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Merge pull request #18304 from JuliaLang/nl/nullableops
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Fast versions of isequal() and isless() for Nullables
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nalimilan authored Sep 20, 2016
2 parents d7a703f + 4777f7a commit 721ba7a
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Showing 4 changed files with 159 additions and 41 deletions.
84 changes: 78 additions & 6 deletions base/nullable.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,16 +63,88 @@ get(x::Nullable) = x.isnull ? throw(NullException()) : x.value

isnull(x::Nullable) = x.isnull

function isequal(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
if x.isnull && y.isnull
return true
elseif x.isnull || y.isnull
return false

## Operators

null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type, ::Type...)::Bool
Returns whether an operation `f` can safely be applied to any value of the passed type(s).
Returns `false` by default.
Custom types should implement methods for some or all operations `f` when applicable:
returning `true` means that the operation may be called on any bit pattern without
throwing an error (though returning invalid or nonsensical results is not a problem).
In particular, this means that the operation can be applied on the whole domain of the
type *and on uninitialized objects*. As a general rule, these properties are only true for
safe operations on `isbits` types.
Types declared as safe can benefit from higher performance for operations on nullable: by
always computing the result even for null values, a branch is avoided, which helps
null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type, ::Type...) = false

typealias NullSafeSignedInts Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8}
typealias NullSafeUnsignedInts Union{Bool, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}
typealias NullSafeInts Union{NullSafeSignedInts, NullSafeUnsignedInts}
typealias NullSafeFloats Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}
typealias NullSafeTypes Union{NullSafeInts, NullSafeFloats}

T<:NullSafeTypes}(::typeof(isequal), ::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) = true
T<:NullSafeTypes}(::typeof(isequal), ::Type{Complex{S}}, ::Type{Complex{T}}) = true
T<:NullSafeTypes}(::typeof(isequal), ::Type{Rational{S}}, ::Type{Rational{T}}) = true

isequal(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
If neither `x` nor `y` is null, compare them according to their values
(i.e. `isequal(get(x), get(y))`). Else, return `true` if both arguments are null,
and `false` if one is null but not the other: nulls are considered equal.
@inline function isequal{S,T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::Nullable{T})
if null_safe_op(isequal, S, T)
(x.isnull & y.isnull) | (!x.isnull & !y.isnull & isequal(x.value, y.value))
return isequal(x.value, y.value)
(x.isnull & y.isnull) || (!x.isnull & !y.isnull && isequal(x.value, y.value))

isequal(x::Nullable{Union{}}, y::Nullable{Union{}}) = true
isequal(x::Nullable{Union{}}, y::Nullable) = y.isnull
isequal(x::Nullable, y::Nullable{Union{}}) = x.isnull

T<:NullSafeTypes}(::typeof(isless), ::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) = true
T<:NullSafeTypes}(::typeof(isless), ::Type{Complex{S}}, ::Type{Complex{T}}) = true
T<:NullSafeTypes}(::typeof(isless), ::Type{Rational{S}}, ::Type{Rational{T}}) = true

isless(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
If neither `x` nor `y` is null, compare them according to their values
(i.e. `isless(get(x), get(y))`). Else, return `true` if only `y` is null, and `false`
otherwise: nulls are always considered greater than non-nulls, but not greater than
another null.
@inline function isless{S,T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::Nullable{T})
# NULL values are sorted last
if null_safe_op(isless, S, T)
(!x.isnull & y.isnull) | (!x.isnull & !y.isnull & isless(x.value, y.value))
(!x.isnull & y.isnull) || (!x.isnull & !y.isnull && isless(x.value, y.value))

isless(x::Nullable{Union{}}, y::Nullable{Union{}}) = false
isless(x::Nullable{Union{}}, y::Nullable) = false
isless(x::Nullable, y::Nullable{Union{}}) = !x.isnull

==(x::Nullable, y::Nullable) = throw(NullException())

const nullablehash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x932e0143e51d0171 : 0xe51d0171
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions doc/stdlib/base.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,12 +263,24 @@ All Objects

Scalar types generally do not need to implement ``isequal`` separate from ``==``\ , unless they represent floating-point numbers amenable to a more efficient implementation than that provided as a generic fallback (based on ``isnan``\ , ``signbit``\ , and ``==``\ ).

.. function:: isequal(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)

.. Docstring generated from Julia source
If neither ``x`` nor ``y`` is null, compare them according to their values (i.e. ``isequal(get(x), get(y))``\ ). Else, return ``true`` if both arguments are null, and ``false`` if one is null but not the other: nulls are considered equal.

.. function:: isless(x, y)

.. Docstring generated from Julia source
Test whether ``x`` is less than ``y``\ , according to a canonical total order. Values that are normally unordered, such as ``NaN``\ , are ordered in an arbitrary but consistent fashion. This is the default comparison used by ``sort``\ . Non-numeric types with a canonical total order should implement this function. Numeric types only need to implement it if they have special values such as ``NaN``\ .

.. function:: isless(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)

.. Docstring generated from Julia source
If neither ``x`` nor ``y`` is null, compare them according to their values (i.e. ``isless(get(x), get(y))``\ ). Else, return ``true`` if only ``y`` is null, and ``false`` otherwise: nulls are always considered greater than non-nulls, but not greater than another null.

.. function:: ifelse(condition::Bool, x, y)

.. Docstring generated from Julia source
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/stdlib/stacktraces.rst
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* ``func::Symbol``

The name of the function containing the execution context.
* ``linfo::Nullable{MethodInstance}``
* ``linfo::Nullable{Core.MethodInstance}``

The MethodInstance containing the execution context (if it could be found).
* ``file::Symbol``
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102 changes: 68 additions & 34 deletions test/nullable.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,40 +174,6 @@ end

@test isnull(Nullable())

# function isequal{S, T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::Nullable{T})
for T in types
x0 = Nullable()
x1 = Nullable{T}()
x2 = Nullable{T}()
x3 = Nullable(zero(T))
x4 = Nullable(one(T))

@test isequal(x0, x1) === true
@test isequal(x0, x2) === true
@test isequal(x0, x3) === false
@test isequal(x0, x4) === false

@test isequal(x1, x1) === true
@test isequal(x1, x2) === true
@test isequal(x1, x3) === false
@test isequal(x1, x4) === false

@test isequal(x2, x1) === true
@test isequal(x2, x2) === true
@test isequal(x2, x3) === false
@test isequal(x2, x4) === false

@test isequal(x3, x1) === false
@test isequal(x3, x2) === false
@test isequal(x3, x3) === true
@test isequal(x3, x4) === false

@test isequal(x4, x1) === false
@test isequal(x4, x2) === false
@test isequal(x4, x3) === false
@test isequal(x4, x4) === true

# function =={S, T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::Nullable{T})
for T in types
x0 = Nullable()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,6 +245,74 @@ for T in types
@test get(x1.v, one(T)) === one(T)

# Operators
TestTypes = Union{Base.NullSafeTypes, BigInt, BigFloat,
Complex{Int}, Complex{Float64}, Complex{BigFloat},
Rational{Int}, Rational{BigInt}}.types
for S in TestTypes, T in TestTypes
u0 = zero(S)
u1 = one(S)
if S <: AbstractFloat
u2 = S(NaN)
elseif S <: Complex && S.parameters[1] <: AbstractFloat
u2 = S(NaN, NaN)
u2 = u1

v0 = zero(T)
v1 = one(T)
if T <: AbstractFloat
v2 = T(NaN)
elseif T <: Complex && T.parameters[1] <: AbstractFloat
v2 = T(NaN, NaN)
v2 = v1

for u in (u0, u1, u2), v in (v0, v1, v2)
# function isequal(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
@test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable(v)) === isequal(u, v)
@test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable(u)) === true
@test isequal(Nullable(v), Nullable(v)) === true

@test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable(v, true)) === false
@test isequal(Nullable(u, true), Nullable(v)) === false
@test isequal(Nullable(u, true), Nullable(v, true)) === true

@test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable{T}()) === false
@test isequal(Nullable{S}(), Nullable(v)) === false
@test isequal(Nullable{S}(), Nullable{T}()) === true

@test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable()) === false
@test isequal(Nullable(), Nullable(v)) === false
@test isequal(Nullable{S}(), Nullable()) === true
@test isequal(Nullable(), Nullable{T}()) === true
@test isequal(Nullable(), Nullable()) === true

# function isless(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
if S <: Real && T <: Real
@test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable(v)) === isless(u, v)
@test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable(u)) === false
@test isless(Nullable(v), Nullable(v)) === false

@test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable(v, true)) === true
@test isless(Nullable(u, true), Nullable(v)) === false
@test isless(Nullable(u, true), Nullable(v, true)) === false

@test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable{T}()) === true
@test isless(Nullable{S}(), Nullable(v)) === false
@test isless(Nullable{S}(), Nullable{T}()) === false

@test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable()) === true
@test isless(Nullable(), Nullable(v)) === false
@test isless(Nullable{S}(), Nullable()) === false
@test isless(Nullable(), Nullable{T}()) === false
@test isless(Nullable(), Nullable()) === false

# issue #9462
for T in types
@test isa(convert(Nullable{Number}, Nullable(one(T))), Nullable{Number})
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