: acc else acc in
+    let uu___ =
+      let uu___1 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang cur_state in
+      __proj__E__item__map uu___1 in
+    FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_fold uu___ f []
+let (all : unit -> (key * value) Prims.list) =
+  fun uu___ ->
+    let f k v acc = (k, v) :: acc in
+    let uu___1 =
+      let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang cur_state in
+      __proj__E__item__map uu___2 in
+    FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_fold uu___1 f []
+let (save : unit -> ext_state) =
+  fun uu___ -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Bang cur_state
+let (restore : ext_state -> unit) =
+  fun s -> FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals cur_state s
+let (reset : unit -> unit) =
+  fun uu___ ->
+    let uu___1 = let uu___2 = FStar_Compiler_Util.psmap_empty () in E uu___2 in
+    FStar_Compiler_Effect.op_Colon_Equals cur_state uu___1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index 60843db1b37..d185d691a1e 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -3898,7 +3898,7 @@ let (encode_sig_inductive :
                                   let uu___9 =
                                     injective_type_params ||
                                       (let uu___10 =
-                                         FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                         FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                            "compat:injectivity" in
                                        uu___10 <> "") in
                                   if uu___9
@@ -4322,7 +4322,7 @@ let (encode_datacon :
                               let injective_type_params1 =
                                 injective_type_params ||
                                   (let uu___6 =
-                                     FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                     FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                        "compat:injectivity" in
                                    uu___6 <> "") in
                               let fields =
@@ -4920,7 +4920,7 @@ let (encode_datacon :
                                                                     let uu___44
-                                                                    FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                                                    FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                                                     "compat:2954" in
                                                                     <> "" in
@@ -4940,7 +4940,7 @@ let (encode_datacon :
                                                                     let uu___43
-                                                                    FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                                                    FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                                                     "compat:2954" in
                                                                     <> "" in
@@ -5660,7 +5660,7 @@ let (encode_datacon :
                                                                     let uu___40
-                                                                    FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                                                    FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                                                     "compat:2954" in
                                                                     <> "" in
@@ -5680,7 +5680,7 @@ let (encode_datacon :
                                                                     let uu___39
-                                                                    FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                                                    FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                                                     "compat:2954" in
                                                                     <> "" in
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index 2b644afe5ae..2790f921dbe 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -6207,9 +6207,7 @@ let (set_options : Prims.string -> unit FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
            (fun g ->
               let g = Obj.magic g in
               FStar_Options.push ();
-              (let uu___3 =
-                 FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts in
-               FStar_Options.set uu___3);
+              FStar_Options.set g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts;
               (let res = FStar_Options.set_options s in
                let opts' = FStar_Options.peek () in
                FStar_Options.pop ();
@@ -9291,10 +9289,7 @@ let (get_vconfig : unit -> FStar_VConfig.vconfig FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
                   let vcfg =
                       (fun uu___1 ->
-                         (let uu___3 =
-                            FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy
-                              g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts in
-                          FStar_Options.set uu___3);
+                         FStar_Options.set g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts;
                          FStar_Options.get_vconfig ()) in
                   Obj.magic (ret vcfg)) uu___1))) uu___
 let (set_vconfig : FStar_VConfig.vconfig -> unit FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
@@ -9307,10 +9302,7 @@ let (set_vconfig : FStar_VConfig.vconfig -> unit FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
             let opts' =
                 (fun uu___ ->
-                   (let uu___2 =
-                      FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy
-                        g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts in
-                    FStar_Options.set uu___2);
+                   FStar_Options.set g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts;
                    FStar_Options.set_vconfig vcfg;
                    FStar_Options.peek ()) in
             let g' =
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index b795ab75d1d..1a78da2316a 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -7050,9 +7050,7 @@ let (set_options : Prims.string -> unit FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
            (fun g ->
               let g = Obj.magic g in
               FStar_Options.push ();
-              (let uu___3 =
-                 FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts in
-               FStar_Options.set uu___3);
+              FStar_Options.set g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts;
               (let res = FStar_Options.set_options s in
                let opts' = FStar_Options.peek () in
                FStar_Options.pop ();
@@ -9877,10 +9875,7 @@ let (get_vconfig : unit -> FStar_VConfig.vconfig FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
                   let vcfg =
                       (fun uu___1 ->
-                         (let uu___3 =
-                            FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy
-                              g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts in
-                          FStar_Options.set uu___3);
+                         FStar_Options.set g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts;
                          FStar_Options.get_vconfig ()) in
                     (FStar_Class_Monad.return FStar_Tactics_Monad.monad_tac
@@ -9895,10 +9890,7 @@ let (set_vconfig : FStar_VConfig.vconfig -> unit FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
             let opts' =
                 (fun uu___ ->
-                   (let uu___2 =
-                      FStar_Compiler_Util.smap_copy
-                        g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts in
-                    FStar_Options.set uu___2);
+                   FStar_Options.set g.FStar_Tactics_Types.opts;
                    FStar_Options.set_vconfig vcfg;
                    FStar_Options.peek ()) in
             let g' =
@@ -9989,7 +9981,7 @@ let (all_ext_options :
             (fun uu___2 ->
                (fun uu___2 ->
                   let uu___2 = Obj.magic uu___2 in
-                  let uu___3 = FStar_Options.all_ext_options () in
+                  let uu___3 = FStar_Options_Ext.all () in
                     (FStar_Class_Monad.return FStar_Tactics_Monad.monad_tac
                        () (Obj.magic uu___3))) uu___2))) uu___
@@ -10005,7 +9997,7 @@ let (ext_getv : Prims.string -> Prims.string FStar_Tactics_Monad.tac) =
             (fun uu___1 ->
                (fun uu___1 ->
                   let uu___1 = Obj.magic uu___1 in
-                  let uu___2 = FStar_Options.ext_getv k in
+                  let uu___2 = FStar_Options_Ext.get k in
                     (FStar_Class_Monad.return FStar_Tactics_Monad.monad_tac
                        () (Obj.magic uu___2))) uu___1))) uu___
@@ -10024,7 +10016,7 @@ let (ext_getns :
             (fun uu___1 ->
                (fun uu___1 ->
                   let uu___1 = Obj.magic uu___1 in
-                  let uu___2 = FStar_Options.ext_getns ns in
+                  let uu___2 = FStar_Options_Ext.getns ns in
                     (FStar_Class_Monad.return FStar_Tactics_Monad.monad_tac
                        () (Obj.magic uu___2))) uu___1))) uu___
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index d12f0c4948c..a65eaac245c 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -10425,12 +10425,12 @@ let (desugar_modul :
                       (uu___5, modul1)))))
 let with_options : 'a . (unit -> 'a) -> 'a =
   fun f ->
-    FStar_Options.push ();
-    (let res = f () in
-     let light = FStar_Options.ml_ish () in
-     FStar_Options.pop ();
-     if light then FStar_Options.set_ml_ish () else ();
-     res)
+    let uu___ =
+      FStar_Options.with_saved_options
+        (fun uu___1 ->
+           let r = f () in let light = FStar_Options.ml_ish () in (light, r)) in
+    match uu___ with
+    | (light, r) -> (if light then FStar_Options.set_ml_ish () else (); r)
 let (ast_modul_to_modul :
   FStar_Parser_AST.modul ->
     FStar_Syntax_Syntax.modul FStar_Syntax_DsEnv.withenv)
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index 17167a4de7f..09db997543b 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -2501,7 +2501,7 @@ let (config' :
             (FStar_Options.normalize_pure_terms_for_extraction ()) in
         let uu___2 =
           let uu___3 =
-            FStar_Options.ext_getv "compat:normalizer_memo_ignore_cfg" in
+            FStar_Options_Ext.get "compat:normalizer_memo_ignore_cfg" in
           uu___3 <> "" in
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index c5a083ce8ed..e6b3cff8f98 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -15961,7 +15961,7 @@ let (resolve_implicits' :
                                                   Prims.op_Negation uu___8))
                                                 (let uu___8 =
-                                                   FStar_Options.ext_getv
+                                                   FStar_Options_Ext.get
                                                      "compat:open_metas" in
                                                  uu___8 = "") in
                                             if uu___7

From 0d9668aa3c898349e88295134721c34402ade24e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Guido=20Mart=C3=ADnez?= <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:11:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Add a test

 tests/micro-benchmarks/Ext.fst | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/micro-benchmarks/Ext.fst

diff --git a/tests/micro-benchmarks/Ext.fst b/tests/micro-benchmarks/Ext.fst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb223d2faa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/micro-benchmarks/Ext.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Ext
+open FStar.Tactics.V2
+let check (k:string) (s:string) : Tac unit =
+  let r = ext_getv k in
+  if r <> s then
+    fail ("Expected '" ^ s ^ "' but got '" ^ r ^ "'")
+#reset-options "--ext foo=bar"
+let _0 = assert True by (check "foo" "bar")
+#reset-options ""
+let _1 = assert True by (check "foo" "")
+let _2 = assert True by (check "foo" "")
+#push-options "--ext foo=bar"
+let _3 = assert True by (check "foo" "bar"; dump "")
+let _4 = assert True by (check "foo" "")
+#push-options "--ext foo=bar2"
+let _5 = assert True by (check "foo" "bar2")
+  #push-options "--ext goo=bar3,foo=bar3"
+  let _6 = assert True by (check "goo" "bar3")
+  let _7 = assert True by (check "foo" "bar3")
+  #pop-options
+let _8 = assert True by (check "foo" "bar2")
+let _9 = assert True by (check "foo" "")
+#set-options "--ext foo=bar4"
+let _10 = assert True by (check "foo" "bar4")