Plugin for Django-CMS that create list of tabs
You can simply install it with pip like this:
pip install git+
After that you must add it to INSTALLED_APPS
If you are using South you need to put add this in SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES
'cmsplugin_tabs': 'cmsplugin_tabs.south_migrations',
You can configure which templates to use. In your settings you can set:
('template1.html', 'Template 1 Name'),
('template2.html', 'Template 2 Name'),
By default cmsplugin-tabs use this configuration:
('cmsplugin_tabs/tabs.html', 'Tabs'),
('cmsplugin_tabs/accordion.html', 'Accordion'),
Bootstrap 3
django-cmsplugin-tabs require django, django-cms and django-ckeditor
Plugin was developed under Django ver 1.8 and DjangoCMS ver 3.1.
It should work on older versions of Django and DjangoCMS. Pull requests are welcome.