# Falkor's Dotfiles -- vim configuration ## Screenshot  ## Installation You can use the `install.sh` script featured with the [Falkor's dotfile](https://github.com/Falkor/dotfile) repository. ``` bash $> cd ~/.config/dotfiles.falkor.d $> ./install.sh --vim # OR ./install.sh --with-vim ``` This will setup the configuration files in `~/.config/vim`, following the [XDG Base Directory Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/) To be able to inform vim about this 'exotic' location (ssuming the `$XDG_*` variables are configured in your shell), you need to setup the environment variable `$VIMINIT` as follows (see `shell/available/vim.sh`): ~~~bash # XDG compliant setup for vim # Assuming you install your vim configuration under ~/.config/vim/vimrc as done # by default by Falkor's dotfiles -- see https://github.com/Falkor/dotfiles export VIMINIT='let $MYVIMRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc" | source $MYVIMRC' ~~~ Upon the first launch, vim will also setup the directory `~/.cache/vim/` to host in particular the packages installed automatically with [NeoBundle](https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/blob/master/doc/neobundle.txt). ## Uninstall ``` bash $> cd ~/.config/dotfiles.falkor.d $> ./install.sh --delete --vim ``` ## Customizations * define your own custom bundle in `~/.vimrc.local.bundles` * use `.vimrc.local` to place your local custom vim code.