diff --git a/Utils/GlobalVariables.php b/Utils/GlobalVariables.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3224a93d..00000000
--- a/Utils/GlobalVariables.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- */
-# General variables
-$main_dir = dirname(__DIR__) . '/Conformance-Frontend/';
-$session_dir = (isset($_SESSION['locate'])) ? $_SESSION['locate'] : dirname(__DIR__) . '/Conformance-Frontend/temp';
-$mpd_url = '';
-$mpd_validation_only = 0;
-$uploaded = false;
-$current_period = 0;
-$current_adaptation_set = 0;
-$current_representation = 0;
-$period_timing_info = array();
-$segment_accesses = array();
-$profiles = array();
-$sizearray = array();
-$additional_flags = '';
-$error_message = 1;
-$warning_message = 1;
-$info_message = 1;
-$suppressatomlevel = 0;
-# HLS variable
-$hls_manifest = 0;
-$hls_manifest_type = "";
-$hls_stream_inf_file = 'StreamINF';
-$hls_x_media_file = 'XMedia';
-$hls_iframe_file = 'IFrameByteRange';
-$hls_tag = '';
-$hls_error_file = '$hls_tag$log';
-$hls_info_file = '$hls_tag$_infofile';
-$hls_mdat_file = 'mdatoffset';
-$hls_current_index = 0;
-$hls_media_types = array('video' => array(), 'iframe' => array(), 'audio' => array(), 'subtitle' => array(), 'unknown' => array());
-# DASH-IF IOP variables
-$dashif_conformance = false;
-# DASH-IF IOP LL variables
-$low_latency_dashif_conformance = false;
-$low_latency_cross_validation_file = '';
-$inband_event_stream_info = array();
-$utc_timing_info = array();
-$service_description_info = array();
-$availability_times = array();
-# CMAF variables
-$cmaf_conformance = false;
-$infofile_template = '';
-$compinfo_file = '';
-$comparison_folder = '';
-$presentation_infofile = '';
-$selectionset_infofile = '';
-$alignedswitching_infofile= '';
-# HbbTV_DVB variables
-$hbbtv_conformance = false;
-$dvb_conformance = false;
-$dvb_conformance_2018 = false;
-$dvb_conformance_2019 = false;
-$bitrate_script = '';
-$segment_duration_script = '';
-$subtitle_segments_location = '';
-$hbbtv_dvb_crossvalidation_logfile = '';
-# CTA WAVE variables
-$ctawave_conformance = false;
-$CTApresentation_infofile = '';
-$CTAselectionset_infofile = '';
-$CTAspliceConstraitsLog = '';
-# DASH schema version
-$schema_url = '';
-if (isset($_POST['urlcode'])){
- $url_array = json_decode($_POST['urlcode']);
- $mpd_url = $url_array[0];
- $_SESSION['url'] = $mpd_url;
- $mpd_validation_only = $url_array[1];
- $cmaf_conformance = $url_array[2];
- $dvb_conformance_2019 = $url_array[3];
- $dvb_conformance_2018 = $url_array[4];
- $dvb_conformance = ($dvb_conformance_2018 || $dvb_conformance_2019) ? 1 : 0;
- $hbbtv_conformance = $url_array[5];
- $dashif_conformance=$url_array[6];
- $ctawave_conformance=$url_array[7];
- $low_latency_dashif_conformance = $url_array[8];
- $schema_url = $url_array[9];
-if (isset($_POST['urlcodehls'])){
- $url_array = json_decode($_POST['urlcodehls']);
- $mpd_url = $url_array[0];
- $_SESSION['url'] = $mpd_url;
- $cmaf_conformance = $url_array[1];
- $ctawave_conformance=$url_array[2];
- $hls_manifest = 1;
- $main_dir = dirname(__DIR__) . '/Conformance-Frontend-HLS/';
- $session_dir = (isset($_SESSION['locate'])) ? $_SESSION['locate'] : dirname(__DIR__) . '/Conformance-Frontend-HLS/temp';
-if (isset($_SESSION['url']))
- $mpd_url = $_SESSION['url'];
-if (isset($_SESSION['foldername']))
- $foldername = $_SESSION['foldername'];
-if (isset($_FILES['afile']['tmp_name'])){
- $_SESSION['fileContent'] = file_get_contents($_FILES['afile']['tmp_name']);
- $uploaded = true;
-# Command line arguments
- $mpd_url = json_decode($_POST['url']);
- if(strpos($mpd_url, '.m3u8') !== FALSE){
- $hls_manifest = 1;
- }
- if($hls_manifest)
- echo "\n\n\033[".'0;34'."m"."The option 'mpdonly' can only be used for DASH manifests, ignoring for this test..."."\033[0m"."\n\n";
- else
- $mpd_validation_only = 1;
- $cmaf_conformance = 1;
- if($hls_manifest)
- echo "\n\n\033[".'0;34'."m"."The option 'dvb' can only be used for DASH manifests, ignoring for this test..."."\033[0m"."\n\n";
- else {
- $dvb_conformance = 1;
- $dvb_conformance_2018 = 1;
- }
- if($hls_manifest)
- echo "\n\n\033[".'0;34'."m"."The option 'hbbtv' can only be used for DASH manifests, ignoring for this test..."."\033[0m"."\n\n";
- else
- $hbbtv_conformance = 1;
- if($hls_manifest)
- echo "\n\n\033[".'0;34'."m"."The option 'dashif' can only be used for DASH manifests, ignoring for this test..."."\033[0m"."\n\n";
- else
- $dashif_conformance = 1;
- if($hls_manifest)
- echo "\n\n\033[".'0;34'."m"."The option 'dashif' can only be used for DASH manifests, ignoring for this test..."."\033[0m"."\n\n";
- else
- $low_latency_dashif_conformance = 1;
- $ctawave_conformance = 1;
- $schema_url = json_decode($_POST['schema']);
-if (isset($_POST['noerror'])){
- $error_message = 0;
-if (isset($_POST['nowarning'])){
- $warning_message = 0;
-if (isset($_POST['noinfo'])){
- $info_message = 0;
-if (isset($_POST['suppressatomlevel'])){
- $suppressatomlevel = 1;
- $profileCommandLine = (array)json_decode($_POST['profile'],true);
-# Important for Backend block
-$command_file = 'command.txt';
-$config_file = 'config_file.txt';
-$stderr_file = 'stderr.txt';
-$leafinfo_file = 'leafinfo.txt';
-$atominfo_file = 'atominfo.xml';
-$sample_data = 'sample_data';
-# Important for reporting
-$counter_file = '';
-$counter_dir = $main_dir . 'visitorLogs';
-$counter_write = TRUE;
-$mpd_log = 'mpdreport';
-$featurelist_log = 'featuresList.xml';
-$featurelist_log_html = 'featuretable.html';
-$progress_report = 'progress.xml';
-$progress_xml = '';
-$missinglink_file = 'missinglink';
-$mpd_xml_string = '
***Legend: Errors, Warnings, Information ***
- - -