From d5072c7f673823fefff07d84ce92b59e5fa5d432 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Luis Fabregas Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2022 16:53:27 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] `fit`: add missing arguments to docstring --- deerlab/ | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+) diff --git a/deerlab/ b/deerlab/ index 252b95b6..65115eda 100644 --- a/deerlab/ +++ b/deerlab/ @@ -1033,11 +1033,80 @@ def fit(model_, y, *constants, par0=None, penalties=None, bootstrap=0, noiselvl= ---------- model : :ref:`Model` Model object. + y : array_like Data to be fitted. + par0 : array_like, optional Value at which to initialize the parameter at the start of a fit routine. Must be specified if not defined in the model. Otherwise, it overrides the definition in the model. + + penalties: callable or list thereof, optional + Custom penalty function(s) to impose upon the solution. A single penalty must be specified as a callable function. + Multiple penalties can be specified as a list of callable functons. Each function must take two inputs, a vector of non-linear parameters + and a vector of linear parameters, and return a vector to be added to the residual vector (``pen = fcn(pnonlin,plin)``). + The square of the penalty is computed internally. + + bootstrap : scalar, optional, + Bootstrap samples for uncertainty quantification. If ``bootstrap>0``, the uncertainty quantification will be + performed via the boostrapping method with based on the number of samples specified as the argument. + + reg : boolean or string, optional + Determines the use of regularization on the solution of the linear problem. + + * ``'auto'`` - Automatic decision based con the condition number of the non-linear model ``Amodel``. + * ``True`` - Forces regularization regardless of the condition number + * ``False`` - Disables regularization regardless of the condition number + + The default is ``'auto'``. + + regparam : string or float scalar, optional + Method for the automatic selection of the optimal regularization parameter: + + * ``'lr'`` - L-curve minimum-radius method (LR) + * ``'lc'`` - L-curve maximum-curvature method (LC) + * ``'cv'`` - Cross validation (CV) + * ``'gcv'`` - Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) + * ``'rgcv'`` - Robust Generalized Cross Validation (rGCV) + * ``'srgcv'`` - Strong Robust Generalized Cross Validation (srGCV) + * ``'aic'`` - Akaike information criterion (AIC) + * ``'bic'`` - Bayesian information criterion (BIC) + * ``'aicc'`` - Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC) + * ``'rm'`` - Residual method (RM) + * ``'ee'`` - Extrapolated Error (EE) + * ``'ncp'`` - Normalized Cumulative Periodogram (NCP) + * ``'gml'`` - Generalized Maximum Likelihood (GML) + * ``'mcl'`` - Mallows' C_L (MCL) + + The regularization parameter can be manually specified by passing a scalar value + instead of a string. The default ``'aic'``. + + regparamrange : array_like, optional + Search range for the optimization of the regularization parameter. Must be specified as a list ``[regparam_lb, regparam_ub]`` + with the lower/upper boundaries of the regularization parameter. The default range is ``[1e-8, 1e3]``. + + regop : 2D array_like, optional + Regularization operator matrix, the default is the second-order differential operator. + + alphareopt : float scalar, optional + Relative parameter change threshold for reoptimizing the regularization parameter + when using a selection method, the default is ``1e-3``. + + nnlsSolver : string, optional + Solver used to solve a non-negative least-squares problem (if applicable): + + * ``'cvx'`` - Optimization of the NNLS problem using the cvxopt package. + * ``'fnnls'`` - Optimization using the fast NNLS algorithm. + + The default is ``'cvx'``. + + verbose : scalar integer, optional + Level of verbosity during the analysis: + + * ``0`` : Work silently (default). + * ``1`` : Display progress including the non-linear least-squares' solver termination report. + * ``2`` : Display progress including the non-linear least-squares' solver iteration details. + snlls_keyargs_docstrings Returns