calcite-playground jdk: 17.0.2-open Calcite playground for learning purposes includes some testing code. My Personal Resources Calcite tutorial at BOSS 2021 finished demo Calcite Blog Tags English Resources Official Calcite tutorial at BOSS 2021 Calcite Author julianhyde Slides Calcite Community Resources Difference between Bindable and Enumerable Others Calcite Key Components (Key Components Simple Explanation) Parsing and planning SQL queries with Apache Calcite – Part 1 (Key Knowledge) Compiling SQL queries for Mireo SpaceTime (Interpretation vs Compilation) Assembling a query optimizer with Apache Calcite Rule-based Query Optimization Chinese Resources Apache Calcite 处理流程详解 1 (基础概念) Apache Calcite 处理流程详解 2 (优化器概念) apache-calcite-tutorial (rules示例代码) Apache Calcite 框架 50 倍性能优化实践 (核心类的优化) Calcite Volcano Planner (VolcanoPlanner执行流程) ericfu: Calcite 对 Volcano 优化器优先队列的实现 calcite物化视图详解 Calcite 启发式 Planner (HepPlanner) (一系列calcite分析文章)