diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index 59c88f9c829..fad376b6982 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ docker run -p 4000:4000 -it --rm --volume="C:\git-repositories\jabref\docs":/srv
* With Ctrl+C you can stop the server (this is enabled by the `-it` switch).
* In case you get errors regarding `Gemfile.lock`, just delete `Gemfile.lock` and rerun.
* The current `Dockerfile` is based on .
- The [Jekyll Docker image](https://github.com/envygeeks/jekyll-docker#jekyll-docker) did not work end of 20222 (because Ruby was too new).
+ The [Jekyll Docker image](https://github.com/envygeeks/jekyll-docker#jekyll-docker) did not work end of 2022 (because Ruby was too new).
diff --git a/docs/code-howtos/IntelliJ.md b/docs/code-howtos/IntelliJ.md
index 9af29ef2b22..5cac3dac319 100644
--- a/docs/code-howtos/IntelliJ.md
+++ b/docs/code-howtos/IntelliJ.md
@@ -15,71 +15,15 @@ Did you know that [IntelliJ allows for reformatting selected code](https://www.j
* Alt+F1 and then Enter: Locate the file in the search bar on the left side.
* Ctrl+Shift+T: Navigate from a class to the test class.
-parent: Set up a local workspace
-grand_parent: Getting into the code
-nav_order: 49
-## Other notes on IntelliJ
-{: .note}
-Here, some notes on IntelliJ setup are written down.
-These are intended for pro users.
-You should use IntelliJ IDEA's internal build system for compiling and running JabRef tests during development, because it is usually more responsive.
-Essentially, you now have the best of both worlds:
-You can run Gradle tasks using the Gradle Tool Window.
-You can compile and run tests with IntelliJ's faster internal build system
-(unless you haven't made changes to input files that generate sources).
-{: .important}
-When using IntelliJ's build system, **it is important** that you understand that JabRef relies on generated sources which are only built through Gradle.
-Therefore, to build or update these dependencies you need to run the `run` (or `assemble`) Gradle task at least once.
-When you followed this guide, you should have done it in the Gradle setup.
-Running JabRef itself through IntelliJ's build system is **not** possible as we encounter difficulties when reading resources though `.class.getResource(...)`.
-Although solutions are discussed in length [on stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/q/26328040/873282), there is no "good" solution for us.
-## Running JabRef using IntelliJ's build system
-{ :note }
-Maybe does not work
-To run JabRef from IntelliJ, we let IntelliJ create a launch configuration:
-Locate the class `Launcher`:
-Press Ctrl+N.
-Then, the "Search for classes dialog" pops up.
-Enter `Launcher`.
-Now, only one class should have been found:
-{% figure caption:"IntelliJ search for class “Launcher”" %}
-{% endfigure %}
-Press Enter to jump to that class.
-Hover on the green play button.
-{% figure caption:"However on green play" %}
-{% endfigure %}
-Then, click on it.
-A popup menu opens.
-Choose the first entry and click on it.
-{% figure caption:"Run JabRef via launcher" %}
-{% endfigure %}
-Then, JabRef starts.
-You also have an entry in the Launch configurations to directly launch the JabRef GUI:
-{% figure caption:"Launch menu contains “Launcher”" %}
-{% endfigure %}
-You can also click on the debug symbol next to it to enable stopping at breakpoints.
+## Show variable values in IntelliJ
+1. Go to a test case (example: [`org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntryTest#settingTypeToNullThrowsException`](https://github.com/JabRef/jabref/blob/refine-intellij-howto/src/test/java/org/jabref/model/entry/BibEntryTest.java#L52-L52)
+2. Set the breakpoint to the first line
+3. Execute the test
+4. Go to the settings of the debugger and activate "Show Variable Values in Editor" and "Show Method Return Values"
+ Debugger Configuration
diff --git a/docs/code-howtos/intellij-debugger-configuration.png b/docs/code-howtos/intellij-debugger-configuration.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0b2a4ed3fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/code-howtos/intellij-debugger-configuration.png differ
diff --git a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-12-build.md b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-12-build.md
index bdd8959042e..e4dd5425f70 100644
--- a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-12-build.md
+++ b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-12-build.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ nav_order: 12
Ensure you have a Java 20 SDK configured by navigating to **File > Project Structure... > Platform Settings > SDKs**.
{% figure caption:"JDKs 11, 14, and 15 shown in available SDKs. JDK 20 is missing." %}
{% endfigure %}
If there is another JDK than JDK 20 selected, click on the plus button and choose "Download JDK..."
diff --git a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md
index cd0b746d7ed..b0897e95a65 100644
--- a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md
+++ b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md
@@ -22,15 +22,28 @@ Due to [IDEA-119280](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119280), it is a
3. Press Ctrl+C to mark them for copying
4. Select the folder `classes`
5. Press Ctrl+V to start the copy process
-8. Locate the class `Launcher` (e.g., by ctrl+N and then typing `Launcher`)
+8. Locate the class `Launcher` (e.g., by ctrl+N and then typing `Launcher`). Press Enter to jump to that class.
+ IntelliJ search for class “Launcher”
9. Click on the green play button next to the `main` method to create a Launch configuration. IntelliJ will fail in launching.
+ However on green play
+ Run JabRef via launcher
10. On the top right of the IntelliJ window, next to the newly created launch configuration, click on the drop down
11. Click on "Edit Configurations..."
12. On the right, click on "Modify options"
13. Ensure that "Use classpath of module" is checked
14. Select "Add VM options"
15. In the newly appearing field for VM options, insert:
@@ -53,6 +66,12 @@ Due to [IDEA-119280](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119280), it is a
--add-reads org.jabref=org.fxmisc.flowless
--add-reads org.jabref=org.apache.commons.csv
+16. Click "Apply"
+17. Click "Run". You can also click on the debug symbol next to it to enable stopping at breakpoints.
+ Launch menu contains “Launcher”
-14. Click "Apply"
-15. Click "Run"
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-choose-jdk-adoptopenjdk-on-windows-project-settings.png b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-choose-jdk-adoptopenjdk-on-windows-project-settings.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/intellij-choose-jdk-adoptopenjdk-on-windows-project-settings.png
rename to docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-choose-jdk-adoptopenjdk-on-windows-project-settings.png
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-gradle-config-ignore-buildSrc.png b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-gradle-config-ignore-buildSrc.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/intellij-gradle-config-ignore-buildSrc.png
rename to docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-gradle-config-ignore-buildSrc.png
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-hover-on-play-button.png b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-hover-on-play-button.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/intellij-hover-on-play-button.png
rename to docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-hover-on-play-button.png
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-run-jabref-from-launcher.png b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-run-jabref-from-launcher.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/intellij-run-jabref-from-launcher.png
rename to docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-run-jabref-from-launcher.png
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-run-launcher.png b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-run-launcher.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/intellij-run-launcher.png
rename to docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-run-launcher.png
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-search-for-launcher.png b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-search-for-launcher.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/intellij-search-for-launcher.png
rename to docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-search-for-launcher.png
diff --git a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/trouble-shooting.md b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/trouble-shooting.md
index 54316245203..b3736f73832 100644
--- a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/trouble-shooting.md
+++ b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/trouble-shooting.md
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ In older IntelliJ setups, more things were necessary:
Ignore the Gradle project "buildSrc" by clicking the button **Select Project Data To Import** in the Gradle Tool Window and unchecking the folder "buildSrc".
Add `src-gen` as root:
diff --git a/docs/images/intellij-gradle-config.png b/docs/images/intellij-gradle-config.png
deleted file mode 100644
index deb452c88b8..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/intellij-gradle-config.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 8712b91bacc..cd0b7ef4200 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The package `org.jabref.cli` is responsible for handling the command line option
During development, one can configure IntelliJ to pass command line parameters:
Passing command line arguments using gradle is currently not possible as all arguments (such as `-Dfile.encoding=windows-1252`) are passed to the application.