From ce5acfe71f5fbc1178f6b973178a9f565e8c8579 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 23:46:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] [Builtins] Optimize 'MakeKnownM'

 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs       | 80 +++++++++++++++----
 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Meaning.hs         |  3 +-
 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs         |  4 +-
 .../src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Ck.hs   | 10 +--
 .../plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Spec.hs       |  4 +-
 .../Evaluation/Machine/Cek/Internal.hs        | 11 +--
 6 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 604441c0b8d..8d5f3653f76 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -18,20 +18,18 @@ module PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType
     , throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause
     , KnownBuiltinTypeIn
     , KnownBuiltinType
-    , MakeKnownM
+    , MakeKnownM (..)
     , ReadKnownM
+    , liftReadKnownM
     , readKnownConstant
     , MakeKnownIn (..)
     , MakeKnown
     , ReadKnownIn (..)
     , ReadKnown
-    , makeKnownRun
     , makeKnownOrFail
     , readKnownSelf
     ) where
-import PlutusPrelude (reoption)
 import PlutusCore.Builtin.Emitter
 import PlutusCore.Builtin.HasConstant
 import PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism
@@ -195,12 +193,68 @@ a ton of instances (and add new ones whenever we need them), wrap and unwrap all
 -- See Note [MakeKnownM and ReadKnownM being type synonyms].
 -- | The monad that 'makeKnown' runs in.
-type MakeKnownM = ExceptT KnownTypeError Emitter
+data MakeKnownM a
+    = MakeKnownFailure !(DList Text) !KnownTypeError
+    | MakeKnownSuccess !a
+    | MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs !(DList Text) !a
+fmapWithLogs :: DList Text -> (a -> b) -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM b
+fmapWithLogs logs1 f = \case
+    MakeKnownFailure logs2 err       -> MakeKnownFailure (logs1 <> logs2) err
+    MakeKnownSuccess x               -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs1 (f x)
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs2 x -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs (logs1 <> logs2) (f x)
+{-# INLINE fmapWithLogs #-}
+withLogs :: DList Text -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM a
+withLogs logs1 = \case
+    MakeKnownFailure logs2 err       -> MakeKnownFailure (logs1 <> logs2) err
+    MakeKnownSuccess x               -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs1 x
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs2 x -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs (logs1 <> logs2) x
+{-# INLINE withLogs #-}
+instance Functor MakeKnownM where
+    fmap _ (MakeKnownFailure logs err)       = MakeKnownFailure logs err
+    fmap f (MakeKnownSuccess x)              = MakeKnownSuccess (f x)
+    fmap f (MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x) = MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs (f x)
+    {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+    _ <$ MakeKnownFailure logs err       = MakeKnownFailure logs err
+    x <$ MakeKnownSuccess _              = MakeKnownSuccess x
+    x <$ MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs _ = MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x
+    {-# INLINE (<$) #-}
+instance Applicative MakeKnownM where
+    pure = MakeKnownSuccess
+    {-# INLINE pure #-}
+    MakeKnownFailure logs err       <*> _ = MakeKnownFailure logs err
+    MakeKnownSuccess f              <*> a = fmap f a
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs f <*> a = fmapWithLogs logs f a
+    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+    MakeKnownFailure logs err       *> _ = MakeKnownFailure logs err
+    MakeKnownSuccess _              *> a = a
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs _ *> a = withLogs logs a
+    {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
+instance Monad MakeKnownM where
+    MakeKnownFailure logs err       >>= _ = MakeKnownFailure logs err
+    MakeKnownSuccess x              >>= f = f x
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x >>= f = withLogs logs $ f x
+    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+    (>>) = (*>)
+    {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
 -- See Note [MakeKnownM and ReadKnownM being type synonyms].
 -- | The monad that 'readKnown' runs in.
 type ReadKnownM = Either KnownTypeError
+liftReadKnownM :: ReadKnownM a -> MakeKnownM a
+liftReadKnownM (Left err) = MakeKnownFailure mempty err
+liftReadKnownM (Right x)  = MakeKnownSuccess x
+{-# INLINE liftReadKnownM #-}
 -- See Note [Unlifting values of built-in types].
 -- | Convert a constant embedded into a PLC term to the corresponding Haskell value.
 readKnownConstant :: forall val a. KnownBuiltinType val a => val -> ReadKnownM a
@@ -253,15 +307,12 @@ class uni ~ UniOf val => ReadKnownIn uni val a where
 type ReadKnown val = ReadKnownIn (UniOf val) val
-    :: MakeKnownIn uni val a
-    => a -> (ReadKnownM val, DList Text)
-makeKnownRun = runEmitter . runExceptT . makeKnown
-{-# INLINE makeKnownRun #-}
 -- | Same as 'makeKnown', but allows for neither emitting nor storing the cause of a failure.
 makeKnownOrFail :: MakeKnownIn uni val a => a -> EvaluationResult val
-makeKnownOrFail = reoption . fst . makeKnownRun
+makeKnownOrFail x = case makeKnown x of
+    MakeKnownFailure _ _           -> EvaluationFailure
+    MakeKnownSuccess val           -> EvaluationSuccess val
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs _ val -> EvaluationSuccess val
 {-# INLINE makeKnownOrFail #-}
 -- | Same as 'readKnown', but the cause of a potential failure is the provided term itself.
@@ -274,7 +325,7 @@ readKnownSelf val = either (throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause val) pure $ readKnown v
 {-# INLINE readKnownSelf #-}
 instance MakeKnownIn uni val a => MakeKnownIn uni val (EvaluationResult a) where
-    makeKnown EvaluationFailure     = throwing_ _EvaluationFailure
+    makeKnown EvaluationFailure     = MakeKnownFailure mempty KnownTypeEvaluationFailure
     makeKnown (EvaluationSuccess x) = makeKnown x
     {-# INLINE makeKnown #-}
@@ -291,7 +342,8 @@ instance
     readKnown _ = throwing _UnliftingError "Panic: 'TypeError' was bypassed"
 instance MakeKnownIn uni val a => MakeKnownIn uni val (Emitter a) where
-    makeKnown = lift >=> makeKnown
+    makeKnown a = case runEmitter a of
+        (x, logs) -> withLogs logs $ makeKnown x
     {-# INLINE makeKnown #-}
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Meaning.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Meaning.hs
index f6ffb5c567d..9cf0f36f11c 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Meaning.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Meaning.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import PlutusCore.Builtin.TypeScheme
 import PlutusCore.Core
 import PlutusCore.Name
-import Control.Monad.Except
 import Data.Array
 import Data.Kind qualified as GHC
 import Data.Proxy
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ instance (res ~ res', Typeable res, KnownTypeAst (UniOf val) res, MakeKnown val
     -- For deferred unlifting we need to lift the 'ReadKnownM' action into 'MakeKnownM',
     -- hence 'liftEither'.
-    toDeferredF getRes = liftEither getRes >>= makeKnown
+    toDeferredF getRes = liftReadKnownM getRes >>= makeKnown
     {-# INLINE toDeferredF #-}
 -- | Every term-level argument becomes as 'TypeSchemeArrow'.
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
index 3fe36f0a5e4..30f3b741567 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ data UnliftingMode
 -- instantiating '_broToExF' with a cost model to get the costing function for the builtin.
 data BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost = BuiltinRuntimeOptions
     { _broRuntimeScheme :: RuntimeScheme n
-    , _broImmediateF    :: ToRuntimeDenotationType val n
-    , _broDeferredF     :: ToRuntimeDenotationType val n
+    , _broImmediateF    :: ~(ToRuntimeDenotationType val n)
+    , _broDeferredF     :: ~(ToRuntimeDenotationType val n)
     , _broToExF         :: cost -> ToCostingType n
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Ck.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Ck.hs
index e80de2a9696..237f759f721 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Ck.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Ck.hs
@@ -67,12 +67,10 @@ evalBuiltinApp
     -> BuiltinRuntime (CkValue uni fun)
     -> CkM uni fun s (CkValue uni fun)
 evalBuiltinApp term runtime@(BuiltinRuntime sch getX _) = case sch of
-    RuntimeSchemeResult -> do
-        let (errOrRes, logs) = runEmitter $ runExceptT getX
-        emitCkM logs
-        case errOrRes of
-            Left err  -> throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause term err
-            Right res -> pure res
+    RuntimeSchemeResult -> case getX of
+        MakeKnownFailure logs err       -> emitCkM logs *> throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause term err
+        MakeKnownSuccess x              -> pure x
+        MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x -> emitCkM logs $> x
     _ -> pure $ VBuiltin term runtime
 ckValueToTerm :: CkValue uni fun -> Term TyName Name uni fun ()
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Spec.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Spec.hs
index 34785a73375..45d40171751 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Spec.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Spec.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ prop_builtinsDon'tThrow bn = property $ do
     mbErr <-
         liftIO $
-                (($> Nothing) . evaluate . runEmitter . runExceptT $ eval args)
+                (($> Nothing) . evaluate $ eval args)
                 (pure . pure)
     whenJust mbErr $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
         annotate "Builtin function evaluation failed"
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ prop_builtinsDon'tThrow bn = property $ do
             MakeKnownM Term
         go sch f args = case (sch, args) of
             (RuntimeSchemeArrow sch', a : as) -> do
-                res <- liftEither (f a)
+                res <- liftReadKnownM (f a)
                 go sch' res as
             (RuntimeSchemeResult, []) -> f
             (RuntimeSchemeAll sch', _) -> go sch' f args
diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/src/UntypedPlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Cek/Internal.hs b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/src/UntypedPlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Cek/Internal.hs
index 3a780ab10ee..1054988a313 100644
--- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/src/UntypedPlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Cek/Internal.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/src/UntypedPlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Cek/Internal.hs
@@ -565,11 +565,12 @@ evalBuiltinApp
 evalBuiltinApp fun term env runtime@(BuiltinRuntime sch getX cost) = case sch of
     RuntimeSchemeResult -> do
         spendBudgetCek (BBuiltinApp fun) cost
-        let !(errOrRes, logs) = runEmitter $ runExceptT getX
-        ?cekEmitter logs
-        case errOrRes of
-            Left err  -> throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause term err
-            Right res -> pure res
+        case getX of
+            MakeKnownFailure logs err       -> do
+                ?cekEmitter logs
+                throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause term err
+            MakeKnownSuccess x              -> pure x
+            MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x -> ?cekEmitter logs $> x
     _ -> pure $ VBuiltin fun term env runtime
 {-# INLINE evalBuiltinApp #-}

From ade58d8f3fcb463bbdc1917e2c1d0a5840101ae5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Mon, 9 May 2022 23:00:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/10] Docs

 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs       | 32 ++++++++++++-------
 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs         |  4 +++
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 8d5f3653f76..168fa25820f 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -182,22 +182,22 @@ typeMismatchError uniExp uniAct = fromString $ concat
 -- failure message and evaluation is about to be shut anyway.
 {-# NOINLINE typeMismatchError #-}
-{- Note [MakeKnownM and ReadKnownM being type synonyms]
-Normally it's a good idea for an exported abstraction not to be a type synonym, since a @newtype@
-is cheap, looks good in error messages and clearly emphasize an abstraction barrier. However we
-make 'MakeKnownM' and 'ReadKnownM' type synonyms for convenience: that way we don't need to derive
-a ton of instances (and add new ones whenever we need them), wrap and unwrap all the time
-(including in user code), which can be non-trivial for such performance-sensitive code (see e.g.
-'coerceVia' and 'coerceArg') and there is no abstraction barrier anyway.
--- See Note [MakeKnownM and ReadKnownM being type synonyms].
 -- | The monad that 'makeKnown' runs in.
+-- Equivalent to @ExceptT KnownTypeError Emitter@, except optimized in two ways:
+-- 1. everything is strict
+-- 2. has the 'MakeKnownSuccess' constructor that is used for returning a value with no logs
+--    attached, which is the most common case for us, so it helps a lot not to construct and
+--    deconstruct a redundant tuple
+-- Moving from @ExceptT KnownTypeError Emitter@ to this data type gave us a speedup of 8% of total
+-- evaluation time.
 data MakeKnownM a
     = MakeKnownFailure !(DList Text) !KnownTypeError
     | MakeKnownSuccess !a
     | MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs !(DList Text) !a
+-- | Prepend logs to a 'MakeKnownM' computation and 'fmap' it.
 fmapWithLogs :: DList Text -> (a -> b) -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM b
 fmapWithLogs logs1 f = \case
     MakeKnownFailure logs2 err       -> MakeKnownFailure (logs1 <> logs2) err
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ fmapWithLogs logs1 f = \case
     MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs2 x -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs (logs1 <> logs2) (f x)
 {-# INLINE fmapWithLogs #-}
+-- | Prepend logs to a 'MakeKnownM' computation.
 withLogs :: DList Text -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM a
 withLogs logs1 = \case
     MakeKnownFailure logs2 err       -> MakeKnownFailure (logs1 <> logs2) err
@@ -213,11 +214,14 @@ withLogs logs1 = \case
 {-# INLINE withLogs #-}
 instance Functor MakeKnownM where
+    -- Written out explicitly, because for some inexplicable reason GHC fails to inline
+    -- @fmapWithLogs mempty@ despite the pragma.
     fmap _ (MakeKnownFailure logs err)       = MakeKnownFailure logs err
     fmap f (MakeKnownSuccess x)              = MakeKnownSuccess (f x)
     fmap f (MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x) = MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs (f x)
     {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+    -- Written out explicitly just in case (see @fmap@ above for what the case might be).
     _ <$ MakeKnownFailure logs err       = MakeKnownFailure logs err
     x <$ MakeKnownSuccess _              = MakeKnownSuccess x
     x <$ MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs _ = MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x
@@ -246,10 +250,16 @@ instance Monad MakeKnownM where
     (>>) = (*>)
     {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
--- See Note [MakeKnownM and ReadKnownM being type synonyms].
+-- Normally it's a good idea for an exported abstraction not to be a type synonym, since a @newtype@
+-- is cheap, looks good in error messages and clearly emphasize an abstraction barrier. However we
+-- make 'ReadKnownM' type synonyms for convenience: that way we don't need to derive all the
+-- instances (and add new ones whenever we need them), wrap and unwrap all the time
+-- (including in user code), which can be non-trivial for such performance-sensitive code (see e.g.
+-- 'coerceVia' and 'coerceArg') and there is no abstraction barrier anyway.
 -- | The monad that 'readKnown' runs in.
 type ReadKnownM = Either KnownTypeError
+-- | Lift a 'ReadKnownM' computation into 'MakeKnownM'.
 liftReadKnownM :: ReadKnownM a -> MakeKnownM a
 liftReadKnownM (Left err) = MakeKnownFailure mempty err
 liftReadKnownM (Right x)  = MakeKnownSuccess x
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
index 30f3b741567..ed8b2ce63e7 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ data UnliftingMode
 -- former by choosing the runtime denotation of the builtin (either '_broImmediateF' for immediate
 -- unlifting or '_broDeferredF' for deferred unlifting, see 'UnliftingMode' for details) and by
 -- instantiating '_broToExF' with a cost model to get the costing function for the builtin.
+-- The runtime denotations are lazy, so that we don't need to worry about a builtin being bottom
+-- (happens in tests). The production path is not affected by that, since 'BuiltinRuntimeOptions'
+-- doesn't survive optimization.
 data BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost = BuiltinRuntimeOptions
     { _broRuntimeScheme :: RuntimeScheme n
     , _broImmediateF    :: ~(ToRuntimeDenotationType val n)

From 54665b928463523953352a3135e319f522dcc67a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 14:14:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/10] Drop 'fmapWithLogs'

 .../plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs    | 10 +---------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 168fa25820f..f2573c93e87 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -197,14 +197,6 @@ data MakeKnownM a
     | MakeKnownSuccess !a
     | MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs !(DList Text) !a
--- | Prepend logs to a 'MakeKnownM' computation and 'fmap' it.
-fmapWithLogs :: DList Text -> (a -> b) -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM b
-fmapWithLogs logs1 f = \case
-    MakeKnownFailure logs2 err       -> MakeKnownFailure (logs1 <> logs2) err
-    MakeKnownSuccess x               -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs1 (f x)
-    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs2 x -> MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs (logs1 <> logs2) (f x)
-{-# INLINE fmapWithLogs #-}
 -- | Prepend logs to a 'MakeKnownM' computation.
 withLogs :: DList Text -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM a
 withLogs logs1 = \case
@@ -233,7 +225,7 @@ instance Applicative MakeKnownM where
     MakeKnownFailure logs err       <*> _ = MakeKnownFailure logs err
     MakeKnownSuccess f              <*> a = fmap f a
-    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs f <*> a = fmapWithLogs logs f a
+    MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs f <*> a = withLogs logs $ fmap f a
     {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
     MakeKnownFailure logs err       *> _ = MakeKnownFailure logs err

From 6377aa69f59f506787390413706b83542ff00c1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 15:01:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Add 'StrictData'

 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs         | 17 ++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index f2573c93e87..53cae255e76 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StrictData            #-}
 module PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType
     ( KnownTypeError
     , throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause
@@ -193,9 +195,9 @@ typeMismatchError uniExp uniAct = fromString $ concat
 -- Moving from @ExceptT KnownTypeError Emitter@ to this data type gave us a speedup of 8% of total
 -- evaluation time.
 data MakeKnownM a
-    = MakeKnownFailure !(DList Text) !KnownTypeError
-    | MakeKnownSuccess !a
-    | MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs !(DList Text) !a
+    = MakeKnownFailure (DList Text) KnownTypeError
+    | MakeKnownSuccess a
+    | MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs (DList Text) a
 -- | Prepend logs to a 'MakeKnownM' computation.
 withLogs :: DList Text -> MakeKnownM a -> MakeKnownM a
@@ -288,10 +290,11 @@ class uni ~ UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val a where
     -- The inverse of 'readKnown'.
     makeKnown :: a -> MakeKnownM val
     default makeKnown :: KnownBuiltinType val a => a -> MakeKnownM val
-    -- Forcing the value to avoid space leaks. Note that the value is only forced to WHNF,
-    -- so care must be taken to ensure that every value of a type from the universe gets forced
-    -- to NF whenever it's forced to WHNF.
-    makeKnown x = pure . fromConstant . someValue $! x
+    -- Everything on evaluation path has to be strict, hence we don't do any extra forcing here to
+    -- avoid space leaks. Note that the value is only forced to WHNF, so care must be taken to
+    -- ensure that every value of a type from the universe gets forced to NF whenever it's forced to
+    -- WHNF.
+    makeKnown = pure . fromConstant . someValue
     {-# INLINE makeKnown #-}
 type MakeKnown val = MakeKnownIn (UniOf val) val

From c27e088cad4c6bbdc6d596b21ebf33bde13a7fa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 16:06:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/10] Drop 'StrictData'

 plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 53cae255e76..9479f78d189 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StrictData            #-}
 module PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType
     ( KnownTypeError
     , throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause

From f6845efe811ab0082fc58273aeda2ab9aacfb936 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 16:20:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] A bit more comments

 plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 9479f78d189..a89e77b176c 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -192,6 +192,10 @@ typeMismatchError uniExp uniAct = fromString $ concat
 -- Moving from @ExceptT KnownTypeError Emitter@ to this data type gave us a speedup of 8% of total
 -- evaluation time.
+-- Logs are represented as a 'DList', because we don't particularly care about the efficiency of
+-- logging, since there's no logging on the chain and builtins don't emit much anyway. Otherwise
+-- we'd have to use @text-builder@ or @text-builder-linear@ or something of this sort.
 data MakeKnownM a
     = MakeKnownFailure (DList Text) KnownTypeError
     | MakeKnownSuccess a
@@ -228,6 +232,8 @@ instance Applicative MakeKnownM where
     MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs f <*> a = withLogs logs $ fmap f a
     {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+    -- Better than the default implementation, because the value in the 'MakeKnownSuccess' case
+    -- doesn't need to be retained.
     MakeKnownFailure logs err       *> _ = MakeKnownFailure logs err
     MakeKnownSuccess _              *> a = a
     MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs _ *> a = withLogs logs a

From 20f4e15e2ed54433bf5117f9ca64fef94241fe95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 17:04:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/10] And now do the forcing properly

 plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index a89e77b176c..74f88d06c00 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class uni ~ UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val a where
     -- avoid space leaks. Note that the value is only forced to WHNF, so care must be taken to
     -- ensure that every value of a type from the universe gets forced to NF whenever it's forced to
     -- WHNF.
-    makeKnown = pure . fromConstant . someValue
+    makeKnown x = pure . fromConstant . someValue $! x
     {-# INLINE makeKnown #-}
 type MakeKnown val = MakeKnownIn (UniOf val) val

From d06d3af8dbf1f8155024127b336681b0900a5731 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 17:46:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/10] Revert "Drop 'StrictData'"

This reverts commit c27e088cad4c6bbdc6d596b21ebf33bde13a7fa1.
 plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 74f88d06c00..21eab085c97 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StrictData            #-}
 module PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType
     ( KnownTypeError
     , throwKnownTypeErrorWithCause

From f93d9df525195b22eedd8020a103a3494643c53e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 17:47:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Fixups

 plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 21eab085c97..15fa17103d4 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -212,8 +212,6 @@ withLogs logs1 = \case
 {-# INLINE withLogs #-}
 instance Functor MakeKnownM where
-    -- Written out explicitly, because for some inexplicable reason GHC fails to inline
-    -- @fmapWithLogs mempty@ despite the pragma.
     fmap _ (MakeKnownFailure logs err)       = MakeKnownFailure logs err
     fmap f (MakeKnownSuccess x)              = MakeKnownSuccess (f x)
     fmap f (MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs x) = MakeKnownSuccessWithLogs logs (f x)
@@ -300,7 +298,7 @@ class uni ~ UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val a where
     -- avoid space leaks. Note that the value is only forced to WHNF, so care must be taken to
     -- ensure that every value of a type from the universe gets forced to NF whenever it's forced to
     -- WHNF.
-    makeKnown x = pure . fromConstant . someValue $! x
+    makeKnown = pure . fromConstant . someValue
     {-# INLINE makeKnown #-}
 type MakeKnown val = MakeKnownIn (UniOf val) val

From bd8071f910ab0b53f23eacd9dc6ccdd29e1f2d5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: effectfully <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2022 01:09:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/10] Back to the bang

 .../src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs            | 14 +++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
index 15fa17103d4..1a8489d1cb8 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
@@ -294,11 +294,15 @@ class uni ~ UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val a where
     -- The inverse of 'readKnown'.
     makeKnown :: a -> MakeKnownM val
     default makeKnown :: KnownBuiltinType val a => a -> MakeKnownM val
-    -- Everything on evaluation path has to be strict, hence we don't do any extra forcing here to
-    -- avoid space leaks. Note that the value is only forced to WHNF, so care must be taken to
-    -- ensure that every value of a type from the universe gets forced to NF whenever it's forced to
-    -- WHNF.
-    makeKnown = pure . fromConstant . someValue
+    -- Everything on evaluation path has to be strict in production, so in theory we don't need to
+    -- force anything here. In practice however all kinds of weird things happen in tests and @val@
+    -- can be non-strict enough to cause trouble here, so we're forcing the argument. Looking at the
+    -- generated Core, the forcing amounts to pulling a @case@ out of the 'fromConstant' call,
+    -- which doesn't affect the overall cost and benchmarking results suggest the same.
+    --
+    -- Note that the value is only forced to WHNF, so care must be taken to ensure that every value
+    -- of a type from the universe gets forced to NF whenever it's forced to WHNF.
+    makeKnown x = pure . fromConstant . someValue $! x
     {-# INLINE makeKnown #-}
 type MakeKnown val = MakeKnownIn (UniOf val) val