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Storage Configuration

Joshua edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

MCSF Storage Configuration Documentation

The storage.yml file is a crucial component of MCSF that allows you to configure the storage settings for your chat filtering system. It defines the database connection details and query information required for MCSF to store and retrieve data efficiently. Let's dive into the key sections of the storage.yml file:


This section contains the general storage information such as the SQL flavor, username, password, database name, port, and maximum pool size. These settings determine the connection details for the database.


  sql-flavor: sqlite
  username: root
  password: password
  database-name: my-database
  port: 3306
  max-pool-size: 5


This section defines the queries used for different operations in MCSF. It provides the necessary SQL queries for handling blacklist, whitelist, regex patterns, user management, and other essential functionalities.


    mysql-url: jdbc:mysql://{host}:{port}/{database}?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&autoReconnect=true
    mysql-driver-class: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
    sqlite-url: jdbc:sqlite:plugins\MCSF\database.db
    sqlite-driver-class: org.sqlite.JDBC

The above example demonstrates the configuration for both MySQL and SQLite databases. You can customize the query settings based on your chosen database.

Ensure that you provide accurate and valid information for each section of the storage.yml file to establish a reliable and efficient connection to your chosen database. With proper configuration, MCSF can seamlessly store and retrieve data to power your chat filtering system effectively.

Note: Make sure to follow the appropriate format and syntax guidelines while editing the storage.yml file. Incorrect configurations can lead to connectivity issues or unexpected behavior.