Password Kaster is a stateless password manager based on the concept of [Spectre App](

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This project serves as practical real-world example to try out the latest technologies and development techniques and
to create an opinionated approach how modern UI development could look like.

### Featured techniques and technologies

* [TDD / BDD]( on mobile & multiplatform with super
  fast [subcutaneous tests](
* Non-flaky, isolated and fast UI integration tests running both on the JVM and on emulator to complement the
  subcutaneous tests ([Example](app/android-ui-test/src/uiTest/kotlin/app/passwordkaster/android/uitest))
* Kotlin Multiplatform with [Compose Multiplatform](
    * Android
    * Desktop
    * iOS
    * _coming later_ Web
* Clean [UDF]( with Jetpack Compose
    * View model output is pure state, no one-shot events
    * Single input for all view events
* [Showcasing]( UI elements with different device configurations
* [Snapshot testing]( without Android emulator
* Continuous Deployment pipeline into Play Store (internal track) ([Example](.github/workflows/main.yml))
* Automatic dependency updates with [Renovate](