The purpose of this project is to provide information and educational exercises for anyone that wants to explore the Ruby language. Rather than overwhelm you with text, my goal is to provide lots of code snippets and a minimum working knowledge for a given skill level. If you need to dive deeper into the details of Ruby, there are plenty of books and other resources freely available online.
If you're already an experienced programmer in at least one language, I recommend that you just scan over the materials in the repository and tinker around in your own development environment. On the other hand, if this is your first rodeo and you want my help, I recommend doing the following:
- Fork the repository.
- Clone your forked repository to your computer.
- Modify the assignment files included in each module and commit the changees when finished.
- Push the changes to your forked repo.
- Issue a pull request so that I can quickly see your solution.
Since you're going to be forking this repository, you'll need to synchronize your repo with mine as I continue to add new content.
Read the above two links if you need more information. If not, please do the following commands:
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
If you can figure out how to do all those things, you'll have a better grasp on how to use Github and how to work on a group project.