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Update blas.jl
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Update blas.jl

1. test negative stride more thoroughly
2. add missing test to `trmv` and `trsv` and put them together
3. add missing test to `symv` and `hemv`
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N5N3 committed Nov 7, 2021
1 parent ad48bf1 commit 7ea2135
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 125 deletions.
255 changes: 130 additions & 125 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/test/blas.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,50 +88,38 @@ end
x2 = randn(elty, n)
α = rand(elty)
β = rand(elty)
@test BLAS.axpy!(α,copy(x1),copy(x2)) α*x1 + x2
@test BLAS.axpby!(α,copy(x1),β,copy(x2)) α*x1 + β*x2
for X1 in (x1, view(x1,n:-1:1)), X2 in (x2, view(x2, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.axpy!(α,deepcopy(X1),deepcopy(X2)) α*X1 + X2
@test BLAS.axpby!(α,deepcopy(X1),β,deepcopy(X2)) α*X1 + β*X2
for ind1 in (1:n, n:-1:1), ind2 in (1:n, n:-1:1)
@test BLAS.axpy!(α,copy(x1),ind1,copy(x2),ind2) x2 + α*(ind1 == ind2 ? x1 : reverse(x1))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.axpy!(α, copy(x1), rand(elty, n + 1))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.axpby!(α, copy(x1), β, rand(elty, n + 1))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.axpy!(α, copy(x1), 1:div(n,2), copy(x2), 1:n)
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.axpy!(α, copy(x1), 0:div(n,2), copy(x2), 1:(div(n, 2) + 1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.axpy!(α, copy(x1), 1:div(n,2), copy(x2), 0:(div(n, 2) - 1))
@test BLAS.axpy!(α,copy(x1),1:n,copy(x2),1:n) x2 + α*x1
# negative stride test
@test BLAS.axpy!(α,copy(x1),n:-1:1,copy(x2),n:-1:1) x2 + α*x1
x1′, x2′ = @views x1[end:-1:1], x2[end:-1:1]
@test BLAS.axpy!(α, deepcopy(x1′), deepcopy(x2′)) α*x1′ + x2′
@test BLAS.axpy!(α, deepcopy(x1), deepcopy(x2′)) α*x1 + x2′
@test BLAS.axpy!(α, deepcopy(x1′), deepcopy(x2)) α*x1′ + x2
@test BLAS.axpby!(α, deepcopy(x1′), β, deepcopy(x2)) α*x1′ + β*x2
@testset "nrm2, iamax, and asum for StridedVectors" begin
a = rand(elty,n)
b = view(a,2:2:n,1)
@test BLAS.nrm2(b) norm(b)
@test BLAS.asum(b) sum(fabs, b)
@test BLAS.iamax(b) == findmax(fabs, b)[2]
# negative stride test
c = view(a,n:-2:2)
@test BLAS.nrm2(c) norm(c)
@test BLAS.asum(c) sum(fabs, c)
@test BLAS.iamax(c) == 0
for ind in (2:2:n, n:-2:2)
b = view(a, ind, 1)
@test BLAS.nrm2(b) sqrt(sum(abs2, b))
@test BLAS.asum(b) sum(fabs, b)
@test BLAS.iamax(b) == findmax(fabs, b)[2] * (step(ind) >= 0)
# scal
α = rand(elty)
a = rand(elty,n)
@test BLAS.scal(n,α,a,1) α * a
# negative stride test
@test BLAS.scal!(α, view(copy(a), n:-1:1)) α * reverse(a)

@testset "trsv" begin
A = triu(rand(elty,n,n))
@testset "Vector and SubVector" for x in (rand(elty, n), view(rand(elty,2n),1:2:2n), view(rand(elty,n),n:-1:1))
@test A\x BLAS.trsv('U','N','N', A, x) BLAS.trsv!('U','N','N', A, deepcopy(x))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.trsv('U','N','N',A,Vector{elty}(undef,n+1))
@testset "scal" begin
α = rand(elty)
a = rand(elty,n)
@test BLAS.scal(n,α,a,1) α * a
for v in (a, view(a, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.scal!(α, deepcopy(v)) α * v
@testset "ger, her, syr" for x in (rand(elty, n), view(rand(elty,2n), 1:2:2n), view(rand(elty,2n), 2n:-2:1)),
y in (rand(elty,n), view(rand(elty,3n), 1:3:3n), view(rand(elty,3n), 3n:-3:1))
@testset "ger, her, syr" for x in (rand(elty, n), view(rand(elty,2n), 1:2:2n), view(rand(elty,n), n:-1:1)),
y in (rand(elty,n), view(rand(elty,3n), 1:3:3n), view(rand(elty,2n), 2n:-2:2))

A = rand(elty,n,n)
α = rand(elty)
Expand All @@ -156,35 +144,63 @@ end
@testset "copy" begin
x1 = randn(elty, n)
x2 = randn(elty, n)
@test x2 === BLAS.copyto!(x2, 1:n, x1, 1:n) == x1
for ind1 in (1:n, n:-1:1), ind2 in (1:n, n:-1:1)
@test x2 === BLAS.copyto!(x2, ind1, x1, ind2) == (ind1 == ind2 ? x1 : reverse(x1))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.copyto!(x2, 1:n, x1, 1:(n - 1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.copyto!(x1, 0:div(n, 2), x2, 1:(div(n, 2) + 1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.copyto!(x1, 1:(div(n, 2) + 1), x2, 0:div(n, 2))
@test x2 === BLAS.copyto!(x2, 1:n, x1, n:-1:1) == reverse(x1)
# trmv
A = triu(rand(elty,n,n))
x = rand(elty,n)
@test BLAS.trmv('U','N','N',A,x) A*x
@test BLAS.trmv!('U','N','N',A,view(copy(x),n:-1:1)) A*x[n:-1:1]
@testset "trmv and trsv" begin
A = rand(elty,n,n)
x = rand(elty,n)
xerr = Vector{elty}(undef,n+1)
for uplo in ('U', 'L'), diag in ('U','N'), trans in ('N', 'T', 'C')
Wrapper = if uplo == 'U'
diag == 'U' ? UnitUpperTriangular : UpperTriangular
diag == 'U' ? UnitLowerTriangular : LowerTriangular
fun = trans == 'N' ? identity : trans == 'T' ? transpose : adjoint
fullA = collect(fun(Wrapper(A)))
@testset "trmv" begin
@test BLAS.trmv(uplo,trans,diag,A,x) fullA * x
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.trmv(uplo,trans,diag,A,xerr)
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.trmv!(uplo,trans,diag,A,deepcopy(xx)) fullA * xx
@testset "trsv" begin
@test BLAS.trsv(uplo,trans,diag,A,x) fullA \ x
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.trsv(uplo,trans,diag,A,xerr)
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.trsv!(uplo,trans,diag,A,deepcopy(xx)) fullA \ xx
@testset "symmetric/Hermitian multiplication" begin
x = rand(elty,n)
A = rand(elty,n,n)
y = rand(elty, n)
α = randn(elty)
β = randn(elty)
Aherm = A + A'
Asymm = A + transpose(A)
@testset "symv and hemv" begin
@test BLAS.symv('U',Asymm,x) Asymm*x
@test BLAS.symv('U',Asymm,view(x,n:-1:1)) Asymm*x[n:-1:1]
@test BLAS.symv!('U',one(elty),Asymm,x,zero(elty),view(similar(x),n:-1:1)) Asymm*x
offsizevec, offsizemat = Array{elty}.(undef,(n+1, (n,n+1)))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.symv!('U',one(elty),Asymm,x,one(elty),offsizevec)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.symv('U',offsizemat,x)
offsizevec, offsizemat = Array{elty}.(undef,(n+1, (n,n+1)))
@testset "symv and hemv" for uplo in ('U', 'L')
@test BLAS.symv(uplo,Asymm,x) Asymm*x
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.symv!(uplo,α,Asymm,xx,β,deepcopy(yy)) α * Asymm * xx + β * yy
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.symv!(uplo,α,Asymm,x,β,offsizevec)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.symv(uplo,offsizemat,x)
if elty <: BlasComplex
@test BLAS.hemv('U',Aherm,x) Aherm*x
@test BLAS.hemv('U',Aherm,view(x,n:-1:1)) Aherm*x[n:-1:1]
@test BLAS.hemv!('U',one(elty),Aherm,x,zero(elty),view(similar(x),n:-1:1)) Aherm*x
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hemv('U',offsizemat,x)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hemv!('U',one(elty),Aherm,x,one(elty),offsizevec)
@test BLAS.hemv(uplo,Aherm,x) Aherm*x
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.hemv!(uplo,α,Aherm,xx,β,deepcopy(yy)) α * Aherm * xx + β * yy end
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hemv(uplo,offsizemat,x)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hemv!(uplo,one(elty),Aherm,x,one(elty),offsizevec)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,37 +230,27 @@ end
# Both matrix dimensions n coincide, as we have Hermitian matrices.
# Define the inputs and outputs of hpmv!, y = α*A*x+β*y
α = rand(elty)
M = rand(elty, n, n)
AL = Hermitian(M, :L)
AU = Hermitian(M, :U)
A = rand(elty, n, n)
x = rand(elty, n)
β = rand(elty)
y = rand(elty, n)

# Create lower triangular packing of AL
AP = elty[]
for j in 1:n, i in j:n
push!(AP, AL[i,j])
for uplo in (:L, :U)
Cuplo = String(uplo)[1]
AH = Hermitian(A, uplo)
# Create lower/upper triangular packing of AL
AP = elty[]
for j in 1:n, i in (uplo == :L ? (j:n) : (1:j))
push!(AP, AH[i,j])
for xx in (x, view(x,n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y,n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.hpmv!(Cuplo, α, AP, xx, β, deepcopy(yy)) α*AH*xx + β*yy
AP′ = view(zeros(elty, n*(n+1)),1:2:n*(n+1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.hpmv!(Cuplo, α, AP′, x, β, y)
AP′ = view(AP, 1:length(AP′) - 1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hpmv!(Cuplo, α, AP′, x, β, y)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hpmv!(Cuplo, α, AP′, x, β, view(y,1:n-1))
@test BLAS.hpmv!('L', α, AP, x, β, copy(y)) α*AL*x + β*y
@test BLAS.hpmv!('L', α, AP, view(x,n:-1:1), β, copy(y))
BLAS.hpmv!('L', α, AP, x[n:-1:1], β, copy(y))

# Create upper triangular packing of AU
AP = elty[]
for j in 1:n, i in 1:j
push!(AP, AU[i,j])
@test BLAS.hpmv!('U', α, AP, x, β, copy(y)) α*AU*x + β*y
@test BLAS.hpmv!('U', α, AP, view(x,n:-1:1), β, copy(y))
BLAS.hpmv!('U', α, AP, x[n:-1:1], β, copy(y))

# inputs check
AP′ = view(zeros(elty, n*(n+1)),1:2:n*(n+1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.hpmv!('L', α, AP′, x, β, y)
AP′ = view(AP, 1:length(AP′) - 1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hpmv!('L', α, AP′, x, β, y)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.hpmv!('L', α, AP′, x, β, view(y,1:n-1))

Expand All @@ -254,83 +260,82 @@ end
# Both matrix dimensions n coincide, as we have symmetric matrices.
# Define the inputs and outputs of spmv!, y = α*A*x+β*y
α = rand(elty)
M = rand(elty, n, n)
AL = Symmetric(M, :L)
AU = Symmetric(M, :U)
A = rand(elty, n, n)
x = rand(elty, n)
β = rand(elty)
y = rand(elty, n)

# Create lower triangular packing of AL
AP = elty[]
for j in 1:n, i in j:n
push!(AP, AL[i,j])
for uplo in (:L, :U)
Cuplo = String(uplo)[1]
AS = Symmetric(A, uplo)
# Create lower/upper triangular packing of AL
AP = elty[]
for j in 1:n, i in (uplo == :L ? (j:n) : (1:j))
push!(AP, AS[i,j])
for xx in (x, view(x,n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y,n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.spmv!(Cuplo, α, AP, xx, β, deepcopy(yy)) α*AS*xx + β*yy
AP′ = view(zeros(elty, n*(n+1)),1:2:n*(n+1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.spmv!(Cuplo, α, AP′, x, β, y)
AP′ = view(AP, 1:length(AP′) - 1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.spmv!(Cuplo, α, AP′, x, β, y)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.spmv!(Cuplo, α, AP′, x, β, view(y,1:n-1))
@test BLAS.spmv!('L', α, AP, x, β, copy(y)) α*AL*x + β*y
@test BLAS.spmv!('L', α, AP, view(x,n:-1:1), β, copy(y))
BLAS.spmv!('L', α, AP, x[n:-1:1], β, copy(y))

y_result_julia_upper = α*AU*x + β*y

# Create upper triangular packing of AU
AP = elty[]
for j in 1:n, i in 1:j
push!(AP, AU[i,j])
@test BLAS.spmv!('U', α, AP, x, β, copy(y)) α*AU*x + β*y
@test BLAS.spmv!('U', α, AP, view(x,n:-1:1), β, copy(y))
BLAS.spmv!('U', α, AP, x[n:-1:1], β, copy(y))

# inputs check
AP′ = view(zeros(elty, n*(n+1)),1:2:n*(n+1))
@test_throws ArgumentError BLAS.spmv!('L', α, AP′, x, β, y)
AP′ = view(AP, 1:length(AP′) - 1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.spmv!('L', α, AP′, x, β, y)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch BLAS.spmv!('L', α, AP′, x, β, view(y,1:n-1))

A = triu(rand(elty,n,n))
B = rand(elty,(n,n))
@test BLAS.trsm('L','U','N','N',one(elty),A,B) A\B

@testset "trsm" begin
A = triu(rand(elty,n,n))
B = rand(elty,(n,n))
@test BLAS.trsm('L','U','N','N',one(elty),A,B) A\B
#will work for SymTridiagonal,Tridiagonal,Bidiagonal!
@testset "banded matrix mv" begin
@testset "gbmv" begin
TD = Tridiagonal(rand(elty,n-1),rand(elty,n),rand(elty,n-1))
x = rand(elty,n)
TD = Tridiagonal(rand(elty,n-1),rand(elty,n),rand(elty,n-1))
x = rand(elty, n)
#put TD into the BLAS format!
fTD = zeros(elty,3,n)
fTD[1,2:n] = TD.du
fTD[2,:] = TD.d
fTD[3,1:n-1] = TD.dl
@test BLAS.gbmv('N',n,1,1,fTD,x) TD*x
@test BLAS.gbmv('N',n,1,1,fTD,view(x,n:-1:1)) TD*x[n:-1:1]
@test BLAS.gbmv!('N',n,1,1,one(elty),fTD,x,zero(elty),view(similar(x),n:-1:1)) TD*x
y = rand(elty, n)
α = randn(elty)
β = randn(elty)
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.gbmv!('N',n,1,1,α,fTD,xx,β,deepcopy(yy)) α * TD * xx + β * yy
#will work for SymTridiagonal only!
@testset "sbmv" begin
@testset "sbmv and hbmv" begin
x = rand(elty,n)
if elty <: BlasReal
ST = SymTridiagonal(rand(elty,n),rand(elty,n-1))
x = rand(elty,n)
#put TD into the BLAS format!
fST = zeros(elty,2,n)
fST[1,2:n] = ST.ev
fST[2,:] = ST.dv
@test BLAS.sbmv('U',1,fST,x) ST*x
@test BLAS.sbmv('U',1,fST,view(x, n:-1:1)) ST*x[n:-1:1]
@test BLAS.sbmv!('U',1, one(elty), fST, x, zero(elty), view(similar(x),n:-1:1)) ST*x
y = rand(elty, n)
α = randn(elty)
β = randn(elty)
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.sbmv!('U',1,α,fST,xx,β,deepcopy(yy)) α * ST * xx + β * yy
dv = real(rand(elty,n))
dv = rand(real(elty),n)
ev = rand(elty,n-1)
bH = zeros(elty,2,n)
bH[1,2:n] = ev
bH[2,:] = dv
fullH = diagm(0 => dv, -1 => conj(ev), 1 => ev)
@test BLAS.hbmv('U',1,bH,x) fullH*x
@test BLAS.hbmv('U',1,bH,view(x,n:-1:1)) fullH*x[n:-1:1]
@test BLAS.hbmv!('U',1, one(elty), bH, x, zero(elty), view(similar(x),n:-1:1)) fullH*x
y = rand(elty, n)
α = randn(elty)
β = randn(elty)
for xx in (x, view(x, n:-1:1)), yy in (y, view(y, n:-1:1))
@test BLAS.hbmv!('U',1,α,bH,xx,β,deepcopy(yy)) α * fullH * xx + β * yy
Expand Down

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