From a73d3a055822bc5c6da363d8374589089dd2dee6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Philip Durbin Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 14:29:35 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] document how devs can work on DataCite as DOI provider #3845 --- .../source/developers/dev-environment.rst | 9 +++++++ .../source/installation/config.rst | 24 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+) diff --git a/doc/sphinx-guides/source/developers/dev-environment.rst b/doc/sphinx-guides/source/developers/dev-environment.rst index e7d9e0e2484..e947b6d7826 100755 --- a/doc/sphinx-guides/source/developers/dev-environment.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx-guides/source/developers/dev-environment.rst @@ -319,6 +319,15 @@ Geoconnect works as a middle layer, allowing geospatial data files in Dataverse As mentioned under "Architecture and Components" in the :doc:`/installation/prep` section of the Installation Guide, Geoconnect is an optional component of Dataverse, so this section is only necessary to follow it you are working on an issue related to this feature. +DataCite +-------- + +If you've reconfigured from EZID to DataCite and are seeing ``Response code: 400, [url] domain of URL is not allowed`` it's probably because your ``dataverse.siteUrl`` JVM option is unset or set to localhost (``-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http://localhost:8080``). You can try something like this: + +``asadmin delete-jvm-options '-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http\://localhost\:8080'`` + +``asadmin create-jvm-options '-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http\://'`` + ---- Previous: :doc:`intro` | Next: :doc:`version-control` diff --git a/doc/sphinx-guides/source/installation/config.rst b/doc/sphinx-guides/source/installation/config.rst index 2c132d334c1..d4be0800abe 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx-guides/source/installation/config.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx-guides/source/installation/config.rst @@ -425,6 +425,14 @@ While the above two options are recommended because they have been tested by the For example, the Australian Data Archive (ADA) successfully uses the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) API (a proxy for DataCite) to mint their DOIs through Dataverse using a ``doi.baseurlstring`` value of "" as documented at . As ADA did for ANDS DOI minting, any DOI provider (and their corresponding DOI configuration parameters) other than DataCite and EZID must be tested with Dataverse to establish whether or not it will function properly. +Out of the box, Dataverse is configured to use base URL string from EZID. You can delete it like this: + +``asadmin delete-jvm-options '-Ddoi.baseurlstring=https\://'`` + +Then, to switch to DataCite, you can issue the following command: + +``asadmin create-jvm-options '-Ddoi.baseurlstring=https\://'`` + See also these related database settings below: - :ref:`:DoiProvider` @@ -439,13 +447,29 @@ doi.username Used in conjuction with ``doi.baseurlstring``. +Out of the box, Dataverse is configured with a test username from EZID. You can delete it with the following command: + +``asadmin delete-jvm-options '-Ddoi.username=apitest'`` + +Once you have a username from your provider, you can enter it like this: + +``asadmin create-jvm-options '-Ddoi.username=YOUR_USERNAME_HERE'`` + .. _doi.password: doi.password ++++++++++++ +Out of the box, Dataverse is configured with a test password from EZID. You can delete it with the following command: + Used in conjuction with ``doi.baseurlstring``. +``asadmin delete-jvm-options '-Ddoi.password=apitest'`` + +Once you have a password from your provider, you can enter it like this: + +``asadmin create-jvm-options '-Ddoi.password=YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE'`` + .. _dataverse.handlenet.admcredfile: dataverse.handlenet.admcredfile