diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index 8476940a..03d8a539 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# editorconfig.org
+# editorconfig.org
# You can learn more about editorconfig here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/editorconfig-code-style-settings-reference
# top-most EditorConfig file
@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ insert_final_newline = true
insert_final_newline = true
-indent_style = tab
+indent_style = space
+max_line_length = off
+xml_alignment_tab_fill_style = use_spaces
+xml_pi_attributes_indent = align_by_first_attribute
indent_size = 2
@@ -137,8 +140,7 @@ csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public,private,protected,internal,static,exter
# Types: use keywords instead of BCL types, and permit var only when the type is clear
csharp_style_var_for_built_in_types = false:suggestion
csharp_style_var_when_type_is_apparent = false:none
-csharp_style_var_elsewhere = false:suggestion
+csharp_style_var_elsewhere = false:none
# Code style defaults
csharp_using_directive_placement = outside_namespace:suggestion
diff --git a/renovate.json b/.github/renovate.json
similarity index 100%
rename from renovate.json
rename to .github/renovate.json
diff --git a/.github/workflows/conv-pull-requests.yml b/.github/workflows/conv-pull-requests.yml
index d2504e95..78ffceee 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/conv-pull-requests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/conv-pull-requests.yml
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ permissions:
pull-requests: write
- hqprs:
+ cpr:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: conventional-pr
uses: Namchee/conventional-pr@v0.12.1
access_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ ignored_users: snyk-bot
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index 1629de4b..01772927 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
name: release
-# - Get AssemblyName, TargetFramework (TFM), RuntimeIdentifier (RID) from Directory.Build.props, *.csproj
-# - Overwrite `$env:RID and `$env:TFM with build props, allowing workflows to be driven by the project(s)
-# - support multiple ASSEMBLYNAME parameters for matrices
+# allow workflows to be driven by the project(s)
@@ -18,8 +16,6 @@ jobs:
name: Build
runs-on: windows-latest
- RID: "win-x86"
- TFM: "net5.0-windows"
PROJPATH: "./src/HXE.csproj"
@@ -40,7 +36,7 @@ jobs:
# Authenticates packages to push to GPR
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3.0.3
- dotnet-version: "6.0.x" # SDK Version to use.
+ dotnet-version: "6.0.x"
include-prerelease: true
- name: Add GitHub Package Repository
@@ -53,15 +49,15 @@ jobs:
- name: dotnet-publish
- run: dotnet publish $env:CSPROJ_RELPATH -c Release --no-self-contained -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true
+ run: dotnet publish ${{ env.PROJPATH }} -c Release -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true
- # required variables: TargetFramework, RuntimeIdentifier, GitVersion_FullSemVer
+ # required variables: GitVersion_FullSemVer
- name: Compress-PublishArtifacts
run: |
- $publishPath = Resolve-Path ".\bin\Release\$env:TFM\$env:RID\publish";
- $archiveName = "$env:ASSEMBLYNAME.$env:TFM-$env:RID.$env:GitVersion_FullSemVer.zip";
+ $publishPath = Resolve-Path ".\bin\Release\**\publish";
+ $archiveName = "$env:ASSEMBLYNAME.$env:GitVersion_FullSemVer.zip";
Set-Location $publishPath;
- Compress-Archive -Path $publishPath -DestinationPath $archiveName -CompressionLevel Optimal;
+ Compress-Archive -Path $publishPath -DestinationPath ${{ github.workspace }}\bin\Release\publish\$archiveName -CompressionLevel Optimal;
@@ -77,7 +73,7 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: publish-artifacts
- path: bin/Release/${{ env.TFM }}/${{ env.RID }}/publish
+ path: bin/Release/publish
- name: Publish to GitHub Packages
working-directory: bin/Release
diff --git a/.releaserc.yaml b/.releaserc.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2217cbd9..00000000
--- a/.releaserc.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- # docs: https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/workflow-configuration#branch-types
- "branches": [
- {name: "main" },
- {name: "develop", channel: "alpha", prerelease: "alpha"}
- ],
- "plugins": [
- ["@semantic-release/commit-analyzer",{
- # docs: https://github.com/semantic-release/commit-analyzer/blob/master/lib/default-release-rules.js
- "parserOpts": {
- },
- "preset": "conventionalcommits",
- "presetConfig": [ ],
- "releaseRules": [
- {"type": "revert", "subject": "!(feat|fix|perf)", "release": false},
- {"type": "revert", "subject": "(build|chore|ci|docs|refactor|revert|style|test)", "release": false}
- ]
- }],
- ["@semantic-release/release-notes-generator",{
- "parserOpts": {
- "preset": "conventionalcommits",
- "presetConfig": [ ],
- "releaseRules": [
- {"type": "revert", "subject": "!(feat|fix|perf)", "release": false}]
- }],
- ['@semantic-release/github',
- {
- "assets": [
- {"path": "bin/release/win-x64/publish"}
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/.vscode/AvaloniaSchema-11.0.0.xsd b/.vscode/AvaloniaSchema-11.0.0.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec6eaf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/AvaloniaSchema-11.0.0.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,63018 @@
+ Property:
+ string Exception.HelpLink
+ Property:
+ string Exception.Source
+ Property:
+ int Exception.HResult
+ Class: AvaloniaInternalException Namespace: Avalonia Base: Exception
+ Properties: HelpLink, HResult, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IAvaloniaDependencyResolver AvaloniaLocator.Current
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaLocator AvaloniaLocator.CurrentMutable
+ Class: AvaloniaLocator Namespace: Avalonia Base: Properties: Current,
+ CurrentMutable Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: AvaloniaObject Namespace: Avalonia Base: Properties: Item Events:
+ PropertyChanged
+ Class: UnsetValueType Namespace: Avalonia Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: AvaloniaPropertyRegistry Namespace: Avalonia Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<Point>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<Point> AvaloniaList<Point>.Validate
+ Property:
+ Point AvaloniaList<Point>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<Point>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<Point>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<Point>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Points Namespace: Avalonia Base: AvaloniaList`1 Properties: Capacity,
+ Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ string Exception.HelpLink
+ Property:
+ string Exception.Source
+ Property:
+ int Exception.HResult
+ Class: RenderTargetCorruptedException Namespace: Avalonia Base: Exception
+ Properties: HelpLink, HResult, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Class: StyledElement Namespace: Avalonia Base: Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clock, DataContext, Item, Name, Resources, Theme, Transitions Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Class: Visual Namespace: Avalonia Base: StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ IsVisible, Item, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, Theme, Transitions, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Class: VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia Base: EventArgs
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Type ControlTheme.TargetType
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme ControlTheme.BasedOn
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyleBase.Resources
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyleBase.OwnerChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ControlTheme Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base: StyleBase,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: BasedOn, Item, Resources, TargetType Events: OwnerChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Class: NthChildSelector Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base: Selector
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: NthLastChildSelector Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base:
+ NthChildSelector, Selector Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Setter.Property
+ Property:
+ object Setter.Value
+ Class: Setter Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base: Properties: Property, Value
+ Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Selector Style.Selector
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyleBase.Resources
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyleBase.OwnerChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Style Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base: StyleBase, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Item, Resources, Selector Events: OwnerChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary Styles.Resources
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler Styles.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Styles.OwnerChanged
+ Class: Styles Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base: AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Item, Resources Events: CollectionChanged, OwnerChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Class: ThemeVariant Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: ThemeVariantTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Styling Base:
+ TypeConverter Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ChildIndexChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.LogicalTree Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.LogicalTree Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Layout Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Class: Layoutable Namespace: Avalonia.Layout Base: Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, EffectiveViewportChanged, Initialized,
+ LayoutUpdated, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler LayoutManager.LayoutUpdated
+ Class: LayoutManager Namespace: Avalonia.Layout Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: LayoutUpdated
+ Property:
+ IMainMenu AccessKeyHandler.MainMenu
+ Class: AccessKeyHandler Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: MainMenu
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: Cursor Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: DataObject Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: DragDropDevice Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ DragDropEffects DragEventArgs.DragEffects
+ enum DragDropEffects = {None, Copy, Move, Link}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: DragEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: DragEffects, Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Class: FocusManager Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: PinchGestureRecognizer Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, DataContext, Item, Name, Resources, Theme,
+ Transitions Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Property:
+ PullDirection PullGestureRecognizer.PullDirection
+ enum PullDirection = {TopToBottom, BottomToTop, LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Class: PullGestureRecognizer Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, DataContext, Item, Name, PullDirection,
+ Resources, Theme, Transitions Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Property:
+ NavigationMethod GotFocusEventArgs.NavigationMethod
+ enum NavigationMethod = {Unspecified, Tab, Directional, Pointer}
+ Property:
+ KeyModifiers GotFocusEventArgs.KeyModifiers
+ enum KeyModifiers = {None, Alt, Control, Shift, Meta}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: GotFocusEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, KeyModifiers, NavigationMethod, Route, RoutedEvent, Source
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: HoldingRoutedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: InputElement Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Class: InputManager Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: InputMethod Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ICommand KeyBinding.Command
+ Property:
+ object KeyBinding.CommandParameter
+ Property:
+ KeyGesture KeyBinding.Gesture
+ Class: KeyBinding Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Command, CommandParameter, Gesture, Item Events: PropertyChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler KeyboardDevice.PropertyChanged
+ Class: KeyboardDevice Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: KeyboardNavigationHandler Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IKeyboardDevice KeyEventArgs.Device
+ Property:
+ Key KeyEventArgs.Key
+ enum Key = {None, Cancel, Back, Tab, LineFeed, Clear, Return, Return, Pause,
+ CapsLock, CapsLock, HangulMode, ...}
+ Property:
+ KeyModifiers KeyEventArgs.KeyModifiers
+ enum KeyModifiers = {None, Alt, Control, Shift, Meta}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: KeyEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Device, Handled, Key, KeyModifiers, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: KeyGesture Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: MouseDevice Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: PenDevice Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: PinchEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: PinchEndedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Class: Pointer Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: PointerDeltaEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ PointerEventArgs, RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: PointerEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Class: PointerPressedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ PointerEventArgs, RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: PointerReleasedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ PointerEventArgs, RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: PointerCaptureLostEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Class: PointerWheelEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ PointerEventArgs, RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: PullGestureEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: PullGestureEndedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollGestureEventArgs.ShouldEndScrollGesture
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: ScrollGestureEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, ShouldEndScrollGesture,
+ Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: ScrollGestureEndedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: ScrollGestureInertiaStartingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: TappedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IKeyboardDevice TextInputEventArgs.Device
+ Property:
+ string TextInputEventArgs.Text
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: TextInputEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Device, Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source, Text Events: {none}
+ Class: TouchDevice Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Vector VectorEventArgs.Vector
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: VectorEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Input Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source, Vector Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ITextInputMethodClient TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs.Client
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Input.TextInput Base: RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Client, Handled,
+ Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ TextInputContentType TextInputOptions.ContentType
+ enum TextInputContentType = {Normal, Alpha, Digits, Pin, Number, Email, Url, Name,
+ Password, Social, Search}
+ Property:
+ TextInputReturnKeyType TextInputOptions.ReturnKeyType
+ enum TextInputReturnKeyType = {Default, Return, Done, Go, Send, Search, Next,
+ Previous}
+ Property:
+ bool TextInputOptions.Multiline
+ Property:
+ bool TextInputOptions.Lowercase
+ Property:
+ bool TextInputOptions.Uppercase
+ Property:
+ bool TextInputOptions.AutoCapitalization
+ Property:
+ bool TextInputOptions.IsSensitive
+ Class: TextInputOptions Namespace: Avalonia.Input.TextInput Base:
+ Properties: AutoCapitalization, ContentType, IsSensitive, Lowercase, Multiline,
+ ReturnKeyType, Uppercase Events: {none}
+ Class: GestureRecognizerCollection Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Input.GestureRecognizers Base: Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollGestureRecognizer.CanHorizontallyScroll
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollGestureRecognizer.CanVerticallyScroll
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollGestureRecognizer.IsScrollInertiaEnabled
+ Property:
+ int ScrollGestureRecognizer.ScrollStartDistance
+ Class: ScrollGestureRecognizer Namespace: Avalonia.Input.GestureRecognizers
+ Base: AvaloniaObject Properties: CanHorizontallyScroll, CanVerticallyScroll,
+ IsScrollInertiaEnabled, Item, ScrollStartDistance Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: DefaultValueConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Data.Converters Base:
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: StringFormatMultiValueConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Data.Converters
+ Base: Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: StringFormatValueConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Data.Converters Base:
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ChildNameScope Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<string>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<string> AvaloniaList<string>.Validate
+ Property:
+ string AvaloniaList<string>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<string>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<string>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<string>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Classes Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: AvaloniaList`1 Properties:
+ Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Class: NameScope Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: NameScopeLocator Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object ResourceDictionary.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler ResourceDictionary.OwnerChanged
+ Class: ResourceDictionary Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties:
+ Item Events: OwnerChanged
+ Class: ResourcesChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Geometry CombinedGeometry.Geometry1
+ Property:
+ Geometry CombinedGeometry.Geometry2
+ Property:
+ GeometryCombineMode CombinedGeometry.GeometryCombineMode
+ enum GeometryCombineMode = {Union, Intersect, Xor, Exclude}
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: CombinedGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Geometry1, Geometry2, GeometryCombineMode, Item, Transform
+ Events: Changed, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool ArcSegment.IsLargeArc
+ Property:
+ Point ArcSegment.Point
+ Property:
+ double ArcSegment.RotationAngle
+ Property:
+ Size ArcSegment.Size
+ Property:
+ SweepDirection ArcSegment.SweepDirection
+ enum SweepDirection = {CounterClockwise, Clockwise}
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ArcSegment Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: PathSegment,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: IsLargeArc, Item, Point, RotationAngle, Size, SweepDirection
+ Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Point BezierSegment.Point1
+ Property:
+ Point BezierSegment.Point2
+ Property:
+ Point BezierSegment.Point3
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: BezierSegment Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: PathSegment,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, Point1, Point2, Point3 Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: BrushConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TypeConverter
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: Colors Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint ConicGradientBrush.Center
+ Property:
+ double ConicGradientBrush.Angle
+ Property:
+ GradientSpreadMethod GradientBrush.SpreadMethod
+ enum GradientSpreadMethod = {Pad, Reflect, Repeat}
+ Property:
+ GradientStops GradientBrush.GradientStops
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ConicGradientBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: GradientBrush,
+ Brush, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Angle, Center, Clock, GradientStops, Item,
+ Opacity, SpreadMethod, Transform, TransformOrigin, Transitions Events: Invalidated,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> DashStyle.Dashes
+ Property:
+ double DashStyle.Offset
+ Event:
+ EventHandler DashStyle.Invalidated
+ Class: DashStyle Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clock, Dashes, Item, Offset, Transitions Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Drawing DrawingBrush.Drawing
+ Property:
+ AlignmentX TileBrush.AlignmentX
+ enum AlignmentX = {Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ AlignmentY TileBrush.AlignmentY
+ enum AlignmentY = {Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ RelativeRect TileBrush.DestinationRect
+ Property:
+ RelativeRect TileBrush.SourceRect
+ Property:
+ Stretch TileBrush.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ TileMode TileBrush.TileMode
+ enum TileMode = {None, FlipX, FlipY, FlipXY, Tile}
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DrawingBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TileBrush, Brush,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AlignmentX, AlignmentY, Clock, DestinationRect,
+ Drawing, Item, Opacity, SourceRect, Stretch, TileMode, Transform, TransformOrigin,
+ Transitions Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<Drawing>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<Drawing> AvaloniaList<Drawing>.Validate
+ Property:
+ Drawing AvaloniaList<Drawing>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<Drawing>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<Drawing>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<Drawing>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DrawingCollection Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double DrawingGroup.Opacity
+ Property:
+ Transform DrawingGroup.Transform
+ Property:
+ Geometry DrawingGroup.ClipGeometry
+ Property:
+ IBrush DrawingGroup.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ DrawingCollection DrawingGroup.Children
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DrawingGroup Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Drawing, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Children, ClipGeometry, Item, Opacity, OpacityMask, Transform Events:
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ Drawing DrawingImage.Drawing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler DrawingImage.Invalidated
+ Class: DrawingImage Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Drawing, Item Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ double BlurEffect.Radius
+ Class: BlurEffect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Effect, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, Item, Radius, Transitions Events: Invalidated,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowEffect.OffsetX
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowEffect.OffsetY
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowEffectBase.BlurRadius
+ Property:
+ Color DropShadowEffectBase.Color
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowEffectBase.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Effect.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DropShadowEffect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base:
+ DropShadowEffectBase, Effect, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: BlurRadius, Clock,
+ Color, Item, OffsetX, OffsetY, Opacity, Transitions Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowDirectionEffect.ShadowDepth
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowDirectionEffect.Direction
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowEffectBase.BlurRadius
+ Property:
+ Color DropShadowEffectBase.Color
+ Property:
+ double DropShadowEffectBase.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Effect.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DropShadowDirectionEffect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base:
+ DropShadowEffectBase, Effect, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: BlurRadius, Clock,
+ Color, Direction, Item, Opacity, ShadowDepth, Transitions Events: Invalidated,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Effect.Invalidated
+ Class: Effect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clock, Item, Transitions Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Class: EffectConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TypeConverter
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ImmutableBlurEffect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ImmutableDropShadowEffect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ImmutableDropShadowDirectionEffect Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base:
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Rect EllipseGeometry.Rect
+ Property:
+ double EllipseGeometry.RadiusX
+ Property:
+ double EllipseGeometry.RadiusY
+ Property:
+ Point EllipseGeometry.Center
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: EllipseGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Center, Item, RadiusX, RadiusY, Rect, Transform Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ AcrylicBackgroundSource ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.BackgroundSource
+ enum AcrylicBackgroundSource = {None, Digger}
+ Property:
+ Color ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.TintColor
+ Property:
+ double ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.TintOpacity
+ Property:
+ Color ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.FallbackColor
+ Property:
+ double ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.MaterialOpacity
+ Property:
+ double ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.PlatformTransparencyCompensationLevel
+ Event:
+ EventHandler ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial.Invalidated
+ Class: ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base:
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: BackgroundSource, FallbackColor, Item, MaterialOpacity,
+ PlatformTransparencyCompensationLevel, TintColor, TintOpacity Events: Invalidated,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ FontFamily FontFallback.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ UnicodeRange FontFallback.UnicodeRange
+ Class: FontFallback Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties: FontFamily,
+ UnicodeRange Events: {none}
+ Class: FontFamily Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: FontManager Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ string FontManagerOptions.DefaultFamilyName
+ Property:
+ IReadOnlyList<FontFallback> FontManagerOptions.FontFallbacks
+ Class: FontManagerOptions Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties:
+ DefaultFamilyName, FontFallbacks Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection FormattedText.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ TextAlignment FormattedText.TextAlignment
+ enum TextAlignment = {Left, Center, Right, Start, End, DetectFromContent, Justify}
+ Property:
+ double FormattedText.LineHeight
+ Property:
+ double FormattedText.MaxTextWidth
+ Property:
+ double FormattedText.MaxTextHeight
+ Property:
+ int FormattedText.MaxLineCount
+ Property:
+ TextTrimming FormattedText.Trimming
+ Class: FormattedText Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties:
+ FlowDirection, LineHeight, MaxLineCount, MaxTextHeight, MaxTextWidth, TextAlignment,
+ Trimming Events: {none}
+ Class: GeometryTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TypeConverter
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ GeometryGroup GeometryCollection.Parent
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<Geometry>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<Geometry> AvaloniaList<Geometry>.Validate
+ Property:
+ Geometry AvaloniaList<Geometry>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<Geometry>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<Geometry>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<Geometry>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: GeometryCollection Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, Parent, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Geometry GeometryDrawing.Geometry
+ Property:
+ IBrush GeometryDrawing.Brush
+ Property:
+ IPen GeometryDrawing.Pen
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: GeometryDrawing Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Drawing,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Brush, Geometry, Item, Pen Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ GeometryCollection GeometryGroup.Children
+ Property:
+ FillRule GeometryGroup.FillRule
+ enum FillRule = {EvenOdd, NonZero}
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: GeometryGroup Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Children, FillRule, Item, Transform Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ double GlyphRun.FontRenderingEmSize
+ Property:
+ Point GlyphRun.BaselineOrigin
+ Property:
+ ReadOnlyMemory<char> GlyphRun.Characters
+ Property:
+ IReadOnlyList<GlyphInfo> GlyphRun.GlyphInfos
+ Property:
+ int GlyphRun.BiDiLevel
+ Class: GlyphRun Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties: BaselineOrigin,
+ BiDiLevel, Characters, FontRenderingEmSize, GlyphInfos Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IBrush GlyphRunDrawing.Foreground
+ Property:
+ GlyphRun GlyphRunDrawing.GlyphRun
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: GlyphRunDrawing Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Drawing,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Foreground, GlyphRun, Item Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ double GradientStop.Offset
+ Property:
+ Color GradientStop.Color
+ Class: GradientStop Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Color, Item, Offset Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<GradientStop>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<GradientStop> AvaloniaList<GradientStop>.Validate
+ Property:
+ GradientStop AvaloniaList<GradientStop>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<GradientStop>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<GradientStop>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<GradientStop>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: GradientStops Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IBitmap ImageBrush.Source
+ Property:
+ AlignmentX TileBrush.AlignmentX
+ enum AlignmentX = {Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ AlignmentY TileBrush.AlignmentY
+ enum AlignmentY = {Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ RelativeRect TileBrush.DestinationRect
+ Property:
+ RelativeRect TileBrush.SourceRect
+ Property:
+ Stretch TileBrush.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ TileMode TileBrush.TileMode
+ enum TileMode = {None, FlipX, FlipY, FlipXY, Tile}
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ImageBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TileBrush, Brush,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AlignmentX, AlignmentY, Clock, DestinationRect, Item,
+ Opacity, Source, SourceRect, Stretch, TileMode, Transform, TransformOrigin, Transitions
+ Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IImage ImageDrawing.ImageSource
+ Property:
+ Rect ImageDrawing.Rect
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ImageDrawing Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Drawing, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: ImageSource, Item, Rect Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: ImmediateDrawingContext Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint LinearGradientBrush.StartPoint
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint LinearGradientBrush.EndPoint
+ Property:
+ GradientSpreadMethod GradientBrush.SpreadMethod
+ enum GradientSpreadMethod = {Pad, Reflect, Repeat}
+ Property:
+ GradientStops GradientBrush.GradientStops
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: LinearGradientBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: GradientBrush,
+ Brush, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, EndPoint, GradientStops, Item, Opacity,
+ SpreadMethod, StartPoint, Transform, TransformOrigin, Transitions Events: Invalidated,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Point LineGeometry.StartPoint
+ Property:
+ Point LineGeometry.EndPoint
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: LineGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: EndPoint, Item, StartPoint, Transform Events: Changed, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Point LineSegment.Point
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: LineSegment Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: PathSegment,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, Point Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Matrix MatrixTransform.Matrix
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: MatrixTransform Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, Item, Matrix, Transitions Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ bool PathFigure.IsClosed
+ Property:
+ bool PathFigure.IsFilled
+ Property:
+ PathSegments PathFigure.Segments
+ Property:
+ Point PathFigure.StartPoint
+ Class: PathFigure Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ IsClosed, IsFilled, Item, Segments, StartPoint Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ PathFigures PathGeometry.Figures
+ Property:
+ FillRule PathGeometry.FillRule
+ enum FillRule = {EvenOdd, NonZero}
+ Class: PathGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: StreamGeometry,
+ Geometry, AvaloniaObject Properties: Figures, FillRule, Item, Transform Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<PathFigure>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<PathFigure> AvaloniaList<PathFigure>.Validate
+ Property:
+ PathFigure AvaloniaList<PathFigure>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<PathFigure>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<PathFigure>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<PathFigure>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: PathFigures Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<PathSegment>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<PathSegment> AvaloniaList<PathSegment>.Validate
+ Property:
+ PathSegment AvaloniaList<PathSegment>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<PathSegment>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<PathSegment>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<PathSegment>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: PathSegments Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Class: PathMarkupParser Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Pen.Brush
+ Property:
+ double Pen.Thickness
+ Property:
+ IDashStyle Pen.DashStyle
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Pen.LineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Pen.LineJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ double Pen.MiterLimit
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Pen.Invalidated
+ Class: Pen Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaObject Properties: Brush,
+ DashStyle, Item, LineCap, LineJoin, MiterLimit, Thickness Events: Invalidated,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IList<Point> PolylineGeometry.Points
+ Property:
+ bool PolylineGeometry.IsFilled
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: PolylineGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: IsFilled, Item, Points, Transform Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IList<Point> PolyLineSegment.Points
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: PolyLineSegment Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: PathSegment,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, Points Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Point QuadraticBezierSegment.Point1
+ Property:
+ Point QuadraticBezierSegment.Point2
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: QuadraticBezierSegment Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: PathSegment,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, Point1, Point2 Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint RadialGradientBrush.Center
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
+ Property:
+ double RadialGradientBrush.Radius
+ Property:
+ GradientSpreadMethod GradientBrush.SpreadMethod
+ enum GradientSpreadMethod = {Pad, Reflect, Repeat}
+ Property:
+ GradientStops GradientBrush.GradientStops
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: RadialGradientBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: GradientBrush,
+ Brush, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Center, Clock, GradientOrigin, GradientStops,
+ Item, Opacity, Radius, SpreadMethod, Transform, TransformOrigin, Transitions Events:
+ Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Rect RectangleGeometry.Rect
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: RectangleGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, Rect, Transform Events: Changed, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double RotateTransform.Angle
+ Property:
+ double RotateTransform.CenterX
+ Property:
+ double RotateTransform.CenterY
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: RotateTransform Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Angle, CenterX, CenterY, Clock, Item, Transitions
+ Events: Changed, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double ScaleTransform.ScaleX
+ Property:
+ double ScaleTransform.ScaleY
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ScaleTransform Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, Item, ScaleX, ScaleY, Transitions Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double SkewTransform.AngleX
+ Property:
+ double SkewTransform.AngleY
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: SkewTransform Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AngleX, AngleY, Clock, Item, Transitions Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Color SolidColorBrush.Color
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: SolidColorBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Brush, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, Color, Item, Opacity, Transform, TransformOrigin,
+ Transitions Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Transform Geometry.Transform
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Geometry.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: StreamGeometry Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Geometry,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, Transform Events: Changed, PropertyChanged
+ Class: StreamGeometryContext Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationLocation TextDecoration.Location
+ enum TextDecorationLocation = {Underline, Overline, Strikethrough, Baseline}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextDecoration.Stroke
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationUnit TextDecoration.StrokeThicknessUnit
+ enum TextDecorationUnit = {FontRecommended, FontRenderingEmSize, Pixel}
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> TextDecoration.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double TextDecoration.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double TextDecoration.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap TextDecoration.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ double TextDecoration.StrokeOffset
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationUnit TextDecoration.StrokeOffsetUnit
+ enum TextDecorationUnit = {FontRecommended, FontRenderingEmSize, Pixel}
+ Class: TextDecoration Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Item, Location, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeLineCap,
+ StrokeOffset, StrokeOffsetUnit, StrokeThickness, StrokeThicknessUnit Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<TextDecoration>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<TextDecoration>
+ AvaloniaList<TextDecoration>.Validate
+ Property:
+ TextDecoration AvaloniaList<TextDecoration>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<TextDecoration>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<TextDecoration>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<TextDecoration>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: TextDecorationCollection Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base:
+ AvaloniaList`1 Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events:
+ CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Class: TextLeadingPrefixTrimming Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base:
+ TextTrimming Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: TextTrailingTrimming Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TextTrimming
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: TransformConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TypeConverter
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Transforms TransformGroup.Children
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: TransformGroup Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Children, Clock, Item, Transitions Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<Transform>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<Transform> AvaloniaList<Transform>.Validate
+ Property:
+ Transform AvaloniaList<Transform>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<Transform>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<Transform>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<Transform>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Transforms Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: AvaloniaList`1 Properties:
+ Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double TranslateTransform.X
+ Property:
+ double TranslateTransform.Y
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: TranslateTransform Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clock, Item, Transitions, X, Y Events: Changed,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Visual VisualBrush.Visual
+ Property:
+ AlignmentX TileBrush.AlignmentX
+ enum AlignmentX = {Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ AlignmentY TileBrush.AlignmentY
+ enum AlignmentY = {Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ RelativeRect TileBrush.DestinationRect
+ Property:
+ RelativeRect TileBrush.SourceRect
+ Property:
+ Stretch TileBrush.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ TileMode TileBrush.TileMode
+ enum TileMode = {None, FlipX, FlipY, FlipXY, Tile}
+ Property:
+ double Brush.Opacity
+ Property:
+ ITransform Brush.Transform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Brush.TransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Brush.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: VisualBrush Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: TileBrush, Brush,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AlignmentX, AlignmentY, Clock, DestinationRect, Item,
+ Opacity, SourceRect, Stretch, TileMode, Transform, TransformOrigin, Transitions, Visual
+ Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.AngleX
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.AngleY
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.AngleZ
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.CenterX
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.CenterY
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.CenterZ
+ Property:
+ double Rotate3DTransform.Depth
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Transform.Changed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Rotate3DTransform Namespace: Avalonia.Media Base: Transform,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ,
+ Clock, Depth, Item, Transitions Events: Changed, PropertyChanged
+ Class: TransformOperations Namespace: Avalonia.Media.Transformation Base:
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: Bitmap Namespace: Avalonia.Media.Imaging Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IImage CroppedBitmap.Source
+ Property:
+ PixelRect CroppedBitmap.SourceRect
+ Event:
+ EventHandler CroppedBitmap.Invalidated
+ Class: CroppedBitmap Namespace: Avalonia.Media.Imaging Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Item, Source, SourceRect Events: Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Class: RenderTargetBitmap Namespace: Avalonia.Media.Imaging Base: Bitmap
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: WriteableBitmap Namespace: Avalonia.Media.Imaging Base: Bitmap
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Class: Animatable Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clock, Item, Transitions Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Animation.Duration
+ Property:
+ IterationCount Animation.IterationCount
+ Property:
+ PlaybackDirection Animation.PlaybackDirection
+ enum PlaybackDirection = {Normal, Reverse, Alternate, AlternateReverse}
+ Property:
+ FillMode Animation.FillMode
+ enum FillMode = {None, Forward, Backward, Both}
+ Property:
+ Easing Animation.Easing
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Animation.Delay
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Animation.DelayBetweenIterations
+ Property:
+ double Animation.SpeedRatio
+ Class: Animation Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Delay, DelayBetweenIterations, Duration, Easing, FillMode, Item, IterationCount,
+ PlaybackDirection, SpeedRatio Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ object AnimatorKeyFrame.Value
+ Class: AnimatorKeyFrame Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Item, Value Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: Clock Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: ClockBase Properties:
+ PlayState Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ PlayState ClockBase.PlayState
+ enum PlayState = {Run, Pause, Stop}
+ Class: ClockBase Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: Properties: PlayState
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ List<IPageTransition> CompositePageTransition.PageTransitions
+ Class: CompositePageTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ Properties: PageTransitions Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan CrossFade.Duration
+ Property:
+ Easing CrossFade.FadeInEasing
+ Property:
+ Easing CrossFade.FadeOutEasing
+ Class: CrossFade Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: Properties: Duration,
+ FadeInEasing, FadeOutEasing Events: {none}
+ Class: CueTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: TypeConverter
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: IterationCountTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ TypeConverter Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan KeyFrame.KeyTime
+ Property:
+ Cue KeyFrame.Cue
+ Property:
+ KeySpline KeyFrame.KeySpline
+ Class: KeyFrame Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Cue, Item, KeySpline, KeyTime Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<KeyFrame>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<KeyFrame> AvaloniaList<KeyFrame>.Validate
+ Property:
+ KeyFrame AvaloniaList<KeyFrame>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<KeyFrame>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<KeyFrame>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<KeyFrame>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: KeyFrames Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ double KeySpline.ControlPointX1
+ Property:
+ double KeySpline.ControlPointY1
+ Property:
+ double KeySpline.ControlPointX2
+ Property:
+ double KeySpline.ControlPointY2
+ Class: KeySpline Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: ControlPointX1, ControlPointX2, ControlPointY1, ControlPointY2, Item Events:
+ PropertyChanged
+ Class: KeySplineTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ TypeConverter Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan PageSlide.Duration
+ Property:
+ SlideAxis PageSlide.Orientation
+ enum SlideAxis = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ Easing PageSlide.SlideInEasing
+ Property:
+ Easing PageSlide.SlideOutEasing
+ Class: PageSlide Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: Properties: Duration,
+ Orientation, SlideInEasing, SlideOutEasing Events: {none}
+ Class: RenderLoopClock Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: ClockBase
+ Properties: PlayState Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ double Spring.Mass
+ Property:
+ double Spring.Stiffness
+ Property:
+ double Spring.Damping
+ Property:
+ double Spring.InitialVelocity
+ Class: Spring Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: Properties: Damping,
+ InitialVelocity, Mass, Stiffness Events: {none}
+ Class: SpringTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: TypeConverter
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<ITransition>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<ITransition> AvaloniaList<ITransition>.Validate
+ Property:
+ ITransition AvaloniaList<ITransition>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<ITransition>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<ITransition>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<ITransition>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Transitions Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<BoxShadows>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<BoxShadows>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<BoxShadows>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<BoxShadows>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: BoxShadowsTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<IBrush>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<IBrush>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<IBrush>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<IBrush>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: BrushTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: Transition`1,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration, Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Color>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Color>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<Color>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<Color>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ColorTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<CornerRadius>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<CornerRadius>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<CornerRadius>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<CornerRadius>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: CornerRadiusTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<double>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<double>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<double>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<double>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DoubleTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<float>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<float>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<float>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<float>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: FloatTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<int>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<int>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<int>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<int>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: IntegerTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Point>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Point>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<Point>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<Point>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: PointTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<RelativePoint>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<RelativePoint>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<RelativePoint>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<RelativePoint>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: RelativePointTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ double? Rotate3DTransition.Depth
+ Class: Rotate3DTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: PageSlide
+ Properties: Depth, Duration, Orientation, SlideInEasing, SlideOutEasing Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Size>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Size>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<Size>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<Size>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: SizeTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Thickness>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Thickness>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<Thickness>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<Thickness>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ThicknessTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<ITransform>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<ITransform>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<ITransform>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<ITransform>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: TransformOperationsTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration, Easing, Item, Property Events:
+ PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Vector>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<Vector>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<Vector>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<Vector>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: VectorTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base:
+ AnimatorDrivenTransition`2, Transition`1, AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration,
+ Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<IEffect>.Duration
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan Transition<IEffect>.Delay
+ Property:
+ Easing Transition<IEffect>.Easing
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty Transition<IEffect>.Property
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: EffectTransition Namespace: Avalonia.Animation Base: Transition`1,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Delay, Duration, Easing, Item, Property Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: BackEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: BackEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: BackEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: BounceEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: BounceEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: BounceEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: CircularEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: CircularEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: CircularEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Point CubicBezierEasing.ControlPoint2
+ Property:
+ Point CubicBezierEasing.ControlPoint1
+ Class: CubicBezierEasing Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base:
+ Properties: ControlPoint1, ControlPoint2 Events: {none}
+ Class: CubicEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: CubicEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: CubicEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: EasingTypeConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base:
+ TypeConverter Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ElasticEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ElasticEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ElasticEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ExponentialEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ExponentialEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base:
+ Easing Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ExponentialEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: LinearEasing Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuadraticEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuadraticEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuadraticEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuarticEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuarticEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuarticEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuinticEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuinticEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: QuinticEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: SineEaseIn Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: SineEaseInOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: SineEaseOut Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ double SplineEasing.X1
+ Property:
+ double SplineEasing.Y1
+ Property:
+ double SplineEasing.X2
+ Property:
+ double SplineEasing.Y2
+ Class: SplineEasing Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: X1, X2, Y1, Y2 Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ double SpringEasing.Mass
+ Property:
+ double SpringEasing.Stiffness
+ Property:
+ double SpringEasing.Damping
+ Property:
+ double SpringEasing.InitialVelocity
+ Class: SpringEasing Namespace: Avalonia.Animation.Easings Base: Easing
+ Properties: Damping, InitialVelocity, Mass, Stiffness Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.CanUserReorderColumns
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.CanUserResizeColumns
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.CanUserSortColumns
+ Property:
+ double DataGrid.ColumnHeaderHeight
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGrid.RowTheme
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGrid.CellTheme
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGrid.ColumnHeaderTheme
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGrid.RowGroupTheme
+ Property:
+ DataGridLength DataGrid.ColumnWidth
+ Property:
+ int DataGrid.FrozenColumnCount
+ Property:
+ DataGridGridLinesVisibility DataGrid.GridLinesVisibility
+ enum DataGridGridLinesVisibility = {None, Horizontal, Vertical, All}
+ Property:
+ DataGridHeadersVisibility DataGrid.HeadersVisibility
+ enum DataGridHeadersVisibility = {None, Column, Row, All}
+ Property:
+ IBrush DataGrid.HorizontalGridLinesBrush
+ Property:
+ ScrollBarVisibility DataGrid.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility
+ enum ScrollBarVisibility = {Disabled, Auto, Hidden, Visible}
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.IsReadOnly
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.AreRowGroupHeadersFrozen
+ Property:
+ double DataGrid.MaxColumnWidth
+ Property:
+ double DataGrid.MinColumnWidth
+ Property:
+ IBrush DataGrid.RowBackground
+ Property:
+ double DataGrid.RowHeight
+ Property:
+ double DataGrid.RowHeaderWidth
+ Property:
+ DataGridSelectionMode DataGrid.SelectionMode
+ enum DataGridSelectionMode = {Extended, Single}
+ Property:
+ IBrush DataGrid.VerticalGridLinesBrush
+ Property:
+ ScrollBarVisibility DataGrid.VerticalScrollBarVisibility
+ enum ScrollBarVisibility = {Disabled, Auto, Hidden, Visible}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> DataGrid.DropLocationIndicatorTemplate
+ Property:
+ int DataGrid.SelectedIndex
+ Property:
+ object DataGrid.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ DataGridClipboardCopyMode DataGrid.ClipboardCopyMode
+ enum DataGridClipboardCopyMode = {None, ExcludeHeader, IncludeHeader}
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable DataGrid.ItemsSource
+ Property:
+ bool DataGrid.AreRowDetailsFrozen
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGrid.RowDetailsTemplate
+ Property:
+ DataGridRowDetailsVisibilityMode DataGrid.RowDetailsVisibilityMode
+ enum DataGridRowDetailsVisibilityMode = {VisibleWhenSelected, Visible, Collapsed}
+ Property:
+ DataGridColumn DataGrid.CurrentColumn
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ScrollEventArgs> DataGrid.HorizontalScroll
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ScrollEventArgs> DataGrid.VerticalScroll
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridBeginningEditEventArgs> DataGrid.BeginningEdit
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs> DataGrid.CellEditEnded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs> DataGrid.CellEditEnding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridCellPointerPressedEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.CellPointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridColumnEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.ColumnDisplayIndexChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridColumnEventArgs> DataGrid.ColumnReordered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridColumnReorderingEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.ColumnReordering
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EventArgs> DataGrid.CurrentCellChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowEventArgs> DataGrid.LoadingRow
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridPreparingCellForEditEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.PreparingCellForEdit
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs> DataGrid.RowEditEnded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs> DataGrid.RowEditEnding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs> DataGrid.SelectionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridColumnEventArgs> DataGrid.Sorting
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowEventArgs> DataGrid.UnloadingRow
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs> DataGrid.LoadingRowDetails
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.RowDetailsVisibilityChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs> DataGrid.UnloadingRowDetails
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowGroupHeaderEventArgs> DataGrid.LoadingRowGroup
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowGroupHeaderEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.UnloadingRowGroup
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DataGridRowClipboardEventArgs>
+ DataGrid.CopyingRowClipboardContent
+ Class: DataGrid Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AreRowDetailsFrozen, AreRowGroupHeadersFrozen,
+ AutoGenerateColumns, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, CanUserReorderColumns,
+ CanUserResizeColumns, CanUserSortColumns, CellTheme, Clip, ClipboardCopyMode, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ColumnHeaderHeight, ColumnHeaderTheme, ColumnWidth, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu,
+ CornerRadius, CurrentColumn, Cursor, DataContext, DropLocationIndicatorTemplate, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, FrozenColumnCount, GridLinesVisibility, HeadersVisibility, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalGridLinesBrush, HorizontalScrollBarVisibility, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsReadOnly, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, ItemsSource, Margin,
+ MaxColumnWidth, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinColumnWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, RowBackground,
+ RowDetailsTemplate, RowDetailsVisibilityMode, RowGroupTheme, RowHeaderWidth, RowHeight,
+ RowTheme, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectionMode, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalGridLinesBrush,
+ VerticalScrollBarVisibility, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, AutoGeneratingColumn, BeginningEdit,
+ CellEditEnded, CellEditEnding, CellPointerPressed, ColumnDisplayIndexChanged,
+ ColumnReordered, ColumnReordering, ContextRequested, CopyingRowClipboardContent,
+ CurrentCellChanged, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalScroll, Initialized,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LoadingRow, LoadingRowDetails, LoadingRowGroup,
+ LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PreparingCellForEdit, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, RowDetailsVisibilityChanged, RowEditEnded, RowEditEnding,
+ SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Sorting, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, UnloadingRow, UnloadingRowDetails,
+ UnloadingRowGroup, VerticalScroll
+ Class: DisplayIndexComparer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridCell Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridCheckBoxColumn.IsThreeState
+ Property:
+ IBinding DataGridBoundColumn.Binding
+ Property:
+ IBinding DataGridBoundColumn.ClipboardContentBinding
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserReorder
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserResize
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserSort
+ Property:
+ int DataGridColumn.DisplayIndex
+ Property:
+ Classes DataGridColumn.CellStyleClasses
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGridColumn.CellTheme
+ Property:
+ object DataGridColumn.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGridColumn.HeaderTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.IsReadOnly
+ Property:
+ double DataGridColumn.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double DataGridColumn.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ DataGridLength DataGridColumn.Width
+ Property:
+ string DataGridColumn.SortMemberPath
+ Property:
+ IComparer DataGridColumn.CustomSortComparer
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DataGridCheckBoxColumn Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ DataGridBoundColumn, DataGridColumn, AvaloniaObject Properties: Binding, CanUserReorder,
+ CanUserResize, CanUserSort, CellStyleClasses, CellTheme, ClipboardContentBinding,
+ CustomSortComparer, DisplayIndex, Header, HeaderTemplate, IsReadOnly, IsThreeState,
+ IsVisible, Item, MaxWidth, MinWidth, SortMemberPath, Width Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: DataGridRowClipboardEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IBrush DataGridColumnHeader.SeparatorBrush
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumnHeader.AreSeparatorsVisible
+ Class: DataGridColumnHeader Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreSeparatorsVisible, Background,
+ BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, SeparatorBrush, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DataGridLengthConverter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ TypeConverter Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object DataGridRow.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGridRow.DetailsTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridRow.AreDetailsVisible
+ Class: DataGridRow Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AreDetailsVisible, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness,
+ Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext,
+ DetailsTemplate, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Header, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridRowGroupHeader.IsItemCountVisible
+ Property:
+ string DataGridRowGroupHeader.PropertyName
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridRowGroupHeader.IsPropertyNameVisible
+ Property:
+ double DataGridRowGroupHeader.SublevelIndent
+ Class: DataGridRowGroupHeader Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsItemCountVisible, IsPropertyNameVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, PropertyName,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SublevelIndent, TabIndex, Tag, Template,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridTemplateColumn.IsReadOnly
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserReorder
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserResize
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserSort
+ Property:
+ int DataGridColumn.DisplayIndex
+ Property:
+ Classes DataGridColumn.CellStyleClasses
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGridColumn.CellTheme
+ Property:
+ object DataGridColumn.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGridColumn.HeaderTemplate
+ Property:
+ double DataGridColumn.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double DataGridColumn.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ DataGridLength DataGridColumn.Width
+ Property:
+ IBinding DataGridColumn.ClipboardContentBinding
+ Property:
+ string DataGridColumn.SortMemberPath
+ Property:
+ IComparer DataGridColumn.CustomSortComparer
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DataGridTemplateColumn Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ DataGridColumn, AvaloniaObject Properties: CanUserReorder, CanUserResize, CanUserSort,
+ CellEditingTemplate, CellStyleClasses, CellTemplate, CellTheme, ClipboardContentBinding,
+ CustomSortComparer, DisplayIndex, Header, HeaderTemplate, IsReadOnly, IsVisible, Item,
+ MaxWidth, MinWidth, SortMemberPath, Width Events: PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ FontFamily DataGridTextColumn.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double DataGridTextColumn.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle DataGridTextColumn.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight DataGridTextColumn.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch DataGridTextColumn.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush DataGridTextColumn.Foreground
+ Property:
+ IBinding DataGridBoundColumn.Binding
+ Property:
+ IBinding DataGridBoundColumn.ClipboardContentBinding
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserReorder
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserResize
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.CanUserSort
+ Property:
+ int DataGridColumn.DisplayIndex
+ Property:
+ Classes DataGridColumn.CellStyleClasses
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme DataGridColumn.CellTheme
+ Property:
+ object DataGridColumn.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataGridColumn.HeaderTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridColumn.IsReadOnly
+ Property:
+ double DataGridColumn.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double DataGridColumn.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ DataGridLength DataGridColumn.Width
+ Property:
+ string DataGridColumn.SortMemberPath
+ Property:
+ IComparer DataGridColumn.CustomSortComparer
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DataGridTextColumn Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ DataGridBoundColumn, DataGridColumn, AvaloniaObject Properties: Binding, CanUserReorder,
+ CanUserResize, CanUserSort, CellStyleClasses, CellTheme, ClipboardContentBinding,
+ CustomSortComparer, DisplayIndex, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Header, HeaderTemplate, IsReadOnly, IsVisible, Item, MaxWidth, MinWidth,
+ SortMemberPath, Width Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ DataGridColumn DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs.Column
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls
+ Base: CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel, Column Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: DataGridBeginningEditEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridCellPointerPressedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls
+ Base: EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool HandledEventArgs.Handled
+ Class: DataGridColumnEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ HandledEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Control DataGridColumnReorderingEventArgs.DragIndicator
+ Property:
+ Control DataGridColumnReorderingEventArgs.DropLocationIndicator
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: DataGridColumnReorderingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel, DragIndicator, DropLocationIndicator Events:
+ {none}
+ Class: DataGridRowEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: EventArgs
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridPreparingCellForEditEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls
+ Base: EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridRowGroupHeaderEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IBrush DataGridRowHeader.SeparatorBrush
+ Property:
+ bool DataGridRowHeader.AreSeparatorsVisible
+ Class: DataGridRowHeader Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreSeparatorsVisible, Background,
+ BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, SeparatorBrush, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DataGridCellsPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ double DataGridDetailsPresenter.ContentHeight
+ Class: DataGridDetailsPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives
+ Base: Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContentHeight,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DataGridFrozenGrid Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Grid, Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ ColumnDefinitions, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, RowDefinitions,
+ ShowGridLines, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DataGridRowsPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IRuntimePlatform AppBuilder.RuntimePlatform
+ Class: AppBuilder Namespace: Avalonia Base: Properties: RuntimePlatform
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object Application.DataContext
+ Property:
+ ThemeVariant Application.RequestedThemeVariant
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary Application.Resources
+ Property:
+ IApplicationLifetime Application.ApplicationLifetime
+ Property:
+ string Application.Name
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> Application.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<UrlOpenedEventArgs> Application.UrlsOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Application.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Class: Application Namespace: Avalonia Base: AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ ApplicationLifetime, DataContext, Item, Name, RequestedThemeVariant, Resources Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, UrlsOpened
+ Class: UrlOpenedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia Base: EventArgs Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: AutomationProperty Namespace: Avalonia.Automation Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: AutomationPropertyChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Automation
+ Base: EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ string Exception.HelpLink
+ Property:
+ string Exception.Source
+ Property:
+ int Exception.HResult
+ Class: ElementNotEnabledException Namespace: Avalonia.Automation Base:
+ Exception Properties: HelpLink, HResult, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ int AutoCompleteBox.MinimumPrefixLength
+ Property:
+ bool AutoCompleteBox.IsTextCompletionEnabled
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate AutoCompleteBox.ItemTemplate
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan AutoCompleteBox.MinimumPopulateDelay
+ Property:
+ double AutoCompleteBox.MaxDropDownHeight
+ Property:
+ bool AutoCompleteBox.IsDropDownOpen
+ Property:
+ IBinding AutoCompleteBox.ValueMemberBinding
+ Property:
+ object AutoCompleteBox.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ string AutoCompleteBox.Text
+ Property:
+ AutoCompleteFilterMode AutoCompleteBox.FilterMode
+ enum AutoCompleteFilterMode = {None, StartsWith, StartsWithCaseSensitive,
+ StartsWithOrdinal, StartsWithOrdinalCaseSensitive, Contains, ContainsCaseSensitive,
+ ContainsOrdinal, ContainsOrdinalCaseSensitive, Equals, EqualsCaseSensitive,
+ EqualsOrdinal, ...}
+ Property:
+ string AutoCompleteBox.Watermark
+ Property:
+ AutoCompleteFilterPredicate<object> AutoCompleteBox.ItemFilter
+ Property:
+ AutoCompleteFilterPredicate<string> AutoCompleteBox.TextFilter
+ Property:
+ AutoCompleteSelector<object> AutoCompleteBox.ItemSelector
+ Property:
+ AutoCompleteSelector<string> AutoCompleteBox.TextSelector
+ Property:
+ Func<string, CancellationToken,
+ Task<IEnumerable<object>>>
+ AutoCompleteBox.AsyncPopulator
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable AutoCompleteBox.ItemsSource
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextChangedEventArgs> AutoCompleteBox.TextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PopulatingEventArgs> AutoCompleteBox.Populating
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PopulatedEventArgs> AutoCompleteBox.Populated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> AutoCompleteBox.DropDownOpening
+ Event:
+ EventHandler AutoCompleteBox.DropDownOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> AutoCompleteBox.DropDownClosing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler AutoCompleteBox.DropDownClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs>
+ AutoCompleteBox.SelectionChanged
+ Class: AutoCompleteBox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AsyncPopulator, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FilterMode, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsDropDownOpen, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTextCompletionEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemFilter,
+ ItemSelector, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxDropDownHeight, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinimumPopulateDelay, MinimumPrefixLength, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedItem, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Text, TextFilter, TextSelector, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ ValueMemberBinding, VerticalAlignment, Watermark, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ DropDownClosed, DropDownClosing, DropDownOpened, DropDownOpening, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, Populated, Populating, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextChanged,
+ TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: PopulatedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: EventArgs
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: PopulatingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Border.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush Border.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Border.BorderDashArray
+ Property:
+ Thickness Border.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ double Border.BorderDashOffset
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Border.BorderLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Border.BorderLineJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius Border.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ BoxShadows Border.BoxShadow
+ Class: Border Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Decorator, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderDashArray, BorderDashOffset, BorderLineCap,
+ BorderLineJoin, BorderThickness, BoxShadow, Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ClickMode Button.ClickMode
+ enum ClickMode = {Release, Press}
+ Property:
+ ICommand Button.Command
+ Property:
+ KeyGesture Button.HotKey
+ Property:
+ object Button.CommandParameter
+ Property:
+ bool Button.IsDefault
+ Property:
+ bool Button.IsCancel
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Button.Flyout
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Button.Click
+ Class: Button Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, ClickMode,
+ Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content, ContentTemplate,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, HotKey, IsCancel,
+ IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Click,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool ButtonSpinner.AllowSpin
+ Property:
+ bool ButtonSpinner.ShowButtonSpinner
+ Property:
+ Location ButtonSpinner.ButtonSpinnerLocation
+ enum Location = {Left, Right}
+ Property:
+ ValidSpinDirections Spinner.ValidSpinDirection
+ enum ValidSpinDirections = {None, Increase, Decrease}
+ Property:
+ object ContentControl.Content
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ContentControl.ContentTemplate
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment ContentControl.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment ContentControl.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SpinEventArgs> Spinner.Spin
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ButtonSpinner Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Spinner,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AllowSpin, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ButtonSpinnerLocation, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, ShowButtonSpinner, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, ValidSpinDirection, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Spin, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ DateTime CalendarDatePicker.DisplayDate
+ Property:
+ DateTime? CalendarDatePicker.DisplayDateStart
+ Property:
+ DateTime? CalendarDatePicker.DisplayDateEnd
+ Property:
+ DayOfWeek CalendarDatePicker.FirstDayOfWeek
+ enum DayOfWeek = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}
+ Property:
+ bool CalendarDatePicker.IsDropDownOpen
+ Property:
+ bool CalendarDatePicker.IsTodayHighlighted
+ Property:
+ DateTime? CalendarDatePicker.SelectedDate
+ Property:
+ CalendarDatePickerFormat CalendarDatePicker.SelectedDateFormat
+ enum CalendarDatePickerFormat = {Long, Short, Custom}
+ Property:
+ string CalendarDatePicker.CustomDateFormatString
+ Property:
+ string CalendarDatePicker.Text
+ Property:
+ string CalendarDatePicker.Watermark
+ Property:
+ bool CalendarDatePicker.UseFloatingWatermark
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment CalendarDatePicker.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment CalendarDatePicker.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Event:
+ EventHandler CalendarDatePicker.CalendarClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler CalendarDatePicker.CalendarOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CalendarDatePickerDateValidationErrorEventArgs>
+ CalendarDatePicker.DateValidationError
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs>
+ CalendarDatePicker.SelectedDateChanged
+ Class: CalendarDatePicker Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor,
+ CustomDateFormatString, DataContext, DisplayDate, DisplayDateEnd, DisplayDateStart, Effect,
+ FirstDayOfWeek, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ IsDropDownOpen, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTodayHighlighted, IsVisible, Item,
+ Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedDate, SelectedDateFormat,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Template, Text, Theme, Transitions, UseFloatingWatermark, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Watermark, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, CalendarClosed,
+ CalendarOpened, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DateValidationError,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectedDateChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool CalendarDatePickerDateValidationErrorEventArgs.ThrowException
+ Class: CalendarDatePickerDateValidationErrorEventArgs Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Controls Base: EventArgs Properties: ThrowException Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: CalendarDateChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: CalendarModeChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ DayOfWeek Calendar.FirstDayOfWeek
+ enum DayOfWeek = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}
+ Property:
+ bool Calendar.IsTodayHighlighted
+ Property:
+ IBrush Calendar.HeaderBackground
+ Property:
+ CalendarMode Calendar.DisplayMode
+ enum CalendarMode = {Month, Year, Decade}
+ Property:
+ CalendarSelectionMode Calendar.SelectionMode
+ enum CalendarSelectionMode = {SingleDate, SingleRange, MultipleRange, None}
+ Property:
+ DateTime? Calendar.SelectedDate
+ Property:
+ DateTime Calendar.DisplayDate
+ Property:
+ DateTime? Calendar.DisplayDateStart
+ Property:
+ DateTime? Calendar.DisplayDateEnd
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs> Calendar.SelectedDatesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CalendarDateChangedEventArgs> Calendar.DisplayDateChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CalendarModeChangedEventArgs> Calendar.DisplayModeChanged
+ Class: Calendar Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayDate,
+ DisplayDateEnd, DisplayDateStart, DisplayMode, Effect, FirstDayOfWeek, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, HeaderBackground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsTodayHighlighted, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, SelectedDate, SelectionMode, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DisplayDateChanged, DisplayModeChanged,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SelectedDatesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: CalendarDateRange Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties:
+ {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: Canvas Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Panel, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IPageTransition Carousel.PageTransition
+ Class: Carousel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: SelectingItemsControl,
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible,
+ Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, PageTransition,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem,
+ SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: CheckBox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ToggleButton, Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, IsCancel, IsChecked, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsThreeState, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex,
+ Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Checked, Click, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Indeterminate, Initialized, IsCheckedChanged,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unchecked, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double ColumnDefinition.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double ColumnDefinition.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ GridLength ColumnDefinition.Width
+ Property:
+ string DefinitionBase.SharedSizeGroup
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ColumnDefinition Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: DefinitionBase,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Item, MaxWidth, MinWidth, SharedSizeGroup, Width Events:
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<ColumnDefinition>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<ColumnDefinition>
+ AvaloniaList<ColumnDefinition>.Validate
+ Property:
+ ColumnDefinition AvaloniaList<ColumnDefinition>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<ColumnDefinition>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<ColumnDefinition>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<ColumnDefinition>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ColumnDefinitions Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ DefinitionList`1, AvaloniaList`1 Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events:
+ CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ bool ComboBox.IsDropDownOpen
+ Property:
+ double ComboBox.MaxDropDownHeight
+ Property:
+ string ComboBox.PlaceholderText
+ Property:
+ IBrush ComboBox.PlaceholderForeground
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment ComboBox.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment ComboBox.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Event:
+ EventHandler ComboBox.DropDownClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler ComboBox.DropDownOpened
+ Class: ComboBox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: SelectingItemsControl,
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsDropDownOpen, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme,
+ ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxDropDownHeight, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, PlaceholderForeground,
+ PlaceholderText, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex,
+ SelectedItem, SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width,
+ WrapSelection, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, DropDownClosed, DropDownOpened, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: ComboBoxItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ListBoxItem,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsSelected,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: ContainerClearingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ContainerIndexChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: ContainerPreparedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object ContentControl.Content
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ContentControl.ContentTemplate
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment ContentControl.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment ContentControl.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Class: ContentControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double ContextMenu.HorizontalOffset
+ Property:
+ double ContextMenu.VerticalOffset
+ Property:
+ PopupAnchor ContextMenu.PlacementAnchor
+ enum PopupAnchor = {None, Top, Bottom, VerticalMask, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft,
+ Right, TopRight, BottomRight, HorizontalMask, AllMask}
+ Property:
+ PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment ContextMenu.PlacementConstraintAdjustment
+ enum PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment = {None, SlideX, SlideY, FlipX, FlipY,
+ ResizeY, ResizeY, All}
+ Property:
+ PopupGravity ContextMenu.PlacementGravity
+ enum PopupGravity = {None, Top, Bottom, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft, Right, TopRight,
+ BottomRight}
+ Property:
+ PlacementMode ContextMenu.PlacementMode
+ enum PlacementMode = {Pointer, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center, AnchorAndGravity,
+ TopEdgeAlignedLeft, TopEdgeAlignedRight, BottomEdgeAlignedLeft,
+ BottomEdgeAlignedRight, LeftEdgeAlignedTop, ...}
+ Property:
+ PlacementMode ContextMenu.Placement
+ enum PlacementMode = {Pointer, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center, AnchorAndGravity,
+ TopEdgeAlignedLeft, TopEdgeAlignedRight, BottomEdgeAlignedLeft,
+ BottomEdgeAlignedRight, LeftEdgeAlignedTop, ...}
+ Property:
+ bool ContextMenu.WindowManagerAddShadowHint
+ Property:
+ Rect? ContextMenu.PlacementRect
+ Property:
+ Control ContextMenu.PlacementTarget
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.AutoScrollToSelectedItem
+ Property:
+ int SelectingItemsControl.SelectedIndex
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ IBinding SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValueBinding
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValue
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.IsTextSearchEnabled
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.WrapSelection
+ Property:
+ IBinding ItemsControl.DisplayMemberBinding
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme ItemsControl.ItemContainerTheme
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Panel> ItemsControl.ItemsPanel
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable ItemsControl.ItemsSource
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ItemsControl.ItemTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ CancelEventHandler ContextMenu.ContextMenuOpening
+ Event:
+ CancelEventHandler ContextMenu.ContextMenuClosing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuBase.MenuOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuBase.MenuClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs>
+ SelectingItemsControl.SelectionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerPreparedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerPrepared
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerIndexChangedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerIndexChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerClearingEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerClearing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ContextMenu Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: MenuBase,
+ SelectingItemsControl, ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive,
+ Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem,
+ Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalOffset, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel,
+ ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, Placement, PlacementAnchor, PlacementConstraintAdjustment,
+ PlacementGravity, PlacementMode, PlacementRect, PlacementTarget, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectedValue,
+ SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalOffset, Width, WindowManagerAddShadowHint, WrapSelection, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextMenuClosing,
+ ContextMenuOpening, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ MenuClosed, MenuOpened, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: ContextRequestedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Class: Control Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: InputElement, Interactive,
+ Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<Control>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<Control> AvaloniaList<Control>.Validate
+ Property:
+ Control AvaloniaList<Control>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<Control>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<Control>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<Control>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Controls Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ Control DataValidationErrors.Owner
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate DataValidationErrors.ErrorTemplate
+ Class: DataValidationErrors Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, ErrorTemplate, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Owner, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ string DatePicker.DayFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DatePicker.DayVisible
+ Property:
+ DateTimeOffset DatePicker.MaxYear
+ Property:
+ DateTimeOffset DatePicker.MinYear
+ Property:
+ string DatePicker.MonthFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DatePicker.MonthVisible
+ Property:
+ string DatePicker.YearFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DatePicker.YearVisible
+ Property:
+ DateTimeOffset? DatePicker.SelectedDate
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<DatePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs>
+ DatePicker.SelectedDateChanged
+ Class: DatePicker Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DayFormat, DayVisible,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MaxYear, MinHeight, MinWidth,
+ MinYear, MonthFormat, MonthVisible, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedDate, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, YearFormat, YearVisible, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectedDateChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ DateTimeOffset DatePickerPresenter.Date
+ Property:
+ string DatePickerPresenter.DayFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DatePickerPresenter.DayVisible
+ Property:
+ DateTimeOffset DatePickerPresenter.MaxYear
+ Property:
+ DateTimeOffset DatePickerPresenter.MinYear
+ Property:
+ string DatePickerPresenter.MonthFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DatePickerPresenter.MonthVisible
+ Property:
+ string DatePickerPresenter.YearFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DatePickerPresenter.YearVisible
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler PickerPresenterBase.Confirmed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler PickerPresenterBase.Dismissed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DatePickerPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ PickerPresenterBase, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Date, DayFormat, DayVisible, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MaxYear, MinHeight, MinWidth, MinYear, MonthFormat, MonthVisible, Name,
+ Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex,
+ Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, YearFormat,
+ YearVisible, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, Confirmed, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, Dismissed, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DatePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls
+ Base: Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ int TimePicker.MinuteIncrement
+ Property:
+ string TimePicker.ClockIdentifier
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan? TimePicker.SelectedTime
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TimePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs>
+ TimePicker.SelectedTimeChanged
+ Class: TimePicker Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ClockIdentifier, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinuteIncrement,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, SelectedTime, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectedTimeChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ int TimePickerPresenter.MinuteIncrement
+ Property:
+ string TimePickerPresenter.ClockIdentifier
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan TimePickerPresenter.Time
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler PickerPresenterBase.Confirmed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler PickerPresenterBase.Dismissed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: TimePickerPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ PickerPresenterBase, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ClockIdentifier, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu,
+ CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinuteIncrement, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Time, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Confirmed,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ Dismissed, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown,
+ KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: TimePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls
+ Base: Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Control Decorator.Child
+ Property:
+ Thickness Decorator.Padding
+ Class: Decorator Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool DockPanel.LastChildFill
+ Class: DockPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Panel, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, LastChildFill, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: DropDownButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, IsCancel, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Click,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IPageTransition Expander.ContentTransition
+ Property:
+ ExpandDirection Expander.ExpandDirection
+ enum ExpandDirection = {Down, Up, Left, Right}
+ Property:
+ bool Expander.IsExpanded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Expander.Collapsed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelRoutedEventArgs> Expander.Collapsing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Expander.Expanded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelRoutedEventArgs> Expander.Expanding
+ Class: Expander Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: HeaderedContentControl,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContentTransition,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, ExpandDirection,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Header, HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsExpanded, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Collapsed,
+ Collapsing, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, Expanded, Expanding,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius ExperimentalAcrylicBorder.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial ExperimentalAcrylicBorder.Material
+ Class: ExperimentalAcrylicBorder Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ Decorator, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, Material, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme Flyout.FlyoutPresenterTheme
+ Property:
+ object Flyout.Content
+ Property:
+ PlacementMode PopupFlyoutBase.Placement
+ enum PlacementMode = {Pointer, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center, AnchorAndGravity,
+ TopEdgeAlignedLeft, TopEdgeAlignedRight, BottomEdgeAlignedLeft,
+ BottomEdgeAlignedRight, LeftEdgeAlignedTop, ...}
+ Property:
+ PopupGravity PopupFlyoutBase.PlacementGravity
+ enum PopupGravity = {None, Top, Bottom, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft, Right, TopRight,
+ BottomRight}
+ Property:
+ PopupAnchor PopupFlyoutBase.PlacementAnchor
+ enum PopupAnchor = {None, Top, Bottom, VerticalMask, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft,
+ Right, TopRight, BottomRight, HorizontalMask, AllMask}
+ Property:
+ double PopupFlyoutBase.HorizontalOffset
+ Property:
+ double PopupFlyoutBase.VerticalOffset
+ Property:
+ FlyoutShowMode PopupFlyoutBase.ShowMode
+ enum FlyoutShowMode = {Standard, Transient, TransientWithDismissOnPointerMoveAway}
+ Property:
+ IInputElement PopupFlyoutBase.OverlayInputPassThroughElement
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> PopupFlyoutBase.Closing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler PopupFlyoutBase.Opening
+ Event:
+ EventHandler FlyoutBase.Opened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler FlyoutBase.Closed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Flyout Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: PopupFlyoutBase,
+ FlyoutBase, AvaloniaObject Properties: Content, FlyoutPresenterTheme, HorizontalOffset,
+ Item, OverlayInputPassThroughElement, Placement, PlacementAnchor, PlacementGravity,
+ ShowMode, VerticalOffset Events: Closed, Closing, Opened, Opening, PropertyChanged
+ Class: FlyoutPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable MenuFlyout.ItemsSource
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate MenuFlyout.ItemTemplate
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme MenuFlyout.ItemContainerTheme
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme MenuFlyout.FlyoutPresenterTheme
+ Property:
+ PlacementMode PopupFlyoutBase.Placement
+ enum PlacementMode = {Pointer, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center, AnchorAndGravity,
+ TopEdgeAlignedLeft, TopEdgeAlignedRight, BottomEdgeAlignedLeft,
+ BottomEdgeAlignedRight, LeftEdgeAlignedTop, ...}
+ Property:
+ PopupGravity PopupFlyoutBase.PlacementGravity
+ enum PopupGravity = {None, Top, Bottom, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft, Right, TopRight,
+ BottomRight}
+ Property:
+ PopupAnchor PopupFlyoutBase.PlacementAnchor
+ enum PopupAnchor = {None, Top, Bottom, VerticalMask, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft,
+ Right, TopRight, BottomRight, HorizontalMask, AllMask}
+ Property:
+ double PopupFlyoutBase.HorizontalOffset
+ Property:
+ double PopupFlyoutBase.VerticalOffset
+ Property:
+ FlyoutShowMode PopupFlyoutBase.ShowMode
+ enum FlyoutShowMode = {Standard, Transient, TransientWithDismissOnPointerMoveAway}
+ Property:
+ IInputElement PopupFlyoutBase.OverlayInputPassThroughElement
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> PopupFlyoutBase.Closing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler PopupFlyoutBase.Opening
+ Event:
+ EventHandler FlyoutBase.Opened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler FlyoutBase.Closed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: MenuFlyout Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: PopupFlyoutBase,
+ FlyoutBase, AvaloniaObject Properties: FlyoutPresenterTheme, HorizontalOffset, Item,
+ ItemContainerTheme, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, OverlayInputPassThroughElement, Placement,
+ PlacementAnchor, PlacementGravity, ShowMode, VerticalOffset Events: Closed, Closing, Opened,
+ Opening, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.AutoScrollToSelectedItem
+ Property:
+ int SelectingItemsControl.SelectedIndex
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ IBinding SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValueBinding
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValue
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.IsTextSearchEnabled
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.WrapSelection
+ Property:
+ IBinding ItemsControl.DisplayMemberBinding
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme ItemsControl.ItemContainerTheme
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Panel> ItemsControl.ItemsPanel
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable ItemsControl.ItemsSource
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ItemsControl.ItemTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuBase.MenuOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuBase.MenuClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs>
+ SelectingItemsControl.SelectionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerPreparedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerPrepared
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerIndexChangedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerIndexChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerClearingEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerClearing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: MenuFlyoutPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: MenuBase,
+ SelectingItemsControl, ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive,
+ Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem,
+ Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource,
+ ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem,
+ SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, MenuClosed, MenuOpened, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied,
+ TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool Grid.ShowGridLines
+ Property:
+ ColumnDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinitions
+ Property:
+ RowDefinitions Grid.RowDefinitions
+ Class: Grid Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Panel, Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ColumnDefinitions, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, RowDefinitions, ShowGridLines, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ GridResizeDirection GridSplitter.ResizeDirection
+ enum GridResizeDirection = {Auto, Columns, Rows}
+ Property:
+ GridResizeBehavior GridSplitter.ResizeBehavior
+ enum GridResizeBehavior = {BasedOnAlignment, CurrentAndNext, PreviousAndCurrent,
+ PreviousAndNext}
+ Property:
+ bool GridSplitter.ShowsPreview
+ Property:
+ double GridSplitter.KeyboardIncrement
+ Property:
+ double GridSplitter.DragIncrement
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> GridSplitter.PreviewContent
+ Class: GridSplitter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Thumb,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext,
+ DragIncrement, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, KeyboardIncrement, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, PreviewContent,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, ResizeBehavior, ResizeDirection, Resources,
+ ShowsPreview, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, DragCompleted, DragDelta, DragStarted,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: HotKeyManager Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IImage Image.Source
+ Property:
+ Stretch Image.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ StretchDirection Image.StretchDirection
+ enum StretchDirection = {UpOnly, DownOnly, Both}
+ Class: Image Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Source, Stretch,
+ StretchDirection, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ object ItemCollection.Item
+ Class: ItemCollection Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ItemsSourceView
+ Properties: Item Events: CollectionChanged
+ Property:
+ IBinding ItemsControl.DisplayMemberBinding
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme ItemsControl.ItemContainerTheme
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Panel> ItemsControl.ItemsPanel
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable ItemsControl.ItemsSource
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ItemsControl.ItemTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerPreparedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerPrepared
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerIndexChangedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerIndexChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerClearingEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerClearing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: ItemsControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular,
+ Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged,
+ ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler ItemsSourceView.CollectionChanged
+ Class: ItemsSourceView Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: CollectionChanged
+ Property:
+ IInputElement Label.Target
+ Class: Label Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Target, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ITransform LayoutTransformControl.LayoutTransform
+ Property:
+ bool LayoutTransformControl.UseRenderTransform
+ Class: LayoutTransformControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Decorator,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ LayoutTransform, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, UseRenderTransform, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IList ListBox.SelectedItems
+ Property:
+ ISelectionModel ListBox.Selection
+ Property:
+ SelectionMode ListBox.SelectionMode
+ enum SelectionMode = {Single, Multiple, Toggle, AlwaysSelected}
+ Class: ListBox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: SelectingItemsControl,
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible,
+ Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectedItems, SelectedValue,
+ SelectedValueBinding, Selection, SelectionMode, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool ListBoxItem.IsSelected
+ Class: ListBoxItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsSelected, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool MaskedTextBox.AsciiOnly
+ Property:
+ CultureInfo MaskedTextBox.Culture
+ Property:
+ bool MaskedTextBox.HidePromptOnLeave
+ Property:
+ string MaskedTextBox.Mask
+ Property:
+ char MaskedTextBox.PromptChar
+ Property:
+ bool MaskedTextBox.ResetOnPrompt
+ Property:
+ bool MaskedTextBox.ResetOnSpace
+ Class: MaskedTextBox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TextBox,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AcceptsReturn, AcceptsTab, AsciiOnly, Background,
+ BorderBrush, BorderThickness, CaretBrush, CaretIndex, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Culture, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HidePromptOnLeave, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, InnerLeftContent, InnerRightContent, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsReadOnly, IsTabStop, IsUndoEnabled, IsVisible, Item, LetterSpacing,
+ LineHeight, Margin, Mask, MaxHeight, MaxLength, MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth,
+ Name, NewLine, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, PasswordChar, PromptChar, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, ResetOnPrompt, ResetOnSpace, Resources, RevealPassword, SelectedText,
+ SelectionBrush, SelectionEnd, SelectionForegroundBrush, SelectionStart, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Text, TextAlignment, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions, UndoLimit,
+ UseFloatingWatermark, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment,
+ Watermark, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, CopyingToClipboard, CuttingToClipboard,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PastingFromClipboard, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextChanged, TextChanging,
+ TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.AutoScrollToSelectedItem
+ Property:
+ int SelectingItemsControl.SelectedIndex
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ IBinding SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValueBinding
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValue
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.IsTextSearchEnabled
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.WrapSelection
+ Property:
+ IBinding ItemsControl.DisplayMemberBinding
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme ItemsControl.ItemContainerTheme
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Panel> ItemsControl.ItemsPanel
+ Property:
+ IEnumerable ItemsControl.ItemsSource
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ItemsControl.ItemTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsControl.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuBase.MenuOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuBase.MenuClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs>
+ SelectingItemsControl.SelectionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerPreparedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerPrepared
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerIndexChangedEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerIndexChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContainerClearingEventArgs>
+ ItemsControl.ContainerClearing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsControl.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Menu Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: MenuBase,
+ SelectingItemsControl, ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive,
+ Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem,
+ Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource,
+ ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem,
+ SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, MenuClosed, MenuOpened, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied,
+ TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ ICommand MenuItem.Command
+ Property:
+ KeyGesture MenuItem.HotKey
+ Property:
+ object MenuItem.CommandParameter
+ Property:
+ object MenuItem.Icon
+ Property:
+ KeyGesture MenuItem.InputGesture
+ Property:
+ bool MenuItem.IsSelected
+ Property:
+ bool MenuItem.IsSubMenuOpen
+ Property:
+ bool MenuItem.StaysOpenOnClick
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuItem.Click
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuItem.PointerEnteredItem
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuItem.PointerExitedItem
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> MenuItem.SubmenuOpened
+ Class: MenuItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ HeaderedSelectingItemsControl, SelectingItemsControl, ItemsControl, TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, Command, CommandParameter, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor,
+ DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Header,
+ HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HotKey, Icon, InputGesture, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsSelected, IsSubMenuOpen, IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible,
+ Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectedValue,
+ SelectedValueBinding, StaysOpenOnClick, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Click,
+ ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerEnteredItem, PointerExited, PointerExitedItem, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged,
+ SizeChanged, SubmenuOpened, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ IMainMenu MenuItemAccessKeyHandler.MainMenu
+ Class: MenuItemAccessKeyHandler Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ Properties: MainMenu Events: {none}
+ Class: NativeControlHost Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EventArgs> NativeMenu.NeedsUpdate
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EventArgs> NativeMenu.Opening
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EventArgs> NativeMenu.Closed
+ Class: NativeMenu Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Item Events: Closed, NeedsUpdate, Opening, PropertyChanged
+ Class: NativeMenuBar Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ NativeMenu NativeMenuItem.Menu
+ Property:
+ IBitmap NativeMenuItem.Icon
+ Property:
+ string NativeMenuItem.Header
+ Property:
+ KeyGesture NativeMenuItem.Gesture
+ Property:
+ bool NativeMenuItem.IsChecked
+ Property:
+ NativeMenuItemToggleType NativeMenuItem.ToggleType
+ enum NativeMenuItemToggleType = {None, CheckBox, Radio}
+ Property:
+ bool NativeMenuItem.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ ICommand NativeMenuItem.Command
+ Property:
+ object NativeMenuItem.CommandParameter
+ Event:
+ EventHandler NativeMenuItem.Click
+ Class: NativeMenuItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: NativeMenuItemBase,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Command, CommandParameter, Gesture, Header, Icon, IsChecked,
+ IsEnabled, Item, Menu, ToggleType Events: Click, PropertyChanged
+ Class: NativeMenuItemBase Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Item Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: NativeMenuItemSeparator Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ NativeMenuItem, NativeMenuItemBase, AvaloniaObject Properties: Command, CommandParameter,
+ Gesture, Header, Icon, IsChecked, IsEnabled, Item, Menu, ToggleType Events: Click,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ bool ReversibleStackPanel.ReverseOrder
+ Class: ReversibleStackPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: StackPanel,
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular,
+ Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, ReverseOrder, Spacing, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool NumericUpDown.AllowSpin
+ Property:
+ Location NumericUpDown.ButtonSpinnerLocation
+ enum Location = {Left, Right}
+ Property:
+ bool NumericUpDown.ShowButtonSpinner
+ Property:
+ bool NumericUpDown.ClipValueToMinMax
+ Property:
+ NumberFormatInfo NumericUpDown.NumberFormat
+ Property:
+ string NumericUpDown.FormatString
+ Property:
+ decimal NumericUpDown.Increment
+ Property:
+ bool NumericUpDown.IsReadOnly
+ Property:
+ decimal NumericUpDown.Maximum
+ Property:
+ decimal NumericUpDown.Minimum
+ Property:
+ NumberStyles NumericUpDown.ParsingNumberStyle
+ enum NumberStyles = {None, AllowLeadingWhite, AllowTrailingWhite, AllowLeadingSign,
+ Integer, AllowTrailingSign, AllowParentheses, AllowDecimalPoint, AllowThousands,
+ Number, AllowExponent, Float, ...}
+ Property:
+ string NumericUpDown.Text
+ Property:
+ IValueConverter NumericUpDown.TextConverter
+ Property:
+ decimal? NumericUpDown.Value
+ Property:
+ string NumericUpDown.Watermark
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment NumericUpDown.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment NumericUpDown.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SpinEventArgs> NumericUpDown.Spinned
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<NumericUpDownValueChangedEventArgs>
+ NumericUpDown.ValueChanged
+ Class: NumericUpDown Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: AllowSpin, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness,
+ ButtonSpinnerLocation, Clip, ClipToBounds, ClipValueToMinMax, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground,
+ FormatString, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, Increment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsReadOnly, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, Maximum,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, Minimum, MinWidth, Name, NumberFormat, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ ParsingNumberStyle, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, ShowButtonSpinner,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Template, Text, TextConverter, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, Value,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Watermark, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Spinned, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested,
+ Unloaded, ValueChanged
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: NumericUpDownValueChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Panel.Background
+ Class: Panel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Geometry PathIcon.Data
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: PathIcon Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: IconElement,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, Data, DataContext,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: PixelPointEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: EventArgs
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBar.IndeterminateStartingOffset
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBar.IndeterminateEndingOffset
+ Property:
+ bool ProgressBar.IsIndeterminate
+ Property:
+ bool ProgressBar.ShowProgressText
+ Property:
+ string ProgressBar.ProgressTextFormat
+ Property:
+ Orientation ProgressBar.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Minimum
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Maximum
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Value
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.SmallChange
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.LargeChange
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ProgressBar Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: RangeBase,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IndeterminateEndingOffset,
+ IndeterminateStartingOffset, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsIndeterminate, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, LargeChange, Margin, MaxHeight, Maximum, MaxWidth, MinHeight, Minimum,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation, Padding, ProgressTextFormat,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, ShowProgressText, SmallChange, TabIndex,
+ Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, Value, VerticalAlignment, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: RefreshCompletionDeferral Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ RefreshVisualizer RefreshContainer.Visualizer
+ Property:
+ PullDirection RefreshContainer.PullDirection
+ enum PullDirection = {TopToBottom, BottomToTop, LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RefreshRequestedEventArgs>
+ RefreshContainer.RefreshRequested
+ Class: RefreshContainer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ PullDirection, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment,
+ Visualizer, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, RefreshRequested, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: RefreshRequestedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ RefreshVisualizerOrientation RefreshVisualizer.Orientation
+ enum RefreshVisualizerOrientation = {Auto, Normal, Rotate90DegreesCounterclockwise,
+ Rotate270DegreesCounterclockwise}
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RefreshRequestedEventArgs>
+ RefreshVisualizer.RefreshRequested
+ Class: RefreshVisualizer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ RefreshRequested, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ string RadioButton.GroupName
+ Class: RadioButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ToggleButton, Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, GroupName, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, HotKey, IsCancel, IsChecked, IsDefault, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsThreeState, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Checked, Click,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Indeterminate, Initialized,
+ IsCheckedChanged, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped,
+ TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unchecked, Unloaded
+ Class: RelativePanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Panel, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ int RepeatButton.Interval
+ Property:
+ int RepeatButton.Delay
+ Class: RepeatButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Delay,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, Interval, IsCancel, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Click,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ Visual RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs.TargetObject
+ Property:
+ Rect RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs.TargetRect
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source, TargetObject,
+ TargetRect Events: {none}
+ Class: ResolveByNameAttribute Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Attribute
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double RowDefinition.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ double RowDefinition.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ GridLength RowDefinition.Height
+ Property:
+ string DefinitionBase.SharedSizeGroup
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: RowDefinition Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: DefinitionBase,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Height, Item, MaxHeight, MinHeight, SharedSizeGroup Events:
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<RowDefinition>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<RowDefinition>
+ AvaloniaList<RowDefinition>.Validate
+ Property:
+ RowDefinition AvaloniaList<RowDefinition>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<RowDefinition>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<RowDefinition>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<RowDefinition>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: RowDefinitions Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: DefinitionList`1,
+ AvaloniaList`1 Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events:
+ CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Class: Screens Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties: {none} Events:
+ {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: ScrollChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Vector ScrollViewer.Offset
+ Property:
+ ScrollBarVisibility ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility
+ enum ScrollBarVisibility = {Disabled, Auto, Hidden, Visible}
+ Property:
+ ScrollBarVisibility ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility
+ enum ScrollBarVisibility = {Disabled, Auto, Hidden, Visible}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsType ScrollViewer.HorizontalSnapPointsType
+ enum SnapPointsType = {None, Mandatory, MandatorySingle}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsType ScrollViewer.VerticalSnapPointsType
+ enum SnapPointsType = {None, Mandatory, MandatorySingle}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsAlignment ScrollViewer.HorizontalSnapPointsAlignment
+ enum SnapPointsAlignment = {Near, Center, Far}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsAlignment ScrollViewer.VerticalSnapPointsAlignment
+ enum SnapPointsAlignment = {Near, Center, Far}
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollViewer.AllowAutoHide
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollViewer.IsScrollChainingEnabled
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollViewer.IsScrollInertiaEnabled
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ScrollChangedEventArgs> ScrollViewer.ScrollChanged
+ Class: ScrollViewer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AllowAutoHide, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, HorizontalScrollBarVisibility,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsAlignment, HorizontalSnapPointsType, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsScrollChainingEnabled, IsScrollInertiaEnabled, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Offset, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment,
+ VerticalScrollBarVisibility, VerticalSnapPointsAlignment, VerticalSnapPointsType, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, ScrollChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IBrush SelectableTextBlock.SelectionBrush
+ Property:
+ int SelectableTextBlock.SelectionStart
+ Property:
+ int SelectableTextBlock.SelectionEnd
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> SelectableTextBlock.CopyingToClipboard
+ Class: SelectableTextBlock Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TextBlock,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BaselineOffset, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, Inlines, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ LetterSpacing, LineHeight, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ SelectionBrush, SelectionEnd, SelectionStart, TabIndex, Tag, Text, TextAlignment,
+ TextDecorations, TextTrimming, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, CopyingToClipboard, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: SelectionChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Class: Separator Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ Size SizeChangedEventArgs.NewSize
+ Property:
+ Size SizeChangedEventArgs.PreviousSize
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: SizeChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, NewSize, PreviousSize, Route, RoutedEvent,
+ Source Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Slider.Ticks
+ Property:
+ Orientation Slider.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ bool Slider.IsDirectionReversed
+ Property:
+ bool Slider.IsSnapToTickEnabled
+ Property:
+ double Slider.TickFrequency
+ Property:
+ TickPlacement Slider.TickPlacement
+ enum TickPlacement = {None, TopLeft, BottomRight, Outside}
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Minimum
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Maximum
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Value
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.SmallChange
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.LargeChange
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Slider Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: RangeBase,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsDirectionReversed, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsSnapToTickEnabled, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, LargeChange, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, Maximum, MaxWidth, MinHeight, Minimum, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Orientation, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SmallChange,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, TickFrequency, TickPlacement, Ticks, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, Value, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: SpinEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: RoutedEventArgs,
+ EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ICommand SplitButton.Command
+ Property:
+ object SplitButton.CommandParameter
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase SplitButton.Flyout
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> SplitButton.Click
+ Class: SplitButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Click, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool ToggleSplitButton.IsChecked
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ToggleSplitButton.IsCheckedChanged
+ Class: ToggleSplitButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: SplitButton,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ IsChecked, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Click,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, IsCheckedChanged,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ double SplitView.CompactPaneLength
+ Property:
+ SplitViewDisplayMode SplitView.DisplayMode
+ enum SplitViewDisplayMode = {Inline, CompactInline, Overlay, CompactOverlay}
+ Property:
+ bool SplitView.IsPaneOpen
+ Property:
+ double SplitView.OpenPaneLength
+ Property:
+ IBrush SplitView.PaneBackground
+ Property:
+ SplitViewPanePlacement SplitView.PanePlacement
+ enum SplitViewPanePlacement = {Left, Right}
+ Property:
+ object SplitView.Pane
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate SplitView.PaneTemplate
+ Property:
+ bool SplitView.UseLightDismissOverlayMode
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> SplitView.PaneClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelRoutedEventArgs> SplitView.PaneClosing
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> SplitView.PaneOpened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<CancelRoutedEventArgs> SplitView.PaneOpening
+ Class: SplitView Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, CompactPaneLength, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMode, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsPaneOpen, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, OpenPaneLength, Padding, Pane,
+ PaneBackground, PanePlacement, PaneTemplate, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ UseLightDismissOverlayMode, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PaneClosed, PaneClosing, PaneOpened, PaneOpening,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ double StackPanel.Spacing
+ Property:
+ Orientation StackPanel.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ bool StackPanel.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool StackPanel.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> StackPanel.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> StackPanel.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: StackPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Panel, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, Background, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Orientation, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Spacing,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ string SaveFileDialog.DefaultExtension
+ Property:
+ bool? SaveFileDialog.ShowOverwritePrompt
+ Property:
+ List<FileDialogFilter> FileDialog.Filters
+ Property:
+ string FileDialog.InitialFileName
+ Property:
+ string FileSystemDialog.Directory
+ Property:
+ string SystemDialog.Title
+ Class: SaveFileDialog Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: FileDialog,
+ FileSystemDialog, SystemDialog Properties: DefaultExtension, Directory, Filters,
+ InitialFileName, ShowOverwritePrompt, Title Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool OpenFileDialog.AllowMultiple
+ Property:
+ List<FileDialogFilter> FileDialog.Filters
+ Property:
+ string FileDialog.InitialFileName
+ Property:
+ string FileSystemDialog.Directory
+ Property:
+ string SystemDialog.Title
+ Class: OpenFileDialog Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: FileDialog,
+ FileSystemDialog, SystemDialog Properties: AllowMultiple, Directory, Filters,
+ InitialFileName, Title Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ string FileSystemDialog.Directory
+ Property:
+ string SystemDialog.Title
+ Class: OpenFolderDialog Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: FileSystemDialog,
+ SystemDialog Properties: Directory, Title Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ string FileDialogFilter.Name
+ Property:
+ List<string> FileDialogFilter.Extensions
+ Class: FileDialogFilter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties:
+ Extensions, Name Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment TabControl.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment TabControl.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ Dock TabControl.TabStripPlacement
+ enum Dock = {Left, Bottom, Right, Top}
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate TabControl.ContentTemplate
+ Class: TabControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: SelectingItemsControl,
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu,
+ CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource,
+ ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem,
+ SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, TabStripPlacement, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width,
+ WrapSelection, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool TabItem.IsSelected
+ Class: TabItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: HeaderedContentControl,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Header,
+ HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsSelected, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ Thickness TextBlock.Padding
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextBlock.Background
+ Property:
+ string TextBlock.Text
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TextBlock.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TextBlock.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TextBlock.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TextBlock.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TextBlock.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextBlock.Foreground
+ Property:
+ double TextBlock.LineHeight
+ Property:
+ double TextBlock.LetterSpacing
+ Property:
+ int TextBlock.MaxLines
+ Property:
+ TextWrapping TextBlock.TextWrapping
+ enum TextWrapping = {NoWrap, Wrap, WrapWithOverflow}
+ Property:
+ TextTrimming TextBlock.TextTrimming
+ Property:
+ TextAlignment TextBlock.TextAlignment
+ enum TextAlignment = {Left, Center, Right, Start, End, DetectFromContent, Justify}
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationCollection TextBlock.TextDecorations
+ Property:
+ InlineCollection TextBlock.Inlines
+ Property:
+ double TextBlock.BaselineOffset
+ Class: TextBlock Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Background, BaselineOffset, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, Inlines,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, LetterSpacing, LineHeight, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Text, TextAlignment,
+ TextDecorations, TextTrimming, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool TextBox.AcceptsReturn
+ Property:
+ bool TextBox.AcceptsTab
+ Property:
+ int TextBox.CaretIndex
+ Property:
+ bool TextBox.IsReadOnly
+ Property:
+ char TextBox.PasswordChar
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextBox.SelectionBrush
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextBox.SelectionForegroundBrush
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextBox.CaretBrush
+ Property:
+ int TextBox.SelectionStart
+ Property:
+ int TextBox.SelectionEnd
+ Property:
+ int TextBox.MaxLength
+ Property:
+ int TextBox.MaxLines
+ Property:
+ double TextBox.LetterSpacing
+ Property:
+ double TextBox.LineHeight
+ Property:
+ string TextBox.Text
+ Property:
+ string TextBox.SelectedText
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment TextBox.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment TextBox.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ TextAlignment TextBox.TextAlignment
+ enum TextAlignment = {Left, Center, Right, Start, End, DetectFromContent, Justify}
+ Property:
+ string TextBox.Watermark
+ Property:
+ bool TextBox.UseFloatingWatermark
+ Property:
+ object TextBox.InnerLeftContent
+ Property:
+ object TextBox.InnerRightContent
+ Property:
+ bool TextBox.RevealPassword
+ Property:
+ TextWrapping TextBox.TextWrapping
+ enum TextWrapping = {NoWrap, Wrap, WrapWithOverflow}
+ Property:
+ string TextBox.NewLine
+ Property:
+ bool TextBox.IsUndoEnabled
+ Property:
+ int TextBox.UndoLimit
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> TextBox.CopyingToClipboard
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> TextBox.CuttingToClipboard
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> TextBox.PastingFromClipboard
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextChangedEventArgs> TextBox.TextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextChangingEventArgs> TextBox.TextChanging
+ Class: TextBox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TemplatedControl, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: AcceptsReturn, AcceptsTab, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, CaretBrush,
+ CaretIndex, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, InnerLeftContent, InnerRightContent, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsReadOnly, IsTabStop, IsUndoEnabled, IsVisible, Item, LetterSpacing,
+ LineHeight, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxLength, MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ NewLine, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, PasswordChar, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, RevealPassword, SelectedText, SelectionBrush,
+ SelectionEnd, SelectionForegroundBrush, SelectionStart, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Text,
+ TextAlignment, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions, UndoLimit, UseFloatingWatermark,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Watermark, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, CopyingToClipboard, CuttingToClipboard, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PastingFromClipboard, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextChanged, TextChanging, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: TextChangedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: TextChangingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ ThemeVariant ThemeVariantScope.RequestedThemeVariant
+ Class: ThemeVariantScope Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Decorator,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, RequestedThemeVariant, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IBrush TickBar.Fill
+ Property:
+ double TickBar.Minimum
+ Property:
+ double TickBar.Maximum
+ Property:
+ double TickBar.TickFrequency
+ Property:
+ Orientation TickBar.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> TickBar.Ticks
+ Property:
+ bool TickBar.IsDirectionReversed
+ Property:
+ TickBarPlacement TickBar.Placement
+ enum TickBarPlacement = {Left, Top, Right, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ Rect TickBar.ReservedSpace
+ Class: TickBar Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, Fill,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsDirectionReversed,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, Maximum,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, Minimum, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation, Placement,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, ReservedSpace, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ TickFrequency, Ticks, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ object ToggleSwitch.OnContent
+ Property:
+ object ToggleSwitch.OffContent
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ToggleSwitch.OffContentTemplate
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ToggleSwitch.OnContentTemplate
+ Class: ToggleSwitch Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ToggleButton, Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, IsCancel, IsChecked, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsThreeState, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ OffContent, OffContentTemplate, OnContent, OnContentTemplate, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Checked,
+ Click, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Indeterminate, Initialized, IsCheckedChanged, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded,
+ LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unchecked, Unloaded
+ Class: ToolTip Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IPageTransition TransitioningContentControl.PageTransition
+ Class: TransitioningContentControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, PageTransition, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<TrayIcon>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<TrayIcon> AvaloniaList<TrayIcon>.Validate
+ Property:
+ TrayIcon AvaloniaList<TrayIcon>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<TrayIcon>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<TrayIcon>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<TrayIcon>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: TrayIcons Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: AvaloniaList`1
+ Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events: CollectionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ ICommand TrayIcon.Command
+ Property:
+ object TrayIcon.CommandParameter
+ Property:
+ NativeMenu TrayIcon.Menu
+ Property:
+ WindowIcon TrayIcon.Icon
+ Property:
+ string TrayIcon.ToolTipText
+ Property:
+ bool TrayIcon.IsVisible
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TrayIcon.Clicked
+ Class: TrayIcon Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Command, CommandParameter, Icon, IsVisible, Item, Menu, ToolTipText Events:
+ Clicked, PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ bool TreeView.AutoScrollToSelectedItem
+ Property:
+ SelectionMode TreeView.SelectionMode
+ enum SelectionMode = {Single, Multiple, Toggle, AlwaysSelected}
+ Property:
+ object TreeView.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ IList TreeView.SelectedItems
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs> TreeView.SelectionChanged
+ Class: TreeView Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ItemsControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedItem, SelectedItems, SelectionMode, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool TreeViewItem.IsExpanded
+ Property:
+ bool TreeViewItem.IsSelected
+ Class: TreeViewItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: HeaderedItemsControl,
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Header, HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsExpanded, IsHitTestVisible, IsSelected, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged,
+ ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: UserControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: ContentControl,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ Stretch Viewbox.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ StretchDirection Viewbox.StretchDirection
+ enum StretchDirection = {UpOnly, DownOnly, Both}
+ Property:
+ Control Viewbox.Child
+ Class: Viewbox Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ Stretch, StretchDirection, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IBrush Panel.Background
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: VirtualizingCarouselPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ VirtualizingPanel, Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Orientation VirtualizingStackPanel.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ bool VirtualizingStackPanel.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool VirtualizingStackPanel.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ IBrush Panel.Background
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
+ VirtualizingStackPanel.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
+ VirtualizingStackPanel.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: VirtualizingStackPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ VirtualizingPanel, Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ SizeToContent Window.SizeToContent
+ enum SizeToContent = {Manual, Width, Height, WidthAndHeight}
+ Property:
+ string Window.Title
+ Property:
+ bool Window.ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint
+ Property:
+ ExtendClientAreaChromeHints Window.ExtendClientAreaChromeHints
+ enum ExtendClientAreaChromeHints = {NoChrome, SystemChrome, Default, Default,
+ OSXThickTitleBar}
+ Property:
+ double Window.ExtendClientAreaTitleBarHeightHint
+ Property:
+ SystemDecorations Window.SystemDecorations
+ enum SystemDecorations = {None, BorderOnly, Full}
+ Property:
+ bool Window.ShowActivated
+ Property:
+ bool Window.ShowInTaskbar
+ Property:
+ WindowState Window.WindowState
+ enum WindowState = {Normal, Minimized, Maximized, FullScreen}
+ Property:
+ bool Window.CanResize
+ Property:
+ WindowIcon Window.Icon
+ Property:
+ WindowStartupLocation Window.WindowStartupLocation
+ enum WindowStartupLocation = {Manual, CenterScreen, CenterOwner}
+ Property:
+ PixelPoint Window.Position
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<WindowClosingEventArgs> Window.Closing
+ Class: Window Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: WindowBase, TopLevel,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, CanResize, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ ExtendClientAreaChromeHints, ExtendClientAreaTitleBarHeightHint,
+ ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily,
+ FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, Icon, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ Position, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, RequestedThemeVariant, Resources,
+ ShowActivated, ShowInTaskbar, SizeToContent, SystemDecorations, TabIndex, Tag, Template,
+ Theme, Title, Topmost, Transitions, TransparencyBackgroundFallback, TransparencyLevelHint,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width,
+ WindowStartupLocation, WindowState, ZIndex Events: Activated, ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, BackRequested, Closed, Closing,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, Deactivated, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, Opened, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PositionChanged, PropertyChanged, Resized, ResourcesChanged,
+ ScalingChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ bool WindowBase.Topmost
+ Property:
+ WindowTransparencyLevel TopLevel.TransparencyLevelHint
+ enum WindowTransparencyLevel = {None, Transparent, Blur, AcrylicBlur,
+ ForceAcrylicBlur, Mica}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TopLevel.TransparencyBackgroundFallback
+ Property:
+ ThemeVariant TopLevel.RequestedThemeVariant
+ Property:
+ object ContentControl.Content
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ContentControl.ContentTemplate
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment ContentControl.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment ContentControl.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler WindowBase.Activated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler WindowBase.Deactivated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PixelPointEventArgs> WindowBase.PositionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<WindowResizedEventArgs> WindowBase.Resized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TopLevel.Opened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TopLevel.Closed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TopLevel.ScalingChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> TopLevel.BackRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: WindowBase Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: TopLevel,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, RequestedThemeVariant,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Topmost, Transitions,
+ TransparencyBackgroundFallback, TransparencyLevelHint, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: Activated, ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, BackRequested, Closed, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, Deactivated, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, Opened, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PositionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, Resized, ResourcesChanged, ScalingChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped,
+ TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool CancelEventArgs.Cancel
+ Class: WindowClosingEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ CancelEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Cancel Events: {none}
+ Class: WindowIcon Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Properties: {none}
+ Events: {none}
+ Class: WindowResizedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: EventArgs
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Orientation WrapPanel.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ double WrapPanel.ItemWidth
+ Property:
+ double WrapPanel.ItemHeight
+ Class: WrapPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base: Panel, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor,
+ DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, ItemHeight, ItemWidth, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<IDataTemplate>
+ AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>.Validate
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: DataTemplates Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Templates Base:
+ AvaloniaList`1 Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events:
+ CollectionChanged, PropertyChanged
+ Class: FuncControlTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Templates Base:
+ FuncTemplate`2 Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: FuncDataTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Templates Base:
+ FuncTemplate`2 Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Class: FuncTreeDataTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Templates Base:
+ FuncDataTemplate, FuncTemplate`2 Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double Arc.StartAngle
+ Property:
+ double Arc.SweepAngle
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Arc Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, StartAngle, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeJoin,
+ StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, SweepAngle, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Ellipse Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeJoin, StrokeLineCap,
+ StrokeThickness, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Point Line.StartPoint
+ Property:
+ Point Line.EndPoint
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Line Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, EndPoint, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, StartPoint, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeJoin,
+ StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Geometry Path.Data
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Path Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, Data,
+ DataContext, Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset,
+ StrokeJoin, StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IList<Point> Polygon.Points
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Polygon Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Points, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset,
+ StrokeJoin, StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ IList<Point> Polyline.Points
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Polyline Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Points, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset,
+ StrokeJoin, StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double Rectangle.RadiusX
+ Property:
+ double Rectangle.RadiusY
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Rectangle Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RadiusX, RadiusY, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset,
+ StrokeJoin, StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double Sector.StartAngle
+ Property:
+ double Sector.SweepAngle
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Fill
+ Property:
+ Stretch Shape.Stretch
+ enum Stretch = {None, Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill}
+ Property:
+ IBrush Shape.Stroke
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaList<double> Shape.StrokeDashArray
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeDashOffset
+ Property:
+ double Shape.StrokeThickness
+ Property:
+ PenLineCap Shape.StrokeLineCap
+ enum PenLineCap = {Flat, Round, Square}
+ Property:
+ PenLineJoin Shape.StrokeJoin
+ enum PenLineJoin = {Bevel, Miter, Round}
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Sector Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Shapes Base: Shape, Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ Effect, Fill, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, StartAngle, Stretch, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeJoin,
+ StrokeLineCap, StrokeThickness, SweepAngle, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IBrush ContentPresenter.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush ContentPresenter.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness ContentPresenter.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius ContentPresenter.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ BoxShadows ContentPresenter.BoxShadow
+ Property:
+ IBrush ContentPresenter.Foreground
+ Property:
+ FontFamily ContentPresenter.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double ContentPresenter.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle ContentPresenter.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight ContentPresenter.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch ContentPresenter.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ TextAlignment ContentPresenter.TextAlignment
+ enum TextAlignment = {Left, Center, Right, Start, End, DetectFromContent, Justify}
+ Property:
+ TextWrapping ContentPresenter.TextWrapping
+ enum TextWrapping = {NoWrap, Wrap, WrapWithOverflow}
+ Property:
+ TextTrimming ContentPresenter.TextTrimming
+ Property:
+ double ContentPresenter.LineHeight
+ Property:
+ int ContentPresenter.MaxLines
+ Property:
+ object ContentPresenter.Content
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ContentPresenter.ContentTemplate
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment ContentPresenter.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment ContentPresenter.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ Thickness ContentPresenter.Padding
+ Property:
+ bool ContentPresenter.RecognizesAccessKey
+ Class: ContentPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Presenters Base:
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, BoxShadow, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ LineHeight, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RecognizesAccessKey, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, TextAlignment, TextTrimming, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Panel> ItemsPresenter.ItemsPanel
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsPresenter.AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular
+ Property:
+ bool ItemsPresenter.AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>
+ ItemsPresenter.HorizontalSnapPointsChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ItemsPresenter.VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: ItemsPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Presenters Base: Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, ItemsPanel, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth,
+ Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex,
+ Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollContentPresenter.CanHorizontallyScroll
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollContentPresenter.CanVerticallyScroll
+ Property:
+ Vector ScrollContentPresenter.Offset
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsType ScrollContentPresenter.HorizontalSnapPointsType
+ enum SnapPointsType = {None, Mandatory, MandatorySingle}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsType ScrollContentPresenter.VerticalSnapPointsType
+ enum SnapPointsType = {None, Mandatory, MandatorySingle}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsAlignment ScrollContentPresenter.HorizontalSnapPointsAlignment
+ enum SnapPointsAlignment = {Near, Center, Far}
+ Property:
+ SnapPointsAlignment ScrollContentPresenter.VerticalSnapPointsAlignment
+ enum SnapPointsAlignment = {Near, Center, Far}
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollContentPresenter.IsScrollChainingEnabled
+ Class: ScrollContentPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Presenters Base:
+ ContentPresenter, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, BoxShadow,
+ CanHorizontallyScroll, CanVerticallyScroll, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsAlignment, HorizontalSnapPointsType, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsScrollChainingEnabled, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, LineHeight, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Offset, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RecognizesAccessKey, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ TextAlignment, TextTrimming, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, VerticalSnapPointsAlignment,
+ VerticalSnapPointsType, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextPresenter.Background
+ Property:
+ string TextPresenter.Text
+ Property:
+ string TextPresenter.PreeditText
+ Property:
+ TextRange? TextPresenter.CompositionRegion
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TextPresenter.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TextPresenter.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TextPresenter.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TextPresenter.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TextPresenter.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextPresenter.Foreground
+ Property:
+ TextWrapping TextPresenter.TextWrapping
+ enum TextWrapping = {NoWrap, Wrap, WrapWithOverflow}
+ Property:
+ double TextPresenter.LineHeight
+ Property:
+ double TextPresenter.LetterSpacing
+ Property:
+ TextAlignment TextPresenter.TextAlignment
+ enum TextAlignment = {Left, Center, Right, Start, End, DetectFromContent, Justify}
+ Property:
+ int TextPresenter.CaretIndex
+ Property:
+ char TextPresenter.PasswordChar
+ Property:
+ bool TextPresenter.RevealPassword
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextPresenter.SelectionBrush
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextPresenter.SelectionForegroundBrush
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextPresenter.CaretBrush
+ Property:
+ int TextPresenter.SelectionStart
+ Property:
+ int TextPresenter.SelectionEnd
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TextPresenter.CaretBoundsChanged
+ Class: TextPresenter Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Presenters Base: Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Background, CaretBrush, CaretIndex, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ CompositionRegion, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, LetterSpacing, LineHeight, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ Opacity, OpacityMask, PasswordChar, PreeditText, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, RevealPassword, SelectionBrush, SelectionEnd, SelectionForegroundBrush,
+ SelectionStart, TabIndex, Tag, Text, TextAlignment, TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, CaretBoundsChanged, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: Notification Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Notifications Base:
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ bool NotificationCard.IsClosed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> NotificationCard.NotificationClosed
+ Class: NotificationCard Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Notifications Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsClosed, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ NotificationClosed, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ NotificationPosition WindowNotificationManager.Position
+ enum NotificationPosition = {TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight}
+ Property:
+ int WindowNotificationManager.MaxItems
+ Class: WindowNotificationManager Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Notifications
+ Base: TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxItems, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, Position, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ WindowTransparencyLevel TopLevel.TransparencyLevelHint
+ enum WindowTransparencyLevel = {None, Transparent, Blur, AcrylicBlur,
+ ForceAcrylicBlur, Mica}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TopLevel.TransparencyBackgroundFallback
+ Property:
+ ThemeVariant TopLevel.RequestedThemeVariant
+ Property:
+ object ContentControl.Content
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate ContentControl.ContentTemplate
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment ContentControl.HorizontalContentAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment ContentControl.VerticalContentAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TopLevel.Opened
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TopLevel.Closed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler TopLevel.ScalingChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> TopLevel.BackRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: EmbeddableControlRoot Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Embedding Base:
+ TopLevel, ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, RequestedThemeVariant,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, TransparencyBackgroundFallback,
+ TransparencyLevelHint, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment,
+ Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, BackRequested, Closed, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, Opened,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, ScalingChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: Bold Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base: Span, Inline,
+ TextElement, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BaselineAlignment, Clock, DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Inlines, Item, Name, Resources, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Property:
+ ResetBehavior AvaloniaList<Inline>.ResetBehavior
+ enum ResetBehavior = {Reset, Remove}
+ Property:
+ Action<Inline> AvaloniaList<Inline>.Validate
+ Property:
+ Inline AvaloniaList<Inline>.Item
+ Property:
+ int AvaloniaList<Inline>.Capacity
+ Event:
+ EventHandler InlineCollection.Invalidated
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ AvaloniaList<Inline>.CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ PropertyChangedEventHandler AvaloniaList<Inline>.PropertyChanged
+ Class: InlineCollection Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base:
+ AvaloniaList`1 Properties: Capacity, Item, ResetBehavior, Validate Events:
+ CollectionChanged, Invalidated, PropertyChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ Control InlineUIContainer.Child
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationCollection Inline.TextDecorations
+ Property:
+ BaselineAlignment Inline.BaselineAlignment
+ enum BaselineAlignment = {Top, Center, Bottom, Baseline, TextTop, TextBottom,
+ Subscript, Superscript}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Background
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TextElement.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TextElement.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TextElement.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TextElement.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TextElement.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Foreground
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: InlineUIContainer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base:
+ Inline, TextElement, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BaselineAlignment, Child, Clock, DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Item, Name, Resources, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Class: Italic Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base: Span, Inline,
+ TextElement, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BaselineAlignment, Clock, DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Inlines, Item, Name, Resources, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationCollection Inline.TextDecorations
+ Property:
+ BaselineAlignment Inline.BaselineAlignment
+ enum BaselineAlignment = {Top, Center, Bottom, Baseline, TextTop, TextBottom,
+ Subscript, Superscript}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Background
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TextElement.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TextElement.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TextElement.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TextElement.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TextElement.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Foreground
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: LineBreak Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base: Inline,
+ TextElement, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BaselineAlignment, Clock, DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Item, Name, Resources, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ string Run.Text
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationCollection Inline.TextDecorations
+ Property:
+ BaselineAlignment Inline.BaselineAlignment
+ enum BaselineAlignment = {Top, Center, Bottom, Baseline, TextTop, TextBottom,
+ Subscript, Superscript}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Background
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TextElement.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TextElement.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TextElement.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TextElement.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TextElement.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Foreground
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Run Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base: Inline, TextElement,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BaselineAlignment, Clock,
+ DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Item,
+ Name, Resources, Text, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ InlineCollection Span.Inlines
+ Property:
+ TextDecorationCollection Inline.TextDecorations
+ Property:
+ BaselineAlignment Inline.BaselineAlignment
+ enum BaselineAlignment = {Top, Center, Bottom, Baseline, TextTop, TextBottom,
+ Subscript, Superscript}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Background
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TextElement.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TextElement.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TextElement.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TextElement.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TextElement.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TextElement.Foreground
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: Span Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base: Inline,
+ TextElement, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BaselineAlignment, Clock, DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Inlines, Item, Name, Resources, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Class: Underline Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Documents Base: Span, Inline,
+ TextElement, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BaselineAlignment, Clock, DataContext, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Inlines, Item, Name, Resources, TextDecorations, Theme, Transitions
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, Initialized, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged
+ Class: CaptionButtons Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Chrome Base:
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle,
+ FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: TitleBar Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Chrome Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ CalendarDateRange Collection<CalendarDateRange>.Item
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ ObservableCollection<CalendarDateRange>.CollectionChanged
+ Class: CalendarBlackoutDatesCollection Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: ObservableCollection`1, Collection`1 Properties: Item
+ Events: CollectionChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs>
+ CalendarButton.CalendarLeftMouseButtonDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs>
+ CalendarButton.CalendarLeftMouseButtonUp
+ Class: CalendarButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, IsCancel, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ CalendarLeftMouseButtonDown, CalendarLeftMouseButtonUp, Click, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs>
+ CalendarDayButton.CalendarDayButtonMouseDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs>
+ CalendarDayButton.CalendarDayButtonMouseUp
+ Class: CalendarDayButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Button, ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, IsCancel, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ CalendarDayButtonMouseDown, CalendarDayButtonMouseUp, Click, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ IBrush CalendarItem.HeaderBackground
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> CalendarItem.DayTitleTemplate
+ Class: CalendarItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext,
+ DayTitleTemplate, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, HeaderBackground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ DateTime Collection<DateTime>.Item
+ Event:
+ NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler
+ ObservableCollection<DateTime>.CollectionChanged
+ Class: SelectedDatesCollection Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ObservableCollection`1, Collection`1 Properties: Item Events: CollectionChanged
+ Property:
+ DateTimePickerPanelType DateTimePickerPanel.PanelType
+ enum DateTimePickerPanelType = {Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, TimePeriod}
+ Property:
+ double DateTimePickerPanel.ItemHeight
+ Property:
+ string DateTimePickerPanel.ItemFormat
+ Property:
+ bool DateTimePickerPanel.ShouldLoop
+ Property:
+ int DateTimePickerPanel.MinimumValue
+ Property:
+ int DateTimePickerPanel.MaximumValue
+ Property:
+ int DateTimePickerPanel.SelectedValue
+ Property:
+ int DateTimePickerPanel.Increment
+ Property:
+ Vector DateTimePickerPanel.Offset
+ Property:
+ bool DateTimePickerPanel.CanHorizontallyScroll
+ Property:
+ bool DateTimePickerPanel.CanVerticallyScroll
+ Event:
+ EventHandler DateTimePickerPanel.ScrollInvalidated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler DateTimePickerPanel.SelectionChanged
+ Class: DateTimePickerPanel Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, CanHorizontallyScroll, CanVerticallyScroll, Clip,
+ ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, Increment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, ItemFormat, ItemHeight, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaximumValue, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinimumValue, MinWidth, Name, Offset, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, PanelType, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedValue,
+ ShouldLoop, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, ScrollInvalidated, SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool AccessText.ShowAccessKey
+ Class: AccessText Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: TextBlock,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BaselineOffset, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, Inlines, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ LetterSpacing, LineHeight, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxLines, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ ShowAccessKey, TabIndex, Tag, Text, TextAlignment, TextDecorations, TextTrimming,
+ TextWrapping, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged,
+ ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> AdornerLayer.DefaultFocusAdorner
+ Class: AdornerLayer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Canvas,
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, DefaultFocusAdorner, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: ChromeOverlayLayer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ object HeaderedContentControl.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate HeaderedContentControl.HeaderTemplate
+ Class: HeaderedContentControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Header,
+ HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ object HeaderedItemsControl.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate HeaderedItemsControl.HeaderTemplate
+ Class: HeaderedItemsControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding,
+ Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Header, HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel,
+ ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ object HeaderedSelectingItemsControl.Header
+ Property:
+ IDataTemplate HeaderedSelectingItemsControl.HeaderTemplate
+ Class: HeaderedSelectingItemsControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives
+ Base: SelectingItemsControl, ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement,
+ Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem,
+ Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Header, HeaderTemplate, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme,
+ ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth,
+ Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources,
+ SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex
+ Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied,
+ TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Property:
+ IInputElement LightDismissOverlayLayer.InputPassThroughElement
+ Class: LightDismissOverlayLayer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives
+ Base: Border, Decorator, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderDashArray, BorderDashOffset, BorderLineCap, BorderLineJoin, BorderThickness,
+ BoxShadow, Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, InputPassThroughElement, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: OverlayLayer Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Canvas,
+ Panel, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin,
+ MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree,
+ AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ Transform OverlayPopupHost.Transform
+ Class: OverlayPopupHost Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag,
+ Template, Theme, Transform, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool Popup.WindowManagerAddShadowHint
+ Property:
+ Control Popup.Child
+ Property:
+ IAvaloniaDependencyResolver Popup.DependencyResolver
+ Property:
+ bool Popup.InheritsTransform
+ Property:
+ bool Popup.IsLightDismissEnabled
+ Property:
+ bool Popup.IsOpen
+ Property:
+ PopupAnchor Popup.PlacementAnchor
+ enum PopupAnchor = {None, Top, Bottom, VerticalMask, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft,
+ Right, TopRight, BottomRight, HorizontalMask, AllMask}
+ Property:
+ PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment Popup.PlacementConstraintAdjustment
+ enum PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment = {None, SlideX, SlideY, FlipX, FlipY,
+ ResizeY, ResizeY, All}
+ Property:
+ PopupGravity Popup.PlacementGravity
+ enum PopupGravity = {None, Top, Bottom, Left, TopLeft, BottomLeft, Right, TopRight,
+ BottomRight}
+ Property:
+ PlacementMode Popup.PlacementMode
+ enum PlacementMode = {Pointer, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center, AnchorAndGravity,
+ TopEdgeAlignedLeft, TopEdgeAlignedRight, BottomEdgeAlignedLeft,
+ BottomEdgeAlignedRight, LeftEdgeAlignedTop, ...}
+ Property:
+ PlacementMode Popup.Placement
+ enum PlacementMode = {Pointer, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center, AnchorAndGravity,
+ TopEdgeAlignedLeft, TopEdgeAlignedRight, BottomEdgeAlignedLeft,
+ BottomEdgeAlignedRight, LeftEdgeAlignedTop, ...}
+ Property:
+ Rect? Popup.PlacementRect
+ Property:
+ Control Popup.PlacementTarget
+ Property:
+ bool Popup.OverlayDismissEventPassThrough
+ Property:
+ IInputElement Popup.OverlayInputPassThroughElement
+ Property:
+ double Popup.HorizontalOffset
+ Property:
+ double Popup.VerticalOffset
+ Property:
+ bool Popup.Topmost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EventArgs> Popup.Closed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Popup.Opened
+ Class: Popup Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor,
+ DataContext, DependencyResolver, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalOffset, InheritsTransform, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsLightDismissEnabled, IsOpen, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, OverlayDismissEventPassThrough,
+ OverlayInputPassThroughElement, Placement, PlacementAnchor, PlacementConstraintAdjustment,
+ PlacementGravity, PlacementMode, PlacementRect, PlacementTarget, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Topmost, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalOffset, Width, WindowManagerAddShadowHint,
+ ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree,
+ Closed, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, Opened, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ Transform PopupRoot.Transform
+ Class: PopupRoot Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: WindowBase,
+ TopLevel, ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable,
+ Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, RequestedThemeVariant,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Topmost, Transform, Transitions,
+ TransparencyBackgroundFallback, TransparencyLevelHint, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: Activated, ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, BackRequested, Closed, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, Deactivated, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree,
+ DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+ LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, Opened, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited,
+ PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PositionChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, Resized, ResourcesChanged, ScalingChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped,
+ TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: ScrollEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ EventArgs Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Attached property type: FlowDirection
+ Attached property type: FontFamily
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: FontStyle
+ Attached property type: FontWeight
+ Attached property type: FontStretch
+ Attached property type: IBrush
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: IEnumerable<object>
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Dock
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: NativeMenu
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsType
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: SnapPointsAlignment
+ Attached property type: ScrollBarVisibility
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TextAlignment
+ Attached property type: TextWrapping
+ Attached property type: TextTrimming
+ Attached property type: object
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: PlacementMode
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: double
+ Attached property type: int
+ Attached property type: TrayIcons
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Visual
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Attached property type: Control
+ Attached property type: bool
+ Property:
+ double ScrollBar.ViewportSize
+ Property:
+ ScrollBarVisibility ScrollBar.Visibility
+ enum ScrollBarVisibility = {Disabled, Auto, Hidden, Visible}
+ Property:
+ Orientation ScrollBar.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ bool ScrollBar.AllowAutoHide
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan ScrollBar.HideDelay
+ Property:
+ TimeSpan ScrollBar.ShowDelay
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Minimum
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Maximum
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.Value
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.SmallChange
+ Property:
+ double RangeBase.LargeChange
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Property:
+ ITemplate<Control> Control.FocusAdorner
+ Property:
+ ContextMenu Control.ContextMenu
+ Property:
+ FlyoutBase Control.ContextFlyout
+ Property:
+ object Control.Tag
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.Focusable
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsEnabled
+ Property:
+ Cursor InputElement.Cursor
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsHitTestVisible
+ Property:
+ bool InputElement.IsTabStop
+ Property:
+ int InputElement.TabIndex
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Width
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.Height
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxWidth
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MinHeight
+ Property:
+ double Layoutable.MaxHeight
+ Property:
+ Thickness Layoutable.Margin
+ Property:
+ HorizontalAlignment Layoutable.HorizontalAlignment
+ enum HorizontalAlignment = {Stretch, Left, Center, Right}
+ Property:
+ VerticalAlignment Layoutable.VerticalAlignment
+ enum VerticalAlignment = {Stretch, Top, Center, Bottom}
+ Property:
+ bool Layoutable.UseLayoutRounding
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.ClipToBounds
+ Property:
+ Geometry Visual.Clip
+ Property:
+ bool Visual.IsVisible
+ Property:
+ double Visual.Opacity
+ Property:
+ IBrush Visual.OpacityMask
+ Property:
+ IEffect Visual.Effect
+ Property:
+ ITransform Visual.RenderTransform
+ Property:
+ RelativePoint Visual.RenderTransformOrigin
+ Property:
+ FlowDirection Visual.FlowDirection
+ enum FlowDirection = {LeftToRight, RightToLeft}
+ Property:
+ int Visual.ZIndex
+ Property:
+ string StyledElement.Name
+ Property:
+ object StyledElement.DataContext
+ Property:
+ IResourceDictionary StyledElement.Resources
+ Property:
+ ControlTheme StyledElement.Theme
+ Property:
+ IClock Animatable.Clock
+ Property:
+ Transitions Animatable.Transitions
+ Property:
+ object AvaloniaObject.Item
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ScrollEventArgs> ScrollBar.Scroll
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ContextRequestedEventArgs> Control.ContextRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Loaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> Control.Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SizeChangedEventArgs> Control.SizeChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<GotFocusEventArgs> InputElement.GotFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> InputElement.LostFocus
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyDown
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<KeyEventArgs> InputElement.KeyUp
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputEventArgs> InputElement.TextInput
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs>
+ InputElement.TextInputMethodClientRequested
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerEntered
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerExited
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerEventArgs> InputElement.PointerMoved
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerPressedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerPressed
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerReleasedEventArgs> InputElement.PointerReleased
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerCaptureLostEventArgs>
+ InputElement.PointerCaptureLost
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<PointerWheelEventArgs> InputElement.PointerWheelChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.Tapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<HoldingRoutedEventArgs> InputElement.Holding
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TappedEventArgs> InputElement.DoubleTapped
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs>
+ Layoutable.EffectiveViewportChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler Layoutable.LayoutUpdated
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.AttachedToVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ Visual.DetachedFromVisualTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.AttachedToLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<LogicalTreeAttachmentEventArgs>
+ StyledElement.DetachedFromLogicalTree
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.DataContextChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.Initialized
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<ResourcesChangedEventArgs> StyledElement.ResourcesChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyledElement.ActualThemeVariantChanged
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs>
+ AvaloniaObject.PropertyChanged
+ Class: ScrollBar Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: RangeBase,
+ TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AllowAutoHide, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize,
+ FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HideDelay, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, LargeChange, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ Maximum, MaxWidth, MinHeight, Minimum, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, ShowDelay, SmallChange,
+ TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, Value, VerticalAlignment,
+ ViewportSize, Visibility, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, Scroll,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.AutoScrollToSelectedItem
+ Property:
+ int SelectingItemsControl.SelectedIndex
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedItem
+ Property:
+ IBinding SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValueBinding
+ Property:
+ object SelectingItemsControl.SelectedValue
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.IsTextSearchEnabled
+ Property:
+ bool SelectingItemsControl.WrapSelection
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<SelectionChangedEventArgs>
+ SelectingItemsControl.SelectionChanged
+ Class: SelectingItemsControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular,
+ AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem, Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius,
+ Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner,
+ FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible,
+ Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight,
+ MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, SelectedValue,
+ SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding,
+ VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing, ContainerIndexChanged,
+ ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree,
+ DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SelectionChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded,
+ VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: TabStrip Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ SelectingItemsControl, ItemsControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive,
+ Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties:
+ AreHorizontalSnapPointsRegular, AreVerticalSnapPointsRegular, AutoScrollToSelectedItem,
+ Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, DisplayMemberBinding, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsTextSearchEnabled, IsVisible, Item, ItemContainerTheme, ItemsPanel, ItemsSource,
+ ItemTemplate, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask,
+ Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, SelectedIndex, SelectedItem,
+ SelectedValue, SelectedValueBinding, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, WrapSelection, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContainerClearing,
+ ContainerIndexChanged, ContainerPrepared, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, HorizontalSnapPointsChanged, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SelectionChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded, VerticalSnapPointsChanged
+ Class: TabStripItem Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ ListBoxItem, ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive,
+ Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background,
+ BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Content, ContentTemplate,
+ ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, IsEnabled,
+ IsHitTestVisible, IsSelected, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
+ MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform,
+ RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool RoutedEventArgs.Handled
+ Property:
+ RoutedEvent RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent
+ Property:
+ RoutingStrategies RoutedEventArgs.Route
+ enum RoutingStrategies = {Direct, Tunnel, Bubble}
+ Property:
+ object RoutedEventArgs.Source
+ Class: TemplateAppliedEventArgs Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives
+ Base: RoutedEventArgs, EventArgs Properties: Handled, Route, RoutedEvent, Source Events:
+ {none}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Background
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.BorderBrush
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.BorderThickness
+ Property:
+ CornerRadius TemplatedControl.CornerRadius
+ Property:
+ FontFamily TemplatedControl.FontFamily
+ Property:
+ double TemplatedControl.FontSize
+ Property:
+ FontStyle TemplatedControl.FontStyle
+ enum FontStyle = {Normal, Italic, Oblique}
+ Property:
+ FontWeight TemplatedControl.FontWeight
+ enum FontWeight = {Thin, ExtraLight, ExtraLight, Light, SemiLight, Normal, Normal,
+ Medium, DemiBold, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, ...}
+ Property:
+ FontStretch TemplatedControl.FontStretch
+ enum FontStretch = {UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
+ Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded}
+ Property:
+ IBrush TemplatedControl.Foreground
+ Property:
+ Thickness TemplatedControl.Padding
+ Property:
+ IControlTemplate TemplatedControl.Template
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<TemplateAppliedEventArgs>
+ TemplatedControl.TemplateApplied
+ Class: TemplatedControl Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VectorEventArgs> Thumb.DragStarted
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VectorEventArgs> Thumb.DragDelta
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<VectorEventArgs> Thumb.DragCompleted
+ Class: Thumb Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: TemplatedControl,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Clip, ClipToBounds,
+ Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection,
+ Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight,
+ Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop, IsVisible,
+ Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Template, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ DragCompleted, DragDelta, DragStarted, EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding,
+ Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost,
+ PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased,
+ PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped,
+ TemplateApplied, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool? ToggleButton.IsChecked
+ Property:
+ bool ToggleButton.IsThreeState
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ToggleButton.Checked
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ToggleButton.Unchecked
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ToggleButton.Indeterminate
+ Event:
+ EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> ToggleButton.IsCheckedChanged
+ Class: ToggleButton Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Button,
+ ContentControl, TemplatedControl, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual,
+ StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, BorderBrush,
+ BorderThickness, ClickMode, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Command, CommandParameter, Content,
+ ContentTemplate, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, CornerRadius, Cursor, DataContext, Effect,
+ FlowDirection, Flyout, Focusable, FocusAdorner, FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch,
+ FontStyle, FontWeight, Foreground, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment,
+ HotKey, IsCancel, IsChecked, IsDefault, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsThreeState, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name,
+ Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex,
+ Tag, Template, Theme, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment,
+ VerticalContentAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, Checked, Click, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Indeterminate, Initialized, IsCheckedChanged,
+ KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered,
+ PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged,
+ PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged, Tapped, TemplateApplied, TextInput,
+ TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unchecked, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ double Track.Minimum
+ Property:
+ double Track.Maximum
+ Property:
+ double Track.Value
+ Property:
+ double Track.ViewportSize
+ Property:
+ Orientation Track.Orientation
+ enum Orientation = {Horizontal, Vertical}
+ Property:
+ Thumb Track.Thumb
+ Property:
+ Button Track.IncreaseButton
+ Property:
+ Button Track.DecreaseButton
+ Property:
+ bool Track.IsDirectionReversed
+ Property:
+ bool Track.IgnoreThumbDrag
+ Class: Track Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Control,
+ InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable, AvaloniaObject
+ Properties: Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout, ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext,
+ DecreaseButton, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
+ IgnoreThumbDrag, IncreaseButton, IsDirectionReversed, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible,
+ IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, Maximum, MaxWidth, MinHeight, Minimum,
+ MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Orientation, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin,
+ Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Thumb, Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, Value,
+ VerticalAlignment, ViewportSize, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ int UniformGrid.Rows
+ Property:
+ int UniformGrid.Columns
+ Property:
+ int UniformGrid.FirstColumn
+ Class: UniformGrid Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base: Panel,
+ Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement, Animatable,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Background, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, Columns, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FirstColumn, FlowDirection, Focusable,
+ FocusAdorner, Height, HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsTabStop,
+ IsVisible, Item, Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity,
+ OpacityMask, RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, Rows, TabIndex, Tag, Theme,
+ Transitions, UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events:
+ ActualThemeVariantChanged, AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested,
+ DataContextChanged, DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped,
+ EffectiveViewportChanged, GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated,
+ Loaded, LostFocus, PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved,
+ PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged,
+ SizeChanged, Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Property:
+ bool VisualLayerManager.IsPopup
+ Class: VisualLayerManager Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives Base:
+ Decorator, Control, InputElement, Interactive, Layoutable, Visual, StyledElement,
+ Animatable, AvaloniaObject Properties: Child, Clip, ClipToBounds, Clock, ContextFlyout,
+ ContextMenu, Cursor, DataContext, Effect, FlowDirection, Focusable, FocusAdorner, Height,
+ HorizontalAlignment, IsEnabled, IsHitTestVisible, IsPopup, IsTabStop, IsVisible, Item,
+ Margin, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Name, Opacity, OpacityMask, Padding,
+ RenderTransform, RenderTransformOrigin, Resources, TabIndex, Tag, Theme, Transitions,
+ UseLayoutRounding, VerticalAlignment, Width, ZIndex Events: ActualThemeVariantChanged,
+ AttachedToLogicalTree, AttachedToVisualTree, ContextRequested, DataContextChanged,
+ DetachedFromLogicalTree, DetachedFromVisualTree, DoubleTapped, EffectiveViewportChanged,
+ GotFocus, Holding, Initialized, KeyDown, KeyUp, LayoutUpdated, Loaded, LostFocus,
+ PointerCaptureLost, PointerEntered, PointerExited, PointerMoved, PointerPressed,
+ PointerReleased, PointerWheelChanged, PropertyChanged, ResourcesChanged, SizeChanged,
+ Tapped, TextInput, TextInputMethodClientRequested, Unloaded
+ Class: SplitViewTemplateSettings Namespace: Avalonia.Controls.Primitives
+ Base: AvaloniaObject Properties: Item Events: PropertyChanged
+ Class: AppMainDelegate Namespace: Avalonia Base: MulticastDelegate, Delegate
+ Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBarTemplateSettings.ContainerAnimationStartPosition
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBarTemplateSettings.ContainerAnimationEndPosition
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBarTemplateSettings.Container2AnimationStartPosition
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBarTemplateSettings.Container2Width
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBarTemplateSettings.ContainerWidth
+ Property:
+ double ProgressBarTemplateSettings.Container2AnimationEndPosition
+ Class: ProgressBarTemplateSettings Namespace: Avalonia.Controls Base:
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Container2AnimationEndPosition, Container2AnimationStartPosition,
+ Container2Width, ContainerAnimationEndPosition, ContainerAnimationStartPosition,
+ ContainerWidth, Item Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ string Binding.ElementName
+ Property:
+ RelativeSource Binding.RelativeSource
+ Property:
+ object Binding.Source
+ Property:
+ string Binding.Path
+ Property:
+ Func<string, string, Type> Binding.TypeResolver
+ Property:
+ IValueConverter BindingBase.Converter
+ Property:
+ object BindingBase.ConverterParameter
+ Property:
+ object BindingBase.FallbackValue
+ Property:
+ object BindingBase.TargetNullValue
+ Property:
+ BindingMode BindingBase.Mode
+ enum BindingMode = {Default, OneWay, TwoWay, OneTime, OneWayToSource}
+ Property:
+ BindingPriority BindingBase.Priority
+ enum BindingPriority = {LocalValue, StyleTrigger, Template, Template, Style,
+ Inherited, Unset, Animation}
+ Property:
+ string BindingBase.StringFormat
+ Property:
+ WeakReference BindingBase.DefaultAnchor
+ Property:
+ WeakReference<INameScope> BindingBase.NameScope
+ Class: Binding Namespace: Avalonia.Data Base: BindingBase Properties:
+ Converter, ConverterParameter, DefaultAnchor, ElementName, FallbackValue, Mode, NameScope,
+ Path, Priority, RelativeSource, Source, StringFormat, TargetNullValue, TypeResolver Events:
+ {none}
+ Property:
+ IList<IBinding> MultiBinding.Bindings
+ Property:
+ IMultiValueConverter MultiBinding.Converter
+ Property:
+ object MultiBinding.ConverterParameter
+ Property:
+ object MultiBinding.FallbackValue
+ Property:
+ object MultiBinding.TargetNullValue
+ Property:
+ BindingMode MultiBinding.Mode
+ enum BindingMode = {Default, OneWay, TwoWay, OneTime, OneWayToSource}
+ Property:
+ BindingPriority MultiBinding.Priority
+ enum BindingPriority = {LocalValue, StyleTrigger, Template, Template, Style,
+ Inherited, Unset, Animation}
+ Property:
+ RelativeSource MultiBinding.RelativeSource
+ Property:
+ string MultiBinding.StringFormat
+ Class: MultiBinding Namespace: Avalonia.Data Base: Properties: Bindings,
+ Converter, ConverterParameter, FallbackValue, Mode, Priority, RelativeSource, StringFormat,
+ TargetNullValue Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ int RelativeSource.AncestorLevel
+ Property:
+ Type RelativeSource.AncestorType
+ Property:
+ RelativeSourceMode RelativeSource.Mode
+ enum RelativeSourceMode = {DataContext, TemplatedParent, Self, FindAncestor}
+ Property:
+ TreeType RelativeSource.Tree
+ enum TreeType = {Visual, Logical}
+ Class: RelativeSource Namespace: Avalonia.Data Base: Properties:
+ AncestorLevel, AncestorType, Mode, Tree Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IValueConverter TemplateBinding.Converter
+ Property:
+ object TemplateBinding.ConverterParameter
+ Property:
+ BindingMode TemplateBinding.Mode
+ enum BindingMode = {Default, OneWay, TwoWay, OneTime, OneWayToSource}
+ Property:
+ AvaloniaProperty TemplateBinding.Property
+ Class: TemplateBinding Namespace: Avalonia.Data Base:
+ SingleSubscriberObservableBase`1 Properties: Converter, ConverterParameter, Mode, Property
+ Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object ControlTemplate.Content
+ Property:
+ Type ControlTemplate.TargetType
+ Class: ControlTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Templates Base:
+ Properties: Content, TargetType Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Type DataTemplate.DataType
+ Property:
+ object DataTemplate.Content
+ Class: DataTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Templates Base:
+ Properties: Content, DataType Events: {none}
+ Class: FocusAdornerTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Templates Base:
+ Template Properties: Content Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object ItemsPanelTemplate.Content
+ Class: ItemsPanelTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Templates Base:
+ Properties: Content Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object Template.Content
+ Class: Template Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Templates Base: Properties:
+ Content Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Type TreeDataTemplate.DataType
+ Property:
+ object TreeDataTemplate.Content
+ Property:
+ BindingBase TreeDataTemplate.ItemsSource
+ Class: TreeDataTemplate Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Templates Base:
+ Properties: Content, DataType, ItemsSource Events: {none}
+ Class: MergeResourceInclude Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Styling Base:
+ ResourceInclude Properties: Source Events: OwnerChanged
+ Property:
+ Uri ResourceInclude.Source
+ Event:
+ EventHandler ResourceInclude.OwnerChanged
+ Class: ResourceInclude Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Styling Base:
+ Properties: Source Events: OwnerChanged
+ Property:
+ Uri StyleInclude.Source
+ Event:
+ EventHandler StyleInclude.OwnerChanged
+ Class: StyleInclude Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.Styling Base:
+ Properties: Source Events: OwnerChanged
+ Property:
+ CompiledBindingPath CompiledBindingExtension.Path
+ Property:
+ object CompiledBindingExtension.Source
+ Property:
+ Type CompiledBindingExtension.DataType
+ Property:
+ IValueConverter BindingBase.Converter
+ Property:
+ object BindingBase.ConverterParameter
+ Property:
+ object BindingBase.FallbackValue
+ Property:
+ object BindingBase.TargetNullValue
+ Property:
+ BindingMode BindingBase.Mode
+ enum BindingMode = {Default, OneWay, TwoWay, OneTime, OneWayToSource}
+ Property:
+ BindingPriority BindingBase.Priority
+ enum BindingPriority = {LocalValue, StyleTrigger, Template, Template, Style,
+ Inherited, Unset, Animation}
+ Property:
+ string BindingBase.StringFormat
+ Property:
+ WeakReference BindingBase.DefaultAnchor
+ Property:
+ WeakReference<INameScope> BindingBase.NameScope
+ Class: CompiledBindingExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: BindingBase Properties: Converter,
+ ConverterParameter, DataType, DefaultAnchor, FallbackValue, Mode, NameScope, Path, Priority,
+ Source, StringFormat, TargetNullValue Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object DynamicResourceExtension.ResourceKey
+ Class: DynamicResourceExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: Properties: ResourceKey Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object On<object>.Content
+ Class: On Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: On`1
+ Properties: Content Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object OnFormFactorExtensionBase<object, On>.Default
+ Property:
+ object OnFormFactorExtensionBase<object, On>.Desktop
+ Property:
+ object OnFormFactorExtensionBase<object, On>.Mobile
+ Class: OnFormFactorExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: OnFormFactorExtensionBase`2 Properties: Default,
+ Desktop, Mobile Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.Default
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.Windows
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.macOS
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.Linux
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.Android
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.iOS
+ Property:
+ object OnPlatformExtensionBase<object, On>.Browser
+ Class: OnPlatformExtension Namespace: Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions
+ Base: OnPlatformExtensionBase`2 Properties: Android, Browser, Default, iOS, Linux, macOS,
+ Windows Events: {none}
+ Class: ResolveByNameExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: Properties: {none} Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ object StaticResourceExtension.ResourceKey
+ Class: StaticResourceExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: Properties: ResourceKey Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ IValueConverter ReflectionBindingExtension.Converter
+ Property:
+ object ReflectionBindingExtension.ConverterParameter
+ Property:
+ string ReflectionBindingExtension.ElementName
+ Property:
+ object ReflectionBindingExtension.FallbackValue
+ Property:
+ BindingMode ReflectionBindingExtension.Mode
+ enum BindingMode = {Default, OneWay, TwoWay, OneTime, OneWayToSource}
+ Property:
+ string ReflectionBindingExtension.Path
+ Property:
+ BindingPriority ReflectionBindingExtension.Priority
+ enum BindingPriority = {LocalValue, StyleTrigger, Template, Template, Style,
+ Inherited, Unset, Animation}
+ Property:
+ object ReflectionBindingExtension.Source
+ Property:
+ string ReflectionBindingExtension.StringFormat
+ Property:
+ RelativeSource ReflectionBindingExtension.RelativeSource
+ Property:
+ object ReflectionBindingExtension.TargetNullValue
+ Class: ReflectionBindingExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: Properties: Converter, ConverterParameter,
+ ElementName, FallbackValue, Mode, Path, Priority, RelativeSource, Source, StringFormat,
+ TargetNullValue Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ RelativeSourceMode RelativeSourceExtension.Mode
+ enum RelativeSourceMode = {DataContext, TemplatedParent, Self, FindAncestor}
+ Property:
+ Type RelativeSourceExtension.AncestorType
+ Property:
+ TreeType RelativeSourceExtension.Tree
+ enum TreeType = {Visual, Logical}
+ Property:
+ int RelativeSourceExtension.AncestorLevel
+ Class: RelativeSourceExtension Namespace:
+ Avalonia.Markup.Xaml.MarkupExtensions Base: Properties: AncestorLevel, AncestorType, Mode,
+ Tree Events: {none}
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.Accent
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.AltHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.AltLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.AltMedium
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.AltMediumHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.AltMediumLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.BaseHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.BaseLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.BaseMedium
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.BaseMediumHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.BaseMediumLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeAltLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeBlackHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeBlackLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeBlackMedium
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeBlackMediumLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeDisabledHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeDisabledLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeGray
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeHigh
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeMedium
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeMediumLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ChromeWhite
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ErrorText
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ListLow
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.ListMedium
+ Property:
+ Color ColorPaletteResources.RegionColor
+ Class: ColorPaletteResources Namespace: Avalonia.Themes.Fluent Base:
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: Accent, AltHigh, AltLow, AltMedium, AltMediumHigh, AltMediumLow,
+ BaseHigh, BaseLow, BaseMedium, BaseMediumHigh, BaseMediumLow, ChromeAltLow, ChromeBlackHigh,
+ ChromeBlackLow, ChromeBlackMedium, ChromeBlackMediumLow, ChromeDisabledHigh,
+ ChromeDisabledLow, ChromeGray, ChromeHigh, ChromeLow, ChromeMedium, ChromeMediumLow,
+ ChromeWhite, ErrorText, Item, ListLow, ListMedium, RegionColor Events: PropertyChanged
+ Property:
+ DensityStyle FluentTheme.DensityStyle
+ enum DensityStyle = {Normal, Compact}
+ Class: FluentTheme Namespace: Avalonia.Themes.Fluent Base: Styles,
+ AvaloniaObject Properties: DensityStyle, Item, Resources Events: CollectionChanged,
+ OwnerChanged, PropertyChanged
diff --git a/.vscode/HXE.code-workspace b/.vscode/HXE.code-workspace
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ff4ef8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/HXE.code-workspace
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ "folders": [
+ {
+ "path": ".."
+ }
+ ],
+ "settings": {
+ "conventionalCommits.scopes": [
+ "ci",
+ "codeql",
+ "contributing",
+ "cpr",
+ "deps-dev",
+ "deps",
+ "dpiutilities",
+ "editorconfig",
+ "giversion",
+ "gui",
+ "hxe",
+ "npm",
+ "pull-requests",
+ "readme",
+ "release",
+ "renovate",
+ "self-test",
+ "semantic-release",
+ "usage",
+ "vscode",
+ ],
+ "omnisharp.useModernNet": true,
+ "omnisharp.enableRoslynAnalyzers": true,
+ "omnisharp.enableImportCompletion": true,
+ "dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": true,
+ "omnisharp.organizeImportsOnFormat": true,
+ "cSpell.words": [
+ "haloce",
+ "Avalonia"
+ ],
+ "MS-CST-E.vscode-devskim.ignores.ignoreRulesList": [
+ "DS187371"
+ ],
+ "dotnet.defaultSolution": "src\\HXE.sln",
+ "xml.fileAssociations": [
+ {
+ "pattern": "*.axaml",
+ "systemId": "**/AvaloniaSchema-*.xsd"
+ }
+ ],
+ "xml.validation.filters": [
+ {
+ "pattern": "**/AvaloniaSchema-*.xsd",
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json
index 78d563be..20e8430c 100644
--- a/.vscode/extensions.json
+++ b/.vscode/extensions.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
"recommendations": [
- "codestream.codestream",
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@
- "yamachu.targetframeworksswitcher",
@@ -52,6 +50,9 @@
- "dotjoshjohnson.xml"
+ "dotjoshjohnson.xml",
+ "joshbolduc.commitlint",
+ "ms-dotnettools.csdevkit",
+ "avaloniateam.vscode-avalonia",
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
index bc80cfab..1f403b8f 100644
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -1,20 +1,96 @@
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
+ {
+ "type": "DotNetWatch",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "name": ".NET Core Watch (--liveViewAll)",
+ "args": [
+ "--liveViewAll"
+ ]
+ },
// Use IntelliSense to find out which attributes exist for C# debugging
// Use hover for the description of the existing attributes
- // For further information visit https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/blob/master/debugger-launchjson.md
+ // For further information visit https://github.com/dotnet/vscode-csharp/blob/main/debugger-launchjson.md
"name": ".NET Core Launch (console)",
"type": "coreclr",
"request": "launch",
"preLaunchTask": "build",
- "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/win-x64/HXE.dll",
- "args": ["--test"],
- "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src",
- // For more information about the 'console' field, see https://aka.ms/VSCode-CS-LaunchJson-Console
- "console": "internalConsole",
- "stopAtEntry": false
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/HXE.dll",
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false
+ },
+ {
+ "name": ".NET Core Launch (console, --test)",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "preLaunchTask": "build",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/HXE.dll",
+ "args": [
+ "--test"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false
+ },
+ {
+ "name": ".NET Core Launch (console, --config)",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "preLaunchTask": "build",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/HXE.dll",
+ "args": [
+ "--config"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false,
+ "justMyCode": false,
+ "requireExactSource": false
+ },
+ {
+ "name": ".NET Core Launch (console, --liveViewAll)",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "preLaunchTask": "build",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/HXE.dll",
+ "args": [
+ "--liveViewAll"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false
+ },
+ {
+ "name": ".NET Core Launch (console, --positions)",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "preLaunchTask": "build",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/HXE.dll",
+ "args": [
+ "--positions"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false,
+ "justMyCode": false
+ },
+ {
+ "name": ".NET Core Launch (console, {framework}, {runtime})",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "preLaunchTask": "build ({framework}, {runtime})",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/HXE.dll",
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/Latest/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false,
+ "justMyCode": false
+ },
+ {
+ "name": ".NET Core Launch (console, net6.0, win7-x64)",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "preLaunchTask": "build (net6.0, win7-x64)",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/net6.0/win7-x64/HXE.dll",
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/net6.0/win7-x64/",
+ "enableStepFiltering": false,
+ "justMyCode": false
"name": ".NET Core Attach",
@@ -22,4 +98,4 @@
"request": "attach"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 2e4b7d93..08632ce8 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -1,19 +1,119 @@
"conventionalCommits.scopes": [
- "contributing", // contributing.md
- "deps", // Node dependencies
- "release", // Release workflow
+ "contributing",
+ "deps",
+ "release",
- "ci", // CI workflow
- "vscode", // VSCode configs
+ "ci",
+ "vscode",
- "conv-pr", // Conventional Pull Request config
+ "conv-pr",
- "pull-requests" // pull requests workflow
- ]
+ "pull-requests"
+ ],
+ "omnisharp.useModernNet": true,
+ "omnisharp.organizeImportsOnFormat": true,
+ "cSpell.words": [
+ "aldrv",
+ "Anaglyphic",
+ "arctan",
+ "Autoaim",
+ "Avalonia",
+ "bink",
+ "blam",
+ "Borderless",
+ "cinemabars",
+ "Cinematics",
+ "DBUG",
+ "deband",
+ "Descope",
+ "Deuteranopes",
+ "devmode",
+ "dinput",
+ "distros",
+ "Eaxir",
+ "Ecran",
+ "EXEP",
+ "Gameloop",
+ "Gamepad",
+ "Gamepads",
+ "geteuid",
+ "haloce",
+ "HCE's",
+ "HKEY",
+ "HTMCC",
+ "initc",
+ "isdst",
+ "lastprof",
+ "libraryfolders",
+ "libxrandr",
+ "Lightmaps",
+ "Lumoria",
+ "LZNT",
+ "mday",
+ "mheight",
+ "mwidth",
+ "MXAO",
+ "nogamma",
+ "novideo",
+ "opensauce",
+ "POMB",
+ "precache",
+ "Printscreen",
+ "profdir",
+ "runas",
+ "savegame",
+ "steamapps",
+ "steamexepath",
+ "Syscall",
+ "Tritanopes",
+ "Ungrab",
+ "vidmode",
+ "Vsync",
+ "wday",
+ "XBCD",
+ "XRRGetCrtc",
+ "XRRSetCrtc",
+ "yday",
+ "Yelo",
+ "yumiris"
+ ],
+ "dotnet.defaultSolution": "src\\HXE.sln",
+ "xml.fileAssociations": [
+ {
+ "pattern": "*.axaml",
+ "systemId": "**/AvaloniaSchema-*.xsd"
+ }
+ ],
+ "xml.validation.filters": [
+ {
+ "pattern": "**/AvaloniaSchema-*.xsd",
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "yaml.schemas": {
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GitTools/GitVersion/main/schemas/5.12/GitVersion.configuration.json": "file:///c%3A/Repos/HaloSPV3/HXE/GitVersion.yml"
+ }
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
index 84bdcce5..b29d1e70 100644
--- a/.vscode/tasks.json
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -5,21 +5,50 @@
"label": "build",
"command": "dotnet",
"type": "process",
+ "args": [
+ "build",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/src/HXE.sln",
+ "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true",
+ "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary"
+ ],
+ "problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "build ({framework}, {runtime})",
+ "command": "dotnet",
+ "type": "process",
"args": [
+ "--framework ${input:framework}",
+ "--runtime ${input:runtime}",
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
+ {
+ "label": "build (net6.0, win7-x64)",
+ "command": "dotnet",
+ "type": "process",
+ "args": [
+ "build",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/src/HXE.csproj",
+ "--framework net6.0",
+ "--runtime win7-x64",
+ "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true",
+ "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary"
+ ],
+ "problemMatcher": "$msCompile",
+ "group": "build"
+ },
"label": "publish",
"command": "dotnet",
"type": "process",
"args": [
- "${workspaceFolder}/src/HXE.csproj",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/src/HXE.sln",
@@ -32,11 +61,41 @@
"args": [
- "${workspaceFolder}/src/HXE.csproj",
- "/property:GenerateFullPaths=true",
- "/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary"
+ "--project",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/src/HXE.sln"
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
+ ],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "type": "pickString",
+ "id": "framework",
+ "description": "TargetFramework",
+ "options": [
+ "netstandard2.1",
+ "net6.0",
+ "net6.0-windows",
+ "net7.0",
+ "net7.0-windows",
+ "net8.0"
+ ],
+ "default": "net6.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "pickString",
+ "id": "runtime",
+ "description": "RuntimeIdentifier",
+ "options": [
+ "win7-x86",
+ "win7-x64",
+ "linux-x64",
+ "linux-musl-x64",
+ "linux-arm",
+ "linux-arm64",
+ "linux-bionic-arm64"
+ ],
+ "default": "win7-x64"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
index ccd605ed..944abdb5 100644
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to HXE. Code style is reco
All requirements are multi-platform.
- [Git](https://git-scm.com/)
-- [Microsoft .NET SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/) (>=5.0)
+- [Microsoft .NET SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/) (>=6.0)
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) (LTS or Latest)
- [Powershell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell) (>7.1; rec. >=7.2 for command completion)
diff --git a/CodeMaid.config b/CodeMaid.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 37616a80..00000000
--- a/CodeMaid.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- False
- 100
- False
- True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GitVersion.yml b/GitVersion.yml
index 2f504770..486d7320 100644
--- a/GitVersion.yml
+++ b/GitVersion.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
-# https://github.com/GitTools/GitVersion/blob/main/docs/input/docs/reference/configuration.md
-mode: ContinuousDeployment
-tag-prefix: '[vV]'
-major-version-bump-message: "^(breaking|build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\\([\\w\\s]*\\))?(!:|:.*\\n\\n((.+\\n)+\\n)?BREAKING CHANGE:\\s.+)"
-minor-version-bump-message: "^(feat)(\\([\\w\\s]*\\))?:"
-patch-version-bump-message: "^(fix|perf)(\\([\\w\\s]*\\))?:"
- develop:
- increment: none # IMPORTANT
- main:
- increment: none # IMPORTANT
- is-release-branch: true
- sha: []
-merge-message-formats: {}
+# https://gitversion.net/docs/reference/configuration
+mode: Mainline
+major-version-bump-message: "^(build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\\([\\w\\s-]*\\))?(!:|:.*\\n\\n((.+\\n)+\\n)?BREAKING CHANGE:\\s.+)"
+minor-version-bump-message: "^(feat)(\\([\\w\\s-]*\\))?:"
+patch-version-bump-message: "^(build|chore|ci|docs|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\\([\\w\\s-]*\\))?:"
diff --git a/src/HXE.sln b/HXE.sln
similarity index 89%
rename from src/HXE.sln
rename to HXE.sln
index da6b34b8..9ed020da 100644
--- a/src/HXE.sln
+++ b/HXE.sln
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 17
VisualStudioVersion = 17.0.31612.314
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
-Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "HXE", "HXE.csproj", "{ACAA5D9F-B23D-43E1-B2DF-8C03230975A1}"
+Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "HXE", "src\HXE.csproj", "{ACAA5D9F-B23D-43E1-B2DF-8C03230975A1}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 71927e45..d5c847df 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,3 +47,19 @@ The USAGE document goes into detail on how to use HXE. In a nutshell:
# configure the kernel
.\hxe.exe -config
+# Requirements
+## Operating System
+| Minimum | Recommended
+| ---------------------------------------- | -----------
+| Windows 7 SP1 32-bit (w/ addl. software) | Windows 10 64-bit
+## Note: Upgrading To Windows 10
+Using the [Windows Installation Media Creation Tool](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10?36261b60-2f68-4336-abe2-4b00f210b6aa=True), you can still upgrade to Windows 10 with your Windows 7/8/8.1 license.
+- If your hardware distributor does not make Windows 10 drivers for your hardware, you may have a worse Windows 10 experience than expected.
+- Some drivers made for earlier Windows releases may work on Windows 10; some won't. You won't know until you try.
diff --git a/SCREENSHOT.png b/SCREENSHOT.png
index c51e3d3f..a9a69263 100644
Binary files a/SCREENSHOT.png and b/SCREENSHOT.png differ
diff --git a/commitlint.config.js b/commitlint.config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c84145..00000000
--- a/commitlint.config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
- extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lgtm.yml b/lgtm.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 45eb8f7d..00000000
--- a/lgtm.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# https://github.com/github/codeql-action#configuration-file
-# https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secure-coding/automatically-scanning-your-code-for-vulnerabilities-and-errors/configuring-code-scanning#using-a-custom-configuration-file
-name: "CodeQL config"
- library:
- - exclude: ext/
- csharp:
- prepare:
- packages:
- - git
- index:
- solution:
- - HXE.sln
- dotnet:
- arguments:
- - "--no-incremental /p:UseSharedCompilation=false"
- version: "6.0"
- msbuild:
- arguments:
- - "/p:UseSharedCompilation=false /nr:false"
- vstools_version: 15
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 2f6a1107..181e25d6 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "name": "HXE",
+ "name": "hxe",
"description": "Automate commit messages quality, automate changelog and release generation",
"version": "1.0.0",
"devDependencies": {
@@ -7,5 +7,111 @@
"scripts": {
"prepare": "husky install"
+ },
+ "//": [
+ "commitlint.rules.scope-enum only applies to commit message headers matching the patter 'type(scope): ' or 'type(): '. It will not match 'type: '.",
+ "If a new Scope is desired, add it to the scopes array in `commitlint.rules.scope-enum`"
+ ],
+ "commitlint": {
+ "extends": [
+ "@commitlint/config-conventional"
+ ],
+ "rules": {
+ "scope-enum": [
+ 1,
+ "always",
+ [
+ "ci",
+ "codeql",
+ "contributing",
+ "cpr",
+ "deps-dev",
+ "deps",
+ "dpiutilities",
+ "editorconfig",
+ "gitversion",
+ "gui",
+ "hxe",
+ "npm",
+ "pull-requests",
+ "readme",
+ "release",
+ "renovate",
+ "self-test",
+ "semantic-release",
+ "usage",
+ "vscode"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "release": {
+ "branches": [
+ "main",
+ {
+ "name": "develop",
+ "channel": "alpha",
+ "prerelease": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugins": [
+ [
+ "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer",
+ {
+ "parserOpts": {
+ "noteKeywords": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "preset": "conventionalcommits",
+ "presetConfig": [],
+ "releaseRules": [
+ {
+ "type": "revert",
+ "subject": "!(feat|fix|perf)",
+ "release": false
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "revert",
+ "subject": "(build|chore|ci|docs|refactor|revert|style|test)",
+ "release": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator",
+ {
+ "parserOpts": {
+ "noteKeywords": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "preset": "conventionalcommits",
+ "presetConfig": [],
+ "releaseRules": [
+ {
+ "type": "revert",
+ "subject": "!(feat|fix|perf)",
+ "release": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ "@semantic-release/github",
+ {
+ "assets": [
+ {
+ "path": "bin/release/publish"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/release.config.js b/release.config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b6cb881c..00000000
--- a/release.config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Setup Semantic Release plugins.
-// See https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/extending/plugins-list for more plugins.
-module.exports = {
- plugins: [
- "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer",
- "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator",
- "@semantic-release/changelog",
- // Disable npm publishing
- [
- "@semantic-release/npm",
- {
- npmPublish: false,
- }
- ],
- "@semantic-release/github",
- // Uncomment this line if you're using GitLab
- // "@semantic-release/gitlab",
- "@semantic-release/git"
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/.msb.prebuild.ps1 b/src/.msb.prebuild.ps1
index 0f9e5f06..88434e36 100644
--- a/src/.msb.prebuild.ps1
+++ b/src/.msb.prebuild.ps1
@@ -8,59 +8,26 @@
function prebuild
- $minVer_isShallow = [version]'';
- $minVer_unshallow = [version]'';
- $gitBinVer = "";
$isShallow = $true;
- # 0. Announce
- Write-Host "0. GitVersion cannot determine the next version in shallow reposistories.`n",
- "`tWe will use Git to determine if the current repository needs to be un-shallowed.`n",
- "Checking if Git is available...";
+ # Announce
+ Write-Host "GitVersion requires unshallow repositories.`n",
+ "We will use Git to determine if the current repository needs to be un-shallowed.";
- # 1. Ensure Git is available
- try
- {
- Write-Host "1. Git was found.`n",
- "It is $(git --version) at...`n",
- (Get-Command -Name git).path
- $gitBinVer = [version]('{2}.{3}.{4}.{6}' -f (git --version).split(' ').split('.'))
- }
- catch
- {
- Write-Error "Git is not installed or it is not in PATH!";
- throw
- }
- # 2. Check if the repository is shallow
- Write-Host "2. Checking if repository is shallow..."
- if ($gitBinVer -gt $minVer_isShallow) # GitVersion >=
- {
- $isShallow = git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository
- }
- else
- {
- Write-Debug "Git Version less than"
- $isShallow = Test-Path (Join-Path $GitStatus.GitDir shallow)
- }
+ # Check if the repository is shallow
+ Write-Host "Checking if repository is shallow..."
+ $isShallow = git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository
- # 3. If the repository is shallow, then unshallow
+ # If the repository is shallow, then unshallow
if ($isShallow -eq $true)
- Write-Host "3. Repository is shallow. Fetching full history..."
- if ($gitBinVer -lt $minVer_unshallow) # GitVersion < (exact version unknown)
- {
- git fetch --depth=0;
- }
- else {
- git fetch --unshallow
- }
+ Write-Warning "Repository is shallow. Fetching full history..."
+ git fetch --unshallow
Write-Host "Fetch Completed. Proceeding to Build...`n"
- Write-Host "3. Repository is complete. Proceeding to Build..."
+ Write-Host "Repository is complete. Proceeding to Build..."
diff --git a/src/App.axaml b/src/App.axaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa620003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/App.axaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/src/App.axaml.cs b/src/App.axaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c0b9054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/App.axaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using System;
+using Avalonia;
+using Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes;
+using Avalonia.Markup.Xaml;
+using Avalonia.Reactive;
+using HotAvalonia;
+using ReactiveUI;
+namespace HXE;
+public class App : Application
+ /// Null when not initialized or when Avalonia.Application.Current is not HXE.App
+ public static new App? Current => Application.Current as App;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ this.EnableHotReload();
+ AvaloniaXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ }
+ public override void OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted()
+ {
+ if (ApplicationLifetime is IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime desktop)
+ desktop.MainWindow ??= new MainWindow();
+ else if (ApplicationLifetime is ISingleViewApplicationLifetime singleView)
+ singleView.MainView = new MainWindow();
+ // Here we subscribe to ReactiveUI default exception handler to avoid app
+ // termination in case if we do something wrong in our view models. See:
+ // https://www.reactiveui.net/docs/handbook/default-exception-handler/
+ //
+ // In case if you are using another MV* framework, please refer to its
+ // documentation explaining global exception handling.
+ RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler = new AnonymousObserver(ex => Console.Error(ex.ToString()));
+ base.OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted();
+ }
diff --git a/src/Assets/343I_DER.cer b/src/Assets/343I_DER.cer
index e1ce5d0a..db71256f 100644
Binary files a/src/Assets/343I_DER.cer and b/src/Assets/343I_DER.cer differ
diff --git a/src/Assets/banner.txt b/src/Assets/banner.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aadd6c4a..00000000
--- a/src/Assets/banner.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- _ ___ ________
-| | | \ \ / / ____|
-| |__| |\ V /| |__
-| __ | > < | __|
-| | | |/ . \| |____
-|_| |_/_/ \_\______| :: Halo XE
-A HCE wrapper and kernel for SPV3
-:: https://github.com/HaloSPV3/hxe
-HXE can be invoked with the following arguments:
- --config Opens configuration GUI
- --positions Opens positions GUI
- --load Initiates HCE/SPV3
- --install=VALUE Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination
- --compile=VALUE Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination
- --update=VALUE Updates directory using manifest
- --console Loads HCE with console mode
- --devmode Loads HCE with developer mode
- --screenshot Loads HCE with screenshot ability
- --window Loads HCE in window mode
- --nogamma Loads HCE without gamma overriding
- --adapter=VALUE Loads HCE on monitor X
- --path=VALUE Loads HCE with custom profile path
- --vidmode=VALUE Loads HCE with video mode
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Assets/icon.ico b/src/Assets/icon.ico
index 8e150438..b160a9e2 100644
Binary files a/src/Assets/icon.ico and b/src/Assets/icon.ico differ
diff --git a/src/Assets/icon.png b/src/Assets/icon.png
index 4018e354..6c9dc9f9 100644
Binary files a/src/Assets/icon.png and b/src/Assets/icon.png differ
diff --git a/src/CLI/Positions.cs b/src/CLI/Positions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00f9848c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CLI/Positions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Noah Sherwin
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ */
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+namespace HXE.CLI
+ public static class Positions
+ {
+ public static void Run(string source = null, string target = null)
+ {
+ Console.Info("Read the file \"OS_Settings.User.xml\" and write its weapons positions to a .bin file.");
+ FileInfo fiSource = null;
+ FileInfo fiTarget = null;
+ while (fiSource == null)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ fiSource = GetSource();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.Error(e.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ while (fiTarget == null)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ fiTarget = GetTarget();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.Error(e.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ Save(fiSource, fiTarget);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.Error(e.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ private static FileInfo GetSource(string source = null)
+ {
+ FileInfo fileInfo = null;
+ Console.Info("Full path of OS_Settings.User.xml:");
+ if (source == null)
+ {
+ string input = System.Console.In.ReadLine();
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
+ {
+ throw new NullReferenceException("The supplied path was null, empty, or whitespace.");
+ }
+ fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(input));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.Info(source);
+ fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(source));
+ }
+ if (!fileInfo.Exists)
+ {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException($"The file {fileInfo.Name} was not found.");
+ }
+ if (fileInfo.Name != "OS_Settings.User.xml")
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException("The provided file is not OS_Settings.User.xml.");
+ }
+ return fileInfo;
+ }
+ private static FileInfo GetTarget(string target = null)
+ {
+ FileInfo fileInfo;
+ Console.Info("Full path of target/output .bin file:");
+ if (target == null)
+ {
+ string input = System.Console.In.ReadLine();
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
+ {
+ throw new NullReferenceException("The supplied path was null, empty, or whitespace.");
+ }
+ fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(input));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.Info(target);
+ fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(target));
+ }
+ if (!fileInfo.Exists)
+ {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException($"The file {fileInfo.Name} was not found.");
+ }
+ if (!fileInfo.Extension.EndsWith("bin"))
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException("The provided file lacks the .bin extension.");
+ }
+ return fileInfo;
+ }
+ private static void Save(FileInfo source, FileInfo target)
+ {
+ Console.Info("Saving weapon positions...");
+ var openSauce = (OpenSauce) source.FullName;
+ openSauce.Load();
+ openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Save(target.FullName);
+ openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Load(target.FullName);
+ foreach (var position in openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Positions)
+ Console.Debug($"Weapon: {position.Name} | I/J/K: {position.Position.I}/{position.Position.J}/{position.Position.K}");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Common/ExtProcess.cs b/src/Common/ExtProcess.cs
index 017a785b..8a1a13b8 100644
--- a/src/Common/ExtProcess.cs
+++ b/src/Common/ExtProcess.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
* Copyright (c) 2021 Noah Sherwin
@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ public static bool RunningAsAdmin()
return Principle.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Common/ExtString.cs b/src/Common/ExtString.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bf92ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Common/ExtString.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+namespace HXE.Common;
+public static class ExtString
+ public static bool ContainsAny(this string haystack, bool caseInsensitive, params string[] needles)
+ {
+ foreach (string needle in needles)
+ {
+ if (caseInsensitive)
+ {
+ if (haystack.Contains(needle.ToLower()))
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (haystack.Contains(needle))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Console.cs b/src/Console.cs
index 9aa4a0c6..e5bef571 100644
--- a/src/Console.cs
+++ b/src/Console.cs
@@ -91,9 +91,6 @@ private static void Output(
bool writeLine = true
- if (writeLine)
- WriteLine();
ForegroundColor = Gray;
Write("> [ ");
@@ -105,6 +102,9 @@ private static void Output(
ForegroundColor = messageColor;
+ if (writeLine)
+ WriteLine();
diff --git a/src/Exit.cs b/src/Exit.cs
index 5c42c6da..75936e52 100644
--- a/src/Exit.cs
+++ b/src/Exit.cs
@@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ public enum Code
public static void WithCode(Code code)
- Exit((int) code);
+ if (code is Code.Success)
+ Console.Done("My job here is done.");
+ else
+ Console.Error("Uhhh...Uh-oh.");
+ Exit((int)code);
diff --git a/src/GUI/Converters/RectGeometryConverter.cs b/src/GUI/Converters/RectGeometryConverter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b275f830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GUI/Converters/RectGeometryConverter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using Avalonia;
+using Avalonia.Data;
+using Avalonia.Data.Converters;
+using Avalonia.Media;
+namespace HXE.GUI.Converters;
+public class RectGeometryConverter : IValueConverter
+ public static readonly RectGeometryConverter Instance = new();
+ public object? Convert(object? value, Type targetType, object? parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ if (value is Rect rect)
+ return new RectangleGeometry(rect);
+ // converter used for the wrong type
+ return new BindingNotification(new InvalidCastException(), BindingErrorType.Error);
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object? value, Type targetType, object? parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ if (value is RectangleGeometry rectangle)
+ return rectangle.Rect;
+ // converter used for the wrong type
+ return new BindingNotification(new InvalidCastException(), BindingErrorType.Error);
+ }
diff --git a/src/GUI/Styles/HeaderedContentControl/GroupBoxModern.axaml b/src/GUI/Styles/HeaderedContentControl/GroupBoxModern.axaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ef5272f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GUI/Styles/HeaderedContentControl/GroupBoxModern.axaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/src/GUI/Styles/Window/HXE_Window.axaml b/src/GUI/Styles/Window/HXE_Window.axaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..729332d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GUI/Styles/Window/HXE_Window.axaml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
diff --git a/src/HCE/Executable.cs b/src/HCE/Executable.cs
index f897d812..bc47fa4d 100644
--- a/src/HCE/Executable.cs
+++ b/src/HCE/Executable.cs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
@@ -61,25 +62,14 @@ public static Executable Detect()
fullName = hce.FullName;
- catch (System.Exception e)
+ catch (Exception e)
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
log.AppendAllText("The inferred executable path was probably malformed or incomplete.\n Error: " + e + "\n");
- using (System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ofd = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog())
- {
- ofd.InitialDirectory = GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.Desktop);
- ofd.Filter = "Halo Custom Edition (haloce.exe)|haloce.exe|Halo Retail/Trial (halo.exe)|halo.exe";
- ofd.FilterIndex = 1;
- ofd.RestoreDirectory = true;
- if (ofd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- fullName = GetFullPath(ofd.FileName);
- }
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullName))
- return (Executable) fullName;
+ return (Executable)fullName;
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not detect executable on the filesystem.");
@@ -238,4 +228,4 @@ public class MiscellaneousOptions
public bool NoVideo { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/HXE.csproj b/src/HXE.csproj
index d1fb5c2b..986a46bd 100644
--- a/src/HXE.csproj
+++ b/src/HXE.csproj
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
- Debug
- Exe
- net5.0-windows
- net5.0-windows;net6.0-windows
+ WinExe
+ net6.0
+ win7-x64;win7-x86;win-arm64;linux-x64;linux-arm64
@@ -16,60 +15,84 @@
- OnBuildSuccess
+ OnBuildSuccess
- HaloSPV3
- github/HaloSPV3
- Copyright © 2019 Emilian Roman
- A HCE wrapper and SPV3 loader
- True
- false
- Zlib
- icon.png
- https://github.com/HaloSPV3/HXE
- readme.md
- Halo
- true
- https://github.com/HaloSPV3/HXE
- snupkg
- true
- win-x86
+ true
+ A HCE wrapper and SPV3 loader
Halo SPV3 Team
- true
- hxe
- true
- true
- x64
- false
+ en
+ true
+ enable
+ app.manifest
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
- x86
- true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ $(DefineConstants);ENABLE_XAML_HOT_RELOAD
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ win7-x86
+ true
+ $([MSBuild]::VersionGreaterThanOrEquals($(NETCoreSdkVersion), '6.0.300'))
+ $(Win7SF)
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ HaloSPV3
+ github/HaloSPV3
+ $(ProductName)
+ $(Description)
+ Copyright © 2024 Noah Sherwin
+ Zlib
+ https://github.com/HaloSPV3/HXE
+ https://github.com/HaloSPV3/HXE/blob/main/src/Assets/icon.png
+ icon.png
+ Halo
+ readme.md
+ false
+ https://github.com/HaloSPV3/HXE
+ git
+ true
+ true
+ snupkg
+ True
+ true
- .root\%(Filename)%(Extension)
- Never
- .root\.github\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)
+ .github\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)
@@ -88,6 +111,7 @@
@@ -95,31 +119,77 @@
+ Assets\%(Filename)%(Extension)
+ Never
- all
- runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
- 1.1.1
+ 11.0.10
runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
- all
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath('..\bin\$(Configuration)\Latest\'))
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath('$(OutputPath)'))
diff --git a/src/Installer.cs b/src/Installer.cs
index 52a1447c..651ed81d 100644
--- a/src/Installer.cs
+++ b/src/Installer.cs
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
-using System.Management;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HXE.Properties;
@@ -70,18 +69,20 @@ public static void Install(string source, string target, IProgress progr
if (!Directory.Exists(target))
- if (enableLZNT1)
+ if (enableLZNT1) /// TODO: refactor to new Method for use from other Classes.
- var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(target);
- if ((dirInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Compressed) != FileAttributes.Compressed)
+ string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(target);
+ string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(target);
+ foreach (string directoryPath in directories)
- var objPath = $"Win32_Directory.Name='{target}'";
- using (var dir = new ManagementObject(objPath))
- {
- var outParams = dir.InvokeMethod("Compress", null, null);
- uint ret = (uint) outParams.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value;
- }
+ new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath).Attributes |= FileAttributes.Compressed;
+ foreach (string filePath in files)
+ {
+ new FileInfo(filePath).Attributes |= FileAttributes.Compressed;
+ }
+ /// TODO: Introduce and display progress of changes using Events
Info("Gracefully created target directory");
diff --git a/src/Kernel.cs b/src/Kernel.cs
index d4b18744..a41b0029 100644
--- a/src/Kernel.cs
+++ b/src/Kernel.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
- * Copyright (c) 2021 Noah Sherwin
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Noah Sherwin
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
using HXE.HCE;
using HXE.Properties;
using HXE.SPV3;
@@ -31,7 +32,6 @@
using static System.IO.Directory;
using static System.IO.Path;
using static System.Text.Encoding;
-using static System.Windows.Forms.Screen;
using static HXE.Console;
using static HXE.HCE.Profile.ProfileAudio;
using static HXE.HCE.Profile.ProfileVideo;
@@ -44,33 +44,12 @@ namespace HXE
public static class Kernel
- [DllImport("USER32.DLL", EntryPoint = "SetWindowPos")]
- public static extern IntPtr SetWindowPos
- (
- IntPtr hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int x, int Y, int cx, int cy, int wFlags
- );
- [DllImport("USER32.DLL")]
- private static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
- [DllImport("USER32.DLL")]
- private static extern int GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex);
- [DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL")]
- public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);
- [DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL")]
- public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory
- (
- int hProcess, int lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer, int dwSize, ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead
- );
/// Loads HCE executable in the working directory.
public static void Invoke()
- Invoke((Executable) Combine(CurrentDirectory, Paths.HCE.Executable));
+ Invoke((Executable)Combine(CurrentDirectory, Paths.HCE.Executable));
@@ -120,7 +99,7 @@ void CheckProfileIntegrity()
var pathParam = executable.Profile.Path;
- var lastprof = (LastProfile) Custom.LastProfile(pathParam);
+ var lastprof = (LastProfile)Custom.LastProfile(pathParam);
if (lastprof.Exists())
@@ -129,7 +108,7 @@ void CheckProfileIntegrity()
short firstByte = 0x09;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(profilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
- using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream((int) fs.Length))
+ using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream((int)fs.Length))
using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms))
@@ -167,7 +146,7 @@ void CheckProfileIntegrity()
void Init()
- var init = (Initiation) GetFullPath(executable.Debug.Initiation);
+ var init = (Initiation)GetFullPath(executable.Debug.Initiation);
Resume(); /* spv3 campaign resume with ui.map compatibility */
Tweaks(); /* hce/spv3 start-up miscellaneous tweaks */
@@ -183,7 +162,7 @@ void Init()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- MAIN.INIT HALTED.\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -204,7 +183,7 @@ void Resume()
- var lastprof = (LastProfile) Custom.LastProfile(executable.Profile.Path);
+ var lastprof = (LastProfile)Custom.LastProfile(executable.Profile.Path);
/** Check if lastprof.txt exists
* If it exists, load its data
@@ -220,7 +199,7 @@ void Resume()
var name = lastprof.Profile;
- var save = (Progress) Custom.Progress(executable.Profile.Path, name);
+ var save = (Progress)Custom.Progress(executable.Profile.Path, name);
/** Check for the existence of the blam.sav specified by LastProfile.
* If it exists, skip this abomination.
@@ -265,7 +244,7 @@ void Resume()
NewProfile.Create(executable.Profile.Path, lastprof);
name = lastprof.Profile;
- save = (Progress) Custom.Progress(executable.Profile.Path, name);
+ save = (Progress)Custom.Progress(executable.Profile.Path, name);
var campaign = new Campaign(Paths.Campaign(configuration.Mode));
@@ -291,7 +270,7 @@ void Resume()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- INIT.RESUME HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
Error(e.Message + " -- INIT.RESUME HALTED");
@@ -398,15 +377,15 @@ void Blam()
catch (FileNotFoundException)
- var lastprof = (LastProfile) Custom.LastProfile(executable.Profile.Path);
- var prof = (Profile) Custom.Profile(executable.Profile.Path, lastprof.Profile);
+ var lastprof = (LastProfile)Custom.LastProfile(executable.Profile.Path);
+ var prof = (Profile)Custom.Profile(executable.Profile.Path, lastprof.Profile);
var createScaffold = !lastprof.Exists() || !prof.Exists();
if (!lastprof.Exists())
Core("Lastprof.txt does not exist.");
if (!prof.Exists())
- prof = (Profile) Custom.Profile(executable.Profile.Path, "New001");
+ prof = (Profile)Custom.Profile(executable.Profile.Path, "New001");
if (createScaffold)
Debug("Savegames scaffold doesn't exist.");
@@ -419,7 +398,7 @@ void Blam()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- MAIN.BLAM HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -431,34 +410,57 @@ void Blam()
* Additionally, effects and qualities are enabled and set to the maximum level, respectively. Of course, this
* also depends on the provided configuration.
void Video()
if (!configuration.Video.ResolutionEnabled)
+ /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4631292/how-to-detect-the-current-screen-resolution
+ /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getactivewindow
+ /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-monitorfromwindow
+ /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getmonitorinfow
+ /* or
+ /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getsystemmetrics
+ /* and
+ /* [dpi/scaling]
+ /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1918877/how-can-i-get-the-dpi-in-wpf/32888078#32888078
+ /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hidpi/high-dpi-desktop-application-development-on-windows
+ /*
+ /*
+ /*
+ /* P.S. also, send answer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45876870/windows-api-a-way-to-get-monitor-of-the-focus-active-window
+ */
+ // TODO: use Direct3D interface to stay true to haloce behavior
+ // TODO: if a display is specified, check that one instead of the Primary
+ Window wnd = new();
+ _ = executable.Video.Adapter;
+ // ! The following function does not account for display scaling. A 1920*1080 display with 125% scaling will return 1536*864
+ var w = wnd.Screens.Primary?.Bounds.Width ?? GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
+ var h = wnd.Screens.Primary?.Bounds.Height ?? GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
// infer from resolution if Native Resoluton preferred.
if (executable.Video.Width == 0 || executable.Video.Height == 0)
- executable.Video.Width = (ushort) PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
- executable.Video.Height = (ushort) PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
+ executable.Video.Width = (ushort)w;
+ executable.Video.Height = (ushort)h;
Core("BLAM.VIDEO.RESOLUTION: No resolution provided. Applied native resolution to executable.");
- else if (executable.Video.Width > (ushort) PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width ||
- executable.Video.Height > (ushort) PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
+ else if (executable.Video.Width > (ushort)w ||
+ executable.Video.Height > (ushort)h)
- executable.Video.Width = (ushort) PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
- executable.Video.Height = (ushort) PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
+ executable.Video.Width = (ushort)w;
+ executable.Video.Height = (ushort)h;
Core("BLAM.VIDEO.RESOLUTION: Resolution out of bounds. Applied native resolution to executable.");
if (executable.Video.Window && !configuration.Video.Bless)
- if (executable.Video.Width > (ushort) (executable.Video.Width * 0.9) ||
- executable.Video.Height > (ushort) (executable.Video.Height * 0.9))
+ if (executable.Video.Width > (ushort)(executable.Video.Width * 0.9) ||
+ executable.Video.Height > (ushort)(executable.Video.Height * 0.9))
- executable.Video.Width = (ushort) (executable.Video.Width * 0.9);
- executable.Video.Height = (ushort) (executable.Video.Height * 0.9);
+ executable.Video.Width = (ushort)(executable.Video.Width * 0.9);
+ executable.Video.Height = (ushort)(executable.Video.Height * 0.9);
Core("BLAM.VIDEO.RESOLUTION: Windowed resolution too large. Resolution reduced.");
@@ -606,7 +608,7 @@ void Input()
void Open()
- var open = (OpenSauce) Custom.OpenSauce(executable.Profile.Path);
+ var open = (OpenSauce)Custom.OpenSauce(executable.Profile.Path);
var mod = System.IO.File.Exists("./dinput8.dll") ||
@@ -656,7 +658,7 @@ void Open()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- MAIN.OPEN\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -695,7 +697,7 @@ void Reset()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- MAIN.BLAM HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -733,7 +735,7 @@ void Patch()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- EXEC.PATCH HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -754,7 +756,7 @@ void Start()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- EXEC.START HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -813,7 +815,7 @@ void Bless()
while (!loaded && process.HasExited != true)
- ReadProcessMemory((int) processHandle, LOADED_OFFSET, buffer, buffer.Length, ref bytesRead);
+ ReadProcessMemory((int)processHandle, LOADED_OFFSET, buffer, buffer.Length, ref bytesRead);
loaded = buffer[0] == 1;
@@ -833,7 +835,7 @@ void Bless()
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- EXEC.START HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
@@ -856,11 +858,18 @@ public enum ConfigurationMode
private const int Length = 256; /* persistence binary length */
private readonly string _path; /* persistence binary path */
+ ///
+ /// Initiate a new Configuration instance. If it exists, a Configuration file (Paths.Configuration) is loaded.
+ ///
public Configuration()
_path = Paths.Configuration;
+ ///
+ /// Initiate a new Configuration instance.
+ ///
+ /// The full path to a kernel configuration file. Use if needed.
public Configuration(string path)
_path = path;
@@ -899,19 +908,19 @@ public Configuration Save()
/* signature */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Signature;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Signature;
/* mode */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Mode;
- bw.Write((byte) Mode);
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Mode;
+ bw.Write((byte)Mode);
/* main */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Main;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Main;
@@ -921,7 +930,7 @@ public Configuration Save()
/* video */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Video;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Video;
@@ -932,20 +941,20 @@ public Configuration Save()
/* audio */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Audio;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Audio;
/* input */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Input;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Input;
/* tweaks */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Tweaks;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Tweaks;
@@ -957,7 +966,7 @@ public Configuration Save()
/* shaders */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Shaders;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Shaders;
@@ -991,13 +1000,13 @@ public Configuration Load()
/* mode */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Mode;
- Mode = (ConfigurationMode) br.ReadByte();
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Mode;
+ Mode = (ConfigurationMode)br.ReadByte();
/* main */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Main;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Main;
Main.Reset = br.ReadBoolean();
Main.Patch = br.ReadBoolean();
Main.Start = br.ReadBoolean();
@@ -1007,7 +1016,7 @@ public Configuration Load()
/* video */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Video;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Video;
Video.ResolutionEnabled = br.ReadBoolean();
Video.Uncap = br.ReadBoolean();
Video.Quality = br.ReadBoolean();
@@ -1018,20 +1027,20 @@ public Configuration Load()
/* audio */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Audio;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Audio;
Audio.Quality = br.ReadBoolean();
Audio.Enhancements = br.ReadBoolean();
/* input */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Input;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Input;
Input.Override = br.ReadBoolean();
/* tweaks */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Tweaks;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Tweaks;
Tweaks.CinemaBars = br.ReadBoolean();
Tweaks.Sensor = br.ReadBoolean();
Tweaks.Magnetism = br.ReadBoolean();
@@ -1043,7 +1052,7 @@ public Configuration Load()
/* shaders */
- ms.Position = (byte) Offset.Shaders;
+ ms.Position = (byte)Offset.Shaders;
Shaders = br.ReadUInt32();
@@ -1076,7 +1085,7 @@ public class ConfigurationMain
public class ConfigurationVideo
- public bool ResolutionEnabled { get; set; } = false; /* custom resolution */
+ public bool ResolutionEnabled { get; set; } = false; /* auto resolution */
public bool Uncap { get; set; } = true; /* unlock framerate */
public bool Quality { get; set; } /* set to false by default for optimisation */
public bool GammaOn { get; set; } = false; /* enable hce gamma */
@@ -1105,6 +1114,10 @@ public class ConfigurationTweaks
public bool Unload { get; set; } /* unload SPV3 shaders */
public uint Patches { get; set; } = 0; /* haloce exe patches */ /** See HXE.Patches.KPatches */
+ public static explicit operator Configuration(SettingsCore settingsCore) => settingsCore.Configuration;
+ public static explicit operator SettingsCore(Configuration configuration) => new(configuration);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MCC/Halo1.cs b/src/MCC/Halo1.cs
index 12dc24e3..9f7e264b 100644
--- a/src/MCC/Halo1.cs
+++ b/src/MCC/Halo1.cs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public static bool Halo1DLLIsCertified()
var response = Client.GetAsync(uri).Result;
- MemoryStream ms = (MemoryStream) response.Content.ReadAsStream();
+ var ms = (MemoryStream) response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
byte[] msArray = ms.ToArray();
remoteCert = new X509Certificate(msArray);
diff --git a/src/MainWindow.axaml b/src/MainWindow.axaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b21be9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MainWindow.axaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Welcome to Avalonia!
diff --git a/src/MainWindow.axaml.cs b/src/MainWindow.axaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5077c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MainWindow.axaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+using Avalonia;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+using Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes;
+using Avalonia.Interactivity;
+namespace HXE;
+public partial class MainWindow : Window
+ public MainWindow()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ private Settings? _settings = null;
+ private Positions? _positions = null;
+ public Settings Settings
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (_settings is null)
+ {
+ QueryExistingWindows();
+ if (_settings is null)
+ _settings = new();
+ }
+ return _settings;
+ }
+ set => _settings = value;
+ }
+ public Positions Positions
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (_positions is null)
+ {
+ QueryExistingWindows();
+ if (_positions is null)
+ _positions = new();
+ }
+ return _positions;
+ }
+ set => _positions = value;
+ }
+ public void OpenSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
+ {
+ Settings.Show(this);
+ }
+ public void OpenPositions(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
+ {
+ Positions.Show(this);
+ }
+ private void QueryExistingWindows()
+ {
+ if (Application.Current?.ApplicationLifetime is IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime lifetime)
+ {
+ foreach (var w in lifetime.Windows)
+ {
+ if (_settings is null && w is Settings settings)
+ _settings = settings;
+ else if (_positions is null && w is Positions positions)
+ _positions = positions;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/OpenSauce.cs b/src/OpenSauce.cs
index 66750eba..45ad7475 100644
--- a/src/OpenSauce.cs
+++ b/src/OpenSauce.cs
@@ -18,24 +18,28 @@
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+using HXE.PlatformImpl;
using static System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode;
using static System.Math;
using static System.Text.Encoding;
-using static System.Windows.SystemParameters;
namespace HXE
/// Object representing an OpenSauce user configuration.
+ // ?? Should we leverage Microsoft.XmlSerializer.Generator for pre-generated serializers/deserializers?
+ [Serializable, DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauce : File
+ const DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties = DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties;
public OpenSauceCacheFiles CacheFiles { get; set; } = new OpenSauceCacheFiles();
public OpenSauceRasterizer Rasterizer { get; set; } = new OpenSauceRasterizer();
public OpenSauceCamera Camera { get; set; } = new OpenSauceCamera();
@@ -63,8 +67,8 @@ public void Load()
using (var reader = new StringReader(ReadAllText()))
- var serialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OpenSauce));
- var serialised = (OpenSauce) serialiser.Deserialize(reader);
+ var serialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OpenSauce)); // if a FileNotFoundException is thrown, don't worry. It's because we don't pre-gen XML serializers.
+ var serialised = (OpenSauce)serialiser.Deserialize(reader);
CacheFiles = serialised.CacheFiles;
Rasterizer = serialised.Rasterizer;
@@ -106,11 +110,13 @@ public static explicit operator OpenSauce(string name)
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauceCacheFiles
public bool CheckYeloFilesFirst { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauceRasterizer
public RasterizerGBuffer GBuffer { get; set; } = new RasterizerGBuffer();
@@ -118,16 +124,19 @@ public class OpenSauceRasterizer
public RasterizerShaderExtensions ShaderExtensions { get; set; } = new RasterizerShaderExtensions();
public RasterizerPostProcessing PostProcessing { get; set; } = new RasterizerPostProcessing();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class RasterizerGBuffer
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class RasterizerUpgrades
public bool MaximumRenderedTriangles { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class RasterizerShaderExtensions
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
@@ -135,6 +144,7 @@ public class RasterizerShaderExtensions
public ShaderExtensionsEnvironment Environment { get; set; } = new ShaderExtensionsEnvironment();
public ShaderExtensionsEffect Effect { get; set; } = new ShaderExtensionsEffect();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class ShaderExtensionsObject
public bool NormalMaps { get; set; } = true;
@@ -143,18 +153,21 @@ public class ShaderExtensionsObject
public bool SpecularLighting { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class ShaderExtensionsEnvironment
public bool DiffuseDirectionalLightmaps { get; set; } = true;
public bool SpecularDirectionalLightmaps { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class ShaderExtensionsEffect
public bool DepthFade { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class RasterizerPostProcessing
public PostProcessingMotionBlur MotionBlur { get; set; } = new PostProcessingMotionBlur();
@@ -163,27 +176,32 @@ public class RasterizerPostProcessing
public PostProcessingExternalEffects ExternalEffects { get; set; } = new PostProcessingExternalEffects();
public PostProcessingMapEffects MapEffects { get; set; } = new PostProcessingMapEffects();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class PostProcessingMotionBlur
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false;
public double BlurAmount { get; set; } = 1.00;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class PostProcessingBloom
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class PostProcessingAntiAliasing
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class PostProcessingExternalEffects
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class PostProcessingMapEffects
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
@@ -191,15 +209,27 @@ public class PostProcessingMapEffects
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauceCamera
public double FieldOfView { get; set; } = 70.00;
public bool IgnoreFOVChangeInCinematics { get; set; } = true;
public bool IgnoreFOVChangeInMainMenu { get; set; } = true;
- public double CalculateFOV()
+ ///
+ /// Reads a display's current resolution and determines the optimal FOV for Halo CE, accounting for the game's FOV calculation quirks.
+ ///
+ /// Optional. An Avalonia window via which the current screens can be enumerated.
+ ///
+ /// If window Avalonia app running is passed while an Avalonia.Application is running, Avalonia will attempt to return the Primary display's resolution or the resolution of the first display it finds.
+ /// If window is null or Avalonia fails, platform-specific operations will try to get the Primary or first-discovered display's display resolution.
+ /// WARNING: if the detected resolution does not match in-game resolution, the FOV will be incorrect due to a bug in Halo: CE's FOV equation.
+ ///
+ /// The optimal Halo:CE FOV for the Primary (or first-discovered) display's current resolution. If the display resolution does not match the resolution you play with, this FOV will be incorrect.
+ public double CalculateFOV(WindowBase? window = null)
- return CalculateFOV(PrimaryScreenWidth, PrimaryScreenHeight);
+ (double width, double height) = VideoDisplay.GetResolution(window);
+ return CalculateFOV(width, height);
public double CalculateFOV(double width, double height)
@@ -237,34 +267,40 @@ double Degrees(double value)
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauceNetworking
public NetworkingGameSpy GameSpy { get; set; } = new NetworkingGameSpy();
public NetworkingMapDownload MapDownload { get; set; } = new NetworkingMapDownload();
public NetworkingVersionCheck VersionCheck { get; set; } = new NetworkingVersionCheck();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class NetworkingGameSpy
public bool NoUpdateCheck { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class NetworkingMapDownload
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class NetworkingVersionCheck
public VersionCheckDate Date { get; set; } = new VersionCheckDate();
public VersionCheckServerList ServerList { get; set; } = new VersionCheckServerList();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class VersionCheckDate
- public int Day { get; set; } = (int) DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;
+ public int Day { get; set; } = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;
public int Month { get; set; } = DateTime.Now.Month;
public int Year { get; set; } = DateTime.Now.Year;
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class VersionCheckServerList
public int Version { get; set; } = 1;
@@ -273,11 +309,13 @@ public class VersionCheckServerList
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauceObjects
public bool VehicleRemapperEnabled { get; set; } = true;
public ObjectsWeapon Weapon { get; set; } = new ObjectsWeapon();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class ObjectsWeapon
public List Positions { get; set; } = new List();
@@ -315,7 +353,7 @@ public void Load(string path)
using (var reader = new StringReader(Unicode.GetString(inflatedStream.ToArray())))
- Positions = (List) new XmlSerializer(typeof(List)).Deserialize(reader);
+ Positions = (List)new XmlSerializer(typeof(List)).Deserialize(reader);
@@ -344,12 +382,14 @@ public void Save(string path)
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class PositionWeapon
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public WeaponPosition Position { get; set; } = new WeaponPosition();
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class WeaponPosition
public double I { get; set; }
@@ -360,12 +400,15 @@ public class WeaponPosition
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
public class OpenSauceHUD
public bool ShowHUD { get; set; }
public bool ScaleHUD { get; set; }
public HUDHUDScale HUDScale { get; set; }
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedPublicFieldsAndProperties)]
+ //TODO: rename type
public class HUDHUDScale
public double X { get; set; }
@@ -373,4 +416,4 @@ public class HUDHUDScale
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Patcher.cs b/src/Patcher.cs
index dcfd766c..1be6552f 100644
--- a/src/Patcher.cs
+++ b/src/Patcher.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-using System;
+using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
@@ -6,297 +6,320 @@
namespace HXE
- public class Patcher
- {
- /// Read patches.crk to Patches list
- /// foreach containing exe:haloce.exe, get and apply requested patches.
- /// if a patch is no longer requested (enabled), restore the original value.
- /// Patches will be passed to and stored in Kernel via bit-wise integer.
- /// Later, some patches may be configured in SPV3 loader. Perhaps via The "Advanced" menu aka HXE's Configuration UserControl. Bring it full circle.
- public class PatchGroup
+ public class Patcher
- public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; /** Make large address aware */
- public string Executable { get; set; } = string.Empty; /** haloce.exe */
- public bool Toggle { get; set; } = false; /** Patch/Restore values */
- public List DataSets = new List();
- }
- public class DataSet // 00000136: 0F 2F
- {
- public long Offset { get; set; }
- public byte Original { get; set; }
- public byte Patch { get; set; }
- }
- ///
- /// The list of patch groups specified by pR0ps' halo ce patches.
- ///
- public static List Patches = Reader(); // See Write() for tmp overrides
- ///
- /// Reads PatchGroups from patches.crk to this instance.
- ///
- /// A list of PatchGroups read from the patches.crk file resource.
- /// This is only used for Patches list initialization.
- public static List Reader()
- {
- /* Get patches.crk resource from assembly resources */
- /* Read strings from memory to...array? */
- var nl = new string[]{ "\r\n" };
- var byteSep = new string[]{": ", " "};
- var list = new List();
- var patchGroup = new PatchGroup();
- var file = Properties.Resources.patches.Split(nl, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
- file.RemoveAt(0);
- /* Remove comments from list */
- {
- var file2 = new List();
- foreach (var line in file)
+ ///
+ /// Read patches.crk to Patches list
+ /// foreach containing exe:haloce.exe, get and apply requested patches.
+ /// if a patch is no longer requested (enabled), restore the original value.
+ /// Patches will be passed to and stored in Kernel via bit-wise integer.
+ /// Later, some patches may be configured in SPV3 loader.
+ /// Perhaps via The "Advanced" menu aka HXE's Configuration UserControl. Bring it full circle.
+ ///
+ public class PatchGroup
- if (!line.StartsWith(";"))
- file2.Add(line);
+ public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; /** Make large address aware */
+ public string Executable { get; set; } = string.Empty; /** haloce.exe */
+ public bool Toggle { get; set; } = false; /** Patch/Restore values */
+ public List DataSets = new List();
- file = file2;
- }
- /* Add Name, exe, and patch data to list */
- for (var index = 0; index < file.Count; index++)
- {
- /// If the first char in the line is a letter... */
- while (index < file.Count && char.IsLetter(file.ElementAt(index).ToCharArray().First()))
+ public class DataSet // 00000136: 0F 2F
- /** ...skip Name and Executable. Go to patch data. */
- index += 2;
- /** Then, if the line is patch data... */
- /** ...assign patch name, */
- /** ...assign filename, */
- /** ...and then read patch data. */
- while (index < file.Count && char.IsDigit(file.ElementAt(index).ToCharArray().First()))
- {
- patchGroup = new PatchGroup() { DataSets = new List(),
- Name = file.ElementAt(index - 2),
- Executable = file.ElementAt(index - 1) };
+ public long Offset { get; set; }
+ public byte Original { get; set; }
+ public byte Patch { get; set; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The list of patch groups specified by pR0ps' halo ce patches.
+ ///
+ private static readonly List _patches = Reader(); // See Write() for tmp overrides
- while (index < file.Count && char.IsDigit(file.ElementAt(index).ToCharArray().First()))
+ ///
+ /// Reads PatchGroups from patches.crk to this instance.
+ ///
+ /// A list of PatchGroups read from the patches.crk file resource.
+ /// This is only used for _patches list initialization.
+ public static List Reader()
+ {
+ /* Get patches.crk resource from assembly resources */
+ /* Read strings from memory to...array? */
+ string rn = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames().First(r => r.EndsWith("patches.crk")); // probably "HXE.Assets.patches.crk"
+ var nl = new string[] { "\r\n" };
+ var byteSep = new string[] { ": ", " " };
+ var list = new List();
+ var patchGroup = new PatchGroup();
+ List fileText = null;
+ using (Stream s = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(rn))
+ using (var sr = new StreamReader(s, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: true))
- /** Read Patch Data to List, ...
- * Assign values{offset, original, patch}
- * proceed to next Patch Data,
- * then check if line is Patch Data
- */
- List values = file.
- ElementAt(index).Split(byteSep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).
- ToList();
- patchGroup.DataSets.Add(new DataSet { Offset = int.Parse(values[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
- Original = byte.Parse(values[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
- Patch = byte.Parse(values[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)});
- index++;
+ fileText = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(nl, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();
- }
- list.Add(patchGroup);
- }
- }
+ if (fileText == null)
+ {
+ throw new IOException("Failed to read contents of embedded resource 'patches.crk'");
+ }
- /* Parse the data to members "PatchGroup" of list "Patches" */
+ fileText.RemoveAt(0);
- /* return list */
- return list;
- }
+ /* Remove comments from list */
+ {
+ var file2 = new List();
+ foreach (var line in fileText)
+ {
+ if (!line.StartsWith(";"))
+ file2.Add(line);
+ }
+ fileText = file2;
+ }
- ///
- /// Toggle patches in Halo executable
- ///
- /// HXE.Kernel.Configuration.Tweaks.Patches
- /// Path to Halo executable
- public void Write(uint cfg, string exePath)
- {
- var FilteredPatches = new List();
+ /* Add Name, exe, and patch data to list */
+ for (var index = 0; index < fileText.Count; index++)
+ {
+ /// If the first char in the line is a letter... */
+ while (index < fileText.Count && char.IsLetter(fileText[index].ToCharArray().First()))
+ {
+ /** ...skip Name and Executable. Go to patch data. */
+ index += 2;
+ /** Then, if the line is patch data... */
+ /** ...assign patch name, */
+ /** ...assign filename, */
+ /** ...and then read patch data. */
+ while (index < fileText.Count && char.IsDigit(fileText[index].ToCharArray().First()))
+ {
+ patchGroup = new PatchGroup()
+ {
+ DataSets = new List(),
+ Name = fileText[index - 2],
+ Executable = fileText[index - 1]
+ };
- /** Configurable */
- bool DRM = (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_DRM_AND_KEY_CHECKS) != 0;
- bool NoGamma = (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_SYSTEM_GAMMA) != 0;
- bool NoAutoCenter = (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_VEHICLE_AUTOCENTER) != 0;
- bool BlockCamShake = (cfg & EXEP.BLOCK_CAMERA_SHAKE) != 0;
- bool BlockDescopeOnDMG = (cfg & EXEP.PREVENT_DESCOPING_ON_DMG) != 0;
+ while (index < fileText.Count && char.IsDigit(fileText[index].ToCharArray().First()))
+ {
+ /** Read Patch Data to List, ...
+ * Assign values{offset, original, patch}
+ * proceed to next Patch Data,
+ * then check if line is Patch Data
+ */
+ List values = fileText[index].Split(byteSep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).
+ ToList();
+ patchGroup.DataSets.Add(new DataSet
+ {
+ Offset = int.Parse(values[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
+ Original = byte.Parse(values[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
+ Patch = byte.Parse(values[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)
+ });
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ list.Add(patchGroup);
+ }
+ }
- /** Overrides */
- bool LAA = true; // (cfg & EXEP.ENABLE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE) != 0;
- bool FixLAN = true; // (cfg & EXEP.BIND_SERVER_TO_0000) != 0;
- bool Fix32Tex = true; // (cfg & EXEP.FIX_32BIT_TEXTURES) != 0;
- bool NoMouseAccel = false; // (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_MOUSE_ACCELERATION) != 0;
- bool NoSafe = true; // (cfg & EXEP.FIX_32BIT_TEXTURES) != 0;
- bool NoEULA = true; // (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_EULA) != 0;
- bool NoRegistryExit = true; // (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_REG_EXIT_STATE) != 0;
- bool BlockUpdates = true; // (cfg & EXEP.BLOCK_UPDATE_CHECKS) != 0;
+ /* Parse the data to members "PatchGroup" of list "_patches" */
- /** Filter PatchGroups for those requested
- * NOTE: Update String matches as needed.
- */
- foreach (var pg in Patches)
- {
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("large address aware"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = LAA;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("DRM"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = DRM;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("Bind server to"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = FixLAN;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("safe mode prompt"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = NoSafe;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("gamma"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = NoGamma;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
+ /* return list */
+ return list;
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("32-bit textures"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = Fix32Tex;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("EULA"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = NoEULA;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("exit status"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = NoRegistryExit;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("auto-centering"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = NoAutoCenter;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("mouse acceleration"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = NoMouseAccel;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("update checks"))
+ ///
+ /// Toggle patches in Halo executable
+ ///
+ /// HXE.Kernel.Configuration.Tweaks.Patches
+ /// Path to Halo executable
+ public void Write(uint cfg, string exePath)
- pg.Toggle = BlockUpdates;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("camera shaking"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = BlockCamShake;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("Prevent descoping when taking damage"))
- {
- pg.Toggle = BlockDescopeOnDMG;
- FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
- continue;
- }
- }
+ var FilteredPatches = new List();
- /** Flexible patcher */
- {
- bool isFileReady = false;
- while (!isFileReady)
- {
- try
- {
- using (var fs = new FileStream(exePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
- using (var ms = new MemoryStream(0x24B000))
- using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms))
- using (var br = new BinaryReader(ms))
- foreach (var PatchGroup in FilteredPatches)
- {
- foreach (var DataSet in PatchGroup.DataSets)
+ /** Configurable */
+ bool DRM = (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_DRM_AND_KEY_CHECKS) != 0;
+ bool NoGamma = (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_SYSTEM_GAMMA) != 0;
+ bool NoAutoCenter = (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_VEHICLE_AUTOCENTER) != 0;
+ bool BlockCamShake = (cfg & EXEP.BLOCK_CAMERA_SHAKE) != 0;
+ bool BlockDescopeOnDMG = (cfg & EXEP.PREVENT_DESCOPING_ON_DMG) != 0;
+ /** Overrides */
+ bool LAA = true; // (cfg & EXEP.ENABLE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE) != 0;
+ bool FixLAN = true; // (cfg & EXEP.BIND_SERVER_TO_0000) != 0;
+ bool Fix32Tex = true; // (cfg & EXEP.FIX_32BIT_TEXTURES) != 0;
+ bool NoMouseAccel = false; // (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_MOUSE_ACCELERATION) != 0;
+ bool NoSafe = true; // (cfg & EXEP.FIX_32BIT_TEXTURES) != 0;
+ bool NoEULA = true; // (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_EULA) != 0;
+ bool NoRegistryExit = true; // (cfg & EXEP.DISABLE_REG_EXIT_STATE) != 0;
+ bool BlockUpdates = true; // (cfg & EXEP.BLOCK_UPDATE_CHECKS) != 0;
+ /** Filter PatchGroups for those requested
+ * NOTE: Update String matches as needed.
+ */
+ foreach (PatchGroup pg in _patches)
+ {
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("large address aware"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = LAA;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("DRM"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = DRM;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("Bind server to"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = FixLAN;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("safe mode prompt"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = NoSafe;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("gamma"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = NoGamma;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("32-bit textures"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = Fix32Tex;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("EULA"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = NoEULA;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("exit status"))
- byte value = PatchGroup.Toggle ? DataSet.Patch : DataSet.Original;
- long offset = DataSet.Offset;
- ms.Position = 0;
- fs.Position = 0;
- fs.CopyTo(ms);
+ pg.Toggle = NoRegistryExit;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("auto-centering"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = NoAutoCenter;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("mouse acceleration"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = NoMouseAccel;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("update checks"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = BlockUpdates;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("camera shaking"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = BlockCamShake;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pg.Executable == "haloce.exe" && pg.Name.Contains("Prevent descoping when taking damage"))
+ {
+ pg.Toggle = BlockDescopeOnDMG;
+ FilteredPatches.Add(pg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
- ms.Position = offset;
+ /** Flexible patcher */
+ {
+ bool isFileReady = false;
+ while (!isFileReady)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ using (var fs = new FileStream(exePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
+ using (var ms = new MemoryStream(0x24B000))
+ using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms))
+ using (var br = new BinaryReader(ms))
+ {
+ foreach (PatchGroup PatchGroup in FilteredPatches)
+ {
+ foreach (DataSet DataSet in PatchGroup.DataSets)
+ {
+ byte value = PatchGroup.Toggle ? DataSet.Patch : DataSet.Original;
+ long offset = DataSet.Offset;
+ ms.Position = 0;
+ fs.Position = 0;
+ fs.CopyTo(ms);
- if (br.ReadByte() != value)
- {
- if (PatchGroup.Name.Contains("DRM") && PatchGroup.Toggle == false)
- return;
+ ms.Position = offset;
- ms.Position -= 1; /** restore position */
- bw.Write(value); /** write value */
+ if (br.ReadByte() != value)
+ {
+ if (PatchGroup.Name.Contains("DRM") && !PatchGroup.Toggle)
+ return;
- fs.Position = 0;
- ms.Position = 0;
- ms.CopyTo(fs);
+ ms.Position--; /** restore position */
+ bw.Write(value); /** write value */
- if (PatchGroup.Toggle)
- {
- Info($"Applied \"{PatchGroup.Name}\" patch to the HCE executable");
+ fs.Position = 0;
+ ms.Position = 0;
+ ms.CopyTo(fs);
+ if (PatchGroup.Toggle)
+ {
+ Info($"Applied \"{PatchGroup.Name}\" patch to the HCE executable");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Info($"Removed \"{PatchGroup.Name}\" patch from HCE executable and restored original values.");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Info($"HCE executable already patched with \"{PatchGroup.Name}\"");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ isFileReady = true;
- else
+ catch (IOException)
- Info($"Removed \"{PatchGroup.Name}\" patch from HCE executable and restored original values.");
+ Wait("Waiting for Halo executable to be available for modification...");
+ System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
- }
- else
- Info($"HCE executable already patched with \"{PatchGroup.Name}\"");
- }
- isFileReady = true;
- }
- catch (IOException)
- {
- Wait("Waiting for Halo executable to be available for modification...");
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
- }
+ }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Offsets for bitwise operations
- ///
- public static class EXEP
- {
- public const uint ENABLE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE = 1 << 0x00; // Increase max memory range from 2GiB to 4GiB.
- public const uint DISABLE_DRM_AND_KEY_CHECKS = 1 << 0x01; // Removes several DRM/key checks.
- public const uint BIND_SERVER_TO_0000 = 1 << 0x02; // Fixes LAN game discovery. Helps systems with multiple interfaces. Can still bind to IP using `-ip` flag.
- public const uint DISABLE_SAFEMODE_PROMPT = 1 << 0x03; // Disables prompt to restart Halo with disfunctional Safe Mode.
- public const uint DISABLE_SYSTEM_GAMMA = 1 << 0x04; // Disables system-wide modification of display gamma. Disables in-game gamma altogether. Removes need for RegKeys.
- public const uint FIX_32BIT_TEXTURES = 1 << 0x05; // Fixes 32-bit textures being truncated to only a blue channel.
- public const uint DISABLE_EULA = 1 << 0x06; // Allows the game to be run without displaying the EULA. Removes the need for eula.dll to be present.
- public const uint DISABLE_REG_EXIT_STATE = 1 << 0x07; // Makes the executable more portable by not requiring/adding registry keys.
- public const uint DISABLE_VEHICLE_AUTOCENTER = 1 << 0x08; // In stock Halo, the crosshair in vehicles (e.g. scorpion tank) will slowly move towards the horizon as you move.
- public const uint DISABLE_MOUSE_ACCELERATION = 1 << 0x09; // Self-explanatory.
- public const uint BLOCK_UPDATE_CHECKS = 1 << 0x10; // Prevents checking for game updates.
- public const uint BLOCK_CAMERA_SHAKE = 1 << 0x11; // Completely disable camera shake effect. Expose option to players prone to motion sickness.
- public const uint PREVENT_DESCOPING_ON_DMG = 1 << 0x12; // Prevents zoomed-in weapons from descoping when the player takes damage.
- //public const uint ADD_TAG = 1 << 0x13; // pR0Ps' signature
+ ///
+ /// Offsets for bitwise operations
+ ///
+ public static class EXEP
+ {
+ public const uint ENABLE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE = 1 << 0x00; // Increase max memory range from 2GiB to 4GiB.
+ public const uint DISABLE_DRM_AND_KEY_CHECKS = 1 << 0x01; // Removes several DRM/key checks.
+ public const uint BIND_SERVER_TO_0000 = 1 << 0x02; // Fixes LAN game discovery. Helps systems with multiple interfaces. Can still bind to IP using `-ip` flag.
+ public const uint DISABLE_SAFEMODE_PROMPT = 1 << 0x03; // Disables prompt to restart Halo with disfunctional Safe Mode.
+ public const uint DISABLE_SYSTEM_GAMMA = 1 << 0x04; // Disables system-wide modification of display gamma. Disables in-game gamma altogether. Removes need for RegKeys.
+ public const uint FIX_32BIT_TEXTURES = 1 << 0x05; // Fixes 32-bit textures being truncated to only a blue channel.
+ public const uint DISABLE_EULA = 1 << 0x06; // Allows the game to be run without displaying the EULA. Removes the need for eula.dll to be present.
+ public const uint DISABLE_REG_EXIT_STATE = 1 << 0x07; // Makes the executable more portable by not requiring/adding registry keys.
+ public const uint DISABLE_VEHICLE_AUTOCENTER = 1 << 0x08; // In stock Halo, the crosshair in vehicles (e.g. scorpion tank) will slowly move towards the horizon as you move.
+ public const uint DISABLE_MOUSE_ACCELERATION = 1 << 0x09; // Self-explanatory.
+ public const uint BLOCK_UPDATE_CHECKS = 1 << 0x10; // Prevents checking for game updates.
+ public const uint BLOCK_CAMERA_SHAKE = 1 << 0x11; // Completely disable camera shake effect. Expose option to players prone to motion sickness.
+ public const uint PREVENT_DESCOPING_ON_DMG = 1 << 0x12; // Prevents zoomed-in weapons from descoping when the player takes damage.
+ //public const uint ADD_TAG = 1 << 0x13; // pR0Ps' signature
+ }
- }
diff --git a/src/Paths.cs b/src/Paths.cs
index b114cdee..17bd5ca9 100644
--- a/src/Paths.cs
+++ b/src/Paths.cs
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-using static System.Diagnostics.Process;
using static System.Environment;
using static System.Environment.SpecialFolder;
using static System.IO.File;
@@ -34,11 +33,12 @@ public static class Paths
public const string Executable = "hxe.exe";
public const string Manifest = "manifest.bin";
+ public const string ConfigNameAndExt = "kernel-0x05.bin";
public static readonly string ProgFiles = GetFolderPath(ProgramFilesX86) ?? GetFolderPath(ProgramFiles);
- public static readonly string StartDirectory = Combine(GetDirectoryName(GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName));
+ public static readonly string StartDirectory = Combine(GetDirectoryName(ProcessPath));
public static readonly string Directory = Combine(GetFolderPath(ApplicationData), "HXE");
- public static readonly string Configuration = Combine(Directory, "kernel-0x05.bin");
+ public static readonly string Configuration = Combine(Directory, ConfigNameAndExt);
public static readonly string Exception = Combine(Directory, "exception.log");
public static readonly string Positions = Combine(CurrentDirectory, "positions.bin");
public static readonly string DSOAL = Combine(CurrentDirectory, "dsoal-aldrv.dll");
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ public static string Waypoint(string profile)
public class Custom
+ public static string Configuration(string directory)
+ {
+ return Combine(directory, ConfigNameAndExt);
+ }
public static string Profiles(string directory)
return Combine(directory, "savegames");
@@ -180,9 +185,11 @@ public class Steam
public static readonly string SteamDefault = Combine(ProgFiles, "Steam");
- public static string Directory = SteamDefault; /// Change via SetSteam(steamexepath)
+ /// Change via SetSteam(steamexepath)
+ public static string Directory = SteamDefault;
public static string Libraries = Combine(Directory, "steamapps", "libraryfolders.vdf");
- public static string Library = Directory; /// Change directly or by assigning an element from Libraries.LibList[]
+ /// Change directly or by assigning an element from
+ public static string Library = Directory;
public static void SetSteam(string steamexepath)
@@ -192,4 +199,4 @@ public static void SetSteam(string steamexepath)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/PlatformImpl/Linux/PInvoke.cs b/src/PlatformImpl/Linux/PInvoke.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ed95cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PlatformImpl/Linux/PInvoke.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+using System;
+using System.Threading;
+namespace HXE.PlatformImpl.Linux;
+/// References
+/// - https://carpenoctem.dev/blog/posix-signal-handling-in-dotnet-6/
+/// - https://www.nuget.org/packages/Mono.Posix
+internal static class PInvoke
+ // Screens can be acquired via xrandr (cli), libxrandr, or Wayland protocol
+ public static (uint w, uint h) GetScreenResolutionFromXrandr()
+ {
+ string? data = null;
+ using System.Diagnostics.Process xrandr_primary = new()
+ {
+ StartInfo = new()
+ {
+ FileName = "sh",
+ // should print resolution (e.g. "1920x1080") of primary display if its connected
+ Arguments = "-c \"xrandr --current | grep 'connected primary' | grep --extended-regexp --only-matching '[1-9][0-9]+x[1-9][0-9]+' | head -1\"" // will match 10x10 or larger. first line of matches: 1920x1080
+ }
+ };
+ xrandr_primary.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) => data = args.Data;
+ xrandr_primary.Start();
+ xrandr_primary.BeginOutputReadLine();
+ const uint timeout = 100;
+ for (uint msWaited = 0; data is null && msWaited < timeout; msWaited++)
+ Thread.Sleep(1);
+ // could not get primary display's properties. Instead, use first monitor in list.
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
+ {
+ xrandr_primary.Kill(true);
+ Console.Warn(
+ $"OS is '{Environment.OSVersion}'.\n" +
+ $"The shell or xrandr failed to respond within {timeout}ms\n" +
+ "-OR- xrandr was not found\n" +
+ "-OR- xrandr did not return data\n" +
+ "-OR- the Primary monitor is not connected\n" +
+ "-OR- none of the connected monitors are marked 'Primary'\n" +
+ "-OR- the Primary monitor's data was printed in a different format than XxY.");
+ /**
+ https://askubuntu.com/a/1351112
+ https://superuser.com/a/603618
+ */
+ using System.Diagnostics.Process xrandr_first = new()
+ {
+ StartInfo = new()
+ {
+ FileName = "sh",
+ Arguments = "-c \"xrandr --current | grep '*' | grep --extended-regexp --only-matching '[1-9][0-9]+x[1-9][0-9]+' | head -1\"",
+ CreateNoWindow = true,
+ RedirectStandardOutput = true,
+ }
+ };
+ xrandr_first.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) => data = args.Data;
+ xrandr_first.Start();
+ xrandr_first.BeginOutputReadLine();
+ // data should be something like "1920x1080"
+ for (uint msWaited = 0; data is null && msWaited < timeout; msWaited++)
+ Thread.Sleep(1);
+ xrandr_first.Kill(true);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
+ {
+ throw new TimeoutException($"OS is '{Environment.OSVersion}' and sh/xrandr failed to respond within 100ms or failed to get the resolution of the first connected monitor.");
+ }
+ }
+ // If data, without Width and Height, is "x", parse data for Width and Height.
+ if (data.Trim('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9') is "x")
+ {
+ string[] xy = data.Split('x', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
+ Console.Info("Attempting to parse data for resolution width and height...");
+ return (uint.Parse(xy[0]), uint.Parse(xy[1]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"grepped string '{data}' did not match expected pattern.");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/PlatformImpl/VideoDisplay.cs b/src/PlatformImpl/VideoDisplay.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b53973d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PlatformImpl/VideoDisplay.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+using System;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+namespace HXE.PlatformImpl;
+public class VideoDisplay
+ public static (uint width, uint height) GetResolution(WindowBase? window = null)
+ {
+ var (w, h) = (0u, 0u);
+ if (window is not null && window.Screens.ScreenCount is not 0)
+ {
+ // I *could* use tuple assignment for style points, but it doesn't make these assignments any more succinct.
+ // If-Else results in one "is not null" comparison while conditional assignment expressions would result in two comparisons.
+ if (window.Screens.Primary is not null)
+ {
+ w = (uint)window.Screens.Primary.Bounds.Width;
+ h = (uint)window.Screens.Primary.Bounds.Height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.Warn($"Primary display could not be determined. Defaulting to first monitor in index. Identify it by Bounds '{window.Screens.All[0].Bounds}'.");
+ w = (uint)window.Screens.All[0].Bounds.Width;
+ h = (uint)window.Screens.All[0].Bounds.Height;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
+ {
+ Console.Warn("Avalonia backend is not initialized or its windowing API failed to enumerate connected displays.");
+ w = (uint)Windows.PInvoke.GetSystemMetrics(Windows.PInvoke.SM_CXSCREEN);
+ h = (uint)Windows.PInvoke.GetSystemMetrics(Windows.PInvoke.SM_CYSCREEN);
+ }
+ else if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux()) // Developed on Windows. Tested on WSL Ubuntu.
+ {
+ Console.Warn("Avalonia backend is not initialized or its windowing API failed to enumerate connected displays.");
+ (w, h) = Linux.PInvoke.GetScreenResolutionFromXrandr();
+ }
+ else if (OperatingSystem.IsMacOS())
+ {
+ throw new NotSupportedException("This API feature does not yet support Mac OS");
+ }
+ if (w is 0 || h is 0)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to query the current resolution of any display/screen.");
+ Console.Info($"Monitor resolution successfully acquired. ({w}x{h})");
+ return (w, h);
+ }
diff --git a/src/PlatformImpl/Windows/PInvoke.cs b/src/PlatformImpl/Windows/PInvoke.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09e151a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PlatformImpl/Windows/PInvoke.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace HXE.PlatformImpl.Windows;
+internal static class PInvoke
+ /// The width of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels.This is the same value obtained by calling GetDeviceCaps as follows: GetDeviceCaps(hdcPrimaryMonitor, HORZRES).
+ internal const int SM_CXSCREEN = 0;
+ /// The height of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels. This is the same value obtained by calling GetDeviceCaps as follows: GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrimaryMonitor, VERTRES).///
+ internal const int SM_CYSCREEN = 1;
+ #region user32
+ [DllImport("USER32.DLL")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr SetWindowPos
+ (
+ IntPtr hWnd,
+ int hWndInsertAfter,
+ int x,
+ int Y,
+ int cx,
+ int cy,
+ int wFlags
+ );
+ [DllImport("USER32.DLL")]
+ internal static extern int SetWindowLong(
+ IntPtr hWnd,
+ int nIndex,
+ int dwNewLong
+ );
+ [DllImport("USER32.DLL")]
+ internal static extern int GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex);
+ ///
+ [DllImport("USER32.DLL")]
+ internal static extern int GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex);
+ #endregion user32
+ #region kernel32
+ [DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL")]
+ internal static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(
+ int dwDesiredAccess,
+ bool bInheritHandle,
+ int dwProcessId
+ );
+ [DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL")]
+ internal static extern bool ReadProcessMemory
+ (
+ int hProcess,
+ int lpBaseAddress,
+ byte[] lpBuffer,
+ int dwSize,
+ ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead
+ );
+ #endregion
diff --git a/src/Positions.axaml b/src/Positions.axaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..344770f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Positions.axaml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
diff --git a/src/Positions.axaml.cs b/src/Positions.axaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37f6d082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Positions.axaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Noah Sherwin
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+using Avalonia.Interactivity;
+using Avalonia.Platform.Storage;
+using MsBox.Avalonia;
+using static HXE.Console;
+namespace HXE
+ ///
+ /// Interaction logic for Positions.xaml
+ ///
+ public partial class Positions : Window
+ {
+ private static readonly FilePickerFileType _fileType = new("OpenSauce Settings") { Patterns = new string[] { "OS_Settings.User.xml" } };
+ private static readonly FilePickerOpenOptions _openOptions = new()
+ {
+ Title = "Select OpenSauce Settings File",
+ AllowMultiple = false,
+ SuggestedStartLocation = null, // assign instanced data
+ FileTypeFilter = new FilePickerFileType[] { _fileType },
+ };
+ private static readonly FilePickerSaveOptions _saveOptions = new()
+ {
+ FileTypeChoices = new FilePickerFileType[]
+ {
+ new("OpenSauce Weapon Position Binary")
+ { Patterns = new string[] { "*.bin" } }
+ },
+ DefaultExtension = ".bin",
+ ShowOverwritePrompt = true
+ };
+ public Positions()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ if (_openOptions is not null)
+ {
+ string? dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Paths.HCE.OpenSauce);
+ if (dir is null)
+ {
+ ShowError("Avalonia failed to get accessible path for " + dir);
+ }
+ else if (GetTopLevel(this) is TopLevel topLevel)
+ {
+ _openOptions.SuggestedStartLocation = Task.Run(
+ async () => await topLevel.StorageProvider.TryGetFolderFromPathAsync(dir)
+ ).Result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void Save(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (SourceTextBox.Text is null || TargetTextBox.Text is null)
+ return;
+ Info("Saving weapon positions ...");
+ var openSauce = (OpenSauce)SourceTextBox.Text;
+ if (!openSauce.Exists())
+ {
+ ShowError("File does not Exist");
+ return;
+ }
+ openSauce.Load();
+ openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Save(TargetTextBox.Text);
+ openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Load(TargetTextBox.Text);
+ foreach (var position in openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Positions)
+ Debug($"Weapon: {position.Name} | I/J/K: {position.Position.I}/{position.Position.J}/{position.Position.K}");
+ Exit.WithCode(Exit.Code.Success);
+ }
+ private void Cancel(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ Exit.WithCode(Exit.Code.Success);
+ }
+ private void BrowseSource(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // writing this without a task wrapping most of it resulted in OpenFilePickerAsync causing a deadlock.
+ const int cancelled = 0;
+ IReadOnlyList? result = null;
+ try
+ {
+ result = Task.Run(async () => await StorageProvider.OpenFilePickerAsync(_openOptions)).Result;
+ if (result.Count is not cancelled)
+ SourceTextBox.Text = result[0].Path.LocalPath;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex.ToString()); }
+ }
+ private void BrowseTarget(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ IStorageFile? file = Task.Run(async () => await StorageProvider.SaveFilePickerAsync(_saveOptions)).Result;
+ if (file is not null)
+ {
+ Debug($"File URI is {file.Path}");
+ Debug($"File's local full path is {file.Path.LocalPath}");
+ TargetTextBox.Text = file.Path.LocalPath;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ ShowError(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Write the string via HXE.Console.Error and print it in a MessageBox window.
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void ShowError(string v) // TODO refactor to public or internal class. I'll probably use it everywhere where I need an error message dialog box.
+ {
+ Error(v);
+ MessageBoxManager.GetMessageBoxStandard(new MsBox.Avalonia.Dto.MessageBoxStandardParams()
+ {
+ Icon = MsBox.Avalonia.Enums.Icon.Error,
+ ContentTitle = "Error",
+ WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner,
+ ContentMessage = v
+ }).ShowWindowDialogAsync(this);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Positions.xaml b/src/Positions.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e56da6..00000000
--- a/src/Positions.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Positions.xaml.cs b/src/Positions.xaml.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 47175737..00000000
--- a/src/Positions.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
- *
- * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
- * arising from the use of this software.
- *
- * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
- * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- *
- * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- * appreciated but is not required.
- * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- * misrepresented as being the original software.
- * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
- */
-using System.Windows;
-using System.Windows.Forms;
-using static HXE.Console;
-using MessageBox = System.Windows.MessageBox;
-namespace HXE
- ///
- /// Interaction logic for Positions.xaml
- ///
- public partial class Positions
- {
- private string _source;
- private string _target;
- public Positions()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- private void Save(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- Info("Saving weapon positions ...");
- var openSauce = (OpenSauce) _source;
- if (!openSauce.Exists())
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Source file does not exist.");
- return;
- }
- openSauce.Load();
- openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Save(_target);
- openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Load(_target);
- foreach (var position in openSauce.Objects.Weapon.Positions)
- Debug($"Weapon: {position.Name} | I/J/K: {position.Position.I}/{position.Position.J}/{position.Position.K}");
- Exit.WithCode(Exit.Code.Success);
- }
- private void Cancel(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- Exit.WithCode(Exit.Code.Success);
- }
- private void BrowseSource(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- using (var dialog = new OpenFileDialog())
- {
- dialog.DefaultExt = ".xml";
- dialog.Filter = "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml";
- if (dialog.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) return;
- _source = dialog.FileName;
- SourceTextBox.Text = _source;
- }
- }
- private void BrowseTarget(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var dialog = new SaveFileDialog
- {
- DefaultExt = ".bin",
- Filter = "BIN files (*.bin)|*.bin"
- };
- if (dialog.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) return;
- _target = dialog.FileName;
- TargetTextBox.Text = _target;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/Process.cs b/src/Process.cs
index fe911839..2c9334d8 100644
--- a/src/Process.cs
+++ b/src/Process.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021 Emilian Roman
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
namespace HXE
- public class Process
+ public static class Process
+ private const string ExceptionHeader = " -- Process Inference failed";
public enum Type
@@ -38,105 +39,179 @@ public enum Type
public static IEnumerable Candidates { get; } = new List
- {
- new Candidate { Type = Type.Retail, Name = "halo" },
- new Candidate { Type = Type.HCE, Name = "haloce" },
- new Candidate { Type = Type.Steam, Name = "MCC-Win64-Shipping" },
- new Candidate { Type = Type.StoreOld, Name = "MCC-Win64-Shipping-WinStore" },
- new Candidate { Type = Type.Store, Name = "MCCWinStore-Win64-Shipping" }
- };
+ {
+ new Candidate { Type = Type.Retail, Name = "halo" },
+ new Candidate { Type = Type.HCE, Name = "haloce" },
+ new Candidate { Type = Type.Steam, Name = "MCC-Win64-Shipping" },
+ new Candidate { Type = Type.StoreOld, Name = "MCC-Win64-Shipping-WinStore" },
+ new Candidate { Type = Type.Store, Name = "MCCWinStore-Win64-Shipping" }
+ };
+ public static Result LastResult { get; internal set; }
- /// Infers the running Halo executable, with support for HCE, HCE and MCC (Steam & Windows Store).
+ /// An informative alternative to Infer()
+ /// Infers the running Halo executable, with support for Halo Retail, Halo Custom Edition, and MCC (Steam & Windows Store)
+ ///
+ ///
, a static instance of
that was updated by Infer() and its called method(s)
+ public static Result InferResult()
+ {
+ _ = Infer();
+ return LastResult;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Infers the running Halo executable, with support for Halo Retail, Halo Custom Edition, and MCC (Steam & Windows Store).
/// Type of Platform
public static Type Infer()
- var processCandidate = new Candidate();
+ Candidate processCandidate = null;
+ List processList = GetProcesses().ToList();
- processCandidate = Candidates
- .FirstOrDefault(x => DeeperCheck(GetProcesses()
- .FirstOrDefault(Processname => Processname.ProcessName == x.Name), x.Name));
+ processCandidate = Candidates.First(x => DeeperCheck(x, processList));
catch (System.Exception e)
- var msg = $" -- Process Inference failed{NewLine}Error: { e }{NewLine}";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
- log.AppendAllText(msg);
- Console.Info(msg);
- throw;
+ ErrorOutput(e, "");
+ LastResult.Success = false;
+ LastResult.Type = Type.Unknown;
+ LastResult.Message = "An unhandled exception occurred" + NewLine + e.ToString();
- return processCandidate?.Type ?? Type.Unknown;
+ if (processCandidate?.Type == null)
+ {
+ LastResult.Success = false;
+ LastResult.Type = Type.Unknown;
+ LastResult.Message =
+ "No running processes matched the following criteria:" + NewLine +
+ "halo.exe v1.0.10.621" + NewLine +
+ "haloce.exe v1.0.10.621" + NewLine +
+ "MCC-Win64-Shipping.exe with CEA DLC" + NewLine +
+ "MCC-Win64-Shipping-WinStore.exe with CEA DLC" + NewLine +
+ "MCCWinStore-Win64-Shipping.exe with CEA DLC";
+ return Type.Unknown;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /// LastResult has already been set by DeeperCheck()
+ return processCandidate.Type;
+ }
- private static bool DeeperCheck(System.Diagnostics.Process process, string candidateName)
+ private static bool DeeperCheck(Candidate candidate, List processList)
- /** Check for NullReferenceException (no processes match current candidate) */
+ System.Diagnostics.Process process;
- bool check = process.ProcessName == candidateName;
+ process = processList.First(p => p.ProcessName == candidate.Name);
- catch (System.NullReferenceException)
+ catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
- return false;
+ return false; /// No processes match current candidate
+ /// Each case sets assigns Success, Type, and Message to LastResult.
+ /// If a valid process is found...
+ /// ...LastResult.Success is set to true (else, false)
+ /// ...LastResult.Type is set to the matching Type (else, unknown)
+ /// ...LastResult.Message is set to an informative string (else, still informative)
+ /// ...DeeperCheck returns a bool representing whether the current Candidate is a match
switch (process.ProcessName)
case "halo":
+ LastResult.Success = InspectHPC();
+ LastResult.Type = Type.Retail;
+ return LastResult.Success;
case "haloce":
- {
- try
- {
- return process.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion == "";
- }
- catch (System.Exception e)
- {
- ErrorOutput(e, "Failed to assess Halo/HaloCE process.");
- return false;
- }
- }
+ LastResult.Success = InspectHPC();
+ LastResult.Type = Type.HCE;
+ return LastResult.Success;
case string a when a.Contains("MCC") && a.Contains("WinStore"): // redundant, but good practice
case "MCC-Win64-Shipping-WinStore":
case "MCCWinStore-Win64-Shipping":
+ LastResult.Success = InspectMCC();
+ LastResult.Type = Type.Store;
+ return LastResult.Success;
case "MCC-Win64-Shipping":
- {
- try
- {
- return process.Modules
- .Cast()
- .Any(module => module.ModuleName == Paths.MCC.H1dll);
- }
- catch (System.Exception e)
- {
- var msg2 = string.Empty;
- msg2 += Is64BitProcess ? "Current process is 64-bit." : "Current process is not 32-bit.";
- msg2 += NewLine;
- msg2 += Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "Operating system is 64-bit." : "Operating system is NOT 64-bit.";
- ErrorOutput(e, msg2);
- return false;
- }
- }
+ LastResult.Success = InspectMCC();
+ LastResult.Type = Type.Steam;
+ return LastResult.Success;
return false;
- void ErrorOutput(System.Exception e, string msg2)
+ bool InspectHPC()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ bool isValid = process.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion == "";
+ LastResult.Message = isValid ?
+ "Valid Halo/HaloCE process found" :
+ "Discovered a Halo/HaloCE process, but its version does not match";
+ return isValid;
+ }
+ catch (System.Exception e)
+ {
+ const string msg = "Failed to assess Halo/HaloCE process";
+ LastResult.Message = msg;
+ ErrorOutput(e, msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool InspectMCC()
- var msg = $" -- Process Inference failed{NewLine}{msg2}{NewLine}Error: { e }{NewLine}";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
- log.AppendAllText(msg);
- Console.Error(msg); ;
+ try
+ {
+ bool isValid = process.Modules
+ .Cast()
+ .Any(module => module.ModuleName == Paths.MCC.H1dll);
+ LastResult.Message = "Found MCC process with halo1.dll loaded";
+ return isValid;
+ }
+ catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
+ {
+ string msg = "MCC process found, but cannot inspect its modules because 32-bit processes cannot inspect 64-bit processes" + NewLine
+ + (Is64BitProcess ? "Current process is 64-bit." : "Current process NOT 64-bit.") + NewLine
+ + (Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "Operating system is 64-bit." : "Operating system is NOT 64-bit.");
+ LastResult.Message = msg;
+ ErrorOutput(e, msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch (System.Exception e)
+ {
+ const string msg = "MCC process found, but failed to inspect loaded modules for halo1.dll for an unknown reason";
+ LastResult.Message = msg;
+ ErrorOutput(e, msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static void ErrorOutput(System.Exception e, string msg2)
+ {
+ string msg = ExceptionHeader + NewLine
+ + msg2 + NewLine
+ + "Error: " + e.ToString();
+ ((File)Paths.Exception).AppendAllText(msg + NewLine);
+ Console.Error(msg);
+ }
public class Candidate
public Type Type { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
+ public class Result
+ {
+ public bool Success { get; set; }
+ public Type Type { get; set; }
+ public string Message { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Program.cs b/src/Program.cs
index 7fa167ae..5f5c1a35 100644
--- a/src/Program.cs
+++ b/src/Program.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
- * Copyright (c) 2021 Noah Sherwin
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Noah Sherwin
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
-using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Windows;
+using Avalonia;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+using Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes;
using HXE.HCE;
using static System.Console;
using static System.Environment;
@@ -39,6 +40,43 @@ namespace HXE
internal static class Program
+ internal const string Banner = @"
+ _ ___ ________
+| | | \ \ / / ____|
+| |__| |\ V /| |__
+| __ | > < | __|
+| | | |/ . \| |____
+|_| |_/_/ \_\______| :: Halo XE
+A HCE wrapper and kernel for SPV3
+:: https://github.com/HaloSPV3/hxe
+HXE can be invoked with the following arguments:
+ --help Displays commands list
+ --test Start a dry run of HXE to self-test
+ --config Opens configuration GUI
+ --positions Opens positions GUI
+ --cli Opens CLI instead of GUI where available
+ --install=VALUE Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination
+ --compile=VALUE Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination
+ --update=VALUE Updates directory using manifest
+ --registry=VALUE Write to Windows Registry
+ --infer Infer the running Halo executable
+ --console Loads HCE with console mode
+ --devmode Loads HCE with developer mode
+ --screenshot Loads HCE with screenshot ability
+ --window Loads HCE in window mode
+ --nogamma Loads HCE without gamma overriding
+ --adapter=VALUE Loads HCE on monitor X
+ --path=VALUE Loads HCE with custom profile path
+ --exec=VALUE Loads HCE with custom init file
+ --vidmode=VALUE Loads HCE with video mode
+ --refresh=VALUE Loads HCE with custom refresh rate
/// HXE entry.
@@ -52,6 +90,44 @@ public static void Main(string[] args)
InvokeProgram(args); /* burn baby burn */
+ // Avalonia configuration, don't remove; also used by visual designer.
+ public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
+ => AppBuilder.Configure()
+ .UsePlatformDetect()
+ .LogToTrace();
+ ///
+ /// Try to start a desktop-style app with the given window as the main window. The window is shown and the app is run.
+ ///
+ /// command line arguments to pass to the Application instance.
+ /// An instance of a window, ready to be shown.
+ /// if successful. Otherwise, false. If an exception was thrown, it is written to the Console.StandardOut. Additional output is logged to .
+ /// Only one desktop-style app instance can be active at a time. Creating a second instance will result in an Exception.
+ public static bool TryStartWindowAsApp(string[] args, Window window)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var app = AppBuilder
+ .Configure()
+ .UsePlatformDetect()
+ .LogToTrace()
+ .WithInterFont()
+ .SetupWithLifetime(new ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime() { Args = args, MainWindow = window, })
+ .Instance;
+ if (app is null)
+ return false;
+ window.Show();
+ app.Run(window);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Error(ex.ToString());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
/// Console API to the HXE kernel, installer and compiler.
@@ -60,6 +136,7 @@ public static void Main(string[] args)
/// --test Start a dry run of HXE to self-test
/// --config Opens configuration GUI
/// --positions Opens first-person model positions GUI
+ /// --cli Opens CLI instead of GUI where available
/// --install=VALUE Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination
/// --compile=VALUE Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination
/// --update=VALUE Updates directory with specified manifest
@@ -76,6 +153,8 @@ public static void Main(string[] args)
/// --vidmode=VALUE Loads HCE with custom res. and Hz
/// --refresh=VALUE Loads HCE with custom refresh rate
+ /// TODO: implement --silent to run CLI without user prompts;
+ /// TODO: open as GUI by default. Rework MainWindow.cs to be...useful. Lazily dump everything into it? --cli will become more useful, too.
private static void InvokeProgram(string[] args)
@@ -84,100 +163,124 @@ private static void InvokeProgram(string[] args)
var test = false; /* Start a dry run of HXE to self-test */
var config = false; /* Opens configuration GUI */
var positions = false; /* Opens positions GUI */
- var install = string.Empty; /* Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination */
- var compile = string.Empty; /* Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination */
- var update = string.Empty; /* Updates directory using manifest */
- var registry = string.Empty; /* Write to Windows Registry */
+ var cli = false; /* Opens CLI instead of GUI where available */
+ var install = ""; /* Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination */
+ var compile = ""; /* Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination */
+ var update = ""; /* Updates directory using manifest */
+ var registry = ""; /* Write to Windows Registry */
+ var hide = ""; /* Internal. Comma-separated list of windows to hide */
var infer = false; /* Infer the running Halo executable */
var console = false; /* Loads HCE with console mode */
var devmode = false; /* Loads HCE with developer mode */
var screenshot = false; /* Loads HCE with screenshot ability */
var window = false; /* Loads HCE in window mode */
var nogamma = false; /* Loads HCE without gamma overriding */
- var adapter = string.Empty; /* Loads HCE on monitor X */
- var path = string.Empty; /* Loads HCE with custom profile path */
- var exec = string.Empty; /* Loads HCE with custom init file */
- var vidmode = string.Empty; /* Loads HCE with custom res. and Hz */
- var refresh = string.Empty; /* Loads HCE with custom refresh rate */
+ var adapter = ""; /* Loads HCE on monitor X */
+ var path = ""; /* Loads HCE with custom profile path */
+ var exec = ""; /* Loads HCE with custom init file */
+ var vidmode = ""; /* Loads HCE with custom res. and Hz */
+ var refresh = ""; /* Loads HCE with custom refresh rate */
var options = new OptionSet()
- .Add("help", "Displays commands list", s => help = s != null) /* hxe command */
- .Add("test", "Start a dry run of HXE to self-test", s => test =s != null) /* hxe command */
- .Add("config", "Opens configuration GUI", s => config = s != null) /* hxe command */
- .Add("positions", "Opens positions GUI", s => positions = s != null) /* hxe command */
- .Add("install=", "Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination", s => install = s) /* hxe parameter */
- .Add("compile=", "Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination", s => compile = s) /* hxe parameter */
- .Add("update=", "Updates directory using manifest", s => update = s) /* hxe parameter */
- .Add("registry=", "Create Registry keys for Retail, Custom, Trial, or HEK", s => registry = s) /* hxe parameter */
- .Add("infer", "Infer the running Halo executable", s => infer = s != null) /* hxe parameter */
- .Add("console", "Loads HCE with console mode", s => console = s != null) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("devmode", "Loads HCE with developer mode", s => devmode = s != null) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("screenshot", "Loads HCE with screenshot ability", s => screenshot = s != null) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("window", "Loads HCE in window mode", s => window = s != null) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("nogamma", "Loads HCE without gamma overriding", s => nogamma = s != null) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("adapter=", "Loads HCE on monitor X", s => adapter = s) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("path=", "Loads HCE with custom profile path", s => path = s) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("exec=", "Loads HCE with custom init file", s => exec = s) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("vidmode=", "Loads HCE with custom res. and Hz", s => vidmode = s) /* hce parameter */
- .Add("refresh=", "Loads HCE with custom refresh rate", s => refresh = s); /* hce parameter */
- var input = options.Parse(args);
+/* hxe command */ .Add("help", "Displays commands list", s => help = s != null)
+/* hxe command */ .Add("test", "Start a dry run of HXE to self-test", s => test = s != null)
+/* hxe command */ .Add("config", "Opens configuration GUI", s => config = s != null)
+/* hxe command */ .Add("positions", "Opens positions GUI", s => positions = s != null)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("cli", "Enable CLI of Positions or Config", s => cli = s != null)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("install=", "Installs HCE/SPV3 to destination", s => install = s)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("compile=", "Compiles HCE/SPV3 to destination", s => compile = s)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("update=", "Updates directory using manifest", s => update = s)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("registry=", "Create Registry keys for Retail, Custom, Trial, or HEK", s => registry = s)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("hide=", "Internal. Comma-separated list of windows to hide.", s => hide = s)
+/* hxe parameter */ .Add("infer", "Infer the running Halo executable", s => infer = s != null)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("console", "Loads HCE with console mode", s => console = s != null)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("devmode", "Loads HCE with developer mode", s => devmode = s != null)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("screenshot", "Loads HCE with screenshot ability", s => screenshot = s != null)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("window", "Loads HCE in window mode", s => window = s != null)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("nogamma", "Loads HCE without gamma overriding", s => nogamma = s != null)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("adapter=", "Loads HCE on monitor X", s => adapter = s)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("path=", "Loads HCE with custom profile path", s => path = s)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("exec=", "Loads HCE with custom init file", s => exec = s)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("vidmode=", "Loads HCE with custom res. and Hz", s => vidmode = s)
+/* hce parameter */ .Add("refresh=", "Loads HCE with custom refresh rate", s => refresh = s);
+ var input = options.Parse(args); // returns *unprocessed* input
foreach (var i in input)
Info("Discovered CLI command: " + i);
+ if (new List(args).Contains("--settings"))
+ Warn("Argument '--settings' does not exist. Did you mean '--config'?");
var hce = new Executable();
if (help)
- Exit(0);
+ WithCode(Code.Success);
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
+ {
+ hce.Profile.Path = path;
+ configuration = new Kernel.Configuration(Paths.Custom.Configuration(path));
if (test)
// TODO: Move to Test.cs; reduce Program.cs bloat
- var test_config = new Kernel.Configuration(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "kernel.bin"));
- Application app;
+ bool success;
Logs("Testing Settings window...");
- var test_settings = new Settings(test_config);
- app = new Application();
- _ = app.Run(test_settings);
- app.Shutdown();
- Logs("Settings Test: Succeeded");
+ Settings test_settings = new(new Kernel.Configuration(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "kernel.bin"))) { Topmost = false, ShowActivated = true };
+ test_settings.Show();
+ success = TryStartWindowAsApp(args, test_settings) && test_settings.IsActive;
+ test_settings.Close();
+ Logs(value: "Settings Test: " + (success ? "Succeeded" : "Failed"));
catch (Exception e)
Error("Settings window threw an exception!" + NewLine + e.ToString());
+ throw;
Logs("Testing Positions window...");
- var test_positions = new Positions();
- app = new Application();
- _ = app.Run(test_positions);
- app.Shutdown();
- Logs("Positions Test: Succeeded");
+ var test_positions = new Positions() { Topmost = false, ShowActivated = true };
+ test_positions.Show();
+ success = TryStartWindowAsApp(args, test_positions) && test_positions.IsActive;
+ test_positions.Close();
+ //string target = Path.Combine(CurrentDirectory, "positions.bin");
+ //Positions.Run(source, target);
+ Logs("TODO: Positions test requires an OpenSauce.User.xml file.");
+ Logs("Positions Test: " + (success ? "Succeeded" : "Failed"));
catch (Exception e)
Error("Positions window threw an exception!" + NewLine + e.ToString());
+ throw;
+ WithCode(Code.Success);
if (config)
- _ = new Application().Run(new Settings());
- Exit(0);
+ if (TryStartWindowAsApp(args, new Settings(configuration ?? new Kernel.Configuration())))
+ WithCode(Code.Success);
+ else
+ WithCode(Code.Exception);
if (positions)
- _ = new Application().Run(new Positions());
- Exit(0);
+ if (cli)
+ CLI.Positions.Run();
+ else if (!TryStartWindowAsApp(args, new Positions()))
+ WithCode(Code.Exception);
+ WithCode(Code.Success);
if (infer)
@@ -193,9 +296,9 @@ private static void InvokeProgram(string[] args)
Info($"Inferred the following Halo process: {descriptions[Process.Infer()]}");
- Info("Press any key to exit.");
+ Info("Press Enter to exit");
_ = ReadLine();
- Exit(0);
+ WithCode(Code.Success);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(install))
@@ -253,9 +356,9 @@ private static void InvokeProgram(string[] args)
" -- Looked in working directory, Program Files, and Registry." + NewLine +
" -- The working directory is " + CurrentDirectory + NewLine +
" -- Error: " + NewLine +
- e.ToString() + NewLine;
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
- log.AppendAllText(msg);
+ e.ToString();
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
+ log.AppendAllText(msg + NewLine);
@@ -277,9 +380,6 @@ private static void InvokeProgram(string[] args)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adapter))
hce.Video.Adapter = byte.Parse(adapter);
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
- hce.Profile.Path = path;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exec))
hce.Debug.Initiation = exec;
@@ -304,7 +404,7 @@ private static void InvokeProgram(string[] args)
* Implicitly invoke the HXE kernel with the HCE loading procedure.
- Run(() => { Kernel.Invoke(hce); });
+ Run(() => Kernel.Invoke(hce));
* This method is used for running code asynchronously and catching exceptions at the highest level.
@@ -320,7 +420,7 @@ void Run(Action action)
catch (Exception e)
var msg = " -- EXEC.START HALTED\n Error: " + e.ToString() + "\n";
- var log = (File) Paths.Exception;
+ var log = (File)Paths.Exception;
System.Console.Error.WriteLine("\n\n" + e.StackTrace);
@@ -340,7 +440,6 @@ private static void DisplayBanner()
string.Format(BannerBuildSourceRelease, GitVersionInformation.MajorMinorPatch) :
string.Format(BannerBuildSourceCommit, GitVersionInformation.ShortSha);
int longestStringLength = GetLongestStringLength(new string[]{
string.Format(BannerBuildNumber, infoVersion),
@@ -376,7 +475,6 @@ internal static int GetLongestStringLength(string[] strings)
/// Get the length of the longest line
foreach (string line in lines)
if (line.Length > longestStringLength)
longestStringLength = line.Length;
diff --git a/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net462_fdd.pubxml b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net462_fdd.pubxml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23931aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net462_fdd.pubxml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Release
+ Any CPU
+ false
+ ..\bin\Release\net462\publish\
+ FileSystem
+ net462
diff --git a/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_fdd.pubxml b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_fdd.pubxml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b1bae69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_fdd.pubxml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Release
+ Any CPU
+ ..\bin\Release\net6.0-windows\publish\
+ FileSystem
+ net6.0-windows
+ false
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win-x64.pubxml b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win-x64.pubxml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dd060fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win-x64.pubxml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Release
+ Any CPU
+ ..\bin\Release\net6.0-windows\win-x64\publish\
+ FileSystem
+ net6.0-windows
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ win-x64
+ False
diff --git a/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win-x86.pubxml b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win-x86.pubxml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf2b3263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win-x86.pubxml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Release
+ Any CPU
+ ..\bin\Release\net6.0-windows\win-x64\publish\
+ FileSystem
+ net6.0-windows
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ win-x86
+ False
diff --git a/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win7-x86.pubxml b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win7-x86.pubxml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d553ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Properties/PublishProfiles/Release_net6.0-windows_win7-x86.pubxml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Release
+ Any CPU
+ ..\bin\Release\net6.0-windows\win7-x86\publish\
+ FileSystem
+ net6.0-windows
+ win7-x86
+ true
+ false
+ $('$(Win7SF)' == 'true')
diff --git a/src/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs b/src/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
index 6e6bf282..42430a2c 100644
--- a/src/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
+++ b/src/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
@@ -60,32 +60,6 @@ internal Resources() {
- ///
- /// Looks up a localized string similar to "
- /// _ ___ ________
- ///| | | \ \ / / ____|
- ///| |__| |\ V /| |__
- ///| __ | > < | __|
- ///| | | |/ . \| |____
- ///|_| |_/_/ \_\______| :: Halo XE
- ///=================================
- ///A HCE wrapper and kernel for SPV3
- ///---------------------------------
- ///:: https://github.com/HaloSPV3/hxe
- ///---------------------------------
- ///
- ///HXE can be invoked with the following arguments:
- ///
- /// --config Opens configuration GUI
- /// --positions Opens positions GUI
- /// --load Initiat [rest of string was truncated]";.
- ///
- internal static string Banner {
- get {
- return ResourceManager.GetString("Banner", resourceCulture);
- }
- }
/// Looks up a localized string similar to This binary has been compiled using build-{0}.
@@ -113,30 +87,6 @@ internal static string BannerBuildSourceRelease {
- ///
- /// Looks up a localized string similar to Patches for Halo CE v1.0.10
- ///;orig SHA256: FEEA46FCE285EC071016CF5534ABE47ECF36F6CFAC8F1973EE6919851EA5A037
- ///
- ///Make large address aware
- ///haloce.exe
- ///;-----------------------
- ///;Normally 32-bit applications can only use up to 2GB of RAM. This patch increases that limit to 4GB.
- ///;It is required for some maps and mods.
- ///;
- ///;Set the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE characteristic flag in the PE header
- ///00000136: 0F 2F
- ///
- ///Remove DRM and key checks
- ///haloce.exe
- ///;------------------------
- ///;Allows playing and hosting [rest of string was truncated]";.
- ///
- internal static string patches {
- get {
- return ResourceManager.GetString("patches", resourceCulture);
- }
- }
/// Looks up a localized string similar to ..
diff --git a/src/Properties/Resources.resx b/src/Properties/Resources.resx
index fa6a072f..6be35e2d 100644
--- a/src/Properties/Resources.resx
+++ b/src/Properties/Resources.resx
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
@@ -112,15 +112,11 @@
- System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- ..\Assets\banner.txt;System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089;Windows-1252
This binary has been compiled using commit {0}
@@ -130,9 +126,6 @@
- ..\..\ext\halo-ce-patches\patches.crk;System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
diff --git a/src/SFX.cs b/src/SFX.cs
index f2ce4e93..82b0b2ba 100644
--- a/src/SFX.cs
+++ b/src/SFX.cs
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
using static System.IO.FileMode;
using static System.IO.Path;
using static System.IO.SeekOrigin;
-using static System.Reflection.Assembly;
using static System.Text.Encoding;
using static HXE.Console;
@@ -366,7 +365,7 @@ public class Configuration
public string Filter { get; set; } = "*";
public FileInfo Executable { get; set; } = new FileInfo(System.AppContext.BaseDirectory
- ?? throw new InvalidOperationException());
+ ?? throw new InvalidOperationException());
diff --git a/src/Settings.axaml b/src/Settings.axaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c852ff0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Settings.axaml
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
diff --git a/src/Settings.xaml.cs b/src/Settings.axaml.cs
similarity index 57%
rename from src/Settings.xaml.cs
rename to src/Settings.axaml.cs
index 5a47baa9..74a17c70 100644
--- a/src/Settings.xaml.cs
+++ b/src/Settings.axaml.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
- * Copyright (c) 2021 Noah Sherwin
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Noah Sherwin
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@@ -20,32 +20,41 @@
using System;
-using System.Windows;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+using Avalonia.Interactivity;
namespace HXE
- /// Interaction logic for Settings.xaml
+ /// Interaction logic for
public partial class Settings : Window
- private Kernel.Configuration _configuration = new Kernel.Configuration(Paths.Configuration);
- private readonly System.Diagnostics.Process _process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
+ private SettingsCore _core = SettingsCore.Current;
public Kernel.Configuration Configuration
- get => _configuration;
+ get => _core.Configuration;
- if (value == _configuration) return;
- _configuration = value;
+ if (value == _core.Configuration) return;
+ _core.Configuration = value;
+ public Settings(SettingsCore core)
+ {
+ _core = core;
+ Configuration = _core.Configuration;
+ DataContext = _core.Configuration;
+ Initialize();
+ }
public Settings(Kernel.Configuration cfg)
- Configuration = cfg;
- DataContext = cfg;
+ _core = new SettingsCore(cfg);
+ Configuration = _core.Configuration;
+ DataContext = _core.Configuration;
@@ -60,11 +69,10 @@ public void Initialize()
Console.Info("Loading kernel settings");
- Configuration.Load();
try { AssignConfig(); }
catch (Exception e) when (e.Message.Equals("Kernel Mode not recognized."))
+ Console.Error(e.ToString());
Configuration = new Kernel.Configuration(Configuration.Path);
@@ -73,33 +81,13 @@ public void Initialize()
public void AssignConfig()
- if (_process.ProcessName != "hxe")
- {
- Mode.IsEnabled = false;
- MainPatch.IsEnabled = false;
- MainReset.IsEnabled = false;
- MainStart.IsEnabled = false;
- MainResume.IsEnabled = false;
- }
- switch (Configuration.Mode)
- {
- case Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode.HCE:
- Mode.SelectedIndex = 0;
- break;
- case Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode.SPV32:
- Mode.SelectedIndex = 1;
- break;
- case Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode.SPV33:
- Mode.SelectedIndex = 2;
- break;
- default:
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Switch (Configuration.Mode)", "Kernel Mode not recognized.");
- }
+ Mode.IsEnabled = SettingsCore.ModeUnlocked;
+ MainPatch.IsEnabled = SettingsCore.MainPatchUnlocked;
+ MainReset.IsEnabled = SettingsCore.MainResetUnlocked;
+ MainStart.IsEnabled = SettingsCore.MainStartUnlocked;
+ MainResume.IsEnabled = SettingsCore.MainResumeUnlocked;
+ Mode.SelectedIndex = (int)Configuration.Mode;
MainReset.IsChecked = Configuration.Main.Reset;
MainPatch.IsChecked = Configuration.Main.Patch;
MainStart.IsChecked = Configuration.Main.Start;
@@ -121,31 +109,14 @@ public void AssignConfig()
AudioEnhancements.IsChecked = Configuration.Audio.Enhancements;
InputOverride.IsChecked = Configuration.Input.Override;
- PrintConfiguration();
+ _core.PrintConfiguration();
private void Save(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Console.Info("Saving kernel settings");
- switch (Mode.SelectedIndex)
- {
- case 0:
- Configuration.Mode = Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode.HCE;
- break;
- case 1:
- Configuration.Mode = Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode.SPV32;
- break;
- case 2:
- Configuration.Mode = Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode.SPV33;
- break;
- default:
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
- }
+ Configuration.Mode = (Kernel.Configuration.ConfigurationMode)Mode.SelectedIndex;
Configuration.Main.Reset = MainReset.IsChecked == true;
Configuration.Main.Patch = MainPatch.IsChecked == true;
Configuration.Main.Start = MainStart.IsChecked == true;
@@ -178,48 +149,56 @@ private void Save(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- PrintConfiguration();
+ _core.PrintConfiguration();
- if (_process.ProcessName == "hxe")
+ if (SettingsCore.ProcessName == "hxe")
- DialogResult = true;
+ try
+ {
+ Close(true);
+ }
+ catch (InvalidOperationException ex) when (ex.Message == "DialogResult can be set only after Window is created and shown as dialog.")
+ {
+ // This exception can't be prevented nor handled in any other way...
+ /** Exceptions
+ * InvalidOperationException
+ * DialogResult is set before a window is opened by calling ShowDialog().
+ * -or-
+ * DialogResult is set on a window that is opened by calling Show().
+ */
+ }
- private void PrintConfiguration()
- {
- Console.Debug("Mode - " + Configuration.Mode);
- Console.Debug("Main.Reset - " + Configuration.Main.Reset);
- Console.Debug("Main.Patch - " + Configuration.Main.Patch);
- Console.Debug("Main.Start - " + Configuration.Main.Start);
- Console.Debug("Main.Resume - " + Configuration.Main.Resume);
- Console.Debug("Tweaks.CinemaBars - " + Configuration.Tweaks.CinemaBars);
- Console.Debug("Tweaks.Sensor - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Sensor);
- Console.Debug("Tweaks.Magnetism - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Magnetism);
- Console.Debug("Tweaks.AutoAim - " + Configuration.Tweaks.AutoAim);
- Console.Debug("Tweaks.Acceleration - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Acceleration);
- Console.Debug("Tweaks.Unload - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Unload);
- Console.Debug("Video.Resolution - " + Configuration.Video.ResolutionEnabled);
- Console.Debug("Video.Uncap - " + Configuration.Video.Uncap);
- Console.Debug("Video.Quality - " + Configuration.Video.Quality);
- Console.Debug("Video.Bless - " + Configuration.Video.Bless);
- Console.Debug("Video.GammaEnabled - " + Configuration.Video.GammaOn);
- Console.Debug("Video.Gamma - " + Configuration.Video.Gamma);
- Console.Debug("Audio.Quality - " + Configuration.Audio.Quality);
- Console.Debug("Audio.Enhancements - " + Configuration.Audio.Enhancements);
- Console.Debug("Input.Override - " + Configuration.Input.Override);
- }
private void Cancel(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- if (_process.ProcessName == "hxe")
+ if (SettingsCore.ProcessName == "hxe")
+ {
- else Hide();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Close(false);
+ }
+ catch (InvalidOperationException ex) when (ex.Message == "DialogResult can be set only after Window is created and shown as dialog.")
+ {
+ // This exception can't be prevented nor handled in any other way...
+ /** Exceptions
+ * InvalidOperationException
+ * DialogResult is set before a window is opened by calling ShowDialog().
+ * -or-
+ * DialogResult is set on a window that is opened by calling Show().
+ */
+ }
+ Close();
+ }
diff --git a/src/Settings.xaml b/src/Settings.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ee2f27..00000000
--- a/src/Settings.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SettingsCore.cs b/src/SettingsCore.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c307372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SettingsCore.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Noah Sherwin
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ */
+using System;
+using static HXE.Kernel.Configuration;
+namespace HXE
+ ///
+ /// A soon-to-be-deprecated wrapper for HXE's Kernel.Configuration
+ ///
+ /// Deprecation notice: may be merged into at a later date.
+ public class SettingsCore
+ {
+ public SettingsCore()
+ {
+ Console.Wait("Loading kernel settings...");
+ Configuration = new Kernel.Configuration().Load();
+ Console.Info("Kernel settings loaded");
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ public SettingsCore(Kernel.Configuration cfg)
+ {
+ Configuration = cfg;
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// A static property for storing the "current" SettingsCore/Kernel.Configuration instance. It should be initialized in .
+ ///
+ public static SettingsCore Current { get; set; } = new();
+ public Kernel.Configuration Configuration { get; set; }
+ public static readonly string ProcessName = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName.ToLower();
+ public static readonly bool ProcessIsSPV3 = ProcessName.Contains("spv3");
+ public static readonly bool MainPatchUnlocked = !ProcessIsSPV3;
+ public static readonly bool MainResetUnlocked = !ProcessIsSPV3;
+ public static readonly bool MainResumeUnlocked = !ProcessIsSPV3;
+ public static readonly bool MainStartUnlocked = !ProcessIsSPV3;
+ public static readonly bool ModeUnlocked = !ProcessIsSPV3;
+ public ConfigurationAudio Audio
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Audio;
+ set => Configuration.Audio = value;
+ }
+ public ConfigurationInput Input
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Input;
+ set => Configuration.Input = value;
+ }
+ public ConfigurationMain Main
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Main;
+ set => Configuration.Main = value;
+ }
+ public ConfigurationMode Mode
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Mode;
+ set => Configuration.Mode = value;
+ }
+ public ConfigurationTweaks Tweaks
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Tweaks;
+ set => Configuration.Tweaks = value;
+ }
+ public ConfigurationVideo Video
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Video;
+ set => Configuration.Video = value;
+ }
+ public uint Shaders
+ {
+ get => Configuration.Shaders;
+ set => Configuration.Shaders = value;
+ }
+ public string Path => Configuration.Path;
+ ///
+ /// Load Configuration from file and check Mode for compatibility
+ ///
+ /// If Mode is incompatible, the Configuration file is reset to default values
+ private void Initialize()
+ {
+ try { CheckMode(); }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.Error($"Kernel Mode compatibility check failed. If you are implementing a new Mode (Value: {Configuration.Mode}), let us know at https://github.com/HaloSPV3/HXE/issues." + Environment.NewLine + e.Message);
+ Console.Wait("Overwriting configuration file with default values...");
+ Configuration = new Kernel.Configuration(Configuration.Path);
+ Configuration.Save();
+ try
+ {
+ CheckMode();
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ Console.Error("Something went horribly wrong. HXE tried to reset all Configuration settings, but Mode was still not recognized.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Check Mode for compatibility
+ ///
+ /// TODO: refactor or remove
+ public void CheckMode()
+ {
+ if (!Enum.IsDefined(Configuration.Mode))
+ throw new Exception("Kernel Mode not recognized");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Print the Configuration settings, descriptions, whether they're locked, and their current value
+ ///
+ /// TODO: refactor to output all settings, their description, if they're locked, and their value
+ public void PrintConfiguration()
+ {
+ if (ProcessIsSPV3)
+ {
+ Console.Info("Mode and Main settings are locked by SPV3");
+ }
+ Console.Info("Mode | - " + (ModeUnlocked ? "" : "(LOCKED) ") + Configuration.Mode);
+ Console.Info("Main | Kill haloce.exe - " + (MainResetUnlocked ? "" : "(LOCKED) ") + Configuration.Main.Reset);
+ Console.Info("Main | Patch haloce.exe - " + (MainPatchUnlocked ? "" : "(LOCKED) ") + Configuration.Main.Patch);
+ Console.Info("Main | Continue SPV3 - " + (MainResumeUnlocked ? "" : "(LOCKED) ") + Configuration.Main.Resume);
+ Console.Info("Main | Start Game - " + (MainStartUnlocked ? "" : "(LOCKED) ") + Configuration.Main.Start);
+ Console.Info("Tweaks | Mouse Acceleration - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Acceleration);
+ Console.Info("Tweaks | Projectile AutoAim - " + Configuration.Tweaks.AutoAim);
+ Console.Info("Tweaks | Cinematic Bars - " + Configuration.Tweaks.CinemaBars);
+ Console.Info("Tweaks | Reticle Magnetism - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Magnetism);
+ Console.Info("Tweaks | Motion Sensor - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Sensor);
+ Console.Info("Tweaks | No PostProcessing - " + Configuration.Tweaks.Unload);
+ Console.Info("Video | Set Resolution - " + Configuration.Video.ResolutionEnabled);
+ Console.Info("Video | Disable V-Sync - " + Configuration.Video.Uncap);
+ Console.Info("Video | Max Quality - " + Configuration.Video.Quality);
+ Console.Info("Video | Borderless Window - " + Configuration.Video.Bless);
+ Console.Info("Video | Enable Gamma brightness - " + Configuration.Video.GammaOn);
+ Console.Info("Video | Gamma Level - " + Configuration.Video.Gamma);
+ Console.Info("Audio | Max Quality - " + Configuration.Audio.Quality);
+ Console.Info("Audio | Enable EAX - " + Configuration.Audio.Enhancements); //DevSkim: ignore DS187371
+ Console.Info("Input | Overwrite Controls - " + Configuration.Input.Override);
+ }
+ public static implicit operator Kernel.Configuration(SettingsCore v) => v.Configuration;
+ public static explicit operator SettingsCore(Kernel.Configuration v) => new(v);
+ }
diff --git a/src/Steam/Libraries.cs b/src/Steam/Libraries.cs
index c905b794..f4bb7f04 100644
--- a/src/Steam/Libraries.cs
+++ b/src/Steam/Libraries.cs
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public static void ParseLibrary(File libraryFoldersVdf = null)
string text = libraryFoldersVdf.ReadAllText();
- List libs = text.Split("\n").ToList(); /// Start by adding each line to a list.
+ List libs = text.Split('\n').ToList(); /// Start by adding each line to a list.
libs = libs.Where(line => line.Contains("\"path\"")).ToList(); /// Filter the list for entries containing `"path"`.
foreach (string line in libs)
diff --git a/src/Update.cs b/src/Update.cs
index c703a5ea..17d4fe42 100644
--- a/src/Update.cs
+++ b/src/Update.cs
@@ -40,271 +40,271 @@ namespace HXE
/// Module for updating assets from a specified manifest file.
public class Update
- {
- ///
- /// Assets available to download for updating.
- ///
- public List Assets { get; set; } = new List();
- ///
- /// Imports assets from the specified file location.
- ///
- ///
- /// Location of the file. Can be either a file on the filesystem, or a HTTP(S) URI.
- ///
- public async void Import(string uri)
- string data;
- /**
- * HXE is a nimble little beast that likes to check both the file system and the webs for the inbound manifest.
- *
- * Its first step is to check the file system for a file matching the inbound URI. If it exists, then we may rest
- * assured that it's a file the end-user has specified. Otherwise, it's probably a web request. If it's not, then,
- * err... we're in a bit of a pickle.
- */
- if (Exists(uri)) /* retrieve data from the file system */
- {
- Info("Inferred filesystem manifest - " + uri);
- using (var stream = new StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(uri)))
+ ///
+ /// Assets available to download for updating.
+ ///
+ public List Assets { get; set; } = new List();
+ ///
+ /// Imports assets from the specified file location.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Location of the file. Can be either a file on the filesystem, or a HTTP(S) URI.
+ ///
+ public async void Import(string uri)
- data = stream.ReadToEnd();
- }
- }
- else /* retrieve data from web resource (http request) */
- {
- Info("Inferred web request manifest - " + uri);
+ string data;
- using (var rm = await Client.GetAsync(uri))
- using (var sr = new StreamReader(rm.Content.ReadAsStream() ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No response.")))
- {
- data = sr.ReadToEnd();
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * HXE is a nimble little beast that likes to check both the file system and the webs for the inbound manifest.
+ *
+ * Its first step is to check the file system for a file matching the inbound URI. If it exists, then we may rest
+ * assured that it's a file the end-user has specified. Otherwise, it's probably a web request. If it's not, then,
+ * err... we're in a bit of a pickle.
+ */
- Info("Downloaded XML data from the manifest");
- Debug(data);
+ if (Exists(uri)) /* retrieve data from the file system */
+ {
+ Info("Inferred filesystem manifest - " + uri);
- /**
- * It's expected that the contents of the inbound resource are an XML representation of the Update object. Any
- * wise person should have created the respective resource using this object's Export method.
- */
+ using (var stream = new StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(uri)))
+ {
+ data = stream.ReadToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else /* retrieve data from web resource (http request) */
+ {
+ Info("Inferred web request manifest - " + uri);
- using (var reader = new StringReader(data))
- {
- var update = (Update) new XmlSerializer(typeof(Update)).Deserialize(reader);
- Assets = update.Assets;
- }
+ using (var rm = await Client.GetAsync(uri))
+ using (var sr = new StreamReader(await rm.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync() ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No response.")))
+ {
+ data = sr.ReadToEnd();
+ }
+ }
- foreach (var asset in Assets) Info("Inferred asset - " + asset.Name);
+ Info("Downloaded XML data from the manifest");
+ Debug(data);
- Done("Update import routine has been successfully completed");
- }
+ /**
+ * It's expected that the contents of the inbound resource are an XML representation of the Update object. Any
+ * wise person should have created the respective resource using this object's Export method.
+ */
- ///
- /// Checks if update exists based on the current environment state.
- ///
- ///
- /// True on updating being possible, otherwise false.
- ///
- public bool Available()
- {
- foreach (var asset in Assets)
- {
- var path = Combine(CurrentDirectory, asset.Path, asset.Name);
+ using (var reader = new StringReader(data))
+ {
+ var update = (Update)new XmlSerializer(typeof(Update)).Deserialize(reader);
+ Assets = update.Assets;
+ }
- if (!Exists(path))
- return true;
+ foreach (var asset in Assets) Info("Inferred asset - " + asset.Name);
- var length = new FileInfo(path).Length;
+ Done("Update import routine has been successfully completed");
+ }
- if (length != asset.Size)
- return true;
- }
+ ///
+ /// Checks if update exists based on the current environment state.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// True on updating being possible, otherwise false.
+ ///
+ public bool Available()
+ {
+ foreach (var asset in Assets)
+ {
+ var path = Combine(CurrentDirectory, asset.Path, asset.Name);
- return false;
- }
+ if (!Exists(path))
+ return true;
- ///
- /// Serialises object state to an inbound file on the filesystem.
- ///
- ///
- /// Path to serialise object state to.
- ///
- public void Export(string uri)
- {
- /**
- * A nimble little XML dumper for this object's state. Nothing more, nothing less!
- */
+ var length = new FileInfo(path).Length;
- using (var writer = new StreamWriter(uri))
- {
- new XmlSerializer(typeof(Update)).Serialize(writer, this);
- }
+ if (length != asset.Size)
+ return true;
+ }
- Done("Update export routine has been successfully completed");
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- ///
- /// Conducts the update mechanism on each asset.
- ///
- ///
- /// Optional IProgress object for calling GUI clients.
- ///
- public void Commit(IProgress progress = null)
- {
- Info("Started asset update routine - " + Assets.Count + " assets");
+ ///
+ /// Serialises object state to an inbound file on the filesystem.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Path to serialise object state to.
+ ///
+ public void Export(string uri)
+ {
+ /**
+ * A nimble little XML dumper for this object's state. Nothing more, nothing less!
+ */
- foreach (var asset in Assets)
- {
- /**
- * If the asset matches a file which exists at the target destination on the file system, then re-installing it
- * would be pointless.
- *
- * Using byte length for comparing file sizes is particularly naïve, but it does the job for now. Should use a
- * hash later on!
- */
+ using (var writer = new StreamWriter(uri))
+ {
+ new XmlSerializer(typeof(Update)).Serialize(writer, this);
+ }
- var target = Combine(CurrentDirectory, asset.Path, asset.Name);
+ Done("Update export routine has been successfully completed");
+ }
- if (Exists(target) && new FileInfo(target).Length == asset.Size)
- continue;
+ ///
+ /// Conducts the update mechanism on each asset.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Optional IProgress object for calling GUI clients.
+ ///
+ public void Commit(IProgress progress = null)
+ {
+ Info("Started asset update routine - " + Assets.Count + " assets");
- asset.Request(progress); /* grab our package */
- asset.Install(progress); /* inflate its data */
- asset.CleanUp(); /* clean up package */
- }
+ foreach (var asset in Assets)
+ {
+ /**
+ * If the asset matches a file which exists at the target destination on the file system, then re-installing it
+ * would be pointless.
+ *
+ * Using byte length for comparing file sizes is particularly naïve, but it does the job for now. Should use a
+ * hash later on!
+ */
+ var target = Combine(CurrentDirectory, asset.Path, asset.Name);
+ if (Exists(target) && new FileInfo(target).Length == asset.Size)
+ continue;
+ asset.Request(progress); /* grab our package */
+ asset.Install(progress); /* inflate its data */
+ asset.CleanUp(); /* clean up package */
+ }
- Done("Finished asset update routine - " + Assets.Count + " assets");
- }
+ Done("Finished asset update routine - " + Assets.Count + " assets");
+ }
- public class Asset
- {
- private readonly string File = Combine(CurrentDirectory, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- public string URL { get; set; } = string.Empty; /* http path for downloading the binary to the file system */
- public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; /* expected name for the binary once it has been downloaded */
- public string Path { get; set; } = string.Empty; /* path relative to the working folder for storing the file */
- public long Size { get; set; } /* byte size of the binary on for length-based verification */
- ///
- /// Downloads the asset's package to the filesystem for subsequent installation.
- ///
- public void Request(IProgress progress = null)
- {
- /**
- * Let's just hope that this isn't invoked from a read-only directory.
- */
- var httpClient = new HttpClientDownloadWithProgress(URL, File);
- httpClient.ProgressChanged += (totalFileSize, totalBytesDownloaded, progressPercentage) =>
+ public class Asset
- progress?.Report(new Status
- {
- Current = totalBytesDownloaded,
- Total = (long) totalFileSize,
- Description = $"Requesting: {Name} ({ progressPercentage:P})"
- });
- };
+ private readonly string File = Combine(CurrentDirectory, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- Task task = httpClient.StartDownload();
+ public string URL { get; set; } = string.Empty; /* http path for downloading the binary to the file system */
+ public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; /* expected name for the binary once it has been downloaded */
+ public string Path { get; set; } = string.Empty; /* path relative to the working folder for storing the file */
+ public long Size { get; set; } /* byte size of the binary on for length-based verification */
- Wait($"Started asset download - {Name} - {URL} ");
+ ///
+ /// Downloads the asset's package to the filesystem for subsequent installation.
+ ///
+ public void Request(IProgress progress = null)
+ {
+ /**
+ * Let's just hope that this isn't invoked from a read-only directory.
+ */
+ var httpClient = new HttpClientDownloadWithProgress(URL, File);
+ httpClient.ProgressChanged += (totalFileSize, totalBytesDownloaded, progressPercentage) =>
+ {
+ progress?.Report(new Status
+ {
+ Current = totalBytesDownloaded,
+ Total = (long)totalFileSize,
+ Description = $"Requesting: {Name} ({ progressPercentage:P})"
+ });
+ };
+ Task task = httpClient.StartDownload();
+ Wait($"Started asset download - {Name} - {URL} ");
+ while (!task.IsCompleted)
+ {
+ System.Console.Write(Resources.Progress);
+ Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ }
+ Done("Asset request has been successfully completed");
+ }
- while (!task.IsCompleted)
- {
- System.Console.Write(Resources.Progress);
- Thread.Sleep(1000);
- }
+ ///
+ /// Inflates the asset's package.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Package does not exist. It should be downloaded!
+ ///
+ public void Install(IProgress progress = null)
+ {
+ if (!Exists(File))
+ throw new AssetException("Package not found for asset - " + Name);
- Done("Asset request has been successfully completed");
- }
+ Info("Asset package found on the filesystem");
- ///
- /// Inflates the asset's package.
- ///
- ///
- /// Package does not exist. It should be downloaded!
- ///
- public void Install(IProgress progress = null)
- {
- if (!Exists(File))
- throw new AssetException("Package not found for asset - " + Name);
+ var directory = Combine(CurrentDirectory, Path); /* destination directory */
+ var target = Combine(directory, Name); /* real file path on fs */
+ var backup = target + "-" + Guid.NewGuid();
- Info("Asset package found on the filesystem");
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(directory);
- var directory = Combine(CurrentDirectory, Path); /* destination directory */
- var target = Combine(directory, Name); /* real file path on fs */
- var backup = target + "-" + Guid.NewGuid();
+ Info("Asset deemed suitable to update/install");
- Directory.CreateDirectory(directory);
+ /**
+ * This is almost an installer on steroids!
+ */
- Info("Asset deemed suitable to update/install");
+ try
+ {
+ if (Exists(target))
+ Move(target, backup);
- /**
- * This is almost an installer on steroids!
- */
+ var task = new Task(() => { ExtractToDirectory(File, directory); });
- try
- {
- if (Exists(target))
- Move(target, backup);
+ task.Start();
- var task = new Task(() => { ExtractToDirectory(File, directory); });
+ Wait($"Started package inflation - {Name} - {target} ");
- task.Start();
+ while (!task.IsCompleted)
+ {
+ if (Exists(target))
+ {
+ var c = new FileInfo(target).Length;
+ var t = Size;
- Wait($"Started package inflation - {Name} - {target} ");
+ progress?.Report(new Status
+ {
+ Current = c,
+ Total = t,
+ Description = $"Installing: {Name} ({(decimal)c / t:P})"
+ });
+ }
- while (!task.IsCompleted)
- {
- if (Exists(target))
- {
- var c = new FileInfo(target).Length;
- var t = Size;
- progress?.Report(new Status
- {
- Current = c,
- Total = t,
- Description = $"Installing: {Name} ({(decimal) c / t:P})"
- });
- }
+ System.Console.Write(Resources.Progress);
+ Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ }
- System.Console.Write(Resources.Progress);
- Thread.Sleep(1000);
- }
+ if (Exists(backup))
+ Delete(backup);
- if (Exists(backup))
- Delete(backup);
+ Done("Asset install has been successfully completed");
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ if (!Exists(backup)) throw;
- Done("Asset install has been successfully completed");
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- if (!Exists(backup)) throw;
+ if (Exists(target))
+ Delete(target);
- if (Exists(target))
- Delete(target);
+ Move(backup, target);
- Move(backup, target);
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
- throw;
+ ///
+ /// Removes the download package if it exists on the filesystem.
+ ///
+ public void CleanUp()
+ {
+ if (Exists(File))
+ Delete(File);
+ Done("Asset cleanup has been successfully completed");
+ }
- }
- ///
- /// Removes the download package if it exists on the filesystem.
- ///
- public void CleanUp()
- {
- if (Exists(File))
- Delete(File);
- Done("Asset cleanup has been successfully completed");
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/app.manifest b/src/app.manifest
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a30edf37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app.manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ true/pm
+ permonitorv2, permonitor, system
+ true
+ true
+ SegmentHeap
diff --git a/src/src.licenseheader b/src/src.licenseheader
index 9dc72bdf..af46726c 100644
--- a/src/src.licenseheader
+++ b/src/src.licenseheader
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
extensions: .cs .cpp .h
* Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
- * Copyright (c) 2021 Noah Sherwin
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Noah Sherwin
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ extensions: .cs .cpp .h
extensions: .aspx .ascx
Copyright (c) 2019 Emilian Roman
-Copyright (c) 2021 Noah Sherwin
+Copyright (c) 2023 Noah Sherwin
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ extensions: .vb
extensions: .xml .config .xsd