index 09acdf5..221bab2 100644
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Imports:
- bslib,
+ bslib (>= 0.6.0),
index bfaae08..8f60afd 100644
@@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ importFrom(shinyjs,toggleState)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 0a384d2..772e6f8 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# tfrmtbuilder development version
+* New features:
+ - Add support for `page_plan`
+ - Add support for additional output formats
+* Bug fixes:
+ - Fix navbar link underline css conflict to support bslib >= 0.6.0
# tfrmtbuilder 0.0.5
- Improve robustness of how `tfrmt` internal functions are called.
diff --git a/R/mod_datamapping_inputs.R b/R/mod_datamapping_inputs.R
index d82f14a..61913a2 100644
--- a/R/mod_datamapping_inputs.R
+++ b/R/mod_datamapping_inputs.R
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ datamapping_inputs_server <- function(id, data, settings_in, reset, multiple, re
# hide add/drop inputs if multiple = FALSE
toggle("multiples", condition = multiple==TRUE)
- toggle("multiples", condition = multiple==TRUE)
# starts at zero, 1 for initial state, then increments for each edit
diff --git a/R/mod_export.R b/R/mod_export.R
index b207a55..baa09ec 100644
--- a/R/mod_export.R
+++ b/R/mod_export.R
@@ -28,18 +28,16 @@ export_ui <- function(id){
div(style = "height: 650px;",
h3("Table", class = "heading_style",
span(class = "btn-export", style = "display: flex; gap: 5px;",
- div(downloadButton(ns("tbl_save_html"), label = "HTML", icon = icon("download"))),
- div(downloadButton(ns("tbl_save_png"), label = "PNG", icon = icon("download")))),
+ lapply(c("html","png","rtf","docx","pdf","tex"), function(ext){
+ mod_export_table_ui(ns(ext), ext=ext)
+ })
+ )
div(style = "height: 550px; overflow-y:auto; ",
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- color = getOption("spinner.color", default = "#254988"),
- type = 4,
- gt_output(ns("tbl"))
- )
+ table_inner_ui(ns("tbl_view"))
- )
+ )
@@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ export_ui <- function(id){
#' @param mode mock mode w/ no data, w/ data, reporting
#' @noRd
-export_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app_out, mode){
+export_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app_out, settings){
@@ -63,24 +61,13 @@ export_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app_out, mode){
tfrmt_app_out() %>% tfrmt_to_json()
- tbl_out <- reactive({
- req(tfrmt_app_out())
- mode <- isolate(mode())
- if (mode=="reporting"){
- tfrmt_app_out() %>% print_to_gt(.data = data())
- } else if (mode=="mock_no_data"){
- tfrmt_app_out() %>% print_mock_gt()
- } else {
- tfrmt_app_out() %>% print_mock_gt(.data = data())
- }
+ auto_tbl <- reactiveVal(0)
+ observeEvent(tfrmt_app_out(), {
+ auto_tbl(auto_tbl()+1)
- output$tbl <- render_gt({
- tbl_out()
- })
+ tbl_out <- table_inner_server("tbl_view", data = data, tfrmt_app_out = tfrmt_app_out, settings = settings, auto_tbl = auto_tbl)
output$json_save <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
@@ -91,24 +78,8 @@ export_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app_out, mode){
- output$tbl_save_html <- downloadHandler(
- filename = function() {
- paste('tfrmt.html', sep='')
- },
- content = function(con) {
- gtobj <- tbl_out()
- gtsave(gtobj, con)
- }
- )
- output$tbl_save_png <- downloadHandler(
- filename = function() {
- paste('tfrmt.png', sep='')
- },
- content = function(con) {
- gtobj <- tbl_out()
- gtsave(gtobj, con)
- }
- )
+ lapply(c("html","png","rtf","docx","pdf","tex"), function(ext){
+ mod_export_table_server(ext, tbl=tbl_out, ext=ext)
+ })
diff --git a/R/mod_export_table.R b/R/mod_export_table.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3815f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_export_table.R
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# module for table download button for given output type
+mod_export_table_ui <- function(id, ext){
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ div(downloadButton(ns("tbl_save"), label = toupper(ext), icon = icon("download")))
+ )
+mod_export_table_server <- function(id, tbl, ext){
+ moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session) {
+ output$tbl_save <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = function() {
+ if (inherits(tbl(), "gt_group") && tolower(ext) %in% c("png", "pdf")){
+ paste0('tfrmt_', tolower(ext), '.zip')
+ } else {
+ paste0('tfrmt.', tolower(ext))
+ }
+ },
+ content = function(con) {
+ if (inherits(tbl(), "gt_group") && tolower(ext) %in% c("png", "pdf")){
+ temp_dir <- tempdir()
+ dir.create(temp_dir)
+ n_tbls <- nrow(tbl()$gt_tbls)
+ walk(1:n_tbls, function(x){
+ tbl() %>% grp_pull(x) %>% gtsave(filename = paste0("tfrmt_",x,".", tolower(ext)), path = temp_dir)
+ })
+ zip(
+ zipfile = con,
+ files = file.path(temp_dir, paste0("tfrmt_", seq_along(tbl()), ".", tolower(ext))),
+ flags = "-r9Xj"
+ )
+ } else{
+ gtobj <- tbl()
+ gtsave(gtobj, con)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/R/mod_filters.R b/R/mod_filters.R
index 4071fd5..cf159b8 100644
--- a/R/mod_filters.R
+++ b/R/mod_filters.R
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ filters_ui <- function(id){
filters_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, selected,
null_to_default = TRUE,
+ add_default_opt = FALSE,
allow_create = reactive(TRUE)){
@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ filters_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, selected,
# loop through all variables in the var shell
output$filters <- renderUI({
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ filters_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, selected,
selected_vars <- list(column_val = selected_vars_nms)
} else{
selected_vars <- selected() %>%
keep_at(paste0(var, "_val"))
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ filters_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, selected,
all_vars <- var_shell()[[var]]
ui_list[[i]] <- create_filter_select(ns, paste0(var, "_val"), data,
selected_vars, all_vars,
- allow_create(), null_to_default)
+ allow_create(), null_to_default,
+ add_default_opt)
diff --git a/R/mod_home.R b/R/mod_home.R
index 86dfe41..6985b64 100644
--- a/R/mod_home.R
+++ b/R/mod_home.R
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ home_server <- function(id){
function(input, output, session) {
+ addResourcePath("www", system.file('www',
+ package = 'tfrmtbuilder'))
output$about <- renderUI({
Welcome to the {tfrmtbuilder} Shiny App
@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ home_server <- function(id){
output$hex <- renderUI({
- HTML(" ")
diff --git a/R/mod_page_plan.R b/R/mod_page_plan.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74afb63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_page_plan.R
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# Page plan - top level module
+# returns page_plan()
+page_plan_ui <- function(id){
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ # fluidRow(
+ h3("Page Plan", class = "heading_style",
+ actionButton(ns("reset"), "Reset", icon = icon("undo")), class = "btn-reset"),
+ h4("Note location"),
+ shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons(
+ inputId = ns("note_loc"), label = NULL,
+ choices = c("noprint", "preheader", "subtitle", "source_note"),
+ selected = character(0)
+ ),
+ h4("Max rows"),
+ prettySwitch(ns("max_set"), "Set", value = FALSE),
+ numericInput(ns("max_rows"), label = NULL, value = 10, min = 1, max = NA, step = 5,
+ width = "25%") ,
+ h4("Page Structures"),
+ shinyjs::hidden(
+ p(id = ns("none"),
+ "None supplied.")
+ ),
+ p(id = ns("some"), "Click table entry to edit"),
+ div(
+ id = ns("sortable"),
+ uiOutput(ns("tbl"))
+ ),
+ br(),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3, div(actionButton(ns("add"), "New", icon = icon("plus")), class = "btn-new")),
+ column(3, offset = 1, div(shinyjs::disabled(actionButton(ns("delete"), "Delete", icon = icon("trash")))), class = "btn-delete")
+ ),
+ # ),
+ br(),
+ shinyjs::hidden(
+ div(id = ns("customize"),
+ fluidRow(
+ page_plan_edit_ui(ns("customize_pane"))
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3, div(actionButton(ns("save"), "Save", icon = icon("save")), class = "btn-save")),
+ column(4, shinyjs::hidden(div(id = ns("invalid"), "Invalid Entry", style = "color: red;")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+#' @param id module ID
+#' @param data data for the table
+#' @param tfrmt_app tfrmt object
+#' @param mode_load mock mode w/ no data, w/ data, reporting
+#' @noRd
+page_plan_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, mode_load){
+ moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session){
+ ns <- session$ns
+ struct_list <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ data_bp <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ max_rows <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ # reset to defaults
+ observeEvent(input$reset,{
+ req(mode()=="done")
+ data_bp(data())
+ struct_list(tfrmt_app()$page_plan$struct_list)
+ if (!is.null(tfrmt_app()$page_plan$max_rows)){
+ shinyWidgets::updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "max_set", value = TRUE)
+ updateNumericInput(session, "max_rows", value = tfrmt_app()$page_plan$max_rows)
+ }
+ shinyWidgets::updateRadioGroupButtons(session, "note_loc",
+ selected = tfrmt_app()$page_plan$note_loc)
+ })
+ # set up the defaults
+ observeEvent(tfrmt_app(),{
+ existing_pp <- tfrmt_app()$page_plan$struct_list
+ if (!is_empty(existing_pp)){
+ struct_list(existing_pp)
+ }
+ if (!is.null(tfrmt_app()$page_plan$max_rows)){
+ shinyWidgets::updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "max_set", value = TRUE)
+ updateNumericInput(session, "max_rows", value = tfrmt_app()$page_plan$max_rows)
+ }
+ selected <- tfrmt_app()$page_plan$note_loc %||% "noprint"
+ shinyWidgets::updateRadioGroupButtons(session, "note_loc",
+ selected = selected)
+ })
+ observeEvent(data(),{
+ data_bp(data())
+ })
+ observe({
+ if(input$max_set){
+ shinyjs::enable("max_rows")
+ max_rows(input$max_rows)
+ } else {
+ shinyjs::disable("max_rows")
+ max_rows(NULL)
+ }
+ })
+ # display the page_structures
+ output$tbl <- renderUI({
+ req(length(struct_list())>0)
+ struct_list_txt <- map(struct_list(),
+ ~.x %>% format_page_struct() %>% {paste0(., collapse = "
+ create_struct_list_sortable(ns, struct_list_txt, mode())
+ })
+ # when the list is sorted, reshuffle the page_structures
+ observeEvent(input$item_list, {
+ list_ord <- input$item_list %>% as.numeric()
+ # if out of order, reshuffle
+ if (!all(sort(list_ord)==list_ord)){
+ struct_list(struct_list()[list_ord])
+ mode("done")
+ }
+ })
+ # when any are selected, switch to edit mode
+ onclick("items", expr = {
+ last_struct <- pluck(struct_list(), length(struct_list()))
+ if(!is_empty(last_struct)){
+ mode("edit")
+ }
+ })
+ # reactive representing currently selected row's data
+ # reset to NULL if new format to be added
+ selected <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ item_num_active <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ observeEvent(req(mode()=="edit"),{
+ item_num <- as.numeric(input$`button-item`)
+ item_num_active(item_num)
+ selected(
+ struct_list()[[item_num]]
+ )
+ })
+ # add mode - add placeholder frmt structure & clear row selection so it is not passed along
+ observeEvent(input$add, {
+ # add an empty row_grp_structure
+ struct_list(c(struct_list(), list(NULL)))
+ item_num_active(length(struct_list()))
+ # clear selection
+ selected(NULL)
+ })
+ # keep track of which "mode" we're in: add new, edit existing, done (saved/deleted)
+ mode <- reactiveVal("done")
+ observeEvent(req(input$add>0), mode("add"))
+ # css changes in response to mode change
+ observeEvent(mode(),{
+ if (mode()=="edit"){
+ item_active_id <- paste0("item-", item_num_active())
+ shinyjs::addClass(id = item_active_id, class = "rank-list-select")
+ } else if (mode()=="done"){
+ len_items <- length(struct_list())
+ item_ids <- paste0("item-", 1:len_items)
+ for (i in item_ids){
+ shinyjs::removeClass(id = i, class = "rank-list-select")
+ }
+ }
+ # show/hide the UI
+ # enable/disable the add, delete buttons
+ shinyjs::toggle("customize", condition = (mode() %in% c("add", "edit")))
+ shinyjs::toggleState("add", condition = (mode()=="done"))
+ shinyjs::toggleState("delete", condition = (mode() %in% c("add", "edit")))
+ shinyjs::toggleClass(id = "sortable", class = "unclickable", condition = (mode() %in% c("add", "edit")))
+ })
+ # toggle the "no formats" message"
+ observe({
+ any_items <- length(struct_list())==0
+ shinyjs::toggle("none", condition = any_items)
+ shinyjs::toggle("some", condition = !any_items)
+ })
+ # ensure selected() is updated in case of 2 "adds" in a row (selected stays NULL)
+ selected2 <- reactive({
+ req(item_num_active())
+ selected()
+ })
+ # customize server
+ plans <- page_plan_edit_server("customize_pane", data_bp, tfrmt_app, selected2)
+ # when user presses "save", collect the inputs
+ observeEvent(input$save,{
+ struct_list_existing <- struct_list()
+ # replace the highlighted row
+ current_id <- item_num_active()
+ # update the list of row_grp_structures
+ if (!is.null(plans())){
+ struct_list_existing[[current_id]] <- plans()
+ # save the current selections to the list when button is pressed
+ struct_list(struct_list_existing)
+ mode("done") # set to done mode
+ selected(NULL) # clear row selections
+ } else {
+ shinyjs::show("invalid")
+ }
+ })
+ # delete rows if requested
+ observeEvent(input$delete,{
+ # remove from list
+ if(!is.null(item_num_active())){
+ struct_list(
+ struct_list()[-item_num_active()]
+ )
+ }
+ # reset mode
+ mode("done")
+ })
+ # recreate data (mock no data only) when page_structure_list is updated following a save, deletion, or reorder
+ observeEvent(struct_list(), {
+ req(mode()=="done")
+ shinyjs::hide("invalid")
+ if (mode_load()=="mock_no_data"){
+ new_tfrmt <- tfrmt_app()
+ new_tfrmt$page_plan <- do.call("page_plan", struct_list())
+ if (length(struct_list())>0){
+ new_data <- make_mock_data(new_tfrmt)
+ } else {
+ new_data <- data()
+ }
+ data_bp(new_data)
+ }
+ })
+ # set the max rows depending on user preference
+ max_rows <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ observe({
+ if(input$max_set){
+ max_rows(input$max_rows)
+ } else {
+ max_rows(NULL)
+ }
+ })
+ # return final struct_list only when in done mode
+ page_plan_out <- reactive({
+ req(mode()=="done")
+ req(input$note_loc)
+ arg_list <- list(note_loc = input$note_loc, max_rows = max_rows())
+ if (!is.null(struct_list())){
+ arg_list <- c(struct_list(), arg_list)
+ }
+ do.call("page_plan", arg_list)
+ })
+ # return
+ return(
+ page_plan_out
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/R/mod_page_plan_edit.R b/R/mod_page_plan_edit.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9ef6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_page_plan_edit.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# page plan editor module
+# returns page_structure() object
+page_plan_edit_ui <- function(id){
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ h3("Filter conditions"),
+ filters_ui(ns("filters"))
+ )
+#' @param id module ID
+#' @param data data for the table
+#' @param tfrmt_app tfrmt object
+#' @param selected body_plan that is selected in (or being added to) the table
+#' @noRd
+page_plan_edit_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, selected){
+ moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session){
+ ns <- session$ns
+ # data filters module
+ collected_filters <- filters_server("filters", data, tfrmt_app, selected,
+ include = c("group", "label"),
+ null_to_default = FALSE,
+ add_default_opt = TRUE,
+ allow_create = reactive(FALSE))
+ # combine filters + post space into a page_structure
+ reactive({
+ req(!is.null(collected_filters()$group_val) || !is.null(collected_filters()$label_val))
+ page_structure(group_val = collected_filters()$group_val,
+ label_val = collected_filters()$label_val)
+ })
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/R/mod_row_grp_plan.R b/R/mod_row_grp_plan.R
index d3980b4..af742a2 100644
--- a/R/mod_row_grp_plan.R
+++ b/R/mod_row_grp_plan.R
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ row_grp_plan_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, mode_load){
- struct_list(tfrmt_app()$row_grp_plan$struct_ls)
+ struct_list(tfrmt_app()$row_grp_plan$struct_list)
shinyWidgets::updateRadioGroupButtons(session, "label_loc",
selected = tfrmt_app()$row_grp_plan$label_loc$location)
@@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ row_grp_plan_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app, mode_load){
# set up the defaults
- struct_list(tfrmt_app()$row_grp_plan$struct_ls)
+ existing_rgp <- tfrmt_app()$row_grp_plan$struct_list
+ if (!is_empty(existing_rgp)){
+ struct_list(existing_rgp)
+ }
selected <- tfrmt_app()$row_grp_plan$label_loc$location %||% "indented"
diff --git a/R/mod_table_inner.R b/R/mod_table_inner.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00cc9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_table_inner.R
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# tfrmt Table inner module
+table_inner_ui <- function(id){
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ shinyjs::hidden(
+ div(
+ id = ns("tbl_div"),
+ table_page_ui(ns("tbl_page")),
+ shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
+ color = getOption("spinner.color", default = "#254988"),
+ type = 4,
+ tagList(
+ htmlOutput(ns("tbl_view"))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ,
+ shinyjs::hidden(
+ p(id = ns("tbl_div_msg"), style="color:red;",
+ "Incomplete settings configuration")
+ ),
+ htmlOutput(ns("error_msg"))
+ )
+#' @param id module ID
+#' @param data data for the table
+#' @param tfrmt_app_out final tfrmt for the table
+#' @param mode mock mode w/ no data, w/ data, reporting
+#' @param auto_tbl
+#' @noRd
+table_inner_server <- function(id, data, tfrmt_app_out, settings, auto_tbl){
+ moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session){
+ ns <- session$ns
+ # hide/show the table
+ observe({
+ shinyjs::toggle("tbl_div", condition = !is.null(tfrmt_app_out()))
+ shinyjs::toggle("tbl_div_msg", condition = is.null(tfrmt_app_out()))
+ })
+ # table as reactive
+ tab <- reactive({
+ req(auto_tbl()>0)
+ tfrmt_app_out <- isolate(tfrmt_app_out())
+ mode <- isolate(settings()$mode)
+ data <- isolate(data())
+ if (mode=="reporting"){
+ tfrmt_app_out %>% safely(print_to_gt)(.data = data)
+ } else if (mode=="mock_no_data"){
+ tfrmt_app_out %>% safely(print_mock_gt)()
+ } else {
+ tfrmt_app_out %>% safely(print_mock_gt)(.data = data)
+ }
+ })
+ # module to get current page
+ page_info <- table_page_server("tbl_page", reactive(tab()$result))
+ # subset to selected
+ tab_sub <- reactive({
+ req(!is.null(tab()$result))
+ if (inherits(tab()$result, "gt_group")){
+ tab()$result %>% grp_pull(page_info$page_cur())
+ } else{
+ tab()$result
+ }
+ })
+ # view table
+ output$tbl_view <- renderUI({
+ req(tab_sub())
+ div(
+ p(paste0("Displaying page ", page_info$page_cur(), " of ", page_info$page_tot())),
+ div(style = "height:100%; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: auto; width: 100%",
+ as_raw_html(
+ tab_sub() %>%
+ tab_style(style = cell_text(whitespace = "pre"),
+ locations = list(cells_stub(), cells_body(), cells_row_groups())) %>%
+ tab_options(
+ table.align = "left"
+ )
+ , inline_css = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ # error msgs print
+ output$error_msg <- renderUI({
+ req(!is.null(tab()$error))
+ HTML(p(paste(tab()$error)))
+ })
+ return(reactive(tab()$result))
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/R/mod_table_outer.R b/R/mod_table_outer.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5020c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_table_outer.R
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# tfrmt Table outer module
+table_outer_ui <- function(id){
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ actionButton(ns("refresh"), "Refresh", icon = icon("sync"), class = "btn-refresh"),
+ table_inner_ui(ns("tbl"))
+ )
+#' @param id module ID
+#' @param tab_selected selected tab in the tabPanel
+#' @param data data for the table
+#' @param tfrmt_app_out final tfrmt for the table
+#' @param settings mock mode w/ no data, w/ data, reporting
+#' @noRd
+table_outer_server <- function(id, tab_selected, data, tfrmt_app_out, settings){
+ moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session){
+ ns <- session$ns
+ # hide/show the table
+ observe({
+ shinyjs::toggle("tbl_div", condition = !is.null(tfrmt_app_out()))
+ shinyjs::toggle("tbl_div_msg", condition = is.null(tfrmt_app_out()))
+ })
+ # register when the tfrmt/table should update:
+ # - on initialization, if all valid
+ # - when refresh button is pressed
+ # - when selected tab changes & tbl is out of sync
+ auto_tbl <- reactiveVal(0)
+ tfrmt_counter <- reactiveVal(0)
+ observeEvent(tfrmt_app_out(),{
+ if (is.null(tfrmt_app_out())){
+ tfrmt_counter(0)
+ } else {
+ tfrmt_counter(tfrmt_counter()+1)
+ }
+ })
+ observe(print(tfrmt_counter()))
+ # on initialization, if all valid
+ observe({
+ req(settings()$original==TRUE)
+ req(tfrmt_counter()==1)
+ isolate(
+ auto_tbl(auto_tbl()+1)
+ )
+ })
+ # refresh button pressed
+ observeEvent(input$refresh, {
+ auto_tbl(auto_tbl()+1)
+ })
+ # tab change
+ observeEvent(tab_selected(), {
+ if (tbl_invalid()){
+ auto_tbl(auto_tbl()+1)
+ }
+ }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
+ # no update if tfrmt is reset (starting from beginning) or incomplete
+ observe({
+ if (is.null(tfrmt_app_out())){
+ auto_tbl(0)
+ }
+ })
+ # track state of tbl (for css of refresh button)
+ # - when final tfrmt is changed, indicate refresh needed
+ # - if a refresh is triggered (automatically or by button press), remove the indication
+ tbl_invalid<- reactiveVal(FALSE)
+ # when the final tfrmt is changed, indicate refresh is needed
+ observeEvent(tfrmt_app_out(), {
+ shinyjs::addClass("refresh", class = "btn-danger")
+ shinyjs::removeClass("refresh", class = "btn-refresh")
+ tbl_invalid(TRUE)
+ })
+ # when display update is triggered, remove the indication
+ observeEvent(req(auto_tbl()>0),{
+ shinyjs::removeClass("refresh", class = "btn-danger")
+ shinyjs::addClass("refresh", class = "btn-refresh")
+ tbl_invalid(FALSE)
+ })
+ table_inner_server("tbl", data, tfrmt_app_out, settings, auto_tbl)
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/R/mod_table_page.R b/R/mod_table_page.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5b44d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_table_page.R
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+table_page_ui <- function(id){
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ tagList(
+ h3(
+ span(
+ actionButton(ns("prev_tbl"), "Previous", icon = icon("backward-step"), class = "btn-page"),
+ actionButton(ns("next_tbl"), "Next", icon = icon("forward-step"), class = "btn-page")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+#' @param id module ID
+#' @param tab_gt rendered tfrmt as gt/gt_group
+#' @noRd
+table_page_server <- function(id, tab_gt){
+ moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session){
+ ns <- session$ns
+ # determine length
+ page_tot <- reactiveVal(1)
+ page_cur <- reactiveVal(1)
+ # reset indices when table updates
+ observeEvent(tab_gt(), {
+ if (inherits(tab_gt(), "gt_group")){
+ tot <- nrow(tab_gt()$gt_tbls)
+ page_tot(tot)
+ } else {
+ page_tot(1)
+ }
+ page_cur(1)
+ })
+ # toggle buttons
+ observe({
+ shinyjs::toggleState("prev_tbl", condition = !page_cur()==1)
+ shinyjs::toggleState("next_tbl", condition = !page_cur()==page_tot())
+ })
+ # indices respond to buttons
+ observeEvent(input$prev_tbl, {
+ new_idx <- page_cur()-1
+ if (new_idx>0){
+ page_cur(new_idx)
+ }
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$next_tbl, {
+ new_idx <- page_cur()+1
+ if (new_idx<=page_tot()){
+ page_cur(new_idx)
+ }
+ })
+ return(
+ list(page_cur = page_cur,
+ page_tot = page_tot)
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/R/mod_table_view.R b/R/mod_table_view.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 12ad880..0000000
--- a/R/mod_table_view.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# tfrmt Table view module
-table_view_ui <- function(id){
- ns <- NS(id)
- tagList(
- actionButton(ns("refresh"), "Refresh", icon = icon("sync"), class = "btn-refresh"),
- shinyjs::hidden(
- div(
- id = ns("tbl_div"),
- shinycssloaders::withSpinner(
- color = getOption("spinner.color", default = "#254988"),
- type = 4,
- htmlOutput(ns("tbl_view"))
- )
- )
- )
- ,
- shinyjs::hidden(
- p(id = ns("tbl_div_msg"), style="color:red;",
- "Incomplete settings configuration")
- ),
- htmlOutput(ns("error_msg"))
- )
-#' @param id module ID
-#' @param tab_selected selected tab in the tabPanel
-#' @param data data for the table
-#' @param tfrmt_app_out final tfrmt for the table
-#' @param mode mock mode w/ no data, w/ data, reporting
-#' @noRd
-table_view_server <- function(id, tab_selected, data, tfrmt_app_out, settings){
- moduleServer(
- id,
- function(input, output, session){
- ns <- session$ns
- # hide/show the table
- observe({
- shinyjs::toggle("tbl_div", condition = !is.null(tfrmt_app_out()))
- shinyjs::toggle("tbl_div_msg", condition = is.null(tfrmt_app_out()))
- })
- # register when the tfrmt/table should update:
- # - on initialization, if all valid
- # - when refresh button is pressed
- # - when selected tab changes & tbl is out of sync
- retbl <- reactiveVal(0)
- # settings_counter for # of times the tfrmt settings are captured
- # aim is to trigger an auto-refresh when settings_count =1 and original settings are valid
- settings_count <- reactiveVal(NULL)
- observeEvent(settings(),{
- if (settings()$original==TRUE){
- settings_count(0)
- } else {
- settings_count(1)
- }
- })
- observeEvent(tfrmt_app_out(), {
- settings_count(settings_count() + 1)
- })
- # on initialization, if all valid
- observe({
- req(settings()$original==TRUE)
- req(tfrmt_app_out())
- req(settings_count()==1)
- isolate(
- retbl(retbl()+1)
- )
- })
- # refreshed
- observeEvent(input$refresh, {
- retbl(retbl()+1)
- })
- # tab change
- observeEvent(tab_selected(), {
- if (tbl_invalid()){
- retbl(retbl()+1)
- }
- }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
- # no update if tfrmt is reset (starting from beginning) or incomplete
- observe({
- if (is.null(tfrmt_app_out())){
- retbl(0)
- }
- })
- # track state of tbl (for css of refresh button)
- # - when final tfrmt is changed, indicate refresh needed
- # - if a refresh is triggered (automatically or by button press), remove the indication
- tbl_invalid<- reactiveVal(FALSE)
- # when the final tfrmt is changed, indicate refresh is needed
- observeEvent(tfrmt_app_out(),{
- shinyjs::addClass("refresh", class = "btn-danger")
- shinyjs::removeClass("refresh", class = "btn-refresh")
- tbl_invalid(TRUE)
- })
- # when display update is triggered, remove the indication
- observeEvent(req(retbl()>0),{
- shinyjs::removeClass("refresh", class = "btn-danger")
- shinyjs::addClass("refresh", class = "btn-refresh")
- tbl_invalid(FALSE)
- })
- # table as reactive
- tab <- reactive({
- req(retbl()>0)
- tfrmt_app_out <- isolate(tfrmt_app_out())
- mode <- isolate(settings()$mode)
- data <- isolate(data())
- if (mode=="reporting"){
- tab <- tfrmt_app_out %>% safely(print_to_gt)(.data = data)
- } else if (mode=="mock_no_data"){
- tab <- tfrmt_app_out %>% safely(print_mock_gt)()
- } else {
- tab <- tfrmt_app_out %>% safely(print_mock_gt)(.data = data)
- }
- })
- # view table
- output$tbl_view <- renderUI({
- req(!is.null(tab()$result))
- div(style = "height:100%; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: auto; width: 100%",
- as_raw_html(
- tab()$result %>%
- tab_style(style = cell_text(whitespace = "pre"),
- locations = list(cells_stub(), cells_body(), cells_row_groups())) %>%
- tab_options(
- table.align = "left"
- )
- , inline_css = FALSE))
- })
- # error msgs print
- output$error_msg <- renderUI({
- req(!is.null(tab()$error))
- HTML(p(paste(tab()$error)))
- })
- }
- )
diff --git a/R/tfrmtbuilder_server.R b/R/tfrmtbuilder_server.R
index 88eefa0..40f6f35 100644
--- a/R/tfrmtbuilder_server.R
+++ b/R/tfrmtbuilder_server.R
@@ -12,22 +12,14 @@ tfrmtbuilder_server <- function(id) {
# ui for loading
settings_orig <- load_server("load", reactive(input$mockmode))
- # if user adjust the inputs, direct them to Data Mapping tab (in Edit tab)
- observe({
- settings_orig$data()
- settings_orig$tfrmt()
- settings_orig$mode()
- updateTabsetPanel(
- session = session,
- "tabs",
- selected = "Data Mapping - TEST"
- )
+ # final tfrmt to combine results of all modules
+ tfrmt_app_out <- reactiveVal(NULL)
- })
+ observeEvent(settings_orig$data(), # when data changes, reset
+ tfrmt_app_out(NULL))
# tfrmt data mapping - returns an updated tfrmt/data to be fed into the other modules
- settings <- datamapping_server("overview", settings_orig$data, settings_orig$tfrmt, settings_orig$mode)
+ settings <- datamapping_server("overview", settings_orig$data, settings_orig$tfrmt, settings_orig$mode)
# body plan creation
bp_out <- body_plan_server("body_plan", reactive(settings()$data), reactive(settings()$tfrmt), settings_orig$mode)
@@ -41,16 +33,12 @@ tfrmtbuilder_server <- function(id) {
cp_out <- col_plan_simple_server("col_plan", reactive(settings()$data), reactive(settings()$tfrmt), settings_orig$mode)
# big N creation
bn_out <- big_n_server("big_n", reactive(settings()$data), reactive(settings()$tfrmt), settings_orig$mode)
+ # page plan creation
+ pp_out <- page_plan_server("page_plan", reactive(settings()$data), reactive(settings()$tfrmt), settings_orig$mode)
# titles
ti_out <- titles_server("titles", reactive(settings()$tfrmt))
- # final tfrmt to combine results of all modules
- tfrmt_app_out <- reactiveVal(NULL)
- observeEvent(settings_orig$data(), # when data changes, reset
- tfrmt_app_out(NULL))
- # generate the updated tfrmt
+ # generate/update tfrmt
@@ -59,6 +47,7 @@ tfrmtbuilder_server <- function(id) {
+ req(pp_out())
tfrmt_app <- settings()$tfrmt
@@ -68,6 +57,7 @@ tfrmtbuilder_server <- function(id) {
tfrmt_app$row_grp_plan <- rg_out()
tfrmt_app$col_style_plan <- cs_out()
tfrmt_app$col_plan <- cp_out()
+ tfrmt_app$page_plan <- pp_out()
if (length(fn_out()$struct_list)>0){
tfrmt_app$footnote_plan <- fn_out()
@@ -80,7 +70,9 @@ tfrmtbuilder_server <- function(id) {
- })
+ }, priority = -1)
# data to display
data_out <- reactive({
@@ -95,17 +87,17 @@ tfrmtbuilder_server <- function(id) {
# table viewer module
- table_view_server("tbl_view",
- tab_selected = reactive(input$tabs),
- data = reactive(settings()$data) ,
- tfrmt_app_out = tfrmt_app_out,
- settings = settings)
+ table_outer_server("tbl_view",
+ tab_selected = reactive(input$tabs),
+ data = reactive(settings()$data) ,
+ tfrmt_app_out = tfrmt_app_out,
+ settings = settings)
# export module
data = reactive(settings()$data) ,
tfrmt_app_out = tfrmt_app_out,
- mode = settings_orig$mode)
+ settings = settings)
# view data
output$data_view <- renderDT({
diff --git a/R/tfrmtbuilder_ui.R b/R/tfrmtbuilder_ui.R
index 807cd9f..8fbc0bf 100644
--- a/R/tfrmtbuilder_ui.R
+++ b/R/tfrmtbuilder_ui.R
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ tfrmtbuilder_ui <- function(id){
div("(Optional)", id = "tab_note")),
div( footnote_plan_ui(ns("footnote_plan")), id = "content_border")),
+ tabPanel(div( h6("Page Plan", class = "zero_margin"),
+ div("(Optional)", id = "tab_note")),
+ div( page_plan_ui(ns("page_plan")), id = "content_border")),
tabPanel(div( h6("Big Ns", class = "zero_margin"),
div("(Optional)", id = "tab_note")),
div( big_n_ui(ns("big_n")), id = "content_border")),
@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ tfrmtbuilder_ui <- function(id){
div(id = ns("sidebar"),
tabPanel(title = div("Table", class = "tab_names"), br(),
- table_view_ui(ns("tbl_view"))),
+ table_outer_ui(ns("tbl_view"))),
tabPanel(title = div("Data", class = "tab_names"),
diff --git a/R/utils_app.R b/R/utils_app.R
index d1f70f9..ddeffb9 100644
--- a/R/utils_app.R
+++ b/R/utils_app.R
@@ -10,32 +10,52 @@ remove_shiny_inputs <- function(ns, id, .input) {
# data-driven selectInputs: for selecting values of the tfrmt parameters (group, value, etc)
create_filter_select <- function(ns, type, data, existing_filters, var_vec,
allow_create = TRUE,
- null_to_default = TRUE){
+ null_to_default = TRUE,
+ add_default_opt = FALSE){
+ # get the incoming settings for the given filter type (group_val, etc)
existing_vars <- existing_filters %>%
- keep_at(type)
- existing_vars <- map2(existing_vars, names(existing_vars), function(x, y ){
+ keep_at(type) %>%
+ pluck(type)
+ # create a named list
+ # - if already a named list (e.g. list(group = "val1")) then return
+ # - if not (e.g. ".default") then make it a named list (e.g. list(group=".default"))
+ existing_vars <- map(existing_vars, function(x){
if (is.list(x)){
- } else if (is.null(x) || all(x==".default")){
- x
} else {
list(x) %>% setNames(var_vec)
}) %>%
- list_flatten(name_spec = "{inner}") %>%
- discard(~all(.x==".default"))
+ list_flatten(name_spec = "{inner}")
+ # remove any default values if all null are to be set to .default
+ # (placeholder text will say ".default" when non selected)
+ if (null_to_default ||
+ (!null_to_default && !add_default_opt)){
+ existing_vars <- existing_vars %>%
+ discard(~all(.x==".default"))
+ }
+ # create a select input for each variable to be represented
lapply(var_vec, function(v){
+ # pull anything pre-selected for this variable
filter_keep <-existing_vars %>% keep_at(v)
+ # define pre-selections, if any
if (length(filter_keep)>0){
selected_vals <- filter_keep %>% unlist() %>% unname()
} else {
- selected_vals <- character(0)
+ selected_vals <- character(0)
+ # define choices in the drop-down:
+ # - no data: choices are only the pre-selections
+ # - data: choices are the values in the data
if (is.null(data)){
if (length(selected_vals)>0){
choices <- selected_vals
@@ -46,6 +66,12 @@ create_filter_select <- function(ns, type, data, existing_filters, var_vec,
choices <- data %>% pull(all_of(v)) %>% unique()
+ # add ".default" as a choice if required
+ if (add_default_opt){
+ choices <- c(".default",choices)
+ }
+ # define the placeholder text, depending on whether setting to NULL is an option
if (null_to_default){
placeholder <- ".default"
} else {
@@ -182,7 +208,7 @@ create_struct_list_sortable <- function(ns, struct_list_txt, mode){
@@ -190,7 +216,6 @@ create_struct_list_sortable <- function(ns, struct_list_txt, mode){
}) %>%
# rank list for sortable
rank_list(text = "",
labels = divs,
diff --git a/R/utils_tfrmt.R b/R/utils_tfrmt.R
index a969c9b..0f9f7fd 100644
--- a/R/utils_tfrmt.R
+++ b/R/utils_tfrmt.R
@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ prep_tfrmt_app <- function(tf){
+ if(is.null(tf$page_plan)){
+ tf$page_plan <- page_plan(
+ max_rows = 60
+ )
+ }
@@ -175,6 +181,23 @@ format_big_n_struct <- function(x){
+# format page_structure objects
+format_page_struct <- function(x){
+ if (is.null(x)){
+ return(c("Group Values:","Label Values:"))
+ }
+ group_string <- create_format_txt(x$group_val)
+ label_string <- create_format_txt(x$label_val)
+ page_struct_str <- c(
+ paste0("Group Values:",group_string),
+ paste0("Label Values:",label_string)
+ )
+ page_struct_str
# template frmt objects
dummy_frmt <- function(){
@@ -221,7 +244,12 @@ cols_to_dat <- function(data, tfrmt, mock){
columns_lowest <- columns %>% last() %>% sym()
tfrmt$big_n <- NULL
- col_plan_vars <- attr(getFromNamespace("apply_tfrmt","tfrmt")(data, tfrmt, mock), ".col_plan_vars")
+ tfrmt_out <- getFromNamespace("apply_tfrmt","tfrmt")(data, tfrmt, mock)
+ if (!inherits(tfrmt_out, "processed_tfrmt_tbl") && is.list(tfrmt_out)){
+ tfrmt_out <- tfrmt_out[[1]]
+ }
+ col_plan_vars <- attr(tfrmt_out, ".col_plan_vars")
allcols <- col_plan_vars %>% map_chr(as_label)
allcols <- getFromNamespace("split_data_names_to_df","tfrmt")(data_names= c(),
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index 770c2c0..f89cf8b 100644
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#' @importFrom rlang `:=` `!!`
#' @importFrom shinyFeedback useShinyFeedback feedbackDanger
#' @importFrom fontawesome fa_i
-#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
+#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace zip
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cb61fcc..d4388ce 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# {tfrmtbuilder}
+# {tfrmtbuilder}
diff --git a/inst/www/styles.css b/inst/www/styles.css
index f4ba4e2..0da8234 100644
--- a/inst/www/styles.css
+++ b/inst/www/styles.css
@@ -90,8 +90,12 @@
color: #CF4F15 !important;
-.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a.active {
- text-decoration: underline #CF4F15;
+.nav-underline > li > a.active{
+ color: #CF4F15 !important;
+.navbar-nav {
+ --bs-nav-link-padding-y: 0 !important;
.navbar {
@@ -261,6 +265,18 @@ pre.shiny-text-output {
border-color: #1D3A6D !important;
+/* for pagination buttons */
+.btn-page {
+ color: #FFFFFF !important;
+ background: #254988 !important;
+ border-color: #254988 !important;
+.btn-page:hover {
+ color: #FFFFFF !important;
+ background-color: #1D3A6D !important;
+ border-color: #1D3A6D !important;
/* for fileInput (browse) button */
span.btn.btn-default.btn-file {
color: #FFFFFF !important;
diff --git a/man/figures/tfrmtbuilder_hex.png b/inst/www/tfrmtbuilder_hex.png
similarity index 100%
rename from man/figures/tfrmtbuilder_hex.png
rename to inst/www/tfrmtbuilder_hex.png
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-mod_load.R b/tests/testthat/test-mod_load.R
index 197dee2..945f52f 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-mod_load.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-mod_load.R
@@ -9,14 +9,7 @@ test_that("no files provided - mock mode", {
session$setInputs(tfrmt_source = "None")
session$setInputs(data_source = "Auto")
- template_tfrmt <- tfrmt(group = "group",
- label = "label",
- param = "param",
- value = "value",
- column = "column",
- body_plan = body_plan(
- frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt("xx.x"))
- ))
+ template_tfrmt <- prep_tfrmt_app(tfrmt())
# returns template tfrmt