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use testsets in cholesky test (#22138)
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fredrikekre authored and ararslan committed Sep 12, 2017
1 parent 7d088ba commit 96582db
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 164 deletions.
332 changes: 168 additions & 164 deletions test/linalg/cholesky.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,165 +1,157 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

debug = false

using Base.Test

using Base.LinAlg: BlasComplex, BlasFloat, BlasReal, QRPivoted

n = 10
@testset "core functionality" begin
n = 10

# Split n into 2 parts for tests needing two matrices
n1 = div(n, 2)
n2 = 2*n1
# Split n into 2 parts for tests needing two matrices
n1 = div(n, 2)
n2 = 2*n1


areal = randn(n,n)/2
aimg = randn(n,n)/2
a2real = randn(n,n)/2
a2img = randn(n,n)/2
breal = randn(n,2)/2
bimg = randn(n,2)/2
areal = randn(n,n)/2
aimg = randn(n,n)/2
a2real = randn(n,n)/2
a2img = randn(n,n)/2
breal = randn(n,2)/2
bimg = randn(n,2)/2

for eltya in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128, BigFloat, Int)
a = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex.(areal, aimg) : areal)
a2 = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex.(a2real, a2img) : a2real)
apd = a'*a # symmetric positive-definite
for eltya in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128, BigFloat, Int)
a = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex.(areal, aimg) : areal)
a2 = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex.(a2real, a2img) : a2real)
apd = a'*a # symmetric positive-definite

apds = Symmetric(apd)
apdsL = Symmetric(apd, :L)
apdh = Hermitian(apd)
apdhL = Hermitian(apd, :L)
ε = εa = eps(abs(float(one(eltya))))
apds = Symmetric(apd)
apdsL = Symmetric(apd, :L)
apdh = Hermitian(apd)
apdhL = Hermitian(apd, :L)
ε = εa = eps(abs(float(one(eltya))))

@inferred cholfact(apd)
@inferred chol(apd)
capd = factorize(apd)
r = capd[:U]
κ = cond(apd, 1) #condition number
@inferred cholfact(apd)
@inferred chol(apd)
capd = factorize(apd)
r = capd[:U]
κ = cond(apd, 1) #condition number

@test_throws KeyError capd[:Z]
@test_throws KeyError capd[:Z]

#Test error bound on reconstruction of matrix: LAWNS 14, Lemma 2.1
#Test error bound on reconstruction of matrix: LAWNS 14, Lemma 2.1

#these tests were failing on 64-bit linux when inside the inner loop
#for eltya = Complex64 and eltyb = Int. The E[i,j] had NaN32 elements
#but only with srand(1234321) set before the loops.
E = abs.(apd - r'*r)
for i=1:n, j=1:n
@test E[i,j] <= (n+1/(1-(n+1)ε)*real(sqrt(apd[i,i]*apd[j,j]))
E = abs.(apd - full(capd))
for i=1:n, j=1:n
@test E[i,j] <= (n+1/(1-(n+1)ε)*real(sqrt(apd[i,i]*apd[j,j]))
@test apd*inv(capd) eye(n)
@test abs((det(capd) - det(apd))/det(capd)) <= ε*κ*n # Ad hoc, but statistically verified, revisit
@test @inferred(logdet(capd)) log(det(capd)) # logdet is less likely to overflow

apos = apd[1,1] # test chol(x::Number), needs x>0
@test all(x -> x apos, cholfact(apos).factors)
@test_throws ArgumentError chol(-one(eltya))

if eltya <: Real
capds = cholfact(apds)
@test inv(capds)*apds eye(n)
@test abs((det(capds) - det(apd))/det(capds)) <= ε*κ*n
if eltya <: BlasReal
capds = cholfact!(copy(apds))
#these tests were failing on 64-bit linux when inside the inner loop
#for eltya = Complex64 and eltyb = Int. The E[i,j] had NaN32 elements
#but only with srand(1234321) set before the loops.
E = abs.(apd - r'*r)
for i=1:n, j=1:n
@test E[i,j] <= (n+1/(1-(n+1)ε)*real(sqrt(apd[i,i]*apd[j,j]))
E = abs.(apd - full(capd))
for i=1:n, j=1:n
@test E[i,j] <= (n+1/(1-(n+1)ε)*real(sqrt(apd[i,i]*apd[j,j]))
@test apd*inv(capd) eye(n)
@test abs((det(capd) - det(apd))/det(capd)) <= ε*κ*n # Ad hoc, but statistically verified, revisit
@test @inferred(logdet(capd)) log(det(capd)) # logdet is less likely to overflow

apos = apd[1,1] # test chol(x::Number), needs x>0
@test all(x -> x apos, cholfact(apos).factors)
@test_throws PosDefException chol(-one(eltya))

if eltya <: Real
capds = cholfact(apds)
@test inv(capds)*apds eye(n)
@test abs((det(capds) - det(apd))/det(capds)) <= ε*κ*n
if eltya <: BlasReal
capds = cholfact!(copy(apds))
@test inv(capds)*apds eye(n)
@test abs((det(capds) - det(apd))/det(capds)) <= ε*κ*n
ulstring = sprint(show,capds[:UL])
@test sprint(show,capds) == "$(typeof(capds)) with factor:\n$ulstring"
capdh = cholfact(apdh)
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
capdh = cholfact!(copy(apdh))
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
capdh = cholfact!(copy(apd))
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
capdh = cholfact!(copy(apd), :L)
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
ulstring = sprint(show,capdh[:UL])
@test sprint(show,capdh) == "$(typeof(capdh)) with factor:\n$ulstring"
ulstring = sprint(show,capds[:UL])
@test sprint(show,capds) == "$(typeof(capds)) with factor:\n$ulstring"
capdh = cholfact(apdh)
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
capdh = cholfact!(copy(apdh))
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
capdh = cholfact!(copy(apd))
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
capdh = cholfact!(copy(apd), :L)
@test inv(capdh)*apdh eye(n)
@test abs((det(capdh) - det(apd))/det(capdh)) <= ε*κ*n
ulstring = sprint(show,capdh[:UL])
@test sprint(show,capdh) == "$(typeof(capdh)) with factor:\n$ulstring"

# test chol of 2x2 Strang matrix
S = convert(AbstractMatrix{eltya},full(SymTridiagonal([2,2],[-1])))
U = Bidiagonal([2,sqrt(eltya(3))],[-1],true) / sqrt(eltya(2))
@test full(chol(S)) full(U)

#lower Cholesky factor
lapd = cholfact(apd, :L)
@test full(lapd) apd
l = lapd[:L]
@test l*l' apd
@test triu(capd.factors) lapd[:U]
@test tril(lapd.factors) capd[:L]
if eltya <: Real
capds = cholfact(apds)
lapds = cholfact(apdsL)
cl = chol(apdsL)
ls = lapds[:L]
@test ls*ls' apd
@test triu(capds.factors) lapds[:U]
@test tril(lapds.factors) capds[:L]
@test istriu(cl)
@test cl'cl apds
@test cl'cl apdsL
capdh = cholfact(apdh)
lapdh = cholfact(apdhL)
cl = chol(apdhL)
ls = lapdh[:L]
@test ls*ls' apd
@test triu(capdh.factors) lapdh[:U]
@test tril(lapdh.factors) capdh[:L]
@test istriu(cl)
@test cl'cl apdh
@test cl'cl apdhL
# test chol of 2x2 Strang matrix
S = convert(AbstractMatrix{eltya},full(SymTridiagonal([2,2],[-1])))
U = Bidiagonal([2,sqrt(eltya(3))],[-1],true) / sqrt(eltya(2))
@test full(chol(S)) full(U)

#lower Cholesky factor
lapd = cholfact(apd, :L)
@test full(lapd) apd
l = lapd[:L]
@test l*l' apd
@test triu(capd.factors) lapd[:U]
@test tril(lapd.factors) capd[:L]
if eltya <: Real
capds = cholfact(apds)
lapds = cholfact(apdsL)
cl = chol(apdsL)
ls = lapds[:L]
@test ls*ls' apd
@test triu(capds.factors) lapds[:U]
@test tril(lapds.factors) capds[:L]
@test istriu(cl)
@test cl'cl apds
@test cl'cl apdsL
capdh = cholfact(apdh)
lapdh = cholfact(apdhL)
cl = chol(apdhL)
ls = lapdh[:L]
@test ls*ls' apd
@test triu(capdh.factors) lapdh[:U]
@test tril(lapdh.factors) capdh[:L]
@test istriu(cl)
@test cl'cl apdh
@test cl'cl apdhL

#pivoted upper Cholesky
if eltya != BigFloat
cz = cholfact(zeros(eltya,n,n), :U, Val{true})
@test_throws Base.LinAlg.RankDeficientException Base.LinAlg.chkfullrank(cz)
cpapd = cholfact(apd, :U, Val{true})
@test rank(cpapd) == n
@test all(diff(diag(real(cpapd.factors))).<=0.) # diagonal should be non-increasing
if isreal(apd)
@test apd*inv(cpapd) eye(n)
#pivoted upper Cholesky
if eltya != BigFloat
cz = cholfact(zeros(eltya,n,n), :U, Val{true})
@test_throws Base.LinAlg.RankDeficientException Base.LinAlg.chkfullrank(cz)
cpapd = cholfact(apd, :U, Val{true})
@test rank(cpapd) == n
@test all(diff(diag(real(cpapd.factors))).<=0.) # diagonal should be non-increasing
if isreal(apd)
@test apd*inv(cpapd) eye(n)
@test full(cpapd) apd
@test_throws KeyError cpapd[:Z]

@test size(cpapd) == size(apd)
@test full(copy(cpapd)) apd
@test det(cpapd) det(apd)
@test logdet(cpapd) logdet(apd)
@test cpapd[:P]*cpapd[:L]*cpapd[:U]*cpapd[:P]' apd
@test full(cpapd) apd
@test_throws KeyError cpapd[:Z]

@test size(cpapd) == size(apd)
@test full(copy(cpapd)) apd
@test det(cpapd) det(apd)
@test logdet(cpapd) logdet(apd)
@test cpapd[:P]*cpapd[:L]*cpapd[:U]*cpapd[:P]' apd
for eltyb in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128, Int)
b = eltyb == Int ? rand(1:5, n, 2) : convert(Matrix{eltyb}, eltyb <: Complex ? complex.(breal, bimg) : breal)
εb = eps(abs(float(one(eltyb))))
ε = max(εa,εb)

for eltyb in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128, Int)
b = eltyb == Int ? rand(1:5, n, 2) : convert(Matrix{eltyb}, eltyb <: Complex ? complex.(breal, bimg) : breal)
εb = eps(abs(float(one(eltyb))))
ε = max(εa,εb)

debug && println("\ntype of a: ", eltya, " type of b: ", eltyb, "\n")
let Bs = b
for atype in ("Array", "SubArray")
if atype == "Array"
b = Bs
b = view(Bs, 1:n, 1)
for b in (b, view(b, 1:n, 1)) # Array and SubArray

# Test error bound on linear solver: LAWNS 14, Theorem 2.1
# This is a surprisingly loose bound
Expand All @@ -175,7 +167,6 @@ debug && println("\ntype of a: ", eltya, " type of b: ", eltyb, "\n")
@test_throws DimensionMismatch lapd\RowVector(ones(n))

debug && println("pivoted Cholesky decomposition")
if eltya != BigFloat && eltyb != BigFloat # Note! Need to implement pivoted Cholesky decomposition in julia

@test norm(apd * (cpapd\b) - b)/norm(b) <= ε*κ*n # Ad hoc, revisit
Expand All @@ -192,9 +183,7 @@ debug && println("pivoted Cholesky decomposition")

# Cholesky factor of Matrix with non-commutative elements, here 2x2-matrices

@testset "Cholesky factor of Matrix with non-commutative elements, here 2x2-matrices" begin
X = Matrix{Float64}[0.1*rand(2,2) for i in 1:3, j = 1:3]
L = full(Base.LinAlg._chol!(X*X', LowerTriangular))
U = full(Base.LinAlg._chol!(X*X', UpperTriangular))
Expand All @@ -205,19 +194,22 @@ begin

# Test generic cholfact!
for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64})
if elty <: Complex
A = complex.(randn(5,5), randn(5,5))
A = randn(5,5)
@testset "generic cholfact!" begin
for elty in (Float32, Float64, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64})
if elty <: Complex
A = complex.(randn(5,5), randn(5,5))
A = randn(5,5)
A = convert(Matrix{elty}, A'A)
@test full(cholfact(A)[:L]) full(invoke(Base.LinAlg._chol!, Tuple{AbstractMatrix, Type{LowerTriangular}}, copy(A), LowerTriangular)[1])
@test full(cholfact(A)[:U]) full(invoke(Base.LinAlg._chol!, Tuple{AbstractMatrix, Type{UpperTriangular}}, copy(A), UpperTriangular)[1])
A = convert(Matrix{elty}, A'A)
@test full(cholfact(A)[:L]) full(invoke(Base.LinAlg._chol!, Tuple{AbstractMatrix, Type{LowerTriangular}}, copy(A), LowerTriangular))
@test full(cholfact(A)[:U]) full(invoke(Base.LinAlg._chol!, Tuple{AbstractMatrix, Type{UpperTriangular}}, copy(A), UpperTriangular))

# Test up- and downdates
let A = complex.(randn(10,5), randn(10, 5)), v = complex.(randn(5), randn(5))
@testset "cholesky up- and downdates" begin
A = complex.(randn(10,5), randn(10, 5))
v = complex.(randn(5), randn(5))
for uplo in (:U, :L)
AcA = A'A
BcB = AcA + v*v'
Expand All @@ -231,8 +223,8 @@ let A = complex.(randn(10,5), randn(10, 5)), v = complex.(randn(5), randn(5))

# issue #13243, unexpected nans in complex cholfact
let apd = [5.8525753f0 + 0.0f0im -0.79540455f0 + 0.7066077f0im 0.98274714f0 + 1.3824869f0im 2.619998f0 + 1.8532984f0im -1.8306153f0 - 1.2336911f0im 0.32275113f0 + 0.015575029f0im 2.1968813f0 + 1.0640624f0im 0.27894387f0 + 0.97911835f0im 3.0476584f0 + 0.18548489f0im 0.3842994f0 + 0.7050991f0im
@testset "issue #13243, unexpected nans in complex cholfact" begin
apd = [5.8525753f0 + 0.0f0im -0.79540455f0 + 0.7066077f0im 0.98274714f0 + 1.3824869f0im 2.619998f0 + 1.8532984f0im -1.8306153f0 - 1.2336911f0im 0.32275113f0 + 0.015575029f0im 2.1968813f0 + 1.0640624f0im 0.27894387f0 + 0.97911835f0im 3.0476584f0 + 0.18548489f0im 0.3842994f0 + 0.7050991f0im
-0.79540455f0 - 0.7066077f0im 8.313246f0 + 0.0f0im -1.8076122f0 - 0.8882447f0im 0.47806996f0 + 0.48494184f0im 0.5096429f0 - 0.5395974f0im -0.7285097f0 - 0.10360408f0im -1.1760061f0 - 2.7146957f0im -0.4271084f0 + 0.042899966f0im -1.7228563f0 + 2.8335886f0im 1.8942566f0 + 0.6389735f0im
0.98274714f0 - 1.3824869f0im -1.8076122f0 + 0.8882447f0im 9.367975f0 + 0.0f0im -0.1838578f0 + 0.6468568f0im -1.8338387f0 + 0.7064959f0im 0.041852742f0 - 0.6556877f0im 2.5673025f0 + 1.9732997f0im -1.1148382f0 - 0.15693812f0im 2.4704504f0 - 1.0389464f0im 1.0858271f0 - 1.298006f0im
2.619998f0 - 1.8532984f0im 0.47806996f0 - 0.48494184f0im -0.1838578f0 - 0.6468568f0im 3.1117508f0 + 0.0f0im -1.956626f0 + 0.22825956f0im 0.07081801f0 - 0.31801307f0im 0.3698375f0 - 0.5400855f0im 0.80686307f0 + 1.5315914f0im 1.5649154f0 - 1.6229297f0im -0.112077385f0 + 1.2014246f0im
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,13 +254,25 @@ let apd = [5.8525753f0 + 0.0f0im -0.79540455f0 + 0.7066077f0im 0.98274714f0 + 1.

# Fail if non-Hermitian
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(randn(5,5))
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(complex.(randn(5,5), randn(5,5)))
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.LinAlg.chol!(randn(5,5))
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.LinAlg.cholfact!(randn(5,5),:U,Val{false})
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.LinAlg.cholfact!(randn(5,5),:U,Val{true})
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(randn(5,5),:U,Val{false})
@testset "throw if non-Hermitian" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(randn(5,5))
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(complex.(randn(5,5), randn(5,5)))
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.LinAlg.chol!(randn(5,5))
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.LinAlg.cholfact!(randn(5,5),:U,Val{false})
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.LinAlg.cholfact!(randn(5,5),:U,Val{true})
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(randn(5,5),:U,Val{false})

# Fail for non-BLAS element types
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact!(Hermitian(rand(Float16, 5,5)), Val{true})
@testset "fail for non-BLAS element types" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError cholfact!(Hermitian(rand(Float16, 5,5)), Val{true})

@testset "throw for non positive definite matrix" begin
for T in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128)
A = T[1 2; 2 1]; B = T[1, 1]
C = cholfact(A)
@test_throws PosDefException C\B
@test_throws PosDefException det(C)
@test_throws PosDefException logdet(C)

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