May 25, 2023, 88 FR 33884
Categories of individuals covered by the system
+ This system of records contains records about executive branch employees who seek to create a legal expense fund, pursuant to
5 CFR part 2635, subpart J, for the purpose of accepting donations and disbursing payments for legal expenses for a matter arising in connection with the employee's past or current official position, the employee's prior position on a campaign, or the employee's prior position on a Presidential Transition Team. Information may be collected or remain in the system of records after the employee beneficiary has left employment with the executive branch. This system also contains records about members of the public who contribute payments for legal expenses (donors), members of the public who receive payments from a legal expense fund (payees), and members of the public who serve as a beneficiary's trustee or representative in establishing and maintaining a legal expense fund.
+ The purpose of the system is to collect, generate, maintain, and disclose the information necessary to administer the provisions of the OGE legal expense fund (LEF) regulation at
5 CFR part 2635, subpart J. This includes, but is not limited to, obtaining information relevant to a conflict-of-interest determination and disclosing information on the OGE website pursuant to the regulation. It contains information from executive branch employees establishing legal expense funds as well as information regarding legal expense fund trustees, donors, and payees. It also contains related information collected or generated by OGE or other agencies in the process of collecting, reviewing, tracking, maintaining, and disclosing legal expense fund records. The system of records also permits agencies and OGE to share legal expense fund information with each other as necessary to administer the provisions of the regulation and permits the posting of such information on OGE's website as required by the regulation. Although all beneficiaries must be current executive branch employees at the time the legal expense fund is created, information may be collected or remain in the system of records after the employee beneficiary has left employment with the executive branch.