# FOR DEVELOPMENT ONLY Go to http://www.gns3.com if you are looking for the GNS3 VM. Otherwise GNS3 will not be included in the VM. # GNS3 VM Build a GNS3 Virtual Machine * Support Qemu, dynamips, VPCS, IOU and Docker * It's based on a ubuntu-server LTS 14.04 64 bits * Support GNS3 update without losing your data * No need to release a new VM when a new release is out * By default you can use it in gns3 and access to the internet * The VM as Nat and HostOnly adapter * sudo is allowed without password * Default account: gns3 / gns3 * A graphical interface allow gns3 management * GNS3 data are installed in /opt on a seperate disk * An optional eth2 is configured allowing user to add a bridge interface * A vde interface qemu0 for accessing to natted network from qemu ## Building You need to install packer before. ### VirtualBox Run: ``` ./virtualbox.sh ``` This step will build the base VM as an OVA without install gns3 on it. If you want to install GNS3 you need to unzip the OVA and run: ``` ./release_virtualbox.sh 1.4.0 GNS3\ VM.ova ``` ### VMware Run: ``` ./vmware.sh ``` For exporting to OVA you need to install: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?downloadGroup=OVFTOOL400&productId=353 This step will build the base VM as an OVA without install gns3 on it. If you want to install GNS3 you need to unzip the OVA and run: ``` ./release_vmware.sh 1.4.0 GNS3\ VM.ova ``` #### Upload to ESXi ``` ovftool --allowAllExtraConfig -dm=thin -ds=datastore1 "GNS3 VM.ova" "vi://root:PASSWORD@HOST" ``` ## Tools ### ova.py Show content of an ova file ### workstation_to_esxi.py Convert the ova from vmware workstation to esxi ### last_vm_version.py Get last vm version on Github ### push_config_to_vm.sh Sync local configuration via SSH to a VM. Use for testing modifications.