diff --git a/korman/exporter/camera.py b/korman/exporter/camera.py
index d2c5b5f6..8c042cfa 100644
--- a/korman/exporter/camera.py
+++ b/korman/exporter/camera.py
@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ def _export_camera_modifier(self, so, bo, props, trans):
             cam_trans = plCameraModifier.CamTrans()
             if manual_trans.camera:
+                # Don't even bother if a disabled camera is referenced. If we export camera modifier
+                # for a disabled camera, then it won't get a brain, and the client will crash.
+                if not manual_trans.camera.plasma_object.enabled:
+                    continue
                 cam_trans.transTo = self._mgr.find_create_key(plCameraModifier, bl=manual_trans.camera)
             cam_trans.ignore = manual_trans.mode == "ignore"
diff --git a/korman/exporter/material.py b/korman/exporter/material.py
index 04702fb0..fd201bc1 100644
--- a/korman/exporter/material.py
+++ b/korman/exporter/material.py
@@ -770,6 +770,8 @@ def export_dynamic_env(self, bo, layer, texture, pl_class):
             # least a SceneObject and CoordInterface so that we can touch it...
             # NOTE: that harvest_actor makes sure everyone alread knows we're going to have a CI
             if isinstance(viewpt.data, bpy.types.Camera):
+                if not viewpt.plasma_object.enabled:
+                    raise ExportError(f"DynamicCamMap '{texture.name} wants to use the camera '{viewpt.name}', but it is not a Plasma Object!")
                 pl_env.camera = self._mgr.find_create_key(plCameraModifier, bl=viewpt)
                 pl_env.rootNode = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=viewpt)