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deprecate invwarpedview in favor of InvWarpedView (#138)
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* deprecate `invwarpedview` in favor of `InvWarpedView`
* remove `SubArray` method for `invwarpedview`
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johnnychen94 authored Aug 19, 2021
1 parent eeee0bf commit e1ef518
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Showing 11 changed files with 84 additions and 170 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ ImageTransformations.imresize

# Utilities
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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions src/compat.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,6 @@
# - Codes for backward compatibility
# - Glue codes that might no longer be necessary in the future

@static if !isdefined(Base, :IdentityUnitRange)
const IdentityUnitRange = Base.Slice
using Base: IdentityUnitRange

@static if VERSION < v"1.1"
@inline isnothing(x) = x === nothing
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions src/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -28,14 +28,15 @@
@deprecate WarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tform::Transformation, inds, fillvalue::FillType, method::MethodType) WarpedView(img, tform, inds; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)

@deprecate warpedview(args...; kwargs...) WarpedView(args...; kwargs...)
@deprecate invwarpedview(args...; kwargs...) InvWarpedView(args...; kwargs...)

@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, method::MethodType, ) invwarpedview(img, tinv; method=method)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, fillvalue::FillType) invwarpedview(img, tinv; fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, method::MethodType, fillvalue::FillType) invwarpedview(img, tinv; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, fillvalue::FillType, method::MethodType) invwarpedview(img, tinv; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, method::MethodType, ) invwarpedview(img, tinv, inds; method=method)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, fillvalue::FillType) invwarpedview(img, tinv, inds; fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, method::MethodType, fillvalue::FillType) invwarpedview(img, tinv, inds; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate invwarpedview(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, fillvalue::FillType, method::MethodType) invwarpedview(img, tinv, inds; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, method::MethodType, ) InvWarpedView(img, tinv; method=method)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, fillvalue::FillType) InvWarpedView(img, tinv; fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, method::MethodType, fillvalue::FillType) InvWarpedView(img, tinv; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, fillvalue::FillType, method::MethodType) InvWarpedView(img, tinv; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, method::MethodType, ) InvWarpedView(img, tinv, inds; method=method)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, fillvalue::FillType) InvWarpedView(img, tinv, inds; fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, method::MethodType, fillvalue::FillType) InvWarpedView(img, tinv, inds; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)
@deprecate InvWarpedView(img::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds, fillvalue::FillType, method::MethodType) InvWarpedView(img, tinv, inds; method=method, fillvalue=fillvalue)

# END 0.9 deprecations
60 changes: 15 additions & 45 deletions src/invwarpedview.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
InvWarpedView(img, tinv, [indices]) -> wv
InvWarpedView(img, tinv, [indices]; kwargs...) -> wv
InvWarpedView(inner_view, tinv) -> wv
Create a view of `img` that lazily transforms any given index `I`
passed to `wv[I]` so that `wv[I] == img[inv(tinv)(I)]`.
Except for the lazy evaluation, the following two lines are expected to be equivalent:
warp(img, inv(tform), [indices]; kwargs...)
invwarpedview(img, tform, [indices]; kwargs...)
The conceptual difference to [`WarpedView`](@ref) is that
`InvWarpedView` is intended to be used when reasoning about the
image is more convenient that reasoning about the indices.
Furthermore, `InvWarpedView` allows simple nesting of
transformations, in which case the transformations will be
composed into a single one.
See [`invwarpedview`](@ref) for a convenient constructor of `InvWarpedView`.
For detailed explaination of warp, associated arguments and parameters,
please refer to [`warp`](@ref).
Expand All @@ -26,8 +32,9 @@ function InvWarpedView(inner::WarpedView{T,N,TA,F,I,E}) where {T,N,TA,F,I,E}
InvWarpedView{T,N,TA,F,I,typeof(tinv),E}(inner, tinv)

function InvWarpedView(A::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds::Tuple = autorange(A, tinv))
InvWarpedView(WarpedView(A, inv(tinv), inds), tinv)
function InvWarpedView(A::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, inds::Tuple = autorange(A, tinv); kwargs...)
inner = WarpedView(A, inv(tinv), inds; kwargs...)
InvWarpedView(inner, tinv)

function InvWarpedView(inner::InvWarpedView, outer_tinv::Transformation)
Expand All @@ -40,14 +47,11 @@ function InvWarpedView(inner::InvWarpedView, outer_tinv::Transformation, inds::T
InvWarpedView(parent(inner), tinv, inds)

Base.parent(A::InvWarpedView) = parent(A.inner)
@inline Base.parent(A::InvWarpedView) = parent(A.inner)
@inline Base.axes(A::InvWarpedView) = axes(A.inner)
@inline Base.size(A::InvWarpedView) = size(A.inner)

IndexStyle(::Type{T}) where {T<:InvWarpedView} = IndexCartesian()
@inline Base.getindex(A::InvWarpedView{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} = A.inner[I...]

Base.size(A::InvWarpedView) = size(A.inner)
Base.size(A::InvWarpedView, d) = size(A.inner, d)
Base.@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::InvWarpedView{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} = A.inner[I...]

function Base.showarg(io::IO, A::InvWarpedView, toplevel)
print(io, "InvWarpedView(")
Expand All @@ -60,37 +64,3 @@ function Base.showarg(io::IO, A::InvWarpedView, toplevel)
print(io, ')')

invwarpedview(img, tinv, [indices]; kwargs...) -> wv
Create a view of `img` that lazily transforms any given index `I`
passed to `wv[I]` so that `wv[I] == img[inv(tinv)(I)]`.
Except for the lazy evaluation, the following two lines are equivalent:
warp(img, inv(tform), [indices]; kwargs...)
invwarpedview(img, tform, [indices]; kwargs...)
For detailed explaination of warp, associated arguments and parameters,
please refer to [`warp`](@ref).
function invwarpedview(A::AbstractArray, tinv::Transformation, indices::Tuple=autorange(A, tinv); kwargs...)
InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(A; kwargs...), tinv, indices)

# For SubArray:
# 1. We can exceed the boundary of SubArray by using its parent and thus trick Interpolations in
# order to get better extrapolation result around the border. Otherwise it will just fill it.
# 2. For default indices, we use `IdentityUnitRange`, which guarantees `r[i] == i`, to preserve the view indices.
function invwarpedview(A::SubArray, tinv::Transformation; kwargs...)
default_indices = map(IdentityUnitRange, autorange(CartesianIndices(A.indices), tinv))
invwarpedview(A, tinv, default_indices; kwargs...)
function invwarpedview(A::SubArray, tinv::Transformation, indices::Tuple; kwargs...)
inner = parent(A)
new_inner = InvWarpedView(inner, tinv, autorange(inner, tinv))
view(new_inner, indices...)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/warp.jl
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Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ There're some high-level interfaces of `warp`:
- image rotation: [`imrotate`](@ref)
- image resize: [`imresize`](@ref)
There are also lazy version of `warp`:
There are also lazy versions of `warp`:
- [`WarpedView`](@ref) is almost equivalent to `warp` except that it does not allocate memory.
- [`invwarpedview(img, tform, [indices]; kwargs...)`](@ref ImageTransformations.invwarpedview)
- [`InvWarpedView(img, tform, [indices]; kwargs...)`](@ref ImageTransformations.InvWarpedView)
is almost equivalent to `warp(img, inv(tform), [indices]; kwargs...)` except that it does not
allocate memory.
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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions src/warpedview.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,17 +22,13 @@ function WarpedView(
WarpedView{T,N,typeof(A),typeof(tform),typeof(inds),typeof(etp)}(A, tform, inds, etp)

Base.parent(A::WarpedView) = A.parent
@inline Base.parent(A::WarpedView) = A.parent
@inline Base.axes(A::WarpedView) = A.indices
@inline Base.size(A::WarpedView) = map(length,axes(A))

IndexStyle(::Type{T}) where {T<:WarpedView} = IndexCartesian()
@inline Base.getindex(A::WarpedView{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} =
T(_getindex(A.extrapolation, A.transform(SVector(I))))
Base.size(A::WarpedView{T,N,TA,F}) where {T,N,TA,F} = map(length,axes(A))
Base.size(A::WarpedView{T,N,TA,F}, d) where {T,N,TA,F} = length(axes(A,d))

Base.size(A::WarpedView{T,N,TA,F,NTuple{N,Base.OneTo{Int}}}) where {T,N,TA,F} = map(length, A.indices)
Base.size(A::WarpedView{T,N,TA,F,NTuple{N,Base.OneTo{Int}}}, d) where {T,N,TA,F} = d <= N ? length(A.indices[d]) : 1
Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::WarpedView{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N}
convert(T, _getindex(A.extrapolation, A.transform(SVector(I))))

function Base.showarg(io::IO, A::WarpedView, toplevel)
print(io, "WarpedView(")
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -85,10 +85,22 @@ using ImageTransformations: box_extrapolation
@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, 1), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; fillvalue=1), tfm))
@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, Periodic()), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; fillvalue=Periodic()), tfm))

@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, Constant()), InvWarpedView(img, tfm; method=Constant()))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, Constant(), 1), InvWarpedView(img, tfm; method=Constant(), fillvalue=1))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, 1, Constant()), InvWarpedView(img, tfm; method=Constant(), fillvalue=1))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, 1), InvWarpedView(img, tfm; fillvalue=1))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, Periodic()), InvWarpedView(img, tfm; fillvalue=Periodic()))

@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, axes(img), Constant()), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; method=Constant()), tfm, axes(img)))
@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, axes(img), Constant(), 1), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; method=Constant(), fillvalue=1), tfm, axes(img)))
@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, axes(img), 1, Constant()), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; method=Constant(), fillvalue=1), tfm, axes(img)))
@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, axes(img), 1), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; fillvalue=1), tfm, axes(img)))
@test nearlysame(invwarpedview(img, tfm, axes(img), Periodic()), InvWarpedView(box_extrapolation(img; fillvalue=Periodic()), tfm, axes(img)))

@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img), Constant()), InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img); method=Constant()))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img), Constant(), 1), InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img); method=Constant(), fillvalue=1))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img), 1, Constant()), InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img); method=Constant(), fillvalue=1))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img), 1), InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img); fillvalue=1))
@test nearlysame(InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img), Periodic()), InvWarpedView(img, tfm, axes(img); fillvalue=Periodic()))

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