diff --git a/sketch_map_tool/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/sketch_map_tool/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14ff78c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketch_map_tool/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1943 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: sketch-map-tool\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-28 07:04+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-29 23:24\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Language-Team: Czech\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.16.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 3;\n"
+"X-Crowdin-Project: sketch-map-tool\n"
+"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 651528\n"
+"X-Crowdin-Language: cs\n"
+"X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n"
+"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 12\n"
+"Language: cs_CZ\n"
+#: sketch_map_tool/tasks.py:227
+msgid "No markings have been detected."
+msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná označení."
+#: sketch_map_tool/validators.py:18
+msgid "{TYPE} is not a valid value for the request parameter 'type'. Allowed values are: {REQUEST_TYPES}"
+msgstr "{TYPE} není platná hodnota parametru požadavku 'typ'. Povolené hodnoty jsou: {REQUEST_TYPES}"
+#: sketch_map_tool/validators.py:34
+msgid "You can only upload up to {MAX_NR_SIMULTANEOUS_UPLOADS} files at once."
+msgstr "Můžete nahrát až {MAX_NR_SIMULTANEOUS_UPLOADS} soubory najednou."
+#: sketch_map_tool/validators.py:45
+msgid "You can only upload pictures up to a total pixel count of {MAX_PIXEL_PER_IMAGE}."
+msgstr "Můžete nahrát obrázky pouze do celkového počtu pixelů {MAX_PIXEL_PER_IMAGE}."
+#: sketch_map_tool/validators.py:61
+msgid "The provided URL does not contain a valid UUID"
+msgstr "Zadaná URL neobsahuje platné UUID"
+#: sketch_map_tool/validators.py:69 sketch_map_tool/validators.py:76
+#: sketch_map_tool/validators.py:83
+msgid "Literature reference JSON fields should not contain empty strings as values."
+msgstr "Pole JSON s odkazem na literaturu by neměla obsahovat prázdné řetězce jako hodnoty."
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_celery.py:165
+msgid "The file with the id: {ID} does not exist anymore"
+msgstr "Soubor s id: {ID} již neexistuje"
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_celery.py:170
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:167
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:182
+msgid "There is no file in the database with the id: {ID}"
+msgstr "V databázi není žádný soubor s id: {ID}"
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:68
+msgid "There are no tasks in the broker for UUID: {UUID}"
+msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné úkoly v brokeru pro UUID: {UUID}"
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:79
+msgid "There are no tasks in the broker for UUID and request type: {REQUEST_UUID}, {REQUEST_TYPE}"
+msgstr "V brokeru nejsou žádné úkoly pro UUID a typ požadavku: {REQUEST_UUID}, {REQUEST_TYPE}"
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:195
+msgid "In this Sketch Map Tool instance no sketch map has been generated yet. You can only upload sketch maps to the instance on which they have been created."
+msgstr "V této instanci Sketch Map Tool zatím nebyla vygenerována žádná mapa. Můžete nahrát pouze náčrty mapy do instance, na které byly vytvořeny."
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:205
+msgid "The file with the id: {UUID} does not exist anymore"
+msgstr "Soubor s id: {UUID} již neexistuje"
+#: sketch_map_tool/database/client_flask.py:211
+msgid "There is no map frame in the database with the uuid: {UUID}. You can only upload sketch maps to the instance on which they have been created."
+msgstr "V databázi není žádný mapový rámec s uuid: {UUID}. Můžete nahrát pouze náčrty mapy do instance, na které byly vytvořeny."
+#: sketch_map_tool/oqt_analyses/oqt_client.py:46
+msgid "Selected Area-of-Interest is too large for a Map Quality Check Report."
+msgstr "Vybraná oblast zájmu je příliš velká pro zprávu o kontrole kvality mapy."
+#: sketch_map_tool/oqt_analyses/oqt_client.py:57
+msgid "There seems to be a problem with OQT. Please try again later."
+msgstr "Zdá se, že došlo k potížím s OQT. Opakujte akci později."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:8
+msgid "What is this all about?"
+msgstr "O co tu vlastně jde?"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:13
+msgid "The Tool"
+msgstr "Nástroj"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:15
+msgid "The Sketch Map Tool is an easy-to-use tool for participatory mapping through offline collection,\n"
+" digitisation and georeferencing of local data. The low-tech solution is designed to simplify the collection\n"
+" and analysis of local spatial knowledge and perceptions with pens and paper maps, the so-called Sketch Maps.\n"
+" The Sketch Map Tool is an open-source web application. It facilitates the creation, usage and afterwards the\n"
+" digitisation and analysis of paper-based maps with OpenStreetMap and satellite data."
+msgstr "Sketch Map Tool je snadno použitelný nástroj pro participativní mapování prostřednictvím offline sběru, digitalizace a georeferencování místních dat. Nízkonákladové řešení je navrženo tak, aby zjednodušilo sběr a analýzu místních prostorových znalostí a vnímání pomocí per a papírových map, tzv. skicových map. Sketch Map Tool je webová aplikace s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem. Usnadňuje vytváření, používání a následně digitalizaci a analýzu papírových map s využitím OpenStreetMap a satelitních dat."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:23
+msgid "Sketch Map Tool Mapping"
+msgstr "Mapování v Sketch Map Tool"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:26
+msgid "The Sketch Map Tool supports users in all the important steps of offline participatory mapping, from\n"
+" creating paper maps to digitizing them."
+msgstr "Sketch Map Tool podporuje uživatele ve všech důležitých krocích offline participačního mapování, od\n"
+" vytváření papírových map až po jejich digitalizaci."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:30
+msgid "The first step is the creation of the paper-based maps. Users can choose between two basemap containing\n"
+" OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and base maps containing satellite\n"
+" images.\n"
+" In addition, the tool can evaluate how well-suited an area of the OSM base map is for participatory mapping based on\n"
+" a quality analysis of the OSM base map data through the\n"
+" HeiGIT ohsome quality API."
+msgstr "Prvním krokem je vytvoření map založených na dokumentech. Uživatelé si mohou vybrat mezi dvěma základními mapami obsahujícími\n"
+" OpenStreetMap (OSM) datovými a základními mapami obsahujícími satelitní snímky.\n"
+" kromě toho nástroj může vyhodnotit, jak dobře je oblast základní mapy OSM pro participativní mapování vhodná na základě\n"
+" analýzy kvality dat základní mapy OSM prostřednictvím\n"
+" HeiGIT ohsome quality API."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:38
+msgid "For the data collection through offline participatory mapping you only need your participants, the printed\n"
+" Sketch Maps and some pens."
+msgstr "Pro sběr dat prostřednictvím offline participačního mapování potřebujete pouze vaše účastníky, tištěné\n"
+" Sketch Maps a nějaká pera."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:42
+msgid "After mapping, the Sketch Map Tool supports the digitization of the Sketch Maps. Uploading of pictures and\n"
+" scans of the marked Sketch Maps\n"
+" initiates an automatic georeferencing and color-detection process, and the results can be downloaded in various\n"
+" geodata formats. The tool employs\n"
+" a fusion of computer vision algorithms and novel AI models to extract Sketch Maps from photos and detect markings on\n"
+" them. The results can then be\n"
+" used for further analysis in Geographic Information System software."
+msgstr "Sketch Map Tool podporuje digitalizaci náčrtových map po jejich zmapování. Nahráním obrázků a skenů označených map v Sketch Map se spustí automatický proces georeferencování a určování barev a výsledky lze stáhnout v různých formátech geodat. Nástroj využívá fúzi algoritmů počítačového vidění a nových modelů umělé inteligence k extrakci Sketch Maps z fotografií a detekci značek na nich. Výsledky lze poté použít k další analýze v softwaru geografického informačního systému."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:52
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:58
+msgid "The Project"
+msgstr "Projekt"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:54
+msgid "The Sketch Map Tool project has been developed in close cooperation between the HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group\n"
+" from Heidelberg University with the generous contributions of several sponsors and support by partner\n"
+" organizations."
+msgstr "Projekt Sketch Map Tool byl vyvinut v úzké spolupráci mezi HeiGIT a GIScience Research Group\n"
+" na Heidelbergově univerzitě s velkorysými příspěvky několika sponzorů a podporou partnerských organizací."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:63
+msgid "Sketch Map Tool, Timeline."
+msgstr "Sketch Map Tool, Časová osa."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:68
+msgid "The development of the Sketch Map Tool started first as an idea and soon as a simple prototype in the Waterproofing\n"
+" Data project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This first prototype received a\n"
+" major update in 2021\n"
+" when the user-interface was improved and the color detection (using computer vision methods) was implemented. Since\n"
+" then, the tool\n"
+" has been tested by various humanitarian organizations worldwide, including in Germany, Chile, Columbia, Brazil,\n"
+" Mozambique, Madagascar\n"
+" and Sudan in recent years. Thanks to the support of the German Red Cross and the financial contribution of the\n"
+" German Federal Foreign Office\n"
+" within the framework of the Globalprojekt II \"Stärkung und Weiterentwicklung der Internationalen Humanitären\n"
+" Hilfe und des Internationalen\n"
+" Humanitären Systems\", the Sketch Map Tool has been improved and extended to make it available for use by\n"
+" the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement\n"
+" and similar organizations. The Globalprojekt II contributes to reducing the negative consequences of\n"
+" disasters and crises for affected\n"
+" populations by extending strategic humanitarian key topics and innovative approaches. Since the Relaunch 2023, the\n"
+" Sketch Map Tool is a part\n"
+" of the HeiGIT tools."
+msgstr "Vývoj nástroje Sketch Map Tool začal nejprve jako nápad a brzy jako jednoduchý prototyp v Projekt Waterproofing Data, financovaný Spolkovým ministerstvem školství a výzkumu. Tento první prototyp dostal velkou aktualizaci v roce 2021, kdy bylo vylepšeno uživatelské rozhraní a byla implementována detekce barev (pomocí metod počítačového vidění). Od té doby byl tento nástroj testován různými humanitárními organizacemi po celém světě, včetně Německa, Chile, Kolumbie, Brazílie, Mosambiku, Madagaskaru a Súdánu v posledních letech. Díky podpoře německého Červeného kříže a finančnímu příspěvku německého spolkového ministerstva zahraničí v rámci Globálního projektu II \"Stärkung und Weiterentwicklung der Internationalen Humanitären Hilfe und des Internationalen Humanitären Systems\"se Sketch Map Tool byl vylepšen a rozšířen, aby byl dostupný pro použití Hnutí Červeného kříže Červeného půlměsíce a podobných organizací. Globalprojekt II přispívá ke snižování negativních důsledků katastrof a krizí pro postižené obyvatelstvo rozšířením strategických humanitárních klíčových témat a inovativních přístupů. Od Relaunch 2023 je nástroj Sketch Map Tool součástí nástrojů HeiGIT."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:89
+msgid "The focus of the newest project phase, once again funded within the framework of the Globalprojekt\n"
+" II, was the implementation of satellite\n"
+" images as a base map and the overall improvement of color detection, especially on satellite images. \n"
+" Additionally, general software stability\n"
+" was further ensured, and customized training materials designed to make the tool more accessible to end-users with\n"
+" different knowledge levels."
+msgstr "Těžištěm nejnovější projektové fáze, opět financované v rámci Globalprojektu II, byla implementace satelitních snímků jako podkladové mapy a celkové zlepšení detekce barev, zejména na satelitních snímcích. Kromě toho byla dále zajištěna obecná stabilita softwaru a přizpůsobené školicí materiály byly navrženy tak, aby byl nástroj dostupnější pro koncové uživatele s různou úrovní znalostí."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:96
+msgid "The Vision"
+msgstr "Vize"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:98
+msgid "We envision a world in which communities worldwide are empowered to collect, communicate, and utilize local\n"
+" spatial information and knowledge\n"
+" effectively through an open-source, low-tech, participatory mapping solution. This solution bridges paper-based data\n"
+" collection with digital analysis\n"
+" and storage, aiming for collaborative visualization and analysis of current and past conditions and perceptions. The\n"
+" goal is to raise awareness and\n"
+" co-create transformative change in areas impacted by sustainability challenges."
+msgstr "Představujeme si svět, ve kterém budou mít komunity po celém světě možnost efektivně shromažďovat, komunikovat a využívat místní prostorové informace a znalosti prostřednictvím otevřeného, technologicky nenáročného a participativního mapovacího řešení. Toto řešení propojuje sběr dat v papírové podobě s digitální analýzou a ukládáním a usiluje o společnou vizualizaci a analýzu současných i minulých podmínek a vnímání. Cílem je zvýšit povědomí a spoluvytvářet transformační změny v oblastech postižených problémy udržitelnosti."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:107
+msgid "If you have questions or would like to provide a feedback, please reach out to the project team."
+msgstr "Pokud máte dotazy nebo chcete poskytnout zpětnou vazbu, kontaktujte prosím projektový tým."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:112
+msgid "Picture of a group mapping situation."
+msgstr "Obrázek situace skupinového mapování."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:115
+msgid "Former and current Sponsors and Partner Organisations"
+msgstr "Bývalí a současníí sponzořři a partnerské organizace"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:117
+msgid "Logo German Red Cross"
+msgstr "Logo Německý Červený kříž"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:119
+msgid "GIScience Research Group Heidelberg University"
+msgstr "GIScience Research Group Heidelberg University"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:120
+msgid "Logo german humanitarian assistance"
+msgstr "Logo německé humanitární pomoci"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:121
+msgid "Logo FONA"
+msgstr "Logo FONA"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:122
+msgid "Logo BMBF"
+msgstr "Logo BMBF"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:123
+msgid "Logo Belmont"
+msgstr "Logo Belmont"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:124
+msgid "Logo Norface"
+msgstr "Logo Norface"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:127
+msgid "Learning Material"
+msgstr "Výukový materiál"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:129
+msgid "Detailed step-by-step instructions about how to use the tool and FAQs can be found on the Help page."
+msgstr "Podrobné instrukce krok za krokem o tom, jak používat nástroj a FAQ naleznete na stránce Nápověda."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:132
+msgid "The code of the Sketch Map Tool is released on GitHub (\n"
+" \n"
+" https://github.com/GIScience/sketch-map-tool\n"
+" \n"
+" )."
+msgstr "Kód Sketch Map Tool je vydán na GitHub (\n"
+" \n"
+" https://github.com/GIScience/sketch-map-tool\n"
+" \n"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:139
+msgid "On the IFRC Network GIS\n"
+" Training Platform, developed by HeiGIT gGmbH, there are five exercises and trainers` instructions\n"
+" available to learn how to use the Sketch Map Tool and handle the results."
+msgstr "V síti IFRC GIS Training Platform vyvinuté společností HeiGIT gGmbH je k dispozici pět cvičení a instrukcí pro školitele, abyste se naučili používat nástroj Sketch Map Tool a zpracovávat výsledky."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:145
+msgid "If you are interested in learning more about the concept and development of the\n"
+" the Sketch Map Tool, consider watching the video of the lightning talk “OpenStreetMap Sketch Map Tool - The Future of OpenStreetMap\n"
+" Field Papers” at GeOnG 2020."
+msgstr "Pokud se chcete dozvědět více o konceptu a vývoji nástroje Sketch Map Tool, zvažte sledování videa z bleskové přednášky „OpenStreetMap Sketch Map Tool – Budoucnost OpenStreetMap Field Papers“ na GeOnG 2020."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:153
+msgid "Video preview image for Lightning Talk about Sketch Maps at GeOnG 2020"
+msgstr "Obrázek náhledu videa pro Lightning Talk o Sketch Maps v GeOnG 2020"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:156
+msgid "Additionally, Episode 7 \n"
+" \"Mapping in der Humanitären\n"
+" Hilfe” of the Podcast CHAtroom (in German) offers further insights. In this episode from the Center for\n"
+" Humanitarian Action (CHA), Dr. Natascha Bing (GRC) and Dr. Carolin Klonner (GIScience Heidelberg) discuss the\n"
+" importance of maps in disaster management and explore how the Sketch Map Tool can be utilized by humanitarian\n"
+" organizations."
+msgstr "Navíc, epizoda 7 „Mapping in der Humanitären Hilfe“ Podcast CHAtroom (v němčině) nabízí další poznatky V této epizodě z Centra pro humanitární akce (CHA) diskutují Dr. Natascha Bing (GRC) a Dr. Carolin Klonner (GIScience Heidelberg) o důležitosti map při zvládání katastrof a zkoumají, jak nástroj Sketch Map Tool mohou využívat humanitární organizace."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:164
+msgid "Related Publications"
+msgstr "Související publikace"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:165
+msgid "The following scientific articles have been published about the Sketch Map Tool:"
+msgstr "O Sketch Map Tool byly zveřejněny následující vědecké články:"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:171
+msgid "Article preview image"
+msgstr "Obrázek náhledu článku"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:190
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/about.html:192
+msgid "HeiGIT gGmbH
+" Heidelberg, Germany
+" Email: sketch-map-tool@heigit.org
+" Web: heigit.org"
+msgstr "HeiGIT gGmbH
+" Heidelberg, Německo
+" E-mail: sketch-map-tool@heigit.org
+" Web: heigit.org"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:31
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Hlavní stránka"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:32
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "O nás"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:33
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Nápověda"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:71
+msgid "Newsletter"
+msgstr "Zpravodaj"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:73
+msgid "Further Legal Information"
+msgstr "Další právní informace"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:75
+msgid "Privacy\n"
+" Policy"
+msgstr "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:78
+msgid "Imprint"
+msgstr "Tiráž"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/base.html:81
+msgid "HeiGIT Logo"
+msgstr "HeiGIT Logo"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:6
+msgid "Case Study"
+msgstr "Případová studie"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:12
+msgid "Participatory Mapping for Cultural Landmarks"
+msgstr "Participační mapování kulturních krajinných prvků"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:36
+msgid "Claudio Sossio De Simone is a PhD candidate at the University of Rome\n"
+" Tor Vergata in the field of Cultural Heritage, Education and Territory. His\n"
+" research interests include GIS science and geoinformation applied to\n"
+" cultural heritage, as well as the geo-historical study of rural\n"
+" landscapes."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:43
+msgid "The Sketch Map Tool was used as part of his PhD research on the\n"
+" changing territory around an artificial dam in a rural area in southern\n"
+" Italy. The research aimed to identify significant landmarks and provide\n"
+" decision-makers with geographical data to develop cultural, environmental,\n"
+"and touristic initiatives [1]."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:50
+msgid "Why was the Sketch Map Tool used?"
+msgstr "Proč byl použit nástroj Sketch Map Tool?"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:52
+msgid "The Sketch Map Tool was used as a means to capture the local\n"
+" perception of the area around the Occhito dam by identifying\n"
+" environmentally, culturally or socially significant landmarks as perceived by\n"
+" the local community."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:60
+msgid "The study area is a rural region between Molise and Apulia in Southern\n"
+" Italy that is mostly mountainous and only sparsely populated."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:65
+msgid "In the late 1950s, an artificial dam was built in this area to form the\n"
+" Lake Occhito. The area is included in the protected areas of the Natura 2000\n"
+" network [2], with the vegetation surrounding the lake providing habitats\n"
+" for several protected species. However, the dam has altered the local\n"
+" environment. The instability of the new waterscape has caused frequent\n"
+" flooding. In addition, the agricultural system has been profoundly changed\n"
+" and the local traditional pastoral activities have almost completely\n"
+" disappeared."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:75
+msgid " This changing scenario, along the ongoing efforts by stakeholders and\n"
+" communities to develop a new governance plan, underscores the need for\n"
+" enhanced spatial knowledge of the area by combining institutional data with\n"
+" the local community expertise. "
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:81
+msgid "How was the Sketch Mapping organized?"
+msgstr "Jak bylo uspořádáno mapování v Sketch Map Tool?"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:84
+msgid "Community mapping was conducted with both local adults and school\n"
+" children aged 11 to 14, who were instructed to jointly work on Sketch Maps\n"
+" in small groups. The mapping session with A3 (large scale) and A0 (small\n"
+" scale) Sketch Maps took place on the field as well as in the classroom.\n"
+" Participants could draw landmarks and identify them as “cultural-natural\n"
+" places” (e.g. monuments, archaeological sites, birdwatching sites),\n"
+" “problematic places” (e.g. areas littered with garbage, flood-prone areas),\n"
+" and “special places” with a strong subjective value (e.g. a place for\n"
+" picnicking with family, the spot where the mapper kissed for the first time)\n"
+" [3]."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:98
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:100
+msgid "A Sketch Map of the area around the Occito lake in QGIS software."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:105
+msgid "How were the Sketch Maps analysed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:107
+msgid "As a first step, the geodata from the digitalized Sketch Maps was\n"
+" manually cleaned, corrected and enhanced. Then, the collected markings of\n"
+" landmarks were uploaded to the Google My Maps platform for a quicker and\n"
+" better visualization of the collected data during the mapping session in the\n"
+" classroom."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:114
+msgid " As a further step, the Heatmap Plugin in QGIS was used to perform a\n"
+" density analysis on the point layers, resulting in heatmaps that visualize\n"
+" the intensity of a phenomenon in an area based on the density of points.\n"
+" Multiple heatmaps were created to map the density areas of the selected\n"
+" landmarks, which can later be used to analyze the cultural and social\n"
+" aspects of the area [4]."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:122
+msgid "Results and Impact"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:124
+msgid "The VGI data collected with the Sketch Map Tool sessions is to be\n"
+" merged with institutional data (e. g. land use maps, census data, maps of\n"
+" cultural sites) into a GIS platform, creating a web map that can be used to\n"
+" develop new cultural and touristic initiatives as well as a better\n"
+" governance of the problematic areas."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:130
+msgid "Lesson learnt:"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:133
+msgid "Adult mappers demonstrated greater skills in orienting themselves on\n"
+" the map and geolocating landmarks, while the younger participants had more\n"
+" difficulties in orienting themselves in space, but identified more\n"
+" unconventional, subjectively relevant landmarks, showing interest in\n"
+" different areas and characteristics of the landscape."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:141
+msgid "Community mapping clearly showed its potential to highlight some\n"
+" aspects of the local resources and landmarks that are not present in the\n"
+" official cartography, particularly in regard to places with a cultural or\n"
+" subjective value."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:147
+msgid "Many community mappers can orientate themselves more easily on a\n"
+" satellite map than on the OSM base maps. Since the Sketch Map Tool 1.0 was\n"
+" used, which only supported OSM as base map, satellite maps were used along\n"
+" OSM-based Sketch Maps to help with the orientation. Sketch Map Tool 2.0.\n"
+" now allows to integrate satellite imagery directly in the base maps."
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:154
+msgid " "
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:156
+msgid "Sources"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:159
+msgid "La media valle del fiume Fortore (Campobasso), un caso di\n"
+" destrutturazione e ristrutturazione di un paesaggio d’acqua: variazioni\n"
+" nell’uso del suolo come indicatore di cambiamento, 2021"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:163
+msgid "Biodiversity – Enviromental Inforamtion Systems"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:164
+msgid "Millenium Ecosystem Assessment"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/case-study-cultural-landmarks.html:165
+msgid "Data Analysis with QGIS – GIS Resource Training Center"
+msgstr ""
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:9
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create.html:12
+msgid "Create paper maps to collect data"
+msgstr "Vytvořte papírové mapy ke shromažďování dat"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:14
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create.html:17
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/index.html:52
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/index.html:67
+msgid "Define your Area of Interest"
+msgstr "Definujte svou zájmovou oblast"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:15
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create.html:18
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/help.html:175
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/index.html:53
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/index.html:68
+msgid "Map Quality Check"
+msgstr "Kontrola kvality mapování"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:16
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create.html:19
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/index.html:54
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/index.html:69
+msgid "PDF Export of Sketch Map"
+msgstr "PDF Export z Sketch Map"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:20
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/digitize-results.html:20
+msgid "Your results are being processed ..."
+msgstr "Vaše výsledky se zpracovávají..."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:22
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/digitize-results.html:22
+msgid "Your results are ready for download!"
+msgstr "Vaše výsledky jsou připraveny ke stažení!"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:24
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/digitize-results.html:24
+msgid "Sorry. Only some of your results could be generated for download."
+msgstr "Omlouváme se. Pouze některé z vašich výsledků lze vygenerovat ke stažení."
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:26
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/digitize-results.html:26
+msgid "Your results should have been downloadable from here, but we are having troubles on our servers!"
+msgstr "Vaše výsledky by měly být odsud stažitelné, ale máme problémy na našich serverech!"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:34
+msgid "quality report icon"
+msgstr "ikona zprávy o kvalitě"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:35
+msgid "ohsome quality analyst logo"
+msgstr "logo analytika kvality"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:37
+msgid "Map Quality Check Report"
+msgstr "Zpráva o kontrole kvality mapy"
+#: sketch_map_tool/templates/create-results.html:42
+msgid "We are analyzing the OpenStreetMap -->\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
@@ -420,7 +587,7 @@ msgid "We have analyzed the O
" \n"
" \n"