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wildart committed May 11, 2016
1 parent e3e3882 commit 27fd33b
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Showing 4 changed files with 38 additions and 29 deletions.
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions base/libgit2/callbacks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ In addition, if payload has field `used` it can be set to `true` to indicate tha
Order of credential checks (if supported):
- ssh key pair (ssh-agent if specified in `payload`)
- plain text
**Note**: Due to the specifics of `libgit2` authentication procedure, when authentication is failed, this functions is called again without any indication whether authentication was successful or not. In order not to stuck in infinite loop by repeatedly using same faulty credentials, use a call counting strategy to counteract this behaviour.
function credentials_callback(cred::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, url_ptr::Cstring,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,17 +64,17 @@ function credentials_callback(cred::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, url_ptr::Cstring,
if isset(allowed_types, Cuint(Consts.CREDTYPE_SSH_KEY))
credid = "ssh://$host"
# first try ssh-agent if credentials support its usage
if (isdefined(creds, :use_ssh_agent) ? getfield(creds, :use_ssh_agent) : 0xFF) == 0x00
if isdefined(creds, :use_ssh_agent) && getfield(creds, :use_ssh_agent) == 0x00
err = ccall((:git_cred_ssh_key_from_agent, :libgit2), Cint,
(Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, Cstring), cred, username_ptr)
setfield!(creds, :use_ssh_agent, 0x01) # used ssh-agent ones
setfield!(creds, :use_ssh_agent, 0x01) # used ssh-agent only one time
err == 0 && return Cint(0)

errcls, errmsg = Error.last_error()
if errcls != Error.None
# Check if we used ssh-agent
if (isdefined(creds, :use_ssh_agent) ? getfield(creds, :use_ssh_agent) : 0xFF) == 0x01
if isdefined(creds, :use_ssh_agent) && getfield(creds, :use_ssh_agent) == 0x01
println("ERROR: $errmsg ssh-agent")
setfield!(creds, :use_ssh_agent, 0x02) # reported ssh-agent error
Expand All @@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ function credentials_callback(cred::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, url_ptr::Cstring,
# if username is not provided, then prompt for it
username = if username_ptr == Cstring(C_NULL)
uname = creds[:user, credid] # check if credentials were already used
uname !== nothing && !isusedcreds ? uname : prompt("Username for `$schema$host'")
uname !== nothing && !isusedcreds ? uname : prompt("Username for '$schema$host'")
Expand All @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ function credentials_callback(cred::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, url_ptr::Cstring,
keydef # use cached value
keydef = homedir()*"/.ssh/"
prompt("Public key location for `$schema$username@$host'", default=keydef)
prompt("Public key location for '$schema$username@$host'", default=keydef)
creds[:pubkey, credid] = publickey # save credentials
Expand All @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ function credentials_callback(cred::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, url_ptr::Cstring,
keydef # use cached value
keydef = homedir()*"/.ssh/id_rsa"
prompt("Private key location for `$schema$username@$host'", default=keydef)
prompt("Private key location for '$schema$username@$host'", default=keydef)
creds[:prvkey, credid] = privatekey # save credentials
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22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions base/libgit2/types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -58,22 +58,22 @@ abstract AbstractCredentials <: AbstractPayload
"Returns a credentials parameter"
function Base.getindex(p::AbstractCredentials, keys...)
for k in keys
ks = symbol(k)
ks = Symbol(k)
isdefined(p, ks) && return getfield(p, ks)
return nothing
"Sets credentials with `key` parameter with value"
function Base.setindex!(p::AbstractCredentials, val, keys...)
for k in keys
ks = symbol(k)
ks = Symbol(k)
isdefined(p, ks) && setfield!(p, ks, val)
return nothing
"Check if credentials were used"
"Checks if credentials were used"
isused(p::AbstractCredentials) = true
"Reset credentials for another usage"
"Resets credentials for another usage"
reset!(p::AbstractCredentials, cnt::Int=3) = nothing

immutable CheckoutOptions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -638,15 +638,17 @@ type EmptyCredentials <: AbstractCredentials end
type UserPasswordCredentials <: AbstractCredentials
count::Int # authentication failure protection count
use_ssh_agent::UInt8 # used for ssh-agent authentication
UserPasswordCredentials(u::AbstractString,p::AbstractString) = new(u,p,3,zero(UInt8))
"Checks if credentials were used or failed authentication, see `LibGit2.credentials_callback`"
function isused(p::UserPasswordCredentials)
p.count <= 0 && return true
p.count -= 1
return false
"Resets authentication failure protection count"
reset!(p::UserPasswordCredentials, cnt::Int=3) = (p.count = cnt)

"Field map for cached credentials type"
Expand All @@ -655,10 +657,11 @@ const CachedCredentialsFieldMap = Dict(:user=>1, :pass=>2, :pubkey=>3, :prvkey=>
"Credentials that support caching"
type CachedCredentials <: AbstractCredentials
count::Int # authentication failure protection count
use_ssh_agent::UInt8 # used for ssh-agent authentication
CachedCredentials() = new(Dict{AbstractString,Vector{AbstractString}}(),3,zero(UInt8))
"Returns specific credential parameter value: first index is a credential parameter name, second index is a host name (with schema)"
function Base.getindex(p::CachedCredentials, keys...)
length(keys) != 2 && return nothing
key, host = keys
Expand All @@ -669,16 +672,19 @@ function Base.getindex(p::CachedCredentials, keys...)
return nothing
"Sets specific credential parameter value: first index is a credential parameter name, second index is a host name (with schema)"
function Base.setindex!(p::CachedCredentials, val, keys...)
length(keys) != 2 && return nothing
key, host = keys
!haskey(p.cred, host) && (p.cred[host] = Array(AbstractString, 4))
haskey(CachedCredentialsFieldMap, key) && return setindex!(p.cred[host], val, CachedCredentialsFieldMap[key])
return nothing
"Checks if credentials were used or failed authentication, see `LibGit2.credentials_callback`"
function isused(p::CachedCredentials)
p.count <= 0 && return true
p.count -= 1
return false
"Resets authentication failure protection count"
reset!(p::CachedCredentials, cnt::Int=3) = (p.count = cnt)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/libgit2/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ toggle(val::Integer, flag::Integer) = (val |= flag)
return ""

@unix_only getpass(prompt::AbstractString) = bytestring(pointer_to_string(ccall(:getpass, Cstring, (Cstring,), prompt), true))
@unix_only getpass(prompt::AbstractString) =
bytestring(pointer_to_string(ccall(:getpass, Cstring, (Cstring,), prompt), true))

function prompt(msg::AbstractString; default::AbstractString="", password::Bool=false)
msg = !isempty(default) ? msg*" [$default]:" : msg*":"
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions test/libgit2.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -438,21 +438,21 @@ mktempdir() do dir

#@testset "Credentials" begin
creds = LibGit2.EmptyCredentials()
@test isused(creds)
@test reset!(creds) === nothing
@test LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test LibGit2.reset!(creds) === nothing
@test creds[:user] === nothing
@test creds[:pass] === nothing
@test creds[:pubkey, "localhost"] === nothing

creds_user = "USER"
creds_pass = "PASS"
creds = LibGit2.UserPasswordCredentials(creds_user, creds_pass)
@test !isused(creds)
@test !isused(creds)
@test !isused(creds)
@test isused(creds)
@test reset!(creds) == 3
@test !isused(creds)
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test LibGit2.reset!(creds) == 3
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test creds.count == 2
@test creds[:user] == creds_user
@test creds[:pass] == creds_pass
Expand All @@ -461,12 +461,12 @@ mktempdir() do dir
@test creds[:pubkey, "localhost"] === nothing

creds = LibGit2.CachedCredentials()
@test !isused(creds)
@test !isused(creds)
@test !isused(creds)
@test isused(creds)
@test reset!(creds) == 3
@test !isused(creds)
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test LibGit2.reset!(creds) == 3
@test !LibGit2.isused(creds)
@test creds.count == 2
@test creds[:user, "localhost"] === nothing
@test creds[:pass, "localhost"] === nothing
Expand Down

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