diff --git a/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl b/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
index 03da8c9ba..8287ea978 100644
--- a/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
+++ b/KomaMRIPlots/src/ui/DisplayFunctions.jl
@@ -1022,27 +1022,19 @@ julia> plot_phantom_map(obj2D, :ρ)
julia> plot_phantom_map(obj3D, :ρ)
-function plot_phantom_map(obj::Phantom, key::Symbol; kwargs...)
- plot_phantom_map(obj, key, obj.motion; kwargs...)
-# Plot dynamic phantom (For now, we define two different methods for static and dynamic phantoms)
function plot_phantom_map(
- key::Symbol,
- m::MotionList;
+ key::Symbol;
view_2d=sum(KomaMRIBase.get_dims(obj)) < 3,
- max_spins=100_000,
+ max_spins=20_000,
- frame_duration_ms=250,
function interpolate_times(motion)
t = times(motion)
if length(t)>1
@@ -1080,27 +1072,37 @@ function plot_phantom_map(
unit = " ms"
if key == :T1
cmax_key = 2500 / factor
- colors = MAT.matread(path * "/assets/T1cm.mat")["T1colormap"]
+ colors = MAT.matread(path * "/assets/T1cm.mat")["T1colormap"][1:70:end, :]
N, _ = size(colors)
idx = range(0, 1; length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
colormap = [
- [
+ (
- "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))",
- ] for n in 1:N
+ string("rgb(",
+ floor(Int, colors[n,1] * 255), ",",
+ floor(Int, colors[n,2] * 255), ",",
+ floor(Int, colors[n,3] * 255), ")"
+ )
+ )
+ for n in 1:N
elseif key == :T2 || key == :T2s
if key == :T2
cmax_key = 250 / factor
- colors = MAT.matread(path * "/assets/T2cm.mat")["T2colormap"]
+ colors = MAT.matread(path * "/assets/T2cm.mat")["T2colormap"][1:70:end, :]
N, _ = size(colors)
idx = range(0, 1; length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
colormap = [
- [
+ (
- "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))",
- ] for n in 1:N
+ string("rgb(",
+ floor(Int, colors[n,1] * 255), ",",
+ floor(Int, colors[n,2] * 255), ",",
+ floor(Int, colors[n,3] * 255), ")"
+ )
+ )
+ for n in 1:N
elseif key == :x || key == :y || key == :z
@@ -1126,191 +1128,77 @@ function plot_phantom_map(
x0 = -maximum(abs.([x y z])) * 1e2
xf = maximum(abs.([x y z])) * 1e2
- if view_2d
- trace = [
- scatter(;
- x=(x[:, 1]) * 1e2,
- y=(y[:, 1]) * 1e2,
- mode="markers",
- marker=attr(;
- color=getproperty(obj, key) * factor,
- showscale=colorbar,
- colorscale=colormap,
- colorbar=attr(; ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
- cmin=cmin_key,
- cmax=cmax_key,
- size=4,
- ),
- showlegend=false,
- text=round.(getproperty(obj, key) * factor, digits=4),
- hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm
y: %{y:.1f} cm
$(string(key)): %{text}$unit",
- ),
- ]
- frames = PlotlyFrame[
- frame(;
- data=[
- attr(;
- x=(x[:, i]) * 1e2,
- y=(y[:, i]) * 1e2,
- z=(z[:, i]) * 1e2,
- zmin=0,
- zmax=1,
- ),
- ],
- name="frame_$i",
- traces=[0],
- ) for i in 1:length(t)
- ]
- else
- trace = [
- scatter3d(;
- x=(x[:, 1]) * 1e2,
- y=(y[:, 1]) * 1e2,
- z=(z[:, 1]) * 1e2,
- mode="markers",
- marker=attr(;
- color=getproperty(obj, key) * factor,
- showscale=colorbar,
- colorscale=colormap,
- colorbar=attr(; ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
- cmin=cmin_key,
- cmax=cmax_key,
- size=2,
- ),
- showlegend=false,
- text=round.(getproperty(obj, key) * factor, digits=4),
- hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm
y: %{y:.1f} cm
z: %{z:.1f} cm
$(string(key)): %{text}$unit",
- ),
- ]
- frames = PlotlyFrame[
- frame(;
- data=[
- attr(;
- x=(x[:, i]) * 1e2,
- y=(y[:, i]) * 1e2,
- z=(z[:, i]) * 1e2,
- zmin=0,
- zmax=1,
- ),
- ],
- name="frame_$i",
- traces=[0],
- ) for i in 1:length(t)
- ]
- end
+ traces = GenericTrace[]
- sliders_attr = [
- attr(;
- visible=length(t) > 1,
- pad=attr(; b=10, t=60),
- len=0.85,
- x=0.15,
- y=0.1,
- t=0,
- steps=[
- attr(;
- label=round(t0; digits=2),
- method="animate",
- args=[
- ["frame_$i"],
- attr(;
- visible=[fill(false, i - 1); true; fill(false, length(t) - i)],
- mode="immediate",
- transition=attr(; duration=0),
- frame=attr(; duration=5, redraw=true),
- ),
- ],
- ) for (i, t0) in enumerate(t)
- ],
- currentvalue=attr(;
- prefix="t = ",
- suffix=" s",
- xanchor="right",
- font=attr(; color="#888", size=20),
- ),
- ),
- ]
- buttons_attr = [
- attr(;
- label="▶", # play symbol
- method="animate",
- args=[
- nothing,
- attr(;
- fromcurrent=true,
- transition=(duration=frame_duration_ms,),
- frame=attr(; duration=frame_duration_ms, redraw=true),
- ),
- ],
- ),
- attr(;
- label="◼", # pause symbol
- method="animate",
- args=[
- [nothing],
- attr(;
- mode="immediate",
- fromcurrent=true,
- transition=attr(; duration=frame_duration_ms),
- frame=attr(; duration=frame_duration_ms, redraw=true),
- ),
- ],
- ),
- ]
+ bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- #Layout
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- l = Layout(;
- title=obj.name * ": " * string(key),
- xaxis_title="x",
- yaxis_title="y",
- xaxis_range=[x0, xf],
- yaxis_range=[x0, xf],
- xaxis_ticksuffix=" cm",
- yaxis_ticksuffix=" cm",
- plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- font_color=text_color,
- updatemenus=[
- attr(;
- visible=length(t) > 1,
- x=0.1,
- y=0.05,
- yanchor="top",
- xanchor="center",
- showactive=true,
- direction="left",
- type="buttons",
- pad=attr(; r=10, t=70),
- buttons=buttons_attr,
- ),
- ],
- sliders=sliders_attr,
- scene=attr(;
- xaxis=attr(;
+ l = Layout(;title=obj.name*": "*string(key))
+ if view_2d # 2D
+ # Layout config
+ l[:xaxis] = attr(
+ title="x",
+ range=[x0, xf],
+ ticksuffix=" cm",
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ scaleanchor="y"
+ )
+ l[:yaxis] = attr(
+ title="y",
+ range=[x0, xf],
+ ticksuffix=" cm",
+ backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,
+ gridcolor=grid_color,
+ zerolinecolor=grid_color,
+ scaleratio=1
+ )
+ l[:autosize] = true
+ # Add traces
+ for i in 1:length(t)
+ push!(traces, scattergl(
+ x=(x[:,i])*1e2,
+ y=(y[:,i])*1e2,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=attr(color=getproperty(obj,key)*factor,
+ showscale=colorbar,
+ colorscale=colormap,
+ colorbar=attr(ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
+ cmin=cmin_key,
+ cmax=cmax_key,
+ size=4
+ ),
+ visible=i==1,
+ showlegend=false,
+ text=round.(getproperty(obj,key)*factor,digits=4),
+ hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm
y: %{y:.1f} cm
$(string(key)): %{text}$unit"))
+ end
+ else # 3D
+ # Layout config
+ l[:scene] = attr(
+ xaxis=attr(
range=[x0, xf],
+ fixedrange=true,
ticksuffix=" cm",
- yaxis=attr(;
+ yaxis=attr(
range=[x0, xf],
+ fixedrange=true,
ticksuffix=" cm",
- zaxis=attr(;
+ zaxis=attr(
range=[x0, xf],
+ fixedrange=true,
ticksuffix=" cm",
@@ -1318,163 +1206,64 @@ function plot_phantom_map(
aspectratio=attr(; x=1, y=1, z=1),
- ),
- margin=attr(; t=50, l=0, r=0, b=0),
- modebar=attr(;
- orientation="h", bgcolor=bgcolor, color=text_color, activecolor=plot_bgcolor
- ),
- xaxis=attr(; constrain="domain"),
- yaxis=attr(; scaleanchor="x"),
- hovermode="closest",
- )
- if height !== nothing
- l.height = height
- end
- if width !== nothing
- l.width = width
- end
- return Plot(trace, l, frames)
-# Plot static phantom (For now, we define two different methods for static and dynamic phantoms)
-function plot_phantom_map(
- obj::Phantom,
- key::Symbol,
- m::NoMotion;
- height=700,
- width=nothing,
- darkmode=false,
- view_2d=sum(KomaMRIBase.get_dims(obj)) < 3,
- colorbar=true,
- max_spins=100_000,
- kwargs...,
- function decimate_uniform_phantom(obj, num_points::Int)
- ss = Int(ceil(length(obj) / num_points))
- return obj[1:ss:end]
- end
- if length(obj) > max_spins
- obj = decimate_uniform_phantom(obj, max_spins)
- @warn "For performance reasons, the number of displayed spins was capped to `max_spins`=$(max_spins)."
+ )
+ # Add traces
+ for i in 1:length(t)
+ push!(traces, scatter3d(
+ x=(x[:,i])*1e2,
+ y=(y[:,i])*1e2,
+ z=(z[:,i])*1e2,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=attr(color=getproperty(obj,key)*factor,
+ showscale=colorbar,
+ colorscale=colormap,
+ colorbar=attr(ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
+ cmin=cmin_key,
+ cmax=cmax_key,
+ size=2
+ ),
+ visible=i==1,
+ showlegend=false,
+ text=round.(getproperty(obj,key)*factor,digits=4),
+ hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm
y: %{y:.1f} cm
z: %{z:.1f} cm
$(string(key)): %{text}$unit"))
+ end
- path = @__DIR__
- cmin_key = minimum(getproperty(obj,key))
- cmax_key = maximum(getproperty(obj,key))
- if key == :T1 || key == :T2 || key == :T2s
- cmin_key = 0
- factor = 1e3
- unit = " ms"
- if key == :T1
- cmax_key = 2500/factor
- colors = MAT.matread(path*"/assets/T1cm.mat")["T1colormap"]
- N, _ = size(colors)
- idx = range(0,1;length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
- colormap = [[idx[n], "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))"] for n=1:N]
- elseif key == :T2 || key == :T2s
- if key == :T2
- cmax_key = 250/factor
- end
- colors = MAT.matread(path*"/assets/T2cm.mat")["T2colormap"]
- N, _ = size(colors)
- idx = range(0,1;length=N) #range(0,T,N) works in Julia 1.7
- colormap = [[idx[n], "rgb($(floor(Int,colors[n,1]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,2]*255)),$(floor(Int,colors[n,3]*255)))"] for n=1:N]
- end
- elseif key == :x || key == :y || key == :z
- factor = 1e2
- unit = " cm"
- colormap="Greys"
- elseif key == :Δw
- factor = 1/(2π)
- unit = " Hz"
- colormap="Greys"
- else
- factor = 1
- cmin_key = 0
- unit=""
- colormap="Greys"
- end
- cmin_key = get(kwargs, :cmin, factor * cmin_key)
- cmax_key = get(kwargs, :cmax, factor * cmax_key)
- x0 = -maximum(abs.([obj.x obj.y obj.z]))*1e2
- xf = maximum(abs.([obj.x obj.y obj.z]))*1e2
- #Layout
- bgcolor, text_color, plot_bgcolor, grid_color, sep_color = theme_chooser(darkmode)
- l = Layout(;
- title=obj.name*": "*string(key),
- xaxis_title="x",
- yaxis_title="y",
- plot_bgcolor=plot_bgcolor,
- paper_bgcolor=bgcolor,
- xaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_gridcolor=grid_color,
- xaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- yaxis_zerolinecolor=grid_color,
- font_color=text_color,
- scene=attr(
- xaxis=attr(title="x",range=[x0,xf],ticksuffix=" cm",backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- yaxis=attr(title="y",range=[x0,xf],ticksuffix=" cm",backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- zaxis=attr(title="z",range=[x0,xf],ticksuffix=" cm",backgroundcolor=plot_bgcolor,gridcolor=grid_color,zerolinecolor=grid_color),
- aspectmode="manual",
- aspectratio=attr(x=1,y=1,z=1)),
- margin=attr(t=50,l=0,r=0),
- modebar=attr(orientation="h",bgcolor=bgcolor,color=text_color,activecolor=plot_bgcolor),
- xaxis=attr(constrain="domain"),
- yaxis=attr(scaleanchor="x"),
- hovermode="closest")
- if height !== nothing
- l.height = height
+ # Config the rest of the layout
+ l[:paper_bgcolor] = bgcolor
+ l[:plot_bgcolor] = plot_bgcolor
+ l[:font_color] = text_color
+ l[:sliders] = [attr(
+ visible=length(t) > 1,
+ pad=attr(l=30, b=30),
+ steps=[
+ attr(
+ label=round(t0*1e3),
+ method="update",
+ args=[attr(visible=[fill(false, i-1); true; fill(false, length(t) - i)])]
+ )
+ for (i, t0) in enumerate(t)
+ ],
+ currentvalue_prefix="x = ",
+ currentvalue_suffix="ms",
+ )]
+ l[:margin] = attr(t=50, l=0, r=0)
+ l[:modebar] = attr(orientation="h", bgcolor=bgcolor, color=text_color, activecolor=plot_bgcolor)
+ if height !== nothing
+ l.height = height
if width !== nothing
l.width = width
- if view_2d
- h = scattergl(
- x=obj.x*1e2,
- y=obj.y*1e2,
- mode="markers",
- marker=attr(
- color=getproperty(obj,key)*factor,
- showscale=colorbar,
- colorscale=colormap,
- colorbar=attr(ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
- cmin=cmin_key,
- cmax=cmax_key,
- size=4
- ),
- text=round.(getproperty(obj,key)*factor,digits=4),
- hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm
y: %{y:.1f} cm
$(string(key)): %{text}$unit"
- )
- else
- h = scatter3d(
- x=obj.x*1e2,
- y=obj.y*1e2,
- z=obj.z*1e2,
- mode="markers",
- marker=attr(
- color=getproperty(obj,key)*factor,
- showscale=colorbar,
- colorscale=colormap,
- colorbar=attr(ticksuffix=unit, title=string(key)),
- cmin=cmin_key,
- cmax=cmax_key,
- size=2
- ),
- text=round.(getproperty(obj,key)*factor,digits=4),
- hovertemplate="x: %{x:.1f} cm
y: %{y:.1f} cm
z: %{z:.1f} cm
$(string(key)): %{text}$unit"
- )
- end
config = PlotConfig(
format="svg", # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
- modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "pan", "tableRotation", "resetCameraLastSave3d", "orbitRotation", "resetCameraDefault3d"]
+ modeBarButtonsToRemove=["zoom", "pan", "resetCameraLastSave3d", "orbitRotation", "resetCameraDefault3d"]
- return plot_koma(h, l; config)
+ return plot_koma(traces, l; config)
diff --git a/src/KomaUI.jl b/src/KomaUI.jl
index 9c31463b1..72ec17e29 100644
--- a/src/KomaUI.jl
+++ b/src/KomaUI.jl
@@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ function KomaUI(; darkmode=true, frame=true, phantom_mode="2D", sim=Dict{String,
on((img) -> view_ui!(img, w; type="absi", darkmode), img_ui)
# Update Koma versions to tooltip
- version_ui = pkgversion(@__MODULE__)
- version_core = pkgversion(KomaMRICore)
- version_io = pkgversion(KomaMRIFiles)
- version_plots = pkgversion(KomaMRIPlots)
+ version_ui = string(pkgversion(@__MODULE__))
+ version_core = string(pkgversion(KomaMRICore))
+ version_io = string(pkgversion(KomaMRIFiles))
+ version_plots = string(pkgversion(KomaMRIPlots))
@js_ w (
@var version_ui = $(version_ui);
@var version_core = $(version_core);