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+ created: 2024-08-15
+# GodotSteam 4.10, Skillet, And You
+## First, GodotSteam 4.10 And You
+Godot 4.3 is out so now GodotSteam is updating to 4.10! You can download pre-compiled versions of the standard build, GDExtensions, or MultiplayerPeer from all the normal places. Big thing is the new GodotSteam is using the Flat API so, in theory, we can now use MinGW to compile. I have not tested this yet but will be doing some test builds soon.
+Now for the GDExtension part. [There are two versions of the GDExtension currently available on the Github repo:](https://github.com/GodotSteam/GodotSteam/releases/tag/v4.10-gde){ target="\_blank" } _godotsteam-gdextension-plugin41_43.zip_ and _godotsteam-gdextension-plugin43.zip_ which are built with different Godot-cpp versions. The 4.1 branch that is cherry-picked fixes for maximum compatibility, as I understand it, and 4.3 which is the newest; these plug-ins are using their respective versions. The **41_43** version _should_ work fine in all Godot versions 4.1. If you notice any issues, please let us know and change over to the **43** version instead.
+For now, the GodotSteam Asset Library version will contain the **41_43** variant.
+Wait, where do you come in? Test, build, export, report!
+## What's In The Skillet?
+If you don't know, [Skillet's asset branch is live on the Skillet repo.](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/tree/assets){ target="\_blank" } It has achievement, Inventory, and UGC images already, icons, Steam store assets, and more. Also some templates if you want to add skins to the game yourself. Most importantly, it has the VDF files so you can see how these items are set up in the Steamworks backend.
+Currently, none of the assets are allowed to be used in commercial projects and are under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Contributed assets may be under different licenses so check their assets folders first!
+## Skillet Workshop Editor
+Not just yet but soon we are releasing the Skillet Workshop Editor for easily adding items to Steam Workshop. It will be available as a download in the Skillet repo, source code so you can make changes or skin it for your own projects, and it will be available on Steam once Skillet releases.
+More on that next week.
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@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ A history of all changes to [the ***gdextension*** branch.](https://github.com/G
+## Version 4.10
+- Changed: now using Steam Flat API, should allow compiling with MinGW
+- Changed: updated in-editor docs
+## Version 4.9.1
+- Fixed: fixed typo in RESULT_ADMINISTRATOR_OK, ***thanks to sepTN***
+- Fixed: fixed a variety of types and code corrections, ***thanks to bobsayhilol***
## Version 4.9
- Added: missing `user_achievement_icon_fetched` callback
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@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ A history of all changes to [the ***godot4*** branch.](https://github.com/GodotS
+## Version 4.10
+- Changed: now using Steam Flat API, should allow compiling with MinGW
+- Changed: updated in-editor docs
+## Version 4.9.1
+- Fixed: fixed typo in RESULT_ADMINISTRATOR_OK, ***thanks to sepTN***
+- Fixed: fixed a variety of types and code corrections, ***thanks to bobsayhilol***
## Version 4.9
- Added: missing `user_achievement_icon_fetched` callback
diff --git a/docs/changelog/multiplayer_peer.md b/docs/changelog/multiplayer_peer.md
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--- a/docs/changelog/multiplayer_peer.md
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@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ A history of all changes to [the ***multiplayer-peer*** branch.](https://github.
-## Version 4.9 Changes
+## Version 4.10
+- Changed: now using Steam Flat API, should allow compiling with MinGW
+- Changed: updated in-editor docs
+## Version 4.9
- Added: get_lobby_id() function to expose the lobby ID
- Removed: Mono flags from GA files
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+# Skillet Assets Change-Log
+A history of all changes to [the ***assets*** branch of the Skillet repository.](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/tree/assets){ target="\_blank" }
+## Version 1.4
+- Added: new skins
+- Added: Workshop items - Kenney and Wesley Pipes
+- Updated: Steam store assets based on new Valve requirements
+## Version 1.3
+- Added: more achievement icons
+- Added: more Inventory vdfs
+## Version 1.2
+- Added: templates for faces and bodies
+- Added: new Inventory items and icons
+## Version 1.1
+- Added: achievement icons
+- Added: rich presence vdf
+- Added: Steam store assets
+- Added: first UGC asset
+## Version 1.0
+- Added: Steam Inventory assets for various skins, cosmetics, etc.
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+# Skillet Assets Change-Log
+A history of all changes to [the ***editor*** branch of the Skillet repository.](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/tree/editor){ target="\_blank" }
+Nothing yet...
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@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Depending on what your end goals are, you will probably want to use a different
:simple-godotengine:{ .godotengine title="Godot Engine" }
- 4.2.2
+ 4.3
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ Depending on what your end goals are, you will probably want to use a different
:simple-godotengine:{ .steam title="GodotSteam" }
- 4.9
+ 4.10
- [ :fontawesome-brands-github: Pre-compiled Editor and Templates](https://github.com/GodotSteam/GodotSteam/releases/tag/v4.9){ .md-button .md-button--downloads target="\_blank" }
+ [ :fontawesome-brands-github: Pre-compiled Editor and Templates](https://github.com/GodotSteam/GodotSteam/releases/tag/v4.10){ .md-button .md-button--downloads target="\_blank" }
[:octicons-plug-24: GDExtension | Godot Asset Library](https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/2445){ .md-button .md-button--downloads target="\_blank" }
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Depending on what your end goals are, you will probably want to use a different
:simple-godotengine:{ .godotengine title="Godot Engine" }
- 4.2.2
+ 4.3
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ Depending on what your end goals are, you will probably want to use a different
:simple-godotengine:{ .steam title="GodotSteam MultiplayerPeer" }
- 4.9
+ 4.10
- [ :fontawesome-solid-people-group: MultiplayerPeer Editor and Templates](https://github.com/GodotSteam/GodotSteam/releases/tag/v4.9-mp){ .md-button .md-button--downloads target="\_blank" }
+ [ :fontawesome-solid-people-group: MultiplayerPeer Editor and Templates](https://github.com/GodotSteam/GodotSteam/releases/tag/v4.10-mp){ .md-button .md-button--downloads target="\_blank" }
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+Coming Soon
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+Coming Soon
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+title: Skillet
+description: The open-source and free-to-play game built to showcase GodotSteam's functionality.
+# Skillet
## :fontawesome-solid-question: What Is It?
@@ -110,20 +117,4 @@ At launch, Skillet has some additional cosmetics and skins from based on other G
-Post-launch we will reach out to more devs about adding more cosmetics and skins and, of course, any developer making a game with Godot can create a pull request in Skillet's repo to add their own cosmetics to the game. [If you would like to have your game included in Skillet, feel free to reach out by e-mail.](mailto:skillet@godotsteam.com)
-## :material-license: The Licenses
-### Code
-The code from Skillet is [licensed under MIT license](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License){ target="\_blank" }. You may use any code from the repo for your projects as is or modified; in free or commercial games.
-### Art Assets
-The art assets in Skillet are housed in a private repo and are not available publicly or allowed to be used in any other projects. Skillet's public repo will contain placeholder versions that are [licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/){ target="\_blank" }.
-### Font Assets
-Both fonts used in Skillet were purchased and licensed from [Creative Fabrica](https://www.creativefabrica.com){ target="\_blank" } but are not included in the public repo due to licensing restriction.
+Post-launch we will reach out to more devs about adding more cosmetics and skins and, of course, any developer making a game with Godot can create a pull request in Skillet's repo to add their own cosmetics to the game. [If you would like to have your game included in Skillet, feel free to reach out by e-mail.](mailto:skillet@godotsteam.com)
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+## :simple-steam: Steam Inventory
+These are the list of Steam Inventory items in Skillet along with their image and VDF links.
+### Bundle Items
+These are bundles of items usually from **Container Items**; item generators.
+- Can trade: false
+- Can market: false
+- Item definition group: 0
+- Color: 98A0C8
+| ItemDefID | Item | Desc. | Possible Items |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [1](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item1_cooler_bundle1.vdf) | Hydro Bundle | Enough to fill a sink. | 501x3 |
+| [2](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item2_cooler_bundle2.vdf) | Whitening Kit | Just a little bit of bleach. | 501x2; 402x1 |
+| [3](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item3_cooler_bundle3.vdf) | Leftovers | A few bits and pieces. | 501x2; 408x1; 407x1; 406x1; 405x1; 404x1; 403x1; 402x1; 401x1 |
+### Cosmetics
+These can be colored by any **Coloring Items** and can only be equipped.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Item definition group: 100
+- Color: decca2
+| ItemDefID | Item | Desc. | App ID Assoc. |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
+| [101](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item101_josefs_hat.vdf) | [Josef's Hat](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item101.png) | The perfect hat when you want to look dapper. | Special |
+| [102](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item102_brotatos_bandana.vdf) | [Brotato's Bandana](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item102.png) | Smells lightly of fresh, homemade, mashed potatoes. | 1942280 |
+| [103](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item103_smileys_mask.vdf) | [Smiley's Mask](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item103.png) | A one-pixel thick mask with a very familiar face on it. | 2726450 |
+### Utility Items
+These have either active or passive uses and can combine with **Refill Items** or, in some cases, other in-game items.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Item definition group: 300
+- Color: f2e1bd
+| ItemDefID | Item | Desc. | App ID Assoc. |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
+| [301](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item301_water_bucket.vdf) | [Water Bucket](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item301.png) | A lovely, handcrafted wooden bucket. Just a little empty. | 0 |
+| [302](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item302_tiny_notebook.vdf) | [Tiny Notepad](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item301.png) | Handy for keeping track of things you need to remember. | 0 |
+| [303](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item303_water_bucket_filled.vdf) | [Water Bucket Filled](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item303.png) | A lovely, handcrafted wooden bucket filled with Yummy Water (tm). | 0 |
+### Coloring Items
+These can be combined with any **Cosmetics**, unless otherwise noted.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Can stack: true
+- Item definition group: 400
+- Color: c8c098
+| ItemDefID | Item | Desc. | Color |
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------ |
+| [401](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item401_ketchup_packet.vdf) | [Ketchup Packet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item401.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them red. | Red |
+| [402](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item402_bit_o_bleach.vdf) | [Bit 'o Bleach](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item402.png) | Smells fresh and strips the color out of things. | None |
+| [403](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item403_mustard_packet.vdf) | [Mustard Packet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item403.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them yellow. | Yellow |
+| [404](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item404_lettuce.vdf) | [Lettuce](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item404.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them green. | Green |
+| [405](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item405_chocolate_chip.vdf) | [Chocolate Chip](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item405.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them brown. | Brown |
+| [406](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item406_blueberry.vdf) | [Blueberry](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item406.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them blue. | Blue |
+| [407](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item407_burnt_food.vdf) | [Burnt Food](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item407.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them gray. | Gray |
+| [408](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item408_grape.vdf) | [Grape](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item408.png) | Smear it all over your possessions to turn them purple. | Purple |
+### Refill Items
+These are used to refill **Utility Items**.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Can stack: true
+- Item definition group: 500
+- Color: BDCEF2
+| ItemDefID | Name | Desc. | Refills What |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
+| [501](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item501_bottled_water.vdf) | [Bottled Water](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item501.png) | Room tempurature but great for filling buckets. | Bucket |
+### Containers
+These are like chests where they contain a random item or assortment of items.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Can stack: false
+- Item definition group: 600
+- Color: 98A0C8
+| ItemDefID | Name | Desc. | May Contain |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| [601](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item601_small_cooler.vdf) | [Small Cooler](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item601.png) | Usually has drinks but it probably does not. | Bottled Water, any Coloring Item |
+| [602](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item602_six_pack.vdf) | [Six-Pack](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item602.png) | Currently unsealed but probably still water. | Bottled Water, Bit 'o Bleach |
+### Skins
+The base skin for the player character. Do not require coloring items to change the colors.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Item definition group: 700
+- Color: A2B4DE
+| ItemDefID | Item | Desc. | App ID Assoc. |
+| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| [701](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item701_greasy.vdf) | [Greasy](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item701.png) | A block of some gummy and flammable material. | Default skin |
+| [702](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item702_pear.vdf) | [Pear](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item702.png) | Not as yummy as the fruit equivalent. | Play on MacOS |
+| [703](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item703_eggbert.vdf) | [Eggbert](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item703.png) | A yummy friend made of breakfast favorites. | Github Sponsors |
+| [704](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item704_tanksworth.vdf) | [Tanksworth](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item704.png) | A tank full of very chill friends. | 2276930 |
+| [705](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item705_team_sponge.vdf) | [Team Sponge](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item705.png) | You are on the team! Team Sponge! | Win a match of Fire-Water-Sponge on Team Sponge |
+| [706](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item706_team_water.vdf) | [Team Water](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item706.png) | Looks like someone played on Team Water! | Win a match of Fire-Water-Sponge on Team Water |
+| [707](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item707_team_fire.vdf) | [Team Fire](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item707.png) | You are a credit to Team Fire! | Win a match of Fire-Water-Sponge on Team Fire |
+| [708](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item708_matches.vdf) | [Matches](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item708.png) | Tag! You are it! | Win a match of Pass The Torch as Matches. |
+| [709](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item709_panes.vdf) | [Panes](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item709.png) | A glass block of window panes. Little rough around the edges. | Play on Windows. |
+| [710](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item710_godot.vdf) | [Godot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item710.png) | Very plush and squishy looking. | 404790 |
+| [711](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item711_godette.vdf) | [GodotSteam](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item711.png) | Probably filled with a mist of cooling water vapor. | Github Sponsors, GodotSteam Snack Pack DLC |
+| [712](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item712_godette.vdf) | [Godette](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item712.png) | If she were a food, it might be blueberry. | 404790 |
+### Faces
+These faces for the player character.
+- Can trade: true
+- Can market: false
+- Item definition group: 800
+- Color: A2B4DE
+| ItemDefID | Item | Desc. | App ID Assoc. |
+| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
+| [801](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item801_greasy_.vdf) | [Greasy](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item801.png) | The kind of face only a mother could love. | Default skin |
+| [802](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item802_josef.vdf) | [Josef](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item802.png) | As determined as ever to get that dictionary. | Special |
+| [803](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item803_pear.vdf) | [Pear](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item803.png) | A pixel-perfect smile. | Play on MacOS |
+| [804](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item803_godot.vdf) | [Godot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item804.png) | How long have you been waiting for this face? | 404790 |
+| [805](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item805_kenney.vdf) | [Kenney](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item805.png) | Are you looking at me? | 0 |
+| [806](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item806_godette.vdf) | [Godette](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item806.png) | So excited she can barely contain it. | 404790 |
+| [807](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/blob/assets/inventory/vdfs/item807_godotsteam.vdf) | [GodotSteam](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/assets/inventory/images/item807.png) | That is some game vision twenty-four seven. | Github Sponsors, GodotSteam Snack Pack DLC |
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+## :material-license: The Different Licenses
+### Game Code
+The code from Skillet is [licensed under MIT license](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License){ target="\_blank" }. You may use any code from the repo for your projects as is or modified; in free or commercial games.
+### In-Game Art Assets
+The art assets in Skillet are housed in a private repo and are not available publicly or allowed to be used in any other projects. Skillet's public repo will contain placeholder versions that are [licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/){ target="\_blank" }.
+### Game Font Assets
+Both fonts used in Skillet were purchased and licensed from [Creative Fabrica](https://www.creativefabrica.com){ target="\_blank" } but are not included in the public repo due to licensing restriction.
+### Steam Art Assets
+The art assets contained in the [Art branch on the Skillet Github repository](https://github.com/GodotSteam/Skillet/tree/assets){ target="\_blank" } are under mixed licenses.
+The bulk of them are licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1):
+- Achievement icons
+- Executable icons
+- Inventory assets
+- Steam store images
+- UGC images
+Some contributor assets may be under a different license, please check the asset's folder. Otherwise, they fall under the same CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/projects/skillet/workshop.md b/docs/projects/skillet/workshop.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca69ef1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/projects/skillet/workshop.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Coming Soon
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 877dd4bf..e37b4e39 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -116,9 +116,17 @@ nav:
- Z Games: 'games/games-z.md'
- Projects:
- - Components: 'projects/components.md'
- - Skillet: 'projects/skillet.md'
- - To-Do: 'https://github.com/orgs/GodotSteam/projects/3'
+ - Components:
+ - Intro: 'projects/components.md'
+ - Skillet:
+ - Intro: 'projects/skillet/intro.md'
+ - Assets: 'projects/skillet/assets.md'
+ - Editor: 'projects/skillet/editor.md'
+ - Inventory: 'projects/skillet/inventory.md'
+ - Workshop: 'projects/skillet/workshop.md'
+ - Licenses: 'projects/skillet/licenses.md'
+ - General:
+ - To-Do: 'https://github.com/orgs/GodotSteam/projects/3'
- Changes:
- Godot 4.x: 'changelog/godot4.md'
@@ -131,6 +139,8 @@ nav:
- Server 4.x: 'changelog/server4.md'
- Server GDExtension: 'changelog/server_gdextension.md'
- Server GDNative: 'changelog/server_gdnative.md'
+ - Skillet Editor: 'changelog/skillet_editor.md'
+ - Skillet Assets: 'changelog/skillet_assets.md'
- Contributors:
- Contributing: 'contribute/rules.md'