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All builds can be found in Releases.
For Synology DS720+ use linux-x64 build. Ignore the warning about missing file.


-A working and synced node
-At least 1 working Cli-Wallet (configurable through it's own config.json)
Use the one released with the GoShimmer build:

Important to use the
Latest Pollen GUI Wallet:
Latest node and CLI-Wallet:
Latest node software for example as Docker image:


If you want to build it yourself you can use the buildAll.bat (Windows).
Developed and test with Visual Studio 2019 v16.8.6 with .NET Core 5

NuGet packages used:
CliWrap Version="3.3.1" -
Newtonsoft.Json Version="12.0.3" -
RestSharp Version="106.11.7" -
SimpleBase Version="3.0.2" -

How to use

See \bin\Release\net5.0\publish
Run for your platform for example:
Windows: IOTA-Pollen-AutoSendFunds.exe [settingsFile]
Linux: IOTA-Pollen-AutoSendFunds [settingsFile]

settingsFile is optional, by default settings.json from current directory will be used.
An example settings.json is supplied with each build.

At least review/update the settings.json (more info read further down below):

When using the application:
Press escape to quit
Press space to pause
Press B to show balance of wallet
Press R to reload addresses.json and config.json

How to use as a spammer

-Make multiple folders with each a copy of a cli-wallet. Verify that is running correctly.
-Run IOTA-Pollen-AutoSendFunds.exe from each directory where you use the following settings.json where X is wallet number, be sure to update the GoShimmerDashboardUrl:

  "WalletName": "Wallet X",
  "PublishReceiveAddress": true,
  "PublishWebApiUrlOfNodeTakenFromWallet": true,
  "CliWalletFullpath": "c:\\temp\\iota\\wallet X\\cli-wallet.exe",
  "AccessManaId": "",
  "ConsensusManaId": "",
  "UrlWalletReceiveAddresses": "c:\\temp\\iota\\addresses.json",
  "UrlWalletNode": "c:\\temp\\iota\\nodes.json",
  "VerifyIfReceiveAddressesExist": false,
  "GoShimmerDashboardUrl": "http://node.url:8081",
  "MinAmountToSend": 1,
  "MaxAmountToSend": 40,
  "TokensToSent": [
  "StopWhenNoBalanceWithCreditIsAvailable": false,
  "WaitingTimeInSecondsBetweenTransactions": 0,
  "WaitForPreviousTransactionToFinish": "true",
  "ShowOutputCliWallet": false,
  "PickRandomDestinationAddress": true,
  "MaxWaitingTimeInSecondsForRequestingFunds": 90

Settings - settings.json


Full path to a cli-wallet. Be sure to use the correct version. See Prerequisites. Double check if cli-wallet runs correctly. You can only run one instance of IOTA-Pollen-AutoSendFunds for each cli-wallet (this is auto-checked at runtime).


Optional, when left empty it uses your (full) identityID taken by using the WebAPI setting from the wallet config.json. You can find it yourself by going to http://node.url:8080/info


Optional, when left empty it uses your (full) identityID taken by using the WebAPI setting from the wallet config.json. You can find it yourself by going to http://node.url:8080/info


Two options:

  • You can use a fullpath to a local .json file. This file will be auto populated if you set PublishReceiveAddress from settings.json when you run IOTA-Pollen-AutoSendFunds.exe. You can use an example file which is provided in folder Resources which already contains dozens of addresses taken from Discord #goshimmer channel.
  • (work in progress) Use an url which points to a .json file. For example the central AddressBook webservice where receiving wallet addresses are stored from other users located at: ...


If set to true all receive addresses are checked if available and valid


Points to a node's dashboard, by default this is http://node.url:8081. If empty the node url will be used from the wallet config.json with port 8081. The dashboard is used to check if receive addresses exist and are valid.

MinAmountToSend and MaxAmountToSend

Minimal and maximal amount to be sent. A random value between these two will be picked. Available balance will be taken into account.


Here you can set which tokens will be available to sent. From this set will be randomly chosen.


When there is not any positive balance available left the program will stop when set to true.


Time to wait in seconds between transactions.


Not used currently


Show output from cli-wallet


If true randomly a destinationaddress, which is not owned by you, will be picked from UrlWalletReceiveAddresses. If false this will be done sequentially.


Maximum time to wait in seconds for requesting funds to complete

Roadmap / to do / work in progress

AutoSendFunds currently only use a local .json file to store, load and select random wallet addresses from.

Work in progress:
-use a local .json file to store, load and select a node to connect to
-a website/API where users can share their wallet address and/or node ip/port. AutoSendFunds users can choose to load random destination wallet and node info from this website/API in settings.json.