From 0cc899ae853b17362e689e2075626a8407050d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 17:29:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] Remove Cython code & replace it with GSTools-Core

The Github actions still need to be updated.
---                     |   2 +-                       |   1 +
 docs/source/index.rst           |   1 +
 gstools/field/      |   2 +-
 gstools/field/summator.pyx      |  82 --------
 gstools/krige/           |   4 +-
 gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx      |  64 ------
 gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx | 346 --------------------------------
 gstools/variogram/  |  17 +-
 setup.cfg                       |   1 +                        | 167 +--------------
 11 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 665 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gstools/field/summator.pyx
 delete mode 100644 gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx
 delete mode 100644 gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx

diff --git a/ b/
index 71c3bb1d5..933629618 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 prune *
 graft tests
-recursive-include gstools *.py *.pyx
+recursive-include gstools *.py
 recursive-exclude gstools *.c *.cpp
 include LICENSE pyproject.toml setup.cfg
diff --git a/ b/
index 7ff21bf8f..117ee2eaa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ in memory for immediate 3D plotting in Python.
 - [NumPy >= 1.14.5](
 - [SciPy >= 1.1.0](
+- [GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0](
 - [hankel >= 1.0.2](
 - [emcee >= 3.0.0](
 - [pyevtk >= 1.1.1](
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index f66ca738b..1aa563d5f 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ Requirements
 - `Numpy >= 1.14.5 <>`_
 - `SciPy >= 1.1.0 <>`_
+- `GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0 <>`_
 - `hankel >= 1.0.2 <>`_
 - `emcee >= 3.0.0 <>`_
 - `pyevtk >= 1.1.1 <>`_
diff --git a/gstools/field/ b/gstools/field/
index 66f11e99b..f8d7be315 100644
--- a/gstools/field/
+++ b/gstools/field/
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 import numpy as np
+from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr
 from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
-from gstools.field.summator import summate, summate_incompr
 from gstools.random.rng import RNG
 __all__ = ["RandMeth", "IncomprRandMeth"]
diff --git a/gstools/field/summator.pyx b/gstools/field/summator.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd7ea58d..000000000
--- a/gstools/field/summator.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This is the randomization method summator, implemented in cython.
-import numpy as np
-cimport cython
-from cython.parallel import prange
-cimport numpy as np
-from libc.math cimport cos, sin
-def summate(
-    const double[:, :] cov_samples,
-    const double[:] z_1,
-    const double[:] z_2,
-    const double[:, :] pos
-    ):
-    cdef int i, j, d
-    cdef double phase
-    cdef int dim = pos.shape[0]
-    cdef int X_len = pos.shape[1]
-    cdef int N = cov_samples.shape[1]
-    cdef double[:] summed_modes = np.zeros(X_len, dtype=float)
-    for i in prange(X_len, nogil=True):
-        for j in range(N):
-            phase = 0.
-            for d in range(dim):
-                phase += cov_samples[d, j] * pos[d, i]
-            summed_modes[i] += z_1[j] * cos(phase) + z_2[j] * sin(phase)
-    return np.asarray(summed_modes)
-cdef (double) abs_square(const double[:] vec) nogil:
-    cdef int i
-    cdef double r = 0.
-    for i in range(vec.shape[0]):
-        r += vec[i]**2
-    return r
-def summate_incompr(
-    const double[:, :] cov_samples,
-    const double[:] z_1,
-    const double[:] z_2,
-    const double[:, :] pos
-    ):
-    cdef int i, j, d
-    cdef double phase
-    cdef double k_2
-    cdef int dim = pos.shape[0]
-    cdef double[:] e1 = np.zeros(dim, dtype=float)
-    e1[0] = 1.
-    cdef double[:] proj = np.empty(dim)
-    cdef int X_len = pos.shape[1]
-    cdef int N = cov_samples.shape[1]
-    cdef double[:, :] summed_modes = np.zeros((dim, X_len), dtype=float)
-    for i in range(X_len):
-        for j in range(N):
-            k_2 = abs_square(cov_samples[:, j])
-            phase = 0.
-            for d in range(dim):
-                phase += cov_samples[d, j] * pos[d, i]
-            for d in range(dim):
-                proj[d] = e1[d] - cov_samples[d, j] * cov_samples[0, j] / k_2
-                summed_modes[d, i] += proj[d] * (z_1[j] * cos(phase) + z_2[j] * sin(phase))
-    return np.asarray(summed_modes)
diff --git a/gstools/krige/ b/gstools/krige/
index 1e2171856..5558ec7bc 100755
--- a/gstools/krige/
+++ b/gstools/krige/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 import scipy.linalg as spl
 from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
-from gstools.field.base import Field
-from gstools.krige.krigesum import (
+from gstools_core import (
+from gstools.field.base import Field
 from import get_drift_functions, set_condition
 from import rotated_main_axes
 from import eval_func
diff --git a/gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx b/gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 41911cef3..000000000
--- a/gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This is a summator for the kriging routines
-import numpy as np
-cimport cython
-from cython.parallel import prange
-cimport numpy as np
-def calc_field_krige_and_variance(
-    const double[:, :] krig_mat,
-    const double[:, :] krig_vecs,
-    const double[:] cond
-    cdef int mat_i = krig_mat.shape[0]
-    cdef int res_i = krig_vecs.shape[1]
-    cdef double[:] field = np.zeros(res_i)
-    cdef double[:] error = np.zeros(res_i)
-    cdef double krig_fac
-    cdef int i, j, k
-    # error = krig_vecs * krig_mat * krig_vecs
-    # field = cond * krig_mat * krig_vecs
-    for k in prange(res_i, nogil=True):
-        for i in range(mat_i):
-            krig_fac = 0.0
-            for j in range(mat_i):
-                krig_fac += krig_mat[i, j] * krig_vecs[j, k]
-            error[k] += krig_vecs[i, k] * krig_fac
-            field[k] += cond[i] * krig_fac
-    return np.asarray(field), np.asarray(error)
-def calc_field_krige(
-    const double[:, :] krig_mat,
-    const double[:, :] krig_vecs,
-    const double[:] cond
-    cdef int mat_i = krig_mat.shape[0]
-    cdef int res_i = krig_vecs.shape[1]
-    cdef double[:] field = np.zeros(res_i)
-    cdef double krig_fac
-    cdef int i, j, k
-    # field = cond * krig_mat * krig_vecs
-    for k in prange(res_i, nogil=True):
-        for i in range(mat_i):
-            krig_fac = 0.0
-            for j in range(mat_i):
-                krig_fac += krig_mat[i, j] * krig_vecs[j, k]
-            field[k] += cond[i] * krig_fac
-    return np.asarray(field)
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx b/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c149b41b..000000000
--- a/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True
-# distutils: language = c++
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This is the variogram estimater, implemented in cython.
-import numpy as np
-cimport cython
-from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
-cimport numpy as np
-from libc.math cimport M_PI, acos, atan2, cos, fabs, isnan, pow, sin, sqrt
-cdef inline double dist_euclid(
-    const int dim,
-    const double[:,:] pos,
-    const int i,
-    const int j,
-) nogil:
-    cdef int d
-    cdef double dist_squared = 0.0
-    for d in range(dim):
-        dist_squared += ((pos[d,i] - pos[d,j]) * (pos[d,i] - pos[d,j]))
-    return sqrt(dist_squared)
-cdef inline double dist_haversine(
-    const int dim,
-    const double[:,:] pos,
-    const int i,
-    const int j,
-) nogil:
-    # pos holds lat-lon in deg
-    cdef double deg_2_rad = M_PI / 180.0
-    cdef double diff_lat = (pos[0, j] - pos[0, i]) * deg_2_rad
-    cdef double diff_lon = (pos[1, j] - pos[1, i]) * deg_2_rad
-    cdef double arg = (
-        pow(sin(diff_lat/2.0), 2) +
-        cos(pos[0, i]*deg_2_rad) *
-        cos(pos[0, j]*deg_2_rad) *
-        pow(sin(diff_lon/2.0), 2)
-    )
-    return 2.0 * atan2(sqrt(arg), sqrt(1.0-arg))
-ctypedef double (*_dist_func)(
-    const int,
-    const double[:,:],
-    const int,
-    const int,
-) nogil
-cdef inline bint dir_test(
-    const int dim,
-    const double[:,:] pos,
-    const double dist,
-    const double[:,:] direction,
-    const double angles_tol,
-    const double bandwidth,
-    const int i,
-    const int j,
-    const int d,
-) nogil:
-    cdef double s_prod = 0.0  # scalar product
-    cdef double b_dist = 0.0  # band-distance
-    cdef double tmp  # temporary variable
-    cdef int k
-    cdef bint in_band = True
-    cdef bint in_angle = True
-    # scalar-product calculation for bandwidth projection and angle calculation
-    for k in range(dim):
-        s_prod += (pos[k,i] - pos[k,j]) * direction[d,k]
-    # calculate band-distance by projection of point-pair-vec to direction line
-    if bandwidth > 0.0:
-        for k in range(dim):
-            tmp = (pos[k,i] - pos[k,j]) - s_prod * direction[d,k]
-            b_dist += tmp * tmp
-        in_band = sqrt(b_dist) < bandwidth
-    # allow repeating points (dist = 0)
-    if dist > 0.0:
-        # use smallest angle by taking absolute value for arccos angle formula
-        tmp = fabs(s_prod) / dist
-        if tmp < 1.0:  # else same direction (prevent numerical errors)
-            in_angle = acos(tmp) < angles_tol
-    return in_band and in_angle
-cdef inline double estimator_matheron(const double f_diff) nogil:
-    return f_diff * f_diff
-cdef inline double estimator_cressie(const double f_diff) nogil:
-    return sqrt(fabs(f_diff))
-ctypedef double (*_estimator_func)(const double) nogil
-cdef inline void normalization_matheron(
-    double[:] variogram,
-    long[:] counts,
-    cdef int i
-    for i in range(variogram.shape[0]):
-        # avoid division by zero
-        variogram[i] /= (2. * max(counts[i], 1))
-cdef inline void normalization_cressie(
-    double[:] variogram,
-    long[:] counts,
-    cdef int i
-    cdef long cnt
-    for i in range(variogram.shape[0]):
-        # avoid division by zero
-        cnt = max(counts[i], 1)
-        variogram[i] = (
-            0.5 * (1./cnt * variogram[i])**4 /
-            (0.457 + 0.494 / cnt + 0.045 / cnt**2)
-        )
-ctypedef void (*_normalization_func)(
-    double[:],
-    long[:],
-cdef inline void normalization_matheron_vec(
-    double[:,:] variogram,
-    long[:,:] counts,
-    cdef int d, i
-    for d in range(variogram.shape[0]):
-        normalization_matheron(variogram[d, :], counts[d, :])
-cdef inline void normalization_cressie_vec(
-    double[:,:] variogram,
-    long[:,:] counts,
-    cdef int d, i
-    cdef long cnt
-    for d in range(variogram.shape[0]):
-        normalization_cressie(variogram[d, :], counts[d, :])
-ctypedef void (*_normalization_func_vec)(
-    double[:,:],
-    long[:,:],
-cdef _estimator_func choose_estimator_func(str estimator_type):
-    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func
-    if estimator_type == 'm':
-        estimator_func = estimator_matheron
-    elif estimator_type == 'c':
-        estimator_func = estimator_cressie
-    return estimator_func
-cdef _normalization_func choose_estimator_normalization(str estimator_type):
-    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func
-    if estimator_type == 'm':
-        normalization_func = normalization_matheron
-    elif estimator_type == 'c':
-        normalization_func = normalization_cressie
-    return normalization_func
-cdef _normalization_func_vec choose_estimator_normalization_vec(str estimator_type):
-    cdef _normalization_func_vec normalization_func_vec
-    if estimator_type == 'm':
-        normalization_func_vec = normalization_matheron_vec
-    elif estimator_type == 'c':
-        normalization_func_vec = normalization_cressie_vec
-    return normalization_func_vec
-def directional(
-    const int dim,
-    const double[:,:] f,
-    const double[:] bin_edges,
-    const double[:,:] pos,
-    const double[:,:] direction,  # should be normed
-    const double angles_tol=M_PI/8.0,
-    const double bandwidth=-1.0,  # negative values to turn of bandwidth search
-    const bint separate_dirs=False,  # whether the direction bands don't overlap
-    str estimator_type='m',
-    if pos.shape[1] != f.shape[1]:
-        raise ValueError('len(pos) = {0} != len(f) = {1} '.
-                         format(pos.shape[1], f.shape[1]))
-    if bin_edges.shape[0] < 2:
-        raise ValueError('len(bin_edges) too small')
-    if angles_tol <= 0:
-        raise ValueError('tolerance for angle search masks must be > 0')
-    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
-    cdef _normalization_func_vec normalization_func_vec = (
-        choose_estimator_normalization_vec(estimator_type)
-    )
-    cdef int d_max = direction.shape[0]
-    cdef int i_max = bin_edges.shape[0] - 1
-    cdef int j_max = pos.shape[1] - 1
-    cdef int k_max = pos.shape[1]
-    cdef int f_max = f.shape[0]
-    cdef double[:,:] variogram = np.zeros((d_max, len(bin_edges)-1))
-    cdef long[:,:] counts = np.zeros((d_max, len(bin_edges)-1), dtype=long)
-    cdef int i, j, k, m, d
-    cdef double dist
-    for i in prange(i_max, nogil=True):
-        for j in range(j_max):
-            for k in range(j+1, k_max):
-                dist = dist_euclid(dim, pos, j, k)
-                if dist < bin_edges[i] or dist >= bin_edges[i+1]:
-                    continue  # skip if not in current bin
-                for d in range(d_max):
-                    if not dir_test(dim, pos, dist, direction, angles_tol, bandwidth, k, j, d):
-                        continue  # skip if not in current direction
-                    for m in range(f_max):
-                        # skip no data values
-                        if not (isnan(f[m,k]) or isnan(f[m,j])):
-                            counts[d, i] += 1
-                            variogram[d, i] += estimator_func(f[m,k] - f[m,j])
-                    # once we found a fitting direction
-                    # break the search if directions are separated
-                    if separate_dirs:
-                        break
-    normalization_func_vec(variogram, counts)
-    return np.asarray(variogram), np.asarray(counts)
-def unstructured(
-    const int dim,
-    const double[:,:] f,
-    const double[:] bin_edges,
-    const double[:,:] pos,
-    str estimator_type='m',
-    str distance_type='e',
-    cdef _dist_func distance
-    if distance_type == 'e':
-        distance = dist_euclid
-    else:
-        distance = dist_haversine
-        if dim != 2:
-            raise ValueError('Haversine: dim = {0} != 2'.format(dim))
-    if pos.shape[1] != f.shape[1]:
-        raise ValueError('len(pos) = {0} != len(f) = {1} '.
-                         format(pos.shape[1], f.shape[1]))
-    if bin_edges.shape[0] < 2:
-        raise ValueError('len(bin_edges) too small')
-    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
-    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func = (
-        choose_estimator_normalization(estimator_type)
-    )
-    cdef int i_max = bin_edges.shape[0] - 1
-    cdef int j_max = pos.shape[1] - 1
-    cdef int k_max = pos.shape[1]
-    cdef int f_max = f.shape[0]
-    cdef double[:] variogram = np.zeros(len(bin_edges)-1)
-    cdef long[:] counts = np.zeros(len(bin_edges)-1, dtype=long)
-    cdef int i, j, k, m
-    cdef double dist
-    for i in prange(i_max, nogil=True):
-        for j in range(j_max):
-            for k in range(j+1, k_max):
-                dist = distance(dim, pos, j, k)
-                if dist < bin_edges[i] or dist >= bin_edges[i+1]:
-                    continue  # skip if not in current bin
-                for m in range(f_max):
-                    # skip no data values
-                    if not (isnan(f[m,k]) or isnan(f[m,j])):
-                        counts[i] += 1
-                        variogram[i] += estimator_func(f[m,k] - f[m,j])
-    normalization_func(variogram, counts)
-    return np.asarray(variogram), np.asarray(counts)
-def structured(const double[:,:] f, str estimator_type='m'):
-    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
-    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func = (
-        choose_estimator_normalization(estimator_type)
-    )
-    cdef int i_max = f.shape[0] - 1
-    cdef int j_max = f.shape[1]
-    cdef int k_max = i_max + 1
-    cdef double[:] variogram = np.zeros(k_max)
-    cdef long[:] counts = np.zeros(k_max, dtype=long)
-    cdef int i, j, k
-    with nogil, parallel():
-        for i in range(i_max):
-            for j in range(j_max):
-                for k in prange(1, k_max-i):
-                    counts[k] += 1
-                    variogram[k] += estimator_func(f[i,j] - f[i+k,j])
-    normalization_func(variogram, counts)
-    return np.asarray(variogram)
-def ma_structured(
-    const double[:,:] f,
-    const bint[:,:] mask,
-    str estimator_type='m',
-    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
-    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func = (
-        choose_estimator_normalization(estimator_type)
-    )
-    cdef int i_max = f.shape[0] - 1
-    cdef int j_max = f.shape[1]
-    cdef int k_max = i_max + 1
-    cdef double[:] variogram = np.zeros(k_max)
-    cdef long[:] counts = np.zeros(k_max, dtype=long)
-    cdef int i, j, k
-    with nogil, parallel():
-        for i in range(i_max):
-            for j in range(j_max):
-                for k in prange(1, k_max-i):
-                    if not mask[i,j] and not mask[i+k,j]:
-                        counts[k] += 1
-                        variogram[k] += estimator_func(f[i,j] - f[i+k,j])
-    normalization_func(variogram, counts)
-    return np.asarray(variogram)
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/ b/gstools/variogram/
index 7c1076959..d758e3b40 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/
+++ b/gstools/variogram/
@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
 import numpy as np
+from gstools_core import (
+    variogram_directional as directional,
+    variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured,
+    variogram_structured as structured,
+    variogram_unstructured as unstructured,
 from import remove_trend_norm_mean
 from import (
@@ -20,12 +26,6 @@
 from gstools.variogram.binning import standard_bins
-from gstools.variogram.estimator import (
-    directional,
-    ma_structured,
-    structured,
-    unstructured,
 __all__ = [
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ def _separate_dirs_test(direction, angles_tol):
         for j in range(i + 1, direction.shape[0]):
             s_prod = np.minimum(np.abs([i], direction[j])), 1)
             separate_dirs &= np.arccos(s_prod) >= 2 * angles_tol
-    return separate_dirs
+    # gstools-core doesn't like the type `numpy.bool_`
+    return bool(separate_dirs)
 def vario_estimate(
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ def vario_estimate_axis(
         field =, ndmin=1, dtype=np.double)
         if missing:
             field.mask = np.logical_or(field.mask, missing_mask)
-        mask = np.asarray(, dtype=np.int32)
+        mask =
         field = np.array(field, ndmin=1, dtype=np.double, copy=False)
         missing_mask = None  # free space
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index efc2fd4c5..d533120b0 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ project_urls =
 packages = find:
 install_requires =
+    gstools_core>=0.1.2,<1
diff --git a/ b/
index 1bbc7fafa..291d34a54 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,169 +1,14 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 """GSTools: A geostatistical toolbox."""
-import glob
 import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
-from distutils.errors import CompileError, LinkError
-from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
 import numpy as np
-from Cython.Build import cythonize
-from setuptools import Extension, setup
-HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-# openmp finder ###############################################################
-# This code is adapted for a large part from the scikit-learn
-# which can be found at:
-CCODE = """
-#include <omp.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(void) {
-#pragma omp parallel
-printf("nthreads=%d\\n", omp_get_num_threads());
-return 0;
-def get_openmp_flag(compiler):
-    """Get the compiler dependent openmp flag."""
-    if hasattr(compiler, "compiler"):
-        compiler = compiler.compiler[0]
-    else:
-        compiler = compiler.__class__.__name__
-    if sys.platform == "win32" and ("icc" in compiler or "icl" in compiler):
-        return ["/Qopenmp"]
-    if sys.platform == "win32":
-        return ["/openmp"]
-    if sys.platform == "darwin" and ("icc" in compiler or "icl" in compiler):
-        return ["-openmp"]
-    if sys.platform == "darwin" and "openmp" in os.getenv("CPPFLAGS", ""):
-        return []
-    # Default flag for GCC and clang:
-    return ["-fopenmp"]
-def check_openmp_support():
-    """Check whether OpenMP test code can be compiled and run."""
-    ccompiler = new_compiler()
-    customize_compiler(ccompiler)
-    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
-        try:
-            os.chdir(tmp_dir)
-            # Write test program
-            with open("test_openmp.c", "w") as cfile:
-                cfile.write(CCODE)
-            os.mkdir("objects")
-            # Compile, test program
-            openmp_flags = get_openmp_flag(ccompiler)
-            ccompiler.compile(
-                ["test_openmp.c"],
-                output_dir="objects",
-                extra_postargs=openmp_flags,
-            )
-            # Link test program
-            extra_preargs = os.getenv("LDFLAGS", None)
-            if extra_preargs is not None:
-                extra_preargs = extra_preargs.split(" ")
-            else:
-                extra_preargs = []
-            objects = glob.glob(
-                os.path.join("objects", "*" + ccompiler.obj_extension)
-            )
-            ccompiler.link_executable(
-                objects,
-                "test_openmp",
-                extra_preargs=extra_preargs,
-                extra_postargs=openmp_flags,
-            )
-            # Run test program
-            output = subprocess.check_output("./test_openmp")
-            output = output.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or "utf-8").splitlines()
-            # Check test program output
-            if "nthreads=" in output[0]:
-                nthreads = int(output[0].strip().split("=")[1])
-                openmp_supported = len(output) == nthreads
-            else:
-                openmp_supported = False
-                openmp_flags = []
-        except (CompileError, LinkError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
-            openmp_supported = False
-            openmp_flags = []
-        finally:
-            os.chdir(HERE)
-    return openmp_supported, openmp_flags
-# openmp ######################################################################
-USE_OPENMP = bool(int(GS_PARALLEL)) if GS_PARALLEL else False
-    # just check if wanted
-    CAN_USE_OPENMP, FLAGS = check_openmp_support()
-        print("## GSTOOLS setup: OpenMP found.")
-        print("## OpenMP flags:", FLAGS)
-    else:
-        print("## GSTOOLS setup: OpenMP not found.")
-    print("## GSTOOLS setup: OpenMP not wanted by the user.")
-    FLAGS = []
-# cython extensions ###########################################################
-    Extension(
-        "gstools.field.summator",
-        [os.path.join("gstools", "field", "summator.pyx")],
-        include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
-        extra_compile_args=FLAGS,
-        extra_link_args=FLAGS,
-    )
-    Extension(
-        "gstools.variogram.estimator",
-        [os.path.join("gstools", "variogram", "estimator.pyx")],
-        language="c++",
-        include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
-        extra_compile_args=FLAGS,
-        extra_link_args=FLAGS,
-    )
-    Extension(
-        "gstools.krige.krigesum",
-        [os.path.join("gstools", "krige", "krigesum.pyx")],
-        include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
-        extra_compile_args=FLAGS,
-        extra_link_args=FLAGS,
-    )
-EXT_MODULES = cythonize(CY_MODULES)  # annotate=True
-# embed signatures for sphinx
-for ext_m in EXT_MODULES:
-    ext_m.cython_directives = {"embedsignature": True}
+from setuptools import setup
+import sys
+import site
-# setup #######################################################################
+site.ENABLE_USER_SITE = "--user" in sys.argv[1:]
+HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-setup(ext_modules=EXT_MODULES, include_dirs=[np.get_include()])

From 41cb5d5aea03dfee001fcee36c18af1eeb20edb5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 19:51:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/10] Restore Cython code and make Rust impl. optional

Now, the GSTools-Core is used, if the package can be imported, but it
can also be switched off, by setting the global var.
`gstools.config.USE_RUST=False` during the runtime.
---                     |   2 +-                       |   2 +-
 docs/source/index.rst           |   2 +-
 gstools/             |   1 +
 gstools/               |  14 ++
 gstools/field/      |  11 +-
 gstools/field/summator.pyx      |  82 ++++++++
 gstools/krige/           |  16 +-
 gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx      |  64 ++++++
 gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx | 346 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gstools/variogram/  |  25 ++-
 setup.cfg                       |   3 +-                        | 167 ++++++++++++++-
 13 files changed, 712 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 gstools/
 create mode 100644 gstools/field/summator.pyx
 create mode 100644 gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx
 create mode 100644 gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx

diff --git a/ b/
index 933629618..71c3bb1d5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 prune *
 graft tests
-recursive-include gstools *.py
+recursive-include gstools *.py *.pyx
 recursive-exclude gstools *.c *.cpp
 include LICENSE pyproject.toml setup.cfg
diff --git a/ b/
index 117ee2eaa..c0488480f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -338,7 +338,6 @@ in memory for immediate 3D plotting in Python.
 - [NumPy >= 1.14.5](
 - [SciPy >= 1.1.0](
-- [GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0](
 - [hankel >= 1.0.2](
 - [emcee >= 3.0.0](
 - [pyevtk >= 1.1.1](
@@ -346,6 +345,7 @@ in memory for immediate 3D plotting in Python.
 ### Optional
+- [GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0](
 - [matplotlib](
 - [pyvista](
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 1aa563d5f..b36965352 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -378,7 +378,6 @@ Requirements
 - `Numpy >= 1.14.5 <>`_
 - `SciPy >= 1.1.0 <>`_
-- `GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0 <>`_
 - `hankel >= 1.0.2 <>`_
 - `emcee >= 3.0.0 <>`_
 - `pyevtk >= 1.1.1 <>`_
@@ -388,6 +387,7 @@ Requirements
+- `GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0 <>`_
 - `matplotlib <>`_
 - `pyvista <>`_
diff --git a/gstools/ b/gstools/
index 77281d8d4..a82839cc7 100644
--- a/gstools/
+++ b/gstools/
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
 # Hooray!
 from gstools import (
+    config,
diff --git a/gstools/ b/gstools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebbd571cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstools/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+GStools subpackage providing global variables.
+.. currentmodule:: gstools.config
+# pylint: disable=W0611
+    import gstools_core
+    USE_RUST = True
+except ImportError:
+    USE_RUST = False
diff --git a/gstools/field/ b/gstools/field/
index f8d7be315..91408e884 100644
--- a/gstools/field/
+++ b/gstools/field/
@@ -10,16 +10,23 @@
-# pylint: disable=C0103, W0222
+# pylint: disable=C0103, W0222, C0412
 import warnings
 from copy import deepcopy as dcp
 import numpy as np
-from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr
+from gstools import config
 from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
 from gstools.random.rng import RNG
+if config.USE_RUST:
+    # pylint: disable=E0401
+    from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr
+    # pylint: disable=C0412
+    from gstools.field.summator import summate, summate_incompr
 __all__ = ["RandMeth", "IncomprRandMeth"]
diff --git a/gstools/field/summator.pyx b/gstools/field/summator.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecd7ea58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstools/field/summator.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+This is the randomization method summator, implemented in cython.
+import numpy as np
+cimport cython
+from cython.parallel import prange
+cimport numpy as np
+from libc.math cimport cos, sin
+def summate(
+    const double[:, :] cov_samples,
+    const double[:] z_1,
+    const double[:] z_2,
+    const double[:, :] pos
+    ):
+    cdef int i, j, d
+    cdef double phase
+    cdef int dim = pos.shape[0]
+    cdef int X_len = pos.shape[1]
+    cdef int N = cov_samples.shape[1]
+    cdef double[:] summed_modes = np.zeros(X_len, dtype=float)
+    for i in prange(X_len, nogil=True):
+        for j in range(N):
+            phase = 0.
+            for d in range(dim):
+                phase += cov_samples[d, j] * pos[d, i]
+            summed_modes[i] += z_1[j] * cos(phase) + z_2[j] * sin(phase)
+    return np.asarray(summed_modes)
+cdef (double) abs_square(const double[:] vec) nogil:
+    cdef int i
+    cdef double r = 0.
+    for i in range(vec.shape[0]):
+        r += vec[i]**2
+    return r
+def summate_incompr(
+    const double[:, :] cov_samples,
+    const double[:] z_1,
+    const double[:] z_2,
+    const double[:, :] pos
+    ):
+    cdef int i, j, d
+    cdef double phase
+    cdef double k_2
+    cdef int dim = pos.shape[0]
+    cdef double[:] e1 = np.zeros(dim, dtype=float)
+    e1[0] = 1.
+    cdef double[:] proj = np.empty(dim)
+    cdef int X_len = pos.shape[1]
+    cdef int N = cov_samples.shape[1]
+    cdef double[:, :] summed_modes = np.zeros((dim, X_len), dtype=float)
+    for i in range(X_len):
+        for j in range(N):
+            k_2 = abs_square(cov_samples[:, j])
+            phase = 0.
+            for d in range(dim):
+                phase += cov_samples[d, j] * pos[d, i]
+            for d in range(dim):
+                proj[d] = e1[d] - cov_samples[d, j] * cov_samples[0, j] / k_2
+                summed_modes[d, i] += proj[d] * (z_1[j] * cos(phase) + z_2[j] * sin(phase))
+    return np.asarray(summed_modes)
diff --git a/gstools/krige/ b/gstools/krige/
index 5558ec7bc..e3922d335 100755
--- a/gstools/krige/
+++ b/gstools/krige/
@@ -9,23 +9,29 @@
 .. autosummary::
-# pylint: disable=C0103, W0221, E1102, R0201
+# pylint: disable=C0103, W0221, E1102, R0201, C0412
 import collections
 import numpy as np
 import scipy.linalg as spl
 from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
-from gstools_core import (
-    calc_field_krige,
-    calc_field_krige_and_variance,
+from gstools import config
 from gstools.field.base import Field
 from import get_drift_functions, set_condition
 from import rotated_main_axes
 from import eval_func
 from gstools.variogram import vario_estimate
+if config.USE_RUST:
+    # pylint: disable=E0401
+    from gstools_core import calc_field_krige, calc_field_krige_and_variance
+    from gstools.krige.krigesum import (
+        calc_field_krige,
+        calc_field_krige_and_variance,
+    )
 __all__ = ["Krige"]
diff --git a/gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx b/gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41911cef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstools/krige/krigesum.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+This is a summator for the kriging routines
+import numpy as np
+cimport cython
+from cython.parallel import prange
+cimport numpy as np
+def calc_field_krige_and_variance(
+    const double[:, :] krig_mat,
+    const double[:, :] krig_vecs,
+    const double[:] cond
+    cdef int mat_i = krig_mat.shape[0]
+    cdef int res_i = krig_vecs.shape[1]
+    cdef double[:] field = np.zeros(res_i)
+    cdef double[:] error = np.zeros(res_i)
+    cdef double krig_fac
+    cdef int i, j, k
+    # error = krig_vecs * krig_mat * krig_vecs
+    # field = cond * krig_mat * krig_vecs
+    for k in prange(res_i, nogil=True):
+        for i in range(mat_i):
+            krig_fac = 0.0
+            for j in range(mat_i):
+                krig_fac += krig_mat[i, j] * krig_vecs[j, k]
+            error[k] += krig_vecs[i, k] * krig_fac
+            field[k] += cond[i] * krig_fac
+    return np.asarray(field), np.asarray(error)
+def calc_field_krige(
+    const double[:, :] krig_mat,
+    const double[:, :] krig_vecs,
+    const double[:] cond
+    cdef int mat_i = krig_mat.shape[0]
+    cdef int res_i = krig_vecs.shape[1]
+    cdef double[:] field = np.zeros(res_i)
+    cdef double krig_fac
+    cdef int i, j, k
+    # field = cond * krig_mat * krig_vecs
+    for k in prange(res_i, nogil=True):
+        for i in range(mat_i):
+            krig_fac = 0.0
+            for j in range(mat_i):
+                krig_fac += krig_mat[i, j] * krig_vecs[j, k]
+            field[k] += cond[i] * krig_fac
+    return np.asarray(field)
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx b/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c149b41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True
+# distutils: language = c++
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+This is the variogram estimater, implemented in cython.
+import numpy as np
+cimport cython
+from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
+cimport numpy as np
+from libc.math cimport M_PI, acos, atan2, cos, fabs, isnan, pow, sin, sqrt
+cdef inline double dist_euclid(
+    const int dim,
+    const double[:,:] pos,
+    const int i,
+    const int j,
+) nogil:
+    cdef int d
+    cdef double dist_squared = 0.0
+    for d in range(dim):
+        dist_squared += ((pos[d,i] - pos[d,j]) * (pos[d,i] - pos[d,j]))
+    return sqrt(dist_squared)
+cdef inline double dist_haversine(
+    const int dim,
+    const double[:,:] pos,
+    const int i,
+    const int j,
+) nogil:
+    # pos holds lat-lon in deg
+    cdef double deg_2_rad = M_PI / 180.0
+    cdef double diff_lat = (pos[0, j] - pos[0, i]) * deg_2_rad
+    cdef double diff_lon = (pos[1, j] - pos[1, i]) * deg_2_rad
+    cdef double arg = (
+        pow(sin(diff_lat/2.0), 2) +
+        cos(pos[0, i]*deg_2_rad) *
+        cos(pos[0, j]*deg_2_rad) *
+        pow(sin(diff_lon/2.0), 2)
+    )
+    return 2.0 * atan2(sqrt(arg), sqrt(1.0-arg))
+ctypedef double (*_dist_func)(
+    const int,
+    const double[:,:],
+    const int,
+    const int,
+) nogil
+cdef inline bint dir_test(
+    const int dim,
+    const double[:,:] pos,
+    const double dist,
+    const double[:,:] direction,
+    const double angles_tol,
+    const double bandwidth,
+    const int i,
+    const int j,
+    const int d,
+) nogil:
+    cdef double s_prod = 0.0  # scalar product
+    cdef double b_dist = 0.0  # band-distance
+    cdef double tmp  # temporary variable
+    cdef int k
+    cdef bint in_band = True
+    cdef bint in_angle = True
+    # scalar-product calculation for bandwidth projection and angle calculation
+    for k in range(dim):
+        s_prod += (pos[k,i] - pos[k,j]) * direction[d,k]
+    # calculate band-distance by projection of point-pair-vec to direction line
+    if bandwidth > 0.0:
+        for k in range(dim):
+            tmp = (pos[k,i] - pos[k,j]) - s_prod * direction[d,k]
+            b_dist += tmp * tmp
+        in_band = sqrt(b_dist) < bandwidth
+    # allow repeating points (dist = 0)
+    if dist > 0.0:
+        # use smallest angle by taking absolute value for arccos angle formula
+        tmp = fabs(s_prod) / dist
+        if tmp < 1.0:  # else same direction (prevent numerical errors)
+            in_angle = acos(tmp) < angles_tol
+    return in_band and in_angle
+cdef inline double estimator_matheron(const double f_diff) nogil:
+    return f_diff * f_diff
+cdef inline double estimator_cressie(const double f_diff) nogil:
+    return sqrt(fabs(f_diff))
+ctypedef double (*_estimator_func)(const double) nogil
+cdef inline void normalization_matheron(
+    double[:] variogram,
+    long[:] counts,
+    cdef int i
+    for i in range(variogram.shape[0]):
+        # avoid division by zero
+        variogram[i] /= (2. * max(counts[i], 1))
+cdef inline void normalization_cressie(
+    double[:] variogram,
+    long[:] counts,
+    cdef int i
+    cdef long cnt
+    for i in range(variogram.shape[0]):
+        # avoid division by zero
+        cnt = max(counts[i], 1)
+        variogram[i] = (
+            0.5 * (1./cnt * variogram[i])**4 /
+            (0.457 + 0.494 / cnt + 0.045 / cnt**2)
+        )
+ctypedef void (*_normalization_func)(
+    double[:],
+    long[:],
+cdef inline void normalization_matheron_vec(
+    double[:,:] variogram,
+    long[:,:] counts,
+    cdef int d, i
+    for d in range(variogram.shape[0]):
+        normalization_matheron(variogram[d, :], counts[d, :])
+cdef inline void normalization_cressie_vec(
+    double[:,:] variogram,
+    long[:,:] counts,
+    cdef int d, i
+    cdef long cnt
+    for d in range(variogram.shape[0]):
+        normalization_cressie(variogram[d, :], counts[d, :])
+ctypedef void (*_normalization_func_vec)(
+    double[:,:],
+    long[:,:],
+cdef _estimator_func choose_estimator_func(str estimator_type):
+    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func
+    if estimator_type == 'm':
+        estimator_func = estimator_matheron
+    elif estimator_type == 'c':
+        estimator_func = estimator_cressie
+    return estimator_func
+cdef _normalization_func choose_estimator_normalization(str estimator_type):
+    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func
+    if estimator_type == 'm':
+        normalization_func = normalization_matheron
+    elif estimator_type == 'c':
+        normalization_func = normalization_cressie
+    return normalization_func
+cdef _normalization_func_vec choose_estimator_normalization_vec(str estimator_type):
+    cdef _normalization_func_vec normalization_func_vec
+    if estimator_type == 'm':
+        normalization_func_vec = normalization_matheron_vec
+    elif estimator_type == 'c':
+        normalization_func_vec = normalization_cressie_vec
+    return normalization_func_vec
+def directional(
+    const int dim,
+    const double[:,:] f,
+    const double[:] bin_edges,
+    const double[:,:] pos,
+    const double[:,:] direction,  # should be normed
+    const double angles_tol=M_PI/8.0,
+    const double bandwidth=-1.0,  # negative values to turn of bandwidth search
+    const bint separate_dirs=False,  # whether the direction bands don't overlap
+    str estimator_type='m',
+    if pos.shape[1] != f.shape[1]:
+        raise ValueError('len(pos) = {0} != len(f) = {1} '.
+                         format(pos.shape[1], f.shape[1]))
+    if bin_edges.shape[0] < 2:
+        raise ValueError('len(bin_edges) too small')
+    if angles_tol <= 0:
+        raise ValueError('tolerance for angle search masks must be > 0')
+    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
+    cdef _normalization_func_vec normalization_func_vec = (
+        choose_estimator_normalization_vec(estimator_type)
+    )
+    cdef int d_max = direction.shape[0]
+    cdef int i_max = bin_edges.shape[0] - 1
+    cdef int j_max = pos.shape[1] - 1
+    cdef int k_max = pos.shape[1]
+    cdef int f_max = f.shape[0]
+    cdef double[:,:] variogram = np.zeros((d_max, len(bin_edges)-1))
+    cdef long[:,:] counts = np.zeros((d_max, len(bin_edges)-1), dtype=long)
+    cdef int i, j, k, m, d
+    cdef double dist
+    for i in prange(i_max, nogil=True):
+        for j in range(j_max):
+            for k in range(j+1, k_max):
+                dist = dist_euclid(dim, pos, j, k)
+                if dist < bin_edges[i] or dist >= bin_edges[i+1]:
+                    continue  # skip if not in current bin
+                for d in range(d_max):
+                    if not dir_test(dim, pos, dist, direction, angles_tol, bandwidth, k, j, d):
+                        continue  # skip if not in current direction
+                    for m in range(f_max):
+                        # skip no data values
+                        if not (isnan(f[m,k]) or isnan(f[m,j])):
+                            counts[d, i] += 1
+                            variogram[d, i] += estimator_func(f[m,k] - f[m,j])
+                    # once we found a fitting direction
+                    # break the search if directions are separated
+                    if separate_dirs:
+                        break
+    normalization_func_vec(variogram, counts)
+    return np.asarray(variogram), np.asarray(counts)
+def unstructured(
+    const int dim,
+    const double[:,:] f,
+    const double[:] bin_edges,
+    const double[:,:] pos,
+    str estimator_type='m',
+    str distance_type='e',
+    cdef _dist_func distance
+    if distance_type == 'e':
+        distance = dist_euclid
+    else:
+        distance = dist_haversine
+        if dim != 2:
+            raise ValueError('Haversine: dim = {0} != 2'.format(dim))
+    if pos.shape[1] != f.shape[1]:
+        raise ValueError('len(pos) = {0} != len(f) = {1} '.
+                         format(pos.shape[1], f.shape[1]))
+    if bin_edges.shape[0] < 2:
+        raise ValueError('len(bin_edges) too small')
+    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
+    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func = (
+        choose_estimator_normalization(estimator_type)
+    )
+    cdef int i_max = bin_edges.shape[0] - 1
+    cdef int j_max = pos.shape[1] - 1
+    cdef int k_max = pos.shape[1]
+    cdef int f_max = f.shape[0]
+    cdef double[:] variogram = np.zeros(len(bin_edges)-1)
+    cdef long[:] counts = np.zeros(len(bin_edges)-1, dtype=long)
+    cdef int i, j, k, m
+    cdef double dist
+    for i in prange(i_max, nogil=True):
+        for j in range(j_max):
+            for k in range(j+1, k_max):
+                dist = distance(dim, pos, j, k)
+                if dist < bin_edges[i] or dist >= bin_edges[i+1]:
+                    continue  # skip if not in current bin
+                for m in range(f_max):
+                    # skip no data values
+                    if not (isnan(f[m,k]) or isnan(f[m,j])):
+                        counts[i] += 1
+                        variogram[i] += estimator_func(f[m,k] - f[m,j])
+    normalization_func(variogram, counts)
+    return np.asarray(variogram), np.asarray(counts)
+def structured(const double[:,:] f, str estimator_type='m'):
+    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
+    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func = (
+        choose_estimator_normalization(estimator_type)
+    )
+    cdef int i_max = f.shape[0] - 1
+    cdef int j_max = f.shape[1]
+    cdef int k_max = i_max + 1
+    cdef double[:] variogram = np.zeros(k_max)
+    cdef long[:] counts = np.zeros(k_max, dtype=long)
+    cdef int i, j, k
+    with nogil, parallel():
+        for i in range(i_max):
+            for j in range(j_max):
+                for k in prange(1, k_max-i):
+                    counts[k] += 1
+                    variogram[k] += estimator_func(f[i,j] - f[i+k,j])
+    normalization_func(variogram, counts)
+    return np.asarray(variogram)
+def ma_structured(
+    const double[:,:] f,
+    const bint[:,:] mask,
+    str estimator_type='m',
+    cdef _estimator_func estimator_func = choose_estimator_func(estimator_type)
+    cdef _normalization_func normalization_func = (
+        choose_estimator_normalization(estimator_type)
+    )
+    cdef int i_max = f.shape[0] - 1
+    cdef int j_max = f.shape[1]
+    cdef int k_max = i_max + 1
+    cdef double[:] variogram = np.zeros(k_max)
+    cdef long[:] counts = np.zeros(k_max, dtype=long)
+    cdef int i, j, k
+    with nogil, parallel():
+        for i in range(i_max):
+            for j in range(j_max):
+                for k in prange(1, k_max-i):
+                    if not mask[i,j] and not mask[i+k,j]:
+                        counts[k] += 1
+                        variogram[k] += estimator_func(f[i,j] - f[i+k,j])
+    normalization_func(variogram, counts)
+    return np.asarray(variogram)
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/ b/gstools/variogram/
index d758e3b40..e24255ebd 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/
+++ b/gstools/variogram/
@@ -10,14 +10,10 @@
+# pylint: disable=C0412
 import numpy as np
-from gstools_core import (
-    variogram_directional as directional,
-    variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured,
-    variogram_structured as structured,
-    variogram_unstructured as unstructured,
+from gstools import config
 from import remove_trend_norm_mean
 from import (
@@ -27,6 +23,21 @@
 from gstools.variogram.binning import standard_bins
+if config.USE_RUST:
+    # pylint: disable=E0401
+    from gstools_core import variogram_directional as directional
+    from gstools_core import variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured
+    from gstools_core import variogram_structured as structured
+    from gstools_core import variogram_unstructured as unstructured
+    # pylint: disable=C0412
+    from gstools.variogram.estimator import (
+        directional,
+        ma_structured,
+        structured,
+        unstructured,
+    )
 __all__ = [
@@ -443,6 +454,8 @@ def vario_estimate_axis(
         if missing:
             field.mask = np.logical_or(field.mask, missing_mask)
         mask =
+        if not config.USE_RUST:
+            mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.int32)
         field = np.array(field, ndmin=1, dtype=np.double, copy=False)
         missing_mask = None  # free space
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index d533120b0..116b51ba9 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ project_urls =
 packages = find:
 install_requires =
-    gstools_core>=0.1.2,<1
@@ -67,6 +66,8 @@ doc =
 plotting =
+rust =
+    gstools_core>=0.1.2,<1
 test =
diff --git a/ b/
index 291d34a54..1bbc7fafa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,14 +1,169 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 """GSTools: A geostatistical toolbox."""
+import glob
 import os
-import numpy as np
-from setuptools import setup
+import subprocess
 import sys
-import site
+import tempfile
+from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
+from distutils.errors import CompileError, LinkError
+from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
-site.ENABLE_USER_SITE = "--user" in sys.argv[1:]
+import numpy as np
+from Cython.Build import cythonize
+from setuptools import Extension, setup
 HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+# openmp finder ###############################################################
+# This code is adapted for a large part from the scikit-learn
+# which can be found at:
+CCODE = """
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(void) {
+#pragma omp parallel
+printf("nthreads=%d\\n", omp_get_num_threads());
+return 0;
+def get_openmp_flag(compiler):
+    """Get the compiler dependent openmp flag."""
+    if hasattr(compiler, "compiler"):
+        compiler = compiler.compiler[0]
+    else:
+        compiler = compiler.__class__.__name__
+    if sys.platform == "win32" and ("icc" in compiler or "icl" in compiler):
+        return ["/Qopenmp"]
+    if sys.platform == "win32":
+        return ["/openmp"]
+    if sys.platform == "darwin" and ("icc" in compiler or "icl" in compiler):
+        return ["-openmp"]
+    if sys.platform == "darwin" and "openmp" in os.getenv("CPPFLAGS", ""):
+        return []
+    # Default flag for GCC and clang:
+    return ["-fopenmp"]
+def check_openmp_support():
+    """Check whether OpenMP test code can be compiled and run."""
+    ccompiler = new_compiler()
+    customize_compiler(ccompiler)
+    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
+        try:
+            os.chdir(tmp_dir)
+            # Write test program
+            with open("test_openmp.c", "w") as cfile:
+                cfile.write(CCODE)
+            os.mkdir("objects")
+            # Compile, test program
+            openmp_flags = get_openmp_flag(ccompiler)
+            ccompiler.compile(
+                ["test_openmp.c"],
+                output_dir="objects",
+                extra_postargs=openmp_flags,
+            )
+            # Link test program
+            extra_preargs = os.getenv("LDFLAGS", None)
+            if extra_preargs is not None:
+                extra_preargs = extra_preargs.split(" ")
+            else:
+                extra_preargs = []
+            objects = glob.glob(
+                os.path.join("objects", "*" + ccompiler.obj_extension)
+            )
+            ccompiler.link_executable(
+                objects,
+                "test_openmp",
+                extra_preargs=extra_preargs,
+                extra_postargs=openmp_flags,
+            )
+            # Run test program
+            output = subprocess.check_output("./test_openmp")
+            output = output.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or "utf-8").splitlines()
+            # Check test program output
+            if "nthreads=" in output[0]:
+                nthreads = int(output[0].strip().split("=")[1])
+                openmp_supported = len(output) == nthreads
+            else:
+                openmp_supported = False
+                openmp_flags = []
+        except (CompileError, LinkError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
+            openmp_supported = False
+            openmp_flags = []
+        finally:
+            os.chdir(HERE)
+    return openmp_supported, openmp_flags
+# openmp ######################################################################
+USE_OPENMP = bool(int(GS_PARALLEL)) if GS_PARALLEL else False
+    # just check if wanted
+    CAN_USE_OPENMP, FLAGS = check_openmp_support()
+        print("## GSTOOLS setup: OpenMP found.")
+        print("## OpenMP flags:", FLAGS)
+    else:
+        print("## GSTOOLS setup: OpenMP not found.")
+    print("## GSTOOLS setup: OpenMP not wanted by the user.")
+    FLAGS = []
+# cython extensions ###########################################################
+    Extension(
+        "gstools.field.summator",
+        [os.path.join("gstools", "field", "summator.pyx")],
+        include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
+        extra_compile_args=FLAGS,
+        extra_link_args=FLAGS,
+    )
+    Extension(
+        "gstools.variogram.estimator",
+        [os.path.join("gstools", "variogram", "estimator.pyx")],
+        language="c++",
+        include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
+        extra_compile_args=FLAGS,
+        extra_link_args=FLAGS,
+    )
+    Extension(
+        "gstools.krige.krigesum",
+        [os.path.join("gstools", "krige", "krigesum.pyx")],
+        include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
+        extra_compile_args=FLAGS,
+        extra_link_args=FLAGS,
+    )
+EXT_MODULES = cythonize(CY_MODULES)  # annotate=True
+# embed signatures for sphinx
+for ext_m in EXT_MODULES:
+    ext_m.cython_directives = {"embedsignature": True}
+# setup #######################################################################
+setup(ext_modules=EXT_MODULES, include_dirs=[np.get_include()])

From e1bd45c1a09fdbb13393390676a99ef7ba455b67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 20:12:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/10] Remove unnecessary `dim` arg. in Cython code

This makes the Cython code compatible to GSTools-Core v0.1.2 again.
 gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx | 4 ++--
 gstools/variogram/  | 2 --
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx b/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
index 8c149b41b..6c5a67dff 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
+++ b/gstools/variogram/estimator.pyx
@@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ cdef _normalization_func_vec choose_estimator_normalization_vec(str estimator_ty
 def directional(
-    const int dim,
     const double[:,:] f,
     const double[:] bin_edges,
     const double[:,:] pos,
@@ -203,6 +202,7 @@ def directional(
+    cdef int dim = pos.shape[0]
     cdef int d_max = direction.shape[0]
     cdef int i_max = bin_edges.shape[0] - 1
     cdef int j_max = pos.shape[1] - 1
@@ -237,13 +237,13 @@ def directional(
     return np.asarray(variogram), np.asarray(counts)
 def unstructured(
-    const int dim,
     const double[:,:] f,
     const double[:] bin_edges,
     const double[:,:] pos,
     str estimator_type='m',
     str distance_type='e',
+    cdef int dim = pos.shape[0]
     cdef _dist_func distance
     if distance_type == 'e':
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/ b/gstools/variogram/
index e24255ebd..e9c00536b 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/
+++ b/gstools/variogram/
@@ -353,7 +353,6 @@ def vario_estimate(
         # "h"aversine or "e"uclidean distance type
         distance_type = "h" if latlon else "e"
         estimates, counts = unstructured(
-            dim,
@@ -362,7 +361,6 @@ def vario_estimate(
         estimates, counts = directional(
-            dim,

From 872570fe537a0913106ac4d1de3298628c0008dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 20:22:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Satify coveralls

 gstools/              |  2 +-
 gstools/field/     |  2 +-
 gstools/krige/          |  5 ++++-
 gstools/variogram/ | 16 ++++++++++++----
 4 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gstools/ b/gstools/
index ebbd571cd..090b6154f 100644
--- a/gstools/
+++ b/gstools/
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
     import gstools_core
-    USE_RUST = True
+    USE_RUST = True #pragma: no cover
 except ImportError:
     USE_RUST = False
diff --git a/gstools/field/ b/gstools/field/
index 91408e884..c13d71a79 100644
--- a/gstools/field/
+++ b/gstools/field/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 if config.USE_RUST:
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr
+    from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr  # pragma: no cover
     # pylint: disable=C0412
     from gstools.field.summator import summate, summate_incompr
diff --git a/gstools/krige/ b/gstools/krige/
index e3922d335..d2ef1042c 100755
--- a/gstools/krige/
+++ b/gstools/krige/
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
 if config.USE_RUST:
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import calc_field_krige, calc_field_krige_and_variance
+    from gstools_core import (
+        calc_field_krige,
+        calc_field_krige_and_variance,
+    )  # pragma: no cover
     from gstools.krige.krigesum import (
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/ b/gstools/variogram/
index e9c00536b..26f41054f 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/
+++ b/gstools/variogram/
@@ -25,10 +25,18 @@
 if config.USE_RUST:
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import variogram_directional as directional
-    from gstools_core import variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured
-    from gstools_core import variogram_structured as structured
-    from gstools_core import variogram_unstructured as unstructured
+    from gstools_core import (
+        variogram_directional as directional,
+    )  # pragma: no cover
+    from gstools_core import (
+        variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured,
+    )  # pragma: no cover
+    from gstools_core import (
+        variogram_structured as structured,
+    )  # pragma: no cover
+    from gstools_core import (
+        variogram_unstructured as unstructured,
+    )  # pragma: no cover
     # pylint: disable=C0412
     from gstools.variogram.estimator import (

From 1ff09ed620f1600e4de7fcf593f37deb576c01c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 20:39:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/10] Update changelog

--- | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index 95ad2e2c6..82b9afd46 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@
 All notable changes to **GSTools** will be documented in this file.
+## [1.3.4] - Pure Pink ?
+### Enhancements
+- add GStools-Core as optional dependency [#215](
+### Changes
+- remove unnecessary `dim` argument in Cython code [#216](
 ## [1.3.3] - Pure Pink - 2021-08
 ### Enhancements

From 60325f0b798c50f856528fa5a396b414da9985b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 20:56:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] Update installation part of doc.

 docs/source/index.rst          | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gstools/              |  2 +-
 gstools/krige/          |  4 ++--
 gstools/variogram/ | 16 ++++++++--------
 4 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index b36965352..28e6c34de 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ To get the latest development version you can install it directly from GitHub:
 If something went wrong during installation, try the :code:`-I` `flag from pip <>`_.
+**Speeding up GSTools by parallelization**
 To enable the OpenMP support, you have to provide a C compiler and OpenMP.
 Parallel support is controlled by an environment variable ``GSTOOLS_BUILD_PARALLEL``,
 that can be ``0`` or ``1`` (interpreted as ``0`` if not present).
@@ -89,6 +91,31 @@ For the development version, you can do almost the same:
     pip install git+git://
+**Using experimental GSTools-Core for even more speed**
+You can install the optional dependency `GSTools-Core <>`_,
+which is a re-implementation of the main algorithms used in GSTools. The new
+package uses the language Rust and it should be faster (in some cases by orders
+of magnitude), safer, and it will potentially completely replace the current
+standard implementation in Cython. Once the package GSTools-Core is available
+on your machine, it will be used by default. In case you want to switch back to
+the Cython implementation, you can set :code:`gstools.config.USE_RUST=False` in
+your code.  This also works at runtime. You can install the optional dependency
+e.g. by
+.. code-block:: none
+    pip install gstools[rust]
+or by manually installing the package
+.. code-block:: none
+    pip install gstools-core
+GSTools-Core will automatically use all your cores in parallel, without having
+to use OpenMP or a local C compiler.
diff --git a/gstools/ b/gstools/
index 090b6154f..4186a259c 100644
--- a/gstools/
+++ b/gstools/
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
     import gstools_core
-    USE_RUST = True #pragma: no cover
+    USE_RUST = True  # pragma: no cover
 except ImportError:
     USE_RUST = False
diff --git a/gstools/krige/ b/gstools/krige/
index d2ef1042c..0ffc482cb 100755
--- a/gstools/krige/
+++ b/gstools/krige/
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 if config.USE_RUST:
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import (
+    from gstools_core import (  # pragma: no cover
-    )  # pragma: no cover
+    )
     from gstools.krige.krigesum import (
diff --git a/gstools/variogram/ b/gstools/variogram/
index 26f41054f..77b9a2c20 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/
+++ b/gstools/variogram/
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
 if config.USE_RUST:
     # pylint: disable=E0401
     from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_directional as directional,
-    )  # pragma: no cover
+        variogram_directional as directional,  # pragma: no cover
+    )
     from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured,
-    )  # pragma: no cover
+        variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured,  # pragma: no cover
+    )
     from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_structured as structured,
-    )  # pragma: no cover
+        variogram_structured as structured,  # pragma: no cover
+    )
     from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_unstructured as unstructured,
-    )  # pragma: no cover
+        variogram_unstructured as unstructured,  # pragma: no cover
+    )
     # pylint: disable=C0412
     from gstools.variogram.estimator import (

From 164b6872167ccb20c89b969c22ad35937a8be404 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 21:20:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/10] Mention RAYON_NUM_THREADS in readme

 docs/source/index.rst | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 28e6c34de..3880d412e 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ or by manually installing the package
 GSTools-Core will automatically use all your cores in parallel, without having
 to use OpenMP or a local C compiler.
+In case you want to restrict the number of threads used, you can set the
+environment variable ``RAYON_NUM_THREADS`` to the desired amount.

From c0777e394c07c3cad60aaa682b031e6b2334dbdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 21:27:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/10] Use correct version of GSTools-Core

---             | 2 +-
 docs/source/index.rst | 2 +-
 setup.cfg             | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index c0488480f..f68e49a91 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ in memory for immediate 3D plotting in Python.
 ### Optional
-- [GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0](
+- [GSTools-Core >= 0.2.0](
 - [matplotlib](
 - [pyvista](
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 3880d412e..8ead50563 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ Requirements
-- `GSTools-Core >= 0.1.0 <>`_
+- `GSTools-Core >= 0.2.0 <>`_
 - `matplotlib <>`_
 - `pyvista <>`_
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 116b51ba9..5a59f87c9 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ plotting =
 rust =
-    gstools_core>=0.1.2,<1
+    gstools_core>=0.2.0,<1
 test =

From 774c73034c41f47c0e4f97cfbdb13fbe57081472 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 16:58:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Improve import situation

 gstools/variogram/ | 19 +++++--------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gstools/variogram/ b/gstools/variogram/
index 77b9a2c20..7acce928a 100644
--- a/gstools/variogram/
+++ b/gstools/variogram/
@@ -23,22 +23,13 @@
 from gstools.variogram.binning import standard_bins
-if config.USE_RUST:
+if config.USE_RUST:  # pragma: no cover
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_directional as directional,  # pragma: no cover
-    )
-    from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured,  # pragma: no cover
-    )
-    from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_structured as structured,  # pragma: no cover
-    )
-    from gstools_core import (
-        variogram_unstructured as unstructured,  # pragma: no cover
-    )
+    from gstools_core import variogram_directional as directional
+    from gstools_core import variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured
+    from gstools_core import variogram_structured as structured
+    from gstools_core import variogram_unstructured as unstructured
-    # pylint: disable=C0412
     from gstools.variogram.estimator import (

From 0049a31e3fce1c866ea006e1be131ad5617a35eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LSchueler <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:04:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/10] Clean up some linter flags

 gstools/          | 4 ++--
 gstools/field/ | 5 ++---
 gstools/krige/      | 7 ++-----
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gstools/ b/gstools/
index 4186a259c..38f3e7faa 100644
--- a/gstools/
+++ b/gstools/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # pylint: disable=W0611
+try:  # pragma: no cover
     import gstools_core
-    USE_RUST = True  # pragma: no cover
+    USE_RUST = True
 except ImportError:
     USE_RUST = False
diff --git a/gstools/field/ b/gstools/field/
index c13d71a79..31cc7eea2 100644
--- a/gstools/field/
+++ b/gstools/field/
@@ -20,11 +20,10 @@
 from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
 from gstools.random.rng import RNG
-if config.USE_RUST:
+if config.USE_RUST:  # pragma: no cover
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr  # pragma: no cover
+    from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr
-    # pylint: disable=C0412
     from gstools.field.summator import summate, summate_incompr
 __all__ = ["RandMeth", "IncomprRandMeth"]
diff --git a/gstools/krige/ b/gstools/krige/
index 0ffc482cb..8accf5080 100755
--- a/gstools/krige/
+++ b/gstools/krige/
@@ -23,12 +23,9 @@
 from import eval_func
 from gstools.variogram import vario_estimate
-if config.USE_RUST:
+if config.USE_RUST:  # pragma: no cover
     # pylint: disable=E0401
-    from gstools_core import (  # pragma: no cover
-        calc_field_krige,
-        calc_field_krige_and_variance,
-    )
+    from gstools_core import calc_field_krige, calc_field_krige_and_variance
     from gstools.krige.krigesum import (