diff --git a/fanficfare/adapters/adapter_fictionlive.py b/fanficfare/adapters/adapter_fictionlive.py
index 2afb428b7..c782234e6 100644
--- a/fanficfare/adapters/adapter_fictionlive.py
+++ b/fanficfare/adapters/adapter_fictionlive.py
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def getSiteExampleURLs(cls):
def parse_timestamp(self, timestamp):
- # fiction.live date format is unix-epoch milliseconds. not a good fit for fanficfare's dateformat.
+ # fiction.live date format is unix-epoch milliseconds. not a good fit for fanficfare's makeDate.
# doesn't use a timezone object and returns tz-naive datetimes. I *think* I can leave the rest to fanficfare
return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp / 1000.0, None)
@@ -232,7 +232,9 @@ def getChapterText(self, url):
text = ""
- for chunk in data:
+ for count, chunk in enumerate(data):
+ #logger.debug("chunk #{i}".format(i=count)) # helps to locate problem chunks in long chapters
text += "
" # chapter chunks aren't always well-delimited in their contents
# so appendix chunks just turn up wherever
@@ -414,14 +416,18 @@ def format_readerposts(self, chunk):
if dice != {}:
for uid, roll in dice.items():
output += '
- output += '
' + roll + '
- if uid in posts:
- output += posts[uid]
+ if roll: # optional. just because there's a list entry for it doesn't mean it has a value!
+ output += '
' + roll + '
+ if uid in posts:
+ post = posts[uid]
+ if post:
+ output += post
del posts[uid] # it's handled here with the roll instead of later
output += '
for post in posts.values():
- output += '
' + post + '
+ if post:
+ output += '
' + post + '
return output
@@ -440,3 +446,11 @@ def format_unknown(self, chunk):
# TODO: verify that show_timestamps is working, check times!
+# TODO: find a story that uses achievement images and implement them
+# TODO: sort out updates, somehow. 'update epub if new chapters' is an awful match for fiction.live
+# where chunks get just dropped at the end of chapters, and chapter-bookmarking happens later.
+# updating in 'overwrite always' or 'overwrite if newer' does the right thing, but.
+# TODO: pagecache. In particular, if there's any way to update stories and *not* redownload images, that'd be great.