CIDRBlockList is a ColdFusion library to filter IPs based on CIDR block data.
- Read+parse a flat text file with CIDR IP address data
- Identify whether IP is within CIDR ranges (true/false)
- Write your own rules
Create your own CIDR file. IP ranges can be identified by going to:
Initialize the library and read/parse the CIDR data file. (Currently named "CIDRBlocklist.txt in the same sub-directory as library.)
<CFIF NOT StructKeyExists(application, "CIDRBlockList") OR StructKeyExists(URL, "refreshCIDR")>
<CFSET application.CIDRBlockList = createObject("component", "CIDRBlockList").init()>
<!--- Or pass specific CIDR data file
<CFSET application.CIDRBlockList = createObject("component", "CIDRBlockList").init("#ThisProjectDir#CIDRBlocklist.txt")>
<cfif application.CIDRBlockList.CheckIP(CGI.Remote_Addr)>
<!--- IP is found within CIDR ranges. Switch to a simple message --->
<p>To make a donation, please contact us offline at 555-555-5555.</p>
<!--- Non-Blocked IP. Show form or information --->
<cfinclude template="./donationform.cfm">
<CFDUMP VAR="#Application.CIDRBlockList.GetStats()#">