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Ethan Lafrenais edited this page Jul 8, 2017 · 22 revisions

Getting Started

Note: If you are migrating from Discore 2.x, please see the migration guide here.

1. Acquire Discore

Pre-built Downloads

Pre-built releases can be downloaded via NuGet here.

Compile from Source

The project can be built with Visual Studio 2017 (e.g. via the ".NET Core 1.0 - 1.1 development tools").

2. (Optional) Try the Example Bot

If you wish to test your Discore installation, try this example bot. Just enter your bot's user token for the TOKEN constant and fire away!

using Discore;
using Discore.Http;
using Discore.WebSocket;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace DiscorePingPong
    public class Program
        DiscordHttpClient http;

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Program program = new Program();

        public async Task Run()
            const string TOKEN = "<bot user token goes here>";

            // Create an HTTP client.
            http = new DiscordHttpClient(TOKEN);

            // Create a single shard.
            using (Shard shard = new Shard(TOKEN, 0, 1))
                // Subscribe to the message creation event.
                shard.Gateway.OnMessageCreated += Gateway_OnMessageCreated;

                // Start the shard.
                await shard.StartAsync();
                Console.WriteLine("Bot started!");

                // Wait for the shard to end before closing the program.
                await shard.WaitUntilStoppedAsync();

        private async void Gateway_OnMessageCreated(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
            Shard shard = e.Shard;
            DiscordMessage message = e.Message;

            if (message.Author.Id == shard.UserId)
                // Ignore messages created by our bot.

            if (message.Content == "!ping")
                    // Reply to the user who posted "!ping".
                    await http.CreateMessage(message.ChannelId, $"<@!{message.Author.Id}> Pong!");
                catch (DiscordHttpApiException) { /* Message failed to send... :( */ }

3. Start building your own bot

All that's left now is to build your bot!

See the following major sections to learn more:

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