diff --git a/sherlodoc/db/entry.ml b/sherlodoc/db/entry.ml index 1e9e7e0d83..533eb2a5eb 100644 --- a/sherlodoc/db/entry.ml +++ b/sherlodoc/db/entry.ml @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ type t = ; pkg : Package.t } -let pp fmt { name; rhs; url; kind; cost; doc_html; pkg } = +let pp fmt { name; rhs; url; kind = _; cost; doc_html; pkg = _ } = Format.fprintf fmt "{ name = %s ; rhs = %a ; url = %s ; kind = . ; cost = %d ; doc_html = %s ; pkg = . }\n" diff --git a/sherlodoc/index/index.ml b/sherlodoc/index/index.ml index 28f1a327f8..42c5da5a71 100644 --- a/sherlodoc/index/index.ml +++ b/sherlodoc/index/index.ml @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ let index_file register filename = match Fpath.of_string filename with | Error (`Msg msg) -> Format.printf "FILE ERROR %s: %s@." filename msg | Ok file -> - let open Odoc_model in (match handle_file register file with | Ok result -> result | Error (`Msg msg) ->