Out of the box, Rails can render templates in a controller context only. This little gem allows for calling "render" from anywhere: models, background jobs, rake tasks, you name it.
gem install render_anywhere
Put render_anywhere in your Gemfile:
gem 'render_anywhere', :require => false
In your Rails app, in a rake task, model, background job, or where ever you like, require render_anywhere, include the module and call render with the same arguments as ActionController::Base#render takes. It will return a string.
require 'render_anywhere'
class AnyClass
include RenderAnywhere
def build_html
html = render :template => 'normal/template/reference',
:layout => 'application'
# Include an additional helper
# If being used in a rake task, you may need to require the file(s)
# Ex: require Rails.root.join('app', 'helpers', 'blog_pages_helper')
def include_helper(helper_name)
# Apply an instance variable to the controller
# If you need to use instance variables instead of locals, just call this method as many times as you need.
def set_instance_variable(var, value)
set_instance_variable(var, value)
class RenderingController < RenderAnywhere::RenderingController
# include custom modules here, define accessors, etc. For example:
attr_accessor :current_user
helper_method :current_user
# If you define custom RenderingController, don't forget to override this method
def rendering_controller
@rendering_controller ||= self.class.const_get("RenderingController").new
Yapp, whose CTO (me) kindly agreed to open source this library. App yourself!
The basic approach used here came from this gist by Julien Guimont aka juggy. Thanks!
Run tests with rake
or rspec
Run tests against different versions of rails with appraisal rake
or appraisal rspec
Luke Melia, @lukemelia, lukemelia.com
The MIT License. Copyright (c) 2011, Yapp, Inc.