autobiblatex is a commandline application that allows one to quickly generate a biblatex database given only a folder of pdf files. autobiblatex uses crossref where possible and a heuristic based on the metadata where it is not.
autobiblatex's development and target platform is UNIX, but it should compile on nigh any platform
- git
- c++20 capable compiler (GCC, CLANG)
- cmake 3.20 or later
- pkg-config (or change/hardcode the paths in CMakeLists.txt)
- libpoppler
- curl
In a console do:
- git clone
- cd eisgenerator
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make -j8
- sudo make install
autobiblatex [FOLDER] [FILENAME]
with FOLDER being a folder containing *.pdf files and FILENAME being a output file name where to place the biblatex database
autobiblatex is Licenced to you under the GPLv3. See gpl-3.0.txt for more information