diff --git a/jac/jaclang/compiler/absyntree.py b/jac/jaclang/compiler/absyntree.py
index e25ba9d81c..85d91fa97e 100644
--- a/jac/jaclang/compiler/absyntree.py
+++ b/jac/jaclang/compiler/absyntree.py
@@ -1013,8 +1013,9 @@ def resolve_relative_path(self, target_item: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
         target = self.dot_path_str
         if target_item:
             target += f".{target_item}"
-        base_path = os.path.dirname(self.loc.mod_path)
-        base_path = base_path if base_path else os.getcwd()
+        base_path = (
+            os.getenv("JACPATH") or os.path.dirname(self.loc.mod_path) or os.getcwd()
+        )
         parts = target.split(".")
         traversal_levels = self.level - 1 if self.level > 0 else 0
         actual_parts = parts[traversal_levels:]
@@ -1026,6 +1027,15 @@ def resolve_relative_path(self, target_item: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
             if os.path.exists(relative_path + ".jac")
             else relative_path
+        jacpath = os.getenv("JACPATH")
+        if not os.path.exists(relative_path) and jacpath:
+            name_to_find = actual_parts[-1] + ".jac"
+            # Walk through the single path in JACPATH
+            for root, _, files in os.walk(jacpath):
+                if name_to_find in files:
+                    relative_path = os.path.join(root, name_to_find)
+                    break
         return relative_path
     def normalize(self, deep: bool = False) -> bool:
diff --git a/jac/jaclang/compiler/passes/main/import_pass.py b/jac/jaclang/compiler/passes/main/import_pass.py
index 618f987a22..5af9cc0e52 100644
--- a/jac/jaclang/compiler/passes/main/import_pass.py
+++ b/jac/jaclang/compiler/passes/main/import_pass.py
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ def import_jac_mod_from_file(self, target: str) -> ast.Module | None:
             self.warnings_had += mod_pass.warnings_had
             mod = mod_pass.ir
         except Exception as e:
-            logger.info(e)
+            logger.error(e)
             mod = None
         if isinstance(mod, ast.Module):
             self.import_table[target] = mod
diff --git a/jac/jaclang/compiler/tests/test_importer.py b/jac/jaclang/compiler/tests/test_importer.py
index 40fe79a9e7..e14bae40cd 100644
--- a/jac/jaclang/compiler/tests/test_importer.py
+++ b/jac/jaclang/compiler/tests/test_importer.py
@@ -62,3 +62,47 @@ def test_jac_py_import_auto(self) -> None:
             "{SomeObj(a=10): 'check'} [MyObj(apple=5, banana=7), MyObj(apple=5, banana=7)]",
+    def test_import_with_jacpath(self) -> None:
+        """Test module import using JACPATH."""
+        # Set up a temporary JACPATH environment variable
+        import os
+        import tempfile
+        jacpath_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+        os.environ["JACPATH"] = jacpath_dir.name
+        # Create a mock Jac file in the JACPATH directory
+        module_name = "test_module"
+        jac_file_path = os.path.join(jacpath_dir.name, f"{module_name}.jac")
+        with open(jac_file_path, "w") as f:
+            f.write(
+                """
+                with entry {
+                    "Hello from JACPATH!" :> print;
+                }
+                """
+            )
+        # Capture the output
+        captured_output = io.StringIO()
+        sys.stdout = captured_output
+        try:
+            JacMachine(self.fixture_abs_path(__file__)).attach_program(
+                JacProgram(mod_bundle=None, bytecode=None, sem_ir=None)
+            )
+            jac_import(module_name, base_path=__file__)
+            cli.run(jac_file_path)
+            # Reset stdout and get the output
+            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+            stdout_value = captured_output.getvalue()
+            self.assertIn("Hello from JACPATH!", stdout_value)
+        finally:
+            captured_output.close()
+            JacMachine.detach()
+            os.environ.pop("JACPATH", None)
+            jacpath_dir.cleanup()
diff --git a/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/importer.py b/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/importer.py
index c865da6603..83580e155f 100644
--- a/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/importer.py
+++ b/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/importer.py
@@ -158,9 +158,6 @@ def load_jac_mod_as_item(
             return getattr(new_module, name, new_module)
         except ImportError as e:
-            # logger.error(
-            #     f"Failed to load {name} from {jac_file_path} in {module.__name__}: {str(e)}"
-            # )
             return None
@@ -319,6 +316,32 @@ def run_import(
         """Run the import process for Jac modules."""
         unique_loaded_items: list[types.ModuleType] = []
         module = None
+        # Gather all possible search paths
+        jacpaths = os.environ.get("JACPATH", "")
+        search_paths = [spec.caller_dir]
+        if jacpaths:
+            for p in jacpaths.split(os.pathsep):
+                p = p.strip()
+                if p and p not in search_paths:
+                    search_paths.append(p)
+            # Attempt to locate the module file or directory
+            found_path = None
+            target_path_components = spec.target.split(".")
+            for search_path in search_paths:
+                candidate = os.path.join(search_path, "/".join(target_path_components))
+                # Check if the candidate is a directory or a .jac file
+                if (os.path.isdir(candidate)) or (os.path.isfile(candidate + ".jac")):
+                    found_path = candidate
+                    break
+            # If a suitable path was found, update spec.full_target; otherwise, raise an error
+            if found_path:
+                spec.full_target = os.path.abspath(found_path)
+            else:
+                raise ImportError(
+                    f"Unable to locate module '{spec.target}' in {search_paths}"
+                )
         if os.path.isfile(spec.full_target + ".jac"):
             module_name = self.get_sys_mod_name(spec.full_target + ".jac")
             module_name = spec.override_name if spec.override_name else module_name
diff --git a/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/machine.py b/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/machine.py
index 81d0256e69..0a85e0c012 100644
--- a/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/machine.py
+++ b/jac/jaclang/runtimelib/machine.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ def __init__(self, base_path: str = "") -> None:
         self.loaded_modules: dict[str, types.ModuleType] = {}
         if not base_path:
             base_path = os.getcwd()
+        # Ensure the base_path is a list rather than a string
         self.base_path = base_path
         self.base_path_dir = (
@@ -306,12 +307,11 @@ def get_bytecode(
                 return marshal.load(f)
         result = compile_jac(full_target, cache_result=cachable)
-        if result.errors_had or not result.ir.gen.py_bytecode:
+        if result.errors_had:
             for alrt in result.errors_had:
                 # We're not logging here, it already gets logged as the errors were added to the errors_had list.
                 # Regardless of the logging, this needs to be sent to the end user, so we'll printing it to stderr.
-            return None
         if result.ir.gen.py_bytecode is not None:
             return marshal.loads(result.ir.gen.py_bytecode)