diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-and-deploy.yml b/.github/workflows/build-and-deploy.yml index a75bb05b..c947aada 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/build-and-deploy.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/build-and-deploy.yml @@ -222,6 +222,6 @@ jobs: cf add-network-policy ${PROJECT}-waf-${BRANCH} ${PROJECT}-cms-${BRANCH} -s ${PROJECT}-${BRANCH} -o ${CF_ORG} --protocol tcp --port 61443 cf map-route benefit-finder-cms-${BRANCH} apps.internal --hostname benefit-finder-cms-${BRANCH} --app-protocol http1 cd .. - sed -i "s#TU_PASS#${TEST_USER_PASS}#g" ./scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh - cat ./scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh + ## sed -i "s#TU_PASS#${TEST_USER_PASS}#g" ./scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh + ## cat ./scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh source ./scripts/pipeline/cloud-gov-post-deploy.sh diff --git a/scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh b/scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh index 2e921a31..3e1c4189 100755 --- a/scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh +++ b/scripts/drush-post-deploy.sh @@ -3,19 +3,11 @@ ## Make sure the last line has a new line or the pipeline script won't read it. ## It reads lines based on new lines. -echo "Updating Drupal..." -drush cr +echo "Updating drupal ... " drush state:set system.maintenance_mode 1 -y drush cr drush updatedb --no-cache-clear -y drush cim --partial --source=modules/custom/usagov_benefit_finder/configuration -y drush cr -drush user:create test_test --password="TU_PASS" -drush upwd --password="TU_PASS" gene_chi -drush upwd --password="TU_PASS" scott_queen -drush upwd --password="TU_PASS" nehemia_abuga -drush upwd --password="TU_PASS" diego_cob -drush upwd --password="TU_PASS" cindy_fong -drush upwd --password="TU_PASS" ernie_deeb drush state:set system.maintenance_mode 0 -y -echo "Post-deploy finished!" +echo "Post deploy finished!"