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method directly $responsePut = $app['islandora.resourcecontroller']->put($app, $subRequestPut, $responsePost->headers->get('location'), "members"); if (201 == $responsePut->getStatusCode()) {// OK, indirect container created - //Return only the last created resource + //Include headers from the parent one, some of the last one. Basically rewrite everything $putHeaders = $responsePut->getHeaders(); //Guzzle psr7 response objects are inmutable. So we have to make this an array and add directly - $putHeaders['Link'] = array('<'.$urlRoute.$tmpUuid.'/members>; rel="alternate"'); - - return new Response($responsePut->getBody(), 201, $putHeaders); + $putHeaders['Link'] = array('<'.$responsePut->getBody().'>; rel="alternate"'); + $putHeaders['Link'] = array('<'.$urlRoute.$tmpUuid.'/members>; rel="hub"'); + $putHeaders['Location'] = array($urlRoute.$tmpUuid); + //Should i care about the etag? + return new Response($putHeaders['Location'][0], 201, $putHeaders); } return $responsePut;